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Words Spoken, Words Penned (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday August 13th, 2001 2:31:27 PM

Apparently reassured by Rigging's words, Pip eases back into his seat. "I's doesn't know this Cap'n Long. But I knows port routine. Even if he keeps his whole crew aboard, he'll send some'un to take on water just before they weigh anchor."

The boy drowses as the companions continue to discuss their plans. His eyes are closed when one of the pirate-looking town guards arrives with a message for Redux. The man leaves without waiting for an answer. Once the seal of Waha is broken, the message reads:


Your presence is required at a meeting of the Council of Waha in the matter of the death of the merchant, Tekol, to be held on the morrow at one hour past dawn.

Gastu of Lemtrovex, Magistrate of Waha

p.s. I have already questioned Tekol. He was killed by a rival slaver in a territorial dispute. Though he did not know the woman's name, he said that he has often seen her at night near the Salty Dog. She is short and portly, dresses richly, and wears a ruby ring.

Monday August 13th, 2001 4:25:38 PM

Rigging watches the note deliviered to Redux, and asks, "What is that all about?" After he receives an answer, Rigging sighs, "Well it is a lead anyway. We will have to keep our eyes open for her? Did we know that Tekol was a slaver. This might explain the missing children. I still want to get Appolo aboard that ship. Appolo, At what hour do you want to attempt the infiltration?"

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:36:37 AM

Occ sorry guys for the back to back posts but I am going on the road and won't have time to post again today. What happened to everyone yesterday?

Rigging finishes off his wine and stands up, "Ok, Let's go do a recon on Captain Handsome. I just want to remind everyone that we have no evidence that these people are evil or working for Ga'al's clerics. We can't start killing people indiscriminately." Rigging looks at Appolo and says, "You are sticking your neck out. Are you sure you want to do this? I can sneak pretty well myself." Rigging turns back to the others. "OK As we head over to the docks, I want distraction ideas. Flaming oil, Loud spells, Illusions of naked ladies..." A quick look at Val and Ashira, followed with a quick grin, "Real naked ladies...Anything to get any watchers looking the wrong way. Maybe even a mob chasing a thief. Pip you ever been chased by a "friendly mob?"
Rigging leaves a generous tip on the table and starts heading for the door. "Remember we are the strangers here and the ones the locals will most likely string up if a lot of bodies start showing up floating in the bay."

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:49:40 AM

Redux is surprised and pleased by the invitation from the Magistrate. It would have been interesting to be present while the dead man was questioned. It is also good that at least some of their questioning and searching led to some of the truth. He was suspicious of Tekol but now Tekol is dead. That much would have worked out the same if this group had found him and the slaves together.

He comments to the group about the confirmation of Tekol’s other profession and the news of the rival slaving gang. “By chance, does anyone remember seeing anyone matching the description, Wynfrea perhaps. Now that would be a coincidence. But probably not. We need someone to stake out the Salty Dog in order to find out it’s clientele and this person specifically. Ashira, I believe you are the best to go inside. But now we all want to be in two places at once; then I need to be fresh in the morning for Gastu. If we check out the pubs we’ll know if the crew is off the ship and an attempt to board even possible so that’s my suggestion. Let’s split up and one group go to the Salty Dog and one to the Green Fish then meet near the dock in an hour. I think it best that if we do send someone aboard that all should be close by in the event of trouble.

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