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Syr  d20=16 d20+5=9
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 4:16:10 AM

Syr cautiosly and quietly (Move Silently 16+8=24) moves over to the far side of the glass case.

He takes a moment to glance at the glowbugs before focusing on the case. The elf stays well away from it and attempts to notice anything unusual about it (Spot check a big 9).

Finding little, he nods to Jezebella and Tiree while raising an eyebrow in question.

Miranna (Bless) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:27:58 AM

Miranna stares at the mask dumbfounded. She had expected to have to search through crates and crates of unimportant goods for a rune-covered box. She frowns. While this glass display greatly simplifies things, they still need the original box to give to the witches.

A thought crosses her mind. Narrowing her eyes in concentration, she scans the glass case and glowglobe intently to see if there is any illusion on them.

(OOC: Welcome, Jerry. Anarion cast Detect Magic when he entered. Is anything registering?)

Tiree True (Bless) [Vivriel]  d20+3=8 d20+5=12
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:44:48 AM

Tiree springs into the room, and comes to a sudden halt at the sight of the glass display in the centre of the room. It is clearly not what she had expected. Warily, keeping an eye on the glass case, she circles to the right to stand a few feet from Syr.

When Syr looks at her, she nods and approaches the glass case to examine it for traps. (Spot=8, Search=12)

Jezebella (blessed)  d20+4=12 d20+4=11 d20+3=22 d20+3=23
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:10:33 AM

Jez searches the floor of the warehouse, looking for pressureplates or wires.. anything that crossing the floor to the pedastal would cause an alarm or other unpleasantness. She creeps her way to the mask (assuming she finds nothing) and then repeats the search on the case. She also takes note of any way to OPEN the case, or if it is a cube of unbroken glass.
(search rolls 12, 11) If any traps are found, she will attempt to disarm them. (disable device rolls 22 and 23)

Toad (Bless, Detect Magic) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:49:56 AM

The old man closes the warehouse door as soon as all have entered. He looks carefully at the area through the detect magic spell he cast. He scans the area around the object and the object itself. He looks for the telltale signs of traps placed by his friend - who he knew so well. "Careful children, magic this powerful can kill instantly - no room for error here.".

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 10:22:13 AM

Studies the windows, trying to detect if it was broken recently. Also looks to see if the hole is big enough for a person to fit through.

Whispering "there may be someone in here already?"

OOC: Anything magical with the detect magic? Other than the mask?

Magical? [DM Jerry]  d20+2=12 d20+2=18 d20+2=11 d20+2=18 d6+1=4 d6+1=2
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:23:16 PM

The magical searching reveals that there are two magical objects in this room, besides any that are on the party: The mask, and something inside the pedestal.

As Jezebella approaches the case and begins to inspect it. She ses the that there is an inscription on the pedestal.

"Only the poor may find success."

Jezebella suddenly hears several blades swing through the air towards her person.

The first one misses (d20+2=12) the blade swishing past her face.

The second one hits (d20+2=18) it's sharp cut being felt in Jezebella's right shoulder. The cut is deep doing d6+1=4 points of damage.

The third swiping sword misses (d20+2=11) as Jezebella's instinctive dexterity saves her.

The fourth one, however, bites into her stomach with a plunge (d20+2=18) doing d6+1=2 points of damage.

As each attacks, the being wielding the blade becomes visible as a cloaked figure dressed in black. The first of the figures continues to face Jezebella, the other three face out to defend against the rest of the party.

(The 4 figures are all AC12.)

A second after this, A shimmering figure appears in front of Toad. It speaks.

"So, we meet again! Defend yourself!"

It casts.

"Prismatic Sphere!"

A multicolored bubble forms enclosing Toad and the shimmering figure within it.

Nothing else can be heard or seen within the bubble.

[It is now party initiative.]

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=2 d20=3
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:02:37 PM

Jezebella screams, trying to roll against and around the flashing blades... her scream is punctuated by sharp cries as she is cut twice. Her blood splatters against the floor... she scrambles to pull her daggers from her belt, dropping her theives tools in the process. She casts her eyes about, looking for her friends positions.

(stop here, assuming readying her weapons is her action, if not, here are attacks.)

She slashes at the foe who stayed near her, her swings weak from the suprize, the wounds and the sudden grasp for her weapons. (2 swings, both horrid misses anyway)

Plink (Blessed after he enters)  d20+7=26 d20+7=27 d20+5=21
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 10:30:58 PM

After non-chalantly glancing and seeing the whole party has moved into the building, he makes his way to the warehouse, careful not to be noticed heading that direction, blending with the crowd. (Hide 26)
Entering the building, he cautiously moves around, trying to see what's going on. Seeing the party being enmeshed in melee, he finds an appropriate spot to join in, engaging himself with the nearest opponent, attempting to sneak up on them, drawing his rapier as he goes. (Another hide 27 {rolled a 20!}, and move silently 21)

Bart ( Bless )  d20+7=23 d8+2=8
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:01:06 PM

Bart rushes forward to Jez's side, and defensively casts Cure Light Wounds. Healing her of 8 points of damage.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:42:50 PM

Looks at the prismatic sphere in total awe, for a second or two. Than snapping out of his delirium he examines their foes quickly. Choosing the nearest target and launches a magic missile at it. Than he moves behind Syr or Plink looking for a fighter's protection.

Anarion (blessed)  d4=4
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:45:08 PM

Magic Missile damage = 4+1 = 5

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 12:57:32 AM

Miranna reaches into her spell component pouch and takes out a bit of pork rind. Squeezing it in her hand, she mutters some unintelligible words in a low voice. Then, with a final command in Draconic, "Grease and let slip!", she opens her greasy palm and points it at the floor under the 4 black-cloaked figures. The oil on her palm lifts itself off and coalesces into a yellow streak that strikes the floor and rapidly expands to cover a 10-foot square area (away from any of her family). (Grease, Reflex save vs DC 14 to move at half speed, or slip and fall.)

Miranna (Bless) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 12:59:04 AM

(OOC: Forgot to put the Bless effect. Sorry.)

Tiree True (Bless) [Vivriel]  d20+4=7
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 1:07:00 AM

Tiree pulls out a dagger and throws it the nearest black figure not facing Jezebella. (Assuming the figure is within 10 ft of her, Hit=7 argh!) Her hurried aim is off, however, and the dagger flies harmlessly past the figure.

Syr (just sneezed) (Scott for our new DM)  d20+5=24 d12+4=14
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 4:28:28 AM

Syr turns his head to the colorful display where Toad was standing, "Darn mages, always trying to show off when there is work to be done."

Syr takes one large step forward and brings his Great Axe down on the cloaked figure's shoulder (Attack Roll of 24, damage of 14). With a satisfying thud he wrenches the blade from his assailant's shoulder and quickly readies it again. "I hate surprises!"

Party Results [DM Jerry] 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 6:56:01 PM

Jezebella draws a single dagger.

Plink cannot Hide in the crowd outside, enter, move, and attack all in one round. He successfully hides and moves to the door.


The Hoods Attack! [DM Jerry]  d20+2=19 d6+1=6 d20+1=6 d20+1=19 d20+1=19 d20+2=9 d20+2=20 d6+1=2
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 7:18:58 PM

Hood #1 ignores the proximity of Bart, while recognizing that he is there, and attacks Jezebella again to try and finish her off. He rolls a 1d20+2=19 hitting her for 6 points of damage.

Hood #2 slips and falls on the floor (d20+1=6). He is not injured, however (d20+1=19). He yells out his frustration, "Would someone please kill the stupid mage?"

Hood #3 moves at half movement out of the greased area (save for d20+1=19) and attacks Polaris allowing Jezebella an Attack of Opportunity with her next action. He strikes boldly at Polaris missing him completely d20+2=9.

Hood #4 runs around the grease and also attacks Polaris (d20+2=20) and hitting him easily for 2 hit points damage.

It is now player initiative.

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=7 d20=14 d20=12 d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:12:13 PM

Jez takes an angry slash at the foe who turned his back to her.. (attack of oppertunity, missing with a 7) only catching his cloak, however. She slashes again, and again, at the thug who wounded her, yet again. Despite her pain and rage, her wild slashes strike true. Her knuckles whiten from the grip on her daggers. (14 hitting for 3 and 12 hitting for 5)

Plink (Blessed)  d20+5=19 d20+7=12
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:22:34 PM

Plink draws his rapier and begins moving up behind the thug closest behind Anarion, while trying not to be noticed, if at all possible. (Move Silently 19, Hide 12). However, with all of the other things he's done this round, he finds himself unable to find an decent opportunity to attack, so he merely steadies his hands and prays mentally that his newly found rapier will serve him well.

Miranna (Blessed) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:49:54 PM

Miranna smirks when one of the hooded figures slips and falls, but it quickly changes to a gasp when she sees two others heading uncomfortably close to where she is standing. (The grease lasts only one round at my level, so it vaporizes around now.)

She runs towards Syr for protection (30' move left). From the safer spot, she unslings the shortbow from her shoulder and holds it ready.

Tiree True (Blessed) [Vivriel] 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:19:12 PM

Quickly assessing the scene, Tiree draws her rapier and moves towards Hood #1, leaving a clear path for Syr to reach the prone Hood #2.

Bart ( Bless )  d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d8=5 d8=2 d8=5
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:04:13 PM

Angered at the Thug for hurting his patient. Bart roars insults at him and swiftly strikes him upside his head with his Warhammer. (Rolled a Nat. 20 with a 17 follow up for a Critical) Doing 12 points of damage to Thug #1. Bart then turns and glares at the other Thug's, saying, What happened to your friend here happens to the rest of you this day unless you drop your weapons and leave this very second.

Syr (Bless)  d20+5=25 d12+4=7 d12+4=12 d12+4=7
Friday August 3rd, 2001 3:22:14 PM

Syr sees the opening left by Tiree and moves into it. With a quiet grunt, he brings the axe down on Hood #2 (Critical ala Bart, damage of 26, I'm not sure if the bless affects damage, or the thug being prone helps.) "That's for calling her stupid!"

Big Tim aka Bart 
Sunday August 5th, 2001 9:39:05 AM

this is an ooc message, one that everyone might not be familiar with for a rule. Please leave this open for all to see it for a few days.

Critical hits:
if you roll a critical on your first roll, Natural 20 for most weapons, 19 - 20 on some and even 18 - 20 on rapier and scimitar. It is only a threat, you need to reroll your attack to see if it is a crit. As you saw on Bart's post. I rolled a nat. 20, then rolled again, rolling a 17. Then i announced it was a critical and rolled my 3d8 for damage. Damage being your damage die plus modifiers however many times your crit is. For a warhammer its times 3 so i rolled a d8 3 times, you don't, however, roll it 1 time and then multiply by 3.

Longsword, crit 19 - 20 x 2

Rolled a natural 19 to hit. roll again with the same pluses.
Rolled a second modified 15, enemy had ac of 12. you hit for the critical.
Damage on longsword is d8 so you would roll 1d8 two times. 1d8 1d8 and this would be the total damage your attack did.

Hope this helps you all out.

Syr (OOC)  d20+4=18
Monday August 6th, 2001 4:06:56 AM

Now I understand why you rolled a second time. My second roll is above now. (Still a crit)

Is this a house rule or is it 3e? I must have missed that. Although to be honest, I didn't read the rules too closely. I'm more interested in story than rules although I try to follow them at all times.

Thanks, Scott

Monday August 6th, 2001 1:09:22 PM

ooc- Presumably Jerry has emailed all of you that I'll be taking game 8 as he is going on a "vacation." As soon as he sends me a module or something, I'll post.

And critical hits are a 3e rule. See PHB3 pp 97 & 123.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 4:37:20 PM

Casts another magic missile at the nearest opponent.

[dm jk: roll your own damage net time please]

here we go - dm jk  d4+1=5 d20+2=21 d20+2=17 d6+1=6 d6+1=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 11:23:08 AM

Bart dispatches hood #1, and Syr kills hood #2 in a bloody frenzy. Jezebella strikes #3 then Anarion zaps him into oblivion.

Only #4 remains standing, but he makes no attempt to flee. Instead, he launches a furious assault at Polaris. Scoring a critical hit, he deals out 12 points of damage.

The prismatic sphere and whatever fight it contains still looms ominously by the main entrance.

(magic missile damage for Anarion= 1d4+1=5)
(to hit by #4 = d20+2=21)
(critical opportunity by #4 = d20+2=17)
(dmg by #4 = d6+1=6, d6+1=6)

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=10 d20=9 d4+1=4 d4+1=5
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:40:48 PM

Jez moves to the remaining thug to assist Polaris... her side complaining, and her blood decorating her tunic and leggings. She slashes with each of her daggers, from behind.

(is this considered a flanking attack? I may have hit if there is a bonus of at least +2.. if so, damage is 4 from the to hit roll of 10, and 5 with the to hit roll of 9)

Bart  d20+7=19 d8+2=10
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:51:54 PM

Runs to Polaris' side, and defensively casts Cure Light Wounds. Healing her for 10 points of damage.

(12+7(concentration)=19, needed a 16)
(8+2(cast heal spells as 1 level higher)=10)

Syr (Charging)  d20+7=25 d12=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:58:22 PM

Syr looks down upon hood #2 and checks briefly for any signs of life. Finding none, he looks up to see the halfing fall at the feet of the remaining thug.

Black hair flopping against his back, he charges the hood and aims a sweeping blow at his hip (Attack=25, damage=6+4=10 points).

Sparing a brief glance the multicolored sphere, "Anyone know what is going on with Toad?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 1:46:09 PM

Studies the prismatic sphere, trying to discover its magical energies and how it works.
He appears to be quite entranced.

Tiree True  d20+3=17 d20+5=23
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 3:06:31 PM

Tiree watches as Polaris goes down, but she also sees others in her family go to her aid. Instead of helping them,since she is sure of their success, she moves to the pedestal and begins to examine it more closely. (Spot 17, Search 23)

Plink  d20+3=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 7:21:27 PM

Plink maneuvers his way skillfully to the point to engage the remaining beast, Thug #4. He thrusts with his rapier, deftly missing, and frowns at his utter lack for school. He keeps his rapier up to parry, however, and considers the value of his newly found magical weapon.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:44:09 PM

Miranna stares at the bloody corpses with an expression of shock and disbelief. Her family is more skilful with arms than she had thought...

Polaris's fall jolts her out of it. She breathes a sigh of relief when Bart rushes to help the halfling. Seeing that Jezebella, Syr and Plink have engaged the last hooded man, she looks around at the rest of her family to assess if anyone else needs help, and notices Anarion staring at the bright mult-colored sphere of light.

"No! Anarion! Everyone else do not look at the sphere!"

(Anarion should be blinded for 2d4 x 10 mins for looking at a prismatic sphere within 20 ft.)

Miranna steps up to Anarion and tries to pull him away to a corner of the room.

mopping up - DM JK  2d4(4+3)=7
Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:20:11 AM

Anarion does indeed lose his sight. The bright light of the sphere seems to have burned itself onto his retinas. He still thinks he can see it, but once he looks away, he still sees the afterimage and nothing else.

Syr finishes off Thug #4, but Polaris doesn't revive after Bart's spell. His wounds look better, but he lies on the floor unmoving. The moment of crisis seems like it has past though.

Tiree sees nothing out of the ordinary about the pedestal the Mask is on. It looks free for the taking. Anarion remembers that something around the mask glowed after he cast detect magic, but now he can't see to make a more informed decision.

The sphere still brightly lights up the warehouse. Perhaps Toad needs some help in there.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 12:08:39 PM

"What! Aaaah I'm blind!!! I can't see!!!" rubbing his eyes furiously. "What has happened? Nobody else look at the sphere!!"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 1:54:56 PM

Careful to avoid looking directly at the sphere, Syr shouts, "Toad!"

Turning to look at the two mages, "Miranna, you seem to know a bit. What's to stop me from closing my eyes and jumping in there to help Toad?"

Syr readies himself for a sprint through the wall of the sphere...

Jezebella  d20+2=14 d20+4=17
Thursday August 9th, 2001 2:39:34 PM

Jez crouches at Polaris' side, wincing from her wound. She checks her bodyheat, and cradles her. She pointedly does not look at the sphere, but watches out for any other trouble.

" ... help mr Toad, please... " she pleads to Miranna and Ararion as she holds Polaris, trying to wake her gently. (14 spot, 17 listen)

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:00:17 PM

"No! Syr! I do not know the exact effects of this bright sphere, but when a powerful wizard creates such a globe to enclose himself, it is either entirely inpenetrable or will kill you while you try to force yourself through. Or both. I do not know how to help Toad. I do not even know how to help Anarion! I do not have any spells that could even attempt to negate such magic. Magic of this power is only hinted at in my books. I did not know anyone in this City wielded such power. I do not know anything..."

Miranna's voice gradually lowers as she blabs on, such that she appears to be talking to herself at the end. She is close to tears at the thought that she is powerless to help in her area of specialty. She looks round at her family, then her gaze falls on the mask in its glass case. The mask. If it holds as much power as Ryson says...

"Wait... the mask may have the power to negate this sphere. Tiree, let me examine it for magic first."

Moving closer to the pedestal, Miranna sweeps her hand in a quarter-circle before her. "Magic be revealed!" she utters in Draconic, and focuses on the pedestal. (Detect Magic, in a quarter-circle around pedestal.)

Thursday August 9th, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Tiree moves back to let Miranna get a closer look at the mask and the pedestal on which it stands. She moves over to Anarion.

"Anarion, it's Tiree. Let me help you sit down. Maybe the blindness will go away soon."

Tiree helps Anarion sit down and sits with him to wait for Miranna's examination.

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 9th, 2001 11:24:05 PM

Polaris lays there in Jezebella's arms.

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:05:49 AM

Plink, hearing Anarion's gasp, runs forth to his brother, and attempts to aid him in any way possible. "Calm, brother. From what I hear, this is merely magical. Hopefully it will wear off. How can I help you?" Plink crouches beside his brother, prepared to guard him from anything that might come.

Friday August 10th, 2001 10:40:02 AM

When Mirrana looks at the mask after casting her spell, she has to squint. It seems nearly as bright as the sphere.

Polaris is starting to come around.

Anarion is still blind.

Suddenly the sphere disappears. Toad stands there alone. Power seems to pour from his body. The gleam of power fades almost as quickly as the sphere, and he quickly takes on the demeanor of the old man that all of you know.

Jezebella  d20+4=12
Friday August 10th, 2001 11:09:58 AM

Jez smiles briefly at Polaris as she begins to revive... but jumps slightly as the sphere winks out.

"Mr. .. . toad? .. are you OK?" She says, very hesitantly.

She eases Polaris to the floor, and then reaches into her pouch, fingering a potionbottle, considering.

"Bart.. thank you very much for the healling there... I thought they were going to kill me! .. . May I beg for more..? I hurt... " She touches her bleeding side. "I could use one of the potions, but they are so expensive.. if you have the ability, may be best to use it."

She then resumes her exploration of the glass case, and pedistal... again, checking for seams in the glass, or traps. (12 search)

.. " By the way, " she says as she searches.. ." has anyone seen Drew?"

(ooc : Drew was an NPC converted black dragon thug we adopted)

Miranna (Detect Magic)  d20+7=19
Friday August 10th, 2001 11:18:19 AM

Her concentration fully on her spell, Miranna does not notice the disappearance of the prismatic sphere. She squints painfully at the mask, then looks away from it to check the pedestal and the space around the display case for any invisible magical fields.

If she detects any magical aura not radiating from the mask, she will concentrate on it to try to decipher its school of magic. (Spellcraft check 19, +2=21 for Illusion, -5=14 for Enchantment. Spellcraft checks can be made normally on the third round, but since we're out of combat, I think time is a bit more flexible? If not, please disregard this check.)

Friday August 10th, 2001 11:36:46 AM

The old man stands a moment as the magic fades. You also catch a glimpse of the outline of a staff, great robes, rings, bracers, belt, and many other things that appear to be in the process of being concealed in some way. He smiles and stands for a moment before he comes back to his senses completely.

Once he does he looks around to make sure all the foes are dispatched. Once he is sure he looks to the kids, clearly tired. He walks over to Anarion, touches his forehead with his hands, and speaks a magic word. His hands glow a moment and he can now see again. "You should NEVER look directly at a spell with scintilating colors. You could have been petrified, hypnotized, killed outright, or like in your case blinded, or other things worse than all of those! Anyone else have problems caused by magic? The rest I trust you can handle yourselves.".

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:29:16 PM

Hanging onto the Tiree and Plink as Toad touches him.

Blinking his eyes and looking up at Tiree and Plink. "I can see again!! May the gods be praised!!" Smiling at Tiree and his brother "thank for fusing over me, but i'm really ok now."

Looking at Toad "i'll take your advice Mr. Toad, it's just that I was trying to figure out how that magic worked!" Talking to himself "ok, so never look at anything with scintillating colors, never ever!"

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:33:45 PM

Looking at Miranna casting her detect magic on The mask and pedestal.

He says "Miranna I detected magic on the pedestal earlier, can you see what kind of magic it might be?"

Speaking to the group "I have a spell that's called mage hand, I might be able to use it to move the mask from the pedestal if it's not too heavy? Do you think I should try?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Friday August 10th, 2001 4:30:55 PM

Polaris begins to sit up and look around a bit.

"Oh my head! What happened while I was out?"

She looks around at everyone as she speaks.

Tiree  d20+5=23
Friday August 10th, 2001 4:38:33 PM

Tiree makes sure that Anarion is alright before she moves back over the pedestal. She says nothing to Toad. She has realized that he is more than he says he is and that troubles her deeply.

"Jez, let's see if we can work together on this, huh?"

(Search 23)

(OOC: For future reference, does the Wold follow the rule of Cooperation with skill checks? PHB pg 62)

Monday August 13th, 2001 9:33:55 AM

No one can figure out the type of magic on the mask. The problem is that it consists of several different types that seem to blend together. There are simply too many to puzzle out without casting an identify spell. It's impossible to tell if some sort of magical trap is tied directly to the mask, but nothing else in the case is enchanted. In any case, it's certainly not an illusion.

The search turns up nothing out of the ordinary. The glass seems like it will lift directly off the mask. It looks thin enough to break easily. There seem to be no physical traps.

Perhaps the main thing protecting the Mask was whatever Toad fought inside the Sphere. The opponent certainly seemed formidable.

(ooc: Yes, you can combine skill checks. I'll have to read back farther to find out about Drew. Consider him gone. From your description, I'm guessing he was one of the Black Blades. They are a large group of thugs in Floating City rumored to have connections to the Black Dragons.)

Monday August 13th, 2001 10:14:13 AM

The old man moves over to the mask and says "Your spells will not tell you what you need to know about the mask.". The old man picks it up after giving it a once over and disarming anything he might detect. He carefully opens the box and extracts the mask. After saying something cryptic, he picks up the box in the other hand. "This thing is powerful indeed. Take the mask to the Lords of Diamonds, take the box to the witches and collect your 500 gp, and take a written message to Ryson explaining that you are trading him the blood of all the followers of Ffloy on the bottom 2 levels of the city for the blood debt he says you owe him - which you actually don't by the way. That should cover your situation well enough. As for me, I must leave you for now. You should not have been exposed to such a powerful adversary so early. He was here for me.". He holds out the mask and box for one of the kids to take. "Be careful with these. They can be quite deadly to the carrier if great care is not taken.".

Monday August 13th, 2001 11:58:14 AM

Miranna notices Toad for the first time when he comes over to get the mask. She looks back where the shimmering sphere was, to find it gone. A look of awe and fear comes into her emerald eyes.

"Toad... who or what are you? I will not believe that a simple merchant can defeat someone capable of casting that sphere. It is clear that you do not mean us harm, but why do you deceive us about your identity?"

"As for the mask, please replace it in the box. It will be less noticeable there, and probably safer for us to carry. We can ask the jester to take it out of the box himself."

Monday August 13th, 2001 3:54:52 PM

The old man chuckles at the young girl's comments. "Young lady, the jester would most likely take the mask AND the box. He wouldn't dare do what I just did. I would HIGHLY recommend you not put the mask back in the box, and most definitely do not let the 'jester' see it the box. Just hand him the mask ONLY. You can safely wrap each item and transport them separately. The witches will see you brought the box - but they will see it is empty. Hmmm....". With a flourish of iron will - and great power - by the old man the image of the mask is once again seen in the box. Miranna can (if her spell is still active) see all the exact multi-magics on the image she noticed on the real one. "There. The witches will not believe you had the ability to deceive them so you can tell them truthfully that you did not take the mask out of the box, nor did you conceal that it was gone by casting an illusion. If they threaten you, you can say you saw that old man do something but you don't know what. And by the way, that's true. You don't know what I just did. Ease of transport is not your major concern here. Not dying is. Be careful young ones. Some things you should leave for later in your lives.".

Monday August 13th, 2001 5:18:45 PM

Looking to Toad, he says, "Sir, you speak as if you are leaving us? Is this so? I don't think we could have made it nearly this far without you, and from the adversaries that have been thrown at us, specifically the one you just dealt with, we might not make it far without you. However, I trust your judgement. Unless anyone disagrees, I feel I can carry the box. Hand-to-hand fighting isn't my specialty, but I'm not as easily overcome as the mages are. Whatever the others deem it, I shall do."
He accepts the box if noone disagrees, waiting to hear their ideas for a plan.

Monday August 13th, 2001 6:04:36 PM

Turn to Toad "it was nice to have had you with us sir, maybe we'll meet again someday? I want to personally thank you for helping us save mother Flaust, you have my eternal gratitude! May fortune smile down on you mr. Toad! Till we meet again!"

Turning to the others Anarion says "I'll help my brother conceal the box. I'll cast an illusion on it so it looks like a an ordinary small sack of potatoes. That should help deter any would be theives."

Saying to Syr "why don't you take the mask, you're most able to protect it. Miranna can maybe cast an illusion spell on it as I have the box?"

Standing next his brother Anarion twists and turns his fingers until the box appears like a small sack of potatoes.

Monday August 13th, 2001 7:01:12 PM

Tiree moves over to Polaris to help her to her unsteady feet. In her heart she is kind of glad that Toad is going, but she will miss him too. He was great in a fight.

"Why don't we just call the jester here before we leave? Then, we only have to deal with carrying the box around. We can go straight to the witches then. I don't want to carry either thing around with us for too long. I just want this done."

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Monday August 13th, 2001 7:02:36 PM

Polaris gets to her feet helped by Tiree. She is still a bit woozy and puts a hand to her head.

"You folks do whatever you want. I think I just need a nap."

Monday August 13th, 2001 9:12:12 PM

Miranna frowns slightly when the old man neatly sidesteps her question about his real identity. She decides that it will be useless to repeat her question, although she is less than happy about it.

When Anarion suggests that she cast an illusion on the mask, she says, "I am not sure that I can cast an illusion that will move with the mask. Even if it will, I do not know if I can concentrate on it all the way. I do not have Toad's power."

"Tiree is right. We can call the jester here. Bart, I believe you have the coal?"

Jezebella  d20+4=9 d20+2=4
Monday August 13th, 2001 10:41:40 PM

Jez speaks up, before the coal is used.

"Best move the box out of the room, or cover it, first... we need it later, and dont want the jester getting ideas about taking it."

She then adresses the old man. "Mr. Toad.. I thank you as well.. your guidance and protection was very much appreciated.. although your methods were harsh.. perhaps they were nessiary. We have never had anyone try to kill us before. Oh... and I still think you would look adorable in pink ribbons." She smiles, and hugs the wizard in disguise.

Jez proceeds to go through the remains of the thugs, grimicing her distaste. She motions for others to help her, and collects any items that look valuable, and holds them to Mirranna and Aranion for inspection of magical properties. (whats the roll for that... search(9)? spot(4)?

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 5:17:51 AM

Syr looks up from cleaning his axe and takes the mask from Toad. "We do thank you for your help. You are more than welcome to remain while we summon the jester."

"I for one would like to handle the jester now so that we may go to the other parties with a clear conscience and more importantly not holding the mask."

Before tucking the mask in his belt, the elf looks to the old man once more, "Does this mask have any special properties on the Day of Masks?"

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 10:16:12 AM

Before Toad has a chance to answer, a figure begins to coalesce where the prismatic sphere stood. The same being that attacked Toad earlier is there again. He shouts, "You're rusty, old man. Now we'll finish this my way. Maybe I'll kill your kids first, though."

Toad has time to tell you all to run before a giganctic hand appears and slams him into a wall.

Toad  30d6(2+4+5+6+5+4+2+1+4+6+4+2+5+3+2+2+1+6+5+4+6+1+3+4+5+3+1+3+3+6)=108
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 11:33:01 AM

The old man recoils from the attack but is more than able to recover his composure. As an intense anger comes over his face you see his whole being change. All of a sudden you see a man wearing a multi-colored scintilating robe, a cloak that appears like a mist, and many different items of power (headband, belt, rings, scarab, etc.). He no longer stands hunched over but stands erect - about 6' or so with a flowing white beard to match his flowing white hair. It's strange that he appears so well-kempt and composed after taking such a vicious attack.

Seeing the kids move away and get clear he says with an intense and powerful voice. "Fool! I let you turn tail and run because I have more important things to do than deal in trivia like you! Do you really think you have a chance? As for my kids, you touch them and I'll kill yours - all of them! That is after I kill you. I'll even follow you to your master's plane of existence and kill you there too! You should know better than to challenge me - the greatest wizard in the land!". With that he instantly casts a bolt of lightning which is 3 times as wide and hot as you've ever seen straight into the man. It blows out the back wall of the place. He then casts another spell (he's hasted) with just a word and 30 magic missiles unerringly fly from his fingers and impact the man. (Heighten spell - 9th level lightning bolt, 6th level maximized magic missile (30x5=150 DMG) = 108+150= 258 DMG - save for 208 - DC 45.

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 12:41:40 PM

Miranna is debating how to help Toad when the old man transforms before her eyes. She stares at him transfixed as he tosses off spells she thinks she recognizes, but with multiple times the power they should have.

"Greatest wizard in the land..." she repeats the old man's words to herself in an inaudible whisper.

Jezebella  d20+3=18 d4+1=3 d20+3=16 d4+1=5
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:14:51 PM

The gypsy girl screams as Toad is ripped away from her by the hand, and she stares in horror at the apparition before her. Her shock lasts moments, and she screams to her family. "get OUT!"

Feeling rather like a housefly in a maelstrom, she lobs her daggers at the figure opposing Toad. (to hit 18, damage 3)(to hit 18, damage 5)

(not sure I did throwning combat correctly, correct me if I am wrong... if it really matters all things considered :) )

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:33:53 PM

Anarion's jaw simply drops to the ground in amazement. He stands in complete awe of the power displayed by Toad and his opponent. He has never seen magic so powerul or even heard of this kind of magic before.

Obviously his concentration lapses and the illusion of the potato sack disappears as the box reappears in sight.

His hairs stand on end from Toad's lightning bolt as it breezes past him.

Anarion simple says "My god!"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 7:32:28 PM

Polaris had begun to stand on her own by the time the other arrived, but with his appearance and the change in Toad, she leans back against Tiree, heavily.

Tiree True 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 7:34:45 PM

Tiree watches with fascination at the transformation of their friend.

She thinks to herself, "Toad, huh? Never was a name less right."

She continues to stare. There is no way she is going to run. She might not be able to help, but maybe she can distract if needed. But the way things are going, it doesn't look like it's going to be needed.

he said to run - DM JK  10d8(5+5+3+4+4+4+7+8+1+8)=49 10d8(2+6+7+7+4+2+7+4+3+3)=45 10d8(8+1+3+7+2+7+4+1+2+3)=38 10d8(5+3+3+7+7+2+1+1+2+5)=36
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:33:22 AM

Jezebella's daggers sail straight and true. Before they ever hit their target, however, they bounce off something and clatter to the ground.

The being fighting Toad merely grins as all of Toad's spells seem to be sucked into a necklace hanging around his neck. "Arion, you are such a fool to think you could challenge my master. The Dark Lord will drink the souls of your gods before he is done. He would grind you under his boot heel like an insect. However, you have become a nuisance. Thus this little ruse with the mask to draw you out. You always were predictable."
Then he speaks the Word of Chaos. Its sound sends shivers down your spine. The entire party is deaf, stunned unable to act, and completely confused about where they are and what they are seeing. As Arion II/Toad loses his hearing he realizes the danger the kids are in.

Then the Elemental Swarm hit. A gate opens. Beyond there is nothing but fire. Four large Fire Elementals step through the gate. They spray the wizard with liquid fire, and immediately Toad is awash in flames (49,45,38,&36 dmg no save). The warehouse catches on fire. Smoke fills lungs. Skin begins to burn from the heat.

Arion II dba Toad 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:51:57 AM

The mage seems to not be damaged by the flames as everything around him seems to catch fire.

Seeing that the kids will die quickly if he does not act, he says to them "You know what to do, now do it!" - even though he knows they can't hear him. Maybe they could read his lips.

With that he turns to his adversary and says "Well, today your Master (he spits as he says it and the spit doesn't evaporate) loses his best servant!".

The mage casts again and all of a sudden the kids are standing in a plaza surrounded by familiar looking streets. Once they gather their wits, they realize that they haven't moved anywhere. They are standing just where they were before but the burning building, the elementals, the gate, the mages, the dead thugs, and everything else is gone - simply gone. You are left standing on a stone "plaza" holding a box and a mask.

For those with perceptive minds you seem to catch a glimpse of a battle of epic proportions that rages on in some close but separate dimension - but then it is gone too...

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:52:50 AM

Leaps out of the burning building coughing on the fumes and smoking from the heat.

Yelling "everyone to safety, quickly, save yourselves!"

Jezebella  d20+7=26
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 10:41:20 AM

Jez hacks from the bit of smoke inhaled before the building vanished.. the cough agrivates her wound, and she considers the potion in her pouch again as a sucrease from the pain. She looks around at the suddenly empty area caused by the vanished building, and the commotion that (I assume) it caused. She hisses to her friends. "come on!" and ducks down a side alley, away from the crowds. (26 hide)

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:03:36 AM

As Miranna comes out of her confusion, she realizes they are standing in the open with a very powerful object.

"Come, Syr!" She pulls her elven brother with her as she sprints after Jezebella, and tries to shield the mask from view between Syr and herself.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:51:12 AM

Gasping, and having gone white from fear at the things that have just occurred, Plink shakes his head, trying to free the thoughts from his cluttered mind. To his brother Anarion, he yells, "Anarion, quickly, let us deliver our goods." He then addresses the party as a whole, "We'll meet you as soon as possible. Tonight at the latest."

Plink then looks for his brother to come along, as he tries to trace his way to the witches to deliver the box.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 6:38:22 PM

"Plink, Wait!! Don't go off on your own. We have got to stick together for this. Besides, for some reason, I want it to be Miranna who hands the witches the box. But, you're right about leaving, let's get to somewhere safe. Anyone remember the way to Drew's old place?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 6:39:46 PM

Polaris leans against a wall. Her face is a little pasty, but she seems to be coming back to herself.

" I can keep up, but let's go!"

Syr  d20+8=20
Thursday August 16th, 2001 3:12:01 AM

Syr looks dazed as Miranna tugs on his hand. Shaking his head abruptly, he looks at Miranna and says, "You are absolutely right, why don't we go somewhere a bit less noticeable before we attempt the summons."

Syr follows Miranna while strapping his axe to his back. Once secured, he places the mask inside his tunic (hide check 20). "I dunno....I was a bit confused on the way there last time."

Bart (by JK) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:17:48 AM

Looking a bit pasty, Bart mumbles about just remembering something he had to do. Then he turns and runs off.

[ooc: Tim's computer is dead, and he's not planning to buy a new one anytime soon. So Bart will be gone for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, we'll see him again.]

Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:24:51 AM

The group makes it to somewhere less noticeable. Oddly enough, they seem to have attracted little attention.
As Polaris stops for breath she notices there is something in her pocket. As she checks on it, she notices that it is Drew's lump of coal along with a note giving instructions on how to use it to summon the Jester. It ends with a hastily written message, "I'll try to meet back up with you soon, but you might need this first. Drew."

Jezebella  d8+2=4
Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:12:20 AM

The wounded gypsy girl looks startled as Bart bolts. She calls after him, but he either doesnt hear her, or his errand is that much more important. (or his computer is fried, hehe)

She looks among her friends, but the only one who displayed any talent for healling just left. She shrugs and drinks a potion of cure light wounds. (healling 4)

She discusses options.. "I dont think it would be a good idea for Mirranna to bring the box to the witches.. they distrusted her already, and we dont want to put her in danger. It would also liken the chance of the witches detecting Toad's trickery.." She looks back in the direction of the warehouse as she mentions the old man's name. A sad look crosses her face.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 2:32:31 PM

Watches as Bart runs off by himself, "where in Wold is he going?"

Anarion follows his brother as he holds the box.

Tiree  d20+3=13
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:21:48 PM

Tiree nods at Jez's words and tries not to show the pain of Bart's rapid departure.

"I just thought that it would be fitting. But you may be right."

She looks around to see how private the area is or if there is anywhere more out of the way than where they already are. (Spot 13)

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:24:10 PM

Polaris puts the lump of coal back into her pocket. She doesn't want anyone to see it and possibly know what it is for before they use it. She keeps her hand wrapped around it for safe keeping.

"Come on guys, let's get this over with."

She watches Anarion run after Bart.

"Anarion, don't go too! We need what you're carrying!"

She hopes her small voice carries to him.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:38:33 PM

Miranna raises her brow as Bart runs off, wondering what it is that can be more important than ending this adventure they have started together. She nods at Jezebella's words.

"I have no wish to confront the witches. The rest of you might go together. Plink might be able to persuade them not to open the box until we are out of there, when it will not matter if they discover the illusion. Plink might also convince them we have not opened the box - which is true."

Seeing Jezebella's sad look, she adds, "Do not worry for the old wizard, Jezebella. I have a feeling he is far more powerful than even what we have witnessed. He will likely triumph. Although that raises some questions, such as why he came to us in disguise."

A faraway look comes into Miranna's eyes as she recalls the spells the old wizard cast. Part of her is wondering when she will master her art to that level, while the other part dwells on the unanswerable questions surrounding the old wizard's origin and his purpose in coming to them.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:19:29 PM

Drew stubles from the shodows covered in blood and gore, some of it his and some not. A fresh cut above his eye that looks as if it will scar badly. He falls to his knees breathing heavy barely able to catch his breath. "I am sorry family . . ." he pulls deep for a breath "I was set on and unable to catch up with you and no one heard my calls for help . . . " again he gasps "But there are 4 men who will trouble you and mother Flaust no longer."

(OOC: Sorry guys my life has been a complet disaster lately and my computer had trouble too. Polaris just got back in town so she should be back with us too, and the gore on Drew isnt part of the story just an easy way to explain where he was. Sorry)

Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:14:18 PM

Drew's sudden, bloody appearance jolts the elf out of her reverie.

"Drew! You are hurt!" Miranna gasps and pulls a potion (CLW +2) out of her belt pouch. She springs towards Drew, holding out the vial to him. "Drink this. You are bleeding all over..."

Miranna's voice sounds close to tears. She is too upset to notice that most of the blood on the boy is not his.

(OOC: Welcome back, Anthony! I have missed you. No need to say sorry; we all know RL intrudes now and then. I hope you've settled your RL problems.)

Friday August 17th, 2001 9:39:32 AM

Bart stops to speak with Anarion and tells him that he has felt the call of Wardd to enter the temple for a time. Should Anarion wish to enter the priesthood, he is welcome to come with him.

The party waits with Drew and begins setting a course of action for returning the items.

Polaris (by Aleyna)  d20=8 d20+2=13
Sunday August 19th, 2001 1:27:53 AM

Polaris is happy to see Drew. She gives a bit of a jump before she settles down. Keeping a hand on the coal she looks around to make sure no one is watching or listening (Spot 8 Listen 13).

Sunday August 19th, 2001 1:29:59 AM

"Drew! We worried about you. Good to see you back. Now, we need to get out of here. I was thinking we could head back to your place maybe. It's the safest place I know of right now, besides the house. And what we have to do, I know I don't want done there."

She keeps an eye on Anarion and hopes to see him return to the rest of the group.

Sunday August 19th, 2001 10:53:21 AM

Jez smiles at Drew, and says softly. "Welcome back. Yes... I think your place is best, Drew, if you don't mind. On the way there, perhaps one of us can stop by a merhcant and buy some parchment and ink with which to scribe a letter to Ryson..?"

Sunday August 19th, 2001 8:48:05 PM

Once she ascertains that Drew is not badly hurt, Miranna smiles with relief and turns to the others. (Does Drew drink Miranna's potion?)

"I would prefer to summon the jester here. The longer we carry the item with us, the more danger we put ourselves in."

Miranna takes a quick look all around to see if they are being observed. If they are in a relatively secluded spot with no strangers within sight, Miranna will ask Polaris for the coal and perform the summoning rites to bring the jester.

Sunday August 19th, 2001 9:30:17 PM

Plink stops in his tracks as he had turned to leave for the witches. He holds the box with the fake mask in it, waiting to see what will happen. He says, "I suggest not having the box around when we summon the jester. Greed can be...overbearing. Such power might threaten even the lords. Just a thought."

Sunday August 19th, 2001 11:01:04 PM

Shaking off the potion Drew smiles slightly. "Thank you but no. I am not that hurt. My old home no longer exsists. I lured the men who were after you all back there and brought it down upon their heads. I swore to protect you all with everything I have and have done so. Thank you all for your concern but you would have done the same for me."

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:10:02 AM

Smiles at everyone and agrees with Plink.

OOC: I was following my real brother Plink in my last post, not Bart. So I'm right here. :)

Monday August 20th, 2001 6:07:45 PM

The group spends a few moments debating what to do. Despite all their concern, absolutely no one is showing any interest in them.

Monday August 20th, 2001 6:57:22 PM

"Well, no one seems to be paying any attention to us, so we might as well do it here and now. Plink, can you hide the box, maybe in somebody's pack? Polaris, why don't you get out the coal and call the jester. I've a feeling Toad put us is a completely safe area."

She looks at the others to see their reactions.

Monday August 20th, 2001 7:45:29 PM

Jez speaks up. "I don't think the box should be anywhere near us when we summon the jester... it's magic, right? I think its pretty likely he would be able to see it.. or Toad's illusion. Maybe even in a bag. Plink... start off toward the witches... walk slowly. We will catch up."

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:06:58 PM

Miranna says with a shake of her head, "I do not think the Lords would be remotely interested in the box. It is the mask they want. Plink should not separate from us, it will put him in undue danger if the wrong persons see the box. If you want to hide the box, just put it out of sight, although I do not think it is necessary."

"Remember, the Lords knew about our tasks from the witches and Ryson. It was the jester who told us to give the box to the witches, in his rhyme."

Anxious to be rid of a very powerful and thus dangerous item, Miranna takes the coal from Polaris and summons the jester, before anyone can stop her.

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:46:15 PM

Drew pulls a rag from his pack and a water skin. He begins to try and clean the grime from himself while listing to his family debate.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 8:17:42 AM

Looking at the group "I agree wih Jez, the box should be nowhere near the mask. It's better to be safe than sorry, as mother Flaust always says" he smiles with a boyish charm.

"We don't have to go very far, we just have to hide around the corner out of sight. This way if there is trouble you will hear it and be able to help! That should satisfy everyones concerns? If so Plink and myself will hide the box around the corner over there" he points to a friendly section of city street.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 1:21:53 PM

Syr shrugs and looks sympathetic at Anarion as Miranna begins the summons. He walks away from everyone else and prepares himself for the bizarre appearance of the jester. "Well, when in doubt take the direct route."

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 6:48:20 PM

While the group debates, Miranna summons the jester. A cloud of inky black smoke suddenly billows out of the coal. Almost as quickly as it appears, a light breeze blows it all away, and the jester is standing amongst you.

"Have you completed your task and brought me the mask?"

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 9:43:46 PM

Drew smiles and almost laughs as the Jester appears. Its the first time he has seemed like the young man he is. "Neat Trick!!"

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 11:20:21 PM

Syr grins widely at the Jester. He winks and says,

"Yes O clown
we have not let you down.
Now take this mask
and end our task."

"We need your trust,
not hands of dust,
Nor the blood
or even the flood."

"We would never beg
as we have our legs but
a genourous reward
one thee could afford?"

Grinning at Plink, "Granted your rhyme is much better but I couldn't resist after Yorick's first visit. I stayed up late just figuring that out."

With that he offers the mask to the Jester, "Is this what you seek?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 2:06:09 AM

Miranna giggles at her elven brother's attempt at poetry. "Syr, if you will be doing this often, you might want to take some lessons from Plink."

To the jester, she says in a more serious tone, "We have the mask, as you see. We expect the friendship of the Lords in return, as you promised. Would it be impudent of me to ask what the Lords plan to do with the mask?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 10:16:48 AM

Polaris starts when Miranna takes the coal from her pocket and stares as she calls the jester. As he appears, she makes herself small and moves out of the way, so that they can get the mask to him.

Tiree  d20+3=21
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 10:18:10 AM

Tiree moves around a bit and watches for trouble. No one has been paying any attention to them, but it doesn't pay to get careless now. (Spot 21)

Jezebella  d20+2=22
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 1:05:18 PM

Jez snickers softly at Syr's rhyming, and watches the jester carefully. (22 sence motive)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 5:47:23 PM

With a wink, the jester takes the mask from Syr and quickly looks it over. He quicly tucks it into a bag that looks as if it was specially made to fit the mask. Then he claps his hands together and beams a huge smile, "You've saved the town, and no one will drown. For averting this sin, you've eached earned a pin." He hands each of you a diamond studded pin suitable for pinning to a collar or hat. "Wear these with pride, and one day they might save your hide. I'll return again soon, before the next moon. Then I'll give you a test that you'll pass if you're the best."

With that he just disappears, taking the mask with him.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:32:03 PM

Miranna pouts when the jester disappears without even acknowledging her question. "Why does nobody ever answer my questions? First the old wizard, and now the jester. Is the entire Wold conspiring to keep us in the dark forever? We may be mere children but -" She stamps her feet in a temper outburst that none of her family present has ever seen.

Quickly realizing the futility of her temper, the elf sighs and smiles apologetically at her family. She examines the diamond pin for a while before pinning it on her blouse as a brooch.

"Shall we proceed to the witches'?"

Miranna will follow whoever makes a move first. When they arrive at the witches', she will wait outside to avoid confronting the two women again.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:49:38 PM

Drew places his pin on his lapel in the only non-gored part of his lapel he can find, then follows to the the witches. "I dont trust theses women one bit. I think only one or two should go in and then leave as quickly as possible."

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 7:57:27 AM

Anarion curiously examines his diamond pin and decides to cast a detect magic spell on it. He waves his hand over it and casts the spell.

OOC: Just making sure it is magical?

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:14:07 AM

It's not magical, but judging by the size of the diamond, it's worth a good bit of money.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:43:33 AM

As the jester departs from the group, Plink is whole-heartedly sad to see the fellow go. He tries to commit the jester's rhyme to memory, not that he thinks it will be needed, but to improve his poetic skills.
"Quite an odd fellow, that jester, he is,
when it comes to rhyming and rhythm, he's quite the wiz.
We've done our part, delivered his goods.
Unfortunately, we've acted rather like hoods.
I hope this is our last underhanded quest,
but still we can prove to him we're the best."

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:59:24 AM

Jez hides a smile.

"your rhymes make my poor head ache,
to stop you, what would it take?
We best be off, the witches await!
if you all wish, I will be bait.."

She clears her throat. "Enough of that. I mean.. I will bring the box to them, if you want. They seemed to like me... "

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:40:39 PM

Tiree has her head down as she pins her pin on her shirt so her voice is slightly muffled as she speaks.

"I'll go in too. We still need to send the letter to Ryson. Why don't some of us send the letter," Tiree looks over at Miranna and smiles. "And the others can take the box to our 'friends' the witches."

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:41:39 PM

"I'll go with Miranna to do the note. I don't really want to see those women again. They make my skin shiver."

As she speaks she shivers a bit to prove her point.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 5:26:38 PM

Part of the group arrives at the witches' place. The witches immediately take the box and start talking amongst themselves, "This box is clear. We were told it would be black." "It doesn't matter. The mask we seek is inside." "See how it's protected. It will take much time to unravel those wards. We must hurry. We only have a few days. Pay them, and we'll get to work."

They hand over a sack filled with gold and very nearly shove you out the door.

The others deliver the note to Ryson without any trouble.

The group meets back up and finds they have a bag with 500 gold, some diamond jewelery, and nothing to do for the moment. The Floating City awaits.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 5:58:09 PM

Anarion smiles "A good day little adventure we had! Hopefully Mother Flaust bought Bart little lies earlier?"

OOC: Hey JK we managed to swindle the witches into giving us extra gold coins. I beleive it was 800 gold in total. I just checked the archives.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 9:12:18 PM

Miranna smiles happily when she sees the gold. "If Flaust does not need it for the orphanage, may I have my share now? I have some spells to research."

Once she is given her share, the elf waves to her family and heads off by herself. She does not reappear, even at mealtimes, until many days have passed.

(Miranna will buy some spells from the Catacombs and maybe scribe some scrolls. The others, except Drew, are used to not seeing much of her and won't think it strange.)

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 10:18:22 PM

"I need a bath."

The Letter... 
Friday August 24th, 2001 11:46:26 AM

As everyone sits and tries to decide what to do, a piece of open parchment appears on a table near you in the room. On it is scrawled the following: "Children, just thought I'd let you know that I survived my battle, of which you caught a glimpse. I have no doubt that you have worked out your situation and are doing fine. Best of luck and if time permits, I'll come by and see you some day. You did a great service to your city - and the Wold! Well done!



After everyone reads it, the note disintegrates.

DEH (Sent letter) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 12:29:35 PM

Enjoyed it guys, good luck in your game! JK normally only kills your character slowly so it's usually bearable... :)

Jezebella  d20+7=22 d20+7=21
Friday August 24th, 2001 1:05:48 PM

To Drew's comment, she wrinkles her nose in his direction, and smirks out.. "yes, you do!" and playfully punches him in the arm gently.

When the note appears, she reads it silently, a small smile on her face.

After it disintigrates, she says to the group.. "I might have to sneak in.. with Drew, and clean up before Mother sees us. I rather doubt she would approve of our activities." She sighs heavily. "If we continue to have these little ... adventures... I do not think we can stay at the orphanage much longer. Or we will HAVE to tell Mother the truth."

Unless there is further business brought up family, she goes back the the orphanage with them... and sneaks in. (22 move silently, 21 hide)

Friday August 24th, 2001 4:14:27 PM

Looking at the group "according to my estimates everyone gets 100 gold a piece!" Anarion decides to divide up the coins "so here's your share Syr, Polaris, Tiree, Miranna, Drew, Plink, Jez and the last 100 is for me."

"Ok, I know the day is still young but I'm off to get some sleep and than I'll go out and buy a large 25 lbs turkey for everyone to eat at the orphanage. Why don't we have a nice feast and feed our little brothers and sisters in process? Who wants in on the fun ?"

Friday August 24th, 2001 10:05:32 PM

Drew refuses the gold. "I did not take part in this adventure and dont feel I deserve any of the gold, however if some one can lend me a silver I know a public bath house I would like to go to before returning to the orphanage...I mean...home" The word sounds so strange coming from his lips.

Polaris (As Self) OOC 
Friday August 24th, 2001 11:31:38 PM

Hey everyone sorry I disappeared but I am back now. Aleyna,A BIG THANKS for keeping up with me. I promise this won't happen again. Give me the weekend to catch up and I will be back by Monday. Thanks again for keeping me in.


Tiree True 
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:12:12 PM

Tiree looks at the gold longingly.

"Let's wait and see how much Mama Flaust needs at the orphanage before we split anything. Besides, maybe we should take the diamonds and sell those and keep that money."

Tiree starts to walk back to the orphanage, a small bounce in her step.

Monday August 27th, 2001 7:40:53 PM

Once everyone returns to the orphanage, you find Flaust blissfully laughing. Laughing does very little to improve her gut-wrenching physical ugliness, but her joy radiates through each of you just the same. She hugs everyone who comes in and quickly explains, "Just a few moments ago, a courier arrived from an anonymous benefactor who has given enough gold to run the orphanage for many, many months. I wish I knew who gave it, but it only had a note. It said 'The children must have warm places to sleep. So, never worry again. Our pockets are deep.' I don't know who it is, but if you had anything to do with it, thank you!"

Monday August 27th, 2001 10:08:33 PM

Drew arivess latter after having spent the majorty of the day getting himself and his things clean. At dinner he looks about and says..."Well what now?"

Monday August 27th, 2001 10:32:27 PM

Polaris looks at Drew and gives him a silly grin...."You know, I was thinking the exact same thing? What do you guys think?" She looks around the table at the rest of her brothers and sisters?

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 8:54:07 AM

Having followed Drew to the bath-houses, and cleaned up as well.. she retuns with him to the orphanage. She smiles softly at Flaust's laughter, hiding her freshly (if inexpertly) bandadged wounds. She sits with her friends that night at dinner. She converses with them in hushed tones.

"I don't know what we are to do with ourselves now... Mother seems well off, now. But.. its a big city out there. I wonder if anyone will be after us.. or Mother.. from our little adventure. The blackies... or the coven." She sighs heavily. "I wonder if we are making this place.. .these people we love.. a target by staying here. With her out of finacial danger, and us able to support ourselves.. " She fingers her diamond pin, hidden in a fold of her tunic. "I think we should put some serious thought into moving away.."

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 12:13:21 PM

The elf nods to himself as Jez speaks, "I have given it some thought also. I don't think we made too many friends other than the lords. In addition, does anyone feel comfortable sneaking in and out of the orphanage?"

Syr grins at the bard and says, "Granted, we do have some money, but how long could we go before we have to station Plink on street corners? Our only lead for new funds is the vague promise of a rhyming colorfully dressed disguised lord?"

Smiling at Jezebella, "By moving away, are you referring to the orphanage or the Big Float? I see no problem going away but I've lived in this city for so long that I consider it my home."

"Another thing on my mind is Bart. Several of us, myself included, needed his healing hands over the last few days. I'm not naive enough to think we will never need that again. Personally, I just don't feel the call to the priesthood, does anyone? If not, what can we do about it?"

The Dinner - DM JK 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 6:34:21 PM

As you discuss the possibility of moving away from the orphanage with each other at dinner. Flaust introduces a young dwarf wearing armor with a large black flail tucked into his belt.

"Children, this is Brother Gnollslayer. He's a priest of the warrior god, Domi. I've exposed all of you to the ways of Alemi, but Domi stands at Alemi's right hand and is always the first to fight evil. I thought it would be good to have him teach you some tonight while we eat."

Brother Gnollslayer talks to the younger children throughout dinner and answers all their questions about Domi and what it's like to fight the good fight. You all notice Flaust frowning when the kids seem too interested in stories of battle and warriors, but she lets the other priest go on as he pleases. For his part, Brother Gnollslayer looks like he would rather be anywhere than at a table with a bunch of orphans. Clearly, coming to the orphanage was a task delegated to him rather than something he chose on his own. Nevertheless, the young kids seem to enjoy his stories."

After the meal once the kids and Flaust are gone, he plops down in a chair near all of you and pulls a flask from his pocket. He takes a long pull and exclaims, "Garg's friggin' eye, I thought the little whelps weren't never gonna stop askin questions."

[ooc - Roll new hps with a private post on the LnB borad.]

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 10:30:30 PM

Drew seems intrested in the priest for a long time, listing and hanging on every word he says. Finaly he comes away and says simply. "I thought I might have found the god, but it is not Domi that sent me to you."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:52:49 AM

Jez purses her lips at the dwarf. "Those 'little whelps' are our family.. they obvoiusly respect you. Respect them in kind, please, sir priest."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:43:48 AM

"Yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnn, I'm going to bed!"

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 1:06:30 PM

Syr walks over to the dwarf and shakes his hand, "I'm Syr, the younger ones take a bit getting used to. Just give them a chance and a few days for the novelty of your arrival to wear off."

With a smile, "Personally, I'm sure glad to have you around. We seem to be getting ourselves into a few scrapes lately that you might enjoy."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 6:34:46 PM

Brother Gnollslayer doesn't seem too impressed with Jezebella's chiding, "'Lemi's Bristling Beard! Don't get your knickers in a twist. I freakin came down here and talked to them all danged night. Didn't swear or nothin. That's as much respect as I show the gods, so you can take it or leave it."

Then the irreverent priest takes a long pull on his flask and looks at Syr, "Now then what're you bloody sayin about scrapes, and just why is it that you seem to think I should skin my bloody knees with ya?"

[I can post privately on the LnB, but if you guys can't then you can't I suppose. You can buy any nonmagic items listed in the phb that you want for the listed price without going to the catacombs.]

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:45:19 PM

Polaris looks strangley at the priest. When he first walked in she was in awe of him. She could never imagine anyone being a priest herself. Then, he started talking and she couldn't believe what he was saying. She actually enjoyed children and could not see why anyone would be angry with them as the priest was. Polaris just bites her tongue to keep from saying anything she might regret later.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:12:56 PM

Drew sees the reaction of the Gnool slayer and says under his breath. "It's definately not Domi."

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