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Dark Fae Rising
A Search for the Past

DM Jamie 
Sunday July 31st, 2005 6:00:04 PM

The Mortician steps through into the TAP. The first thing you notice is you stepped right into the Giggling Ghost. Only difference is there is no one is around but you eight.

"A place for everything, and everything in it's place." The Mortician whispers. He pulls out his quill pan and his ledger again and begins scribbling some fervished notes. He pauses, looks up, scans the group, and begins to scribble again.

He pulls his pocket watch out and opens it. You again get the sickening feeling of the ebb and flow of time flowing around you. "The time is right," he comments,"You will receive instructions on how to proceed. I am tasked with watching, but I can not intercede for either side. I am here to cronical which direction the scales will go and to record it in the ledger." He hold out the ledger before placing it back into his jacket pocket.

"Remember who you are and whose you are. It will help keep you from falling into darkness. You will see me one more time. The circumstances of which depend on whether you succeed or not." He sneers at the last comment. His eyes begin to turn a sickly orange color. That color begins to radiate out until it takes over all vision in the room. Just before you think you can take no more brightness it is gone. You open your eyes and you are in the TAP version of the Giggling Ghost. There is a sealed note on the table.

Upono close inspection the note is folded into an envelope shape and appears to be made of a very high grade parchment. There is a red wax seal in the center holding the four corners down. Inside of it is an image of the pocket watch the mortician carried.

OOC: We officially post on Monday. I will try to make my posts later in the afternoon giving you all time to post during the day. If this will not work for some of you let me know. I am flexible.

Rose  d20+11=14
Sunday July 31st, 2005 6:44:23 PM

Rose goes and checks the enevelope for any traps and then opens it and reads it aloud.

search: 14

ooc: whoever takes bread let me know how many loaves. 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, more, less. I need to know for my weight limit (unless the dm says food takes no space and weighs nothing in this tap)

Sunday July 31st, 2005 7:11:50 PM

Tratain steps through the Tapestry with the others and Listens as the Mortician speaks.

When he disapears he waits while the Halfling examines the Note and then listens as she reads it.

Tratain then pulls out a Large sack from his backpack and opens it, telling the Halfling "If you wish you can store your bread in my bag here, It should Hold all of it."

When the bread is all in the Bag he puts it back in his backpack and gets ready to move with the others.

OOC: its a Bag of Holding that can hold up to 250 Pounds.

Brahmah (OOC:) 
Sunday July 31st, 2005 8:15:05 PM

OOC: Should everyone be so inclined, I'd like to know your characters race, primary features, noticable skills and visible gear.

I've posted Brahmah's discription on Saturday's post, with on addendum...

... the ranger wears two blades and a buckler. His falchion is much too small for him (medium sized), however, his kukri seems right. He also wears a very nice and fine mithril shirt, a large mithril shirt.

Sunday July 31st, 2005 8:30:18 PM

"Little one..." He turns to Rose. "... I suggest dumping that food. We will need to move fast and swift. You collection of goodies will also attract all manner of beasts, even IF we tie it in a tree bag." He looks curiously at the halfling. "Besides, why bring along supplies, you yourself can't carry?" He places his hands on his hips with the demeanor of a father type figure looking down on a child, with a kind understanding smile.

He finally turns to Solgrin and Zeoll and says, "Yeah, my papers were resent. The mortician seems to have lost his first ledger..." He glances at the mortician. "... when I die, don't use this mortician. I would hate to have my body go missing." He winks.

"Now!" Looking at the group.

"Three taurs. Excellent!
Halfling with a dog. Great.
Gnome, Bohdi my friend. The illusionist of great fame.
Tratain is it? I seen you in the Catacombs once or twice. Some sort of protector cleric, right? Domi, right?

Anyone know the others coming in?"

Bohdi Nackle 
Sunday July 31st, 2005 9:32:59 PM

The gnome Bohdi bowed deeply at Brahmah's words. "Glad to hear you say so, my dear 'taur," the gnome replied with a flourish. "Although, truth be told, I cannot claim to be Wold-famous just yet, although I like to think of myself as Wold-famous in my dreams. And, seeing as all of this is just a dream, why not?" He grinned.

Bohdi was young for a gnome; a slight goatee had just begun to grace his chin. Standing just 3' 4" tall and weighing just 42 lbs., Bohdi was of average size for his kin. His tan skin, fair hair, and blue eyes hid behind his prominent gnomish proboscis, but for all of that he was not unattractive. He wore thick gnomish furs, a hat, and gloves--he clearly came from a cold-weather climate. A noisy raven hopped and flapped about him. "This is Squork," Bohdi said, indicating the bird.

Bohdi carried a small club, a dagger in his belt, and a crossbow with a case of bolts--but there was no mistaking the wizardly air about this gnome. A spellbook bulged from the sides of his pack, and a wand with streaks of flames painted on its sides was firmly tucked in the sash of what could only be a spell component pouch at his waist. A careful eye would note the rings that the gnome wore, as well as the necklace with three strange beads around his neck. Bohdi seemed a little self-conscious about one of the rings and the necklace--were anyone to look over-long at them, he would blush and explain, "They're a gift from a--a friend."


Bohdi peered over Rose's shoulder--one of the few shoulders in this group he could do that with, and he planned to take advantage of it. "What's in the note, duckie?"

His eyes sparkled. "Once we have a sense of what's before us, I can finish preparing spells for today." He looked at the other spellcasters. "I'm a big believer in coordinating our efforts. I'm glad to let you know what I plan on preparing, and I always welcome suggestions. We casters have to hang together, you know--or we'll surely hang separately."

Here's a proposed spell list. As indicated, Bohdi always welcomes input on his spell preparation from anyone in the group. Next post will be the "final" spell list for the day:

Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x3), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi  d20+8=18 d20+6=22 d20+11=29 d20+11=12 d20+4=21 d20+14=31 d20+14=33
Monday August 1st, 2005 8:11:59 AM

The minotaur smells the air, with a look as if he's trying to detect something. (Smelling for sea air, salty odors or even the unmistakable aroma of death and decay.) He listens for birds.
He's trying to find his bearings to see if they are anywhere near recognizable terrain. [Knowledge geography 18, Knowledge nature 22, Listen 29, Spot 12, Search 21, Survival to predict weather for 24 hours, Survival to see any immediate nature dangers 33+2]

Then he turns to the Chosen in the group.
"Friends, we have a mission." He smiles.

He looks at the mortician again, not sure what to think. "Okay Bob, which way?"

Spell list, though its not NEARLY as extensive as our gnome's!

First Level: Resist Energy x2
Second Level: Protection from Energy
Plus a small library of scrolls in their leather case.

(OOC: Are the characters going to be in the tap long enough to reprepare spells if needed?)

Monday August 1st, 2005 10:22:59 AM

The liontaur sees that Tratain has the wherewithal to carry all the food. "That is verry good of you, frriend," he says. "No harrm in having prrovisions."

Looking over the others in the group, Zeoll feels decidedly underdressed. He is a large liontaur with beads and feathers braided into his mane. He has on a fine cloak, an amulet, and leather armor. He carries a staff, and has an odd-shaped backpack. The pack would be too big for a human, but the liontaur manages. Two belt pouches and a shortbow round off his gear.

He is glad to enter into an esoteric discussion of the magic he has ready.

Druid spells:
Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guidance x3
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals x2, Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Hold Animal x2
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Bard Spells:
3 Level 0 spells; 5 Level 1 spells; 4 Level 2 spells; 1 Level 3 spell
Chosen spontaneously from:
Level 0: Det Magic, Know Dir, Rd Magic, Daze, Lullaby
Level 1: Comp Lang, Det Secret Doors, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter
Level 2: Det Thoughts, Locate Obj, Heroism, Suggestion
Level 3: Confusion, Scrying

Once again he emphasizes his main strategies Before a Fight (1) and During a Fight (2):

(1a) Stall / co-opt foes with diplomacy and bardic music. (1b) Co-opt / charm foes with Suggestion and Charm spells.

(2) Summon animals and creatures to fight. Buff with Bard song and Heroism spells, Shoot arrows, and Avoid melee.

Zeoll wonders if Bohdi would be interested in trading Buffs -- say a Heroism for a Mage Armor? Zeoll's Heroism last 70 minutes, so Bohdi would have to choose when he wanted it.

Zeoll wishes he still had his metamagic wand of extend, but, alas.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday August 1st, 2005 10:25:14 AM

Suddenly, a rag-a-muffin youth with peach fuzz on his upper lip appears with the group. He is a rather short fellow with a pile of mousy brown hair atop his head and an intelligent looking raven atop that. He sports plain brown eyes and a wide smile perfect for giving goofy smiles.

His clothes appear to be too big for him, perhaps hand-me-downs from an older brother? The sleeves of his tunic completely cover his hands and the hem of his trousers spill out over his shoes.

He bobs his head in excitement as Rose retrieves the sealed letter. "Oh, I do hope we can figure out what's going on with this Fey King."

Level 0 - Dancing Lights, Prestidigation, Resistance X2
Level 1 - Color Spray, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection from Chaos, Sleep
Level 2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Web
Level 3 - Dispel Magic, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud
Level 4 - Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV
Level 5 - Telekinesis

OOC - Theo has a wand of detect magic, if Bohdi wants to exchance those two cantrips for something else.

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+11=25
Monday August 1st, 2005 4:37:39 PM

With little fanfare, a dark cloaked figure appears next to Zeoll. She looks at the gathered champions...though it's hard to tell with the cloak pulled around her, you get the feeling that the figure is sizing you up...getting a feel for combat prowess and the like. There is the faint chink of metal armor underneath the cloak, and two bulges on the figures sides that are sure to be swords. The figure quickly scans the area (Spot=13, Listen=25) and not detecting any signs of danger, pulls back the cloak.

With greenish-gray skin, blue hair, and black form fitted mithral breastplate armor, the aquatic elf is quite a sight to those unused to her...but fortunately she knows most of the party. Ashira looks over at Brahmah and Solgrin, then Bohdi and Tratain. "Interesting...not exactly how I thought this would begin. Still...Ashira watches as Rose reads the note, listening closely to every word.

OOC: Very few spells to speak of, but not that bad for a BDF.... ;)

(2)1st level Ranger
Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
Calm Animals: Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals.
Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.
Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle.
Hide from Animals: Animals can't perceive one subject/level.
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
Longstrider: Increases your speed.
Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.
Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals.
Summon Nature's Ally I: Calls animal to fight for you.

Monday August 1st, 2005 5:17:27 PM

Rose gladly puts the food into the bag of holding and says to Brahmah "We werent told how long we'll be in this place, and if you dont eat you'll be no use in a fight so I tried to bring enough for everyone."

When she sees Theo she immediatly begins to scold him. "Theo why are you wearing those nasty old clothes. I made you some nice clothes for a reason, what if we meet important people you have to look decent not like some tramp....." :)

Spell list (subject to modification if necessary)

detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message

Level 1:
mage armor, magic missile, shield, expiditious retreat

Level 2:
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisibility

Level 3:
heroism, magic circle against evil

DM Jamie 
Monday August 1st, 2005 5:56:13 PM

OOC: You will have time to relearn spells.

Rose picks up the note and begins to turn it in her hands. She looks it over with great enthusiasm and upon seeing no danger opens the letter by breaking the red wax seal. There is a faint glow about the note and then it is gone.

Whe you open it you can see it is written in common. By a hand that shows great control and knowledge. It reads:

Go to the Temple of Gargul during the noon hour when the marketplace near there is at it's fullest as the people of the city feed their hungry bellies. Enter by the front door as if going in for noon prayers. Wear black hoods and carry the new prayerbook available in the market. Inside open it to Chapter 6 and wait to be recognized.

Good luck,


After you read through it and ponder it for a second the words begin to fade and then all together disappear.

OOC: Again, you are all inside a version of the Giggling Ghost. Only difference between the one you were in and the TAP verion you are in now is you are the only people inside this one.

Monday August 1st, 2005 7:55:42 PM

Tratain Nods at Brahmah's words and says "Aye, I think I remember seeing you once or twice in the Catacombs. I serve Domi and one of His Clerics and Protector."

Tratain is a Human, wearing simple white Robes, but his Full Plate Armor is easily seen underneath. A shield is strapped to his back, and a Warhammer hangs from his belt.

After Hearing what the Note has to say Tratain says "Well, it looks like we're off to the Market to buy some Robes and Prayer books, then to the Temple to find out whats going on."

Tratain (Addendum) 
Monday August 1st, 2005 8:02:19 PM

Spells Memorized:
0 level: Create Waterx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Shield of Faithx2; Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evilx2;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurencex2; Bull's Strength; Resist Energy; Align Weapon;(Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light;(Protection from Energy)
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Rightous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

If anyone wants anything specific let me know.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday August 1st, 2005 9:45:01 PM

Theodore agrees with Tratain. "Do we all need a book?" he asks of no one in particular. Then he stands aside and rubs at his eye.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows) 
Monday August 1st, 2005 10:57:39 PM

"Well, as long as we're going to dress like bloody Gargul-worshippers, might as well come equipped like them. Let's get one book each--can't do for all of us crowding around one bloody book. 'Cept those of us who might have trouble readin', of course, and no offense," he added quickly.

Bohdi was enthralled by all of the casting ability in the group. "We should have no trouble with this little trip with all of us casters around!" he exclaimed. "I couldn't hope to make many suggestions to all of you. But now, see here, I notice that we don't have much in the way of powerful healing spells. What about Restorations, or Remove Curses, or just a good old fashioned Heal-type spell--don't we have any of those? Won't do us much good to cure wounds if we've been sapped of our bloody strength or life-essence, now, would it? Tratain, or you other divine types--would any of you happen to know a spell or two like that?"

"Theo--thanks for the advice about detecting magic. I'll memorize something else. In fact, I'll memorize some Message spells so that the entire group can communicate surreptitiously as we set out here. And I thought your spells sounded downright duckie. You happen to have the diamond dust ready for that Stoneskin spell now, do you? I have a few scrolls handy of that spell just in case."

"Zeoll, I'll be glad to prepare a Mage Armor spell for you--in fact, I'll cast it here, right before we set off. You feel free to hold on to that bardic spell of yours--no telling what we'll need, or when we'll need it. I've always been impressed with spontaneous casting that way."

Bohdi was visibly impressed with Ashira. "M'lady, I have got to hear more about your fascinating background at some point."

"Now, I'm sure we're all anxious to get underway, but I'm sure, too, that all of us are careful to prepare ourselves first, eh? So, if you'll excuse me, I have just a few more wrinkles to add to my spell preparation for the day, and I should be ready to get going."

With that, the gnome hoisted himself up on a low stool, pulled out his spellbook, and read for a time, occasionally tracing a rune in the air or consulting a clear ivory plaque. After an interval, Bohdi traced several more runes in the air, each bursting into brilliant light and twisting in midair before subsiding once more. (Cast: Mage Armor (x2), one on himself and Squork, one on Zeoll; Rary's Mnemomic Enhancer, used to memorize (3) additional L1 spells; Message, cast to connect the entire group for 90 minutes; Protection from Arrows)

"Ready," he announced. "We should all be able to whisper to each other at a distance now. I could 'magic up' someone's weapon, too, if they wanted."

"By the way--does anyone know where we're going--" he pointed at the door-- "Out there? I mean, I've never gone out that way before."

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Brahmah (AC 22,TAC 11, FfAC 20) 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 5:36:30 AM

First Level: Resist Energy x2
Second Level: Protection from Energy
Plus a library of scrolls.

"Well, Bohdi, I can read." He smiles. "Common is easy."

He tightens his gear and looks at the little folk. "Um, are we going to be too fast for you?"

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 6:30:30 AM

Solgrin looks to the others then calmly says "As Brahmah and Seoll have seen in the past I like to keep my spells a bit varied with a bit on the combat side. I do this as I prefer to hit them from rage with my spells and only use my chain here incase they don't let me stay at range."

Solgrin takes his spiked chain in hand then casts touch of idiocy storing it in the chain and places the chain back at his hip.

Spells: (Memorized/day) (bonus spells (1-1st , 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th)
0 Lvl (DC 14) (4) -- Prestidigitation, Light, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st Lvl (DC 15) (5)- Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Burning Hands x2, Shield
2nd Lvl (DC 16) (4)- Melf's Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, [Touch of Idiocy], Summon Swarm
3rd Lvl (DC 17) (3)- Fireball, Haste, Blink
4th Lvl (DC 18) (2)- Invisibility (greater), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
[] spells cast

Solgrin moves along trying to keep a pace that everyone can match.

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 1:57:29 PM

As rose follows the others and listens to their conversation something happens. Rose stands still for a moment as some horrible knowledge fills her. Although normally when in a tapestry people dont know what is happening to their waking selves sometimes the knowledge seeps through.

Rose suddenly starts crying and grabs theo "He...He's dead Theo! My brother's dead! I want my brother!" Wails Rose she just cries and cries and cries.

Bohdi (illegal second) 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 3:37:14 PM

Bohdi frowned as he heard the halfling explode into tears. He hadn't known her long, but he felt a strange affinity to this lone other diminutive member of the group.

He walked over to her side and patted her hand gently. "There, there, love," he murmured, a worried crease forming on his brow. His mouth twisted in search for words--he was never very good at such moments.

Somehow, he sensed that this loss was tied to their present quest. "I know it's not much comfort, but maybe we'll find some answers for you in this dreamquest, eh? What do you think?" He pursed his lips and said nothing more, simply offering what meager consolation he could.

DM Jamie 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 4:04:05 PM

OOC: I will make another post when everyone has posted their turn today.

Everyone is comparing their spells in order to maximize their effectivesness with one another when Rose bursts into tears. Some are more moved than others at this time and try to console her in their own way.

You notice, through the windows, that the sun has set in Plateau City. Upon careful examination you see that it is about 2100 (9 o'clock in the evening). A table has been set for 8 people with different types of foods and drinks.

Zeoll  d2=2
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 5:15:22 PM

Zeoll is a little put off by the idea of wearing Gargul priest robes.

"I wonderr if this is some kind of prractical joke. No matterr what rrobes I wearr, I doubt that anyone will be fooled by me."

He nonetheless agrtees to go along to the temple.

Anyone noticing will see that he is holding his book upside down (rolled even-odd for that!).

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 10:53:54 PM

The ranger has no problem throwing on the robes.
"Come on Zeoll. Fact is Gargul is a relatively neutral God. Domi won't mind."

"Wait, whose dead?" He looks at the wailing little one. "How'd he die so fast? Poison?" He asks tactlessly.

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 11:28:36 PM

Ashira nods at Bohdi's comment...the movement causing her bangs to shift a little, and giving Bohdi the briefest, flickering view of something on her forehead. A smudge, a mark...something is hidden beneath her bangs.

As the message is read, Ashira's shoulders sag a little at the mention of the trip to Gargul's temple, though she doesn't say a word.

Rose's outburst provides an almost welcomed distraction to a very uncomfortable topic. Turning, Ashira lays a hand on Rose's shoulder and does her best to try and adopt a comforting tone. "Rose. I know this is hard...almost unbearable. But trust me. You will survive. And believe it or not, is it all that uncomfortable in the lands of the dead." Ashira crouches down so that she is eye to eye with Rose and her voice drops to a whisper. "Death is not always the end..." With a trembling right she moves her bangs out of the way so that Rose can see the mark that Gargul placed on her not all that long ago (open eye tattooed on her forehead). "But sometimes there is a high price to be paid." Ashira quickly brushes her hair back in place and stands back up. She walks briskly over at the table. Sitting down, she picks at the food there. "If you would like, I can go get the robes and prayer books in the morning for all of you."

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:13:14 AM

Zeoll gives a look to Brahmah and walks over to the distraught Rose. He pats her on the head and says, "Listen to Ashirra. It's not so bad being in the Lands of Rrest. I spent two yearrs therre myself! If Domi didn't have a job forr me among the living, I'd be therre still. Rreally it is verry nice. The grrass and plants arre morre rreal and alive therre. You meet many wonderrful people. And it is verry peaceful."

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:36:50 AM

Tratain sits with the others and Eats. He says "I can turn any of my prepared spells into Healing spells when needed, though in this place I lack the power to cast the Heal spell. I also have several scrolls of lesser restoration stored in my backpack, if we need anything more powerful than that I can memorize it the next day."

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 9:21:27 AM

Brahmah just looks on, confused at the death and the reactions from the others. "Did... I miss something important?" He moves closer to Rose.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:35:53 PM

OOC: Just to let everyone know my wife was admitted to the hospital yesterday. So I was a little short with the posting. She was sent home this morning because they couldn't do anything for her and I am still moving. I will get in a post, but it will be later today.

And remember you have to find the robes and books.

I have also made it late at night so if you want to rearrage spells by morning do it.

Again, I will post later today.

My new email is Woldian@sw.rr.com

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 1:18:30 PM

"lets go find ourselves some robes and books" Solgrin comments to everyone as he starts to head for the door. When Solgrin is outside he will head off to towards the market to look for some robes and books like they need for the temple of Gargul.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 2:17:58 PM

"Agreed," nodded the gnome. He released Rose's hand with a parting, sorrowful nod, before turning his attention back to Solgrin. "But the message said not to enter the Temple until noon, and here it is closer to midnight. It would appear that we'll need lodging for the night."

"I suggest that a few of us purchase the robes and books. Those who have the knack for it should try to scout out the Temple. We can meet back here for the night and set a watch."

"When the time comes, I could cast a spell of Greater Invisibility and a spell of Fly, Jump, or Spider Climb on one or more of the scouts, if desired. The effects last about nine minutes, or ninety minutes for the Spider Climb."

Bohdi followed Solgrin to the door and thence to the market. He would be true to his word and cast whatever spells were desired to facilitate a scouting mission, before returning himself to the tavern to find accommodations for the group for the evening.

ooc: If someone wants Bohdi to cast a spell, just list it in your post and consider it done, pending the DM's approval. Note the Shadow spells give access to the Evocation and Conjuration schools, if desired.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 4:42:52 PM

Theodore is surprised momentarily when Rose grabs him and begins to cry. He pats her head soothingly. "It will be all right. It will be all right."

Looking at the others. "I will stay here and see if I can't get us some food and rooms for the night. Rose will stay with me."

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 5:35:43 PM

"I will be happy to scout with someone." He says. He looks at the gnome. "To be an affective scout, I should remain on the ground."

DM Jamie 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 6:39:21 PM

As night falls the fellowship breaks in two. One group, their mission to find robes and books for the party. The other, to check out the temple of Gargul to see what thye can find out.

Theodore you have no problem securing loging for the night at the GG and you are able to find a warm meal for everyone upon their return.

As you leave the GG through the front door you find yourselves in Platau City. And you feel as if this is real and not a dream. As you get your bearings you are on the other side of town from the market place, which just so happens to be outside the entrance to the temple of Gargul.

Normally you would think the regtag group you have formed would bring about glances of disbelief, but quite the contrary. No one seems to pay you any real attention through your walk to the temple.

Although no one gives you glances you do feel a sense of dispair from the citizens of this once happy city. They have the look of fear in their eyes from their current fight with nature. You can see it in the way they look at something as simple as grass. You even see some people killing weeds with a vengence as if they might somehow strike out and attack. It fills your heart with great pride as you walk, with the knowledge that you are about to change all that.

OOC: I want spot checks from everyone. DC 18. Also, I think you guys are doing great playing off of each other so far. Keep it up because in the later sections of the game it will keep you alive.

One last thing, I will allow you to cast on each other as long as it does not get out of hand and it is possible for you to do. If something would happen in the game that would not allow it I will let you know.

Good luck

Zeoll (mage armor)  d20+9=25
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:02:31 PM

As the party walks through the city, Zeoll explains to Brahmah in Tauric, not Common. "Rrose said that herr brrotherr had died. I deduce that she meant he died in some otherr wherre, not in the Giggling Ghost, but wherreverr it is she hails from when she is not drreaming the Tapestrry Drream. No doubt in some otherr place, anotherr Rrose is grrieving even morre deeply."

As he talks, Zeoll keeps a sharp eye out. (Spot 25)

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+11=20
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 11:58:51 PM

Throwing her dark robe around her, Ashira sets off with the group that is scouting out the temple of Gargul. She keeps to herself as she examines the surroundings (Spot=23, Listen=20) mindful of any nasty surprises anyone might set up for the group.

rose  d20+10=11
Thursday August 4th, 2005 1:01:08 AM

Rose cries, eat her dinner and cries, goes to bed and cries. In the morning she still looks sad but has stopped crying.

For those of you who have known rose outside of this tapestry she seems different. She's not making sure everyone has food, she's not laughing and running around, she's not even scolding theo about his clothes (something that happens so often he ignores it). She's just sitting quietly at the table picking at her food, her clothes are rumpled, her hair hasnt been brushed (although it is tied back with a ribbon that has continual flame on it), and she's quiet.

spot: 11, natural 1 (too much crying)

Brahmah  d20+11=13
Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:04:30 AM

A look of comprehension falls over Brahmah's face as Zeoll explains. "There is one among us now called Theo. I thought he had died." He smiles and goes about his business.
(Spot 13)

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday August 4th, 2005 9:43:19 AM

Theodore keeps a watchful eye on Rose, and passes the time flipping through his spellbooks and thinking on their current situation.

Tratain  d20+7=19
Thursday August 4th, 2005 11:15:09 AM

Tratain walks along with the others to the Market to buy robes and prayer books, keeping an eye out for anything unusual as the group travels around. (Spot 19)

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message)  d20+2=18
Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:00:09 PM

Bohdi accompanied those buying robes and books. He felt largely useless to those scouting, although his eyes were keen enough to pick up a few details along the walk (Spot 18!).

He watched Ashira with great interest. "Forgive me, my lady," he whispered through their Message spell link as they walked. "But I've never seen a creature such as yourself before. I'm from a land of ice and snow, but your background ... seems ... more aquatic, in origin. Am I right?"

As the scouts parted ways with the book-buyers, Bohdi renewed his offer of magical assistance, should any of the scouts desire it. He would not be accompanying them.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Solgrin  d20+4=18
Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:36:26 PM

Solgrin looks around at the passing people as he goes to the market with the others.

Spot 18

DM Jamie 
Thursday August 4th, 2005 10:45:50 PM

OOC: This is what I have figured out. If I am wrong let me know. Theodore and Rose are staying behind. Ashira is the only person who said she is scouting the temple. And I am guessing everyone else is buying books and robes.

The city darkens around you as you make your way down to the temple area known as the Sister Square, a neighborhood marketplace for the Hindquarter.

The name "Sister Square" is antiquated, but has remained, even though the gods have changed eliminating all three sisters from the pantheon. This is where the best food is to be found in the city. Most inns of quality shop here for spices, meat, vegetables, etc. Religious trinkets are also prevalent for all the gods.

Those of you who made your checks notice that from the corner of your eye you detect movement from shadow to shadow behind you. When you stop to look, though, you see nothing.

When you arrive at the "Sister Square" you see the areas that would normally be full of vendors. There are colorful tents, now closed for the night, all set up around the area. There are still people milling about as the evening continues, but they are mostly drinkers and are paying the group to mind.

The temple is very fearsome looking in the nightlight, although you don't think it would look much better in full sunlight. There are two torches lit, one on each side of the main entrance, outside of the temple. Underneath are two acolytes who are standing as though they are waiting for something.

For those of you who scout out the temple:
Gargul's temple is dimly lit as you enter the main area which is totally open. No seats. Those worshipping in the open area stand or sit on rugs that are available from a priest acolyte before the alter in the main room. Most however move into one of the three Inner Sanctums. To the left is the Dome of Life which is bright and celebrates birth, living, reincarnation, and the positive aspects of Gargul. To the right is the Dome of Death which is almost completely dark. Some purple flamed candles allow sight, but it is still very dark. This area celebrates death, release from pain, etc. The rear dome called the Dome of Gargul is where those go who want to worship the god itself. There is a statue of him sitting on a throne just as he appears when you die. This area is lit with bronze and gold colored lighting and the walls seem to be lined with dark golds offset with obsidian stone.

Brahmah  d20+11=31 d20+11=23 d20+4=8 d20+1=10 d20+14=19
Friday August 5th, 2005 10:27:45 AM

OOC: Jamie, I said Brahmah would scout as well.

Remembering the time he met Gargul to plead for a friend's life hits Brahmah hard in the moment he sees the statue.
A few seconds later he thinks to himself, 'Just a statue. Yeah, just a stone statue.' He shakes the cobwebs out and concentrates.

Silent, the ranger turns to Ashira, he gestures that he is going toward the Dome of Death to look around (points in the general direction, then points to his eyes, then to himself).
He is noting her cautious actions and decides to follow suit. (Spot 31, Listen 23, Search 8, Knowledge (High Woldian) 10[the ancient writings], Survival 19)

He has left his eagle with Zeoll.

Friday August 5th, 2005 1:01:01 PM

Tratain looks around the square and says "It looks like we will have to return early tomorrow to purchase our robes and books, everything seems to be closed."

In a quieter tone he says to those nearest him "I think we are being followed, I saw something out of the corner of my eye but when I looked it was gone, did anyone else see it?"

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message)  d20+2=13 d20+5=8
Friday August 5th, 2005 2:49:36 PM

"I saw it, too," Bohdi whispered back to Tratain. Although they were merely whispering, their words were clearly audible to their companions who were within about 200 feet of them, owing to Bohdi's previously cast Message spell. "Let me shed a little light on the subject."

Discarding subtlety and relying on surprise, Bodhi touched Squork and chanted, "Illusorium evocantorum solarum!" A dark, sworling rune wreathed in smoke appeared and wrapped itself around the raven. Immediately, the raven burst forth with dazzling sunlight! (Cast: Shadow Evocation-Daylight)

With a nod, Bohdi sent the raven off in the direction of the furtive movements he had seen, having the winged corvid circle around and illuminate the area. With their master-familiar link, Bohdi listened to the raven's reports on what it was seeing in addition to Bohdi's own observations. The bright, shining raven was like an apparition, rising above the Sisters' Square and illuminating all the dim corners with brilliant light as bright as day.

Spot, Bohdi: 13
Spot, Squork: 8

Shadow Evocation-Daylight: works the same as a Daylight spell, only with a Will save DC 23 to disbelieve its effect. Cast on raven familiar, who flies 40' tactically or 80' as a double move.

Daylight: lasts 90 minutes. Illuminates 60' with bright, day-like lighting; 60' dim lighting beyond that. Penalties from daylight apply, although not damage.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Shadow Evocation: Daylight, described above

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2, cast 1), Mirage Arcana

DM Jamie 
Friday August 5th, 2005 11:37:50 PM

Bohdi, your crow sheds light, but when it lights the shadows their is nothing there.

With Tratains suggestion the group heads back to their rooms to sleep. Ever watchful of the shadows.

Solgrin  d20+4=24 d20+5=19
Saturday August 6th, 2005 5:34:53 AM

Catching the movement out of the corner of his eye, Solgrin asks Rozca 'keep watch I thought I saw some movement'

Solgrin looks to Tratain and Bohdi then quietly tells them "yes, I thought I saw some movement."

A moment later Solgrin asks "shall we go find ourselves a drink and maybe some food?"

Spot - 24 (nat 20)

Spot - 19


Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:07:06 PM

He continues toward the Dome of Death.

Theodore and Macaw 
Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:34:38 PM

Theodore has the cook in the Giggling Ghost on standby for when the scouts return. Upon their arrival, they should find a hot meal awaiting them, and their quarters set up for the night.

Theodore, himself, waits in the common room, flipping through several scrolls and books. He looks up at their arrival. "Did you find anything of import?"

Zeoll  d20+9=15 d20+18=38 d20+18=38 d20+18=30
Sunday August 7th, 2005 11:32:57 AM

Zeoll is alert to whatever is following in the shadows. (Spot 15).

Back at the inn, he looks to se if there are any other patrons or staff around. If so, he does some discreet information gathering -- where could one go to buy the robes and books needed? And what does Gargul have to do with the Fae King? (Gather Info checks 38 and 38!!!!!! Omigosh!!! TWO natural 20s!)

Zeoll is amazed at his success in gathering info! That night he meditates on that, on the information he sought, and on the answers he got, and uses his Read Dream ability to understand the omens. (Sense Motive Check to Read Dream is a 30.)

Sunday August 7th, 2005 6:00:07 PM

as it's still night, rose is crying.

Ashira-Temple of Gargul  d20+12=18 d20+11=19 d20+9=22
Sunday August 7th, 2005 9:13:04 PM

Ashira nods her acknowledgement of Brahmah's scouting. She notes Gargul's statue, and knows what she must do. She heads directly toward Dome of Gargul traveling slowly but surely toward the statue (Spot-18, Listen-19). Yes, it wasn't all that long ago at all...she can still hear his voice...his words of questioning...of condemnation. Ashira shudders as she reaches the feet of Gargul. Slowly she stoops...taking up a prostrate position before the statue. She keeps her voice low...not wanting to draw too much attention to her. "Master, your servant awaits your instruction. I wait faithfully to serve you to the best of this half-breed's ability. Ask and I will obey." Ashira rises, kisses the statues feet and readjusts her cloak. Then she sets about searching the area for...well...she's not really sure what she searching for, but she figures she'll know it when she sees it (Search-22).

Brahmah  d20+4=20
Monday August 8th, 2005 5:54:31 AM

Brahmah searches the Dome of Death for nothing specific.
(Search 20)

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) 
Monday August 8th, 2005 9:42:54 AM

Bohdi shrugged as Squork returned to his shoulder. "Guess we're imagining things," he said, and accompanied those returning to the Giggling Ghost for late supper and bed.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Shadow Evocation: Daylight, 90 minutes, 60' radius day-like lighting, 60' dim lighting beyond that

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2, cast 1), Mirage Arcana

Monday August 8th, 2005 10:06:31 AM

Tratain accompanies the others back to the Inn for some needed rest.

In the mourning he will go with the others to buy the Robes and Book, and then to the temple of Gargul to wait to be recongnized by whoever they were waiting for.

DM Jamie  d20=11 d20=20 d20=4 d100=48
Monday August 8th, 2005 12:35:43 PM

Brahmah - The dome of death is a very somber room. There are a few people there going about their business. Whether is be sending wishes of well to the deceased or just looking for solitude. The dark purple of the candles make it difficult to see any more than that.

Ashira - As Brahmah checks out the dome of death you are looking at the main temple. You almost feel as if Gargul is in the room with you as you kiss his feet and then the feeling is gone. It is as if he was approving of your decision to join the group. And then there is a voice that you hear, seemingly from a distance, "I will see you at 12 o'clock sharp." And then there is nothing.

Zeoll - You don't see alot of people in the GG, but their are a few and they are more than happy to strike up a conversation with someone of your stature. "Not often we get folks like yourself here. Good to see nice young woldians out trying to make a difference. It warms this old heart," says an old man with a twinkle in his eye. "If I were half my age I would be out trying to help you all find out what is wrong with nature." He motions out the doors of the GG.

"Sure I know where you can get the items you desire. Just go down to the market in the morning... I think somewhere near or in Sister Square. You have to understand it has been years since I made it down there. No reason for me to go down there anymore with my wife passing. She's been gone now for 30 some odd years. Was a great woman she was. She would have been 300 today in fact. She was a little older than me, but we loved each other."

"She was one of those elves from the culverwood. When she came to live with me in the city she seemed distant. I always wanted to move out to the wood so she would be happy, but she wouldn't have it. Didn't want me to leave my livelyhood in the city. I used to be one of the cities politicians, but that was a long time ago...." He looks absentmindedly through the window as if living some long forgotten dream.

With a little cough Zeoll brings him back to present day. "Oh, sorry about that young man. What was I saying... Oh that's right. Sister Square. Teuful is the one you want to talk to. He deals alot in the religious stuff. You have a good day then..." With that the man turns back to his drink and nurses his ale for about another 15 minutes and then gets up and walks out.

Everyone else makes it back to the Giggling Ghost for the evening. Theodore has food waiting for each of you. As you each enter the front door a man comes up and asks what you would like to eat and drink. If you give him and order he brings it to you at one of the tables and tells you it has already been taken care of. He also lets everyone know where their room is for the evening.

OOC: I am going to try to jump start this. I take responsibility for the slow start. If there is something you want to do the prior evening just let me know and I will work with it.

As dawn breaks and the city is washed anew in sunlight for the begining of another day you all rise and come down for a good breakfast that is waiting for you. After doing whatever it is you will need to do to get ready you get it done and set out towards Sister Square for a morning of shopping and hopefully an afternoon of intrigue and adventure.

Monday August 8th, 2005 9:22:43 PM

Zeoll reports his news to the group -- "We must look forr a perrson named Teuful in Sisterr Squarre."

He leads the group there and hopes this Teufel has a robe that won;t look rediculous on a liontaur.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday August 8th, 2005 9:43:03 PM

Theodore gets a well-needed rest and awakes with a wide grin, ready to meet the new day.

"Oh, boy! This is going to be exciting!" His youthful eyes are wide with wonder as he takes in the sights of a city he's never seen before.

"You know they don't have this kind of a view where I'm from. Just a lot of tunnels and such."

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message) 
Monday August 8th, 2005 10:18:47 PM

"Mmmmm...mornin'" Bohdi mumbled as he stumbled into the common room. He pulled out his spellbook and began his usual rituals of preparing spells, offering, as usual, for others to provide input. And, as usual, he prepared and cast several protective dweomers--including the Message spell on his group of comrades and Mage Armor on Zeoll.

"Ready," Bohdi grimaced.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

(Proposed) Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:05:17 AM

Brahmah, who at this point is quite bored with the Dome of Death, turns and moves back to Ashira.

He stabs a thumb in the direction of the Dome of Death. "Seems 'dead' over there. Nothing." He smiles.

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 7:07:40 AM

While back at the inn Solgrineats lightly then gets some rest while waiting for the others to come back from their scouting.

In the morning Solgrin will get cleaned up the tell the others "I think a couple of us should go get robes and books for everyone then we meet and do some more scouting."

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 1:08:49 PM

Tratain follows the others to the Market, Zeoll seems to know where hes going so he will stick with him.

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 2:53:06 PM

Rose comes down a little later than usual. Her clothes are wrinkled, her hair although it's tied back doesnt look like it's been brushed, her little face that's usually laughing is sad and has tearstains on it.

Theo and Ashira who know Rose realize that this is unusual. Rose usually gets up early, whenever possible her clothes are neat and clean, and she's always laughing. Ashira remembers how the last time they were together, when they would take a break Rose would go and play tag, or have Swirl fly her around laughing all the while. Theo notices that Rose doenst make any comments on his clothes or hair, Rose always tries to have her friends look neat and will sometimes nag Theo and Vorelle to death trying to get them to wear clothes that fit and arent raggedy.

Piper stays near Rose and Mandy keeps licking her and whining. Mandy doesnt understand why Rose is acting like this, but she knows something is wrong. Piper will make sure Mookie doesnt upset rose and will try to do stuff to make her laugh.

Rose barely picks at her breakfast and just follows the others doing what she's told by Ashira and Theo.

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:05:50 PM

Ashira rises and tends to her duties quietly. Praying for her daily spells and eating a light breakfast. She looks over sorrowfully at Rose, but is a lose at what to say. Grief was something that had to be worked through. When the time comes to head out into the marketplace, Ashira joins the group looking for robes and then makes sure that the group arrives at the temple and is in place well before noon. She may not like the fact that she has sold her soul to Gargul, but she doesn't intend to diappoint him so quickly in their relationship.

DM Jamie  d100=46 d20=3 d20=12 d20=12
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 10:12:52 PM

The sun is shining today and with that comes all of the other niceties you would come to expect from a day such as today. Birds chirping, wind blowing through the leaves, even the chirp of the crickets seems to be part of some larger song.

SPLAT. You also notice that although the sound might be somewhat pleseant to you the folk of this city have had anough with the sounds. People seems to take come type of sick pride from stepping on the cricketts.

As you approach the marktet you notice a HUGE difference between the market you saw last night and the market you see sprawling before you. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people crammed into thie area and they are all shopping and haggling. Through some questioning and some wandering you eventually come to Teuful's stand

As you approach you see him standing behind the counter. He looks to be about 5'5" with hair the color of midnight. He has a huge belly that protrudes beyond his greasy shirt. At the end of that belly is a huge belly ring. And to top off the typical fat man persona, he smiles and holy cow what a smile. It looks like they doubled the amount of teeth a normal man was supposed to have and doubled it. If they were sharp you would think you were looking at a shark.

"Welcome to my humble storefront my friends," he says as he comes around the front of the counter arms extended in the air. "Please look around and don't be afraid to ask about any of our new products." He looks around a quietly says, "What is it you look for my friends? Perhaps the unauthorized drawing spead of Flower in this months issue of PlayWold? Or perhaps you are looking for Wolds Blood? Or perhaps you are looking for something a little less rare, like a holy symbol. You can find it all here." With that he throws a couple of more glances around and goes back behind the counter to watch.

For those of you who go to the temple you notice that there is mnothing really going on. There seem to be the normal goings on of the temple.

OOC: Those of you that went to the temple give me two spot checks the first is DC 20 and the second is a little harder to notice with a DC 25.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message)  d20=7
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 2:10:05 PM

Bohdi smiled at the merchant and idly thumbed through a copy of Better Gnomes and Gardens. "Somebody say something," Bohdi whispered to the others through their Message spell contact. "I'm no good at this sort of thing."

Nervously looking about, Bohdi finally walked over to Teuful and gestured for the merchant to bend down to allow the gnome to address him quietly. "We're--ah, I'm looking--that is, I was interested to purchase ... a number of robes. And prayer books. For, ah--over there." Bohdi jerked a thumb in the direction of Gargul's Temple. "A number of robes, all different sizes, for, ah, any number of different races, you see--and I'll need them today. Now."

It was a good thing that this wasn't a china shop. Subtlety was not Bohdi's realm of expertise. (Diplomacy, untrained: 7.)

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Zeoll  d20+11=15 d20+24=30
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 3:23:54 PM

Zeoll nods in agreement at Bohdi's words and then speaks to Teuful. "Yes, good fellow, as my tangle-tongued tovarrich is trrying to rrelate, we need cerrtain rreligious items which should not be difficult forr a merrchant of yourr talents to obtain, if indeed you do not carrry these items in stock alrready."

"You see, we arre going as a grroup of frriends to a masquerrade, a fancy-drress Ball, in costume as prriests of the Lorrd of the Afterrlife. Naturrally, some discrretion is rrequirred, because we want no one else to steal ourr idea forr the Ball."

[Bluff check 15 -- by no means Zeoll's best effort, but if the salesman wishes to believe, perhaps enough to get by.]

"So we will need rrobes and prrayerr books for all of us. I'm surre this will prrove no challenge forr a masterr merrchant such as yourrself, and of courrse we will be willing to negotiate a prrice that I think will be morre than fairr."

[Diplomacy check 30 -- somewhat better]

Zeoll details the numbers and sizes of robes the group will need.

Tratain  d20+7=9
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 4:47:55 PM

Tratain sticks with Zeoll to do the shopping keeping an eye out for anyone attempting to follow the group again. (Spot 9)

DM Jamie 
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 8:39:53 PM

OOC: I am waiting for everyone else to post and I have to leave for work. I will get my post in during the morning hours.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 9:07:29 PM

Theodore is more interested in his surroundings. He gawks at the tents and people walking about so casually. Back in Dirt City, it seemed everyone had one eye on the path ahead and another on their purse.

Content to let others haggle for the necessaries, he lets his attention wander.

Ashira  d20+12=14 d20+12=21
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 10:05:39 PM

Her mind focused on the events to come, Ashira finds it very difficult to keep track of her immediate surroundings (Spot=14, Spot=21).

Brahmah  d20+11=23 d20+11=16
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 11:40:30 PM

(Spot 23 and 16)

Brahmah is quiet as he follows Ashira from the temple.
His mind isn't so much on the task as on what or who they might face.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 1:20:30 PM

Rose stays very close to Theo, he's the person she knows and has been her friend for a long time. in fact she stays so close that if someone cant tell she's a halfling they may think she's a child and he's her father. She doesnt pay any attention to what is going on right now.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 4:24:09 PM

Haggling isn't Brahmah's favorite thing to do, he usually lets others handle the bargains.

DM Jamie 
Thursday August 11th, 2005 7:22:31 PM

OOC: Had network problems this morning. Sorry. Although I did get all of my moving done today so I just have the moving out inspection in the morning.

"Ah, my friends," says Tueful," I can help you with the books for I have them in stock, but let me check on the robes. Allow me to work a deal on your behalf." With that he snaps his fingers and several young boys appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"Black prayer robes." He barks. He hands each boy a piece of paper with the groups measurements and the boys are off. "They will come back with severl prices and you can choose from there." He turns to a bookshelf behind his counter and pulls out 16 books. "Now, I can tell you are not ones to be deceived. Keepers of the peace and protectors of the weak." He says this with a great deal of admiration towards the group." When I was in my younger years I used to work with the constublary of the city. I would run errends for the guards and help out all I could. All I ever wanted was to be a guard for the city and to protect those people that couldn't protect themselves." The his demeanor changes to that of one more sour and dark. "It was my father you see. I won't have a son of mine going off and doing good. What would the reast of the family think? You see the rest of my family is nefarious and they planted stolen good on my to prevent me ever attaining my dreams. So now I do what I must to get by. Oh, but the days I worked with the guard.... Those were the days." He drifts off and mumbles some other comments about upholding the law and such.

Soon Bohdi has to snap him back with a throat clearing. "Oh excuse me my friends, never give up on your dreams. Do you want the regular prayer book with the normal prayers. Or do you want the new book with the specific prayers?"

A few second later the boys return with more notes scrawled on their pieces of paper. Tueful takes a look at them and announces to the group. "Their are three different offers. The first two are, in my opinion too expensive, 30 gold per robe. The last one come from JC Pixies, that is new clothing place just opened up at the other end of the market. They can get you all the robes you need for 10 gold per robe." He looks tot he party waiting for an answer.

Brahmah, while you are looking you notice that someone is watching you from the temple. Not good enough that you could identify them, but you know they were wearing black. When they see you looking they quickly turn and go back into the temple.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 10:57:25 PM

The cloaked half-elf tamps her foot impatiently...this was all taking too long. "10 gold each would be fine, and let's get the new books and be done soon." she whispers over to Zeoll.

Friday August 12th, 2005 1:22:59 AM

Brahmah mentally notes the lurker at the temple.

When the man speaks of robe prices, Brahmah looks into his money pouch and blushes a bit. "Got anything used?" He smiles at the man. "Oh, and the book too?"

Friday August 12th, 2005 1:31:26 AM

Rose snaps out of her fog to say "books? lets get some of each."

Solgrin  d20=15 d20+2=14
Friday August 12th, 2005 2:48:57 AM

"The 10 gold robes will do fine and the newer book please. That will be 8 robes, 8 newer books, and 4 of the regular prayer books." Solgrin tells Tueful.

sense motive 14
diplomacy 15

Friday August 12th, 2005 7:28:09 AM

Tratain waits at the Market with the others. When they get the robes and books Tratain will go with the others to the Temple and open the book to the indicated chapter and begin reading until whoever they are waiting for makes himself known to the group.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Message)  d20+11=22 d20+8=24 d20+19=30 d20+10=29 d20+8=14 d20+5=23
Friday August 12th, 2005 9:25:29 AM

Bohdi nodded in agreement with the others. "Yes, please, the robe and the books as indicated would be fine." He fished the necessary coin from his belt pouch. "Might I ask you to have one of each of the more expensive robes brought as well, so that we can examine their quality? Many thanks."

Squinting at the delivered books, Bohdi turned them over carefully and inspected them from cover to cover, examining spines, folios, and pages, then scrutinizing the text. He was particularly interested in the "specific prayers" that the merchant had mentioned.

"Pssst, Theodore," the gnome whispered through their Message connection. "Would you mind casting a magic-detection spell on these items, especially the books? I'm curious to see if anything turns up."

Then, to Tratain and the rest, Bohdi added, "I'm no expert on religious items. Does anyone have a background in that here? Got any sense of anything unusual about these books or robes?"

Lacking any specific theological training, Bohdi nonetheless concentrated his efforts on understanding the nature of the items they had been instructed to use, especially noting differences in the texts of the two prayerbook editions. (Knowledge-arcana, if applicable = 22; Knowledge-High Woldian, if applicable = 24; Spellcraft, if applicable = 30; Appraise = 14; Search = 23.) As the group turned its attention to the Temple of Gargul, Bohdi studied that structure, too, watching for any clues that might reveal themselves to a careful observer trained in the art of architecture and the science of engineering (Knowledge, architecture & engineering = 29).

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Theodore and Macaw  d20+18=20
Friday August 12th, 2005 10:22:53 AM

Theodore takes the book offered by Berlon and attempts to discreetly check it out. Turning his back to the merchant, he pulls forth a wand of detect magic and taps the book. (Spellcraft 20 to determine school of magic, if indeed magical)

The Enemy Threatens

DM Jamie  d20=8 d20=3 d20=2 d20=1
Friday August 12th, 2005 10:12:36 PM

The exchange of goods for gold goes well.

"I feel you will be very satisfied with these items. And remember if you feel you have been cheated come back and we can talk about it."

When you cast detect magic on the prayer books they do nothing.

You each now have a black robe with a hood that will completely conceal your face and goes all the way to your feet. The new books look the same as the old books. The only difference is that there are newer verses located in the new book. They are written by some of the new scholars of Gargul and begin to explore new areas of death.

You bid Tueful a fond farewell and leave the tent. You get everything on and books in hand to begin the walk over to the temple. It is now about 1130. You shold have enough time to get in and survey the area to prevent any suprises, but it looks as if a suprise seems to have found you.

As the group makes to enter the temple, a group of 8 stands in your way. They all wear two emblems: The sign of Marteaus, and a Red Eye of Gargul, not black. 4 of the men are wearing robes with maces at their sides and the other 4 are wearing some type of plate armor with bastard swords at their sides.

One speaks, but no mouths move, "Do not continue this avenue of investigation. If you do, we will take strong actions to stop you. Fair warning has been given."

Zeoll  d20+23=42
Saturday August 13th, 2005 9:25:45 AM

Zeoll takes out his drum and, to its melodic beat, immediately recites a little poem he creates on the spot for the benefit of the speaker:

When the God of Disease bent my mind,
Forrcing me to betrray my own kind,
"Well," I thought, "I don't carre."
"Like your 'warrning,' 'twas fairr ..."
"... as the stench frrom yourr motherr's behind."

[Perform check 42; Bardic Inspire Courage gives folks +1 to hit and damage, etc.]

Zeoll then spits at the foul creatures before him.

[OOC: It may occur to Ashira that the "old Zeoll" she knew would never have spoken an insulting word, much less used his art for mockery. It seems that people do change.]

Saturday August 13th, 2005 11:48:21 PM

Caught off guard by Zeoll's song, Ashira glances over at him in mild shock.

Stepping forward, the half-elf pulls back her robes and moves her hair so that all can see the mark of Gargul on her forehead. "Who is this who wishes to prevent honest seekers to come to my Lord Gargul's house? Who possesses such gall to say that this band may not worship the great one?!" Ashira stares at the strangers, a spark in her eye as her hands reach down to her sword hilts. "Now I'm giving you fair warning. Stand aside and let these servants of Lord Gargul pass or you will live to regret your strong actions." Ashira stands in front of the guardians, an impatient and fiesty look on her face. It would appear that some people change, and others slide back into old habits. ;)

OOC Sorry guys, I'm out of town Monday and Tuesday. Can somebody sub for Ashira? Jamie's got the sheet.

Sunday August 14th, 2005 10:38:11 AM

Tratain drops his hands near, but not onto his Warhammer when the Men wearing the symbol of Martaeus appear, ready to defend himself and his comrades should it come to blows.

Tratain says nothing to them but keeps his eye on them as the others enter the temple.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=7
Sunday August 14th, 2005 2:27:33 PM

Theodore tries to peer over the shoulder of one of his new companions to see what's going on. Seeing that an altercation might be forthcoming, he looks about to make sure there aren't any other baddies trying to surround them.

(spot 7)

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows) 
Sunday August 14th, 2005 10:12:53 PM

"Hmph!" the gnome snorted. "I'd have expected more courtesy when entering a holy Temple." With a disdainful sniff, Bohdi entered the Temple ...

... but under his robe, Bohdi readied the Shadow Evocation: Wall of Ice. If any of these ventriloquist's dummies tried to attack Bohdi's mates, he was going to get the first lick in.

Readied spell:
Shadow Evocation: Wall of Ice. Will save DC 23 to disbelieve, 20% real. Here is a description of the Wall of Ice spell: Bohdi would choose the "sphere" version, would have a 12 ft. radius. We don't have a map, but he'd hope to encircle as many of the baddies as possible.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Brahmah (97hps, AC 22,TAC 11, FfAC 20) 
Monday August 15th, 2005 6:23:39 AM

The minotaur begins laughing. He steps closer, so that he is the closest of the group to the Gargulan guards.
"Heh..." He places his hands on his sides. "...Let our God's Eye stay upon us if he wishes, but know this... if you keep us from our vigil in this place, you will take a very quick trip to meet the Watchful Eye himself.
I have met him and am NOT afaid to do so again.

Death is a part of the natural order. Embrace Death as the door to rebirth.

Step aside."

Solgrin  d20+4=14 d20+15=27 d20+11=26
Monday August 15th, 2005 6:29:14 PM

Solgrin looks at the ones wearing the symbol of Marteaus then slowly shakes his head from side to side. Solgrin then watches the ones wearing robes.

Solgrin readies burning hands incase one of the robed ones begins to cast a spell at one of the party members. (spot 14, spellcraft 27, concentration 26)

DM Jamie  d100=45 d100=75 d100=8
Monday August 15th, 2005 7:26:57 PM

As you stand there looking at each other Bodhi, Ashira, and Rose walk around them and into the temple. For those of you still outside I want a religion check DC 18.

The 8 men simple watch you as you stand there. They make no movement, no matter what you do to them.

Theodore you see no others.

Ashira  d20+12=19
Monday August 15th, 2005 11:00:03 PM

Her eyes firmly fixed on the men, Ashira enters the temple, prepared to back up her words with force if necessary (Spot=19 for any funny business).

Brahmah (97hps, AC 22,TAC 11, FfAC 20)  d20-1=1
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 6:14:22 AM

(Horrible! I rolled a 1 int check! :))

The minotaur is ready to draw his weapons and can do so in a moment.
(As part of a move action, a character with two weapon fighting can draw two weapons as a free action. ;))

Tratain  d20+5=21
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 12:56:09 PM

Tratain keeps his eye's upon the strangers as he and the others enter the temple. He searches his memories for anything resembling the Symbols that they wear. (Knowledge Religion 21)

Once inside the Temple Tratain follows the instructions on the Note and opens the book to the correct Chapter and begins reading.

DM Jamie 
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 1:35:53 PM

OOC: I appologize to those who have not posted, but I will not have another chance to post today. If there was somehting you had your heart set on doing let me know and I am completely flexible. Thanks.

Tratain, you seem to recall a story of those few indiiduals who used to follow the evil side of Gargul. Refusing to give up on their former master (believing him to be under the control of a good God) they now worship Marteaus until their master breaks the yoke of control placed upon him.

No matter what is said or done to the men in red they make no action towards the group. You all easily pass by them. Once everyone passes by them they turn to watch you assend the steps into the temple.

Entering the Temple of Life and Death- Gargul's temple is dimly lit as you enter the main area which is totally open. No seats. Those worshipping in the open area stand or sit on rugs that are available from a priest acolyte before the alter in the main room. Most however move in into one of the three Inner Sanctums. To the left is the Dome of Life which is bright and celebrates birth, living, reincarnation, and the positive aspects of Gargul. To the right is the Dome of Death which is almost completely dark. Some purple flamed candles allow sight, but it is still very dark. This area celebrates death, release from pain, etc. The rear dome called the Dome of Gargul is where those go who want to worship the god itself. There is a statue of him sitting on a throne just as he appears when you die. This area is lit with bronze and gold colored lighting and the walls seem to be lined with dark golds offset with obsidian stone.

The Temple used to belong to the Sisters of Disaster. Each sister-- Mittiri (agriculture), Donyra (storms and gossip), and Teresalia (Poetry and Song) -- had one dome as her personal temple and they were worshipped as a group in the center area.

You all enter and get a prayer mat to take into the center area for prayer. You open the books to chapter six and begin to focus on your books. Those of you actively looking role me a spot check DC 15.

After about 2 minutes a small human dressed all in black approaches slowly. As he gets closer he pulls back his hood to reveal a young human child. "OK, I am here. What's up?"

Those of you who noticed you were being followed the night before recognize that this was the person following.

Zeoll  d20+9=12
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 2:51:31 PM

Zeoll enters the temple without wasting any more energy on those who honor the god of sickness.

Inside, the liontaur looks around (Spot 12).

When the child appears, Zeoll waits to see what the others do. He is not familiar with non-taur children, and figures humans will know how to handle human cubs.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows) 
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 4:53:30 PM

Not quite expecting this reception, Bohdi raised an eyebrow but said nothing more. He looked expectantly at the more diplomatic and persuasive members of the group to take the lead. To anyone remaining outside, Bohdi whispered by Message: "Get in here! The gang out front hasn't touched us, and our contact is here!"

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Theodore and Macaw  d20+3=17
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 6:36:21 PM

Theodore follows the lead of the others and moves around the group of priests. Inside, he opens his book to the appointed place and waits until the child shows up.

Looking at the child, he attempts to determine what he's about. (sense motive 17)

Brahmah  d20+11=15
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 10:36:27 AM

(Spot 15)

The minotaur concentrates on his prayer book, however, his mind slips back to the guards out front. 'That was too easy.' He thinks to the group.

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 1:00:50 PM

Rose continue staying beside either Ashira or Theo. Sometimes it seems she cant decide who to stay by and tries to keep all three of them together. She know and trusts them both, but she's known Theo forever it seems. However she also likes Ashira and knows that she's the better fighter if anything happens.

Rose just looks at her book and doesnt actively read it just thinks and remembers her brother. When the boy approaches she is startled and looks up "Hello, who are you?" She automatically asks.

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+8=21 d20+3=19
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 3:02:22 PM

As she studies her prayer book, Ashira manages to keep a sharp eye about her, checking for any further signs of danger (Spot=32).

She turns and watches the approach of child. She keeps her voice down to a whisper, trying not to attract too much attention...if that were possible considering the rucus out front. "Actually, we were hoping you could tell us what's up. We were ahemmm...invited here and asked to wait for you, I presume. We seek answers that we thought you might be able to provide." (Diplomacy=21, Gather information=19) Never being much for the cloak and dagger line, Ashira is unsure as to how much information to give out as they try to feel out the child.

Solgrin  d20+4=6
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 4:51:29 PM

Solgrin moves on into the temple with the others.

Looking around Solgrin is a bit surprised by the appearence of the boy. (spot 6)

DM Jamie  d20=17 d20=14 d20=16
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 7:12:44 PM

Before the boy speaks he looks around to see if anyone has moved close to the group.
"My name is Wilhelm." He whispers, "What do you know so far?" He seems on the up and up for those of you checking, but Theodore, you aren't quite sure if he isn't hiding something. He seems awefully paranoid.

Those of you with the spot cheecks notice that periodically one of the priests keeps looking towards the group. He will periodically move around the temple and look at the group.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows)  d20+19=20 d20+8=21
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 10:30:35 PM

The gnome looked at the boy quizzically. "Wilhelm, I'm confused," he whispered back. Of course, their entire group could hear perfectly fine through their Message connection. "You look concerned about being overheard. Then why are we meeting here, in public?"

"We have several options. One is, we leave and meet somewhere else--teleportation and dimensional doors are a possibility. Two is, we set up a safe space to talk right here, right now. I have several spells that can accomplish that. Three is, we all split up and speak in whispers here in the Temple. Attracts less attention, and the group could easily spread all across this room and still hear one another, thanks to our magical connections."

"And four is, you tell us what's got you so spooked. We're hardly in a position to be wasting time on whispered conversations here where anyone can see. Make a choice."

The gnome's diplomacy was tactless, as ever--but perhaps his point was made. Meanwhile, as an illusionist himself, Bohdi focused on the boy and studied him for the presence of illusion magic. (Spellcraft check 20 or 22 against illusions, WILL save against illusions, if applicable, 21)

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Brahmah  d20+2=15
Thursday August 18th, 2005 5:27:29 AM

Brahmah looks on to the human child with some suspicion.
"Yes, why would a contact be so flamboiantly out in the open and making it obvious he's nervous to be seen with us?" He says, still looking at his book and speaking quietyl, though, the echo of the domes might carry any voice louder.

Brahmah thinks to the group. 'I don't think he's the real contact.' (Sense Motive, human, check 15)

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=6 d20+4=5
Thursday August 18th, 2005 9:24:23 AM

Macaw flutters up from atop Theodore's head and perches on a rafter or other protrusion where he might spy upon any suspicious characters. (Spot 6, Listen 5) Rather, he seems more interested in a colony of tasty looking beetles and quickly sets to work.

Below, Theodore shakes his head and admonishes the bird through their empathic connection. Macaw doesn't seem to give a hoot, so the young wizard refocuses on the lad.

"I must admit," he begins. "You are quite young. We were told this was a quest of great importance. How can you assist us?" Theodore doesn't seem to notice that he might have said too much. Oh, well. He's never been good at keeping a secret.

Thursday August 18th, 2005 11:24:13 AM

Tratain stays Silent while the others question the boy. It seems odd that someone so young would be their contact.

Zeoll  d20+24=38
Thursday August 18th, 2005 4:05:56 PM

Zeoll tries to put the boy at ease. "Fearr not. we will prrotect you. Fearr no enemies in this holy place. Tell us why you have come to us, and what you know."

Diplomacy 38

DM Jamie  d20=16 d20=17 d20=20 d20=2
Thursday August 18th, 2005 8:04:54 PM

"With the information that is at hand we always need to be aware of who or what is listening. I have checked the area and we are okay for the time being. And in a public place of this size you can see who walks in and out of the door and monitor the situation." With that his demeanor changes to that of a more relaxed one.

"As to my age, age is not always the determining factor of importance to the Wold. Even the smallest child can change the path of mighty nations. It all depends on the information."

He leans in towards the group. "I have to know if you are the ones I was sent to talk to. What do you know?"

Brahmah, this is not right. He is not making sense. You think he is lying to you.

OOC: If you guys need me to post at a different time let me know. If you guys can't post for a few days let me know. If I am doing something you don't like let me know. The latest I can hold off on posting is 1930 (7:30 pm). I just want to make sure everyone is getting a chance to post before I do.

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+2=14
Thursday August 18th, 2005 10:27:31 PM

Ashira looks around, but spots nothing out of the usual (nat. 1!). She notices something about the way Whilhelm and Brahmah are acting (Sense Motive=14) and decideds to keep to herself.

OOC: Jay, message is not a mental link...you have to whisper your message to the others, not think it.

Zeoll  d20+18=22 d20+9=22
Thursday August 18th, 2005 11:03:15 PM

This "child" is sure behaving oddly, Zeoll thinks. His words are those of an adult. His phrases, those of a person with advanced mastery of language.

Zeoll listens to child and takes note of any subtle clues from the "boy's" body language (Sense Motive 22) and looks to see if the boy is disguised (Spot 22).

Convinced that the boy is something other than what he seems, Zeoll uses his staff of charming to cast Charm Monster on the creature (Will save DC 22) (lots of 22s this turn!)

Then he says, "Come, we arre all frriends herre. Tell us who you rreally arre, and why you arre herre, please."

Solgrin  d20+4=16
Friday August 19th, 2005 8:11:42 AM

Solgrin continues to listen to the kid while looking around. (spot 16)

Tratain  d20+5=23 d20+7=15 d20+7=15
Friday August 19th, 2005 9:37:39 AM

Seeing that the others are suspicous of the boy Tratain looks him over as well as glance around the room to see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

(Sense Motive 23, Spot 15, Listen 15)

Brahmah (97hps, AC 22,TAC 11, FfAC 20) 
Friday August 19th, 2005 10:26:04 AM

He whispers a message to the others. "This child is not acting right. He might be under a great magical influence." He stands, moving closer to the child, ready to draw his weapons.

Bohdi Nackle (Mage Armor, Message, Protection from Arrows) 
Friday August 19th, 2005 10:35:17 AM

Bohdi's eyes grew wide as he saw the intimidating 'taur, Brahmah, stand and flex. Listening to Brahmah's whispered message, Bohdi nodded and whispered back, "Agreed--but let's please not do anything too rash. Give the diplomats a chance to work, okay?"

Beneath his cloak, Bohdi prepared the rune for a targeted Dispel Magic, as needed, upon their enigmatic interlocutor.

ooc: the caster of a targeted Dispel can choose to deliberately fail the caster check against particular spells, right? Say, for instance, if Bohdi wanted to leave Zeoll's Charm in place?

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

DM Jamie, I will be at a vacation house next week. I should have Internet access. I'll find a way to contact you if I'm not able to post.

Rose  d20+12=17 d20+4=9 d20+12=30 d20+5=12 d20+10=27
Friday August 19th, 2005 12:53:22 PM

although absorbed in her grief Rose suddenly pays attention when the others start whispering to eachother. She keeps an eye out and has piper do the same. Mandy moves to lick the little boy.

rose's rolls
listen: 17
sense motive: 9
spot: 30

piper's rolls
listen: 12
spot: 27

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday August 19th, 2005 2:18:36 PM

Theodore scratches at his nogging, conflicted over the numerous sources of information bombarding him at once. Thinking it a better idea to stay out of things, he goes back to reading in his newly acquired prayer book.

DM Jamie with his edited post  d20=18 d20=13 d20=9 d20=16
Friday August 19th, 2005 10:28:35 PM

With the use of his staff, Zeoll and the rest of the group notices a sudden change in the demeanor of Wilhelm. He is more relaxed and does not seem to be jittery anymore.

"My friends. Sorry for the apparent deception, but I was just fishing for information. My real name is Jab." As he says this it is like a great weight has been lifted off of his shoulders as he stands taller.

"I was bought by the thieves guild in town and have been trained the past few years in gathering information. Their thinking is that a child should be able to elicit informaiton better that an adult. Something about being more passive and such" He says this last bit with a bit of a smirk. "I was tasked to follow the adventurers who were seen leaving the Giggling Ghost in an attempt to gather as much information as possible for future use."

"Luckily you were too difficult to break and I was not able to garner any information. Although on the bad side I will get beaten when I return to the guild. They do not take failure lightly."

"From what I could gather by staking out the area for the last few night your contact is someone in the church. Although I know not who."

Saturday August 20th, 2005 12:58:05 AM

He scowls at Ashira, "He was an imposter! Likely our REAL contact is dead already."

He looks at the priest and steps a few feet closer to him or her. "What are you looking at?!" He snarls.

Solgrin  d20+4=20
Saturday August 20th, 2005 4:23:19 AM

Solgrin moves aside then begins to scan the area for any others that might be wanting to talk with one of us. (spot 20)

Saturday August 20th, 2005 9:38:03 AM

Brahmah leans over to Zeoll. "Well it offends me that they are watching us like we're common thieves!" He says, loud enough for the clergy to hear.

Saturday August 20th, 2005 11:38:35 AM

An oversight on my part was pointed out that changed my last post. Please everyone check it out again and repost. Place "repost" in your post heading.


Zeoll (repost) 
Saturday August 20th, 2005 3:03:22 PM

The boy's words hit Zeoll hard. His face gets red, and his tail swishes forcefully back and forth. His claws scratch at the floor.

But he hastens to reassure his new friend. "I am so angrry, but not at you, frriend Jab. I am angrry at an orrganization that thinks it can own otherr people. You arre frree, now, Jab, and no one owns you. You arre the masterr of yourr own destiny. You do not have to go back to be beaten. You can go yourr own way. I hope you will stay with us and be safe, but now you arre frree to do what you want. Laterr, you can stay with us, orr we will help you find a new home among decent people, not slave ownerrs."

"Can you tell us any morre, excellent Jab? What is the name of the perrson who sent you? What do they know about us? Why do they want inforrmation about us? Do you know anything about the eight people outside showing rred symbols of Garrgul and symbols of the god of Filth?"

Turning to his comrades, Zeoll says, "My hearrt says we should go to this Guild of Thieves and destrroy it. But perrrhaps we should wait forr ourr trrue contact firrst."

Zeoll says to Brahmah, "Maybe that fellow watching us is ourr contact. Let's wait a while to see if he comes overr and talks to us."


Spells used/active:

Staff: 48 charges left
Charm Monster (Jab): 9 days left

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=23
Sunday August 21st, 2005 2:42:03 PM

Theodore is more than a little surprised by the turn of events. A blush creeps over him, starting from his neck and working slowly over his face.

He also notices the priest looking at his party and whispers to Zeoll, "Perhaps we should send the boy away. Else, our true contact might not approach. Maybe send him back to the Giggling Ghost and we can meet him later."

Bohdi Nackle 
Sunday August 21st, 2005 11:20:34 PM

Bohdi hung back and watched. There was still more to resolve here before he might wish to take action.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:53:44 AM

Looking at Zeoll, Brahmah smirks. "I understand the feeling. Maybe Jab would like to travel with us? Give us tips on what streets to avoid pickpockets? Or where to go for cheap blackmarket goods... assuming he knows these things?!" He says, looking at the kid.

Ashira (repost)  d20+12=32 d20+11=26
Monday August 22nd, 2005 11:12:23 AM

The half-elf watches as Zeoll tends expertly to the boy. Not having much to add, Ashira keeps an eye out, scanning the area (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=26). Someone in the church...Hmmm...wonder if that priest might be our contact. Ashira keeps a close eye on the priests in the temple.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 1:09:28 PM

OOC: will stick with my earlier post.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 4:29:52 PM

Rose carefully stands and streches, as she's so small it might go unnoticed by some of the people in the temple. She is upset that someone has been sent to spy on them and wonders if there's going to be some sort of attack later. Just in case she makes sure she can easily draw her sword.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 4:46:54 PM

Tratain listens to what the others say and Adds "I do not think that it will be safe for the boy to travel with us, where we go will be dangerous. I suggest sending him to the Temple of Domi, Perhapse they can train him there if he wishes it."

Priest and Parchment

DM Jamie  d20+6=19
Monday August 22nd, 2005 5:44:20 PM

Solgrin and Ashira, as you scan the area you notice an older priest that continues to pace through the temple, but he is always within sight of you. No matter where he walks.

Continuing his conversation with Zeoll, Jab tries to answer questions. "The person that sent me here is only known as "The One". As far as I know he is one of the leaders of the guild. I know they keep names and such from one another in the event that someone gets captured."

"As for the folks in red," he looks up as if he is thinking."I have seen them around alot in the past few days. They have something to do with the evil side of Gargul."

He adds,"I should probably go. I am known here as a spy and I dought our contect would arrive while I am sitting here. Sir,"He says turning to Zeoll,"I will wait for you at the Giggling Ghost if that is your wish."

If their is not objection, Jab scurries off to the safety of the Giggling Ghost. As he leaves you all notice that a few of the priests leave the area with a sort of planned nonchalantness and you are left with the older looking priest. As time passes you notice that he is slowly moving in your direction. Pausing briefly at some of the other parishoners on his way over to you.

"Chapter 6 is a very old and powerful chapter. Would you seek enlightenment on it's power for your life?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday August 22nd, 2005 9:08:58 PM

Enlightenment? From what? Theodore smiles at the old priest but lets the others begin the conversation.

Bohdi Nackle 
Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:03:10 PM

Bohdi joined Theodore in a smile. "This seems better," he whispered to the others. He nodded toward the priest and turned to Chapter 6.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Ashira  d20+8=17
Monday August 22nd, 2005 11:40:23 PM

The half-elf bows low at the arrival of the priest. "Father...your presence honors us. These are deeply troubled times. Please enlighten us in Gargul's paths." (Diplomacy=17)

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 6:41:04 AM

Brahmah looks at the priest with great scepticism, "Yes, oh please enlighten us oh grand one. I have met the Lidless One." He says sarcastically. He feels at this point that anyone could be an imposter.
Think to the others, 'Lets be careful what we tell folks.'

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 11:31:19 AM

Frankly, like Brrahmah, Zeoll has met the god of death, but the memory of the experience tends to subdue the liontaur.

He sees that Ashira is in her element here, and lets her speak for the group. However, he uses Bohdi's message to whisper to Brahmah, "Captain, you arre rright to be suspicious, but rrudeness serrves only to alerrt otherrs that you suspect something. I suggest toning down the sarrcasm."

Ashira (extra post) 
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 2:00:36 PM

Ashira's face turns slightly purple and twists into an ugly mask as Brahmah insults the priest. Her hands trembling, she points her finger at Brahmah and whispers to him with the Message spell. You will show respect to this temple and its priests or you will leave. I am Gargul's servant, and I will not have you insult him!! Though whispered, Ashira's voice is filled with emotion. It is clear that if Brahmah insists on behaving in such a manner, Ashira will personally escort him outside if she needs to.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 5:00:03 PM

Barely whispering, Brahmah says frankly without anger, "I did not disrespect this temple Ashira. As for respecting someone who hides in the shadows, respect and trust, like everything else, must be earned. Once it is proven he's no threat, then I will do what you ASK." He emphasizes the last word.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 6:39:39 PM

Solgrin nods his head in respect to the priest when he approaches the group, then stays quiet and listens to everything said.

DM Jamie  d20=10 d20=14 d20=3
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 9:49:32 PM

After listening to each of you he nods towards Brahmah, "I could not agree with you more young adventurer."

"Please, tolerate me for a short amount of time and please. Lets get up and move to a more comfortable and secure area."

He ushers you towards the temple of death, located in the west of the main temple. Once arriving there he leads you into a side room that none of you who scoped out the temple before had noticed. As you enter you notice that one of the acolytes has posted outside of the temple of death entrance and another has posted outside of the room you have now entered.

Inside there is a table with chairs. Their are enough spots for everyone to sit (or if you choose to stand) around the table. Once everyone is situated he begins.

"I would like to ask how my old bard master, Gurbo, is doing?"

Bohdi Nackle 
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 10:21:25 PM

Bohdi quietly sat and listened, regarding the room.

ctive spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 10:41:03 AM

"Gurbo?" Brahmah raises an eyebrow.

Zeoll  d20+8=11
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 7:46:28 PM

Zeoll tries to remember where he has heard the name Gurbo before. (Bardic Lore 11) He cannot recall.

Then he decides to take a stab in the dark. "Excuse me, rreverrend sirr, but do you mean Urrsis, the Masterr Barrd?"

Solgrin  d20+4=18
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 8:36:10 PM

Solgrin looks around as they head into the temple of death. When everyone is inside Solgrin keeps an eye on the entrance while listening to the priest.

spot - 18

DM Jamie  d20=11 d20=7 d20=16
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 9:00:38 PM

OOC: I can't wait to post any longer...

The priest looks over to Zeoll and smiles. "I had to be sure you were the ones he sent."

He then takes a deep breath and speaks. The words come out slow and deliberate as he starts his story.

"An ancient remnant of a tapestry has literally fallen into my hands. One of the acolytes, dusting the library in the basement, found it and brought it to me for repairs and seeking where to place it in the library."

He silently goes to the wall and gets a small chest. Opening it with a few words of command, he pulls out a dusty stinky old rolled up tapestry remnant.

"Here it is." He says as he hands it to the group.

OOC: Bear with me. I am having some email issues, but I will be sending the tapestry out tonite some time.

[It is an illustration on the corner of the parchment. An evil man in black has the name Gargulus written below him. He has something in his hand wrapped in a black cloth. He leans over an orc, sniveling in his evilness and a ray is shooting out from the things under the cloth at the orc. The painting shows several orcs in a row with each looking a bit more sophsicated and intelligent. Above looking out from a cave in the clouds is a godlike figure smiling and giving power to the item.]

"What do you think the parchment means my young adventurers?" whispers the old priest.

"I am determined that this pieces dates back to the first age of the Wold." He begins to get a wild look in his eyes. "This is his master as a mortal and very evil, putting souls in monsters to fight Alemi in the Oshirr House. But what intrigues me is the figure in the sky who supplies the power for the device. Who knows how much the artist of this tapestry knew about the goings on in that time, but we do know that the crisis of the age was Gargul and his army of monsters vs. Alemi and his adventures and allies. We also know that it ended with Alemi and a host of Gold Dragons destroying the current gods." He is begining to get excited. As if he holds some great knowledge and has been waiting to share it with someone who can do something about it.

"Apply that knowledge to this scrap of parchment." His demeanor changes from that of excitement to that of fear. "On an offchance, I did a divination and with an extra question I had, asked on a whim if this parchment has anything to do with the current flooding in the city and this Eberyon Fey King causing us our current problems." He pauses looking at each of you, one at a time. "The answer came back yes."

"Now, look closely." He hands you a seeing glass.

Now one can see ivy around the gods neck, daisies in the clouds growing through the being's feet. His arms look like tendrils. And small fairies fly around his head forming the circlet there.

The priest says, "See the ivy around the being in the sky's neck? See the way the daisies in the clouds grow through his feet? See how his arms look like tendrils of a plant? I now believe that the creature in the Sky is Eberyon."

"I inquired of the acolyte where this parchment was found. He answered, the recently delivered books stacks. He checked the records and this was part of a set of books denoted by the Cathedral of Light, Alemi's temple."

"I don't know if I should believe this to be a great accident or if someone is trying to secretly pass on a message."

"Again, I ask, what do you think about this?"

Zeoll  d20+8=9
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 9:31:59 PM

Zeoll listens with growing excitement and amazement.

(Bardic knowledge roll 9 -- nat one -- to link this to what he already knows)

This is all completely new to him. It fits nothing he can recall of legend, but he cannot doubt the ring of truth to the story.

"My rrace -- indeed all Taurrs -- werre crreated afterr the events shown herre. This is ancient ancient lorre. But it makes sense. The Fae King is a forrce of naturre, and life is naturral. Of old, Garrgul called on the King to brring life to his monsterrs."

Zeoll wonders aloud what is under the cloth. He wonders if it is a Black Sword.

"Thank you forr sharring this," he tells the priest. "Maybe if we sleep on this news, some rrevelation will come with the dawn."

Bohdi Nackle 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 10:02:16 PM

"Agreed," Bohdi nodded at the liontaur. "Many thanks," he added. "We will keep the item safe. Friends, let us return this to our inn without delay, where we may study it in greater privacy."

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:59:38 AM

The half-elf examines the tapestry and listens, deep in thought. This wasn't exactly her territory. She nods at Bohdi's decision and unless there are any major complants, she heads back with the others. As she travels, she stays far from Brahmah, as she has developed a distinct dislike of the minotaur of late.

Rose  d20+4=11 d20+10=15
Thursday August 25th, 2005 2:45:46 AM

Rose doesnt understand much of what's been going on. She has almost no knowledge of history. But she's sure the others will explain more when they get back to the inn. Meanwhile she keeps an eye out for those red cloaked guys who wanted to cause trouble earlier.

spot: 15, +2 if piper is near

Thursday August 25th, 2005 8:54:42 AM

"Yes, sleep is good." He looks at the priest briefly. "And sorry about earlier. Had to be sure you understand."

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:11:17 PM

Theodore is visibly excited by the tapestry. "Wow! This is indeed old," he exclaims "I wonder what it could mean."

He seems happy to go along with the plan to review information back at the inn and waits for everyone else to finish what they need to.

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:55:43 PM

Tratain says "i'm not sure what this means, Did Ebryon give life and power to the Orcs? Why would he do that and a better question is whould he do it again to make them more powerful?"

Market On Fire

DM Jamie 
Thursday August 25th, 2005 10:06:27 PM

The priest turns towards Brahamah, "It is understood young taur. No offense was taken. The stakes in this game are too high to throw around this information lightly."

The priest turns to Tratain. "I am not sure about that. That is something that should be researched more by those that can get up and walk the path." He motions towards all of you. "You could be the Wolds last hope."

"I wish you good luck. If you'l now excuse me, I have pressing matters to attend to. Blesings upon you all and good luck." He bows his head for a moment, says a silent prayer, and leaves.

As you exit the Dome of Death into the main temple,a sence of the enormity of what you are about to partake in sets in. Just when you think you know what is going on you they see people running inside scared and seeking safety from something happening outside. Some of the people have burns across their backs and sides.

As you run to help those in need or you run to the door tolook out you see that someone has set fire to the marketplace. The marketplace area is nothing but utter chaos. People are running in all directions as the fire sweeps from stall tent. In fact it seems centered on Teufel's stall. Teufel is running in a panic and some of his friends tackle him putting out the fire in his hair.

He pushes them off, stands, spins, points at the party and screams, "They did it. Call the guards! The heroes set the fire! They insulted me, I refused to sell to them and they set the fire."

Guards come running.

I will need spot checks from everone.

Thursday August 25th, 2005 10:24:11 PM

Zeoll casts Charm Person on Teufel (Save DC 19). If it takes, the liontaur says, "Frriend, why arre you saying this? Please tell everryone the trruth!"

Bohdi Nackle (AC 19, HP 14/14) and Squork (AC 15, HP 7/7)  d20+2=21 d20+19=22
Thursday August 25th, 2005 11:34:36 PM

Spot 21

"There is foul magic afoot," Bohdi suspected aloud. "Illusions, perhaps. Be on your guard." Bohdi tried to sniff out any illusions (Spellcraft 22, 24 against illusions). He muttered a few words and waved a hand in the air, causing a rune to appear. In a moment, the area around the party was dispelled of magic.

Cast: Dispel Magic. Area dispel on the area in front of the party. Sorry, folks, but I'm on vacation--I have neither my sheets nor the spell effects handy! I'll try to get them for tomorrow, if it helps.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+8=25
Friday August 26th, 2005 12:53:16 AM

The hooded ranger sighs. Now that was more like it. Sounds like the work of those Red Gargulites. Ashira takes a close look at her surroundings (Spot=25). She speaks calmly to any gathered near by (Diplomacy=25). "How is it that we could have started this fire when we were in the temple of Gargul this whole time? There are plenty who can attest to this." Though her heart tells her that she should help with the fire, her deep seeded fear literally backs her away from the flames.

Solgrin  d20+4=22
Friday August 26th, 2005 1:47:44 AM

Solgrin looks around the croud trying to see if there are any of the Red Gargulites near by. (spot 22)

Friday August 26th, 2005 12:14:02 PM

Brahmah looks at the man and says, "He's insane. We were just in the Temple speaking with the priest. He can confirm we were with him. We'll stay here, under guard while you check. You have it on MY HONOR."

He bows his head to the guards and is indeed willing to wait while the information is confirmed. Its obvious he is telling the complete truth. He sits on a nearby bench or barrel and waits happily. His hands are nowhere near his weapons, though, his eyes don't stray from the captain of the guard.

Friday August 26th, 2005 3:49:03 PM

Tratain waits to see what happens with the Spell Zeoll cast and if the priests and others nearby will attest to the fact that the party was in the temple the whole time.

DM Jamie  d20=19 d20=5 d20=13 d20=11 d20=5
Saturday August 27th, 2005 12:11:23 AM

Tueful does not seem to take a shine towards you Zeoll. If anything he actually get more beligerent and focused that you were the firestarters.

Those of you that made a DC 20 on your spot check notice that one of the men in red is watching you. It is one of the robed ones. He knows that you see him and he winks at you as he turns and walks away between two buildings down the way.

When the guards arrive they find the calm party and the erratic Tueful. In order to sort this all out they decide to take everyone to the constublary. The continuously reasure you that ytou are not under arrest, but they want to check everything out.

The priests all back up the fact that you were inside the temple, but they still want to take you all down for questioning.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=22
Saturday August 27th, 2005 1:10:13 PM

Theodore appears very nervous when the guard asks them to go to the constabulary.

"They're not going to...torture us...are they?" he whispers to Bohdi. Having never been in such trouble before, the young wizard is obviously quite afraid.

He still retains the good sense to send Macaw up into the air to keep an eye on their surroundings, though. (Macaw's spot 22)

Zeoll  d20+24=34
Saturday August 27th, 2005 6:47:13 PM

Zeoll shrugs, and then smiles and steps forward when the constables arrive.

"Officerrs, officerrs, please. Therre is no need forr that. These good prriests vouch forr us. This shopkeeperr is disturrbed, orr confused. We arre not guilty, on ourr honorr. I'm surre you would not mind letting us go on ourr way?"

[Diplomacy check 34]

Rose  d20=3 d20+3=9
Sunday August 28th, 2005 2:53:24 AM

Rose has a hard time keeping Mandy with her. The poor doggie is scared of the fire, and is bigger than Rose. Mandy takes off pulling Rose along "Help!" She calls to her friends as Mandy's bridle is tangled in her hands and she's pulled along the ground.

After she's rescued she'll agree to go along with the guards, as long as Mandy can come to. But first she hands a little bag to Piper "You and Mookie take care of this for me, and bring it if we need it." She whispers to Piper as she hands over her thieves tools.

handle animal: 3
str: 9

Tratain  d20+5=12
Sunday August 28th, 2005 5:17:56 PM

Tratain will agree to go with the guards while everything is straightened out. He asks the others quietly, "Do you think Tueful is one of our enemies like the theives guild and the Red Eye's? Or do you think he is being Tricked?"

Tratain watches Tueful and attempts to discern if he believes he is telling the Truth or if he putting on an act. (Sense Motive 12)

Bohdi Nackle 
Sunday August 28th, 2005 10:22:31 PM

With a grudging hand holding onto his wand of fireballs, Bohdi follows the constabulary. "Don't worry," Bohdi magically whispered back to Theodore. "No one's torturing anyone."

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Message, 90 minutes, connects entire group with whisper ability up to 190 ft.
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Sunday August 28th, 2005 10:49:41 PM

Looking at Theodore, Brahmah says simply, "Probably use rusty nails too." he smiles.

Sunday August 28th, 2005 11:48:55 PM

Making no moves to stop the guards, Ashira shoots what is assuredly a withering look at Brahmhah from under the deep shadows in her cloak. "Oh stop it you big bully." she whispers over to Brahmah. Then she switches the connection over to Theodore. "Don't worry Theodore, nothing's going to happen to us. I promise."

DM Jamie  d100=53 d100=56 d100=2
Monday August 29th, 2005 9:17:10 AM

As Tueful begins to get irrate, even with the guards, they decide to arrest him as well. He begins to run from them and their is a bit of a chase before the put a serious tackle on him and tie him up.

You are all taken down to the guard station and placed in separate rooms. While you are waiting Macaw returns to Theodore. He conveys to you that he saw the men in red. They all met together after you were all taken away. They were smiling and then they went into Gargul's temple.

After a few hours, the head guard comes in. "I must appologize to you for the mix up. After we brought in Tueful and began to ask him some questions he folded like a house of cards. He admitted he had been paid to set fire to the market and blame you. Some group dressed in red paid him quite handsomely. I think the number was 10 platinum." The guard shakes his head.

"You are free to go now." He walks out of the room and leaves the door open.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday August 29th, 2005 9:53:56 AM

Theodore's heart flutters at Brahmah's jest.

"R-r-rusty?!" he squeaks. "But that would hurt even more!"

Ashira and Bohdi quickly console him, however, and he seems to place more value on their words that the minotaur's.

"Just a joke," he can be heard repeating to himself.

When the guards release them, Theodore chews on his lip with a mixture of relief and frustration.

"Some might call that a waste of time," he says more to himself than anyone else. Seeming to come out of a trance, he speaks to his friends. "Macaw saw those red priests join together and enter the temple we just left after we were taken away. We can assume, with great accuracy, that they were behind this ugly episode. I would venture a guess that they wanted us out of their hair so they might find out what our friend told us. He might be in danger, and I think we should check up on him."

Bohdi Nackle 
Monday August 29th, 2005 2:35:45 PM

"Theo, if they had wanted to do damage to us or to our source, they likely would have done so from the start. No, I think this was meant as a delaying tactic and a warning--there are forces that mean to oppose our continuing."

Bohdi regarded the book from their source. "We should return to the Inn and examine this without further delay."

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement, Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Monday August 29th, 2005 4:35:41 PM

Whether to go back to the temple or not ... Zeoll will follow Ashira's advice on that. He really wishes that they had attacked those evil-doers when they were first met.

"Rrestrraint in the face of evil does not always pay off." he says.

He agrees that the group has to look into this piece of art more closely.

"Forr one thing, it is clearrly not a sworrd under the cloth, as I had at firrst suspected."

Brahmah (Jay B) 
Monday August 29th, 2005 6:39:49 PM

OOC: I'm having issues with my email. My password isn't working, so please forgive any non-replies. I'm not ignoring you. There are technical issues.

Monday August 29th, 2005 8:39:31 PM

Rose gets out and calls Piper back to her. "Thank you for watching my tools Piper." She says.

Monday August 29th, 2005 9:12:53 PM

The ranger will simply go along with whatever is decided. He is, after all, an honorable law abiding citizen... most times.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 9:51:56 AM

Deep within her cloaked hood, Ashira is caught up in an ethical delima. She knows that Bohdi is right and that the tapestry needs to be examined, but she can't quite shake the feeling that the red Gargulites might try and harm the helpful priest. Ashira sighs deeply. "I think at least some of us need to go and check out the temple. These Red Gargulites look like their ready to backup their threat. Who knows what they're willing to do. They might even murder one of the priests and try to pin it on us." Ashira takes a deep breath. "Zeoll and I can go and check it out...but stealth would probably be best. Bohdi, can you cast invisibility on us? The rest of you go back to the Inn and work on the item. We'll keep in touch and let you know if we get into any trouble."

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:38:31 AM

Brahmah nods and starts back to the Inn.

The Group Splits

Zeoll  d20+9=10
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:50:05 AM

Zeoll is glad to head back to the temple with Ashira. He sticks close to her and keeps his eyes open.

Spot 10 (nat one)

But he is distracted and notices nothing!

DM Jamie 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:20:44 PM

OOC: I am going to assume that Zeoll is going to accompany Ashira and that Bohdi is willing to cast invisible on the two adventurers.

You spent some time in the guard station and the sun has begun it's journey to the other side of the Wold for the evening. As the shadows extend accross the city each of you turns your thought to what has been revealed to you and cope with it in your own way. Imagine, a conspiracy that goes all the way to the head of the gods. Something that happened in the past is linked to the present and you are holding the only piece of the puzzle.

With Ashira's suggestion of splitting up her and Zeoll stand off to the side in an alley while Bohdi prepares to cast the invisibility spell on the pair. He waves his hands in the air and recites the arcane language of magic. The air briefly shimmers around the pair as they fade from sight.

Ashira and Zeoll procede back to the temple.

The rest of you continue on to the inn for the evening and to study the parchment.

The sun seems to set quicker than usual this evening and before you know it each group is encompassed in complete darkness before getting to their destinations. Most of the lanterns along the streen are not lighting. And those that do are a sickly yellow color. Their are very few people walking the streets this evening and those that do seem to draw their cloaks around themselves as if to try to keep the darkness from entering their hearts this evening.

Zeoll and Ashira, as you approach the temple you see the same two acolytes standing outside that you obseved the first night of scouting. Upon closer detection it seems they are nursing wounds. One of them has his arm in a cleverly hidden sling and the other has a more obvious bandage covering his left eye.

They seem to be turning people away this evening from entering the temple. As you get closer you hear them tell people that their are some renovations taking place to help accomodate their growing numbers of followers and to come back in a day or so.

As you skillfully make your way up the steps past the accolytes without detection you see that the interior has been trashed. Their is desecration all around. Ashira, your heart pounds as you think of only one thing. You race towards the inner sanctum to the statue of Gargul sitting at the throne. The lights blaze no more. They have been tipped over and destroyed. The head of the god now bears a blemish as if someone or something hit it with great force. Here is where most of the priests are and they are repairing most of the damage.

The rest of you make your way back to the inn. Then it hits you... Where did all of the noises of the city go? You still hear each other, but it is as if you have been isolated from the rest of the city. Their is no one else on the street with you. You don't even hear the rats anymore. It is as if the darkness is suffocating the sound around you. Some of you are able to make out faint footsteps, but can't tell where they are comming from. Although they appear to be getting closer. (Make a DC 25 listen check). Still others can see glints of what appears to be torchlight off of metal here and there in the distances around you (Make a DC 25 Spot check). What does it all mean? You do not know. Any attempts to creat light only gives half the normal radius and effect of the light.

Rose, your dog begins to get a little jumpy. Even with all of it's training it does not like the situation it is in (make a DC 18 animal handling check or he begins to pull away from you wanting to find someplace safe. He won't pull you along, yet.).

If you familiar/animal companion is not with you I appologize. Just let me know. Don't worry, I don't make a habit of killing them off.

Macaw, Squork, Piper, and Pah'caw are all more figity than normal. All wish to take flight to be away from this abnormal blackness.

Solgrin, Rocza perks up immediately and lets you know through your telepathic link Highlight to display spoiler: { Their are people closing in on our position about 30 foot around us. Their are about 6 of them and the have weapons}

Solgrin (AC 15, HP 54/54,)  d20+6=21 d20+6=15
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 7:09:04 PM

"Trouble folks, incoming from all around!" Solgrin warns the others. Solgrin then casts haste (extended, rod 1 use) on the group

spot 21
listen 15
active spells:

haste - 14 rounds


Spells: (Memorized/day) (bonus spells (1-1st , 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th)
0 Lvl (DC 14) (4) -- Prestidigitation, Light, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st Lvl (DC 15) (5)- Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Burning Hands x2, Shield
2nd Lvl (DC 16) (4)- Melf's Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Summon Swarm
3rd Lvl (DC 17) (3)- Fireball, [Haste], Blink
4th Lvl (DC 18) (2)- Invisibility (greater), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

[]spell cast


Bohdi Nackle (AC 20, HP 58/58) and Squork (AC 19, HP 29/29) 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 8:53:42 PM

"We won't go down without a fight!" Bohdi exclaimed. Turning to his new friend Zeoll, the gnome said, "Here--you'll need this more than me." With a mutter and a wave, he cast displacement on Zeoll. He readied his wand of fireballs.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Displacement, 9 rounds, cast on Zeoll, 50% miss chance

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement (cast), Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility (cast), Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana

Zeoll  d20+18=30 d20+24=27 d20+8=25
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:49:03 PM

[LOL! Bohdi lists his spells every post, and Invis is not on that list. Plus remember that under 3.5 they nerfed Invis so that it lasts only a few minutes. He has Greater Invis, but that lasts even less time!]

Zeoll thanks Bohdi but does not accept the displacement. "By the time we get to the temple yourr spell will have long worrn off."

The liontaur walks with Ashira to the temple and is saddened by the desecration. "Now I really wish we had attacked those hooligans!" he whispers to his friend.

If Ashira does not mind, Zeoll will listen to the conversation and engage the clerics. He wants to learn as much as he can of what went on here, and who is responsible.

Gather Info check 30. Diplomacy check 27.

Does that mark on the statue mean anything? Bard Lore check 25.

Afterward, he is eager to return to the others.

Ashira  d20+12=18 d20+11=18
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:49:56 PM

Anger bordering on a murderous rage boils through Ashira. Oh they're going to pay. They're going to pay dearly for this!! Ashira takes a quick look around (Spot=18, Listen=18). She allows Zeoll to ask around, but she is anxious to get back to the group. Something was wrong...and the ranger is pretty sure that the other group will probably come under attack soon. After a few minutes of Zeoll's questioning, unless she notices something or some tidbit of conversation that she thinks warrents her attention, Ashira will suggest to Zeoll via their message spell that they head back to the Inn.

Tratain AC 29 HP 58 (Shield of Faith: Haste)  d20+7=20 d20+7=19
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:22:13 PM

When solgrin gives his Warning Tratain Casts Shield of Faith upon Himself and Readies his Warhammer and Shield for battle. He moves Near Bohdi and says "Stay Near me if you can during the battle if one takes place Bohdi, I will defend you as best I can."

Tratain will Interpose for the First attack ment for Bohdi.(Protector Ability)

Rose  d20=12 d20+9=27 d20+10=16 d20+8=28 d20+10=14 d20-2=5 d20+5=24 d20+10=26
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 4:17:16 AM

Rose is having some trouble with mandy who starts moving away to find a safe place. Piper attempts to help Rose with Mandy but decides to keep a look out instead. Piper will let everyone know if she sees or hears anything wrong.

handle animal: 12
know arcane: 27
listen: 16, +2 piper
ride: 28, nat 20
spot: 14, +2 piper

piper's rolls
handle animal: 5, aid another
listen: 24
spot: 26

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 9:44:06 AM

Theodore lets Macaw fly off. He never was good at keeping his familiar in close quarters during danger.

The mage instinctively casts a protective spell upon himself and moves beside Bohdi so they might better coincide their spells, should they need to.

Brahmah (AC 22, 97hps)  d20+11=31 d20+11=31
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:11:27 AM

Pah'caw takes flight out of the unnatural black.

In one fluid motion, Brahmah draws his weapons and turns to see the nearest figure. He grins and motions for them to move closer. (TWO NATURAL 20's! Spot and Listen both 31. Darkvision 60ft)

(OOC: is it possible at this distance to determine race or size?)

DM Jamie  d20=10 d20=20 d20=14
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 6:52:24 PM

At the temple, Ashira and Zeoll, wade through the destruction to try to find out what happened. Through your questions you determine that the men in red arrived here and tried to meet with the same priest you did. When they were refused they started to trash the temple. One of them was brave enough to approach the statue and attack it directly with his mace.Then they left. After gathering all of the information you make your way back to the Inn.

And back to the rest of the group. Everyone is able to get off their actions before 2 men seemingly walk straight out of the shadows. They are all humans. Brahmah, because of you exceptional vision you notice they have no pupils. Their eyes are completely white.

"You all hear in your minds, "You were warned to avoid this this path of adventure. Consider this a refresher." It is the same voice that you heard when walking int the temple.

The men advance. We will list them as man 1 and man 2. They are comming at you from opposite sides. You are all gathered at a street corner with a light above you. The men don't appear to be armed.

Solgrin, Rocza let you know Highlight to display spoiler: { "The others have just vanished."}

Tratain AC 29 HP 68/58 (Shield of Faith: Haste; Divine Power) 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 8:40:45 PM

Tratain casts another spell upon himself and stays close to Bohdi for the moment. He says to his comrades "If they wish to fight let them strike first, do not be goaded into starting a battle here on the streets of the City, the guards frown upon it."

Tratain calls out to the Men "You have a chance to leave here before anyone is injured, if you attack us we will defend ourselves. We will not be detered from our mission. If you attack us we will kill you."

Shield of Faith - Round 2 of 60
Haste - Round 2 of 14
Divine Power - Round 1 of 10

Bohdi Nackle (AC 20, HP 58/58) and Squork (AC 19, HP 29/29) 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 9:30:09 PM

OOOPS! I totally missed that Zeoll's not with the group. Can I beg a DM modification on Bohdi's action last round, and have cast the Displacement on Theo instead?

"City guards?" Bohdi snorted. "Bloody lot of 'em can bugger off--we've seen what good-for-nothings they are."

Continuing to try to help his friends, Bohdi cast Mirage Arcana to provide illusory cover for the group. He made a small illusory barrel around Rose with tiny peep holes big enough for her to shoot through; near each approaching man, he made illusory hills flowing with scorching hot lava, with illusory high metal gates arching across their tops, to block their paths (he placed the party at the top of the hills with clear angles for shots). He created fog banks for any of the party members to conceal themselves in, should they wish. And he made an immense illusory barricade of razor-sharp spinning blades to ring the party and block out their odd opponents.

"Approach no further!" the gnome cried.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Displacement, 9 rounds, cast on Theo, 50% miss chance
--Mirage Arcana, 1 hour, 180 ft cubes, Will save DC 23 to disbelieve

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement (cast), Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana(cast)

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 10:29:45 PM

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Displacement - 9 rounds

Theodore pulls a foul smelling object from his spell component pouch and prepares for the worst.

Readied Action:
If the men continue to approach or act in another hostile way, Theo hurls casts stinking cloud 15' behind man 1. With a radius of 20', the could should encompass man 1 and extend well behind to affect any unseen allies. Fortitude vs 19 (+1 spell focus) or nauseated.

Solgrin (AC 19, HP 54/54, Haste, Mage Armor) 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 3:05:16 AM

Solgrin nods to himself then casts mage armor on himself sharing it with Rozca.

Solgrin tells the others "all but these two just vanished."

active spells:

haste - 13/14 rounds
mage armor - 7 hours

Spells: (Memorized/day) (bonus spells (1-1st , 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th)
0 Lvl (DC 14) (4) -- Prestidigitation, Light, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st Lvl (DC 15) (5)- [Mage Armor), Magic Missle, Burning Hands x2, Shield
2nd Lvl (DC 16) (4)- Melf's Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Summon Swarm
3rd Lvl (DC 17) (3)- Fireball, [Haste], Blink
4th Lvl (DC 18) (2)- Invisibility (greater), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

[]spell cast


Zeoll  d20+9=26
Thursday September 1st, 2005 7:35:20 AM

Zeoll impresses into his mind as much detail on the evil-doers as he can as he asn Ashira head back to the inn. As soon as he gets back, he looks around, trying to be as alert as possible (spot 26)

[OOC: When can Asira and Zeoll join this fight?]

Brahmah (AC 22, 97hps)  d20+10=21 d20+10=14 2d4(2+2)+9=13 2d4(1+1)+9=11
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:56:26 AM

Brahmah doesn't blink once, he walks at the two 'humans', spinning his swords gracefully.

If he is able, he will get off a standard attack. He swings his falchion twice (hits AC 21 and 14 for 13 and 11 damage versus humans)

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=20
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:26:06 AM

Silently stewing, Ashira heads back to the Inn...preparing in here mind lots of horrible things to do to the red Gargulites the next time she encounters them. She keeps her eyes and ears open as she travels (Spot=15, Listen=20).

Thursday September 1st, 2005 3:01:51 PM

Rose will quickly cast mage armor on herself

DM Jamie  d20+11=28
Thursday September 1st, 2005 3:13:16 PM

Ashira and Zeoll, you eave the temple after gathering all your information. You are moving quickly in order to get back and share your newly gained informaiton with the group. On the way back Ashira you hear combat comming from ahead. Zeoll you think you see some group in the distance fighting. Then both of you see an erruption of fire at the location of the group. You think you can make it soon, but this darkness makes judging distances hard. (OOC: In game time you should make it in two rounds)

Meanwhile, back at the street corner.....

[i](OOC: no problem with the spell change)

The change in scenery goes off without a hitch.

Theodore, as the men continue forward you set off your stinking cloud. It goes off and encompasses man 1. But to your dismay man 1 emerges from the vaporous cloud unscathed.

Brahmah, you close with man 2. He continues to walk forward. You attack and are met with no resistance. Both of your attacks dig deep and the man litteraly explodes out from the amount of damage he received. You are covered in cold liquid as the body is decimated.

After this happens all of you in the group notice something bright moving through the air. Although you don't know what it is until it hits...

A flamming arrow flies true through the air and strikes Brahmah in the chest. Brahamh lights up like a gnomish candle. The fire engulfs him and spread across the ground to the body he decimated and errupts in a mountain of flame.

Man 1 is about 10 feet away now.

Bohdi Nackle (AC 20, HP 58/58) and Squork (AC 19, HP 29/29) 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 3:22:04 PM

"Vanished, you say?" Bohdi responded to Solgrin. "We'll just 'see' about that!"

Bohdi cast See Invisibility upon himself and Squork. He and the bird scanned the area, rooftops, and the surrounding airspace for otherwise-unseen assailants, calling out the locations of anything spotted.

(For the duration of the battle, Squork will continue this scan and will call out the locations of spotted opponents.)

DM sanity point: To avoid a slew of retroactive posting, if there ARE hidden opponents that Bohdi can spot and identify to others (thereby rendering them, perhaps, to a 50% miss chance, per the rules on invisible creatures), could you please indicate that in a DM supplemental post? That might help. Thanks!

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Displacement, 8 rounds, cast on Theo, 50% miss chance
--Mirage Arcana, 1 hour, 180 ft cubes, Will save DC 23 to disbelieve
--See Invisibility, 90 minutes

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility (cast), Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement (cast), Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly, Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana(cast)

Thursday September 1st, 2005 6:17:12 PM

Four words enter Brahmah's mind. 'Stop, Drop and Roll'!!!

Brahmah doesn't stick around to discover Man #1's dirty little secrets! The minotaur turns and moves swiftly away. "Take them down! No melee with those White Eyed Guys!" He says, fire trailing him like some strange furry comet.

(OOC: I assume there is no save and Brahmah will simply burn for his transgressions!! :))

DM Supplemental Post  d4=2 d4=4 d4=2
Thursday September 1st, 2005 7:27:51 PM

I don't mind when players give suggestions. I don't come up with good ideas sometimes and don't mind the help.

With that said...

Bhodi and Squork, The arrow came from what you think is the roof of the Giggling Ghost.

There appear to be no other people around you. The only one thatyone detects within 60 feet is man 1.

Brahmah, you take 8 points of damage. If you take the next round to stop, drop, and roll you will put yourself out.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:48:54 PM

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Displacement - 8 rounds
Stinking Cloud - 8 rounds

With all the fire raging about, Theodore thinks it smart to try and protect his friends from further damage.

He touches Bohdi lightly on the shoulder and his magic power flows into the illusionist.

(Cast resist energy (20)- fire on Bohdi. Lasts 40 minutes)

Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:44:11 PM

Zeoll races with Ashira back to where their friends may be in need (round 1 of 2).

Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:34:17 PM

Growling with anger, Ashira dashes after Zeoll...no match for his powerful liontaur limbs. Though she lags slightly behind him, there is a purposeful look on her face as the hood of her cloak is blown back as she races toward the red Gargulties.

OOC What Cayzle said... rd 1 of 2. ;)

Tratain AC 29 HP 68/58 (Shield of Faith: Haste; Divine Power; Prayer)  d20+8=10 d20+8=21
Friday September 2nd, 2005 4:58:56 PM

Tratain incants another spell to help his allies and hinder his foes and then scans the area for any signs of invisible attackers.

(Casting Prayer- +1 Luck bonus to Attack Rolls, Damage, Saves, and skill checks)
Spot 10, Listen 21

Shield of Faith - Round 3 of 60
Haste - Round 3 of 14
Divine Power - Round 2 of 10
Prayer - Round 1 of 10

Solgrin (AC 19, HP 54/54, Haste, Mage Armor, Blink) 
Friday September 2nd, 2005 6:10:58 PM

Solgrin sees the flame arrow strike then Brahmah start to burn quickly casts blink (rod of metamagic extend used) upon himself, sharing it with Rozca.

active spells:

haste - 12/14 rounds
mage armor - 7 hours
blink - 14/14 rounds
Rod of metamagic extend 2/3 used

Spells: (Memorized/day) (bonus spells (1-1st , 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th)
0 Lvl (DC 14) (4) -- Prestidigitation, Light, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st Lvl (DC 15) (5)- [Mage Armor), Magic Missle, Burning Hands x2, Shield
2nd Lvl (DC 16) (4)- Melf's Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Summon Swarm
3rd Lvl (DC 17) (3)- Fireball, [Haste], [Blink]
4th Lvl (DC 18) (2)- Invisibility (greater), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

[]spell cast


DM Jamie  d20+11=21 d20+11=12
Friday September 2nd, 2005 8:46:06 PM

Zeoll and Ashira, at the end of this round you will make it to the battle.

Everyone else, as the scene unfolds... Brahmah is rolling around on the groud and doing a great job extinguishing the flames that engulfed him earlier. While this is going on Man 1 is still approaching and has made it within reach of the group, but he is still just walking forward.

And then from the rook once again comes two arrows. The first is a normal one that hits Man 1 causing something in his pockets to break. The next is a flamming arrow that overshoots the target. As it skips across the cobbles you think you hear a curse from the direction of its firing.

Zeoll  d20+9=29 d20+4=24
Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:39:48 PM

Zeoll sees the flaming minotaur that is his captain rolling ahead. Understanding that the party is under attack, the liontaur scans and listens as he approaches.

Spot 29 is a natural 20! Maybe Zeoll sees the two arrows through the air? Maybe he sees that the enemy in the midst of the group has white eyes? Maybe he even sees a sniper on the roof?

Listen 24 is ANOTHER natural 20! Holy smokes! Maybe Zeoll hears cursing from the roof? Maybe he hears Brahmah's command to ignore the white-eyed guys?

[Round two of two in transit!]

Rose  d4+1=5 d4+1=4 d4+1=2 d20+11=24 d8+6=14 d20+10=22 d20+10=26
Saturday September 3rd, 2005 3:27:00 AM

Rose looks around to see whoever shot the flaming arrow. If she sees him she'll cast magic missile at him, if not she'll attack man1.

magic missile: 3 missiles aimed at whoever burned braham
5,4,2 for a total of 11pts of damage

attack man 1
attack: 24
damage: 14

listen: 22, +2 for piper
spot: 26, +2 for piper

Ashira  d20+12=27 d20+11=30
Saturday September 3rd, 2005 9:43:24 AM

As the ranger sprints toward the combat ahead, she takes stock of the situation (Spot=27, Listen=30). In a flash, her swords are out, and Ashira heads toward the only combatant she can see...Man 1.

(Bohdi Nackle AC 20, HP 58/58) and Squork (AC 19, HP 29/29) 
Saturday September 3rd, 2005 9:46:50 PM

Cursing quietly, Bohdi thanked Theo for his protection. "Protect yourself, friend!" Bohdi advised.

The gnome decided to seek a better angle on the fight. He cast Fly on himself and took to the air (30' straight up) for a better view on their attacker on the inn's roof, sending Squork up ahead for a closer look.

Active spell effects:
--Mage Armor, 9 hours, +4 AC, one on self and Squork, one on Zeoll
--Protection from Arrows, 9 hours, DR 10/magic against projectiles up to 90 pts. damage
--Displacement, 7 rounds, cast on Theo, 50% miss chance
--Mirage Arcana, 1 hour, 180 ft cubes, Will save DC 23 to disbelieve
--See Invisibility, 90 minutes
--Resist Energy-Fire (from Theo), 20 HP, 40 minutes
--Fly, 9 minutes

Spell list:
Gnome abilities: Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Speak with Burrowing Mammals
Level 0: Message (x2, cast one on group), Read Magic, Light
Level 1: Mage Armor (x2, cast one on self, one on Zeoll), Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile (x2), Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp
Level 2: Mirror Image, See Invisibility (cast), Cat's Grace, Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Protection from Arrows (cast)
Level 3: Displacement (cast), Protection from Energy, Greater Magic Weapon, Fly (cast), Dispel Magic (cast)
Level 4: Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (cast, used to prepare 3 extra L1 spells)
Level 5: Shadow Evocation (x2), Mirage Arcana(cast)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=5
Sunday September 4th, 2005 3:36:27 PM

Spells Active:
Mage Armor 9 hours
Displacement 7 rounds

Bohdi's got the right idea.

Theodore copies his ally and casts fly upon himself. He moves 5' away from Bohdi and then 25' straight up, scanning for the sniper. (Spot 5)

Monday September 5th, 2005 7:53:02 AM

Drops and rolls.

DM Jamie  d20=3 d20=17 d20=12 d8+4=12
Monday September 5th, 2005 7:38:35 PM

Zeoll and Ashira, you finally make it and are bale to engage with man 1. As you strike you hear the breaking of glass and you smell some type of sulphuric smell.

Rose, you see a shape on the roof. Although it is not clear enough for you to make out what it is you can target it with your magic missiles. All three zip off through the night sky and strike the target.

Everyone hears more cursing coming from the roof (read the poiler if you speak undercommon) Highlight to display spoiler: {Damn. They're spell casters.}

Zeoll, Ashira, and Rose all see the sniper on the top of the Giggling Ghost. Although right now you can not make out any features other than it is humanoid. When Rose's magic missiles strike the sniper he takes a step back from the edge.

As soon as the sniper steps back from the edge you those of you looking see something streak from the edge. Everything seems to go into slow motion and then stop....

You are all aware of what is going on, but are unable to move. You see the arrow frozen in midair, right in front of Bohdi. The arrow has a pulsing red aura around it. As you are looking at it a gate of electrical energy seemingly opens right next to Bohdi and the Mortician steps out of it and hovers there.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. It is not your time to die Mr. Nackle. Someone has offered to take your place for this arrow. You see someone has tried to tip the scale in their direction by using something that is rather unsportmanlike. They have called in help from another place." He motions towards the roof of the Giggling Ghost. "He can not currently hear of see me. To him nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Although he will be quite annoyed when the young male gnome becomes a young female human."

With that he places his hand out to help someone step through the gate. It is a young female human with blond hair. He then touches Bohdi's hand and releases him. Young Bohdi, now free, moves as if he is going to fall. He then realizes that he is walking on the air as if it solid ground.

The Mortician turns to Bohdi and says, "Mr. Nackle... You have been weighed and measured and found that you are a true hero of the Wold. It was not your time to die. You will one day have your chance to change the face of the Wold. Now go to where you are needed." He gives Bohdi a few moments to say his peace.

After Bohdi is finished the Mortician escorts him through the gate to destinations unknown. When Bohdi is gone the Mortician leans into Vorelle and tells her, "I am sorry my lady, but in order for their to be balance their must be someone to stand in his place. Don't worry, it wasn't you it was made to kill. You'll only get a little sting from it. He places Vorelle in the exact spot that Bohdi was in and steps through the gate. The gate vanishes and then time starts back up again.

Vorelle's chest is pierced by the arrow. Take 12 hp of damage You also feel weird as it hits you. You feel a great wave of magic release from it, but then nothing happens.

Bohdi Nackle 
Monday September 5th, 2005 9:48:04 PM

Bohdi's surprise turned quickly to pleasure at the Mortician's words. "Of course," he smiled and nodded, his eyes wide as if seeing something obvious that none of the others could see. "Precisely."

He looked down at the others and gave a jaunty salute. "Best of luck, friends!" he called. "The future for you looks rosy indeed! Don't worry about me--" he looked off again and accompanied the Mortician. "--There's a lot better just ahead!"

ooc: Thanks DM Jamie, and everyone else, for accommodating this change in personnel. Best of luck, everyone!

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  9d6(1+1+2+6+6+4+2+5+3)=30
Monday September 5th, 2005 10:30:00 PM

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Displacement - 7 rounds
Fly - 8 min 9 rounds

"Goodbye, Bohdi! It was a pleasure to meet you," Theodore calls out as the gnome leaves with the Mortician. "Hello, Vorelle! Fancy meeting you here!"

He quickly turns his attention back to the task at hand. Already 25' in the air, he continues upward to catch sight of the antagonist on the roof. Spotting the man, he pulls forth a bit of fur and a glass rod, holding them forward as if offering them to the man.

Rather, a silver crackling ball of energy forms at the wizard's hand and zaps forward at an impossible speed, shooting directly through the sniper.

(Cast lightning bolt for 30 damage, half if Reflex save vs 17)

Ashira (AC21, HP87/87)  d20+1=17 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d8=8 3d8(1+8+5)=14
Monday September 5th, 2005 11:06:52 PM

Catching the scent of the sulfur, Ashira wracks her brain. Where has she smelled that before??? (Int.=17) Ooooo yeah...Oooo no! Spotting Brahmah doing the drop and roll, Ashira pieces things together. "Geez, Zeoll, this guy's a walking torch! Back off!!" Pulling back herself (15 feet away from Man 1), Ashira drops her swords (free action), pulls out her longbow (free action) and fires off a shot at the archer on the roof (AC29/19, 8 dam. if no critical, 14 dam. if critical hit).

As the Mortician saves Bohdi's life and replaces him with Vorelle, Ashira's jaw drops in disbelief.

Rose  d20+10=28 d4+4=5
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 1:52:50 AM

Rose is stunned when everything freezes and the mortician comes out. "Bye Bhodi, have fun!" then she sees who takes his place "Vorelle!!" Rose squeals and runs to give her a great big hug. For a moment Rose looks like her old self she hugs Vorelle and then immediatly begins to scold (nicely of course) because Vorelle is wearing those shapeless bags instead of the nice clothes that Rose made for her. Suddenly time is back to normal and Rose gets back to business moving away from Vorelle as she grabs her bow and fires an arrow at the guy on the roof.

attack: 28
damage: 4

Brahmah (AC 22, 89/97hps) 
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 6:58:28 AM

Brahmah waves to Bohdi as he continues to roll on the ground to put out the flames.

He stands and proceeds to a target who is not likely to explode in his face.

Tratain AC 29 HP 68/58 (Shield of Faith: Haste; Divine Power; Prayer)  d20+8=15 d20+8=28
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:21:55 AM

Tratain looks about the area for signs of any other attacks as the rest of the party seems to have the archer from the roof handled.

Spot 15, Listen 28

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=25 d20+13=24 d8+1=5
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:44:55 AM

Vorelle no sooner steps through the Tapestry than she takes an arrow in the chest. She gasps in pain and shock and fumbles to retrieve her own bow.

She looks up in the direction the arrow came from, trying to see her assailant. (Spot 25) If she finds a target, she shoots. (Hit AC 25 for 5 damage with a magic bow)

Zeoll (AC14, HP69) (Mage Armor) 
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 3:29:33 PM

Zeoll hears Ashira and takes a standard move away from the man-shaped cask of oil. He sees the humanoid on the roof and keeps him in sight. Then he targets him with a Hideous Laughter spell (Will save DC19 or be unable to act for 8 rounds) (Will Save is only 15 if the target is NOT a humanoid or monsterous humanoid).

Stuff used:
2 staff charges
2 first level bard spells

DM Jamie 
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 10:50:49 PM

I was sick today and can not post from work. I will get in a post first thing in the morning when I get home.


DM Jamie  d20+5=14 d20+7=16 d20+7=11
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 8:49:35 AM

OOC: Feeling better today. I would like to add that Vorelle, in replaing Bohdi, was actually 30 feet in the air. She is currently under the effects of a fly spell.

The humanoid on the roof takes the full brunt of Theodore's crackling ball of energy. He continues to stand through, even if it is just to smolder.

Ashira you are right on your ascertation of the situation. You recognize the smell as flammable oil just waiting for spark. As you draw your bow you see the sniper highlighted with electrical energy and get off your shot. It strikes, but not as well as you would have liked.

Rose, you fllow suit with Ashira and fire at the sniper almost in sync with her. You see your arrow pierce flesh as the sniper cries out in pain.

Brahmah, the only other target you see is man 1. Fom what you heard Ashira say and what you say before you know that their needs to be an ignition source for the oil to light.

Tratain, you dont pck anything up, but their is alot going on right now. Although the weird darkness that fell upon you all earlier has seemed to lessen.

Vorelle, 'heck of a way to arrive on the scene' is what you are thinking. You draw your bow, knock and arrow, and find the target in front of you. He is looking right at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He doesn't know what to think of you. You notice he has yellow eyes when he looks at you

Zeoll, your spell goes off without error. He begins to laugh, but not as well as you would like. In fact he looks right at you and shakes his head. You hear in your mind 'Good spell. I never would have thought of it myself.'

After everyone is done with their actions he seems to hrow something over the edge and then runs and jumps off the back of the roof.

Brahmah (AC 22, 89/97hps)  d20+13=24 d20+15=34 d20+15=34 d20+8=24 d20+8=28 d20+10=15 2d4(2+1)+7=10 d6+4=9 d6+4=8 2d4(4+2)+7=13 2d4(3+3)+7=13 d6+4=8
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 9:46:07 AM

Brahmah flanks Man #1.
(AC 24, 34(crit 34), 24(crit 28) and 15, for 10, 17, 26 and 8 damage)

Brahmah (OOC:) 
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 9:46:39 AM

OOC: Forgot to add flank to attacks!

DM Jamie supplemental 
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 11:39:48 AM

Man 1 chunks as Brahmah slices and dices. The remaining oil sprays into the air. Upon looking at the body you have cleft in two you see that the outer garments were stuffed with vials of something you would assume is oil, but as if that was not enough... The inside has been gutted and filled with water flasks full of the same oil substance.

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:26:45 PM

Zeoll calls out, "Flierrs, you can chase him down. Keep high so we can see you frrom the grround, and we'll follow!"

Zeoll devotes himself to following those who are flying. He also takes a glance at the thing the villain threw, expecting a grenade or other trap. If it does not seem dangerous, he will pick it up before running off.

Zeoll also tries to fix in his mind what that fellow looks like.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+13=30 d20+13=29
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 9:11:06 PM

[i]Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Displacement - 7 rounds

Theodore takes off after the fleeing sniper, soaring over the building. If he catches sight of the enemy, he casts another spell to keep him from escaping.

(Cast telekinesis, used to grapple. Grapple check = 30 (use caster level plus INT modifier), and another grapple check 29 to pin. Telekinesis lasts for 9 rounds.)

Thursday September 8th, 2005 12:45:52 AM

Rose runs after Theo "Theo wait up! You know I cant run as fast as you!"

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76] 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 1:12:41 AM

Vorelle is startled, to say the least, when she realizes she is hovering some 30 feet in the air. She lets out a little yelp and jumps in surprise. The jump is unfortunate, as her feet don't actually touch the floor and gravity doesn't seem to be working normally. She tumbles into an awkward spin, and spends several seconds flailing about. At last, crimson-faced, she rights herself and sets about trying to figure out how to "steer."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 3:40:37 AM

He stand there covered in oil.

DM Jamie  d20+10=30 d20=11 d20=5 d20=15
Thursday September 8th, 2005 9:45:14 AM

Zeoll, as you yell out your order you approach the thing that is laying on the ground. It is a piece of metal. As you get closer you see it is a holy symbol of Gargul, but instead of the normal coloring it is red.

Theodore and Rose, as you clear the building (Theo over the top and Rose around the side) you find that their is alot of chaos in the alley that the sniper jumped into. Their are overturned crates, some of which held food animals such as chickens and lizards. Some casts of liquid have been tipepd over as well. As you scout the alley looking for some sight you see the kind inn keeper who has been waiting on you in the Giggling Ghost. He is laying on his side. He appears to have blood running down his side and chest. As you approach you see him stir and sit up. Shaking his head as if to clear it. He sees you approaching, "Mam Sir, something jumped me from above and clawed at me. Got me in a few spots, but they seem superficial. I think it just startled me more than anything. It ran off down the alley after I fell over." He points down the alley away from you all.

Vorelle, you find that you can think about which way you want to go and it happens. You feel as if you have a little time left with this and begin to follow Theodore over the Giggling Ghost after the sniper. The arrow is still in your chest.

Brahmah, you begin to wipe yourself off when you see Zeoll pick something up and begin to examine it. You also see Vorelle and Theodore fly over the Giggling Ghost in persuit of the sniper.

Ashira, you have absolutely no problem running after the rest of the folks going around the side of the building. As you round the corner you see Rose neeling by the man. Theodore is hovering slightly above to get a good listen to what is going on and Vorelle is begining to come over the building in an attempt to catch up with Theodore.

Tratain, you come around the corner and see tha man lying on the ground with Rose and Theo around him. You see the blood and rush to his side to examine his wounds. They all look superficial and seem to already be clotting. He will live. You also notice that their are blood drips that continue away from the body.

Solgin, knowing that you can move faster than most of the rest you take off on foot persuit of the sniper. Stopping briefly at the inn keeper and hearing that the man had fled further from the Giggling Ghost you take off in the hopes of catching him. After a few moments you find that you no longer have and idea which way he had gone.

Tratain AC 29 HP 68/58 (Shield of Faith: Haste; Divine Power; Prayer)  d8+5=10 d20+8=19
Thursday September 8th, 2005 11:05:38 AM

Tratain will cast Cure Light wounds on the Innkeeper to make sure that he is alright before heading off after the others. He tries to keep an eye on those who are flying after the sniper so he may find them if needed.

Cure light wounds on Innkeeper - Healed 10
Spot - 19

Rose hp: 52/52 ac: 18  d20+10=23 d20+10=29 d20+5=15
Thursday September 8th, 2005 2:14:34 PM

Rose takes off running after the man as soon as she is told the innkeeper will be fine. As she moves she draws out her bow.

Piper flies overhead looking for the man also. Mandy follows Rose and tries to catch up with her mistress.

rose's rolls
listen:23, +2 for piper being near
spot: 29, +2 for piper being near

Piper's rolls
spot: 15

Active spells
Mage armor 5 hrs

DM Jamie 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 3:41:16 PM

OOC: If I overstepped my boundries when I gave actions to those that didn't get a post in let me know. There was some discussion of it amongst the DM's and I want to make sure I have happy players. Thanks.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+18=21
Thursday September 8th, 2005 9:28:05 PM

Theodore's suspicions are aroused and quickly brandishes his wand of detect magic which he casts upon the inkeeper.

(Checking for magic auras on the innkeeper, spellcraft check 21)

Thursday September 8th, 2005 9:52:23 PM

The liontaur pockets the symbol and chases after his friends.

Ashira (AC21, HP87/87)  d20+12=24 d20+11=26
Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:28:05 PM

Taking a quick look around, the ranger spots Zeoll tearing off after something (Spot=24) and gives chase too...careful to keep her eyes and ears (Listen=26) open for trouble.

Friday September 9th, 2005 8:55:19 AM

The minotaur wipes himself off as he follows the others.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=19
Friday September 9th, 2005 9:21:31 AM

Ignoring the arrow for the moment, Vorelle sends herself swooping off in pursuit of the sniper. (Spot 19, just in case it's needed.)

DM Jamie 
Friday September 9th, 2005 7:53:00 PM

Tratain, the innkeeper thanks you as his wounds close up. He begins to stand saying he is feeling better and should get back to his work.

Rose, You and piper make it to the end of the alley. As you scan the area you do not see any signs of the sniper.

Zeoll, Ashira, and Brahmah, you have no problem catching up to your friends in the alley. A few of them are standing around the innkeeper, who is currently trying to stand up, and the rest are casing off down the alley.

Vorelle, you see a few of the party members tearing off down the alley in pursuit.

Theodore, you level your wand at the innkeeped and watch him light up like a Christmas tree. He sees what your doing and is visibly shaken by this. You see that it is strong transmutation.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out something he immediately throws into his mouth. In a rather rough use of common he gets out these words...

"You will not succeed. The red testers will stop at nothing to return Gargul to his former glory."

As he finishes this last statement he begins to seize up and convulse, finally sucumbing to the throngs of death.

With his death the foreboding darkness of the night is replaced with the welcoming moon and starlight. His body begins to shudder and change color and consistency. It takes on a dull grey look. His eyes change to the color of pale yellow. After a few minutes you have a doppleganger laying before you.

Saturday September 10th, 2005 12:35:02 AM

The ranger stops at the sight of the dead innkeeper/thing in front of her. Panting for breath, she is frustrated. Not at the actions of the red ones...but more in her total inability to prevent their mischief. It was good really, that the Gargulite had killed himself. For she had plans...oh such plans for the poor fool that fell into her hands.

Theodore and Macaw 
Saturday September 10th, 2005 9:05:12 PM

Theodore floats lightly to the ground beside the now revealed doppleganger. As the rest of his party regroups, Theodore informs them of the creature's last words.

"I'm not very familiar with religion," he says apologetically to those about. "My area of expertise lies more with the arcane. But what does he mean?"

Theodore appears more than a little miffed about his failure to take the enemy alive. He scrubs his nose anxiously, and sniffs as he tries to think of what to do next.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=29
Sunday September 11th, 2005 10:55:23 AM

Still in pursuit of the sniper, Vorelle flies down the alley after her friends. [Spot 29]

Zeoll (AC14, HP69) (Mage Armor)  d20+18=38 d20+9=20
Sunday September 11th, 2005 3:29:32 PM

As he comes closer, Zeoll sees his friends in a bunch and draws his staff (free action in combo with a move). He arrives in time to see Theo point a wand at the innkeeper. He sees the innkeeper get very nervous looking. Zeoll makes a Sense Motive check to interpret the innkeeper's nervousness, and his check result of 38 (natural 20!!) alerts the liontaur to a hunch that this guy is up to something bad.

"STOP HIM!" Zeoll shouts.

Then the innkeeper takes something out of his pocket AND eats it. Per the rules, both "Retrieve a stored item" and "Drink a Potion" are actions that provoke attacks of oportunity. Zeoll takes his attack of opportunity to try to knock the object from the innkeeper's hand (disarm attempt).

Per the new Woldian rules, Zeoll has to beat the fellow's Disarm DC. Zeoll takes a -4 penalty for non-proficiency, a +4 for using a two-handed weapon, and another +4 for being large.

Per the rules, The defender's DC is 10 plus his usual attack roll mods, plus the modifiers for body size (+0 for a medium creature) (the defender does not get a non-proficiency penalty and has no mods for weapon size because the target of the disarm is not a weapon). Since the defender is holding an object other than a melee weapon, he takes a -4 penalty on the DC.

Zeoll's Disarm roll is a (modified) 20, so if the innkeeper's disarm DC is 20 or less (and probably it is, since the innkeeper would need a combined Str+BAB of +15 to resist the disarm), then Zeoll knocks the object to the ground.

So far Zeoll has moved and taken an attack of opportunity. If he still has an action left, he uses his staff to cast Charm Monster (Will DC22) on the innkeeper, saying, "Hold on, friend! Let's talk."

Stuff used:
2 staff charges (maybe 4)
2 first level bard spells

Tratain (post if needed by Cayzle)  d20+8=17
Sunday September 11th, 2005 3:41:19 PM

[OOC: I got this message from Joe, who plays Tratain -- "Hey Carl, can you do me a favor and post for me today? I'm on my way out the door to Dave Tamburin's (Lorth from Cinnamon Valley) Wedding. I won't be back until Sunday thanks. And Cayzle can you post for me in DFR 1? I'll send you my sheet but I don't think that you'll need it." So if Joe does not get back in time to post, please use the following.]

Tratain sees the person he just cured get nervous at Theo's spell. He sees and hears Zeoll's admonition to stop the innkeeper from doing something. Then the innkeeper provokes an attack of opportunity by taking something out of a pocket and trying to eat it.

With his AoO, Tratain also tries to knock the object out of the innkeeper's hand, making a disarm attack, if Zeoll fails. His disarm works againt a disarm DC up to 17.

With his action, Tratain will ready an action. He readies the action of picking up the dropped item if Zeoll or someone else knocks it out of the innkeeper's hands. (Picking up an object provokes attacks of opportunity, but that's fine by Tratain.)

[OOC: Hope that's okay, Joe! :-) ]

Monday September 12th, 2005 2:41:53 AM

As rose looks around for the sniper she sees everyone gathered around the innkeeper so heads back there.

Monday September 12th, 2005 10:03:43 AM

"Someone stabilize him." He says, looking at the keeper.

DM Jamie Supplemental  d20+22=42
Monday September 12th, 2005 10:45:50 AM

I posted on the DM page to make sure my numbers were right, but I didn't want to wait anymore for an answer. If my numbers are wrong let me know. I am posting how I got to the DC so you can check.

Str(+3) + BAB (+13) + DC(+6) = Disarm DC 22

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to roll a D20 as well and add it. If so the the DC is 42 with a natural 20

If my numbers are right then Zeoll and Tratain both fail to take the pill out of his hand before he pops it into his mouth. In which case everything still happens.

Monday September 12th, 2005 1:08:14 PM

[OOC: Thanks Jamie, for giving me the chance to try!]

When Brahmah mentions stabilizing the doppleganger / innkeeper, Zeoll says, "Stabilize, Schmabilize. He looks dead to me."

Zeoll checks that the Doppleganger is truly dead.

Then he says, "Keep in mind, frriends, that we arre dealing with clerrics. If we leave this body, odds arre the enemy will rraise it. I say we need to take the corrpse with us, so we can burrn it and scatterr the ashes. We can do that tonite. Orr even betterr, chop it up and feed it to animals. I could summon some to do the job. A couple Dirre Wolves would do the trrick."

Before that, Zeoll also searches the corpse for any items of interest. Where is his bow? Where are his arrrows?

DM Jamie 
Monday September 12th, 2005 7:27:44 PM

With Zeoll's shout everyone returns ot the body of the innkeeper. Only to realize it is not an innkeeper anymore, but that of a doppleganger. His large yellow eyes giving off a cold lifeless stare. He is more than mostely dead, he is truely dead.

As the area is searched for his things you find a bow and a quiver of arrows stashed behind some of the barrels of ale in the alley. It is an ornate bow made of what appears to be ivory or some type of other bone. The arrows are of exceptional quality. With 3 of them looking different than the others.

As you search the body you find several things. He has on a signet ring with the same red eye as the men in red, you find a piece of parchment that has all of your pictures on it with the words Delay Them scrawled along the bottom in common, and you find a piece of paper that was hidden away in one of his inner pockets.

Anyone making a religion check of DC 15 realizes the following about the hidden piece of paper

Highlight to display spoiler: {On the hidden piece of paper is rough sketch of what looks like a temple along with the interior. You look at some of the detail and come to the conclusion that it is the temple of light.}

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+16=36
Monday September 12th, 2005 9:47:45 PM

Doppelgangers, signet rings, and scraps of parchment hold no charms for Vorelle at present. Even the beautiful bow and arrows only capture her attention for a second. Now that combat is (presumably) over, she's trying to figure out how to remove the arrow from her chest.

She retrieves her Healer's kit and attempts to remove the arrowhead without further damaging herself.

[Heal check 36, natural 20. How come I can never roll those in combat?]

Theodore and Macaw  d20+10=18
Monday September 12th, 2005 10:47:58 PM

Theodore replaces his wand in his belt and purses his lips as the body is searched. He takes more than a passing glance at the parchment.

"This is a sketch of the temple of light," he says aloud. "Perhaps a clue?" He hands it to anyone interested in looking at it.

(Religion 18)

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 12:15:46 AM

As Theodore announces his discovery, Ashira chimes in. "Or maybe it's their next intended target that they wanted us to delay us from getting to. Should we check it out?"

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:07:05 AM

"Yes, we should check it out." Says the ranger, looking at the corpse of the doppleganger.

Solgrin (Posted by DM)  d20+2=21 d20+14=21
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:41:26 AM

Dominic (Solgrin) is having some computer problems so I am going to put in a post for him. Dominic, if you get the computer running today let me know and I will remove the post.

"Vorelle, maybe I can help you with that." Solgrin says as he looks at the arrow burried just under her left clavical Heal 21. "Looks like it just missed your heart," he pauses for a second, "And what do we have here? Looks to be a slaying arrow." knowledge acrana 21

"You were lucky. He must have had one for Bohdi when you showed up."

He procedes to help Vorelle with her wound.

Tratain  d20+5=21 d20+17=37 3d8(2+6+8)+10=26
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:14:02 AM

Tratain glances at the Piece of Paper and says "This indeed is a sketch of the Temple of Light, pehapse we should visit there tomorrow." (Knowledge Religion 21)

Tratain moves over to examine the arrow wound on thier new companion and pulls out his healers kit. He says "The arrow comming out will probably Hurt more than when it struck you, brace yourself for the pain. Someone hold her Arms so she doesn't flail around while the arrow is being removed and hurt herself more severly. Tratain will then attempt to remove the arrow. After it is out he will cast Cure Serious Wounds On Vorelle(26 Hps restored).

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:11:48 PM

Zeoll takes note of Vorelle and bows low as soon as she is healed up. "Hello, my name is Zeoll. I'm a seerr and a followerr of Domi. I'm pleased to meet you."

Zeoll is a big liontaur wearing leather armor and carrying a staff. Beads and feathers are woven into his mane.

The liontaur agrees with his new comrades. "We need to check out the temple. Now orr laterr? Eitherr way, we'll brring this villain and its gear. All of it."

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:58:32 AM

Rose give Vorelle a big hug and hands her a potion (cure light wounds) "Use that right now." The little halfling says looking worried.

Temple of Light

DM Jamie  d20=7 d20=16 d20=8 d100=30
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:22:23 AM

With the combat over Vorelle turns her attention to the arrow. She examines it and is able to figure out the best way to pull it and not bleed all over the place. So, between her and the rest of the help she receives she looses very few hit points. Rose, with Tratains cure serious cast on Vorelle you decide better to hold onto the potion.

Whoever is picking up the body and belongings finds the body weight next to nothing. The other items feel normal. I need to know who has what and if anyone tries to use any of the items

Looking at the paper you all come to the conclusion that it is indeed the temple of light.

Anyone making an intellegence check DC 15 remembers that is where the original parchment came from.

It is still late night after all is said and done. You have had a long day and perhaps have gotten a glimpse into the minds of your enemies. It could be a good time to rest and rethink you spells, if you do indeed need to.

On the other hand, you could have been delayed for a reason and need to get to the temple of light. Going now could mean learning something you need, but if you run into the men in red you will not be as prepared as you could be.

What is a party of adventurers to do?

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:46:49 AM

Theodore is sickened by the thought of chopping up or otherwise destroying the body of the doppleganger. He turns away to keep from witnessing anything too gruesome.

"What did you find at the temple?" asks Theodore of Ashira. "I think we should head straight for this temple of light. These red men seem very pressed to keep us from something, and I don't think we should assist them."

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 10:36:08 AM

Content to follow, rather than lead, Brahmah will do just that. He will go to the temple of light.

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 2:35:54 PM

a flicker of rage forms on Ashira's face, and as if in response, she pulls the cloak back over her head. "The red ones have defiled the Temple of Gargul. They attacked several of the priests, and probably would have killed our benefactor should the priest not have been as smart as they were. Let's get over to the temple of light before the red ones have time to finish their plans." Ashira heads back over to the area of the original conflict and retrieves her swords. Then she heads back to the others and hustles toward the Temple of light. She closes with Zeoll and says. "Maybe if we're lucky we'll catch the red ones...then we can extract a little justice old school style."

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 6:57:05 PM

Tratain says "It would probably be best if we went right away. They must have wanted us delayed for some reason. I still have plenty of healing left as well as a wand. We should be alright if it comes to combat at the temple."

Zeoll (AC14, HP69) (Mage Armor, Heroism) 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:54:52 PM

Zeoll agrees. "Let's dispose of this corrpse and get overr to the Temple rright away."

He casts Summon Monster III and calls for a Dire Wolf. He has the animal eat the corpse.

If no one else will, Zeoll will also pick up the signet ring, papers, bow, and arrows. He casts Detect Magic on it all. Then it is off to the Temple of Light.

When the Temple is in sight, he casts Heroism on himself.

Stuff used:
2 staff charges
1 zero level bard spell
2 first level bard spells
1 second level bard spell

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Thursday September 15th, 2005 12:53:25 AM

Completely healed, Vorelle gives Tratain a small smile of thanks. "I-I-I'm V-V-V-V-Vorelle," she tells him and Zeoll.

When she hears talk of going for the temple, Vorelle stands and gathers her bow, ready to go right away.

[Vorelle is a human woman of average height, slender enough to be mistaken for a tall elf or half-elf. Most of her form is concealed in an oversized, hooded cloak. She looks down a lot, and doesn't meet people's eyes. She sticks close to Rose and Theo, and doesn't talk very much.]

Tratain  d20+7=17 d20+7=27
Thursday September 15th, 2005 12:58:25 PM

Tratain nods to Vorelle and says "My Name is Tratain, glad to have you with us for this quest."

Tratain goes along with the Group keeping an eye out for anything unusual.

(Spot 17, Listen 27)

Thursday September 15th, 2005 2:16:15 PM

Brahmah stands around. (Sorry for the short post)

Cathedral of Light

DM Jamie  d20=20 d20=17
Thursday September 15th, 2005 3:13:58 PM

We had a bad storm last night and my ISP just got us back up and running now. I also appologize, it is the cathedral of light and not temple of light.

The appearence of the wolf may be disturbing to some, but it takes care of the body most efficiently. Zeoll, as far as you can tell the ring is just a ring, the papers are just drawings, the bow glows, and the different looking arrows glow. The rest of the arrows appear normal.

Everyone begins the walk to the Cathedral of Light. On the way there you notice less and less people walking through the city. It appears as if the people of the city are begining to get fed up with the overrunning of nature and have just decided to not go out anymore. Every once in a while you see the person sitting back in an alleyway or standing on a street corner looking for a handout, but for the most part the city seems deserted.

As you approach, the house of Alemi is everything you ever heard it would be, and more. Great pillars of light shine up to the heavens through the tops of the spires. The grounds are lit with a soft glow from balls of light seemingly hanging in the middle of nowhere. Beautiful night blossoming plants dot the landscape around the Cathedral while there counterpart plants rest during the hours of darkness.

As you look at the Cathedral you can make out the beginings of dawn across the horizon. Boy, did it ever take a while to get over here. As you approach the door it opens and a young man approaches. He looks to me no more than 18. He has short curly blonde hair and is rather thin for his height. His eyes are a deep blue and he has a small amount of peach fuzz across his chin and cheeks.

"What do you want at this hour?" He asks coldly with a hint of arrogance. "Little early to begin asking for favors from the gods, isn't it? Oh, well, I guess it is my job to cater to the less fortunate. Come, follow me." You can't tell if he is just like this or if it is the arrogence of youth.

He leads you up to the front of the Cathedral. Any questions or accusations dirrected at him or the Cathedral are waived off until he reaches the front of the Cathedral.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=24 d20+4=19
Thursday September 15th, 2005 9:47:07 PM

Theodore looks about trying to spot anyone or anything suspicious as they head up the steps of the cathedral. (Spot 24, Listen 19)

When they reach the entrance, Macaw flaps up to a perch to keep an eye out while the party goes inside.

Thursday September 15th, 2005 11:53:23 PM

On the way to the Cathedral, Vorelle keeps looking about her, gaping at the strange and wonderful sights. Here they are Above, and yet the city is so clean! The buildings, the people, even the streets are clean!

When she sees the Cathedral itself, Vorelle stops and stares, unable to help herself. Never has she seen anything so magnificent. She begins to understand why people sometimes live in cities.

Friday September 16th, 2005 8:22:52 AM

Brahmah looks at the acolyte.
"It's NEVER too early to ask for help when your meek and feeble like us less fortunate."
His muscles ripple as he stretches and shows his nice mithril armor and sword hilts under the robes.

"Yes, we'll follow, Gods only know how we poor ignorant folk can't manage without out the people in the service trades... urm, tour guides.... urm, what do they call your job, what is your job title? This must be terribly fulfilling to stand at the doors on the late shift and show around poor shmucks like us."

Brahmah's sarcasism is palletable and coarse. Seems clergy may not be on the top of his list of favorite people to deal with.

Friday September 16th, 2005 7:07:45 PM

Tratain follows the young man up the steps, not amused by the young acolites demenor. Clerics, especially those that Follow Alemi should be kind to those less fortunate. They shouldn't be talking down to people.

He comments to his Group but loud enough so the young man can hear "In the War Cathedral, we've found that sparing Matches with the Senior Weapons Masters fixes those with dispositions like his. Once thier Ego is deflated the real training can begin and the acolite can become useful. I guess here they just make people stand outside real early and hope they learn on thier own."

DM Jamie 
Friday September 16th, 2005 11:37:24 PM

OOC: My internet just came back up. I guess the storm did more harm that I thought. I will wait for a few more posts and get in mine tomorrow.

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+11=31
Saturday September 17th, 2005 12:57:20 AM

As they approach the Temple of Light, Ashira pulls herself deeper into the recess of her cloak...clearly uncomfortable. She stays very close to Zeoll, apparently drawing comfort from his presence. She laughs loudly at the acolytes words. "If I wished to ask for favors, you can be certain I wouldn't go to Alemi!" she hisses in Zeoll's ear. She even chuckles mirthfully at Brahmah's words. But mostly, she keeps to herself, watching and listening. (Spot=25, Listen=31)

Zeoll  d20+24=41
Saturday September 17th, 2005 6:33:55 AM

The liontaur smiles at his new friends' comments. Then, ignoring the acolyte's attitude, he says, "Excuse me, Frriend-in-Alemi, but we would like to enterr the churrch despite the earrly hourr. It is a matterr of some urrgency. We would also like to speak to whoeverr is in charrge of securrity herre. I hope you will be kind enough to help us."

[Diplomacy check 41]

DM Jamie 
Sunday September 18th, 2005 3:14:08 PM

After the long walk to the front of the cathedral he turns to the group and says, "My name is Aralius and your concerns are noted and will be upchanneled, but I feel I handle every situation with the appropriate attitude." He pauses for a second to moisten his lipsand turn to Zeoll. "You must understand that their is really no one other than vagrants that are seeking entrance at this hour. I am merely protecting the cathedral."

"As for seeing our head of security, you can see we have one of the largest personal militias in the city. I don't think you need worry about anything happening here. How else may I help you?"

Theodore, Macaw takes a lofty perch to keep and eye on things from above. You do, however, notice an older looking female wearing the robes of Alemi. She is watching the group.

Ashira, you notice the woman as well. You also see that she is begining to walk over towards you.

Sunday September 18th, 2005 10:26:39 PM

Still gaping like a yokel, Vorelle follows the acolyte (priest?) into the temple. There's nothing half this nice in Dirt City.

Tratain  d20+7=27 d20+7=18
Monday September 19th, 2005 4:56:47 PM

Tratain looks around trying to see if the Red Cloaked Gargulites are around or if anyone else looks as though they are eyeing the Party, while Zeoll deals with the Young Priest.

Spot 27 Natural 20
Listen 18

Monday September 19th, 2005 7:17:23 PM

He stands by until he's needed.

As a piece of personal information, my father was in a motorcycle wreck and is in critical condition, so I likely won't post much this week.

DM Jamie 
Monday September 19th, 2005 8:25:02 PM

OOC: I am sorry to hear about your father. No problem with the posting. If you want me to post occasionally for you let me know.

I am going to wait until tomorrow to post so I can get more people to post their actions.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday September 19th, 2005 10:28:59 PM

Theodore taps Vorelle and Rose and points them towards the old woman. "She's been watching us. What do you think?"

Ashira  d20+12=30 d20+11=14
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 3:06:17 PM

Ashira catches the movement of the priest and whispers to the group. "We've got company." Deep within the dark confines of her robe, Ashira fumes as she thinks. How long until I can get out of this accursed place? She glares at the young accolyte. Stupid boy, you don't know anything about Alemi. You just wait...just when you need him the most you see if he's there for you! Ha! Ashira fidgets underneath her robe as she anxiously awaits the end of this meeting. Still, no use endangering her partners... Ashira makes sure to keep a good look out for trouble (Spot=30, Listen=14).

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 3:45:04 PM

The liontaur takes a more conciliatory approach with the young acolyte.

"The hourr is indeed unusual, but need drrives us. We arre on a holy quest, but we want to tell the good prriests herre about the possible dangerr to them. You may have hearrd about the attack on the Temple of the God of Death? The same villains may be strriking herre next. Please let us in."

Jay B (Brahmah) 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 5:15:56 PM

OOC: Yes, it would be nice for you to post for me. Thanks Jamie.

BTW, Brahmah isn't ignoring things going on, he's simply waiting for his time to chime in with suggestions.

DM Jamie 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 8:51:37 PM

OOC: I am illegally posting from work because it is the only network connection I have access to right now. Has anyone heard from Rose?

I will work on getting in a post later tonite or in the morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 8:42:34 AM

Haivng to put up with the treatment by this obviously young acolyte is getting a little more than the group can handle. Just before several of the party make something unholy out of him an elderly priestess approaches.

"My name is Silvyre," she says in a soft voice. "You must forgive young Arelius here. We were visited by some rather persistent adventurers earlier and he was just trying to keep prying eyes away from the temple. They were here looking for something... What was it again Arelius?"

Arelius, who has started looking at the ground, looks up and says,"One of the parchments I sent to the temple of Gargul. They wouldn't believe me about it. They began to threaten me and I was forced to call the guards to escort them out."

Silvyre looks across the party, "What is it we can do for you at the citadel of light? We are but your humble servants."

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:14:23 AM

Theodore glances at Vorelle at the mention of the parchment.

That's right. She wasn't here when we received the parchment. I'll have to fill her in on what's been going on.

"They would not have left so easily unless they knew of another way in," he muses to himself. Then he slaps his forhead. "Of course! The map! They must know of another way in."

"Lady Silvyre, we believe your temple is in danger. Someone might be trying to get in. The temple of Gargul was just recently ransacked by these same hooligans."

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:04:32 PM

The liontaur agrees with Theo and adds more.

"An old prriest of Garrgul who did not give us his name gave us a parrchment rrecently. He said it came frrom yourr temple. We arre trrying to deterrmine its prrovenence."

He looks at the acolyte. "Did you send the Temple of Garrgul a set of books rrecently? Ourr parrchment was found in books."

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:08:09 PM

ooc: Everyone I'm sorry I haven't posted. This last week has been really bad and all I have done is sleep and sometimes read. Monday I slept at least 16 hours and I'm not really sure what else I did. I'm feeling better and hopefully this wont happen again anytime soon. Loretta

Rose stays near Theo and Vorelle while riding Mandy. She is a little quiet and there is a sad look in her eyes. Piper keeps trying to cheer Rose up.

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+11=20
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 12:37:01 AM

Ashira continues to fidget under her robes as she waits impatiently to leave the accursed temple. (Spot=23, Listen=20)

Vorelle  d20+14=22
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 1:35:19 AM

Vorelle listens intently, glad to be caught up on what is going on. As she listens, her eyes dart about the cathedral, looking for anything unusual.

[Heh. When in doubt, make a Spot check. 22. ]

DM Jamie  d20=13 d20=14 d20=3 d20=11 d20=16 d20=17 d20=14
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 5:33:02 PM

OOC: Woohoo, teh interent company came out and fixed my internet today. There was stray voltage or something running through the wire. Something on their end messing up my connection.

Silvyre turns to Theodore and says, "I assure you young master, that our citadel is quite adaquetly protected. And this other way in you speak of doesn't exist. The only way into the citadel is through one of the door on this level. Each of which can be seen from where we are."

Arelies looks toward Zeoll. "I recently sent a whole bunch of items from the basement. They were all marked with the holy symbol of Gargul. As a courtesy I sent them to the temple of Gargul. I do not know what was in them."

At this Silvyre, looking distressed, says, "You jmust excuse us for a second." She takes Arelius off to the side and begins to talk with him very quickly and excitedly.

Rose, your mount notices that you are troubled and whines under you to show his concern.

OOC: Glad to see you back. If there is anything I can do let me know

Ashira and Vorelle your observations pay off. You think you see a few of the guards moving hurridly to the main entrance.

Brahmah and Solgrin, not comfortable with the settings they are in for some reason decide to stand off to the side. With their exclusive vantage point they begin to see some comotion comming from outside. The move towards one of the side entrances in order to investigate.

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 9:51:30 PM

Zeoll carefully keeps himself within 30 feet of Silvyre and Arelius, watching them carefully. He uses his spot check to read their lips. [OOC: The Spot skill description says that the DM has to roll the check and determine what happens. Zeoll's Spot modifier is +9.]

The liontaur keeps alert as to what else is going on.

Vorelle  d20+20=32 d20+20=27 d20+14=16 d20+14=29
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 11:51:46 PM

As unobtrusively as possible, Vorelle moves to where she has a good vantage point for the door. She keeps her eyes and ears open.

[Hide 32, Move Silently 27, Spot 16, Listen 29]

Friday September 23rd, 2005 7:24:13 AM

Tratain says "Show Her the Map we found on the dopleganger. Perhapse she can see if there is something marked on the Map that is not supposed to be common knowledge."

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 3:13:28 PM

At Tratain's suggestion, Theodore produces the map to show to Silvyre. "This is what we found. Can you make anything of it?"

Friday September 23rd, 2005 9:22:17 PM

Her hands on her swords under her cloak, Ashira moves a little closer toward the main entrance. That way if there's trouble, she'll be on the frontline. But it would probably be her luck that it was just some drunk wandering in and causing trouble. And then she'd be stuck in this accursed temple with nothing to distract her while that stupid priestess prattles on and on about how wonderful Alemi was. Ashira shudders. She'd rather kill herself than let that happen.

Saturday September 24th, 2005 2:57:55 PM

'Good idea, Trratain," says Zeoll. Zeoll also explains that the doppleganger was carrying this signet ring, which he shows to Silvyre.

DM Jamie 
Saturday September 24th, 2005 6:45:55 PM

My oppologies for the delay in posting. My ISP has been to the house severla times. Each time the internet works for about two hours and then goes down. Right now I am at 14k per second and had to wait 10 minutes for the page to come up. I am going to go and use another connection either tonite or Sunday. The ISP is comming bakc out on Monday in order to figure everything out. Thanks for understanding.

Also, for those of you wondering we are not falling behind the other group at all. This week we will be in line with them all.

Brahmah (Jay B) 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 3:58:15 AM

OOC: Sorry guys and gals, things in real life hit fast in the last two weeks. I will return to a regular schedule around the 1st of October.

Rose  d20+10=14 d20+10=26 d20+8=11 d20+10=14 d20+6=10 d20+6=15
Monday September 26th, 2005 1:36:59 AM

Rose remains quiet, she realizes that she's missed out on some stuff with all of her crying and stuff (or maybe she's just to dense right now to think) when the group is back at the inn she'll talk to the others and catch up on anything that she has missed. Meanwhile Rose, Piper, and Mandy will keep an eye out for any problems.

listen: 14, +2 if piper is near
spot: 26, +2 if piper is near

Piper aid another checks
listen: 11
spot: 14

Mandy aid another checks
listen: 10
spot: 15

DM Jamie  d20+9=19
Monday September 26th, 2005 11:12:04 PM

Zeoll, you begin to watch for some type of reading, but it appears as if they are speaking too quickly for you to get anything.

With the commotion going on at the front entrance you all see Silvyre and Atrius look up at the entrance. Silvyre looks startled and she grasps Atrius by the arm hard enough for her knuckles to turn white. She says something to him and releases him. He just stands there looking at the entrance.

Everyone, you notice that there is some sort of commotion going on at the main gates. The guards around the temple begin to close and bar all of the side entrances into the temple.

Silvyre slaps him across the side of the face, bringing him back to the present and shouts at him, "GO! NOW!"

Coming back to the party she is continuously glancing at the front entrance. "Come quickly," she says hurriedly, "Events have been placed in motion that we have no control over."

Before she gets in another word you all hear a loud ping from the front entrance that sounds as if someone has taken a great sword and driven it through marble. The sound reverberates throughout the cathedral. All inside the cathedral stop for a second and it seems as if time freezes. At the main entrance is a great mass of people. The eight men in red are there along with a garrison of soldiers. The soldiers look to be of the city guards, but something is different about them. You can't quite place it.

Several of the senior priest are at the front along with the cathedral guard. There is an argument ensuring.

"Hand over the criminals to us. They still have to answer for the fire that was set in the marketplace."

The priests and guards are making a valiant attempt at keeping them from entering the temple.

"We must leave now. Please come with me." Pleads Silvyre.

Monday September 26th, 2005 11:57:42 PM

Ashira looks over longingly at the scuffle at the doors. Revenge...so sweet...so close. But what good would it be..they obviously have the numbers stacked in their favors. Sighing deeply, Ashira follows Silvyre. This whole situation was starting to become so frustration. All this cloak and dagger crap...this was Appolo's forte. Now a nice clean fight...or even a dirty one...that would be a welcome change of pace.

OOC Jamie, keep up the good job!! I'm having a great time!!

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 1:00:10 AM

Being elsewhere sounds like a good idea to Vorelle. As she follows Silvyre, she moves up next to Theo. "Wh-wh-what happened in the m-m-m-marketplace?" she asks in an undertone.

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 2:54:57 AM

Rose hops back up onto Mandy and stays close to Vorelle, Theo, and Ashira.

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 12:50:08 PM

Tratain follows Silvyre with the others looking at the entrence and the Men in Red. Seeing if they notice the group.

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 6:36:40 PM

The liontaur hesitates, and it is clear that he wants to fight the men in red. But all his friends clearly want to go, and Silvyre is pleading for the same. Plus dawn is near and Zeoll is weary. So he follows his friends and the priest of Alemi.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 10:17:23 PM

Theodore follows along with the rest of the group. He sends a mental command for Macaw to stay where he is and keep an eye on things.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 8:51:24 AM

I will post again late tonite to make up for nothing yesterday. I was chastised for posting from work and I am still having problems with the ISP. Now I have to get an electrician over to the house to see if I am getting stray voltage over the cable line.

Thanks for going along with this so far. I have added a lot of stuff into this post. Let me know if you want your character to do something. I am trying to express the shortness of time. If you want to do something it will have to be quick and quite possibly while you are running.

The mad rush through the cathedral takes you back behind the alter to a door that looks to be part of the wall. This is the same general area that Atrius had run through. As you make your way through the doorway you hear the sounds of a battle beginning behind you. Their is the sound of sword clashing and the screams of those being slain.

I am putting your marching order as follows: Ashira, Vorelle, Rose, Tratain, Zeoll, Theodore, Solgrin, Brahmah

As you run through the temple to its inner areas you are led through what seems is a maze of corridors. Every so often you will go up or down flights of stairs until you are led into an office where a powerful priest is looking at what appears to be a ship manifest.

"Hi, I am Servante, and I am in charge of maintaining contact with priests who are far away. I also follow Ffloy, God of Trade. We have been looking for the parchment that was accidently given to the temple of Gargul by an impetuous young acolyte." He glares over to the corner where Atrius is panting. "The parchment came back from an ancient temple of Alemi that dates back to the first age. The temple was originally found by a group of Pirates of Jack known as the Swords of Redemption. The city is now empty except for ghosts and other dangers. It is the former capital city of the Empire of Aisildur when it was called simply Isildur.

"I concur with Ursis now that this IS involved with the current goings on with nature attacking all manner of civilization. So, I have arranged for a gateway to be prepared to take you there. I must urge you to not speak of this gateway again as it is.....not known to the public."

"Good luck and know that the enemy you have faced this day, these Red Testers have backing from the HIGHEST places among the Gods of Testing. Beware."

As Servante finished you can hear the faint sound of rattling armor and clashing swords coming from behind you.

"They have made it into the temple and through our defenses," whispers Silvyre, "They will soon be upon us. We must fly if we are to make it in time. Keep up all of you."

"Don't worry friends," says Servante with a calm air about him, "They have Atrius and me to deal with yet, godspeed." He finishes and turns towards the direction of the sounds of battle. He begins to chant and weave a pattern in the air. Those of you that practice the arts have never felt such power come from one person. You can literally feel the walls pulsate as the power flows through the priest as a conduit

Once again the party is rushed off further inside the temple and into the opening of a great cave. You all enter on a ledge at the top of a great underground cavern. The floor seems to be about 60 feet below you and the far wall is 100 feet distance. The sides are each about 70 feet to your sides. At the far end a giant mirror stands at least 20 feet high.

There is a spiral staircase leading down from your position on the ledge. The staris are all connected to the same pipe that runs from ceiling to floor. Silvyre userhs you down. Meet with the man at the mirror for instruction. As you make you way down Silvyre stays at the top and says to you all, "Good luck. You hold the fate of the Wold in your hands. I believe in you all." With that she turns to face the oncoming horde.

As you get to the bottom and make your way to the mirror you see a swarthy ship captain standing before it. "Well mate, that's as good as I can do ya for! I hope I got it right. Good luck to ya. The rest is up to you. You just need to step though."

It might sound cheesy, but think 'Star Gate' for the way the mirror undulates.

Zeoll (Inspire Courage, Mage Armor, Heroism) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 12:37:51 PM

As the party moves fast, Zeoll sings a traditional hymn celebrating Domi and Alemi's friendship. The music lifts the spirits of the group as well as those of Servante and Atrius. Zeoll knows that these priests are fighting for them -- a song to inspire courage in them is the least he can do before stepping through the mirror.

Which the liontaur then does, still singing.

Stuff used:
2 staff charges
1 zero level bard spell
2 first level bard spells
1 second level bard spell
1 bardic music

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 7:23:11 PM

Rose has to get off Mandy and tries to coax her through the portal. Finally she gives up "Theo! help me get mandy through!"

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 10:31:19 PM

Macaw comes soaring into the room.

"Okay, then," Theodore says to Rose. He rolls up the sleeves of his tunic, which promptly slide back down past his hands. He takes a running start to push Mandy through the portal, slips on the hem of his trousers, and tumbles through the portal.

"Stupid," mutters Macaw. The raven flaps after the clumsy wizard.

Vorelle  d20=19
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:42:46 PM

Moving cautiously, Vorelle approaches the riding dog and begins to pet her, trying to reassure her so that Rose can coax her through the portal.

[Successfully Aid Another, to give Rose a +2 on her Handle Animal check.]

Ashira  d20+6=15
Thursday September 29th, 2005 12:01:02 AM

The ranger laughs out loud at the mention of the old temple of Ilsildur. "Other dangers..." she states simply, remembering back when oh so long ago she and the family stumbled upon the temple. She remembers the wolf that Appolo tried to kill... and that was her animal companion for a little while. Perhaps she would see him again. Then their battle with that strange creature the Andruid. And then those strange bug things. The ghost of the emperor...the treasure vault!! Rigging proposing to her there. And then there are some mottled images... like something she should remember because it was very important, but somehow can't. The inner sanctum... Alemi's bow... changing into a mummy... no impossible. And then she can't help feeling that somehow she helped do something very important, but she was somewhere else. Memories flood her mind and she smiles. Life was so simple back then. Too simple.

Anger boils to the front as she remembers her calling to paladinhood by Alemi. Oh she had bought his "love" hook line and sinker. She had loved him and devoted herself to him and when it really mattered... when those sea devils tortured her for hours and days on end until she couldn't handle the pain anymore. When she agree to let the high priest put that heartseed in her chest and rip away her free will, just to stop the pain. Where was Alemi then?? He didn't even lift one little finger. And in the end, it was her family that brought her back. Healed her... And here, there is a small twinge of guilt as she remembers that it was Alemi who provided the cure for the heartseed... long before she even needed it. She shoves the thought quickly aside. No!...she will never trust him ever again!

Ashira looks over at the mirror and spits on the floor. Screw it! I'm not going back. I'd rather stay back here and die than go back there. She takes a step away from the mirror, her mind made up... when she spots Rose and Theo struggling with the dog. They're going to need her over there, and Ashira knows she can't just let them go alone. No, they needed someone who had been there already, and like it or not, that was herself. Sighing deeply, Ashira turns and puts a hand on Mandy's shoulder. "C'mon girl, it's not that bad. Come on with me. It'll be ok..." she speaks reassuringly to the dog as she guides it through the mirror (Handle Animal=15) and then heads through herself.

DM Jamie  d20=19 d20=9 d20=18 d20=16 d100=77 d100=66 d100=38
Thursday September 29th, 2005 5:42:41 AM

OOC: Tratain I went ahead and had you step through the portal. If you wanted to do something no problem. Let me know what it was in your post and we can adjust.

Zeoll, your song inspires and the priest give you a nod of approval as they get ready at intervals in order to stop the red tide that is rushing after you.

Theodore, as Macaw is flying to your location he sees nothing but death. Entering the temple there are more of the cathedral guards lying dead than anything else. Then as he continues towards you he sees more of the city guards. He sees just a few of the men in red laying on the ground.

Everyone sees Theodore fall through the portal after his little tumbling experiment. Macaw flies through after him.

Rose, Mandy is coaxed through by the combined efforts of Vorelle and Ashira.

Solgrin and Brahmah come running down the stairs and catch up to the rest of the party. "We left a little surprise for them in the passageway just before the opening. We'll see how they like it." Brahmah says with a smile and a wink back at Solgrin.

Ashira, you stop in front of the immense mirror before you and pause. The tension going on in your mind is immense, but you overcome it and try to help Mandy through the gate. She seems to go through as long as you and Vorelle continue to talk with her.

Tratain, as you begin to enter the portal you hear the enemy emerge from the entrance into the cave. Although maybe not the way they wanted. You see two of the city guard come shooting out of the opening and right off the edge of the cliff to fall to their deaths. Brahmah turns to you and says, "We coated the floor of the passage with oil." Silvyre begins heated battle with the men in red as they begin to spill through the passage. The swarm of men is too much for her and she is cast down from the cliff ledge by the men, her broken body hitting the stairs several times on her way down and finally coming to rest in an unnatural position.

The man at the portal rushes forward to engage the red tide. Looking back he yells, "Go you fools!"

Solgrin and Brahamah look at one another and nod to one another. As Solgrin rushes forward Brahmah turns to Tratain and says, "We will be right there." He then turns and follows Solgrin who has already engaged the enemy.

Through the looking glass....

You all arrive at the doorstep of a huge temple in a place far-far away. Looking behind you there are the ruins of an ancient city. In the distance, the golden dome of a huge palace can be seen. Looking forward again, the door to this temple must be 200 feet high. As you get your bearings and get used to your new surroundings you see that there are two of you missing, Brahmah and Solgrin.

Zeoll  d20+8=17
Thursday September 29th, 2005 8:12:06 PM

Zeoll looks around. He tries to identify the temple (or its god). Does he recognize this city? That palace? [Bardic Lore 17]

He wonders what has happened to his friends Solgrin and Brahmah. "I hope they arre okay."

Theodore and Macaw  d20+10=28 d20+10=20
Thursday September 29th, 2005 10:20:52 PM

Theodore stands and wipes the dust from himself. He looks on the temple in amazement before blinking a few times to bring himself back to the importance of the situation.

He picks his mind to see if he can recall anything about the temple. (Knowledge History = 28, Knowledge Religion = 20)

Ashira  d20+12=18 d20+11=16
Thursday September 29th, 2005 11:13:32 PM

Ashira bows low to the ground...her hands sweeping toward the temple in an overexagerated manner. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the majestic lost temple of Alemi on Isildur." She spits on the ground in disgust and sets about searching for signs of danger that is surely close by (Search=18, Listen=16).

Vorelle  d20+14=19 d20+14=24
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:26:31 AM

Vorelle looks around her and listens for any sign of danger.

[Spot 19, Listen 24]

Friday September 30th, 2005 9:20:55 AM

Tratain says to the others " I saw Solgrin fighting those who entered the temple before I steped through the Mirror, Brahmah was headed after him, Hopefully they will step through soon. Should we wait here for them or whoever steps trough next or should we begin looking around here."

Friday September 30th, 2005 1:40:11 PM

Rose gets out her bow and is ready if anyone else comes through the door. "Shouldnt we go help the others?"

DM Jamie 
Saturday October 1st, 2005 8:37:52 AM

As those of you that made it through look around you notice one thing: There is no portal or doorway to take you back to where you came from.

None of you can recall any information about this place or pinpoint exactly where you are. In fact all you have to go on is what Ashira is telling you.

The temple before you is the largest building you have ever seen. It reaches into the sky and past it. The doors themselves seem to be at least 200 feet high. As you all spread out looking for signs of danger the great doors begin to open. You can see debris fall from the seams of the door from years of non-use. The great weight of the doors causes the hinges to groan as the doors swing open. If there was anyone in the city they would certainly know someone was here now.

A ghostly priest meets you and bows. He turns and begins to go back into the temple.

Saturday October 1st, 2005 10:20:08 PM

Throwing back her hood, Ashira strides up to the ghost. "Good day, Father Farkus." Ashira says trying her best to be civil, though she detests every aspect of this place...and indeed, the priest himself, since he was present during her paladinhood. "My companions and I have been sent here on a matter of some urgency. I wonder if you could help."

Sunday October 2nd, 2005 9:10:15 AM

Zeoll looks around and in amazed anew as he grasps the scale of this place. Doors 200 feet high? Is it possible? Maybe the party has been shrunken to the size of ants, so that the doors seem so large? And the building -- it boggles the liontaur's mind.

Then this ghost appears! And Ashira recognizes him. In fact Ashira knows this place.

"Hold on! Hold on!" The liontaur tries to get everybody to pause. "Ashirra, my dearr frriend, what is this place? How do you know about it? I have hearrd of Aisildurr but not Isildurr!"

"And why are you disgusted by this place? Arre you no fan of Alemi? He is a grreat frriend of Domi, who I honorr. Why do you feel the way you do, I hope you will not mind me asking?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday October 2nd, 2005 3:27:18 PM

Theodore is quite frustrated that he knows nothing about this temple. He prides himself on his knowledge.

He cringes when the enormous doors open and the ghostly figure appears, and hesitates to enter until Ashira approaches.

Then Zeoll asks for some clarification on the current situation and Theodore sees the importance in his questions.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:07:48 AM

Vorelle watches, wide-eyed, as the massive door swing open and the ghost appears. She starts to follow him, then pauses when the others hesitate.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 11:19:40 AM

Tratain begins to to follow the Spirit inside, he does not think that it will Harm him. He will wait for the others, also wanting to hear Ashira's answer to Zeoll's question.

He says "Perhapse it would be best if we talk while we walk, unless there is danger we should know about."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:13:29 PM

Ashira smiles weakly at Zeoll's questions about Isildur. "Dear friend, we are now on the lost continent of Isildur. This is the homeland of the Aisildurians from long ago, long before Ga'al spread his accursed taint. They were are proud and arrogant people who were destroyed because of their disdain for the ancient gods. It is an ancient land that has been forgotten even in fair tales until my family and I discovered it a few years ago. We stand at the doorway of the temple to Alemi. The ghost is Father Farkus... he is the care giver of this place. Rigging and I came here to do something important... something in the Year of....of...well, I can't really remember, but it was important. There is a portal to the world of the dead here... and a massive treasure store!! When Alemi was a dragon, he landed here, and this is where his dragon's treasure trove is stored..." Ashira turns and examines the surrounding territory. "But there are dangers here, and we will be safer inside..."

Ashira enters the temple, but her face twists in rage at Zeoll's questions about Alemi and Domi. "No, I do not care for Alemi... nor for most of the gods of the Wold. It is my experience that when you need them the most, that is when they are mostly likely to abandon you!" Once more Ashira spits... she looks over and notes the confusion on Zeoll's face, and most likely several others of the party. Her tone softens slightly as she absently rubs the scar on her chest where the heartseed was. "Zeoll, my old friend, you know of my...my...past. How can I trust the gods when they did not lift a finger to help me?! But enough... it is my cross and it is not important to the mission. We have work to do, and we must do it quickly."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:41:55 PM

Even while grieving for her brother Rose can tell that Ashira has changed. Rose rides up near Ashira and asks "Ashira, what's the matter? You didnt used to be like this."

Zeoll (illegal extra post) 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 7:35:21 PM

Zeoll murmurs to Rose, "People change, Rrose. I am not the liontaurr I was beforre I died. Sometimes harrd things happen to people, and it changes them some. See?"

But the liontaur really does not understand what Ashira went through. Moreover, he knows that neither he nor anyone else could understand, unless they had had Ashira's experiences ... and he would not wish that on anybody. Being dead for a couple years -- ha. That was nothing, compared, he thinks to himself.

DM Jamie 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:43:32 PM

OOC: I don't mind if you guys want to make several posts to communicate between one another. Just don't be making alot of actions :)

Inside is darkness and echoing noises of your footsteps and armor. As the doors close behind you, you begin to see the dimensions and shape of the inside. The room is immense. A colonnade reaching up hundreds of feet to the ceiling run to the left and right. Perhaps 50 columns both right and left. Colored windows right and left let in some light. The ghost priest leads you past the pews between the columns to the front of the temple some 10 minutes walk.

There in the rear of the room, the cathedral widens to a T-shape, doors on either side left and right. Where the altar should be is a large semi-circular pool jutted up against the back wall. Standing in the pool is a Golden Dragon hundreds of feet tall reaching so high that a dome has been build so his head fits in the temple.

In front of the pool, is a font with overflow allowed to run down two prescribed marble hollows into the pool behind.

The priest sits them in a pew and goes to pray. As Ashira enters the pew the ghost priest bows slightly. After everyone has sat down he goes over to another pew and prays.

OOC: I will be sending the map to everyone in the morning.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 1:22:24 AM

Vorelle looks about her uneasily, uncertain what she is supposed to be doing.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 8:44:12 PM

Zeoll stands and looks around amazed. He does not take a pew -- not really a liontaur thing. He says a silent prayer to Domi for guidance.

DM Jamie 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 9:04:32 PM

OOC: I am off tonite. I will wait until about 2300 Wold time before I post.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 9:35:36 PM

Theodore folds his hands in his lap and waits politely, not quite sure what to do. He glances about, enjoying the sights.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:08:53 PM

Unless Directed to sit in the pew by the ghostly priest Tratain will wander around the temple seeing what he can see. Looking for any artwork or decorations in the temple to study.

Ashira  d20+12=24 d20+11=22
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:29:50 PM

Ashira curtly returns the ghost's nod and then sits down...though she does not pray. She simply watches and waits for something to happen. It's amazing to her that though she has been in this very temple before, several things look new...though it had been a few years ago, and as she has learned...things change over time. (Spot=24, Listen=22)

Lost Continent of Isildur

DM Jamie 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:33:54 AM

Everyone take a seat in the pew, everyone except for Zeoll for obvious reasons. While you sit there you all are able to look around and take in the enormity of this place. This is by far the biggest building any of you have ever seen.

After a few minutes the ghostly priest returns to where you are seated and asks, "Why are you all here? Ashira why have the living returned here?"

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 3:47:48 AM

Rose looks around and notices that Ashira is having some problems. She climbs (literally as I think the pews are probably a bit high for her) up on the pew and stands by Ashira and whispers in her ear. "What's the matter Ashira? I'll help you just talk to me."

Jay B (Brahmah) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 5:42:59 PM

OOC: Okay folks, I have returned! I think I'm ready to get back to the Wold. Let me know when you need me back. :)

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:51:36 PM

The liontaur ponders the spirit's question. Frankly, Zeoll is not sure what he knows that is relevant, what he knows that he should not talk about, and the extent to which he should reveal his ignorance.

Well, there's always Ebryon, he thinks. Then he says to the spirit, "We need to learrn about the Fae King. He has posed a grreat challenge to the Wold that is. We need to know morre."

"Please, let us know whateverr you might know."

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 11:23:35 PM

The aquatic elf holds her hand up in front of Rose...stalling her inquiry. "Father Farkus, as my good friend says, we need your help. To be honest, we do not know why we are here..." Ashira takes a deep breath trying to remove the venom seething in her soul. "And we need your help..." Ashira looks down at the floor struggling to maintain enough self control to avoid showing complete disdain for their one hope for assistance.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 11:38:48 PM

Still waiting on some posts. I will post early in the morning.

BTW, who is carrying the parchment?

Thursday October 6th, 2005 1:00:34 AM

Not sure herself why she is here, Vorelle waits to listen to the others' answers.

DM Jamie 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 7:06:38 AM

"You have obviously been sent here for a reason my friends. I believe if you search out your hearts you will find what it is you are looking for." he pauses for a moment, "I sense greatness in you, that much is certain. Alemi has a purpose for us all...."

"When I am in question about my purpose I ask Alemi for guidance. Pass through the door to go to the inner sanctum for guidance. I must warn you though, the temple will only allow those who are pure of heart to enter."

With that he backs away from the group and points to the door to the right of the "T".

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 11:44:04 AM


Macaw hops from the head of Theodore to the back support of the pew and cocks his head at the short wizard.

Theodore stands, his knuckles grip tightly around his staff. "I will go in," he says to the ghostly priest.

He gives Vorelle and Rose a resolute nod and walks towards the door pointed to by Father Farkus.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 12:26:58 PM

Tratain says "I will go as well, I want to know why we were brought here, and why this place is so important."

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=21
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:33:18 PM

Pure of heart...

"Ummm...yeah, guys...I think I'll sit this one out." Ashira sits on the pew, keeping an eye on the surroundings (Spot=21, Listen=21) and continuing to stew on the fact that of all places she had to get stuck coming to this temple.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:02:40 PM

"Huh! Is my hearrt purre? Am I too cynical these days? Well, Ashirra, no one should be left out herre alone. I will keep you company and not put my jaded hearrt to the test."

"Rrose, yourr sweet hearrt is plain even to me who has not known you long. Go, and we will await you."

Zeoll wonders to himself if Brahmah and Vorelle will go. He would not embarass the shy woman by asking. He thinks that Brahmah is noble and pure of heart -- but hesitates to say so in case the Captain of the Chosen disagrees.

DM Jamie 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:27:04 PM

As the ghostly priest moves back to his original position on th pew Theodore and Tratain begin to make their way to the door.

Ashira and Zeoll remain in the pews.

The other are still torn between what they believe is in their hearts and what others might see.

As all of this is going on a great commotion comes from the front of the temple. The doors come crashing open and something begins to rush down the aisle towards the front of the temple. As you focus on the creature you see it is Brahmah.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:50:39 PM

Rose tries to get Ashira to go with her then gives up and heads inside with Theo (and hopefully Vorelle) holding onto their hands tightly...just in case.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:56:17 PM

Pure of heart--but pure what?

At any rate, Vorelle isn't about to let Rose and Theo go in there alone. Taking a deep breath, she follows.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 11:40:34 PM

Tratain continues to make his way to the door. Looking back he see's Brahmah enter. Not sure if he's being persued he hopes that the rest of the group will be able to handle things while he was in the Room beyond.

Friday October 7th, 2005 1:52:48 AM

The liontaur is not surprised at the appearance of Brahmah. "I had a feeling that he would be here," he thinks to himself.

Zeoll tells Brahmah everything that has taken place, and encourages him to pass through the door.

Friday October 7th, 2005 3:03:16 AM

"Zeoll!" He places a hand on the wemics shoulder. "Solgrin...? did he fall?" Though he feels he know the answer.

DM Jamie 
Friday October 7th, 2005 10:07:11 AM

OOC: Jay, did you get my email from last night? Thanks

OOC: Everyone is doing great. Good roleplaying.

Friday October 7th, 2005 12:06:03 PM

The ranger smiles at Zeoll and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you my friend." Ashira's smile broadens at the arrival of Brahmah. "Alright!" she says simply. She too encourages the others to go on while she and Zeoll keep watch outside.

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday October 7th, 2005 12:50:44 PM

Theodore continues on towards the door, not fully knowing what to expect. When Rose slips her hand into his, he squeezes tight, happy for the added comfort.

Jay to Jamie 
Friday October 7th, 2005 6:19:19 PM

OOC: Yes, but I had so much to read, I may have skipped(or skimmed) and then erased your mail.

Send me a new one if you like.

Zeoll  d20+9=11
Friday October 7th, 2005 8:19:55 PM

As the others pass through the portal, Zeoll keeps alert to possible enemies and other dangers. [Spot check 11]

While he has the chance, he figures it's a nice chance to talk with his old friend, Ashira. But he is momentarily tongue-tied. He does not want to talk about the dark serious things ... and he realizes that he really knows very little about the mundane things in her life. Then he remembers something.

"Hey, Ashirra, how's that mate of yourrs doing? Anything interresting with yourr family?"

It's not much, but its a start.

DM Jamie 
Friday October 7th, 2005 9:32:52 PM

Rose, Tratain, Theodore, and Vorelle proceede through the door Highlight to display spoiler: { Through the door are steps down. 30' down and then they reverse so you are heading back towards the "T", but you are heading down. At the bottom of the stairs their is a door. As you approach it opens into a room that is directly underneath the "T" room you were in before. Here is a hallway with 50 statues of golden dragons on either side. Each is 20' tall. There is another large door at the other end of the hallway. A sign above the door says in draconic, "Thou shalt not steal." }

Ashira, Brahmah, and Zeoll Highlight to display spoiler: {you see the rest of the group go through the door. As they all enter the door closes behind them. Their is no noise from anywhere, but as you are sitting there and your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness you see the true beauty of this place. The floors are marble and are polished to a mirror surface. The pillars down the sides are decorated with paitings and sculptures depicting different battles and Woldian gods. The ceiling is painted in a great mural that depicts a great battle. All is beautifully done and in exquisite condition.

Suddenly, their is a flash high above you. Something is flying high aboive you at the top of the Cathedral.

Saturday October 8th, 2005 4:05:05 PM

Theodore pauses a moment when they enter this new room. He looks about, his eyes lingering on the golden dragons.

Seeing the doors, he nods his head in their direction. "I guess that way."

He starts walking again in the direction of the doors.

Saturday October 8th, 2005 4:07:20 PM

Theodore's raven, Macaw, catches sight of the flying 'thing' above and lets out a startled sqwuak.

(OOC - Macaw stayed up here. Does he still retain the ability to empathically communicate with Theo? Didn't know if there might be some kind of barrier as Theo's going into a 'special' room.)

Mad Jack 
Sunday October 9th, 2005 12:46:48 AM

Flying so high he can actually see the dragons heads. He loved to fly, even more than he loved to ride on land. Spotting some people down near the ground he guides his mount down towards them. As he lands he notices two things right away.

"Ah another parrot, do you speak, black one?"

Looking over to the liontaur " I have met your kind before, glad to meet another, My name is Jack."

He knows nothing of the other 2 assembled there, but worry is written all over their faces.

"It would seem with such downturned faces something foul has happened here. Well I have been sent here by, well some strange man. So again, name is Jack and I offer any help I can give."

Vorelle  d20+14=26
Sunday October 9th, 2005 1:39:35 AM

Vorelle squints at the strange writing, but it is in a language she doesn't know. Looking apprehensively about her, she follows Theo down the corridor.

[Spot 26, if it's needed.]

Brahmah  d20+11=15
Sunday October 9th, 2005 6:33:06 AM

Brahmah looks up and squints to see what is flying. (Spot 15)

Sunday October 9th, 2005 11:52:59 PM

Rose mutters the words over the door "Thou shalt not steal? Like I would steal from a temple." But other than that remains quiet and near Theo and Vorelle.

Monday October 10th, 2005 3:16:52 AM

"We are honorable taurs. We don't steal."

Monday October 10th, 2005 7:30:12 AM

Tratain moves foreward through the doors to see what is on the other side.

Monday October 10th, 2005 9:59:56 AM

The liontaur waits and watches patiently.

DM Jamie  d20=10 d20=7 d20=14
Monday October 10th, 2005 12:16:09 PM

Rose, Tratain, Theodore, and Vorelle Highlight to display spoiler: { As you enter the hallway gold and jewels begin to pour from the mouths of the dragons. More wealth than you ever could have imagined comes spilling out of the mouths of all 100 dragons.}

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Macaw and Mad Jack Highlight to display spoiler: {the flying object in the sky is a human on the back of a pegasus. The pegasus is a light grey color. The most noticable thing about the man is the tall black top hat he is wearing. It looks alot like the same hat the Mortician wore. He lands among you on the floor of the temple.}

Monday October 10th, 2005 6:44:38 PM

Wow! I bet I could buy a lot of stuff with that, Theodore thinks as the jewels come pouring from the dragons. This must be a test.

It's hard, but he turns his eyes from the wealth and focuses on the path ahead.

He feels a sudden jerk of surprise from Macaw, which quickly turns into recognition. Theodore pushes the message to the back of his mind.

Monday October 10th, 2005 6:47:46 PM

Macaw scooches back and forth across the back rest of the pew, looking up at Jack.

Mad Jack 
Monday October 10th, 2005 6:52:23 PM

After he had introduced himself to the 3 odd looking creatures, he strokes his pegasus neck.

"Oh, and this fine animals name is Trya."

Taking off the hat, and placing it on Trya's back, he moves his hands in some weird jestures and speaks a few unintelligible words.

The human that you see before you is of middle age, longish black hair and black beard. He wears a blue pirate shirt, blue woolen pants, and riding leather boots. He is rather plain looking and would never stand out in a crowd. He also has a greatsword strapped on his back, along with a backpack.

Being satisfied with what he had been doing, he returns the tall black top hat back to his head.

"Sure wish I had a mirror, I bet I look great!! So who do I have the pleasure of working with today?" His question is directed at the 3, and the parrot of course.

OOC Cast detect magic on the hat.

Vorelle (Posted by Shegger) 
Monday October 10th, 2005 6:54:25 PM

Vorelle keeps her head down and her mouth closed. She stays close to Rose and tries to keep her eyes forward.

Monday October 10th, 2005 10:26:55 PM

Rosie looks at the jems pouring out and gazes in wonder, but she doesnt touch them. Then they keep pouring out "Theo I cant move! There's to many..." Rose's voice trails off as the jems get higher and higher and her eyes open wide "They're going to cover me!"

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:17:30 AM

With her greenish gray skin and blue hair, it is readily apparent to Mad Jack that Ashira is not human.

Ashira scowls at Mad Jack's arrival. It was nice to have another hand, but did he have to be so arrogant?? She sighs. "Welcome sir, I see the black one has sent us another helper. I am Ashira, Pirate of Jack. This is my friend Zeoll, and that is Brahmah...Captain of the Chosen of Domi. The others of our party are behind those closed doors."

Having finished her introductions, Ashira turns to Zeoll. "You asked about Rigging...he is doing well. He is the Captain of our ship now, and we are independent contractors now. We hope to soon open our own base of operations, though to be honest with you, I'm not so sure I look forward to all the logistical issues that is involved in such matters."

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 12:27:55 PM

The liontaur is not alarmed when the newcomer appears from the upper reaches of the temple. After all, Pegasi are good-natured creatures, and in this holy place, what evil could there be in such an entrance. The hat seals the deal.

So Zeoll bows in welcome when introduced to the newcomer. He is a big liontaur with a staff and a cloak. He has an odd-shaped pack on his back.

He smiles at the newcomer's words. "Hello Jack! Hello Tyrra! As it happens, I can make yourr wish come trrue."

Zeoll opens that strange pack of his and takes out a large, well-padded silver mirror. It is at least four feet by two feet.

"Take a look, my well-appointed new frriend!" He holds it up for Jack to admire himself. "Verry debonairre," Zeoll says, making gentle fun of the vain human.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 5:06:16 PM

Tratain will Help Rose out of the Gems and Gold with Theo and keep everyone moveing along the path further into the room.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 6:47:37 PM

Brahmah's mind spins with all the activity. "Whose this guy?"

DM Jamie 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 9:27:47 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, just got home from the airport.

Rose, Tratain, Theodore, and Vorelle: Highlight to display spoiler: {As you all pass through the hall way and open the door the treasure disappears and you find another set of stairs just like the ones before. As each of you begins to walk down the stairs you disappear.}

Rose, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are all alone, except for your riding dog and your familiar(I assume they are with you) the door closes behind you and the stairs take you down one more level and reverse direction again so you are traveling under the previous hallway except in the opposite direction.

The bottom of the stairs opens into a 30' x 30' room. There is a stoll in the center of the room. A font in one corner provides water for the thirsty. As you enter the 30' x 30' room a sweet ghostly voice says, as if through a PA system, "Please wait here."

A sign on the door at the far wall says, "Thou shalt be patient."

The door to the right is labeled, "Inner Sanctum."

The door to the left is labeled, "Main Temple Portal."

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are all alone. The door closes behind you and the stairs take you down one more level and reverse direction again so you are traveling under the previous hallway except in the opposite direction.

The bottom of the stairs opens into a 30' x 30' room. There is a stoll in the center of the room. A font in one corner provides water for the thirsty. As you enter the 30' x 30' room a sweet ghostly voice says, as if through a PA system, "Please wait here."

A sign on the door at the far wall says, "Thou shalt be patient."

The door to the right is labeled, "Inner Sanctum."

The door to the left is labeled, "Main Temple Portal."

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are all alone. The door closes behind you and the stairs take you down one more level and reverse direction again so you are traveling under the previous hallway except in the opposite direction.

The bottom of the stairs opens into a 30' x 30' room. There is a stoll in the center of the room. A font in one corner provides water for the thirsty. As you enter the 30' x 30' room a sweet ghostly voice says, as if through a PA system, "Please wait here."

A sign on the door at the far wall says, "Thou shalt be patient."

The door to the right is labeled, "Inner Sanctum."

The door to the left is labeled, "Main Temple Portal."

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are all alone. The door closes behind you and the stairs take you down one more level and reverse direction again so you are traveling under the previous hallway except in the opposite direction.

The bottom of the stairs opens into a 30' x 30' room. There is a stoll in the center of the room. A font in one corner provides water for the thirsty. As you enter the 30' x 30' room a sweet ghostly voice says, as if through a PA system, "Please wait here."

A sign on the door at the far wall says, "Thou shalt be patient."

The door to the right is labeled ,"Inner Sanctum."

The door to the left is labeled, "Main Temple Portal."

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Macaw and Mad Jack, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you are all conversing the ghostly priest stands from his prayers. He looks over his shoulder at the party, shakes his head, and passes through the wall behind the fountain.}

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 1:12:17 AM

The ranger smiles at Brahmah. "Why, he's our knight in shining armor of course!" Ashira snickers and then realises that she is being rude. "Brahmah, can't you see? This man was sent by the black one to help us on our quest."

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 2:19:31 AM

Rose is a bit worried when the others disappear but she keeps going walking along side of mandy with one hand on mandy and piper on her shoulder. Nothing's going to happen to them this is a temple. Rose sits on the stool and after a few minutes pulls out a loaf of bread with meat, veggies, cheese and marinara sauce baked in it and starts eating her snack.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 5:33:15 AM

"Of course. I knew that!" He looks almost embarrassed.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 6:29:11 AM

"You are a great soul," Jack says to Zeoll, as he admires the hat in the mirror. "Thank you and may you have many kittens in the future."

"Alas, it helps my ugly mug none, but the hat is nice." He gives Ashira a weak smile.

Perking up, he withdraws the hat once again, with his left hand, placing it at his side. With his right hand, he curls it into a fist. Placing his right arm over his chest, fist pointing inward, he bows his head in respect to the minotaur.

"Captain, it is a pleasure to serve under your command. You have the looks of a capable leader. One thing you should know about me. I am known to some as Mad Jack. Many think I am crazy. It is not so. I only try to make diversions to give my allies the upper hand in any situation. But I freely admit, I do look and act crazy. I was a warrior for several years, and have found that I have some bit of magic inside me to use as well."

Saying this he returns his hat back upon his head and walks over to the pew where the raven sits. Looking at the bird more closely he decides to step out on a limb.

"Parrot, you look like a bird I know. Could you be Macaw? If so pray tell where is Theo?" he reaches out with his index finger to rub the birds chest in a friendly jesture.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 4:55:46 PM

Tratain sits down in the room and begins to Meditate, waiting to be summoned.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 4:59:46 PM

Zeoll carefully puts away his mirror and offers some information to the newcomer. "Oh, you know Theo and his birrd? He and two of his compatrriots -- Rrose and Vorrelle -- passed thrrough yon doorr, along with a noble Prrotectorr of Domi. The holy spirrit who you just saw walk thrrough the wall therre told us that it was a porrtal only forr the purre in hearrt. Alas, we who rremain outside arre not convinced that ourr hearrts are purre, in parrt or in whole. Theo, Rrose, and Vorelle -- who all seem young and rrelatively inexperrienced among us harrdened veterrans, if I may say so -- arre surrely purre and worrthy to pass, and of the Prrotectorr I have no doubts."

"Speaking only forr myself, having spent severral yearrs dead, and then rreturrning to life as a pawn of the Lorrd of Disease, and then betrraying my frriends as a rresult, well, let us just say that experriences such as those may tend to leave a slight stain on what might have been a prreviously purre hearrt."

The liontaur reveals these intimacies with a slightly embarrassed matter-of-fact air, as if he were relating an anecdote of how his shirt came to be stained, with the hope that his listeners will excuse the marred garment they see him wearing.

"Of courrse," Zeoll adds, bowing to Mad Jack, "you must yourrself judge the status of yourr own hearrt, and feel frree to trry the doorr if you like. I have hearrd that the insane have a purrity of sorrts about them, and such may marrk you as one who should indeed open the doorr and go thrrough." He smiles as he refers to the man's "madness," of which Zeoll has seen no sign himself so far, judging eccentricity as no more mad than any other affectation.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 7:57:10 PM

Macaw dodges the friendly finger of Mad Jack and shuffles sideways, puffing his feathers in indignation.

Theodore  d20+2=3 d20+2=14
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 7:58:53 PM

Theodore glances about before settling down to wait.

(Spot 3, Listen 14)

Vorelle (Posted by Shegger) 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 8:00:03 PM

Be patient. I can do that, Vorelle thinks to herself. She stands in the center of the room and waits for whatever she's supposed to wait on.

(italic tag fixed by Cayzle the Butt-In-Ski)

Ashira  d20+12=14 d20+11=31
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:10:58 AM

Ashira lowers her head as Zeoll speaks of his shame. She returns Mad Jack's weak smile and motions to the door. "Please, feel free. We will wait out here."

Ashira tries her best to keep a good look out...but distant memories of her time with the Quad cloud her judgement (Spot=14). Her hearing, however, is remarkably clear (Listen=nat. 20).

DM Jamie (Wednesday Post) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:37:03 AM

Rose, Highlight to display spoiler: {After, what seems like several hours, nothing happens.}

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {After, what seems like several hours, nothing happens.}

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {After, what seems like several hours, nothing happens.}

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {After, what seems like several hours, nothing happens.}

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Mad Jack, and Macaw, Highlight to display spoiler: { As you are all sitting/standing and conversing with one another you feel the hair on your arms and the backs of your necks stand on end as if their were stray electricity in the air.

Then as soon as it started it is over. And there is a large pounding coming from the main entrance. Thoom, Thoom, Thoom. It echoes through the temple resounding off of every surface.

The hat that Mad Jack had begins to glow blue

OOC: Let me know if this is getting too complicated for anyone or if you are not liking the format.

Thursday October 13th, 2005 3:01:43 AM

OOC: Flashbacks to LotR. ;)

"What was that?! Sounds like drums..." He draws his swords.

Thursday October 13th, 2005 5:18:56 AM

Rose pulls out some sewing and works on it, after a while she may curl up and take a nap.

Mad Jack  d100=41
Thursday October 13th, 2005 9:10:01 AM

Jack moves over toward Brahmah.

"Captain if I may assist with some magical armor."

Jack casts mage armor on Brahmah.ASF10%/41 Good.
Brahmah, +4AC 5 hours

Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:25:26 AM

Theodore scratches an itch on his nose, but otherwise remains where he is. He's quite content to wait. He is a wizard, after all.

A light anxious feeling enters the back of his mind.

Vorelle (Posted by Shegger) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:26:40 AM

Vorelle begins to pace. She didn't like being separated from her friends for so long.

What if they're in trouble? What if they need my help? These thoughts keep repeating in her mind, but she remains in the room. For now...

Thursday October 13th, 2005 4:31:53 PM

Tratain moves to each of the Doors in the room to examine them, but does not touch or move through any of them. He moves over to the Water Font and takes a Drink from it. Then moves back to the center of the Room where he takes out his Earhammer and begins excercising with it, keeping his skills sharp while waiting to be summoned.

Thursday October 13th, 2005 6:36:41 PM

OOC: Just a reminder. I seem to remember that Mage Armor doesn't stack with standard armor, though it does fend off incorporeal touch attacks that regular armor doesn't.

As for weaponry and armor, I don't like to be the cause of wasted spells. So here is a short list of magical items Brahmah carries. He has two mildly enchanted swords, a shirt of enchanted mithril, a scroll case full of spells, magical gauntlets and magical periapt. Now without telling you exactly what he has, it should be easy to figure out which spells not to waste on him.

I do appreciate the fact Mad Jack is looking at Brahmah as a target to recieve spells, but I just think certain other PC's should recieve the mage armor first. :)

Spells I won't complain about are, haste, stoneskin, protection from X, greater invisibility or fly. All those are great! ;)

Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:21:11 PM

Zeoll would be glad of a Mage Armor, he notes! His AC is shameful!

The liontaur casts Heroism on Brahmah and then on Ashira. He wonders aloud if something is trying to break in. He keeps an eye on the hat.

He reminds everybody that if there is just one of an enemy, let Zeoll try to enchant it first. And if Zeoll DOES charm anything, DO NOT attack it!

Ashira (AC21, HP 87/87) Heroism 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:50:08 PM

Ashira smiles as the warmth of Zeoll's magic washes over her. She reaches into her pack and pulls out a potion and hands it to Zeoll. (Barkskin +3) Smiling, her swords are in her hands in a moment. "Alrighty...moment of truth here...let's spread out a bit so we don't fall to area effects."

Ashira stares at the doors. "Come fools...come to your deaths." she murmurs as she shifts from foot to foot.

DM Jamie (Thursday Post) 
Friday October 14th, 2005 1:36:26 AM

Rose, Highlight to display spoiler: {After several more hours (up to 18) nothing happens.}

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {After several more hours (up to 18) nothing happens. }

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {After several more hours (up to 18) nothing happens.}

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {After several more hours (up to 18) nothing happens.}

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Mad Jack, and Macaw, Highlight to display spoiler: {As the door is about to burst at the hinges, time seems to slow. The hat that Mad Jack had been wearing begins to glow a soft blue with the occasional bolt of energy crossing over the surface. A shpere of energy begins to radiate out and soon encompasses the party. Then time picks back up.

The door flys from it hinges and crashes into several of the pews, splintering them. Eight humanoids walk forward. They are the eight you all met in front of the temple of Gargul. 4 are in plate and the other 4 are in robes.

As the eight enter the temple the begin to look around and let their eyes adjust to the light. The move forward towards the group as they scan the room for something.

"I know this is where the portal sent them, but now we need to find where they went." says one of the plated men in red.

One of the robed men pulls a scroll case from under his robes and pops it open. He pulls from it a sheave of paper and begins to shuffle through it, producing one sheet. "Here is the map I took off that dead elf. It shows that there are only two exits out of here. They are located at thef ront of the temple."

The group continues forward. They continue walking towards the party without any fear of them. As they approach you see that they do not even know you are there. In fact as they get closer they pass right through you and ciontinue towards the front.

As they approach the fountain the man with the map looks at the back wall and looks at his map several times. "It says there should be a door to the right and to the left, but there is only a door to the left." You all see the door to the right a has somehow vanished.

"Then to the left we go. We must catch them before they reach the inner sanctum with the parchment."

As the men in red leave the main temple area and go through the door to the left the glow in the hat begins ot fade and the sphere of energy subsides.

Rose  d20+12=26 d20+10=15 d20+11=23 d20+12=17
Friday October 14th, 2005 2:39:04 AM

after a few hours (6) rose wakes up and wonders why nothing has happened and decides to listen at the doors.

listen: 26
open lock: 15
search: 23
spot: 17

Friday October 14th, 2005 6:10:55 AM

Active Spells: Heroism

The minotaur stands ready.

Friday October 14th, 2005 10:06:25 AM

Theodore begins to get anxious. His excitement is heightened when he feels the fear from Macaw. The fear quicly subsides but is replaced by a deep caution.

Through all of this, Theodore has stood, sat, approached one of the doors, almost opened it, and returned to the middle of the room. His forhead glistens with nervous perspiration.

"How long am I to wait?" he says out loud. "Are my friends in danger?"

Friday October 14th, 2005 10:17:26 AM

Macaw almost flies off when the door bursts in and the eight red priests enter. But he stays close with the group, feeling somewhat calmed by the hat's magical energy.

Vorelle (Posted by Shegger) 
Friday October 14th, 2005 10:19:10 AM

Vorelle remains in the room, but her mind is moving a mile a minute.

Is this some plot to separate us? What if my friends are in trouble?

Mad Jack 
Friday October 14th, 2005 3:14:50 PM

Once the redclad men have exited the doors, Jack remounts on Tryas back.

Friday October 14th, 2005 4:35:15 PM

Zeoll watches, ready to attack, but it is not necessary. "Clearrly a grreaterr forrce is watching overr us herre. I only hope that ourr frriends are being guarrded as well."

Zeoll tries to memorize the faces of the enemies, so that he can scry them later.

He realizes that he has not slept at all since this adventure began, and wonders how it is that he has lost track of time.

Friday October 14th, 2005 4:44:17 PM

Tratain continues to wait to be summoned.

DM Jamie 
Friday October 14th, 2005 11:41:49 PM

Rose,Highlight to display spoiler: { As you are checking out the door you hear an audible click and the door opposite where you entered opens.}

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear an audible click and the door opposite where you entered opens.}

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear an audible click and the door opposite where you entered opens.}

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear an audible click and the door opposite where you entered opens.}

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Mad Jack, and Macaw, Highlight to display spoiler: { With the red testers gone an unnatural silence fills the normally soothing sanctuary.}

Saturday October 15th, 2005 10:07:28 AM

Tratain moves to the door that opened and walks through.

Saturday October 15th, 2005 12:39:36 PM

Zeoll nods his thanks and pockets Ashira's gift of a Barkskin +3 potion. "I'll save it until a fight, and use it forr myself orr someone in need," he whispers her.

"I wonderr what is thrrough the doorr ourr enemies have selected," Zeoll wonders aloud, still whispering. He wishes the spirit would return so he could ask him that. "Maybe Ashirra and Brrahmah should flank the doorr so that if they emerrge frrom it, we can gain the advantage of surrprrise."

But in his heart Zeoll thinks that the time for their confrontation is not yet at hand.

Theodore  d20+2=15 d20+2=12
Sunday October 16th, 2005 12:19:50 AM

Theodore moves towards the door that clicked and pauses outside for a moment. If nothing happens, he'll ease it open and look in.

(Spot 15, Listen 12)

Rose  d20+12=24 d20+12=16 d20+11=12
Sunday October 16th, 2005 5:15:28 PM

Rose goes over to the door and looks it over. If it seems safe she'll go through it.

listen: 24
spot: 16
search: 12, nat 1

Monday October 17th, 2005 2:00:47 AM

Brahmah prepares for combat and listens for signs of spellcasting.

OOC: Did the ENTIRE room go silent? Can Brahmah hear his blades and armor.

Monday October 17th, 2005 8:54:41 AM

Smiling in relief, Vorelle turns to face the opening door, doing her best to shake off the dullness of the past few hours.

DM Clarification 
Monday October 17th, 2005 11:46:35 AM

The room calmed down. You can all still hear one another and your armor and sword rattles. ;)

DM Jamie 
Monday October 17th, 2005 12:07:13 PM

Ashira, Brahmah, Zeoll, Mad Jack, and Macaw, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are visited by the ghostly priest. He has a stern look on his face. "You are all heros now reguardless of your past lives or what has happened. Otherwise you never would have chosen to face almost certain death in order to save the Wold.," he looks over each person, "I can see into your souls and I know you are meant to be here and that you all have a noble purpose and destiny." He looks at Ashira, "Whether we want to see it in ourselves or not."

He motions to the fountain. "Fountains can be majestical and peaceful methods for meditation. The can reach down into your soul to help you rediscover your center. This fountain not only reaches into your soul, it reaches into the soul of this temple. Enter the fountain and join your friends. Just remember what I have told you for in the future you will have nothing more that each other to depend on."

As you step into the fountain you dissapear. Mad Jack must make an animal handling roll DC 15 to get the pegasus to follow himAs soon as you dissapear you feel as if you are shooting straight down a water slide, steep and fast. Then as soon as it started you find yourself falling a short distance into a stone floor at the base of a staircase. You look up to see your comrades who entered the door standing in front of you.

Rose, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you check your door and open it the female voice once again speaks, "Please join your comrades through the open door. You have passed the test."}

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you check your door and open it the female voice once again speaks, "Please join your comrades through the open door. You have passed the test."}

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you check your door and open it the female voice once again speaks, "Please join your comrades through the open door. You have passed the test."}

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you check your door and open it the female voice once again speaks, "Please join your comrades through the open door. You have passed the test."}

Rose, Tratain, Theodore, & Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {You are united with your comrades in another 30 foot room. At the far end of the room are stairs heading down. Two sets of 30 steps reversing their direction.

At the bottom is another room. As you stand there you hear a cry come from above and behind you. You turn just in time to see your other comrades fall from a space in the ceiling with a few gallons of water to land in a big pile on the ground. They seem to have taken on a new partner.

Everyone Jamie thinks "finally" ;), The room you all appear outside of seems to have no walls, just empty space extending out into blackness. Suspended throughout the room are spaces with curtains pulled over them. Upon closer inspection from the sides they appear to be mirrors with curtains pulled over them.

There is a sign on the floor. As you look at it smokey letters form and it reads, "Go in one at a time and view only the mirror of your honest self."

Each mirror is named on a placard below it. To view, simply slide the curtain aside.

Here are the names on the placards:


When a character picks a mirror place a spoiler post for me to view. Then I will read them and respond with questions for your character with the spoiler tag. I am hoping for the privacy thing to encourage role-play.

Monday October 17th, 2005 1:39:51 PM

Zeoll smiles to see all his friends together again. His smile turns rueful as he recalls the spirit's words. "I think we werre just scolded," he whispers to Ashira and Brahmah.

Presented with the next stage of the journey, Zeoll is glad at least that one of the choices seems clear to him. He steps forward.

Highlight to display spoiler: {He thinks to himself, "Well, if serving Domi for lo these many years has taught me anything, I hope it is to have courage." He chooses the mirror marked with the word "Brave."}

Monday October 17th, 2005 2:41:40 PM

The half-elf returns Zeoll's smile. "Yes, I believe you are right...it would appear some cosmic force desires for us all to stay together." Ashira looks up at the ceiling and winks. Then she heads toward one of the mirrors.

Highlight to display spoiler: {Thinking to herself...oh yeah faithless...that'd be me. Heading toward the
"Faithless" mirror.

Monday October 17th, 2005 2:50:12 PM

Rose whispers to Theo and Vorelle, she isnt sure what mirror she should chose and is asking them what they think.

Cayzle OOC 
Monday October 17th, 2005 3:23:46 PM

Loretta, I think we each pick our own mirror? That's what Zeoll did.

Mad Jack 
Monday October 17th, 2005 6:09:06 PM

OOC No idea how to get spoiler in that format, any help? You know, code or whatnot.

DM Input: Sorry about that. You will type 'spoiler' excluding the quotation marks inside the left and right bracket. This will go at the begining of your hidden message. After you finish you will type /spoiler inside the left and right bracket. I suggest you try it out in the loot and booty first to get the hang of it. :)

Monday October 17th, 2005 10:26:20 PM

Cayzle I know that and you know that, but Rose isnt sure what mirror to choose so she's asking for help. She wants to know how others see her and doesnt really see herself as one of the following.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday October 17th, 2005 10:44:08 PM

Macaw returns to his normal perch atop Theodore's head. The raven speaks to the wizard in a bizarre tongue and Theodore glances at Mad Jack.

"Hey...I know you." He seems confused. "Where did you come from?"

He then turns towards the mirrors and steps towards one in particular.

Highlight to display spoiler: {He moves in front of the Moral mirror and removes the curtain.}

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 12:15:58 AM

Moves to the "Leader" mirror. Then removes the cloth.

Mad Jack  d20+10=23
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 12:41:07 AM

Jack looks into the waters of the fountain. Watching the others go through, he nudges Trya to follow. (Ride check 23)

Once he arrives to the mirrors, he watches as the others move toward their perspective mirrors. Seems to Jack like a game of chance, so he chooses his lucky number, er title.

Highlight to display spoiler: {Loner will be me}

Hearing Theo/s voice, Jack says, "You know me, heard there were some goblins needed whacking. And low and behold, here I am. Good to see ya! Hello to Rose and Ms V as well."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:21:52 AM

"I-innocent," Vorelle suggests to Rose in a whisper. "Or b-b-b-brave."

She herself knows which of the mirrors applies to her. Casting an uneasy glance around her, she steps up and shoves the curtain aside. Highlight to display spoiler: {Nobody ever accused Vorelle of being sociable. "Loner" it is. }

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 5:53:08 AM

Brahmah begins to ponder. He thinks to himself. 'The people call the Chosen Heros. Maybe I should go to Hero mirror.... Thats arrogant of me! Perhaps Brave.... there's a thin line between brave and stupid.

I'll stick with Leader.'

He turns to the others, with a smile. "This should be interesting!"

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:18:42 PM

Tratain thinks to himself for a minute then heads over and stands infront on a Mirror.
Highlight to display spoiler: {Faithful}

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 10:12:18 PM

Rose stares at the mirrors and the names above them she isnt sure which one to choose. Finally she smiles and when its her turn she goes into the room and...

Highlight to display spoiler: {
she goes into the room and pulls back the curtains over five different mirrors.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 12:47:31 AM

OOC I think we are the first to this point. Let me know how this test went so I can provide feedback to the other games.

Zeoll, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself. You see great moments in your life where you have fought the odds and have overcome all odds.

In your mind you hear, "The truly brave, When they behold the brave oppressed with odds, Are touched with a desire to shield and save:-- A mixture of wild beasts and demi-gods Are they--now furious as the sweeping wave, Now moved with pity; even as sometimes nods The rugged tree unto the summer wind, Compassion breathes along the savage mind."

You have looked within and have chosen wisely.

Ashira, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see some defining moments in your life. You see yourself fallen and broken and you see in your minds eye Alemi standing by not paying attention.

In your mind you hear, "The true measure of an adventurer is not how they behave in moments of comfort and convenience but how they stand at times of controversy and challenges. You will persevere because of your faith in yourself and because the faith others have in you. You will see this in the coming trials."

You have looked within yourself and chosen wisely.

Mad Jack, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself. You see great moments in your life where you have been able to overcome the odds.

In your mind you hear, "You don't have to tell how you live each day, you don't have to say if you work or you play. Attired, true barometer serves in the place, however you live, it will show in your face.

"The false, the deceit that you bear in your heart will not stay inside where it first got a start. For sinew and blood are a thin veil of lace what you wear in your heart, you wear in your face.

"If your life is unselfish, if for others you live, for not what you get, but how much you can give; If you live close to the gods in their infinite grace you don't have to tell it, it shows in your face."

You have looked within yourself and chosen wisely.

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself. You see moments in your life that have defined you as a moral character.

In your mind you hear, "Though a man without money is poor, a man with nothing but money is still poorer. Worldly gifts cannot bear up the spirits from fainting and sinking when trials and troubles come, any more than headache can be cured by a golden crown or toothache by a chain of pearls."

You have looked within and chosen wisely.

Brahmah, Highlight to display spoiler: { As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself looking back at you. You see defining moments in your life that have set you apart from others as a leader.

In you mind you hear, "A leader is best when people barely know he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. But of a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, 'We did it ourselves.'"

You have looked inside yourself and chosen wisely.

Vorelle, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself looking back at you. You see defining moments in your life that you have overcome and been made stronger.

In your mind you hear, "To dare to live alone is the rarest courage; since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in their closet. Just don't forget that your skills and you are a valued member of a team."

You have looked inside yourself and chosen wisely.

Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {As you draw the curtain to the side you see yourself looking back. You are able to see defining moments in your life that have tested your faith and have made you stronger.

In your mind you hear, "Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind."

You have looked inside yourself and chosen wisely.

Rose, Highlight to display spoiler: {You run into the room and manage to pull your five curtains all at the same time. You are flooded with images from your life. All of them having to do with what you believe is what makes up your character. The mass of information is almost too much for you to bear.

In your mind you hear, "The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual - for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost."

"Out of all the members of your party you understand that all are made up of several facets. What makes us great is how we use those qualities to overcome adversity."

You have looked inside yourself and chosen wisely.

Everyone, A lighted outline appears at the back of the shadowed room. As the light brightens you see it is a great door made of gold and covered in runes. There is an audible click as to door opens.

Theodore, Highlight to display spoiler: {The parchment that you placed in one of your pockets begins to pull towards the room.

OOC: I am going to assume that you have the scrap of parchment since no one let me know who had it.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 1:50:23 AM

Jack hits his ear with the palm of his hand, trying to shake something loose in his head. Voices, always voices. Then he notices the glow, and his eyes follow it to the point of origin.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 8:07:20 PM

"Umm, guys?" Theodore says in an uncertain voice. Glancing at the short mage, you notice that his pants have suddenly extended outward from his leg as if some invisible force were tugging on them. The pants seem to be pointing towards the newly visible door.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, Theodore pulls from his pocket the parchment received from the Gargul priest. "It wants us to go through. Extraordinary..."

Thursday October 20th, 2005 12:14:31 AM

The aquatic elf absently rubs her chest absently as she considers what she has seen in the mirror. Then she spots Theodore's pants and chuckles. "Well then, I suppose if the pants say it's time to go, then it's time to go!" Ashira strides over to the door and opens it.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 12:23:25 AM

Vorelle is a little startled by the visions in the mirror, as the scenes it shows are not all ones she remembers fondly. It's over pretty quickly, though, and she heaves a little sigh.

I wonder what that was all about? she thinks, as she follows the others toward the door.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 3:33:27 AM


Thursday October 20th, 2005 11:28:36 AM

Zeoll marvels at his visions. They remind him that he is a seer.

Then he sees the door wth its runes. He casts Comprehend Languages and Read Magic and looks at them.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 4:17:27 PM

Surprising you all when Rose when into the room she opened not one, not two but FIVE mirrors. Faithful

She stops and stares at the mirrors for a while when everyone comes into room. "Maybe that was a bad idea, my head hurts" Rose follows the others out of the room, of course she's staying close to Vorelle, Theo and Ashira.

Mad Jack 
Friday October 21st, 2005 12:26:22 AM

Not having any more sense than an idiot, Jack moves toward Theo, hoping the man will be cautious

Friday October 21st, 2005 2:17:01 AM

Brahmah looks on.

The Inner Sanctum

DM Jamie 
Friday October 21st, 2005 3:09:34 AM

OOC: I will send a map to everyone in the morning I am at work

Inside is a natural cave. Well it used to be. Now it's adorned with gold jewels, etc; Made into as much of a holy room as is possible.

Huge stalactites and columns now banded with gold and jewels.

In the center, a carefully arranged pile of treasure. As if it has to remain a pile, but every item and coin has its place and has been that way for millennia.

The parchment pulls slightly on the person carrying it as if telling it where its place is and where it belongs. Theodore it is pulling you towards the back of the room.

As you all follow Theodore's pants towards the back of the room the doors burst open behind you and the eight Red Testers enter. They are the same eight that you saw before. Four of them wearing robes and four of them wearing some type of plate mail. How did they get in? Looking slightly beat up with blood already on them, they approach.

One speaks, "You will give the parchment to us. Our great need demands it. The evil nature of Gargul must be returned to him. It is our quest and our lives. Our test and our great need!"

Friday October 21st, 2005 7:30:49 AM

Brahmah is hoping someone tells him what is going on soon or he'll go mad.

Zeoll  d20+24=30 d20+11=24 d20+23=26
Friday October 21st, 2005 10:44:47 AM

[OOC: Huh? What about Zeoll's actions last turn reading the runes on the door? Did he get a chance to do that?]

DM OOC: My appologies. The runes are in High Woldian. If you can read High Woldian Highlight to display spoiler: { Enter and bask in the glory of the inner sanctum}

Zeoll steps forward and calls out, "Let us talk beforre we join in hasty battle, Followerrs of Garrgul! Yourr goal is is to rrestorre yourr god. Ourr goal is to rretrrieve an arrtifact. These goals arre not opposed. Let us have trrust. Let us talk peacefully, and then we will each achieve ourr trrue victorries."

With these words, Zeoll has two purposes. he hopes to calm the Red Cloaks and to buy a little time. To that end, his Diplomacy check is a 30! His second purpose is to send a secret message ONLY to his friends. To that end, his Bluff check is 24. Through nonverbal cues and subtle inflections, he tels his friends:

Please please let me try this! Make no threats! Draw no weapon! Do not attack! I can buy us time to gain an advantage! Trust me!

Then the liontaur bard continues. "I once met the Grreat God Garrgul myself, afterr I dwelled in the lands of the dead. Listen to my song, and I will tell you the tale. I think it will inspirre us all."

Zeoll takes out his drum and begins to sing, using his Bardic Fascinate ability. He especially focusses on three of the Red Cloaks -- the one who just spoke, and two others -- at least one fighter and one caster, if he has a choice.

Zeoll's Perform Check is the will save DC vs. the Fascinate. His check is a 26. His song:

[OOC: Song to come in a moment.]

Zeoll Continued 
Friday October 21st, 2005 11:45:32 AM

Zeoll's song tells the story of his meeting with Gargul ...

A strrong and muscled man is he,
With blacksmith's arrms and noble mien
His might inspirred awe in me,
His scowl was fierrce. His eyes were keen.

He told me of a sworrd he made.
And in these verry worrds, he said:
"Once long ago I forrged a blade
"Of powerr darrk and grreat with drread."

He told me then to seek it out,
This blade that otherrs would prrofane.
He did not want the undevout
To touch that which was his domain.

I darred to ask the Lorrd of Hell,
"How will I know this sacrred steel?"
He smirrked, and frrom this I could tell
The prride he chose not to conceal.

He then descrribed what I would seek:
"Jet black and evil thrrough and thrrough,
The blind could sense its evil rreek."

His prride in it was clearr and trrue.

So sworre I then an oath to serrve,
I serrve him still, as do we all.
Ourr differrences let us rreserrve,
Let's worrk as one to heed his call.

Zeoll's song continues like this for a total of four rounds (he could go as long as seven, but he does not want to push it). Note! he can only fascinate up to three creatures. He hopes that the other Red Cloaks will listen anyway -- since his Diplomacy was strong and since the topic of his song's theme may be of interest.

The liontaur weaves a subtle persuasive argument into his music. He Suggests that the two groups work together first to find The Fae King's relic, then to advance the goals of the Red Cloaks.

Assuming that Zeoll has fascinated all three of his targets, then in the second round of his song he tries to make his Suggestion against one of the Red Cloaks. Since his Suggestion does not count against bard songs per day, he tries it again in the next round against another Red Cloak. And in the next round he tries again against the last fascinated Red Cloak -- if he has fascinated all three!

Zeoll's will save DC vs Suggestion is 19 (10 +half his bard level round down +Chr mod)

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d100=77
Friday October 21st, 2005 5:51:19 PM

Mad Jack starts to move his mount in retreat at the sound of Zeolls song. He tries to make it look like he is calming his upset mount, from the shrill(hehe) voice of the cat man. As he is backing off, casts mage armor on himself. He also conveys to Trya that they may need to fly soon, by making subtle jestures with his knees.

OOC Casr Mage armor/ 9 hours

Friday October 21st, 2005 10:39:59 PM

hmm, looks like my post didnt post this morning. Oh well I'll do it again tomorrow since its the weekend.

Dm Jamie thats a ok map, but could you mark where we are and where the testers are, and maybe say how far away they are?

Ashira (AC21 HP87/87)  d20=15
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 12:23:58 AM

Ashira stares at Zeoll...slack jawed at his actions (Sense Motive=15...she didn't catch on). But she trusts her friend, and remembers his previous instructions about no immediate attacks. Her hands twitch in eager anticipation of spilling the Red eyes blood, but she holds off...for now. She does, however reach into her pack and pull out a potion (Shield of Faith) to ready should things go south.

Mad Jack 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 2:15:28 AM

OOC I received no map.

Cayzle OOC 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 6:26:47 AM

Regarding Understanding Zeoll's Secret Message

Under the 3.5 rules, you don't have to make a sense motive check to receive a secret message. So long as the sender makes a DC15 (for simple messages) or DC20 (for complex messages) Bluff Check, the message is sent. So Ashira and all Zeoll's friends should have no trouble understanding him.

(Although if Ashira for some reason did not understand, but still trusted Zeoll anyway, and if Zeoll ever realized that, then surely he would think it one of the best gifts a friend had ever given him.)

Eavesdroppers (like the Red Cloaks) can make an opposed Sense Motive check to understand the message too, but then they would have to beat my Bluff 24 roll.

Regarding durations of spells in effect

Just before entering the Temple of Light in Plateau City, Zeoll cast Heroism on himself. In the Vast Ancient Temple here, Zeoll cast Heroism on Ashira and Brahmah just before the Red Cloaks showed up in the outer temple. Zeoll's Heroism lasts 70 minutes. Are any of these Heroisms still in effect?

Waaayyyy back in Plateau City at the very beginning of the adventure, Bohdi cast Mage Armor on Zeoll -- that had a duration of nine hours. Later, when Mad Jack first appeared, he offered Brahmah a Mage Armor spell, that Brahmah turned down and Zeoll volunteered to receive. That had a duration of five hours. Any chance that either of those mage armors is affecting Zeoll still?

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Saturday October 22nd, 2005 10:49:38 AM

Tratain is willing the let Zeoll attempt what he is doing but readies and action to cast Shield of Faith on himself if they become threatening.

DM Jamie 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 10:55:38 AM

OOC Sorry for the lack of a Friday post. We had a local foreign exchange student run off last night and we are still looking for him. I will get a post in tonite.

OOC I will get a map out to Mad Jack. Did anyone else not receive one?

OOC Cayzle, thanks for the info. The Mage Armor is the only spell that would still be active. It has about 2 hours left on it.

OOC: I sent out a new map to everyone with locations.

Rose  d20+10=20 d4+4=8 d20+11=20 d8+6=14
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 1:10:07 PM

When the testers enter the room Rose starts to reach for her weapons however as Zeoll starts talking she decides not to grab them for now.

If the testers attack Rose will either

1. If the testers are more than 20' away she will draw her bow and fire at the tester who seems to be in charge and then move towards them
attack bow: 20, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, + if within 30'

2 if the testers are less than 20' away she will move towards the nearest one (or the one in charge if she can reach him without an aoo) then attack him with her sword.
attack sword: 20
damage: 14

feats used
point blank shot
precise shot
quick draw

DM Jamie  d20=7
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 2:14:10 AM

The man who spoke (red 1) holds up his hand for a moment while Zeoll speaks and then sings. The look on his face goes from anger to that of thought.

The others with him stop and listen for a second as well.

Sunday October 23rd, 2005 10:02:21 AM

Zeoll continues with his plan, hoping to Suggest three of the Red Cloaks.

Sunday October 23rd, 2005 11:39:06 AM

Not blessed with the gift of gab herself, Vorelle really appreciates it in other people. She watches Zeoll with a kind of awe, and takes no actions until she sees the effects.

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 7:15:36 PM

Macaw stretches his wings from atop Theodore's head, but otherwise retains his composure.

Theodore's fist tightens around his staff, but he also remains stationary.

Brahmah (AC 22, hps 97) PfE Fire 
Monday October 24th, 2005 6:48:17 AM

The ranger keeps his swords drawn.
Casts Protection from Energy fire.

Active Spells:
Protection from Energy fire (12 points a round upto 48 points, 40mins/discharged)

Prepared Spells:
First Level: Resist Energy x2
Second Level: Protection from Energy*
Plus a small library of scrolls in their leather case.

DM Jamie  d20+4=17 d20+4=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=19 d20+4=23 d20+4=15
Monday October 24th, 2005 11:19:50 AM

OOC: R1-R4 are fighters as far as you can tell each wearing fell plate that looks like some sort of demon. They each carry a bastard sword. R5-R8 are wearing robes and carry a mace.

The three testers targeted (R1, R4, and R8) all become fascinated. The speaker (R1) lowers his blade, one of the fighters (R4) and casters (R8) lower their as well. The other 5 continue to keep up their weapons, but begin to look at one another while they are listening to the song.

Of those fascinated, only the caster (R8) takes the suggestion. He hangs his mace at his side and approaches the speaker (R1).

"Sir," he says, "a word in private."

The two procede to the back of the rest of the red testers and begin to talk. Soon the debate becomes a little heated as their voices egin to rise. You can hear phrases like "In our best interests" and "the are no help to us".

The other red testers are cautiously watching you all, but they are also aying attention to what is going on behind them.

Everyone gets their spells cast upon themselves and is ready for what may happen.

Zeoll (mage armor) 
Monday October 24th, 2005 12:44:44 PM

When the liontaur thinks he can get a word in without being rude, he addresses the Red Cloak leader.

"Sirr, I'd like to tell you that we have morre inforrmation than you know ... and we will sharre this info with you if we worrk togetherr. Come, help us find the Fae King's rrelic, which he rreceived from Garrgul in ages past, and then we will help you."

[OOC: The bard is weaving a Suggestion spell into his words. With any luck, the DC20 Will save will tip the argument in Zeoll's favor. Maybe Zeoll gets a one or two point bonus on the DC for making a reasonable suggestion??]

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 28 HP 58/58 [Shield of Faith] 
Monday October 24th, 2005 5:00:21 PM

Tratain again stands at the ready to cast a spell (Bears Endurence) Upon himself if they become hostile.

He hopes Zeoll has some plan in mind, because there is no way he will help these Followers of an Evil God Find something that they deem important, or that will Turn Garugl Evil.

Ashira (AC21 HP87/87) 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:13:02 AM

Her potion at the ready, Ashira watches and waits. It's killing her, but she trusts Zeoll with her life if need be.

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:09:15 AM

Vorelle doesn't move, tries not to even breathe, for fear it will draw attention away from Zeoll and break the spell.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:42:34 AM

Jack moves his mount a little bit so he can see what is happening. Knowing that these people were shown to him in a vision by the dead guy, he has absolutely no trust in them. The liontaur has the gift of speech, and Jack is glad for once it is not him creating a diversion.

Rose  d20+10=15 d4+4=8
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:42:37 AM

Rose remains still and silent but ready to attack if the testers attack first.

held action: draw bow and arrow and shoot at whoever is attacking (or r1 if several are attacking)

attack: 15
damage: 8

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:56:13 AM

Brahmah says loud enough for the Red's leader to hear.
"I wouldn't take that from my subordinate if I was him. My people wouldn't dare disobey me!" He turns and barely winks at Zeoll. "I'd as soon kill them than let them disobey me again!"

Jay B (Brahmah) 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:58:27 AM

OOC: Brahmah's intent isn't to disrupt Zeoll's song, and in fact, wouldn't even say anything if he knew it might break the spell.
He travels with Zeoll and would know the effects of the song.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 9:49:12 AM

Theodore is awed by the strength of Zeoll's voice. This is a new kind of magic. A bard's magic. Very intriguing.

The young wizard is becoming increasingly curious about Zeoll's abilities, his attention slowly drifting from the enemy threat to discovering the secrets of the liontaur's magic.

Zeoll OOC 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 11:55:37 AM

Just to clarify ... after four rounds of singing, Zeoll stops his song (as described in the first post). Then the leader and the other go off to chat. Then Zeoll, when he can get a word in edgewise, speaks (not sings) his Suggestion spell to the leader.

DM Jamie  d20+3=4
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 4:34:52 PM

"We will work with you for a time, " says the man in red with a sneer," But do not think we are friends, allies, or companions. We have our goals and nothing will stop us from attaining them. You are merely running paralell to them at the moment."

He casts a glance over to R8.

"We need to see the parchment in order to determine what you know compared to what we know." He motions to R8 to begin to walk towards the group.

"Let him see the parchment. We will remain back here in the spirit of good faith." He says that with a large smile on his face.

Everyone make a Sense Motive check vs DC 4 (yes I said a 4). If you make it Highlight to display spoiler: { The men are all making gestures towards one another and they all look to be readying for something.}

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor)  d20+9=12
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 6:05:01 PM

[OOC: Did Zeoll cast that Suggestion last turn? I see no save rolled in the DM Post dice field, so maybe Zeoll did not get the chance? Which is fine by me ... I just want to be able to cast the spell in the rounds to come!]

Zeoll senses that the Red Cloaks are up to something (sense motive 12). He decides not to wait to find out what. He shouts, "Sprread out! Buff Up! Don't attack!"

Zeoll casts a Confusion spell. He targets all creatures in a 15-ft. radius burst -- getting as many of the Red Cloaks as he can and for sure NONE of his friends.

After casting the spell he heads backwards away from the Red Cloaks 40 feet.

The Will DC vs Confusion is 21:

Roll on the following table at the beginning of each subject's turn each round to see what the subject does in that round.

d% Behavior
01-10 Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11-20 Act normally.
21-50 Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51-70 Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71-100 Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).
A confused character who can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused character. Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes. Note that a confused character will not make attacks of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it has just been attacked).

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
4 of 5 first level bard spells
(3 or 4?) of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
2 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Rose  d20+4=23 d20+10=18 d4+4=7
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 8:46:11 PM

Rose will order Mandy to follow Theo and will sit on Mandy backwards so she can see the testers at all times. If at any time they attack she will fire her bow.

sense motive: 23
held action: draw and fire bow
attack: 18
damage: 7

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+3=19 d20+18=20
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:01:57 PM

Theodore also catches the odd body language passing among the red robed folks and moves backward about ten feet. He lets his quarterstaff slip to the floor and flings his arms out wide, his sleeves snapping back to leave his hands free for spell-weaving.

(Readying an action to counterspell the first baddie who casts a spell. Has improved counterspell feat. Spellcraft check 20.)

Available Spells
0 - Dancing Lights, Prestidigation,
Resistance X2
1 - Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Protection from Chaos, Sleep
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Web
3 - Dispel Magic
4 - Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV
5 - Telekinesis

Vorelle  d20+2=13
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:33:43 PM

Vorelle picks up on the movements of the men in red and senses there is going to be a fight. Unobtrusively, she shifts position to give herself the best lines of fire.

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 12:37:25 AM

Ashira nods grimly at Zeoll's instructions and slams down her potion. She moves away from the others and slightly toward the Red testers, itching for the fight that looks to be imminent. Her swords appear in her hands at a moment's notice, as she waits to give the spellcasters some time before she charges in.

Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:54:27 AM

Brahmah readies for attack. (If the Reds attack, Brahmah will retaliate.)

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20=5
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 2:41:48 AM

Jack watches as the red cloaks exchange hand signals. He had not seen that type of communication for sometime. Seems his partners are all picking up on it as well. He prepares for battle.

DM Jamie Tuesday Post  d20+4=24 d20+4=18 d20+4=8 d20+4=15 d20+11=16 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d20+11=20 d100=58 d100=99 d100=92 d100=78 d100=13 d100=71 d20+18=26 d20+13=17 d10+11=14 d10+11=12 2d6(6+4)=10 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+10=12 d20+10=19 d4+6=7
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 8:04:22 AM

Zeoll's spell catches the men in red unawares and they are all caught in its radius. R1 and R5 are NOT affected

R1 and R5 are caught completely off guard as their forces begin to run amuck. R2 and R8 let out a scream of terror as they turn and flee from the room running through the great doors as quickly as they can.R3, R4, and R6 all close to attack. R7 begins to cast.

Theodore Highlight to display spoiler: {, he is preparing to cast obscuring mist OOC: I picked web to counter. If you have another spell in mind let me know.}

Theodore lets loose with a burst of magical energy and is able to counter R7's spell

R6 and R3 close with Solgrin to attack.

R4 closes with Rose to attack

DM Jamie 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:49:22 AM

We interupt you regularly scheduled roleplayer for an important announcement:

Please note that I screwed up the last post. I missed something important. I have since edited the above post to reflect the change.

You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled game

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage) 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 4:24:51 PM

Zeoll shouts out to his friends: "They arre confused! If you attack a confused crreaturre, it will forr surre attack you afterr that! Leave the confused alone and they might rrun off orr do nothing!"

"Instead, focus firre on the unconfused! "

"Fight that one!" Zeoll points to R1. "And that one!" Zeoll points to R5.

Then the bard sings a song designed to inspire his allies:

When Domi was a morrtal man
Alemi was his frriend.
And Domi guarrded him frrom harrm
Wherre everr they would wend.

Now let us step in Domi's shoes
Herre in Alemi's shrrine!
Be brrave! Be strrong! Make Domi proud!
Defeat these foes malign!

[OOC: Inspire Courage gives everyone a +1 on attacks and damage, plus a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear.]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+9=21 d20+9=26 d20+4=22 d4+5=8 d4+5=7 d8+2=5 d20+12=25 d20+9=12 d4+2=4
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 7:50:27 PM

Theodore begins to weave a spell and a beautiful golden lion suddenly appears behind R4. The celestial lion roars his challenge and rears up on its to swipe at the back of the red priest twice, ending with a powerful bite. (Attack 21, 26, 22 (+2 for flanking) Damage 8, 7, 5; If 22 hits for the bite, he attempts a grapple (check 25) then tries to rake (attack 12; doubt that hits, but damage is 4)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=19 d20+11=31 d20+11=18 d20+6=19 d8+1=3
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:16:55 PM

As the men in red move to attack, Vorelle whips out her bow [Quick Draw feat] and snaps off three quick shots at R1. The first and last shot go pinging off the man's armor, but the middle shot finds a weak spot.

[Hit AC 19, 31 [natural 20, but no crit], 18. 3 points damage.]

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence] 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:56:17 PM

Tratain casts Bears Endurence upon himself and readies to meet any of the Enemy that make it close.

OOC: I can't open the excel map

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3, Y29  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 2d8(4+8)+8=20
Thursday October 27th, 2005 12:22:19 AM

Ashira grins as the red testers move forward and engage. "Finally!" she calls as she steps up and attacks the nearest one (R6). "Fool...tell my master that I have sent you to him. You'll be meeting him face to face soon enough..." the ranger taunts as she slices into the warrior with a nice juicy critical hit (AC34/32 for 20 dam).

DM Jamie 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:11:28 AM

OOC: My grandmother passed away today and I have been working on travel arrangements all day for her funeral. I will get a post in on Thursday. Sorry for the mess up.

rose  d20+12=20 d8+7=12
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:50:48 AM

Rose tosses her bow behind her as she draws her sword and quickly attacks R4.

attack: 20
damage: 12

ooc: jaimie take all the time you need, I'm sorry about your grandma.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20+9=16 4d6(1+5+4+3)=13 d100=2
Thursday October 27th, 2005 2:21:54 AM

Jack sees the man attacking Rose and casts a spell in her direction, aiming at the red cloaked man.(R6)

ASF10% 2 is failure

OOC So never mind. I acciddently hit the reset button before this and then came back. too bad to, I hit on the first roll.

Brahmah  d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+10=18 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(2+3)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12
Thursday October 27th, 2005 3:06:45 AM

OOC: Sorry about your grandma Jamie.

Brahmah moves to action against R6. (AC 32(crit 28) and 18, for 10(crit 22) and 12 damage)

DM Jamie  d20=20 d100=45 d100=71 d100=2
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:35:02 PM

For this tap I will allow the use of a summoned creature in the same round. Just remember tha I can do it too :)

Also, be aware something happened with my first post with all of my dice rolls, but I ad copied all of my text. I merely copied the text back in. So if you are counting my rolls across the top they will not match.

OOC: Thanks for support from you guys during this difficult time. I am leaving on a light first thing Friday morning and will be returning on Sunday. I should have access to the internet while I am gone so I will try to get Fridays post in something his weekend.

AC for R1-R4 is 23. AC for R5-R8 is 13.

R3 falls to the ground and begins to babble incoherently.

R7 turns and runs back the way he came through the doors. You can continue to hear his screams as he runs into whatever they fought through to get into the room in the first place.

R4 attacks the lion with his sword. (Hitting AC 38 and 26 doing 22 hp and 24 hp worth of damage)

R5 begins to chant and chanel energy into a spell. Spellcraft DC 15 to know it is Highlight to display spoiler: { Flame Strike}

Zeoll begins by weaving a heroic and inspiring song that is able to bolster everyones spirits to hieghts they did not think possible.

Theodore's lion attacks the fighter (R4) and is able to get in one attack. It does damage, but the attack is not enough to knock the fighter off balance. He turns to face his new attacker. Theodore Highlight to display spoiler: {the parchment is begining to get warm. In fact it is getting white hot and pulling hard towards the star in the back of the room.}

Vorelle is able to draw first blood on R1, but only a mall amount. It is anough to annoy him at best.

Tratain is able to get off his spell and he eels a rush of energy as it takes effect. He will soon need it as it looks as if the men are going to advance.

OOC: Tratain I will get you something that will show you where everyone is. Crrently Rose is 10 feet in front of you and their is an attacker (R4) in front of her. Solgrin is about 15 feet to the left and 15 feet forward of our position and has two attackers (R3 and R6)

Ashira revels in the attack she performs on the robed man in red. Blood explodes out from the wound as she cuts deep into bone and sinew. He staggers backwards a bit and grips his left shoulder as his arm is almost siced from his body.

Rose attempts an attack against her aggressor, but is unable o get through his defenses.

Mad Jack, your spell fizzles.

OOC: Mad Jack if something like that happens again I trust the players anough that you can let me know what the roll was an go with it from there

Brahmah advances and engages R6 who is not paying any attention as he is trying to fix his arm. Not showing any pitty towards this man Brahmah easily slices his leg off at the knee and as he falls to the ground finished him off with a slice through the mans chest.

Everyone the light in the room is begining to dim quite a bit.

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage)  d20+9=18
Thursday October 27th, 2005 2:45:29 PM

Zeoll stops his song -- the effect of the song continues for five rounds. But his main concern is that dimness. He is worried that someone is trying to hide in the shadows. He looks all around, trying to see into the dimness. [OOC: Spot check 18]

If he sees someone trying to hide, Zeoll will cast Hideous Laughter on that person. If he does not see anybody sneaking, then he will cast the Hideous Laughter spell on R1. The save DC is 19 to resist the spell's magic.


This is round 2 of 7 rounds of Confusion
This is round 1 of 5 rounds of Inspire Courage
This is round 1 of 7 rounds of Hideous Laughter if it works.

(The countdown on the bardsong does not start until Zeoll stops singing)

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
5 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
4 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence]  d20+15=26 d8+7=8
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:38:48 PM

Tratain incants a spell quickly (Quickened Divine Favor) and steps forward and attacks R4.

Hit AC 26 for 8 Damage.

Tratain also uses his Protector Ability to Intercept the First attack directed at Rose as long as she stays within 5 Feet of Him.

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3  d20+13=27 d20+8=25 d20+12=21 d20+4=13 d8+5=12 d8+5=6 d20+15=34 d20+15=25 2d8(4+7)+10=21
Friday October 28th, 2005 12:26:31 AM

Wiping the blood spray from her face, Ashira takes a 5 foot step to move in with the new aggressor R1. Her longsword dances through the air and slices into the Gargulite twice (AC27 for 12, AC25 for 6). Her attacks with her shortsword prove much less effective. Still, Ashira leers at the man with glee. "Hello, sunshine...time for your appointment with your master...time to find out if he is pleased with your actions."

OOC Jamie I'm sorry about your grandmother. Also, I'm confused by the map...it shows that R1 moved past Ashira to be by Solgrin. Shouldn't Ashira get an AoO? Also, Ashira's at the wrong spot on the map...and since we don't have a grid anymore, I can't indicate where Ashira is located.

DM Insert: Sorry. I have moved you on the new map and have sent out the new map. You should get the AoO on R1 so go ahead and role it with your next move if you want and we will work it in.

Went ahead and added the AoO...AC34/25 for crit...21 dam. Thanks Jamie!!!---Nellie

Rose hp: 52/52 ac: 16  d20+14=23 d20+12=26 d8+6=8
Friday October 28th, 2005 1:07:27 AM

Rose yells out "Theo can you cast shield on someone?" as she continues to attack R4

spellcraft: 23

attack: 26
damage: 8

ooc: is my mage armor still active? it's supposed to last 5 hrs (unless i extended it) but I dont remember when i cast it or if i extended it. if it is please add +4 to my ac and let me know

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP (Mage Armour 9 hours)  d20+12=15 2d6(5+1)+5=11
Friday October 28th, 2005 1:51:28 AM

Roaring in frustration at the spell failure, Jack spurs his mount into action. Drawing his sword he brings it down on the head of the intended victim, riding past. Once he is 20-25 feet away, he will turn his mount and look to charge the man again. (R4)

OOC Using the rideby attack feat, no AoO
Hit AC15 11 dam

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+17=25 d6+4=9
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:00:12 AM

All of Vorelle's good targets have closed in and are now too close to her friends to risk shooting at them. So she puts away her bow (move-equivalent), draws her axes (free action), takes a five-foot step to flank R1 with Ashira, and attacks. She lands a solid blow.

[Hit AC 25 for 9 points damage. If by some chance these guys are magical creatures or undead, I get to add sneak attack damage, but I think that's unlikely. :) ]

DM Jamie 
Friday October 28th, 2005 6:20:02 PM

I made it to Dubuque Iowa and will get in a post later tonite. Now I am off to see if my Grandfather wants some company for the night.

Friday October 28th, 2005 8:22:49 PM

Brahmah readies for another attack.

DM Jamie 
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:32:02 PM

OOC: I have to admit that I made a big mistake. I had not placed Mad Jack on the map and I had Solgrin on there. I have corrected the error.

OOC: One more thing. For some reason the internet connection through my hotel will not let me send out the new map. I will get it out when I get home on Sunday.

Zeoll as you gaze into the darkness it is magical in nature, but you feel as if it is the place that is doing it and not any one person. R1 makes the save vs your hideous laughter.

R4 drops to the ground and begins to babble in a dialect that none of you have. Tratain and Rose take advantage of this and get in their attacks.

R1 takes Ashira's and Vorelle's attacks in stride. He is moving rather sluggishly now though.

Mad Jack makes a valiant attempt at charging, but R4 drops to the ground as he charges by and he misses.

R3 turns and begins to run in fear.

As R5 begins to cast something strange happens. The parchment that Theodore had taken out has become almost white with energy. There are sparks dropping here and there off the parchment. It is pulling towards the back of the room (the star on the map).

Theodore valiantly tries to hold onto the parchment, but to no avail. It flies from his hands and their is an explosion of lights and a wave of magical energy washes over everyone in the room as it causes you all to fall to the ground where you stand.

As soon as the light expands out to fill the room it is gone. The room is completely black except for a light at the very top of the cave that appears to be a hole of some type.

As your eyes adjust you see that their is no gold or adornments surrounding you anymore. Gone are the alters and the artifacts. Even the stalagmite are gone. Their is just the pool of water in the back of the cavern.

The men in red have been knocked down as well.

Everyone make a listen or spot check (whichever is higher) DC 15. If you make it Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice 2 groups of creatures come through the doors. You don't know how many are in each group, but they are fighting one another.}

Mad Jack  d20=17
Sunday October 30th, 2005 1:17:07 AM

Jack crawls to his hands and knees, shaking his head, clearing the cobwebs. Standing slowly, he reteives his sword that he had dropped on his fall. Finding Trya standing next to him, shaking and trembling, he soothes her with a few words. Rubbing her nose he looks around to see what has happened to everyone else. Then he sees the newcomers come into the battle, and his heart sinks. Swinging into the saddle he readies himself to charge.

DM Note: Mad Jack did not fall off his horse. R4 is the one that fell that led to you not hitting him.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=20 d20+13=20
Sunday October 30th, 2005 2:21:04 PM

Theodore spots the new group of fighters (spot 20) entering the room and quickly looks back to the light above. Deciding on a course of action, he pulls forth a scroll of levitate and activates the magic from the scroll. (Concentration check 20, if needed)

Theodore sends Macaw flapping up towards the light, being the quicker flier at the moment, to see what's going on.

(By the way, my celestial lion is dead.)

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+7=9 d20+15=18 d8+7=9
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:24:36 PM

Tratain quickly Stands up after being knocked down and swings again at the enemy infront of him, failing to notice anything else.

Hits AC 18 for 9 Damage

Tratain continues to intercept for Rose.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+14=34
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:34:16 PM

Vorelle easily sees the two other groups enter [Spot 34 - natural 20], but is unsure what it means. She puts away her axes, draws her bow, and five-foot steps away from R1 so that she's no longer in melee range. Uncertain which (if any) of the combatants are friend or foe, she nocks an arrow to the string and holds it there, waiting for the situation to become clearer.

Zeoll (AC14, HP69, mage armor, inspire courage)  d20+9=14
Monday October 31st, 2005 6:44:27 AM

Zeoll stands up and does not notice anything. He tries again to cast a Hideous Laughter spell on R1 (using a level 2 slot to do so). The save DC is 19 to resist the spell's magic.


This is round 3 of 7 rounds of Confusion
This is round 2 of 5 rounds of Inspire Courage
This is round 1 of 7 rounds of Hideous Laughter if it works.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
5 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
4 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, [Dominate Animal]

Ashira (AC24 HP87/87) Shield of Faith +3  d20+12=25 d20+11=12 d20+15=16
Monday October 31st, 2005 8:51:55 AM

Ashira spots the new entrants (Spot=25). "Folks, we got some incomings. Get ready." Ashira points the groups out and then rises to her feet and lashes out at R1 once more but fails miserably (AC=16, nat. 1).

Monday October 31st, 2005 8:55:02 AM

OOC: Happy Halloween.

Brahmah continues his vigilance.

rose  d20+12=14
Monday October 31st, 2005 2:51:20 PM

Rose is confused when everything changes and scoots back a few feet before standing up. She keeps her sword ready in case the testers should attack again. Unfortunatly she doesnt see the groups who enter.

Mad Jack AC23 64 HP(Mage Armour 9 hours)  d100=63 4d6(4+1+1+2)=8
Monday October 31st, 2005 6:58:44 PM

Mad Jack eyes the robed figure off to the side, and far away from the action. Not knowing what complications the newcomers will bring, he casts a spell at the man.(R3)

OOC Cast Scorch ray at r3 DC15
8 for damage. This die roller hates me.

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 4:23:10 PM

"What's going on!?"

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 2:14:45 AM

Brahmah waits for reaction from the others.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 11:16:47 AM

Sorry for being such a slouch this week. I didn't have access to anything until today. My wife and I had a baby boy yesterday. We went in Monday night and he was born tuesday at 1630. I will get a post in tonite.

Again sorry for the screw up.

DM add on: Just got my internet fixed today. I will get in a post in a few hours.

Thursday November 3rd, 2005 5:31:34 AM

Still waiting.

DM Jamie  d20+4=24 d20+4=15
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 5:46:38 PM

As the battle unfolds the two groups who came through the doors are noticed by everyone now that Ashira points them out to everyone. Any experienced adventurer is able to distinguish that one of the two groups are kobolds and the other is humanoid, maybe human or elf.

Those two groups are fighting one another and the humans appear to be winning. They are attacking with a flurry of punches and kicks that would easily take out a group of ruffians.

Mad Jack, you are set for the charge.

Theodore & Macaw, Macaw heads up towards the ceiling to look through the hole. It will take him until next round to make it there. Theodore you have no problem getting off your spell.

Tratain, as you bring down your attack he throws his arm up to defend himself. Your attack easily goes through his arm and crushes him to the ground. He is dead.

Vorelle, Rose, & Brahmah, you all step back to assess the situation.

Zeoll, as you weave your words into the spell you feel the power build and project toward your target. He falls to the ground unable to do anything but laugh.

Mad Jack, your spell, although weak, is enough to distract him (R5) from his casting.

Those of you close to your gods now sense nothing. You do not feel any divine presence good or bad.

The men that are left are R1 and R5.

As this round ends you see the kobolds have been dispatched. The humanoids turn and one of them calls out "Friend or Foe? This is Domi of House Oshirr with my students."

This post was brought to you one handed as I hold my son :)

Brahmah  d20+2=19
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 7:45:06 PM

"Domi?!" He says under his breath.

Brahmah isn't sure what to believe. (Sense Motive human 19)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 7:45:54 PM

Macaw continues to go higher, Theodore follows slower. He moves 20' directly up, keeping an eye on the situation below and the light above.

Spells Active
Mage Armor - ?
Levitate - 2 min, 9 rounds

Zeoll  d20+11=20 d20+24=39
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 9:26:56 PM

Zeoll gasps and is stunned for a second, in which the truth -- or what must be the truth -- comes crashing into his head.

Quickly, he says some harmless words to his friends, but in reality he is passing them a secret message (OOC: Bluff check 20 to do so).

We have traveled somehow into the past, when the gods were mortal! Don't tell him about the future, for fear of messing up what should be!

Then the liontaur steps forward, with his hands held out to show that he means no harm. "We arre a grroup of adventurrerrs," he says, "welcoming those who come in peace and goodwill."

Then the liontaur turns to the remaining Red Cloak who is not confused or prone with laughter. "Come, stop fighting and lay down your arrms. You will be trreated fairrly if you do no morre harrm. You have my worrd on that."

(Diplomacy check 39 to convince the Red Cloak to stop)

"Everrybody, subdue the leaderr. He will stop laughing in seven rounds. Knock him unconscious so that we can tie him up."

Then the liontaur turns back to Domi. "Parrdon us while we finish subduing these evildoerrs."

Friday November 4th, 2005 1:08:58 AM

The half-elf's eyes bulge at first the human's and then Zeoll's words. "You've got to be kidding me..." Looking down at her gear she is very, very, very glad that she gave away the bow that Alemi carried when he was a mortal. But then a terrifying thought enters her mind...if indeed Zeoll is right, then Alemi himself is sure to be around somewhere... Sweat trickles down her greenish-gray skin as her heart races with anxiety at the potential meeting. Desperately, she tries to push the thought out of her head. Seeing that she has no rope to tie up the leader, Ashira opts for moving in closer (but not too close to spoke him) to the other Red Gargulite, prepared to shut him down should he not head Zeoll's words.

Brahmah  d20+15=35 d20+15=29 d20+10=23 2d4(3+2)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12 2d4(1+1)+7=9
Friday November 4th, 2005 1:53:03 AM

The follower of Domi doesn't want to look weak in front of his God, if that is truly him. He moves in for an attack or two on whatever target is in reach.

(AC 35(crit29) and 23, for 24 and 12 damage)

Mad Jack 
Friday November 4th, 2005 2:32:12 AM

A god among them? By all the... The liontaur must be drunk. Took too much of that singing to heart, and now thinks he is entertaining the innsfolk. Being a simple man, not terribly versed in gods, Jack will pull his sword free and ready to charge, should one of the red cloaked figures move.

As he is preparing to do so, he remembers some of the reds had left the room, so Jack will move over to the doorway, to intercept anyone else from coming in unannounced.

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+11=15 d8+7=15
Friday November 4th, 2005 4:47:47 PM

Tratain is dumbfounded at the words spoken by the Man Calling Himself Domi, and at Zeoll's words not to reveal anything. He moves over to the Redcloak Leader and Swings at him trying to knock him out.

Attack hits AC 15 for 15 points of Subdual Damage.

DM Jamie  d20=1 d20=19
Saturday November 5th, 2005 12:43:13 AM

R4, pulls back his right sleeve and touches a marking on his forearm. There is a flash of blue light and he disappears.

R1, continues to writhe on the floor in laughter.

Everyone moving into position around the remaining man in red gets there.

Brahmah and Tratain get their attacks in. After Brahmahs he does not look too good.

The man identifying himself as Domi turns towards his students and says, "You are Students of the Oshirr House. Your decisions and demeanor determine what your reputation in The Wold will be. Mind yourselves."

He then turns towards the group, "I can see you are all weary. Quickly tell me who you are and why you are here."

And for Macaw: Highlight to display spoiler: { Macaw bursts from the hole in the ceiling of the cave to discover a very rugged looking landscape. A lot of the landscape looks the same from when he flew around the citadel, but there are not cities or buildings around here. }

[OOC: Spoiler for Macaw uploaded by Cayzle]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday November 6th, 2005 8:44:04 PM

Through the empathic link, Theodore feels confusion from Macaw. The wizard glances down to see that everything is under control and continues to float up towards the hole.

Sunday November 6th, 2005 9:42:31 PM

For once in her life Rose is stunned into silence we travled through time.....we're talking to a god...this cant be real...... thoughts run through her head like water and she stares in amazement.

Monday November 7th, 2005 12:38:35 AM

Ashira waits for Zeoll to reply, at a complete loss of what to say in these strange circumstances.

Brahmah  d20+15=30 d20+15=28 d20+13=16 d20+8=22 d20+10=29 d20+10=24 2d4(4+3)+7=14 2d4(2+1)+7=10 d6+4=9 2d4(4+3)+7=14 d6+4=8 d6+4=5
Monday November 7th, 2005 6:55:25 AM

He attacks again and splits attacks if need be.

(Hits AC 30(crit 28), 16, 22 and 29(crit 24), for 14(24 crit), 9, 14 and 8(13 crit) damage)

Monday November 7th, 2005 9:23:01 AM

Vorelle opens her mouth to try to answer the man called Domi, but the only sound that emerges is a kind of strangled squeak.

Zeoll  d20+24=30 d20+11=27
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:10:22 AM

Zeoll bows, honored by his companions' confidence in his ability to come up with something to say. And words -- howsoever mangled by the sharp teeth in his mouth -- do not fail him this time, either.

Of course, lying or deceit is absolutely out of the question. It does not even cross Zeoll's mind to fool this person. But he does understand the need for discretion, since he fears the ramifications of thoughtless revelation.

Zeoll bows in greeting, and speaks. First, he introduces all his friends by name, without mention of title or occupation. Then he says, "We are pilgrrims, adventurrerrs on a sacrred quest. We seek a parrticularr arrtifact that will help us set rright a grreat unbalance that has affected ourr farr-away homeland."

"I would gladly say morre to any of good hearrt who wish weal to the innocent and weak. But firrst, frriend, may I ask you to tell us morre of yourrself and your ... Oshirrr House?"

Zeoll does his best to communicate friendship with his words. (Diplomacy check 30)

Zeoll looks around to see that the Red Cloaks are all subdued or fled. If not, he says to the person named Domi, "Please excuse us as we finish dealing with these enemies." Then he urges his friends to finish subduing the laughing Red Cloak.

If the Red Cloaks are all subdued or fled, or as soon as they are, the liontaur says to Domi, "You arre keen-eyed -- we have not slept in ages. Would you sharre a camp with us, so that we can talk afterr washing the blood frrom ourr wounds and blades?"

The liontaur tries very hard to keep a smile from his lips when he says that the group has not slept in ages. (Bluff check 27)

Tratain AC 28 HP 76/76 [Shield of Faith; Bears Endurence; Divine Favor]  d20+11=12 d20+6=23 d8+7=13
Monday November 7th, 2005 4:32:32 PM

Tratain again swings at the Leader to knock him out. Afterwords he listens to the conversation between Zeoll, and the Man who will one day become His God.

First attack Miss
Second attack Hit AC 23 for 13 Subdual Damage

DM Kim  d20=7
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:57:59 AM

R1 either dies or is knocked out very cold. Hard to tell without a close inspection.

The priest (R5) hears Zeoll's words. "You are right. I will quit this fight you started." He takes his mace, and returns it to the holder at his waist to signify compliance. He undoes the strap on his buckler, and moves it to a little hook at his waist. As he fastens it there, in his fingers appears a forked brass rod. He chants dark words, waves his left hand, then disappears in a wink of a brass-colored light. [Ashira and anyone else in striking range of R5 may use an attack of opportunity against him as he casts his spell if you so choose.]

Domi listens to Zeoll's words, and observes the comportment of members of the group. "You are from distant lands, indeed," he remarks, noting their attire. He looks at Zeoll. "And your accent one I've not heard before. The Oshirr House is many things. The Oshirr House is a place of learning. I am a teacher, and therefore a student." He nods towards a tall and wirey young man with short brown hair who took down their last opponent a few moments ago by leaping in the air, wrapping his calves around the neck of a kobold, then spinning so that the small opponent was upended only to land on his head. "This is Yabál, an able student." Quietly, he says to Yabál, "Next time, do not land on the hip. That will be sore a few days to remind you."

A big-boned girl in her teens with dark brown braids he introduces as Faiyth. Faiyth wears a symbol around her neck. If you can read High Woldian, Highlight to display spoiler: {It is the symbol of the Law of Right, held within a circle}. Tharpeia, with long red hair and large freckles, wears a satiny green and blue dress. She twirls a wand in the fingers of her right hand, and is perhaps 16. Qwar is a dwarf who bears an axe and a hammer. Paxx is a gnome clad in black leather, with blade handles showing in numerous places on his person. All of them are young - teens and early twenties, or the equivalent ages for the nonhuman noble races among them. There are other students, but Domi does not introduce them all.

"Tharpeia, the spell of cleaning - have you learned it for today?" he asks her.

"Yes, master," the girl replies.

"See then to our guests."

Tharpeia asks the group to gather together. She says words in a strange language and moves her fingers in small circles. In a moment, any dust, dirt, sweat, blood, or other surface contamination falls off and each of those who stood in the area she indicated find themselves totally clean, clothes and skin and hair.

As they stand there (or not - no one is forced to receive Tharpeia's ministrations), Domi stands, legs shoulder width apart, hands behind his back.

"What is this land called from which you come, and how distant is it?" He pauses, but not quite long enough for someone to answer. "How came you here?" Domi asks.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:48:14 AM

Brahmah places his hand on Zeoll's shoulder in silent confidence.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:13:59 AM

Zeoll thanks the mage for her magical tidying. He answers Domi, "We come frrom many places, but we werre brrought togetherr and forrmed into a team in one of the grreatest cities of ourr land, Plateau City. In that grrand metrropolis, we looked in two temples forr the rrelic we seek orr forr inforrmation about it. In the second temple we werre attacked by the enemies you saw, the ones in rred cloaks. A prriest urrged us to pass thrrough an ancient gate deep in the temple, which we did. It brrought us herre. Ourr enemies followed, and we fought them herre."

"But how farr we arre frrom Plateau City I have no idea. I do know that we arre so farr away that we cannot feel the connection to the divine that usually supporrts prriests such as myself. So I think that we arre verry farr frrom home indeed -- I think that we may have somehow ended up in anotherr dimension altogetherr. I worrry how we will get home, but that prroblem can wait until afterr we obtain the rrelic."

"Please, let's sit down and eat togetherr. I hope you will forrgive the confidences I am sharring with you, not to mention my long-windedness!"

"Let us make a camp. Perrhaps you will know something that will help us find ourr rrelic. Perrhaps you arre on some quest orr mission with which we can help you? Orr perrhaps you would be interrested in hearring morre about the rrelic we seek, and why we seek it."

When he can turn his attention from Domi, Zeoll whispers to his minotaur and half-elf friends, "Captain, Ashirra, could you move the captive away off to one side? I do not want ourr new frriends to be offended by the filth he will surrely shout when he comes to. Tomorrrow I can prrobe his thoughts and charrm him into cooperration. Until then, let us keep his foul mouth quiet. If he yet lives, that is."

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:32:59 PM

Theodore continues to levitate towards the hole in the ceiling. What is up there?

Spells Active
Mage Armor - ?
Levitate - 2 min 7 rounds

What Theodore sees (DM Kim) 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 3:12:24 PM

As the two parties dialogue in the cavern below, Theodore's levitation eventually allows him to poke his head and shoulders and, with a bit of wiggling, the rest of his body out the hole in the ceiling above.

As he emerges, he notes that grass and wildflowers cover the ground in the immediate vicinity. The landscape round about, however, is very rugged looking. The contours of the land look similar to what Macaw reported to Theodore earlier, as well as the limited glance Theodore had just prior to entering the Cathedral of Alemi/Lemtrovex. What is missing are the ruins of the city, and the cathedral itself. No buildings are visible from this vantage point to Theodore. A small herd of elk grazes perhaps a hundred yards away, at the edge of a stand of deciduous trees. The leaves on some of the trees turn to autumn colors. In the opposite direction a hill rises starting a few hundred yards away, well covered with birch trees, and clumps of maple and oak.

There are trails here and there. Clouds cover much of the sky, including a thin cover over the sun, but there are patches of blue in one direction. Judging by the position of the sun, it's either mid morning or mid afternoon.

Macaw dives toward the ground, grasps a squeaking field mouse in his talons, and takes off back into the air.

Theodore has two minutes left on his levitation spell. Getting himself and his gear through the opening took a little more than half a minute.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:33:36 PM

After the cleaning spell is cast, Vorelle spends a few moments marvelling at the sensation of being really, truly, free of dirt and grime. And, unlike in Dirt City, the condition is likely to last for a bit. She rubs her fingers and thumb together, fascinated by the complete lack of grit to get in the way.

Ashira  d20+14=29 d8+4=6
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:13:11 PM

As the Red Gargulite begins to cast, Ashira lashes out with her longsword, tagging the man and causing him a slight amount of damage (AC29, 6hp dam.) She wonders if it will be enough to disrupt his spell.

Ashira watches Zeoll in awe. The wemic is truly in his element. She nods savagely at Zeoll's suggestion and moves over to the other Gargulite and checks him for signs of life. If he proves to be alive, she pulls a small piece of cloth out of her backpack and quickly gags him. Then she turns to Brahmah. "You got any rope? Or you just want me to brake one of his legs so he can't run away?" she asks half in jest.

DM Kim  d20=5 d20=6 d20=2
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 2:42:55 AM

Almost got away
Ashira's sword strikes the forearm of the cleric P5 as he is wrapping up the spell. He bobbles the tined brass, almost regains possession of it (hero point), but drops it after all. A gross obscenity parts his lips. He reaches to grab Ashira as he calls on the name of Marteaus. He barely fails to contact her, though. He starts running for the door.

"Deserted! I am deserted!" he growls, followed by more cursing.

Meanwhile, body bruised, his left wrist with a compound fracture, from which blood drips, the smallest signs of shallow breathing are evident to any who draw close to P1 and observe for a moment or two.

Domi and company
"Plateau City," Domi echoes.

"Would that betimes they were more attentive," he says after Zeoll mentions the distance from home and the loss of connection to the divine.

The imprecation of the last priest standing, now running, gains the attention of Faiyth. "His words ring most foul in mine ears, my lord. Shall we assist these nobles in his demise or capture?" she asks.

Domi turns his attention to his students. His gaze runs over them. "Yes, if they ask it of you."

"When what needs be done here is finished, I invite you to the Oshirr House," he says to Zeoll and the group. "Your questions can there be discussed more fully, and we, in turn, will learn of you."

The students look to the group to see their answer. Calculations are clear in Yabál's eyes.

Brahmah  d20+18=22
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 4:06:46 AM

"The captive won't be going anywhere." Brahmah lifts the prisoner into his arms and gives him a bear hug. (Grapple 22)

If the grapple doesn't work, Brahmah will snap the leg like a twig. :)

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 5:56:48 AM

Rose gratefully gets clean, and mandy and piper as well. She remains silent as she's a little scared at being in a different time and being in front of a god.

...how are we going to get home... is one of the main thoughts going through her mind.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:51:39 AM

Seeing that they have indeed gone to another time or place, Theodore decides there's little he can do, at the moment. He decides to rejoin his friends below, and wriggles back through the hole and levitates to the ground. He leaves Macaw outside to keep an eye on things...just in case...

DM Kim  d20=6
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 5:31:44 PM

The grapple works, and Brahmah has a wiggling priest in his arms.

Meanwhile, Qwar takes a few steps forward and looks toward Mad Jack's pegasus. "Br-r-rfsk! That horse hath wings!" His jaw goes slack.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 6:19:54 PM

Zeoll nods his thanks at the offer of help. "But please, help us subdue these ruffians rather than kill them."

He looks at his friends to see what they think of going to the Oshirr House. If no one objects, Zeoll accepts the invitation. "It would be an honor," he says.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:29:42 PM

Looking down at the man who comments about Trya, he nods.

"Yes sir, she does have wings, and they work to." Jack then dismounts and allows the pegasus to stretch her wings.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:03:50 PM

Tratain waits to see what happens with the others, particularly what Zeoll says to Domi.

When the Priest of Martaeus Yells about being abandoned, a question he was thinking seems to be answered. He tries to cast a Cure Minor wounds spell to see if it works or Fails, because Domi is not a God in these times.

Ashira  d20+14=33 d20+14=33
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:33:19 AM

Ashira smiles at the success of her attack, though she reviles at the failed touch attack. "Oh, no, that's what got me into the whole mess with Alemi to begin with! she thinks as the priest bolts (should have got an AoO, but that's cool). [Yes, you are correct. But you made up for it! :-) -Kim]

As Brahmah grapples the priest, Ashira joins in and slams the hilt of her longsword into the man's temple with expert precision (Crit AC33/33 for a lot of non-lethal damage). Ashira smiles "I don't think we'll need much help."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:30:56 AM

He stands holding the cleric. "Stop wiggling."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:42:34 AM

Brahmah and Ashira seem to have things well in hand, but Vorelle stands by in case her help is needed with the prisoners.

DM Kim - The wiggling priest  d20=5
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:16:40 AM

Following the pommel strike by Ashira to P5's head, he complies completely with Brahmah's command. His head flops down, and drool begins to come from his mouth. A narrow stick falls and bounces on its end once, then clatters to the ground. There is a ring on the man's finger.

DM Kim - Domi et al  d8+5=8 d100=35
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:44:05 AM

Domi nods in affirmation to Zeoll's acceptance and condition. Several of his students step forward, but see that the party already has things in hand.

Tratain finds that the cure light wounds spell works fine, healing up 8 hp damage. But the spiritual presence of the god of one's devotion, naturally felt by a devout cleric, is no longer sensed.

Mad Jack sees that Qwar is not a man, but rather a youthful dwarf, whose beard is wispy in spots, as first beards sometimes are, even among the generally hirsute dwarfs. When Trya spreads her wings, Qwar exclaims, "AMma goma!" [The 'M' is made with the lips pressed together, as when one makes the 'm' sound, but is voiceless, and the only sound is that of air expelled through the nose.] After a beat, he asks, "Hath a dwarf yet ridden her?"

"We have before us a good walk," Domi says. "If your things are gathered, then may we keep one another's company upon the path." He looks to one of the students whose name he had not yet given, this one a human teenage boy. "Martenus, give unto them your coil of rope that they might bind their captives."

The tow-head boy does so, handing a 50' coil of hempen rope to Vorelle, who seems to be standing by, or to any other who steps forward to take it from him.

From above, a few little pebbles and a clod of dirt fall as Theodore wedges his way back down through the hold. Macaw lands near him as he descends, and eats the mouse. No one is struck by the debris.

Faiyth approaches Rose. "Hello, there. I'm Faiyth," she says, a little shyly. "What was your name again?"

Once all are ready, and if agreed, Domi leads the way toward the narrower part of the cavern, next to a pool of water, and out a passage until recently (from the party's perspective) covered by treasure. The passageway is a bit of a squeeze in places for the pegasus.

[Please state any last things you wish to do in the caverns, how you will bind and carry the two prisoners, and marching order.] Domi invites Zeoll to walk next to him. A couple of students follow right behind. The rest of the students volunteer to bring up the rear. Domi's disciples seem excited to meet these strangers.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=19
Thursday November 10th, 2005 10:04:50 PM

After Macaw's meal, he hops up onto Theodore's head and putters about until finding an acceptable perch. Theodore looks about immediate vicinity, hoping to find a parchment to match the piece they had brought with them. (Spot 19)

Getting close to Vorelle, the wizard whispers in her ear, "We came here to find a clue as to where this parchment came from." He fingers the old paper in his pocket. "I am a little unsure about leaving just now after all the trouble it took us in getting here."

Ashira  d20+12=20 d20+11=31
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:21:47 AM

The ranger picks up the stick and takes the ring off the Gargulite's hand and stows them in her backpack for later. Ashira watches to see whether anyone ties up the captives. If not, she will do so herself and carry one fireman style across her back.

Her work done, Ashira sheathes her nicely cleaned swords and pulls her cloak back over her head. If unencumbered by a hostage, Ashira sticks close to Zeoll, but remains silent, carefully watching and listening to this strange group of companions...paying particularly close attention to the one calling himself Domi (Spot=20, Listen=31).

Mad Jack 
Friday November 11th, 2005 2:34:17 AM

"What is your name little man? Ahh, Qwar, and not a man, a dwarf you say. I'm Jack. Interesting. I tell you what, lets follow the bosses for a while, get to know one another. As we walk, Trya will also decide if she will allow you on her back. If so, I would gladly teach you the basics in riding. Good plan?"

Friday November 11th, 2005 2:40:18 AM

As soon as rope is found, Brahmah will bind the prisoners together.

DM Kim 
Friday November 11th, 2005 3:55:16 AM

[Still need to know how the two unconscious priests are being carried, and a general marching order. Will Ashira be stuck lugging the one priest? Or, did Brahmah mean he was tieing them to each other? If tied together, or tied separately, who will carry them, and how? Will the brass tine knocked out of P5's hand be left in the cavern?]

The bodies of those killed earlier disappeared along with the treasure.

The group comes out of the cavern after passing through a tunnel forty feet long.

The sky is partly cloudy, but, for an early autumn day, it is fairly warm - in the low 70's Fahrenheit (just over 22 degrees Celsius).

The landscape is similar to what people saw just before entering the temple - but bereft of any buildings. The group passes through grass and wildflowers, then they start a hike up a tree-dotted hill. Mainly birch trees, but oak and maple are occasionally spotted, too. Once up the hill a ways, over the shoulder water spreads out into the distance, with regular, smallish waves dampening the shore. The clouds gradually disappear, and, as the hike continues eastward, the day warms further.

Qwar answers Mad Jack, "Yea, that would be wise, Jack, to see if - Trya - would want me to ride her. Errh, how make I her friend? Mmu Mmu!"

Other students make themselves known to different members of the group. Two boys who look much alike, and whose voices are indistinguishable, introduce themselves to Vorelle. She learns their names - Watakh and Welaq, brothers, twins. "You look like," says Welaq.

"Our sister," says Watakh. "Her name is Sutsi. Your hair..."

"And your nose are the same," picks up Welaq. "But her eyes..."

"Are more hazel," concludes Watakh. "Do you have brothers or sisters?" he asks her.

"Do you like qimshah sticks?" Welaq asks her, handing her a stick about seven inches long, with a thin skin or bark. "You eat the inside, you know." The inner pulp is a creamy white, a little granular.

"Are you and Zeoll really people?" the apparently youngest teen boy asks Brahmah. He forgets to offer his name.

As Faiyth awaits Rose's response to her earlier question, she comments, "You seem to have a few nice animal friends. I have a cat at home. Her name is Jasmine. Just a grown-up kitten, really. It's 'Play with me, play with me!' one minute, and 'leave me alone, won't you?' a few minutes later. Tell me of your animal friends, won't you?"

Janos, the only one with red hair in the group, asks Tratain about the symbol he wears around his neck, with the circle and two triangles.

The party then changes course, now heading north.

Domi says to Zeoll, "Tell me your story. Not your present troubles. How did you become an adventurer? What is the most significant thing that has happened in your life? What are your life goals?"

He waits for Zeoll's answer. Then he speaks with Ashira. "I have met some of your people. Do they not live in the sea?" He listens to her answer, then asks, "What has caused you sorrow?" He pauses, then adds, "You need not answer so forward a question. If the burden of this question is too great, then, perhaps you will tell me of your greatest joy?"

Theodore is accosted by Paxx, the gnome. "Tell me how you float in the air. Not many people can float in the air, you know."

Walking for two hours now, someone says it should take another hour or so to reach the Oshirr House.

[DM Note: Made a few modifications at 12:28 PM today, 11-11-2005. Rose and Ashira read please before posting. -Kim]

Zeoll  d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=20 d20+10=19
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:01:47 PM

[ooc: omigosh! missed a post! sorry! no reflection on you, Kim -- you are doing a superlative job!]

Zeoll checks the bonds on the captives and carries one on his back. He personally makes sure that all the possessions of the captives are accounted for, including the brass thingie.

He will gladly walk with Domi and Ashira at least for the first part of the walk. But from time to time the liontaur walks back through the group, to introduce himself to Domi's students and to chat with his friends.

On one of these walk-throughs, Zeoll asks his friends about the brass thingie, "Does anyone know spellcrraft well enough to guess what this is forr?"

Zeoll answers Domi when he asks about his background. "When I was young, my family was killed and I was purrposeless. Then I felt a vocation to a higherr calling, and that has given my life meaning. Now I seek to brring peace to my people, who too often make warr on each otherr, blind to theirr common bonds. Peace is my goal, and unity among the childrren of my rrace."

As he speaks, Zeoll focusses on the pores of the man's face, on his fingernails. Are they smooth or rough? dirty or clean? By looking at these signs of mortality, Zeoll tries to silence the tiny voice whispering in amazement in the back of his mind ... this is domi! the creator of all the taurs! the god who chose you personally to heal the sundered heart! and who blessed with his touch the very sword you carry on your back!

Zeoll looks at mortal Domi's clothes and looks for signs of wear or repair. He asks him, "And you, good sirr? What has been the defining moment of yourr life? What are yourr goals?"

On another foray among his friends, Zeoll imparts a secret message to each one [Bluff check to pass a secret message ... Bluff checks 25, 18, 20, 19]:

Please be discreet! Reveal as little as possible. But do not lie. Be careful!

Zeoll worries about the consequences on his history ... and on Domi's future ... were certain facts to be revealed.

Saturday November 12th, 2005 12:19:41 AM

Ashira's hood bobs slightly as she nods in the affirmative. "Yes, my people are beneath the waves... or at least half of them are, for I am only half elven."

Ashira is struck by Domi. There is a long pause as Ashira takes in a deep breath. It was amazing that even as a mortal he could almost instantly identify your weakest spot...but yet somehow she felt compelled to answer him. "Sir, my life has been so full of so sorrow, pain, anger and bitterness that I would hardly know where to begin...and I doubt it would make for an interesting story." Ashira pauses once more. Joy...yes, she had felt that once, though it seems like it had been so long ago... Ashira stares down at the ground, her heart pricked. Look at me. I've been so caught up in my bitterness that I've been completely blind to everything around me. Of course there has been joy in my life since I was freed from the Quad... It's just that I was so busy feeling sorry for myself that I didn't even notice it. And for the first time in a very long time, there is a stirring in Ashira's heart, like the smallest glimmer of light in a the darkest cavern. Ashira toys with her wedding band on her finger. "I would have to say sir, that my greatest joy would be my husband. I wish you could meet him, he is a magnificent man and a great leader, not to mention a fine lover." A deep blush works its way into Ashira's greenish gray cheeks and a faint rogue smile forms on her lips.

Brahmah  d20+2=21
Saturday November 12th, 2005 4:34:46 AM

Brahmah will be carrying both priests tied together. (Use Rope 21, plus type of rope... Brahmah borrowed rope... I hope)

Brahmah looks at the boy, contemplates for a moment and answers, "Well, I was actually going to ask you the same question."

Zeoll (illegal extra post) 
Saturday November 12th, 2005 6:48:45 AM

Well, if Brahmah want to be the strong man, that's fine with Zeoll! The liontaur chuckles to see the minotaur's muscular prowess in action.

Saturday November 12th, 2005 10:01:54 AM

Tratain walks with the others, when asked about His Holy Symbol, he tries to think of what he can say that will not reveal too much.

He says, "It is a Symbol of the Ideals that I follow, Courage, Strength, Protection of Those unable to Protect themselves."

Sunday November 13th, 2005 2:54:43 AM

"I-I-I h-have a b-b-b-b-brother," Vorelle answers Watakh. Tentatively she takes the qimshah stick from Welaq and gives it a taste.

"W-w-we d-d-d-don't have these in D-D-D-Dirt C-City," she says.

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday November 13th, 2005 2:54:14 PM

"Oh, you must mean my levitate spell!! A very handy thing indeed," he smiles at the lad. "I actually haven't got the spell memorized, but I had it on a scroll. You know how those work, don't you?"

Mad Jack 
Monday November 14th, 2005 1:31:20 AM

As they walk, Jack finds himself liking the little man. When times are slower, Jack points out parts of the pegasus, and what each does. Not knowing what Qwar would or not know, Jack starts with basics.

When they come to a rest, Jack tells Qwar to come closer, and pat Tyra on the neck. Rub her shoulders, and offer his hand to allow her to smell him.

"Well Qwarm the nystery is over, I can see that she trusts you. How far? Well probably as far as she can throw you." Jack laughs at his own humor and Qwar joins in. Who knows whether the dwarf is understanding the humor or not. He is curious, and to Jack that is all that matters.

"Soon, when we get to where the others will meet and discuss, well, whatever these people findto talk about, you will be ableto ride her, Sound ok Qwar?"

Monday November 14th, 2005 1:53:20 AM

The ranger simply stands, waiting with the captures.

Monday November 14th, 2005 8:42:49 PM

"I'm Rose, my dog's name is Mandy and Piper here is my familiar" Rose says to Faiyth.

Unlike the others Rose will not mention where she's from (was dirt city even around then?), try any spells (what if even as a mortal it can be sensed?), or stare at the people from the past (how rude).

She will answer a few questions if asked and will talk about Mandy and how much faster she gets around now that she has a riding dog.

ooc: sorry for not posting the last few days. I would get on the computer and check my email, go to the wold, check in at the loot & booty then get off for some reason (someone needed phn, sis needed comp for homework, i was tired) and later i would just remember that I had been at the wold and forgot that I hadnt posted.

DM Kim - last posting advisory 
Monday November 14th, 2005 9:28:32 PM

[I will be posting in the wee hours - likely between 2-3 am CST. Sorry - two separate times I thought I would have time to post were interrupted by unexpected visitors. Feel free to get an extra-credit post in the interim, if you wish. -Kim]

DM Kim - Along the Trail  d20+8=25
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:23:40 AM

As is natural when walking with a large group of people over the course of a few hours, people find themselves drawing next to different people from time to time.

The longer-legged members of the group sometimes get a ways ahead, but then stop, briefly, to wait for the halflings and dwarfs to catch back up.

"Bringing peace to a people is a worthy goal. Peace is worth fighting for," Domi says to Zeoll. "Unity built on truth, fastened by bands of love, make a potent foundation for peace. A strong arm may be needed to marry love and truth, to let mercy kiss justice." He walks along in silence for a minute or two. "How, Zeoll, would you define peace?"

Domi's face is tanned. When he squints once when glancing toward the sun, Zeoll notes a few crinkles at the outside corners of his eyes. His dark brown hair is just over an inch long. Calluses protect much of the skin of his hands and large-knuckled fists. His fingernails are smooth, and not long. His calves are bare above his sandals, with well-defined muscles. He exudes good health, and his movements show both strength and grace. The material of his short pants - which drop to just below his knee - look to be made of canvas, reinforced at the knee. The fabric shows light wear but, aside from the extra layer at the knee, no patches.

Tharpeia looks at the brass item Zeoll shows her - the one that the priest (P5) was holding, and that Ashira knocked from his grasp. "Tuning rod. For plane shift, probably," she tells the liontaur. "How many more of the like of your people are there?"

Brahmah's burden is consistently floppy, until the last to fall, P5, begins to make groaning sounds. He mumbles incoherently. The rope given Vorelle and passed on to Brahmah has abraded the men's skin here and there.

The boy stares with incomprehension at Brahmah's reply to his question. He shakes his head and moves away. Yet less than a minute later, he chuckles, then laughs, and still more until he cannot walk. "If you can make such a jest, then you must be a person, indeed!" He clenches his right hand into a fist that he draws to his chest, then extends before him about 18 inches in front of Brahmah's chest. His eyes look up at the minotaur in expectation.

"Love good and strong between a man and woman is a gift, indeed, Ashira," Domi tells her. He smiles briefly and says no more on this matter.

Qimshah is sweet, and satisfying to chew on, Vorelle finds. It seems to give her energy as they walk along.

"Oh? What is his name?" asks Welaq.

"Your brother," Watakh clarifies. "Is he older than you?"

Welaq adds, "Or are you older than he? Are you farmers?"

"In Dirt City?" Watakh finishes Welaq's sentence.

"A scroll? Well, how it works, is, you read it to find out what it says. Right?" Paxx answers Theodore. Then he winks and says, "Of course, if it is a magic scroll, then a proper reading will activate the spell inscribed on it. Right? Do you have more scrolls?"

"Ni mai yan ti walla!" Qwar exclaims when Jack tells him that he will be able to ride on his winged horse later. "That sounds - what is 'ohkay'?" he asks.

Janos hears Tratain's answer. "Those ideals are bold. Bold and just." He stares briefly again at Tratain's holy symbol.

Walking another fifteen minutes, Domi turns and holds up his hand to signal a halt. "We are at war. Be alert to other than ordinary sights and sounds."

He turns and the group continues on its way.

If you wish, you may make two or three spot checks, listen checks, and any other rolls you think appropriate for discerning the 'other than ordinary'.

Zeoll  d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d20+9=24 d20+18=31 d20+18=26 d20+18=21
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:01:48 PM

Zeoll is a little puzzled by Domi's question. "I am not a philosopherr, Sirr Domi, to dissect the meanings of worrds. To me, peace is simple: I want to stop larrge grroups of my brretherrn frrom trying to kill off otherr grroups. And if I could go furrtherr, I would want my brretherrrn to stop teaching hatrred and grrudges to theirr childrren. I want to encourrage all to see each otherr as siblings."

Zeoll listend to Tharpeia and answers as bet he can. "Ourr home is small, and we arre crramped in it. Maybe therre arre a hundred of hundreds of us? A merre guess."

Zeoll looks at the prisoners to make sure they are taking no lasting harm.

When Domi warns of current danger, Zeoll looks around carefully and keep his mouth shut. [Spot checks 29 (nat 20!), 19, 24.]

But the seer also watches Domi and his friends. Do they think the danger is real? Where are they looking -- sky? earth? How scared are they? [Sense Motive checks 31, 26, 21]

Tuesday November 15th, 2005 9:45:42 PM

Brahmah replies in kind in identical manner.

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+12=18 d20+12=23 d20+11=13 d20+11=20 d20+11=14
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:07:43 PM

Ashira returns Domi's smile and then returns to her ruminations. Though she does keep track of the surrounding territory (Spot=16, 18 and 23...Listen=13, 20, and 14).

Vorelle  d20+14=21 d20+14=20 d20+13=16
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:47:37 PM

A little bewildered by the barrage of questions in stereo, Vorelle pauses a moment before answering. "H-h-he's older. H-h-his n-name's V-V-V-V-Vaun. And n-n-n-no, w-w-we're n-not f-f-f-farmers."

She gestures with the qimshah stick. "Th-this is g-g-g-good."

As she walks, she keeps her eyes and ears open for anything unusual.

[Spot 21; Listen 20; Knowledge (nature) 16]

Mad Jack  d20=11 d20=20
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:27:21 AM

Jack likes the enthusiasm the young dwarf shows. It wouldgive him pleasure, and Trya as well, he hoped, letting the dwarf ride. While watching the young man, Jack also takes in his surroundings. Never knew when danger was about.

OOC Spot 11
Listen 20, natural even.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 9:33:46 AM

Theodore scratches his head, Macaw stepping easily out of the way. "Of course, I have more scrolls," he replies to Paxx. "You can never have enough, in my estimation. Are you a magic user, as well?"

Theodore, as usual, is too caught up in the current conversation to bother keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Rose  d20+10=26 d20+10=13 d20+10=23 d20+10=22 d20+10=18 d20+10=22 d20+5=25 d20+1=9 d20+8=24 d20+10=20
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:00:30 AM

Rose rides Mandy with Piper flying overhead. She stays near to Vorelle as she knows that talking about her family upsets Vorelle and she keeps an eye out for anything strange (or stranger than being in the past and talking to a god)

listen checks (dm add +2 if piper is within 5')
26, 13, 23

spot checks (dm add +2 if piper is within 5')
22, 18, 22

mandy listen check: 25, nat 20
mandy survival check (for smelling): 9, nat 1 I guess she has a stuffy nose

piper listen check: 24
piper spot check: 20

Brahmah  d20+15=21
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:22:32 PM

The ranger calls to his Golden eagle, Pah'caw, for assistance in scouting from the air.

Pah'caw's view. (Spot 21)

Brahmah  d20+11=22 d20+11=22
Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:39:13 AM

Brahmah continues his search for other stray trolls and other inhabitants of the area.

He looks around. (Spot 22, Listen 22)

Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:01:01 AM

Tratain continues to walk with the others. He says "Aye, but Hard to follow. But Very much worth doing."

Friday November 18th, 2005 3:37:39 PM

As the group approaches the Oshirr House, Zeoll can only imagine what it will be like. In his heart, it is a palace! Only an amazing structure could hold the wonders the liontaur associates with that place of legend. But in his mind he wonders if it will be more than a rough structure made of logs and roofed with thatch.

Friday November 18th, 2005 6:27:30 PM

The minotaur continues his activities.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 12:28:52 AM

The ranger waits patiently as time seems to stand still. ;)

Monday November 21st, 2005 6:04:36 PM

Brahmah waits.

Monday November 21st, 2005 9:56:05 PM

Hey folks, just read on the DM board that Kim is really slammed right now with RL and so our beloved Carl will be DMing us starting tomorrow morning. Yay!!

Kim, hope things clear up for you soon.

Carl, welcome and thanks!! (::wipes brown substance off nose::) ;)

Cayzle OOC 
Monday November 21st, 2005 11:53:56 PM

Hey Janell! Remember that years-gone-by "Tap" game in the RWI Maw? The first game in which Zeoll met Ashira? Well do you remember who was the DM then? CARL! Yay! It's a reunion! We're only missing Sly and Luke of the PCs still around in the Wold.

Welcome, Carl!

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 12:25:43 AM

Wipes and enthusiastic tear from her eye. Yes, yes. I remember...like it was yesterday. You don't plan on having Ashira keep Zeoll's head back above water again, do ya? ;)

::rubs hands together:: Now all we need is a cyborg bunny and life will be complete. ;)

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:10:55 AM

... and waits and waits.

Mad Jack 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 5:57:57 AM

He finds he has something in common with the minotaur, and waits...

Welcome Mr Carl.

DM Carl 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 7:48:22 AM

(OOC: Apologies for the delay here chaps, and thanks for the welcome! I'm waiting on the module; as soon as I get that normal service will be resumed.

Thanks for your patience!)

Rose  d20+8=11 d20+8=22 d20+8=9 d20+8=10
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 11:46:35 AM

While waiting Rose sneaks around behind Zeoll and tries to play jump the tail like she does with Vauhwyt.

jump checks
11, 22, 9, 10; so does Zeoll notice? :)

DM Carl  d20+17=29 d20+11=27 d20+2=6
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 12:37:46 PM

(OOC: And we're off! Once again, apologies for the pause in the proceedings)

Paxx nods to Theodore. "I've had some magical training" he smiles. "Though I'm more of a hobbyist than practicioner, truth be told."

The students of the man calling himself Domi become noticeably quieter after his warning. Zeoll gets the impression that there is no undue alarm amongst them, merely an increase in focus and alertness. For all their informality and youth they are clearly a highly trained group, ready to respond to their master's instruction instantly. Zeoll further intuits that this devotion is born of love and respect, not fear of authority. Finally he notices that Domi seems particularly interested in both of the Taurs, though he says nothing. As they walk in silence he suspects that they are causing Domi to think deeply about something.

The party also heeds the teacher's advice. Tree lines are scrutinized, bushes eyed with fierce suspicion, the skies overhead scoured for distant observers. For some time nothing untoward is spotted, and you begin to think that perhaps there is nothing out there to be seen, other than idyllic rolling countryside and the odd rabbit.

Vorelle feels particularly sharp, her senses a little keener than normal. Could it be that the qimshah she tried has more potent properties than mere tastiness?

Vorelle Highlight to display spoiler: {(OOC: yes it could! Vorelle has +1 to all Spot, Search and Listen checks for the next 5 minutes due to the plant she ate)}

The twins both wink at her and say:

"What do you think?"

Zeoll Highlight to display spoiler: {It is the Wemic's keen eyes that eventually detect movement behind them. He does his best to remain casual, glancing back at a tree some 150 feet behind them where he feels sure something moved. Yes! There, crouching behind a tree, a kobold is spying upon them! And as yet he seems not to have realized he has been spotted.}

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 4:16:51 PM

"A hobbyist!! A HOBBYIST!!" Theodore exclaims. Macaw cries in indignation and leaps into the sky, sensing a lecture from his single-minded master. "My dear friend, magic is NOT a hobby. It takes years and years and then some more years to master even the lowliest of low abilities. Why I..." The lecture begins. Theodore becomes quite animated on the subject, ticking off individual points on fingers, shaking his head exuberantly, and gesticulating with more than just hands. "...and I was extremely lucky that my good friend Dietrich was there to stop the badger I had just summoned. To say it was a mess would be to put it lightly. Not to mention the time I accidentally hit myself with a color spray. I was unconcious for nearly five minutes! But when I came too..." And it continues...and continues.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 4:30:04 PM

Rose hears Theo start to go off on magic and runs over to him. "THEO!" The little halfling hisses as she tugs at his tunic to bring his head down so she can whisper to him. "Dont talk about any spells or anything that hadnt been invented before this time!" She whispers in his ear when he bends down.

Zeoll  d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d20+23=37
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 7:18:33 PM

Zeoll listens to Theo and sees Rose whisper to him. He hopes that that comes to nothing, but he does not get involved, not wanting to blow things up further.

Later, when the parties are more alert, Zeoll senses a spy. His first inclination is to start a Song of Fascination to befuddle the spy, but it is too far away. Instead, he talks with Domi, using nonverbal cues and emphasizing his words to pass a secret message (Bluff Check 24 beats the needed DC20):

Sir, note the hidden small reptilian person lurking behind the tree yonder. If I could narrow the gap between us to 90 feet, I could befuddle him. Through misdirection, I could try that. But of course I will be guided by my host's wishes ... is this one of your people?

If Domi gives the okay, Zeoll will wander back through the party as if he were mingling. He'll end up at the rear, with luck within 90 feet. (Bluff check 20 to pull this off)

If that works, he'll start playing a song -- fascinate (will save) DC is his perform check ... a 37.

Vorelle  d20+18=28 d20+18=34
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 10:58:40 PM

With her newly sharpened senses, Vorelle scans the world around her. She looks and listens intently, trying to ascertain just how much better she can perceive.

"I-i-it's am-amazing," she tells the twins.

[Spot 28, Listen 34]

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=13
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 11:46:53 PM

The ranger tenses at Zeoll's hidden message, but she tries to remain indiscreet as her hands snake toward her swords. She scans the area but still doesn't see anything (Spot=17, Listen=13).

Mad Jack 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 2:03:10 AM

Jack comtinues his instruction to Qwar about horses and riding. With the occasional glance around him, he senses nothing wrong.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 11:29:28 AM

Tratain continues to walk and talk with the others keeping an eye out like the students.

DM Carl: Nice and Easy Does It  d20+20=25 d20+11=20 d20+2=8
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:33:34 PM

The gnome is a little taken aback by the intensity of Theodore's response, but takes it in good humor. "Aha, a man passionate in his calling, a good thing to see!" he grins when he manages to get a word in edgeways. "I can only hope to apply such devotion to my chosen field as you bring to yours." He seems to find Rose's furious whispering quite funny. "Don't scold him on my account, little friend." he smiles. "He has caused no offense."

Qwar nods and "uhuh"'s as Mad Jack gives his lesson. "Mhm, I'm guessing the only real way is to try, huh?" He looks at the Pegasus with a mixture of eagerness and trepidation. "When we get back we'll have to see if we can make the time, yes?"

Vorelle isn't sure if it is due to the sweet medicinal plant or not, but she too spots the hiding kobold (OOC: I make you +15 to Hide and Spot, Kathy. The plant grants you +1 to those checks. Still good enough though!). Now that she knows where he is she can even hear him moving about, the wind carrying the sound of snapping twigs to her. The creature remains oblivious to the attention he is receiving.

Tratain and Janos are content to walk and chat a while. Eventually Janos says "You know, your teachings sound much like our own. Our master instills those same values in us. Or at least, he tries to!"

Domi smiles at Zeoll's hidden communication, and thinks for a moment. He does not turn to look for the spy. When he does speak his words are soft, slow and considered.

"The creature you see is a spy for the enemy, one of many. As I say... we are at war. But he is no threat to us. Indeed, his presence here probably tells us more than ours tells him." He smiles serenely.

Zeoll gets the impression Domi would rather the scout was left alone.

Tharpeia, walking at her master's side, also notes the Wemic's hidden message and is less magnanimous.

"These scouts are weak and of stupid. They seem to be considered expendable by their masters and are sent in great numbers." she confides, clearly angered. "Based on previous experience they are unlikely to have any information of value, and even less likely to willingly reveal it if they did. But it irks me that they are bold enough to watch us here, so close to Oshirr House."

Brahmah marches along in silence, the young lad keeping pace with him (barely). The lad seems rather taken with the big minotaur. Brahmah, give me an Int check DC 5 to realize the following: Highlight to display spoiler: {Brahmah feels one of the bound captives over his shoulders (P5) tense as he regains consciousness. He remains still for a few moments, pretending he is still out cold, no doubt listening to the discussions amongst the group.}

Zeoll  d20+9=21
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 2:42:45 PM

Zeoll nods to Domi and continues as if he did not see the spy.

Inside, he thinks to himself: Domi has the greatest strategic mind of this or any age. He wants that spy to report that he has new allies, maybe ... strange large allies with unknown powers. Domi must know, or deduce, the effect of such a report on his enemies' plans.

But none of this shows on the liontaur's face. He simply remains watchful and keeps pace with his host. (Spot 21)

Brahmah  d20-1=16
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 7:33:42 PM

(Int 16)

Brahmah hefts the 'unconconcious' prisoner to the ground hard over his shoulder and punches him in the head.
The ranger, convinced the prisoner is not awake (after thorough examination), lifts him up and continues to march.

Vorelle  d20+14=26
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 11:50:36 PM

Vorelle darts a few uneasy glances in the direction of the kobold, but if the man called Domi is comfortable leaving the creature there, she will not gainsay him.

Instead, she drifts to the side of the group, and begins scanning the ground for signs of the creature's trail. Maybe she can figure out where it came from.

[Survival 26]

Thursday November 24th, 2005 12:38:29 AM

The ranger continues to tag along mostly silently.

Mad Jack 
Thursday November 24th, 2005 2:19:00 AM

Jack looks at Qwar ands says, "By all means of course we will have time for you to ride. I for one want to find out how good a teacher I am. What else can you tell me of yourself, I have met so few of your kind."

Thursday November 24th, 2005 10:26:27 AM

Tratain smiles at Janos and says smiling "Do they now? Perhapse there's something to them then. You and the others should Take his teachings to heart."

Oshirr House

DM Carl: At last... Oshirr House 
Thursday November 24th, 2005 12:30:33 PM

The party decide to leave the scout be as they continue on their way, chatting with their new companions. Qwar replies to Jack "You mean dwarves? They don't have dwarves where you come from? Dont much like the sound of the place, Mhm? Not sure what to tell you; we live underground as a rule, miners mainly. A place without dwarves? Mhph!"

Vorelle examines the ground for evidence of the kobold's movements. She cannot find any tracks that are obviously made by that particular creature. Perhaps that suggests that it has been trailing them? But she does see that this route has been well trodden, both by humans and non humans. She sees evidence of many kobold tracks, as well as some made by larger, barefooted creatures. Orcs perhaps? But those tracks have probably been made a few days ago. She finds nothing recent save those of Domi and his party on their outward journey.

The dark cleric, having woken briefly, succumbs to Brahamah's tender ministrations and flops back limp for the rest of the journey, no doubt dreaming of torturing kittens and the like.

The cool of the morning has passed. As the journey continues beneath an ever warmer sun the sweat begins to drip. After a short while you climb to the brow of a low hill and get your first glimpse of Oshirr House.

Zeoll's dreams of some vast palatial structure are confounded; this place of legend is far simpler than that. It is a fortified compound, perhaps 300 feet by 400 feet. The surrounding wall is of stone and wood, with several manned lookout towers along its length.

The large wooden gates are open as you approach, and you see several students tending flowers and vegetable gardens in the courtyard.

As you enter the compound you see there are several buildings within. Most look like barracks or dormitories, but it is the building at the centre of the compound which is most eye-catching. It is instantly recognizable to those who faced the final battle at the end of the Year of Ascension, a beautiful simple white cottage. Those who saw it then saw it as the lone fragment of existence remaining at the centre of a universe devoured. A final shining white beacon of order amidst a maelstrom of chaos. It is a curiously jarring experience to see it here now, surrounded by the everyday bustle of life, knowing what lies in this place's future.

The students stand respectfully as you pass by in Domi's company. As your group move towards the porch of the cottage, two students move to guard the door.

"Well done," Domi says. "Please knock on the door and let the master know I am here with important guests."

One of the students knocks on the door and then whispers through it. At some unheard signal the door opens of its own accord and a bearded figure rises from a wartable, now covered with a sheet, and greets you in a rich, vibrant voice;

"Come in strangers. I would hear your tale!"

Thursday November 24th, 2005 5:06:41 PM

Zeoll gulps and then steps forward into the house. He waits for all his friends to enter before he speaks.

Friday November 25th, 2005 12:39:56 AM

The ranger tags along quietly, almost invisible to the others around her as she simply watches and listens.

As she spots the cottage, Ashira lets out a sharp whistle. "I remember..." Ashira stops, remembering not to leak information about the future. Still, it is not everyday that you get to meet a god first hand and then are invited into the very place where the Wold was reborn." Spotting the bearded figure, Ashira gulps, the power of speech suddenly an almost impossible ideal.

Mad Jack 
Friday November 25th, 2005 1:34:26 AM

"Yes Qwar, not many dwarves from where I come from. Oh there are some, but hey have all adapted to city life. You don't look like you've done that."

As they get to the Oshirr House Jack takes in his surroundings.

"Nice place you have here Mr. Qwar. If you need to check in, or ask permission from someoone, go do that now. I am going to unsaddle Trya, and give her a quick rubdown, then we can resaddle her, and let you have your go. Sound ok?"

Friday November 25th, 2005 3:03:38 AM

"I am Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi."

Zeoll  d20+11=17 d20+24=31
Friday November 25th, 2005 9:05:11 AM

Zeoll almost gags when he hears Brahmah's words, but he tries to keep his surprise to himself (Bluff check 17 eh. Maybe it will seem that Zeoll is surprised Brahmah spoke before him).

Thinking furiously, he immediately steps up to speak.

"Yes, and I am Zeoll, the Seerr and Speakerr of those chosen by Domi to visit herre today."

"Let me intrroduce the otherrs of ourr company."

"This is Ashirra, the most herroic of those Domi chose to invite herre. Just coming in arre Rrose, the valiant; Vorrelle, who is keen of eye and earr; Theo, a brrilliant mage; Trratain, a brrave prriest and prrotectorr of the weak -- and Jack, the most enthusiastic of us, is still outside showing off his horrse."

"We are grrateful that Domi invited us herre, and we arre glad to meet you, sirr. May we have the honorr of knowing the name of the perrson that noble Domi calls 'Masterr'?"

[Diplomacy check 31]

OOC to Jay: Highlight to display spoiler: {Jay! As Mookie would say, "Jeezum Crow!"}

DM Carl 
Friday November 25th, 2005 11:34:13 AM

(OOC: Waiting for posts...)

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday November 25th, 2005 2:10:26 PM

Theodore bows politely when introduced. "Hello," he says.

Mad Jack 
Friday November 25th, 2005 3:03:55 PM

Jack unsaddles the pegasus, and gives her a quick rubdown. She also takes the oputunity to roll in the grass. When finished resting, he resaddles her, adjusting the stirrups for the shorter dwarf. At last thought, he takes the saddle rope and ties it to both sides to hold the dwarf in the saddle.

Waits for Qwar to return.

OOC I should have gone inside as well, but couldnt really go back on my word to Qwar. Sorry.

DM Carl: Alemi 
Friday November 25th, 2005 3:30:34 PM

"Do you think perhaps Qwar might tend to your steed in your stead? That way the two can get aquainted." asks Domi of Jack. "Master Alemi awaits us inside. There will be time for lessons later."

There is no pressure in Domi's suggestion, he leaves the choice to Jack.

As the party head inside the cottage the bearded gentleman greets each of you in turn. He is not as old as you had at first thought; though his long hair and beard are white his features and movements are those of a man in his middle years. His voice is powerful and resonant, and exudes an air of calm and power that are instantly appealing. You sense from the twinkle in his eye that although this is a man of great seriousness of character, a smile is never far from his lips.

When Brahamah speaks he raises a quizzical eyebrow and seems about to say something, but remains silent as Zeoll says his piece. He nods and smiles, saying;

"You are most welcome here, travellers. My name is Alemi."

He turns to the students at the door and says "Cold drinks and wet towels for our guests please."

He waves a hand and the temperature in the house drops by about 20 degrees instantly. He motions to a set of couches and chairs to the side arranged in a square for conversation.

"Come, sit!"

If you can make a Spot check DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {An urgent glance passes between Domi and Alemi when Brahmah mentions the Chosen of Domi}

If you can make a Sense Motive check vs DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Alemi seems pleased about something}

If you can make a Sense Motive check vs DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {Alemi, although he doesn't seem to have bought Zeoll's cover story, seems quite pleased by it}

If you can make a Spellcraft check vs DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {Whatever method Alemi used to lower the temperature in the room, it was no magical effect you recognize. Perhaps it is some property of the House itself that allows the temperature to be controlled.}

Zeoll  d20+9=28 d20+18=31
Friday November 25th, 2005 4:11:28 PM

[OOC: Spot 28, Sense Motive 31 woot!]

If a couch will accommodate his size, and if there are enough to go around, then Zeoll will take one ... but he is just as happy sitting on the floor.

He thanks Alemi for his hospitality and is glad to use the cloths offered.

OOC for Carl: Highlight to display spoiler: {D'Oh! And I thought my recovery was so clever! Well, there's no pulling the wool over Alemi's eyes, hey? (BTW, noticed you didn't even roll an opposed Sense Motive check for the bum! Prob his +20 check beats my crappy bluff 17 automatically!)}

Friday November 25th, 2005 5:28:08 PM

There is an audible hiss from beneath her cloak as Ashira draws in a sharp breath. There is a small billowing of the cloak as Ashira begins to tremble, her fists clenching so tight that her finger nails bite into her palms. Desperately she tries to attract Zeoll's attention, but the liontaur has already set about making their introductions. After being introduced, Ashira nods and then turns, intent on leaving. I will not sit about making pretty faces and smiling at him. He may not know what he did but I remember...oh I remember just fine! Ashira seethes internally. Ashira grabs Zeoll's arm and pulls in close to him, whispering. "I'm sorry Zeoll, I don't mean to embarrass you, but I just can't stand it." Ashira mumbles something about not feeling well as she turns to flee from the presence of Alemi.

Mad Jack  d20=12 d20=17 d20+9=13
Saturday November 26th, 2005 12:34:08 AM

"Ah good idea sir. Qwar, here are her reins, maybe you can find some oats, or carrots. If you have any sweets she will forever be your friend."
Jack moves into the building with the others. Nice place he thinks to himself. He will accept the offerings gracefully and sit where told.

Spot 12
Sense Motive 17
Spellcraft 13
No spoilers for me!!

Vorelle  d20+15=18 d20+3=21
Saturday November 26th, 2005 10:59:24 AM

Vorelle slips quietly into the room and tries very hard to be invisible. When Zeoll introduces her, she bobs her head awkwardly and stares at the floorboards.

[Spot 18, Sense Motive 21]

Tratain  d20+7=25 d20+5=8
Sunday November 27th, 2005 5:34:27 PM

Tratain catches the glance between Alemi and Domi, but says nothing about it.

He takes the offered seat and listens to the conversation.

rose  d20+4=19 d20+10=29 d20+10=25 d20+14=15
Monday November 28th, 2005 12:02:06 AM

Rose has been quiet as she guides Mandy to follow the others. I hope they dont talk about anything that might let people know we're from the future she thinks.

At the house she leaves Mandy and Piper outside with some food and water before going in. When she hears Brahma and Zeoll introduce themselves she groans and thinks THOSE IDIOTS!!!

sense motive: 19
listen: 29
spot: 25
spell craft: 15

ooc: sorry for not posting I was busy with thanksgiving and getting ready for the nw wold meeting

Brahmah  d20+4=12 d20-2=12
Monday November 28th, 2005 2:48:57 AM

"Domi, my lord, you called me while I was working as a bartender in a tavern. Then I found your Chosen like you asked. Remember?" Brahmah waits for a response from his deity.

(Sense Motive versus human 12, Bluff versus human 14)

DM Carl: Everybody Out! 
Monday November 28th, 2005 7:19:27 AM

Alemi sits opposite the party. He remains affable and polite as the party take their seats. But when Brahamah speaks again the he looks once more at Domi, and nods to him.

Domi turns to the remaining students in the room (who are looking with great curiosity at the minotaur) he says with a smile "Time to leave, young ones. Alemi and our new friends have much to discuss that is not for our ears. Come."

Domi leads his students out of the room, leaving the party alone with Alemi. The white haired fellow says nothing for a few moments, seemingly lost in thought. If he is aware of Ashira's discomfort he shows no sign of it. Then he turns to you, twinkling blue eyes gazing deep into your own.

"Pray be wary, friends" he smiles softly. "I fear we now walk a perilous path, and must tread lightly. I have questions I must ask of you. Please be circumspect in your answers. Give me no more detail than you must, for new paths glimpsed may serve only to obscure the true way forward.

He looks to each of you, perhaps seeking a consenting nod or sign of understanding.

"But first, let us be clear; are you from our future?"

Monday November 28th, 2005 1:29:05 PM

Zeoll is confused by Brahmah's words. He thought the group understood that discretion was the watchword of the day. Evidently the Captain did not understand.

Well, that goose is out of the bag the liontaur thinks. Let's see if we can get her put back in, if only partway.

Zeoll waits for the followers of Alemi to leave. Then he says in answer to Alemi.

"Sirr, I do not know that we arre frrom yourr futurre. I do not know how any perrson could trravel to anotherr time. Can even gods do that? I do not know. I have hearrd no tales of such, and I am a barrd."

"But what I believe -- without sufficient underrstanding, good sirr -- is what you have alrready stated: that we should be cirrcumspect."

"Therrforre I would prreferr forr my frriends and I to rretain the discrretion not to answerr yourr questions. Although I prromise that I will not lie to you orr to the noble Domi, nonetheless I think that the less we say, the wiserr courrse ourr paws will trread."

"It is trrue that we have come herre forr a rreason, but I fearr to rreveal that purrpose. I will say on my worrd that ourr mission is imporrtant in defeating a foe who has been rresponsible forr the deaths of hundrreds of innocents, and who, if unchecked, thrreatens thousands morre."

"Perrsonally, I think it best to avail ourrselves of yourr hospitality forr so shorrt a time as politeness will allow, and then to be on ourr way."

"It is possible we will need some inforrmation to achieve ourr mission. But I fearr to question yourrself orr Domi. Perrhaps you would allow us to question yourr followerrs, with the underrstanding that they will not rreveal ourr questions to you? We will rreveal as little as possible to them. I hope you will forrgive the prresumption that such a rrequest assumes."

"And also, good host, perrhaps the wisest courrse would be forr you to give us a moment of trrue prrivacy beforre we say aught else."

Monday November 28th, 2005 4:34:00 PM

Discretion has never been one of Brahmah's stong points. However, he can read people pretty well and at this point he thinks Zeoll is about to kill him. He shuts up.

I was only trying to figure a few things out. Sorry. He thinks to himself.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:00:20 PM

Theodore flexes his nostrils. I think I have a booger. Otherwise, he waits patiently.

Vorelle  d20+15=29 d20+15=19
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:00:09 AM

Vorelle stays quiet, but her eyes and ears are alert for anything out of the ordinary.

[Spot 29, Listen 19]

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:04:47 AM

Unable to stand being in the presence of Alemi any longer, the ranger bolts out of the room.

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:48:45 AM

Tratain listens to what everyone around him is saying.

When given the chance he says "I am curious as to why Lord Domi and his students happened upon us. I know why we were at the cave, but it seems an out of the way place. Was there a specific reason as to why he and his students where there as well?"

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 3:32:58 AM

Brahmah remains quiet.

DM Carl:  d20=13
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 5:25:11 AM

Alemi answers Tratain first.

"Those caves have long served us as a training ground and place of silent contemplation. Hidden from prying eyes Master Domi is able to instruct his more advanced students in isolation and privacy. It seems, however, that our foes have now discovered even this sanctuary."

He turns to Zeoll.

"And speaking of privacy, you are quite correct, my wise friend. Please, discuss matters amongst yourselves. Take as long as you need. When you wish to speak further just ring the bell you see on the table, and I will hear it.

However you should know that, in your responses, you answered all but one of the questions I had for you. That question can wait until I return.

As for your fears; I would ask that you direct any questions you have to me rather than my students, or even Domi. I will be in a better position to give many answers than will my students, and the fewer people who know the details of your quest here the better. Please do not be overly concerned however; you may ask your questions of me freely, and I will do what I can to answer them.

But please, discuss this matter amongst yourselves first. I will return when you are done." And with a bow of the head Alemi leaves the room.


Ahira stands outside the door of Oshirr House, wrestling with her emotions. Meeting Alemi face to face has done nothing to dispel her personal demons. Quite the opposite in fact.

After a few moments the door opens, and, of all people, Alemi himself stands beside her. They are alone, the guarding students a discreet distance away.

He looks at her with genuine concern. "Young one, it is clear that you find my presence here the source of great distress (OOC: Sense Motive 13+?: succeeds). I do not know why I am the cause of such pain to you, but it grieves me to be so. I can only offer my sincere apologies if I have wronged you in some way."

He looks at the tall aquatic elf with a sad smile, a smile filled with concern, sorrow and love. It is clear that it causes this man genuine hurt to be the cause of anguish to another.

"Your friends are now alone within, discussing how best to proceed. I will stay out here, and not return until they summon me. Join them in their discussion or stay out here with me. The choice is yours."

(OOC: To those in the room, please feel free to make as many posts as you need between now and the next DM post to decide what you want to do.)

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 3:03:37 PM

Rose has been listening to the others, but when Ashira bolts Rose follows and tries to comfort her. Rose will remain quiet when Alemi comes out to talk to Ashira.

Mad Jack 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:47:45 PM

Jack sits down and eats a bit of the proffered food. Then like a lightning bolt, it dawns on him what Zeoll is saying. This Alemi character was the god Alemi.

"Zeoll, I am mad as most, but you have me beat if you think we are talking to a God here. Hahaha, oh that is precious indeed. We are walking with the Gods. Hmm I may use that in the future." Laughing at Zeoll, he adds, "or the past." Hahaha, he laughs at his own mirth.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 6:46:55 PM

"So," begins Theodore. "It seems we have gone back into the past. The most obvious question is 'why.' Should we start there?"

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 9:18:29 PM

When the group is alone, Zeoll lets out a loud sigh and sits down with a feline plop. He had not realized how tense he had been in the presence of Domi and Alemi.

No anger shows in his face as he talks with his friends. If anything, he seems tired. No wonder, he thinks to himself, we have not slept since the Mortician brought us together. The liontaur takes a second to think over all that has taken place ... the revelations, the fight, the travel to a new dimension ... and a great weariness seeps into him. Really, it had only been the adrenalin of trying not to say the wrong thing that had kept him going.

But they were not done yet.

Taking a deep breath, Zeoll stands (so that he will not fall asleep while talking). He speaks. "Frriends, I do not prretend to know what is going on. But if we arre in the past, and if these people will become gods some day, we must not rrisk changing the courrse of events by telling them too much. And since we do not know what is too much, we should not say anything!"

"Has Alemi met Garrgul yet? Arre they yet the grreat enemies they will become? Has Garrgul used Ebrryon's Token to crreate the drragons yet? Is it ourr duty to take the Token away from Garrgul? But we cannot ask Alemi orr Domi these questions forr fearr of telling them things they arre not yet meant to know!"

"We must not rreveal any morre. In fact, we should leave herre as soon as possible and hope we have not alrready done harrm."

Zeoll pauses to look around for Ashira. He hopes she is coping okay.

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 9:26:46 PM

Vorelle shifts nervously from foot to foot. About the only thing on her mind is an earnest desire to not mess this up.

"I-I w-want to d-d-d-do what's r-r-r-r-right," she says, when her opinion is asked for.

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 11:16:29 PM

Well that just takes the cake!! I finally get to see him face to face and tell him what I think of his precious love and concern and I can't even say anything for fear of screwing up the very Wold itself. Fate you are truly a cruel master!!

Seething internally, Ashira nods angrily at Alemi and returns to the room, not even speaking a word. She manages to arrive about half way through Zeoll's advice. She sit in a corner, listening to the others..and seething... Though try as she might, she can't dislodge the final glimpse she had of Alemi. So sad...so concerned.

She tries to focus on the task at hand. "Is anyone else as confused as I am?? Why were we brought here when we can't even talk to anyone for fear of destroying the fabric of the Wold itself." Though Ashira tries to keep her tone even, her anger seeps through as she continues. "So how are we supposed to know what the right thing to do?"

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 3:20:08 AM

The minotaur just listens and looks on. The tale is woven and the taur is more confused as ever.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 6:05:30 AM

"Rrememberr ourr mission. We have to find the arrtifact that Ebrryon gave to Garrgul, that Garrgul used to crreate monsterrs. Rrememberr the words of the holy priest at the Temple of Garrgul. Rrememberr the scrap of tapestrry we saw of it."

Zeoll calls on his bardic training to recall the priest's words, and then he takes out the ancient tapestry and shows it to his friends again.

[OOC: Here is the information we got yesterday? or was it the day before yesterday?

[It is an illustration on the corner of the parchment. An evil man in black has the name Gargulus written below him. He has something in his hand wrapped in a black cloth. He leans over an orc, sniveling in his evilness and a ray is shooting out from the things under the cloth at the orc. The painting shows several orcs in a row with each looking a bit more sophsicated and intelligent. Above looking out from a cave in the clouds is a godlike figure smiling and giving power to the item.]

"What do you think the parchment means my young adventurers?" whispers the old priest.

"I am determined that this pieces dates back to the first age of the Wold." He begins to get a wild look in his eyes. "This is his master as a mortal and very evil, putting souls in monsters to fight Alemi in the Oshirr House. But what intrigues me is the figure in the sky who supplies the power for the device. Who knows how much the artist of this tapestry knew about the goings on in that time, but we do know that the crisis of the age was Gargul and his army of monsters vs. Alemi and his adventures and allies. We also know that it ended with Alemi and a host of Gold Dragons destroying the current gods." He is begining to get excited. As if he holds some great knowledge and has been waiting to share it with someone who can do something about it.

"Apply that knowledge to this scrap of parchment." His demeanor changes from that of excitement to that of fear. "On an offchance, I did a divination and with an extra question I had, asked on a whim if this parchment has anything to do with the current flooding in the city and this Eberyon Fey King causing us our current problems." He pauses looking at each of you, one at a time. "The answer came back yes."

"Now, look closely." He hands you a seeing glass.

Now one can see ivy around the gods neck, daisies in the clouds growing through the being's feet. His arms look like tendrils. And small fairies fly around his head forming the circlet there.

The priest says, "See the ivy around the being in the sky's neck? See the way the daisies in the clouds grow through his feet? See how his arms look like tendrils of a plant? I now believe that the creature in the Sky is Eberyon."

Here is a link to the sketch of the Tapestry we were given.

DM Carl 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 11:00:03 AM

Outside Oshirr House Alemi looks up into the clear blue sky, lost in thought. He awaits the sound of a bell.

Inside the House the party discuss how best to proceed.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 5:49:45 PM

"Ok, if we are in the past, and we need to find Gargul, why not just ask Alemi if he knows where he is. I mean at this point in time they are not fighting right? That shouldnt change any events."

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 6:07:25 PM

"Just by asking about Garrgul, we tell Alemi that Garrgul is important in the futurre. Maybe this will influence him. Forr example, Alemi was Garrgul's enemy, and tried to kill him. Maybe, knowing that Garrgul has a role in the futurre, Alemi will not trry as hard to kill him. The past will change, and with it, our prresent!"

"Or maybe they arre fighting now. Alemi's battle plan may change knowing that we arre hunting Garrgul too."

"for what it is worrth, I think that the morrtal Alemi might agrree with me. He just said, 'Give me no morre detail than you must, forr new paths glimpsed may serrve only to obscurre the trrue way forrward.' "

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 6:33:40 PM

Tratain listens to what Zeoll says and asks "How do we know that they are not already gods? Just pretending to be mortal to teach their students? I think we need to at least ask about Gargul, they say that they are at war, we can ask the name of thier enemy without revealing anything. If we just up and leave even though we are trying to protect our future, it may become impossible for us to complete the task we were brought here to do, and then we will probably have failed to save our future anyway."

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:31:48 PM

"Of course, there are many theories concerning time travel. The great Theodoric, whom I was named after, believed...ouch!" Macaw ends the mage's lecture before it begins.

Theodore rubs his head. "What I was getting at is that nothing is sure. That we have already altered the future could be a very real possibility. I think we should focus on the task at hand, not say more than is necessary, but neither should we hinder ourselves by being too cautious. I believe Alemi is willing to work with us if we act casually. Fabricate a reason for being here, and seek information from him to accomplish our goal."

Rose  d20+4=8
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 11:03:59 PM

"What do we know about history? Is there anything that might mean we helped Alemi in the past or told him about the future so that he would be sure to remember to make it end up right?"

untrained knowledge history: 8 rose knows nothing

Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:20:37 AM

With little formal schooling, Vorelle is no help at all with history. But--

"I d-d-don't think w-we c-c-can a-ask for a-anything w-w-w-without m-m-making it s-s-s-sound imp-important," she points out.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:23:17 AM

"It could mean almost anything. Ancient writings can be interperated in many ways. Symbolism is key."

Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:28:15 AM

The ranger rubs her temples overwhelmed by all the potential combination and implications.

DM Carl 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:44:36 AM

As the party tie themselves in temporal knots Alemi waits patiently.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 11:59:55 PM

"So arre we agrreed?" asks the liontaur into the silence. "We'll ask Alemi to tell us about the enemy who is at warr with him. Then we will say thank you and be on ourr way. Okay?"

Friday December 2nd, 2005 2:11:45 AM

Confused, Brahmah stays quiet again.

Mad Jack 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:19:29 AM

"So let me get this straight. We have come back in time to do something to help us in the future. Find this artifact. So you are sayin the whole reason we are here is to change history. Then in your next breath your afraid we are going to alter things? Im confuse, we cant have it both ways."

Friday December 2nd, 2005 6:01:06 AM

Zeoll's tail whips back and forth, and he wags a finger at Jack. "Now stop yourr nonsense, sirr! No one is saying that they want to change historry. We want to obtain the arrtifact, or to obtain inforrmation about wherre it will be when we rreturrn home to ourr own time. And we hope to interferre with things as little as possible while we arre herre. Especially we want to rreveal as little about ourrselves and ourr Wold as we can."

"I think that's not so harrd to underrstand."

The liontaur looks around the room. "My question rremains. Shall we ask Alemi to tell us about his enemies, and then take ourr leave? Does anyone else have anotherr idea forr a courrse of action? Maybe we should ask to stay the night. I myself feel so wearry."

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 9:43:51 AM

Theodore yawns at Zeoll's suggestion of staying the night. "I could sure use some sleep. It would help me to concentrate on our current situation."

The young wizard muses for a moment. "Perhaps we could admit to being from a distant place and unsure of how we got to where we currently are. Both true. Simply ask for any news and other pertinent information that might help us to get home."

Friday December 2nd, 2005 12:33:45 PM

Rose just stays quiet, she isnt sure what to do.

Saturday December 3rd, 2005 10:08:33 AM

Tratain says "I think spending the Night would be best, perhapse other options will present themselves in the Morning."

DM Carl 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:05:41 AM

Alemi waits for the sound of a bell as the party try to reach a concensus.

Sunday December 4th, 2005 2:40:45 PM

The half-elf shrugs her shoulders. "I guess that sounds like as good of a plan as any...but I'm not staying here. I'll camp outside, but I'm not staying here with Alemi."

Monday December 5th, 2005 12:15:58 AM

Vorelle is agreeable to spending the night, but she is worried about letting Ashira camp outside by herself.

"I-I'll g-g-go w-with you, i-if you l-l-l-like," she offers shyly.

Monday December 5th, 2005 5:58:20 AM

"Girls night out! We can tell stories around the fire as we fall asleep." Rose is tired but you can tell that she likes the thought of being with the others.

Monday December 5th, 2005 6:15:35 AM

"Oh, no," protests Zeoll. "I do not think we should split up. How about you ladies wait just outside this building while we have a shorrt chat with Alemi; therreafterr we all will go camp out of doorrs?"

"The shorrt chat will be us asking him about this warr in which he is engaged ... who arre his enemies, theirr names, theirr descriptions, the state of the warr. Then he can ask his final question. Then we will thank him and bid him farrewell. Agreed?"

If therre is complete agreement, Zeoll will ring the bell. Of course, if anyone wants to talk some more, he will not.

Monday December 5th, 2005 9:53:05 AM

"I agree with Zeoll, we should stay together."

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday December 5th, 2005 10:02:02 AM

Theodore nods to Zeoll. "That sounds acceptable." He hides a yawn behind his hand.

Macaw, atop the wizards head, seems to have bedded down. Plopped down on his tummy, his feather puffed out, and his head resting on his chest, he appears to be fast asleep.

DM Carl 
Monday December 5th, 2005 10:52:08 AM

The party, although perhaps not in complete agreement, decide upon the best course of action and ring the small silver bell on the table. After a few moments the door opens and Alemi enters.

He waits for a few moments (giving Ashira time to depart if she wishes), and then says

"I am sure you have questions for me, friends, and I will be happy to answer them for you. But first I have one final question for you, and given the dangerous times we find ourselves in, I must asks that this question be answered with a degree of proof."

He looks to each party member present in turn, and casting two spells he describes as providing proof of truth and alignment, he asks of each member in turn;

"Is your heart and purpose good?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday December 5th, 2005 4:43:10 PM

Theodore blinks at the forthright question of Alemi. Being a native of Dirt City, he's more used to slogging through twists and turns of wordplay to get to the point. I like this guy.

"Of course," he answers simply. As if there could be any other purpose. The aged man might glimpse a hint of mischief from Theodore's feathered friend atop his head, but otherwise all should be good and well.

Monday December 5th, 2005 4:47:34 PM

Tratain answers Alemi "Yes" and waits too see what else is said.

Monday December 5th, 2005 5:18:28 PM

Though seething, Ashira remains inside, awaiting the answer of Zeoll's question. She laughs out loud at Alemi's query. "It depends on what you define as good. But yes."

Mad Jack 
Monday December 5th, 2005 7:16:24 PM

"I have to agree with her. Obviously we are going to hold back information from you, so is that a good and true heart? Well you will have to decide. Our lion friend here doesnt want to say muchh, afraid of changing fates or some nonsense. If this situation is how he thinks it is, then our times are so far apart I see little lasting effects or changes that may happen. But give me the choice, I would change alot of things." He starts laughing to himself, a sort of weird cackle.

Monday December 5th, 2005 10:39:15 PM

Vorelle takes a deep breath. Is her purpose good? She doesn't know. She certainly tries, but it's a matter of some debate whether a Dirt City Grubber can ever really be good.

"I-I-I th-th-th-think s-s-s-so," she says.

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 1:33:16 AM

"Of course you're good Vorelle!" Rose says startled that Vorelle would ever doubt herself. "Everybody here is good, we couldnt have come if we werent."

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 6:25:31 AM

"Although experrience has cast a shadow on my hearrt, I am still as devoted as everr to doing the rright thing, helping otherrs, ending warr among my people, and purrsuing the cause of good on this mission and in all I do."

DM Carl 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 9:02:01 AM

Alemi nods at your answers, smiling with approval. He seems perfectly satisfied, particularly with Vorelle's response. He says, almost to himself, but with a kindly twinkle in his eye, "Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success, you know...."

He walks to his large wartable, his long white beard brushing the many maps thereon, and leaning on it he continues in his rich, sonorous voice;

"I thank you all. Please forgive any breaches of hospitality this may have caused. As I have said we are at war here and facing extinction if our enemy has his way. We must excerise every precaution in the face of a devious foe.

Now, as to your mission here; I am going to have to ask you that you do not speak of it to anyone, but go about it freely. I will give you a token of my respect which should allow you to ask questions and move around the countryside without too much of a problem."

He removes a pendant from about his neck, a silver circle with three overlapping circles within it, and places it on the table.

"Again, I ask you not to disturb the timeline more than you have to in accomplishing your mission.

Now, I am sure you will have questions. Please, ask them, but ask quickly. Tonight is the first full moon, and we know that we will be assaulted mercilessly tonight for as long as our enemies can sustain the attack. I must consult with my captains to plan the defense of the compound. But first, your questions. I will answer as best I can."

He looks to each of you, encouraging you to speak your mind.

Make a Spot Check DC 15 to notice that there is a very interesting-looking map on the table.

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 11:46:57 AM

Brahmah simply nods in acknowledgement at Alemi.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=7
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 3:11:44 PM

Theodore neglects to notice the map right in front of him (spot 7) but does survey the pendant Alemi removed. I suppose it must be true, then.

Looking back at Alemi, he thinks, I wonder if he will remember us when...if...we return to our true time. Theodore puts a hand to his temple. Suddenly his head hurts.

He refrains from asking any questions. It seems that Zeoll has things well under hand.

Mad Jack 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 3:45:16 PM

"Yee yaw!!" He shouts bounding to his feet.

"More contradictions, you people make my brains muddlified. Ok, we are good people, right? Even this old codger says we are. So how in the name of the gods, er whatever, can we leave a fight for the right? I say nay to you, i stay and help the fight. I mean look at him, i think he will need our help."

Rose  d20+10=21 d20+5=17
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 3:56:55 PM

Rose looks at the map and runs her finger along it. "Monster swamp? Valley of the Dawn? Winter town? Who thought up these names?" She then tries to decide if any of the spots relate to places she has been in her own time.

spot: 21
know local dirt city: 17

Zeoll  d20+9=20
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 6:32:51 PM

Zeoll chuckles at Rose. "Good of hearrt, forr surre, but also rroaming of eye and carreless of tongue!" The liontaur also glances at the map, but says nothing about it.

Then to reassure Alemi, Zeoll says, "Rrest assurred, we will speak of ourr plans to otherrs only as much as as we have to you. Orr less."

"The questions that we have we hope will rreveal to us what we need to know without rrevealling anything to you, good sirr."

"Please tell us about yourr enemy, and this warr. Who is yourr enemy? Wherre is the enemy headquarrterrs? Who arre the enemy's prrincipal henchmen? What arre theirr goals? What arre theirr tactics? What have they accomplished? What do they seek to accomplish?"

Zeoll nods at Jack. "My frriends, my hearrt is with Jack. I wish we could stay to lend ourr strrength to that of this Oshirrr House." Zeoll pauses at that -- who would ever have thought he would utter those words, or that, given the chance to defend the Oshirr House, he would turn it down. He feels an ache inside, an echo of the emotions that ruled him when he betrayed his friends after his resurrection.

"But this is not ourr fight, and ourr prresence herre might well do morre harrm than good. No, we must leave before battle breaks, and we must be well away ahead of the attack. That is ourr duty, and it is, I hope, a grreaterr act of courrage forr us to leave than to rremain."

Zeoll sighs and sits down. Weariness weighs heavily on him as he realizes that they have a race ahead of them before they rest this night.

Ashira  d20+12=17
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 1:12:17 AM

The ranger actually appears to hesitate...biting her lip and chewing on some mental calculation. "Jack, I don't like it any more than anyone else, but we need to go. Zeoll is right, it's time for us to go." Ashira spys the map and taps her chin thoughtfully, but says nothing. "Ashira looks over at Zeoll. "This changes a lot of things. We should get some rest while we can. Here would probably be best."

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 9:18:57 AM

Gently, Vorelle shakes her head at Ashira's suggestion of spending the night.

"Th-th-they're b-b-being attacked t-t-tonight," she points out.

DM Carl 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 10:16:20 AM

Alemi, a man who (unbeknownst to him) is fated to one day become the Supreme God of Health and the ruler of all the Woldian Gods, raises an amused eyebrow when Mad Jack calls him an 'old codger', but says nothing.

When Rose points out the locations on the map Alemi smiles, and turns it so you can all see it clearly.

"Our enemy is a man named Gargulus. You can see the location of his fortress here on this map. He has been growing in power for some years, but of late he has taken command of an ever-growing army of creatures. Our once-safe lands are at risk of falling to his creatures of the night. His goal is nothing less than the erradication of all those who would stand against his quest for absolute power. We few teachers and students have become a focal point for his attacks, and I fear that if we fall the town of Winter and those beyond cannot be far behind.

We have repelled a number of his attacks already, but each time we lose more students, and with each fresh attack the enemy's forces grow more numerous than before.

His creatures tend to be goblins and orcs, although with each new attack new and strange creatures appear.

But these are our concerns. You have concerns of your own, it is clear. But whatever your mission here might be, you are clearly in need of rest before you pursue it. You look uterly exhausted. If you are to leave before the attack tonight you had best get some rest very soon. But I warn you, there is no safety outside of these walls after sunset. You will be in great danger if you are caught out in the open by Gargulus' forces."

Alemi is certainly correct about you being tired. Since rising early yesterday morning you have had no chance to sleep. In fact you have been without sleep now for around 35 hours straight, and have marched and battled hard during that time. The entire party are fatigued

A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

If you reach 48 hours without proper rest you will become exhausted

An exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 10:51:33 AM

(OOC: As it stands, I have no apparent choice, but as a ranger, Brahmah would never make a forced march or that length without resting at least twice. He would certainly never allow his party to go that fast and hard without some sort of rest.)

Brahmah looks at the party. "While I know my limits, I do not know yours." He says. "But I suggest moving for at least 16 hours during twilight and daytime. Sleep at night in forest or grasses. Even caves if possible."

"Logically, I can't see any reason why we should travel without resting. That can put us into more danger than these Gargulites." He says stiffly. With that said, he goes to sleep when a bed is offered.

DM Note:

It's less about the marching (I too assumed periodic rests), and more about simulating the tiredness the characters are bound to feel having gone 35 hours without sleep, Jay.


Wednesday December 7th, 2005 6:11:15 PM

Tratain says to his Friends "With all respect, I must Disagree about leaving. How do we know that the act of us leaving will not cause more harm than good? What if we leave and the lack of our strength of Arms makes Alemi and Domi lose this battle tonight. We know that they win, I see no harm in staying for the night and makeing sure that the Oshir House stands tonight. We don't really know why we are here or what we are to retrieve. What if besides from returning with something we are to insure that the War is won? Our goals and those of Alemi and Domi may coincide."

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 10:59:56 PM

Zeoll studies the map and tries to memorize it. He agrees with Ashira about its importance, but still thinks they must go now. Even though Brahmah looks ready to tumble into bed, Zeoll will not let the group rest here in this place.

The liontaur flinches a little when Tratain says "We know that they win." He says, "Friend, your hearrt is good, but you cannot guarrd yourr tongue! Yourr worrds convince me that we must leave rright away, beforre we do morre harrm."

"Let us high-tail it out of herre beforre the fight, find a place to go to grround, and rrest. Theo, Rrose, do you have any magic to help us hide forr a few hours? Tiny Hut? Rrope Trrick? Or we can just trrust to the woodrraft of Brrahmah and Ahirra."

"Thank you, sirr Alemi. It was a pleasurre to meet you. We will now be on ourr way."

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 11:01:41 PM

The aquatic elf yawns, the encounter with Alemi and the long journey finally taking their toll on her body. Somehow her body tells her this is a very bad idea. But she trusts Zeoll impeccably. And so she readies her equipment and gets ready to head out. She rubs her bleary eyes as she tries to focus. "So, where to boss?" she asks Zeoll as soon as they have left the compound.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:25:21 AM

[OOC: One more thing about us Rangers; we have Endurance. This makes it more difficult for us to become Fatigued and Exhausted, and (presumably) easier for us to recover.]

Vorelle quietly goes with the others, and assists in finding a safe place to spend the night.

[OOC: Vorelle is +14 to Survival checks, so she automatically succeeds in Aiding Another to help Bramah or Ashira find a camping spot.]

Mad Jack 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:48:10 AM

Jack listens to the others talk, and the liontaur is on some mission that he cant fathom.

"Captain Brahmah there, he agrees with me. We do need rest. We are safe here, and not out there. The sound decision is to stay here. Tratain also speaks wise words. Fear of the unknown liontaur may cause more damage than you perceive. I am staying here. Sir Alemi, if you can show me to somewhere to rest until the upcoming fight."

Thursday December 8th, 2005 2:21:52 AM

Rose is drifting off to sleep as she's sitting on her chair. Mandy curls up and takes a little nap.

DM Carl 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 5:26:26 AM

The party try to decide what to do next. Concensus seems a long way off.

Zeoll wants to leave at once and find a place to sleep in the wild. Ashira and Vorelle want to go too.

Tratain and Jack want to stay and fight (with a sleep first).

Brahmah wants to sleep at the compound, then leave.

Rose is too tired to get drawn into the discussion, and starts to doze off in her rather comfy chair. Mandy joins her.

(OOC: At least that's how I read it! Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Alemi smiles sadly at you all and says "Please, you are tired. I can provide you with beds where you can sleep in comfort and total privacy. You will still be able to leave before our compound is attacked, and will be able to do so with no further interaction with myself or my students, if that is your wish.

But the choice is yours, my friends. Stay or leave, as your heart dictates."

It is 2pm. If you decide to stay and sleep now you will be able to get a full 8 hours rest and be able to leave the compound at 10pm, hopefully well before any attack begins (Alemi and his captains anticipate the attack to begin some time after midnight if previous assaults are anything to go by).

If you decide to leave please let me know which direcion you intend to travel in, and give me a Survival checks (Vorelle is assisting) to find a suitable camp. Please note that you will need to remove your armour while you sleep, or you will become exhausted. This does not apply to those with the Endurance feat, who may sleep in light or medium armour without penalty.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 6:34:57 AM

[OOC: Sorry, Kathy! Forgot Vorelle is a ranger too.]

Zeoll will not, of course, split up the party. If some people collapse in place, Zeoll will not abandon them.

But he tries one last time to convince his party to leave now. "Though tirred, we can trravel now, in daylight, while the enemy arrmy is farr away. Orr we can sleep, then trravel in the dark, with the enemy arrmy nearr. To me the firrst courrse is clearrly the betterr one."

"We have thrree rrangerrs and a drruid. We will be able to trravel fourr or five hourrs frrom herre, find a hidden shelterr, and then rrest. The enemy will be focussed on this place, not looking forr a small parrty miles away."

[OOC: Gee Whiz, you people! Excuse the rant, but Zeoll has been making comments about being tired for weeks now -- for example, see Sept. 27, Oct. 14, and Nov. 29. There's no need to collapse right this second -- the DM just told us we have another 13 hours before we are exhausted. We'll be hidden away in some cave or inside a concealed lean-to long before that!]

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 9:30:52 AM

Theodore's spirits seem to lessen when Alemi mentions the exhaustion etched in each party members' face.

"I think it much safer to stay here, Zeoll," he pipes up. "Better surrounded by walls and warriors than a cave. We'll get better sleep, too. I vote for staying."

Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:34:00 AM

(OOC: You are correct Carl, that was Brahmah's plan.)

The minotaur sleeps.

Zeoll (second post) 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 11:00:32 AM

The liontaur bows to the inevitable, thanks Alemi for his hospitality, and gets some rest.

Just before closing his eyes, Zeoll covertly studies the old image of Gargulus. He remembers the map and thinks about going there.

[OOC: Zeoll uses his Read Dream Seer ability:
Read Dream: After meditating on a topic and sleeping all night undisturbed, the seer can interpret her dreams to gain insight into the topic. The DM uses a secret Sense Motive check to determine the knowledge revealed -- usually consisting of cryptic sounds and images, as described by the DM. This power is comparable to a Divination spell. (Note: The DM may sometimes give the seer cryptic dreams even if the seer does not seek them.)
Zeoll's Sense Motive roll is at +18.]

After eight hours, Zeoll is eager to be off. He urges people to hurry -- no time for the wizards to prep spells. (Divine casters prep at a particular time of day -- Zeoll does his at dawn, and I think dawn is still many hours away.)

DM Carl: Zeoll's Dream 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 12:33:20 PM

(Please note, this is not a daily post. The Friday post will take place tomorrow as normal.)

The liontaur spends several minutes meditating on both the parchment and the map. Though he has neither to hand (the parchment was pulled from Theodore's hand in the Inner Sanctum and vanished in a blaze of light that hurled you into the past) he fills his mind with the images he has commited to memory.

He, like the others, falls asleep in no time at all, his mind and body utterly exhausted from going so long without sleep.

And as he sleeps, the wemic dreams.

All is still, silent, dark. You feel strange, disorientated, as if you have been turned somehow inside out or back to front.

But is the darkness you percieve really so still? No, it is moving, moving as if it were alive! A writhing, squirming mass, as if the very void itself were made of countless shivering maggots...

Not maggots, you realise. They are creatures,, certainly, but far below you. A sea of orcs, goblins, all manner of foul monsters, as far as the eye can see. An overwheming martial roar buffets you like a physical thing.

Now the horde is receding, shrinking, moving away. You follow, and as you do a rising sense of dread grips you. You try to resist, but you are pulled inexorably onwards into the darkness ahead, your terror mounting.

From out of the darkness a bearded figure dressed in black swims into view. He seems impossibly tall, towering over you, over the creatures, over the land itself, his laughter ringing in your ears. It sounds wrong, somehow, twisted.

In his hand he clutches an object, an orb of some sort, held beneath a cloth. Swirling patterns of translucent light surround it, and a beam of blinding green light seems to be extracting something from the horde below. As it does so they seem to shrink, diminish and recede still further. And so, it seems, does the figure in black.

The images come faster now, tumbling one over the next, becoming confused. Your fear is forgotten. The laughing figure recedes until all that is left is the orb, pulsing with power. The swirls of light around it sweep away and into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "?yeK rO ?ngineB"

The images come faster still; a beautiful young fae female, terrible in her fury, a sudden change and the same woman blissfully happy, a pink force spinning about a green force, the two colours merging, spinning faster and faster, bright sparks of power being sucked into the fiery hot glow, until finally only green remains.

Soft, peaceful, endless green.

The Wemic blinks awake.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 7:58:19 PM

Willing though she was to help the others find a place in the wild, she is just as glad they are staying here. She finds a quiet place to curl up and falls asleep, grateful for the quiet.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:31:55 PM

Tratain takes his rest with the others. He says to the Group "Leaving when I know a battle is going to take place, that is of this great importance goes against everything I believe, and I will not do it unless Alemi and Domi Throw me out, or there is a very compelling reason why I should leave. I understand your Point Zeoll, about not wanting to damage our Future, but we are here, and obviously have a roll to play in the events to come. I will not act any differently than I would from our time, because that also may damage our future."

Friday December 9th, 2005 3:14:14 AM

And sleeps. Zzzz.

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday December 9th, 2005 11:24:20 AM

Theodore dozes with mouth wide open.

When they wake, he refuses to leave before memorizing his spells for the day. "Simply preposterous. It would be like asking a knight to leave behind his sword and armor when riding into battle."

Friday December 9th, 2005 12:09:37 PM

Rose wakes up enough to go where ever she is shown to sleep. She stays near Vorelle and Ashira (assuming we all get the same room or ones near each other) and Mandy stays with her. Piper fell asleep in the map room on a ceiling beam and stays there.

Mad Jack 
Friday December 9th, 2005 1:16:09 PM

Mad Jack arises with the rest of his companions, fully rested. Heariung the words of Tratain, Jack agres, and will not leave.

"Zeoll, our enemy is here, now, we can find out so much about him in this battle. Especially if he doesnt know we are here."

OOC I figure Zeoll is the unofficial leader here, but I just dont agree with leaving, in or out of character.

DM Carl: Decisions, decisions... 
Friday December 9th, 2005 6:11:37 PM

The party wake around 10pm, feeling gloriously refreshed. The evening is cool and pleasant after the heat of the day, and a full moon bathes the Oshirr House compound in a peaceful, blueish light. Even the students seem quiet and still, an unnatural hush over the entire camp as they stand at their posts.

If you make a Sense Motive check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Although the students are clearly brave and determined to do their duty with courage, there is an undercurrent of fear in the camp. The defenders are dreading the coming battle.}

If you make an Int check DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: {The students and teachers that man the walls seem spread awfully thin.}

However as the party re-don their armour and prepare themselves it becomes clear that their rest has done nothing to bring about concensus on what to do next. Zeoll is convinced the party must leave at once, Tratain and Jack are equally determined to stay. Theodore demands to stay at least long enough to memorize spells. The discussion continues in the doorway of the barrack building Alemi set aside for you. Perhaps under orders from Alemi, the students give you plenty of space.

As the party continue to debate their next move, time ticks on. And of course there is still the question of what to do with the two red clerics of Gargul, who remain bound and gagged in the camp....

Theodore and Macaw  d20+3=19 d20+4=11
Sunday December 11th, 2005 7:29:52 PM

(Sense Motive 19, Intelligence 11. Doh!!)

Theodore wakes and looks at the forces preparing themselves for the coming battle. Theodore feels a tug at his heart, but doggedly turns to his book. I must do as the group determines.

Vorelle  d20+2=3 d20+1=4
Sunday December 11th, 2005 10:22:16 PM

Vorelle isn't sure what is the right course of action, but she knows what her instincts are telling her.

"M-m-m-maybe w-we should st-st-stay," she says diffidently. At any rate, she won't consent to leaving any of the group behind.

Tratain  d20+5=20 d20=3
Sunday December 11th, 2005 10:34:01 PM

Tratain looks about the compound and notices the fear that seems to be present.

He seeks out Alemi or Domi and asks "How have you fared in the last battles? How close has the enemy come to breaking through you walls? We debate if we should leave now, or see this battle through before leaving. I for one will not leave unless I know for certain you can hold without our Aid."

Monday December 12th, 2005 11:00:36 AM

"We really shouldn't go if it'll screw up our future. Doesn't that mean if we kill a person, that person might be our relative and we would cease to be?" He looks at the humans.

Monday December 12th, 2005 4:59:49 PM

"I don't want to stay, but if some of us arre deterrmined, then we must all hang togetherr."

DM Carl 
Monday December 12th, 2005 6:10:12 PM

The debate continues, and seems to be coming round to the idea of staying rather than leaving.

Tratain spots Alemi and Domi as they approach the party. They do their best to answer his questions.

Domi plants his feet wide apart, hands clasped behind his back. "The students have fought bravely, and will continue to do so. These night-kin are no match for a courageous heart and a strong right hand."

Alemi smiles at his companion's confidence. "My young friend," he says to Tratain, "the only thing we can know with certainty is that nothing is for certain. If you wish to aid us in this battle we would be glad of your help. If that is your choice I would ask that you appoint one of your number as a General, who can join us in the House to discuss tactics. If you wish to leave then go in peace, and know that I understand your reasons. If you keep away from the path you came by and keep to the foothills to the west you should be able to avoid the aproaching forces.

But you will need to decide quickly; time grows short, and soon there will be no time left to choose."

Mad Jack 
Monday December 12th, 2005 6:43:38 PM

Looking to Zeoll, he says, "okay, lets say we dont fight here. What would you think about making an attack to the enemies rear? What we came looking for, certainly resides there, if not now, maybe we could get aglimpse into the whereabouts of said item. We would have the element of surprise on our side, and his army would be preoccupied. What think you others?"

Monday December 12th, 2005 7:01:06 PM

"Frrankly, I think now, with the arrmy herre, is the ideal time to trry to get into the enemy's lairr and rretrrieve the thing we came forr. I have morre to say about that, but I will do so when we arre outside and away."

"Frrom what Alemi and Domi said, we arrre not essential to theirr surrvival. We should leave, now, while we can, and make speed to the enemy's home."

Rose  d20+4=22 d20+4=21
Monday December 12th, 2005 7:18:31 PM

Rose is waiting around for the group to decide. At one point she sneaks behind Zeoll and as his tail lashes she plays jump the tail.

sense motive: 22
int: 21

Monday December 12th, 2005 11:52:06 PM

Vorelle is torn, but it seems to her that Jack and Tratain are determined to stay, and Zeoll is equally determined to leave. It seems to her that they are the ones that need to work this out.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 12:39:19 AM

The ranger rubs her temples. "I don't know. We should probably just go with what we know for sure. We are supposed to be looking for...something, and we should probably just try and go get it."

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:46:33 AM

Brahmah looks hopeful to be named General. But his recent antics may not endure him to the group as a leader.

(OOC: Sorry all, I have had a rough couple of weeks and it doesn't look as if it'll be leting up soon. I will try to post better.)

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday December 13th, 2005 11:37:48 AM

Theodore is leaning more towards staying until Zeoll brings up the good idea of sneaking into the enemies camp while they are attacking. He thumps his staff on the floor.

"I agree," he says. "The presence or absence of eight people will not sway a battle. We could be of more use in the enemy's camp. Perhaps we can commit some sabatoge there which might hurt the enemy more than facing them with swords. I vote we go."

Mad Jack 
Tuesday December 13th, 2005 6:58:59 PM

"Before you agree to walk in the liontaurs footsteps, heed well what he said. He wants to 'search for the enemies home'. So before you make a decision to follow him, be sure you know what ypur deciding. My idea is to hit their camp, like Theo here just said. With Ashiras experience, and Brahmahs leadership, we should be able to come up with a simple raiding plan." He looks at them all, "Or we follow the liontaur out to some cave, hide, and then search for garguls home, when he is more suited to be waiting for us."

Zeoll (second post) 
Tuesday December 13th, 2005 7:31:40 PM

Zeoll looks oddly at Rose and simply lifts his tail so that it is no longer an instrument of play.

Answering Jack, he says, "I think we should go to the location marrked on the map as Garrgul's compound. I want to go therre fast. We have had our rrest, so therre is no need to delay."

"When we get therre, ourr job will be to obtain the Fey arrtifact. If we go now, while Garrgul's arrmy is herre, we arre morre likely to succeed, I think."

DM Carl 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 4:51:22 AM

Domi and Alemi head for the House to discuss tactics as the party continues the debate. It is now 10.30pm.

Zeoll OOC 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 6:45:31 AM

Carl and Shegger, my understanding is that Theo won't go until he has tanked up on spells. Per the SRD, After resting, a wizard must study her spellbook to prepare any spells that day. If she wants to prepare all her spells, the process takes 1 hour. Preparing some smaller portion of her daily capacity takes a proportionally smaller amount of time, but always at least 15 minutes, the minimum time required to achieve the proper mental state.

If Theo does not have to prep every spell in his head -- because he has some uncast from yesterday -- then he can do it in less than an hour.

Anyway, please tell me that Theo sat down to prep spells at 10? Right, Shegger?

Us spontaneous casters only need 15 minutes of meditation after sleep to be able to cast a new slate of spells. If Zeoll has not done that yet, he will immediately.

And us divine casters prep spells based on time of day. I'm assuming that Zeoll's divine spells won't come back until dawn, OK?

DM Carl: I'm happy for the arcane casters to have finished all their spell prepping by 10.45 (the time of the next DM post). Divine casters will get their spells at dawn unless it states otherwise on your character sheet.

Theodore OOC 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 10:13:00 AM

You are correct, sir. Theo started memorizing spells when he woke up.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 5:24:57 PM

"This'll be fun." Says the ranger.

Then the ranger gets an idea. "Domi!" He rushes over to the future deities as they walk. "If I die, I would like you to tell of my life and death. Can we sit and tell each other stories about ourselves? Get to know me, Domi." He smiles.

(OOC: SORRY SORRY, I had to take the opportunity and use the phrase in his presence. Had to plug it! ;))

Mad Jack 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 6:53:37 PM

"Again Zeoll you surprise me. If i had an artifact that allowed me to make monsters, and i enjoyed making monsters, and I was at war with somone at the moment, would I leafe such an artifact at home?'

Shaking his head back and forth, "it seems much more prudent that he is using the object each night in this war. He is doing his experimenting now."

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 8:10:41 PM

"You have a good point, Jack. If Garrgullus, or whateverr he calls himself in these days, will be at this battle, he may have the arrtifact with him. We should ask Alemi if he expects the enemy generral to lead the battle orr to stay at his camp in safety."

"Arre we agrreed that if Garrgul will be herre then we stay herre, and if he will be at his camp, then we go therre?"

Zeoll will approach Alemi with the question as fast as he can, then come back.

"Of courrse, if we continue to dilly dally, the enemy will be on us! Is that how you want to win your arrgument, Jack and Trratain? By delay until you win by default?"

"I say, we go to Garrgul, wherreverr Alemi says he is most likely to be! Okay?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 8:55:52 PM

Go after a god? Well, not yet at least, but I would think he'd have a long memory. Theodore sighes and then looks at Vorelle and Rose.

"It seems we're climbing the hierarchical ladder of upsetting people. First the Prince, now...a god."

He waits for the outcome of the argument, already having said his piece.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:35:58 PM

Vorelle nods her agreement to Zeoll's sensible suggestion and waits for the others to make their response.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 3:04:38 AM

Rose looks disapointed when Zeoll moves his tail. She moves off to sit by Theo and pulls out her spell book. She spends 15 minutes memorizing the two spells she used yesterday (mage armor & magic missile) and leaves the other spells the same.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 10:54:02 AM

Brahmah waits to follow the group.

DM Carl: 10.45pm 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 11:19:15 AM

The party opinion seems to be swinging back in the other direction. Now the plan is to seek out Gargul's lair and capture the artifact whilst his forces are busy attacking Oshirr House.

The party is able to speak briefly to Alemi.

"It is unlikely that Gargulus will lead his forces himself. That has not been his tactic in the past, at least. If he were to be found anywhere it would most likely be in his compound, I would guess. But I cannot be certain. Wait a moment, please."

He heads inside and returns moments later with the map you saw earlier.

"Marked on here you see Gargul's encampment, south out of the valley and to the east about half a day's walk. His evil usually sleeps during the day, and spreads at night.

As far as we can tell Gargul has been infusing lowly monsters with souls, making them far more dangerous and powerful in the process. We have no idea how he able to empower them in this way. If you find how he is binding souls into monsters please let me know. That could change the momentum of the war and is something we search for desperately. Hopefully it won't change the future in an undesirable way. Be wary, Gargulus is not a foe to be underestimated.

Gargulus is not the only creature of power in the Valleys, however. Here you see the palace of Queen Maab of the Fae to the SouthWest.

And to the West the home of her estranged husband, the Fae King Eberyon."

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:51:24 PM

Rose's expression changes as she hears the name of Eberyon. "What can you tell us about him?" She asks Alemi.

It may seem like a drastic change to Alemi one moment Rose is laughing and playing jump zeoll's tail or studing her spellbook with a smile on her face and the next moment a look of profound sadness and anger are in her face and voice.

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 9:43:02 PM

We might do well to enlist the help of Maeb, he thinks, recalling her role in ending Eberyon's terror in the "present."

Mad Jack 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 10:30:37 PM

"Ok, off to find Trya. Jack moves off towards the stables to find his mount. He also apologizes to Qwar about not having the time now, but when he returned qwar would get his ride. Then Jack will return all ready to leae.

Friday December 16th, 2005 12:28:44 AM

Seeing Jack go get his mount, Zeoll deduces that the strong-willed fellow has chosen to depart with the group to go hit Gargul's lair.

Taking Tratain's silence for assent, Zeoll gets everyone moving out as quick as can be.

"Vorrelle, Brrahmah, Ashirra, we'll need you to lead the way. Please look at the map one last time, and we will be going."

Zeoll can't wait to head out.

Friday December 16th, 2005 12:42:28 AM

Vorelle dutifully looks the map over, but she hasn't had much formal education and such things tend to confuse her. She tries to take note, however, of any terrain markings (hills, rivers, forest land, etc.).

DM Carl: Departure! 
Friday December 16th, 2005 1:42:20 PM

"What can I tell you of Eberyon?" Alemi ponders. An ancient creature indeed, from when the Wold was born. He is a fickle being, a creature of chaos. He can be generous one minute, dangerous the next, as the mood takes him. He may prove a valuable ally, a terrible foe, or most likely completely disinterested in your quest. Approach him with caution."

The party are able to take their leave at last. The great doors are swung open by a pair of students peering nervously out into the darkness. Domi is off marshalling the troops, but Alemi bids you farewell.

"Go in peace, my friends. If you are able to discover Gargul's means for infusing souls into monsters please return and tell me, for I fear without some major breakthrough this war has only one inevitable outcome, despite my friend Domi's brave words."

He looks at Ashira last, his piercing blue eyes seeming to bore into her very soul. In that look is everything that words cannot express; boundless love, strength and regret. He says to her, in a voice that is barely more than a whisper but that seems to convey more meaning than the most profound oratory, more emotion than the sweetest sonnet;

"Go in peace."

And with that you are alone in the dark, the doors of Oshirr House at your back.

The path you came by snakes off over gently rolling hills to the south. East and west the same hills are dotted with trees, receding into darkness. In the distance you can just make out the dark outlines of mountain peaks against the starry sky, forming a long, broad valley. The moon, coming out from behind a cloud casts its spectral hue over the land, and all is quiet. But for how long?

Vorelle looks down and notices she is still holding the map tightly in her hand.

By the moon's light it is bright enough to walk safely without further illumination. Please tell me which direction you are going in, along with a marching order and any special precautions you wish to take.

Friday December 16th, 2005 2:43:29 PM

Brahmah is happy to see they are leaving, but is anxious to see if he is chosen to lead.

Friday December 16th, 2005 4:09:47 PM

Rose orders Mandy to follow Vorelle then starts dreaming as they move along. Suddenly she jerks awake and looks startled. She then moves forward and whispers to Vorelle "You're married?"

Zeoll  d20+9=23
Friday December 16th, 2005 10:31:59 PM

Zeoll stays in the middle of the group. He urges two rangers to take the lead and one to watch the rear.

He reminds everyone that if there is an encounter, let him try his enchantments first, before attacking. If they can capture a scout they might be able to learn something.

Zeoll keeps a sharp eye out as the group heads to the keep of the mortal Gargul. (Spot 23)

DM Carl 
Saturday December 17th, 2005 9:01:28 AM

Remember folks, I need to know the route you plan to take. Are you heading back down the path you came by? Heading east or west before going south?

Saturday December 17th, 2005 10:21:21 AM

Tratain agrees with Zeoll's plan to go to Gargulus Keep but looks rather unhappy about it, quite clearly he wishes to stay here and defend the compound with the students. He marches along with the others keeping an eye out for anything that could do the group harm.

OOC: Sorry for lack of posts, had real problems with my connection but they have cleared up now.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 5:20:35 PM

Zeoll wants to avoid the obvious path that an army would take from Gargul's HQ. Moreover, with the rangers and a druid in the party, he sees no reason to keep to roads. He pauses a moment and then offers to carry Rose on his back, since that will be faster. The exact route he leaves to the rangers.

Vorelle  d20+20=23 d20+20=39 d20+14=30 d20+14=31 d20+14=24
Sunday December 18th, 2005 11:07:46 AM

Vorelle moves out ahead of the group, scouting the way ahead while trying to remain unseen and unheard herself.

[Hide 23, Move Silently 39, Spot 30, Listen 31, Survival 24]

Monday December 19th, 2005 3:31:38 AM

As Alemi leaves Ashira she looks vexed as the inner turmoil churns inside of her. After a few moments she snaps out of it and catches up to the rest of the group as they leave the building.

"We are decided on going to Gargul's lair then?" She looks to the group.

"If so then perhaps we should stay off the paths and make our approach through the woods."

Mad jack 
Monday December 19th, 2005 3:47:08 AM

Jack catches up to the others, after retrieving his mount. Hearing Ashiras suggestion he voices his consent, and then does what the group decides.

Theodore and Macaw (Carl Subbing) 
Monday December 19th, 2005 9:05:08 AM

As the party move out Theo voices his earlier thoughts.

"Do you not think we might do well to approach the Queen Maab? She might prove a powerful ally."

Leaving Alemi

DM Carl: Into the Wilderness  d100=15 d6=4 d8=7 d20+2=18 d6=1 d100=25 d20+1=8 d20+1=8
Monday December 19th, 2005 9:55:31 AM

(OOC: As no-one has given me a direction for the party to set off in I'm going to assume south-east unless told otherwise. As no-one other than Vorelle indicated where they were in a marching order I'm going to assume the rest of you are all together, Rose riding on Zeoll's back, as Vorelle didn't respond to Rose's question. If I'm wrong please let me know what you are doing instead.)

The party set off, Vorelle taking point. She moves cautiously, doing her best to provide the party with some warning should enemy forces be met. But out here on the gentle, rolling hills it is very hard to anticipate where an enemy might appear from. Though Vorelle keeps a good distance ahead and is able to slip soundlessly from shadow to shadow, she is painfully aware of how visible the party are behind her, out here in the open. It is hard enough to hide unseasoned woodsmen, but with a Pegasus in tow (albeit a dark grey one) the party are pretty conspicuous in the bright light of a full moon. There is little more than some scattered bushes and the occasional tree to provide cover.

Vorelle Highlight to display spoiler: {The party have been travelling for little more than 20 minutes when you freeze. You are some 120 feet ahead of the party, well hidden, when you spot the slightest of movements to your right (at about 4 o'clock if ahead is 12). There, around 125 feet away, is a figure in shadow, possibly horned, hiding behind a tree against the skyline.

You look back at the party with a sinking feeling. They are in a dip between hills, keeping away from the skyline as you suggested, but from the figure's position they are surely in plain view. Worse, no-one behind you seems to have spotted the creature. (It is about 100 feet from the party, at roughly 2 o'clock).

Of course you have no way of telling if the creature has yet spotted the party, but it can surely only be a matter of time if it has not done so already.

What do you do? If you do anything the party are not aware of, please use spoiler tags to keep them in the dark.

[ spoiler] text here [ /spoiler] without the spaces to create spoiler text. Thanks!

Monday December 19th, 2005 3:44:50 PM

Brahmah is happy to take up the rear.

Theodore and Macaw (Carl Subbing) 
Monday December 19th, 2005 5:53:47 PM

The young mage ambles along, gazing at the ground before him as he goes. Though Macaw, perched imperiously upon his bony shoulder, occasionaly nips at his ear the ragamuffin wizard seems entirely lost in thought. Though whether he is pondering the intricacies of high level spellcasting or the possibility of finding a dropped copper bit out here in the wilderness is anybody's guess.

Monday December 19th, 2005 7:33:35 PM

Zeoll keeps alert, happy with the cross-country route. Still, they are exposed. He asks the rangers if there is a way to go that would offer more cover. Through denser forest, maybe?

Tratain  d20+7=14 d20+7=13
Monday December 19th, 2005 10:22:29 PM

Tratain follows along with the others, sticking near the middle of the group, trying to keep an eye out for any danger.

Spot - 14
Listen - 13

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 1:10:00 AM

Thousands of gold pieces in equipment, thinks Vorelle in disgust, and no blasted signal whistle!

Thinking it's better to blow her own cover than watch her friends walk into a (possible) ambush, Vorelle nocks an arrow and points it at the strange figure. To alert her friends, she lets out a wordless shout.

Or at least, it's a shout by Vorelle's standards. The quiet-voiced Twilight Ranger will never win any yelling contests.

[OOC: I'll leave it up to the DM exactly what that means. :) ]

Mad Jack 
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 1:48:24 AM

Jack had been leading Trya for some time. After a while he had to admit he was tired of walking. Jumping aboard, he now had better view as well. The terrain was boring and uneventful, it was hard to stay awake. He was about to take Trya to flight when he thought he heard Vorelle shout a warning. He had travelled with her along time, and he knew her enough to know she did nothing rash, or out of control.

Rose  d20+10=14 d20+10=24 d20+8=14 d20+9=24 d20+5=6 d20+5=11
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 2:28:08 AM

Rose is following Vorelle on Mandy, her riding dog, and will move forward at Vorelle's shout.

Piper is flying overhead keeping watch and will let Rose, Vorelle, and Theo know if there are any problems that she sees. Once in a while Piper will nag Macaw "Macaw you look over there...Macaw you arent looking...Macaw when we get back home I'm going to tell mom and dad you weren't helping..."

listen: 14
spot: 24, +2 from mandy aid another

listen: 14
spot: 24

Mandy aiding Rose
listen: 6, nat 1 aid another failed
spot: 11, +2 to Rose

Ashira (Jamie Subbing)  d20+12=28 d20+12=29 d20+12=25
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 5:57:32 AM

Ashira walks with the rest of the group through the rolling plains. She appears to be enjoying the walk, but her keen eye's and ears are ever attentive (Spot 28/Listen 29).

When she hears the cry from ahead she goes still as she scans the horizon out in front of the group hoping to make something out (Spot 25).

Zeoll (possibly illegal second post?)  d20+9=13 d20+23=27
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:04:08 AM

[OOC: Can Zeoll act? Or am I done, having posted already? If Zeoll can take an action ...]

At Vorelle's shout, the wemic looks around (Spot 13). If he sees three or fewer creatures within 90 feet, he immediately begins singing. If he can take a move action and THEN be within 90 feet, fine. If he can take out his MW drum (move action) and THEN sing, then also fine.

Zeoll's bardic fascinate will engage them with a Will save of 27 (25 without drum).

DM Carl: I'll allow it, for all the good it will do!

DM Carl  d20+2=20 d20+2=6 d20+1=18 d20+1=10
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 11:19:00 AM

Vorelle signals back to the rest of the party, who immediately go on the alert. Ashira, Rose and Piper are able to spot movement to their right (indicated by red square 1 on the map). A bipedal creature of some sort, hidden in shadow. Zeoll, looking in the wrong direction, misses the creature. There is a brief rustling of shrubbery from whatever the thing is, and then the figure completely vanishes from sight.

The map of your locations is here:


What do you do?

Brahmah  d20+11=26
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:44:57 PM

(OOC: I can only assume that the big green circles are trees.)

Spot 26

Whatever it is in the shadows, its hiding for a reason and it hasn't made itself known. Brahmah removes a scroll and casts. (Entangle targetting and centered on the figure.)

Vorelle  d20+14=23 d20+14=31
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:05:07 PM

Vorelle to her left, trying to get a better angle to see whatever it was [double move to V-35].

[Spot 23, Listen 31]

rose, mandy and piper  d20+9=14 d20+8=25 d20+10=12 d20+10=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=16
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 12:28:51 AM

Piper flies to take a better look at whatever was there (double move to S21)

spot: 14
listen: 25

Rose will ride Mandy over to see what moved (double move to T19)

listen: 12, +2 aid another from mandy
spot: 15, +2 aid another from mandy

mandy aid another
listen: 16, +2 aid another to rose
spot: 16, +2 aid another to rose

DM Carl 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 3:14:46 AM

Fair point Jay!

The dark green circles are indeed trees, the irregular light green shapes are bushes.

Please note, if anyone doesn't indicate a new location in their post I'll assume they are standing still.

Also, consider us in combat rounds at this point. Please list your AC and HP, as well as any active spell effects, along with your Post Name. Thanks!

Theodore and Macaw (Carl Subbing) 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 5:11:53 AM

Seeing Rose go tearing off astride Mandy the tousle-haired wizard waves frantically at her. The creature may be dangerous! He may have allies!

Sadly he succeeds only in tangling his arms up in his sleeves. Not sure if he should call after her or not he decides to follow instead, racing over to take cover behind a bush nearby (Double move to U15).

"Rose!" he whispers as loudly as he dares, "Be careful!"

Macaw takes to the air, cawing grumpily at Piper as he flaps along behind his master (Y16).

Zeoll (HP69 AC12)  d20+24=26 d20+8=18
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 7:25:41 AM

Zeoll casts his remaining third level druid spell -- Speak with Plants. Then his bard-trained voice booms out across the scene: Frriendly plants, trrees, and bushes! Please shout out the locations of any two-legged crreatures nearr you!

Diplomacy and Wild Empathy checks if needed: Diplomacy 26, Wild Empathy 18.

Zeoll spends the rest of the round relaying any information the plants give him, and moving towards Tratain ... AH19ish or wherever he goes.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
0 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
0 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 25 HP 58 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 10:04:31 AM

Tratain moves to square AE 15 and tries to spot what the group has seen. He will Intercept and attack for Zeoll when the Liontaur moves close to him.

Ashira AC 21 HP 87 (Jamie Subbing)  d20+12=17 d20+12=26
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 10:51:03 AM

Ashira curses quietly through her teeth as she moves back to AF 20 and begins to scan the area she last saw movement (Spot 17 Listen 26).

"Watch for anyone trying to flank us from the sides and rear." She says to anyone in the group that is within earshot.

Lastly she draws her longsword out and prepares herself.

DM Carl: Something Wicked?  d20+1=6
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 11:40:54 AM

Bramah doesn't see the creature, but casts his spell at the location indicated by the others, a tree on the brow of the hill. He sees Rose heading that way, and is able to warn her not to enter the spell's area of effect.

Vorelle moves towards the creature, but sees no sign of it. She does hear a curious noise however, a sort of rumbling from over the brow of the hill southwest of her location. Also grunting, and the unmistakeable sudden crack of a whip, at a guess less than a couple of hundred feet from her location.

Zeoll, sticking close to Tratain, casts his spell and, after a moment, hears a dry, creaky voice whisper in his mind. He knows it to be the tree on the brow of the hill, the only respondent to his question.

"Near me... then inside me... then gone..."

Cayzle please Highlight to display spoiler: {(OOC: I'm of the feeling that Talk to Plants should be possible only with plants in the immediate vicinity, even physical contact. I'll let it slide, however, as I can see no rule backing that gut feeling up, and don't want to put up unnecessary barriers. Note that Wild Empathy has a maximum range of 30 ft though: you are over 60ft from the tree in question.)}

Rose, riding Mandy, races up the hill with Theo in hot pursuit. Keeping clear of the ensorcelled circle of plants she peers into the undergrowth near the base of the tree, but can see no sign of the vanished creature. Neither Rose nor Theo can see over the brow of the hill.

However Piper, who is flying above them, can. What he sees clearly causes him to worry; Rose feels a strong wave of alarm via her empathic link.

Ashira, listening carefully with sword drawn, thinks she hears some sort of rumbling to the southwest, and some sort of crack.

Then there comes a guttural cry, some distance away

Listen check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {The cry comes from the west, 1-200 feet away from the party. }

Listen check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {The cry is in very crude common. The voice is yelling "Over Hill!"}

Here's a map of current locations http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/scoutmap2.gif

What (to coin a phrase) do you do?

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:54:44 PM

The ranger cringes and says, "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to do that!"

He draws his swords as he moves toward the group moving up the hill.

DM Carl: Tutting 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 2:05:33 PM

Post your HP, AC, cell references for movement and active spells please!


Mad Jack 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 5:07:59 PM

Lost in thought jack doesnt realize anything is hapening, until everyone is running every which way. Squeezing his knees and bumping the neck of his pegusus, she rises gracefully into the air. She climbs quickly until she is about 100 ft off ground. They move more towards where Rose has gone running. Jack casts a mage armor spell on himself.

ooc No cs with me at the moment. Move to t13 above the trees or bushes for better view.

Zeoll (HP69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain)  d20+4=5
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 7:11:43 PM

Zeoll's untrained listen check seemingly reveals the liontaur to be deaf as a stone! (Nat 1) But he doesn't need his ears to hear the sound of doom coming over that rise!

"Gosh darn it," he mutters in his native tongue. "No way to retreat ... everyone is rushng forward blindly. This bodes ill. Very ill. They're going to see the flying horse for sure."

He casts Heroism on Tratain and considers running for cover. But he decides that standing next to Tratain is better than standing next to a tree. If Tratain moves, he'd like to stay with him.

Zeoll calls out the news that the tree gave him. "That perrson went into the trree therre and then blipped away! A high level drruid or rrangerr, no doubt!"

Then he calls out to his friend, the tree -- "What crreaturres arre on the otherr side of that rridge?"

Tratain Note! Zeoll casts Heroism on you!

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
0 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

[OOC to Carl: Highlight to display spoiler: {Yeah, I grappled with the range on Speak with Plants as well. But if the spells usefulness were really as limited as you suggest, surely the spell description would have noted it. My thinking is that it lets the druid apply his normal speech rules to plants. If a creature could hear and understand Zeoll, then so can a plant at the same distance. But I am content with any interpretation you chose, oh my DM!}]

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+14=26 d20+20=40
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 2:08:29 AM

Between the rumble and the cry [Listen 26], Vorelle knows something is coming. Her first instinct is to be out of sight when it arrives, so she conceals herself.

[Hide 40]

Ashira AC 21 HP 87 (Jamie subbing)  d20+12=23
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 3:45:22 AM

Hearing the cry Ashira continues towards the cry, moving to 20X.

OOC: What is the light blue circle on the map

DM Carl: Brahamah's Entangle spell's area of effect.

rose  d20+10=13 d20+10=29 d20+5=24 d20+5=15 d20+8=28 d20+9=28
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 5:40:26 AM

rose listens and has mandy move closer, but is careful to stay out of the moving plants. (S26)

Piper flies over to rose and tells her what she saw.

spot: 13, +2 from mandy
listen: 29, +2 from mandy

Mandy aid another (Rose)
spot: 24, +2 to rose
listen: 15, +2 to rose

listen: 28, nat 20
spot: 28

Theodore and Macaw (AC 20, HP 38, Mage Armor)  d20+3=4
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:13:05 AM

Feeling pretty sure that something bad is heading their way the young mage casts Mage Armor upon himself, then creeps slowly forward to the brow of the hill to see what's going on (Move to R16). As he peeks over the lip of the hill his feet slip from under him, and he ends up witha facefull of mud (Spot Nat 1).

Macaw flies closer to his master to check he's OK.

DM Carl: The Ogres are Coming!  d20=12 d20+12=24 d20-5=-4 d20-5=2 d20-3=-1 d20-5=15 d20-5=12 d20-5=11 d20-7=13 d20-7=8 d20-4=7 d4=1
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:04:18 AM

Brahmah moves towards the others, swords gleaming in the moonlight. Ashira moves to a similar location.

Vorelle hunkers down into some long grass and waits to see what happens next. She can hear grunts and urgent shouts from over the rise. She clearly hears a deep, harsh voice call out "Kill them, you curs!"

Zeoll's question to the tree is answered in slow, creaky tones: "Many creatures... some run, some hide... too much noise... too much movement..."

You sense the elderly tree wants to return to its semi-somnambulant state and not be bothered any more by the ephemeral worries of quicklings. (OOC You'll need to make additional diplomacy/ wild empathy checks to keep the tree talking, he's not in the mood. You'll need to move within 30 feet of the tree (inside the entangle area) to use Wild Empathy.)

As Rose races off Theo tries to peek over the brow of the hill, but slips and buries his face in the mud.

Jack takes off on his flying steed and climbs high over the hills. He is able to see clearly over the ridge now.

To the west he can see two figures near the base of a tree. They seem to be goblinoids of some description, though it is hard to tell in this light. Further south he sees several more figures, some similar, some larger. At least five or six in total. (Made a Spot 12 for you).

They see you too, and snarling savagely hurl javelins in your direction. Both fly hopelessly wide.

Rose clambers over to a better vantage point, and from here she gets a good view of those creatures approaching from the south. Four goblins are approaching rapidly, preparing to hurl javelins. Behind them is a heavy catapult, crude but deadly-looking. These creatures have obviously been dragging it towards Oshirr House. Three ogres are close on their heels, one with a tatty-looking beard, one with a long scar across his face, one with what looks like a dead goat draped over his shoulders. Lying on the ground behind them are three large nets full of heavy rocks, and a huge stoppered flagon.

They come racing towards you. Roaring they unleash their javelins, but are much too far away to be any real threat. They clatter around you harmlessly, apart from one goblin who's aim is true, but who lacks sufficient power in his throw to do any real damage (1HP).

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/scoutmap3.jpg

Brahmah  d20+11=20 d20+11=18 d20+7=18
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 4:24:51 PM

(Spot 20, Listen 18, Wild Empathy 18)

Brahmah moves 60ft south.

DM Carl 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 7:31:46 PM

AC! HP! Spells! Please!

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 8:31:04 PM

Vorelle begins to creep forward, taking her time, staying hidden. She still has her bow out, an arrow nocked to the string.

[Take 10 to Hide and Move Silently, netting 30 for each. Double move to R-39.]

Mad Jack AC23 64HP[Mage Armor 5 hours]  d100=4 d20+2=21 4d6(4+2+3+5)=14 4d6(4+2+4+5)=15
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 8:40:49 PM

From up high Jack spies some of the enemy force. Being dark, he imagines this group had been on its way to the attack on the Oshirr house.

No time like the present. He heels Trya forward and swoops down near the enemies, fires hs spell, then reins Trya back to where they had come over the hill. All of this while in flight.

(0)-9-DC13-Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Read Magic, Detect Magic
(1)-9-DC14-Mage Armor, True Strike, Shocking Grasp, Protect /Evil
(2)-7-DC15-Scorching Ray,Cats Grace(-1this turn)

OOC Fire 2 scorching rays at same target. Horse flies 120ft per round should have no problem doing this.
ASF 4!! Well forget the rest, since spell failed with armor fail. Unbeleivable, thats 2 out of 3 ties ive tried to cast a spell.

Rose, Mandy, and Piper  d20+11=25 d8+6=12
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:35:54 PM

Rose has Mandy move close to a goblin. (mandy double move to L36)

Rose will dismount and attack the goblin (move to L37 and attack #4)

Piper will move to distract the goblin (move to L38) she will fly out of his reach and call names.

attack: 25
damage: 12

rose continued 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:40:12 PM

ooc: forgot some stuff.

Cayzle what do I roll for Piper to help rose by distracting the goblins?

Daily spells

detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message

level 1
mage armor, magic missile, shield, expeditious retreat

level 2
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible

level 3
heroisim, magic circle against evil

Cayzle OOC to Loretta 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:31:52 PM

Loretta, what you want is for Piper to use the Aid Another action to give you either a +2 to hit (one roll) or a +2 AC (vs one attack). To do it, make an attack roll vs DC10. If Piper succeeds, then Rose gets the +2.

HOWEVER! to get this bonus, Piper has to be in melee range! This is dangerous because Piper could get attacked. ALSO, Piper is Tiny in size, so to get in melee range he has to ENTER the square of the enemy. That would probably provoke an Attack of Opportunity on Piper, which would be bad.

When I pull this trick with Mookie, I first enlarge both Vauhwyt and Mookie (Shared spell of Enlarge Person). Then the Small in size Mookie can reach an enemy without entering the enemy's square and without provoking an AoO. Also, Enlarged Mookie threatens squares around him, which is sweet because Vauhwyt and Mookie can then flank a foe (and give V her sneak attack damage).

Unless you are talking about the Intimidate skill that lets you taunt your foe? But that also requires being in melee range, and a Tiny familiar's -8 size penalty on Intimidate checks makes that a tough strategy to pull off.

Bottom line, if Piper wants to fly out of reach and call names, pretty much all you get from that is Role Play fun, not combat bonuses. To get combat bonuses you have to put him in harm's way.

(Sorry to ramble on at such length here!)

Zeoll (HP69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:42:07 PM

[Gosh Darn It Carl! I totally forgot the two Red Gargulites! Are we carrying those villains with us? If so, Zeoll will use this round to secure them on the ground, bound and gagged at AG17 -- and ignore the below. Or if we left them behind at the Oshirr House, then serve us right, I guess. I just hope no one ungags them!]

Zeoll can see that there are enemies from the flight of missiles. But he cannot see the enemy from his vantage point.

"Come on, Trratain," he says, urging his friend to move up to where Ashira and Brahmah are standing. (Standard move to Z18). With his remaining action he readies a Charm Monster cast from his staff (2 charges), Will Save DC22 (4th level spell +6 Chr bonus +2 feats). This takes effect only if a medium size or larger foe comes into view within range (40 feet).

(Or maybe he is back making sure the prisoners are secure on the ground.)

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges (maybe 2 more this round?)
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
0 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Brahmah (115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 10:09:30 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*

Rod of Counter DM's Action is prepared ;)

Brahmah moves 30ft west and casts bear's endurance. Seems the ogres have benefit from terrain.

He sends his eagle out of harms way.

Theodore and Macaw (AC 20, HP 38, Mage Armor)  d4+1=2 d4+1=2 d4+1=4 d4+1=2 d4+1=2
Friday December 23rd, 2005 3:21:38 PM

Scraping the mud off his face Theo looks across to the opposite hilltop and sees the two goblins facing him. With a wave of his arms he summons five bright balls of energy which fly from his fingertips with unerring accuracy towards the goblins.

(Magic Missile hits Goblin 1 for 8 HP and goblin 6 for 4 HP).

Ashira AC21 HP 87 (Jamie Subbing) 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 3:27:48 PM

Not wanting to see Vorelle get into a bad situation Ashira doubles her movement to get to U30. Getting her close enough to help, but not close enough to give away her position.

DM Carl: WOSHKAAAAAAA!!!!!  d20+4=13 d20+2=16 d20+2=21 d20+2=9 d6=2 d6=1 d20+18=31 2d6(4+6)+16=26
Friday December 23rd, 2005 4:57:39 PM

The Gargulites having been left behind at Oshirr House, Zeoll is free to focus on the coming fight. Brahmah, Tratain and Zeoll all move closer to the prospective combat zone. Zeoll waits for an enemy to mount the crest of the hill, but none appear just yet. Tratain moves with Zeoll, on the lookout for threats to the wemic.

Jay, Highlight to display spoiler: { Brahmah has used his full allocation of actions this round (2 moves to move to X30). His next set of actions will need to wait until next round.}.

Vorelle sneaks through the undergrowth. As far as she can tell no-one has spotted her.

Jack swoops down towards the goblins, spell at the ready, but finds the delicate movements required to cast the spell are impeded by the weight of his armor, light though it is. The spell fails to come off. He returns to his starting location, the wings of the Pegasus beating powerfully.

Dave, Highlight to display spoiler: { Dave, please note: You can cast a spell normally if your mount moves up to a normal move (its speed) either before or after you cast. If you have your mount move both before and after you cast a spell, then you're casting the spell while the mount is moving, and you have to make a Concentration check due to the vigorous motion (DC 10 + spell level) or lose the spell. If the mount is running (quadruple speed), you can cast a spell when your mount has moved up to twice its speed, but your Concentration check is more difficult due to the violent motion (DC 15 + spell level).}

Theodore casts his spell and hears two satisfying squeals of pain.

However his elation turns to dread as the two goblins charge directly at him! One of them even is able to reach him, swinging at him with his Morningstar but missing.

The sight of charging ogres and goblins holds no fear for Rose. The plucky halfling astride her riding dog races directly towards the enemy lines!

Loretta, Highlight to display spoiler: {Mandy made a double move to get to L36. That's all your actions used up for this round I'm afraid. If you think of the round as lasting roughly 6 seconds, Mandy spent the first 3 moving 30 feet, then the next three making the double movement to 60 feet. That leaves no additional time for Rose to act. Mounting or dismounting from a steed requires a move action. You can mount or dismount as a free action with a DC 20 Ride check (your armor check penalty, if any, applies to this check). If you fail the check, mounting or dismounting is a move action instead. But here's the rub: you can't attempt a fast mount or fast dismount unless you can perform the mount or dismount as a move action in the current round. But, as it's about to turn out, you may be glad you havn't got off Mandy!}

The perilous nature of this charge rapidly becomes clear. The creatures converge upon her with brutal howls of anticipation. Up close she suddenly sees them far more clearly, and they are truly horrible to behold. The goblins look typical of their scrawny, ugly race, drawing crude morningstars as they race towards her. But something's not quite right. They seem... different somehow. More than simple gobblins. Two ogres are not far behind, pulling out wicked-looking spiked clubs. They too have an indefinable aura of, for wont of a better word, difference about them. They are each 9 feet tall, with dull brown skin. Their clothing consists of poorly cured furs and hides, which add to their naturally repellent odor. The first (O1), who sports a straggly beard beneath his leering maw, calls to his companion in guttural Common;

"Doncha love it when yer dinner comes ta you, Gukko?"

His companion (O2), who is wearing the latest in ogre fashion, a dead goat draped over its shoulders and surrounded by buzzing flies, replies;

"Hurr! Not much meat on it, Ukko, but da dog looks tasty!"

From behind them both a third, louder voice roars out over their own;

"My kill! My kill! Her brainball's fer Woshka!". The speaker is the biggest and meanest of them all, a ten foot tall brute with an ugly scar across his face (O3). As he speaks he eyes his enormous greatclub with an emotion that, disturbingly, seems to be profound love. "Ain't dat right, Woshka my pretty?"

Luckily for Rose the goblins get there first and manage to get in the ogres' way. "Out of Wozzogg's way!" screams the big brute, absolutely furious, but in their eagerness to please their ogre masters the goblins are already attacking. Wardd is smiling upon the Halfling Rosalynn Gladstone though, for their blows are both feeble and clumsy. Only two land, and each of them is merely a glancing blow (1 HP and 2 HP damage).

At this paltry display Wozzogg simply cannot contain himself any longer. His face goes purple and contorts as he emits a truly terrifying, earth-trembling roar, and the big ogre enters a bulging-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth battle frenzy.

Ukko and Gukko eye one another nervously. In wheedling tones Ukko begins "Now den, Wozzogg, it's alright mate, just take it easy big fella..."

But the huge ogre is having none of it.

"WOSHKAAAAA!!!" he screams, swinging his enormous club above his head with one mighty hand and bringing it down with a sickening crunch on top of the goblin's head in front of him (Goblin 3). The goblin is near-flattened by the force of the impact.

Rose gets the distinct impression that she is about to get very flat, very quick, if she doesn't get out of the range of those enormous spiked clubs at once.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round4.jpg

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=25 d20+11=30 d20+6=23 d8+1=6 d8+1=5 d8+1=2
Friday December 23rd, 2005 5:51:42 PM

No time like the present.

Vorelle fires three good shots at the ogre called Gukko, then sidesteps to take advantage of the dubious cover of a bush.

[Fire at O2. Hit AC 25 for 6 damage; Hit AC 30 for 5 damage; hit AC 23 for 2 damage. 5-foot step to R-36.]

[Carl, if the "difference" about these critters makes them Undead or Magical Beasts, then I get to roll Sneak Attack damage. Unlikely, I know, but let me know if I need to make those rolls.]

Ashira AC21 HP 87 (Jamie Subbing)  d100=34
Saturday December 24th, 2005 12:51:29 AM

Ashira moves to 30-O to get a better view of what is going on. She sees that her small friend is outnumbered.

"Rose, get out of there," the elf cries out.

As Rose hopefully begins to run, Ashira drops her sword and grasps her holy symbol. She begins to chant the ancient words that bring the power of nature through her. As she moves her free hand with the skill of someone who has studies the art her voice begins to gain in power and intensity.

"Olvan d' arlathil
Nym'uer ussta plea
Ser nindolen aterrucen
Tarthe dal uns'aa"

As she extends her hand out with the final phrase the power rushes from her towards the goblins and ogres.

Entangle centered on K39. I made my 15 percent chance of misfire due to armor.

DM Carl: Sorry Jamie, you can't see the combatants from your current location. You'll need to move to the brow of the hill to cast that spell. Feel free to make an additional post to clarify location if you wish..

Jamie: I went ahead and just added it to my post. Thanks.

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 16  d4+1=5 d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Saturday December 24th, 2005 3:10:29 AM

Rose realizes she's a bit to close and gladly does as Ashira says. She has Mandy move away from the goblins and orcs then fires a magic missile towards the orc that Vorelle fired at.

move action mandy to P32
standard action cast magic missile on O2
damage: 12, if O2 dies then any remainin missiles go to O3

spells remaining

detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message

level 1
mage armor, expeditious retreat, shield

level 2
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible

level 3
heroisim, magic circle against evil

DM Carl: Not orcs, Loretta: Ogres! Huge, hairy, smelly ogres! A much nastier opponent!

Tratain AC 25 HP 58 
Saturday December 24th, 2005 10:33:44 AM

Hearing the sounds of Battle Tratain Runs (Movement x3) to square S27 to help his comrades with the new threat.

Theodore and Macaw (Carl subbing)  d20+13=31
Saturday December 24th, 2005 11:30:04 AM

Backing away (5 foot step back to S17) the mage casts frantically, attempting to take out both of his foes in one go. He casts Sleep, centred between the two advancing goblins (O16).

Will DC 16 or 4 HD of creatures fall asleep
Concentration check vs DC 16 succeeds.

Zeoll (HP69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Sunday December 25th, 2005 2:05:28 PM

Zeoll urges Tratain to help Theo.

The liontaur can't see the hugest ogre, but he hears him! Thinking that this creature would make a better friend than foe, he grips his staff and moves closer.

Zeoll makes a double-ish move to V31, near Ashira. he is careful to go straight south, then southwest, to avoid steep slopes and entangles.

Zeoll says to his friends, "Leave the big dumb one to me! Don't attack that one!"

Zeoll's Stuff Used

2 staff charges (maybe 2 more this round?)
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
0 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Mad Jack AC23 64HP[Mage Armor 5 hours]  d100=37 d20+9=15 4d6(3+4+1+1)=9 4d6(1+4+2+6)=13 d20+8=26
Sunday December 25th, 2005 11:53:30 PM

Jack figures he must have just flown to fAst for his magic to work. This time he flyes to just with in range of the spell, roughly 50 ft, and motions his hands at the beast. After casting he will just guide Trya to a higher height, so ranged weapons cannont affect them.

OOC Cast Scorching ray, asf 37 woo hoo passed. Ranged attack 15, Damage 9 and 13, both aimed at same target. Con check-26

DM Carl: The Coming of Khuun!  d20-1=18 d20-1=10 d20+1=14 d20+1=16 d20+1=7 d20=19 d20=13 d20+2=10 d20+10=18 d20=19 9d6(4+5+4+6+5+3+2+1+2)=32 d20+1=20 d20+8=15 d20+11=20
Monday December 26th, 2005 6:58:43 AM

Theo's sleep spell is shrugged off by the first advancing goblin, but the second succumbs, keeling over into the long grass, its thumb popping into its mouth. Aww.

Mad Jack then follows up by swooping down on his flying steed and blasting the goblin who is still standing. The creature roars once in pain and falls, its lifeblood ebbing away.

Dave, please Highlight to display spoiler: {a couple of points regarding your post.

1) Scorching Ray range: The spell states Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). You are a Level 5 Sorcerer, that means range on that spell is 35 feet (fighter levels do not count).

2) Scorching Ray damage: you rolled for two rays, but the spell states You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit. You will only get two rays when you have 7 levels of sorcerer. Right now you only qualify for one ray. I'll take your first roll, 9 damage.

3) As stated last DM post, if you move, cast and move you must make a Concentration check. Here is what the SRD says: You can cast a spell normally if your mount moves up to a normal move (its speed) either before or after you cast. If you have your mount move both before and after you cast a spell, then you're casting the spell while the mount is moving, and you have to make a Concentration check due to the vigorous motion (DC 10 + spell level) or lose the spell. If the mount is running (quadruple speed), you can cast a spell when your mount has moved up to twice its speed, but your Concentration check is more difficult due to the violent motion (DC 15 + spell level).

I made that check for you this round (vs DC 12, which you made with a 20: you only fail on a natural 1!

Bramah sends Pah'caw to safety (X26, 100ft up), and moves towards the combat zone along with Ashira Zeoll, Ahira and Tratain. (OOC: please specify cell references for movement folks!)

Rose decides that perhaps the combat is left to the big guns, and retreats. From the safety of her vantage point above the bush she can see Gukko (O2), and blasts him with her magic missiles. The ogre bellows in pain.

Vorelle's three arrows strike true, but to her alarm do significantly less damage than she anticipated. In fact only one seems to break the skin, and that one merely nicks the big ogre (arrow 2 does 1 HP).

Then Ashira casts her entangle spell and catches all the remaining combatants. Cue pandemonium among the ogre and goblin ranks as the very grass beneath their feet conspires to trip and trap them. But the creatures get lucky. Only one goblin is ensnared, and one of the ogres. That ogre is Wozzogg, who takes it all rather personally.

"Wozzogg kill! Wozzogg smash! UrrraaAAAGGHH!!"

Using his prodigious strength he tries to rip himself free, but the writhing plants hold him (and goblin 4) fast.

There is a horrible laughter from above you, and a victorious howl as an icy blast slams into the gathered adventurers. It also hits one of the goblins (Goblin 2) who is able to hurl himself out of the main brunt of the blast, but whose body is still frozen rigid regardless.

Zeoll, Vorelle, Rose, Piper, Mandy,. Ashira, Brahmah and Tratain take 32 HP cold damage, REF save DC 18 for half. Brahamah's eagle is out of the area of effect.

The caster of this cone of cold is now revealed, another huge ogre, hovering 15 feet in the air (at V36). He has a huge belly. His skin is light green his hair is lank and black. He wears a tattered purple cloak over rusty chain and various animal pelts. He points his enormous greatsword towards the party and calls out in a mocking voice

"You not stop Khuun and his secret weapon! You die! Oshirr House Die! Hurr Hurr Hurr!"

Those creatures that are able drag themselves free of the area of entanglement. Gukko is able to get as far as Vorelle and aims a hefty blow at her with his club. Luckily for the shy ranger the blow whistles wide.

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round5.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain)  d20+4=8 d20+14=18
Monday December 26th, 2005 7:40:09 AM

Zeoll takes the full blast of the cold (failed save).

Zeoll lifts his staff and tries to Charm the flying ogre. (Will save would normally be a 22, but reduced to a 17 in combat.)

Then he shouts, "We arre not Oshirr House! I am monsterr! He (pointing at Brahmah) is monsterr! The rrest serrve us! We arre frriends! Stop fighting and talk!"

Diplomacy check made at -10 for being rushed: 18. Bleck.

If Zeoll's spell succeeds, he will move 35U. Otherwise he moves to 31Y, taking cover behind a tree.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

4 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
0 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 76/76]  d20+9=11 d20+9=23 d20+10=24 d6+3=4
Monday December 26th, 2005 2:30:33 PM

Vorelle is able to dodge the icy blast and avoid any damage [Ref 23; used Hero point to re-roll; Evasion]. She puts away her bow [move action], draws her handaxes [free action; Quick Draw feat], and attacks the ogre in front of her. [Fighting defensively, hit AC 24 for 4 points damage. (magic, slashing)]

Rose, Piper and Mandy  d20+9=14 d20+9=28 d20+7=8 d20+5=8 2d8(1+6)+3=10
Monday December 26th, 2005 7:28:28 PM

Rose is shocked when she's hit by an icy blast. Suddenly Mandy and Piper fall to the ground ice covering their bodies, Mandy is so cold she actually explodes.

Rose frantically reaches into her beltpouch and pours a potion into Piper's mouth. (cure moderate for 10hp restored)

Ref: 14 used heropoint to reroll for 28.
Evasion, no damage taken

ref: 8, take 32 damage now at -4 (with potion at +6)

Mandy ref: 8, take 32 damage now at -14 dead

forgotten stuff 
Monday December 26th, 2005 7:29:30 PM

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 16
Piper hp: -4/26 ac: 17
Mandy hp: -14/18 ac: 16 dead

spells remaining

detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message

level 1
mage armor, expeditious retreat, shield

level 2
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible

level 3
heroisim, magic circle against evil

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+8=16
Monday December 26th, 2005 10:58:50 PM

(DM, I don't know where you get that moving 30ft in light armor and casting a spell is more than his alotted actions?! Unless the terrain, which wasn't mentioned as a hinderance, came into account.
In todays post whay was Brahmah moved toward the battle again when I hadn't posted?? Taking moves for an PC who hasn't posted IS NOT COOL.)

(failed save)

The ranger isn't happy that he's all of a sudden in ranger of taking the BRUNT of the cold blast.

Brahmah moves, very quickly (all his movement), to try to get to the purple cloak wearing freak.
"Try that again Khuun, and you'll be eating out the otherside of that ugly face of yours!"

Mad Jack AC23 64HP[Mage Armor 5 hours] 
Monday December 26th, 2005 11:16:31 PM

Jack hits with his spell this time and sees the goblin go down in pain. It would not die, but it would hurt for a while. It would be a shame to kill it, that would only cause trouble for Zeolls timeline. Jack takes the responsibility of having generations of the ugly bugger live very seriously.

He then flies his mount closer to the noise of battle.

OOC Fly to I22, Also sorry about the 2 rays, i was thinking about something else. I did make the concentration check, it was a 26, i just checked and it did post on last post.

DM Carl: Apologies Dave, I missed it. Thanks!

Ashira (AC 21, HP87/87)  d20+9=19
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:47:18 AM

The savvy ranger rolls quickly and safely out of way of the icy blast (Ref.=19, Evasion for no damage). With an anxious glance over at Vorelle, Ashira decides that, for the moment it will be best to take up a position to defend Rose. Her shortsword snakes free from its sheath in a flash, as she quickly bends down and retrieves her longsword from where she dropped it before. A cold vicious looking smile on her face, the strange aquatic half-elf stares at the two goblins headed her way. "Come on over boys, and I'll teach you kinds of pain that you never even knew existed!" As she taunts the foul beasts, Ashira hisses over her shoulder to Rose. "For heaven's sake, Rose get back!"

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58  d20+8=18 d6=3 9d6(4+4+2+5+1+4+1+5+5)=31
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 10:54:34 AM

Tratain is able to dodge some of the Damage from the Cone of Cold, and seeing several of his comrades moving towords it he moves to 027 (4 Squares Left) and Defensivly Casts Flame Strike Centered so the Column Hits A1, 2, and 5.

31 Damage Reflex DC 20 for Half

Theodore and Macaw (AC 20, 38HP) (Carl Subbing)  9d6(6+6+5+6+6+1+4+2+2)=38
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 11:08:58 AM

The young mage realises his friends are up against dire odds, and decides to try and level them a little. Moving swiftly west to M17 he draws a bead on the big ogre (which just happens to include a goblin for good measure) and swirls his arms about in smooth, considered arcs. A halo of blue, humming light gathers around his hands, then is unleashed with a crack in a blinding flash of crackling energy. The bolt zaps through goblin 2 and Wozzogg for 38HP, Ref DC 17 for half.

DM Carl: Roast 'em, toast 'em, make 'em dance  d20+3=19 d20=2 d20+1=14 d20+1=4 d20+2=6 d20+10=25 d20=16 d20+8=20 d20+13=27
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 12:06:07 PM

Zeoll attempts to hoodwink the ogre mage, but without success. Khuun shakes off the effects of the spell with a scornful laugh. "You, servants of da master? Pah! You lie, ugly thing!"

Deciding he needs to stay out of harm's way the liontaur takes cover behind a tree.

Vorelle slams a handaxe into Gukko's exposed forearm, but the ogre just laughs as the blade bounces off some sort of magically toughened skin, causing no damage. "Hurr! That tickles!" he grins.

Rose pours a potion down her dying raven's throat, bringing him fluttering and coughing back to life. Poor Mandy is beyond saving, however.

Brahamah races towards the ogre mage, issuing a challenge.

Jack flies west (OOC: What's your altitude please, Dave? Is Jack still at 100 feet?), and Ashira, rearming herself, issues a bold challenge to the advancing goblins. Sadly she never gets a chance to carry out her threat.

The spellcasters step up to the plate. Tratain's flame strike explodes with a roar, flash-frying all three targets, intense heat sucking the air out of the surrounding area for a moment. Three blackened corpses collapse to the ground, but not before Theo's bolt of electricity causes one charred goblin to dance jerkily about in a macabre mockery of life.

That bolt then slams into Wozzogg, causing the huge ogre to spasm wildly about in pain, his hair standing out on end. It does little to improve his mood, or his hairstyle.

With a roar of incandescent fury the barbarian ogre, now sporting what looks like a straggly afro, attempts to tear himself free of the entangling roots and grasses that hold him firm. This time he succeeds, lumbering forwards out of the spell's area of effect. However the entanglement slows him down, and he is unable to completely escape this round. It does not stop him yelling;

"Wozzogg free! Wozzogg kill you all! Brainballs for Woshka! Waagghh!"

He waves his deadly club about menacingly.

Ashira, Rose and Vorrelle, if you make a Spot check DC 20 please Highlight to display spoiler: {. You notice a crudely painted pair of lips on Wozzogg's club. Whichever way you slice it, that can't be healthy.}

The last goblin remains stuck fast, gibbering in terror at the fate that has befallen his brethren.

Gukko laughs as his brother is roasted alive. "Hurr Hurr Hurr!" he chortles. Ukko gettin' a bit hot under collar! A-Hurr Hurr Hurr!"

With an evil grin he swings at Vorelle once again, but the ranger's swift reflexes are just enough to get her head out of the spiked club's path in time. She feels it whistle inches past her nose.

Khuun, though by no means the sharpest arrow in the quiver, is bright enough to tell that this party are rather tougher than he'd expected. Those spellcasters are ripping his forces apart. With a defiant snarl he moves up 5 feet away from Brahmah's blades, and vanishes from sight.

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round6.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL)  d20+1=13
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:00:13 PM

Ze3oll still cannot see over the ridge, although he can hear the enemy on the other side. He decides that a little altitude would help him see better, so he tries to climb the tree he is hiding behind.

[OOC: Assuming DC to climb a tree is a 15, and Zeoll has a nat+1 Str to try it untrained. He rolls a 13 -- not enough.]

So, unable to see well enough to cast a spell, Zeoll chooses instead to sing an inspiring song. He Inspires Courage in all his friends and allies.

Everyone gains a +1 to hit and damage!

Zeoll's Stuff Used

4 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=22 d6=1
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:04:53 PM

Deciding to save his spells for a more pertinent moment, Theodore brandishes his quarterstaff and sqwuaks a challenge at the advancing gobling. Dashing forwards, he attempts to thump the goblin on his head. (Attack 22, Damage 1)

DM Carl: Theo (M17) is 100 feet away from the last remaining goblin (M37). Check the map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round6.jpg

Please feel free to repost if you wish.

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 76/76]  d20+10=27 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 d20+5=6 d6+3=8 d6+3=9
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 7:56:04 PM

She can't hit the ogre hard, but she can hit it often. Maybe she'll get lucky. Anyway, the longer she can keep it occupied, the longer her friends have.

That decided, Vorelle strikes at the ogre with both axes.

[fighting defensively; hit AC 27 for 8 points; hit AC 25 for 9 points. Also hit AC 14 and AC 6. Yeah, right.]

[edited: hit AC 28 for 9 points and AC 26 for 10 points.]

Cayzle OOC to Kathy 
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 11:48:04 PM

Kathy, add in a +1 damage to your weapons! This round you rolled d6+3 for damage, same as last round. Shoulda been d6+4 with Inspire Courage!

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 12:26:35 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*

Everyone gains a +1 to hit and damage!

Brahmah continues to the ogre mage. He makes sure he's within range so if the mage casts, he can get an attack on him.

Rose  d8+1=3
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 12:30:54 AM

Rose hands Piper a potion which the raven opens with her beak. Then casts she pulls out a rod and uses it as she casts Mage armor on them both.

Piper cure light wounds: +3 hp
mage armor +4 ac extended to 10 hours

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 9/26 ac: 21
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor +4 ac for 10 hours

Wednesday December 28th, 2005 11:28:43 AM

The minotaur is eager to join combat.

Ashira AC 21 HP 87/87  d20+12=22
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 12:04:52 PM

Ashira makes her check to see the club and thinks to herself... That's wierd.

She focuses her attention on the ogre in front of her (o3). "Come on you slow ugly oaf. Lets dance." She spouts at the creature. She brings up both of her weapons into a challenging stance and awaits the approach of the Ogre.

Zeoll (Second Post) 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 3:01:47 PM

Zeoll, seeing that Brahmah is eager, points out that logically the now-invisible ogre mage has to be Right There!

The liontaur shouts and points, "Brrahmah! Swing rright therre! He's therre! He's just invisible! Swing away! Swing!"

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 3:26:13 PM

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Theodore hollers as he makes haste towards his embattled allies.

(Double move to M29)

DM Carl 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 7:37:06 PM

I'll hold for a bit. Brahmah, if you want to take a swing, take it now :-)

Mad Jack 
Thursday December 29th, 2005 12:59:11 AM

Still hovering at his ame level he moves closer the the battle. He also pulls his greatsword free, readying it for one of the large shapes he sees on the ground.

OOC fly to i29, still 100 ft above the ground.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+15=17 2d4(2+1)+8=11
Thursday December 29th, 2005 5:12:16 AM

Brahmah swings once with his falchion. [hitting AC 17, with Zeoll's bonus, hit AC 18 for 11 damage](OOC: I'll let the DM roll the miss chance. ;))


DM Carl: A kiss before bedtime  d20+10=26 d100=95 d20=13 d20+18=33 2d6(2+3)+16=21 d20+8=18 10d6(6+4+1+3+5+2+3+5+1+1)=31
Thursday December 29th, 2005 7:03:20 AM

Zeoll' s singing and advice assist the party. Brahmah takes a swing at the vanished ogre mage, and feels his falchion connect solidly. He cannot tell how badly the mage is hurt, however.

Theo and Jack move towards the battle, but do not reach it just yet. Rose focuses on protecting Piper and herself.

Vorelle sees blood drawn by her last two blows, and although they did not do as much damage as she might have expected, she can see Gukko is hurting badly now. Her perseverance is having the desired effect.

"Urr, Gukko hurt you for that!" growls the ogre, and aims another blow at the agile ranger. Once again she is too quick for him, darting out of the way of his club.

"Stand still for Gukko!" the creature bellows, starting to get frustrated.

Ashira's taunt is answered with predictable fury by Wozzogg.

"Ugly? UGLY?!? Me prettiest ogre! Woshka tell you! Nasty elf-thing ugly!"

The enormous ogre lumbers forwards, tearing its way free of the last of the entangling roots and plants, and closes fast. Woshka is raised, then slammed down towards Ashira with incredible power (AC 33 for 21 HP).

"Raaagghhh! How you like Woshka's kiss, ugly elf-thing?"

The last remaining goblin struggles to free itself from the binding grasses, but fails utterly. It starts to whimper.

For a moment there is no sign of the ogre mage, then he reappears fifty feet up as he casts a spell. Jack and his steed feel their eyes begin to droop as a great fatigue washes over them.

(OOC: Will save DC 14 or Sleep vs Jack and Trya.

1) If Jack fails but Trya succeeds Trya must make a Ref save DC 15 to keep his rider in the saddle, and land immediately to avoid making the same check each round.
2) If Trya fails but Jack succeeds then you are falling. Jack may attempt to awaken Trya. Roll 1d100 to see how many feet Trya falls before waking up. If he falls more than 80 feet he doesn't have time to pull up, and takes 31 HP falling damage. Jack may make a Ref save DC 15 to take half that amount.
3) If Jack and Trya both fail then you fall, each taking 31 HP damage.)

The mage roars in defiance, brandishing his sword.

Here is the map for round 7: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round7.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL)  d20+5=15
Thursday December 29th, 2005 12:38:35 PM

Zeoll laments that the ogre mage is now beyond the range of his charm spell. But then he thinks to cast his magic on the big dumb brute up ahead! He moves to 29R, a spot that seems to be specially selected for him, and from which I assume he can see Wozzogg. The liontaur uses his staff of charming to cast Charm Monster on the giant.

The will save DC on the spell is a 17, including the -5 penalty for casting it in combat.

If the spell takes, he will shout to Ashira to hold her attack and withdraw. He will shout to Wozzogg: "I am yourr friend! Stop fighting forr a minute, please! It's rreally important!" [Opposed Chr check to convince a charmed character to do something opposed to its nature: Don't beat a 15, please, Wozzog!]

If the spell does not take, he will not say anything.

Either way, he stops his inspirational song, which now has a duration of 5 rounds. Everyone still gains a +1 to hit and damage!

Zeoll's Stuff Used

6 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

1 round of 5 for Inspire Courage

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Theodore and Macaw  d20+18=30
Thursday December 29th, 2005 3:32:06 PM

Seeing the hulking ogre has broken free of his tangled prison, Theodore hastily moves back to L27. Noting Zeoll attempting a charm spell on the ogre, Theodore readies his own magic.

Should Zeoll's spell fail, Theodore places a stinking cloud spell centered at L35, which should encompass the goblin and Wozzog. Should Zeoll's spell succeed, then Theodore will place the spell at L38, 40 feet in the air, which would hit the ogre mage.

(Goblin, ogre, or ogre mage must Fort save vs 17)

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 76/76]  d20+11=13 d20+11=30 d20+6=20 d20+6=11 d8+4=9
Thursday December 29th, 2005 5:25:08 PM

Encouraged by the fact that she drew a little blood last time, Vorelle slashes again at the ogre. This time, though, most of her blows go astray.

[Still fighting defensively. Hit AC 30 for 9 points. Also hit AC 13, AC 20, and AC 11. Geez. Good thing I get four chances each round. :) ]

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87  d20+13=32 d20+13=16 d20+8=20 d20+12=31 d20+12=24 d20+4=15 d8+5=13 d8+5=9 d6+4=6 2d6(1+2)+8=11
Thursday December 29th, 2005 10:05:22 PM

Ashira's head rocks to the side as the club smashes into her face. Spitting blood, she jerks her head from side to side loosening up her neck. "Well, that was alright, but I'd have to say that you really ought to check into some personal hygiene. You arm is weak, but that stench of yours, well...you could kill someone with that for sure!"

She nods at Zeoll and watches to see whether his spell has it's effect.

**IF it does not**

Ashira smiles as she dances on the balls of her feet, looking for just the right opportunity to strike. She bobs and the ugly cuss turns his body just right...presenting an invitation for the ranger to slice into his rib cage. With several thrusts and parries, Ashira makes good use of her opening. (AC 32/16 for 13, AC20 for 9, AC 31/24 for 6 or 11 if critical).

Mad Jack  d20+5=16 d20+4=13 d100=2 d20+13=15 2d6(2+1)+5=8
Friday December 30th, 2005 12:43:09 AM

OOC Where is the ogre mage o nthe map. Your post said he reappeared, but I dont know which red square he is.

Jack feels the magic of some sort wash over him, but is able to repel its effects.(16) Trya goes limp though until Jack digs his heels into her flanks.(14fail, drop 2 feet). Not knowing which of the enemy had cast the spell, Jack decides to attack the neares target. Having his greatsword in hand he moves Trya in a swooping attack at the great bulk in front of him. (O3) He then raises in the air again to 50 feet off the ground just above Vorelles head. Q36

ATTACK hit AC 15, 8 damage.

DM Carl: Sorry, the mage is V36 50 feet up. He was incorrectly labelled O2, he should be O4.

Rose  d8+1=7
Friday December 30th, 2005 5:16:55 AM

Rose will hand Piper another healing potion to drink and cast another spell.

cast shield, shared with piper

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 16/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes

remaining spells
detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message

level 1
expeditious retreat

level 2
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible

level 3
heroisim, magic circle against evil

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+13=15 d20+15=26 d20+8=13 d20+10=13 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(1+2)+7=10 d6+4=6 d6+4=5
Friday December 30th, 2005 11:29:43 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*
From Zeoll: Everyone still gains a +1 to hit and damage!

Brahmah turns to the nearest visible opponent and attacks. (OOC: my intended target is the o2 Brahmah is near.)

"Tell your wily friend to return and face judgement." [AC 16, 27, 14 and 14, for 11, 7, 11 and 6 damage]

DM Carl: Mom? Is that you?  d20+4=22 d20+14=15 d20+3=23 d20=14 d8+4=7 d4+1=5
Friday December 30th, 2005 7:24:32 PM

Zeoll attempts to persuade Wozzogg that in fact this has all been some terrible misunderstanding.

Whether the barbarian is smarter than he looks (um, he really isn't!) or it is simply the depth of the big ogre's blinding rage that shields him from such mind-altering spells, Wozzogg shrugs off Zeoll's spell with ease. "You not friend!" he bellows. "You dinner!"

Theo casts his stinking cloud at the goblin and Wozzogg. Incredibly it seems Wozzogg is of a delicate constitution. The huge ogre doubles over, retching as he inhales huge lungfuls of the fetid cloud. "Blaaagh! Stinky!" he cries, stumbling away from the area of effect. Ashira is able to land three blows before he moves away. She, like Vorelle, is aware that her blows are inflicting less damage than she might expect.

(Ashira, while Wozzogg is nauseated he can only take a single move action per turn. He cannot take a full round action to Withdraw from combat, and so you may take an attack of opportunity as he retreats in addition to your next attack.)

Even more bizarrely the goblin, still stuck in his field of clinging grass, breathes in deeply as the vile stench rolls over him, clearly savouring the odour. As he vanishes from sight he can be plainly heard saying in a joyful voice "Momma? Izzat you, cuttin' da cheese?"

Jack's blow misses the ogre. Rose continues to protect her remaining animal companion.

Vorelle and Brahmah land two more blows each on Gukko (the AC 16 and 20 hit), and between them they seem to have done enough, despite the creature's damage reduction. Gukko's brow crinkles in confusion as his head flies from his shoulders. Slowly his great body, finally figuring out there is even less in charge upstairs than normal, topples over with a crash.

Fifty feet in the air (at V37), Khuun watches in astonishment as his elite force of ogres (and their goblin pets) are cut down before his eyes. Even the mighty Wozzogg is near defeat!

The mage's eyes narrow, and he cries out in fury; "Scum! You pay! You all pay! Oshirr House will fall, even without Khuun's secret weapon! We grow stronger! You grow weaker! You win tonight, but you lose soon! The master will make more, and more and more! Soon you die screaming! Soon we suck the meat from your bones!"

His defiant rant over the ogre mage turns tail and runs, flying 80 feet due south.

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round8.jpg

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87  d20+13=27 d20+13=18 d8+5=6
Saturday December 31st, 2005 2:01:19 PM

Ashira manages to wing the ogre as he moves away from her (AC27 for 6). She takes a couple of steps (M30) to close the gap and takes another swipe at the nasty ogre, but his fetid stench throws her concentration way off and she can't connect. "Hey ugly where ya going? I'm not done playing yet!" taunts the ranger.

Theodore and Macaw 
Saturday December 31st, 2005 4:52:35 PM

Seeing the flying mage turn tail to run, Theodore moves to his left (R27) and casts solid fog directly in front of the ogre mage (V55; 20' radius)

"Someone get him!"

Rose  d20+10=22 d4+4=8
Saturday December 31st, 2005 9:37:17 PM

Now that Piper is safe Rose grabs her bow and shoots at the ogre mage. Meanwhile Piper will fly over to the priest of the group (who is he) and ask for some more healing.

attack: 22
damage: 8

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL) 
Sunday January 1st, 2006 9:19:12 AM

Zeoll moves 40 feet south to 38Q, but the fleeing ogre mage is still outside the range of all the seer's magic except for his most potent spell, which he prefers not to expend.

So if he can see the fellow who misses his mama, instead, he casts Charm Person on that still-living goblin (Will save DC for the first level spell is 14 since surely the goblin feels threatened (LOL).

If he cannot see that goblin, and therefore cannot cast the spell, he'll take another 40-foot move south to 46Q.

In all cases, Zeoll is careful not to enter any fog or cloud.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

6 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells (maybe 1 charm person cast)
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

2 rounds of 5 used for Inspire Courage

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Tratain AC 23 HP 42/58  d20+14=16 d8+5=8
Sunday January 1st, 2006 10:43:25 PM

Tratain Charges to square M38 and attacks the Big ogre, he also Attempts to intercept an attack for Theo if he stays within 5 feet.

Hit AC 17 For 8 Damage

OOC: Real Sorry about not posting Guys, my computer died on me, i'm up and running again now though. Lucky I backup my characters on my flash drive :)

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 76/76]  d20+13=31 d8+1=4
Monday January 2nd, 2006 12:27:20 PM

Vorelle again changes weapons, and fires a shot at the fleeing mage.

[Hit AC 31 for 4 damage. Magic bow.]

DM Carl:  2d6(3+6)=9 d20+3=14 d20=13
Monday January 2nd, 2006 6:04:06 PM

Ashira nicks the big ogre as he stumbles away, her damage barely getting through Wozzogg's magical skin, then misses on the followup. Tratain moves in to assist, swinging a hefty blow at the barbarian. For some reason the cleric's war hammer seems to have absolutely no problem inflicting its normal damage on the creature. Indeed, not only does the creature's damage reduction seem to have been bypassed, but the war hammer flares with its bane power, inflicting still more damage! What can this mean?

Wozzogg staggers away again, clutching at his guts. Even though he is out of the area of effect the lungful of toxic stench he inhaled has really hit the big guy hard. "Waahhg! Aaarrgh!! Stinky! Wu--wu--hooorrp!" Ogre vomit is not a pretty sight.

(OCC: I'm assuming you mean a move to M28 Joe! Tratain and Ashira both get attacks of opportunity as Wozzogg staggers away)

Inside the cloud the goblin's fond recollections of maternal flatulence are giving way to grim reality. It remains stuck fast in the middle of the stinking cloud, and from the sound of things it is having no better time of it than Wozzogg.

Rose and Vorelle both fire after the fleeing ogre mage, but although their aim is true their missiles bounce harmlessly off his toughened hide. Piper flies to Tratain, in search of some healing, but the Protector of Domi is busy beating the tar out of Wozzogg.

Zeoll is unable to see the goblin through the roiling clouds of toxic gas (it has total concealment), and so moves on to Q46.

Theo moves and then casts his spell, enshrouding the fleeing mage in a glutinous, thick fog. The mage vanishes from sight as the clouds roll over it (Total concealment).

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round9.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL)  d20+4=21
Monday January 2nd, 2006 7:05:23 PM

Zeoll moves south to 55Q. He looks for the ogre mage. If he sees him, he will cast Charm Monster on him -- Will DC save 17.

If he does not see him, then he throws caution to the wind and casts a Confusion spell on the last location the liontaur saw the ogre, before the fog rolled over it. Zeoll hopes that the spell's 15-foot radius will catch the ogre. The Will DC on that spell is a 21. Zeoll then calls out, "Hey, Khuun, I'm overr herre!" Zeoll knows that the ogre may be forced by the spell to seek to attack him, so he lets the Ogre know where he is so as to draw him out. Zeoll also listens for the babbling that confusion often causes. [Listen check 21!]

Zeoll's Stuff Used

6 staff charges (maybe 8 used if charm monster cast)
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
0 of 1 third level bard spells (maybe 1 confusion cast)
1 of 7 bardic musics

3 rounds of 5 used for Inspire Courage

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Monday January 2nd, 2006 7:34:18 PM

Theodore takes a double move to T37.

Tratain AC 23 HP 42/58  d20+15=21 d8+7=11 2d6(4+6)=10 2d8(1+1)+9=11 d8=7 d8=2
Monday January 2nd, 2006 8:13:45 PM

Tratain attacks the Ogre as it Tries to stumble Away. (Hit AC 21 For 11 Physical Plus 10 Bane Damage)

Noticing Piper Now asking for Healing Tratain will cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Him after taking a single step out of the Ogres Reach. (Piper Healed for 18)

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87  d20+13=17 d20+13=25 d8+5=7
Monday January 2nd, 2006 11:06:50 PM

"Grrrrr!!" Ashira growls as the ogre continues its flight. "This is going to take forever! Hold still and fight you big ugly coward!" Her attack of opportunity proving useless against the thick hide, Ashira steps forward again and engages once more (K30). Her longsword finds its mark once more, but manages very little damage (AC25 for 7).

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+13=26 d8+1=9
Monday January 2nd, 2006 11:41:27 PM

Vorelle moves to get a better angle on Wozzogg and fires again. It's a decent shot, but these ogres are tough to damage.

[No longer fighting defensively. Move to O-31. Hit AC 26 for 9 damage.]

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+9=11
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 12:08:26 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*
From Zeoll: Everyone still gains a +1 to hit and damage!

Brahmah follows to 'Aids' his nearest companion's attack. (AC 11, +2 to their attack)

Mad Jack  d20=1
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 2:09:52 AM

OOC sorry guys, no idea why my post didnt show up.

Jack spurs Trya forward. He loses sight of the fleeing mage in the cloud that springs up in from to him. Riding through the cloud he looks around for the escaping mage, berating himself for his slow reactions.

Spot check 1!
Move full 120 feet of flight to v58, other side of cloud.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+9=11
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 5:42:28 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*
From Zeoll: Everyone still gains a +1 to hit and damage!

He will continue to 'aid' a friend this round as well. (sigh! AC 11 again 12 with Zeoll's courage, +2 to their attack)

(OOC: Seems I can't post regularly. Sorry. I have to hit the game when I can.)

DM Carl: Farewell, sweet Woshka  d20+3=5 d100=29
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 9:33:12 AM

Vorelle, Ashira and Tratain (with Brahmah's aid) continue to dish out punishment to Wozzogg. Blood pours from the retching beast's many wounds, and he slumps to his knees, his strength gone. With tears streaming down his face he clutches Woshka tightly to him, lacerating his face with her spikes as he does so. Now you know how he got that scar. With a plaintive belch the barbarian topples over with a crash, and breathes no more.

Tratain steps away to heal Piper.

Theo moves towards the others, as Zeoll casts his spell. From within the solid cloud Zeoll is clearly able to make out a "What? Whatututut-braap! Grock gurkle gip! Gip! Gip! Weep!" The stream of nonsense continues, coming from pretty much where the mage was last seen. There is still no sign of him through the fog.

Jack flies towards the solid cloud, but as he reaches it he discovers it to be impossible to fly through as described. He and Tyra can push through it if they wish, but only with the very greatest of difficulty (Solid Fog: the solid fog is so thick that any creature attempting to move through it progresses at a speed of 5 feet, regardless of its normal speed, and it takes a -2 penalty on all melee attack and melee damage rolls. The vapors prevent effective ranged weapon attacks (except for magic rays and the like). A creature or object that falls into solid fog is slowed, so that each 10 feet of vapor that it passes through reduces falling damage by 1d6. A creature can't take a 5-foot step while in solid fog.)

I'll leave Jack outside the cloud unless you mention in your next post that you wished to push through this round.

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round10.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL) 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 10:12:27 AM

Zeoll moves to the side of the cloud nearest the sound of the ogre babbling (standard move). He calls out again, "Herre I am, my frriend to be!" Then he readies a Charm Monster to use as soon as he sees the ogre.

Zeoll's Stuff Used

6 staff charges (maybe 8 used when charm monster cast)
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

4 rounds of 5 used for Inspire Courage

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance (x2), Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Mad Jack  d20=15 d20=16
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 1:52:15 PM

Jack catches up to the solid wall of fog. Not knowing what is within, he decides to fly around the fog in search of the mage. He is quite sure the mage will fly out the other side, but the search needs to be made. With his weapon drawn, he calls upon the power of his sword to protect him.

OOc Okay, lets fly around the fog bank looking for the mage. Also cast True strike.
Spot 15
Listen 16

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 3:16:12 PM

Zeoll says, "Don't attack unless my spell fails to enchant him! I'll tell you eitherr way!"

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 9:43:02 PM

Theodore takes another double move to T49.

rose  d20+10=16 d4+4=7
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 2:20:57 AM

rose moves over to Vorelle ready to attack the last ogre if necessary.

Held action attack (bow)
attack: 16
damage: 7
add in any bonuses from other players

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 1:35:31 PM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*
From Zeoll: Everyone still gains a +1 to hit and damage!

The ranger rushes to the ogre who is about to be charmed, just in case the spell fails. (Readies to attack if he has a standard action left.)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 1:45:41 PM

Not sure what else to do, Vorelle moves toward the remaining ogre. She doesn't know what she'll do when or if she gets there; she couldn't hit the thing before he surrounded himself with a solid wall of fog. But, aside from the goblin (who is neutralized), he is the last opponent.

[Double move to Q-42.]

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87  d20+12=24 d20+11=23
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 3:28:09 PM

It's looking pretty crowded in the area around the other ogre, so Ashira moves in that general direction as she takes a look around (Spot=24, Listen=23). It's easy in the middle of battle to lose track of the big picture. They were behind enemy lines, and Ashira is determined not to let the group get flanked.

DM Carl: Watch that last step, it's a doozie!  d20+3=11 4d6(5+3+4+1)=13 d100=40 d20+1=2 d20+1=13 d20+1=18 d20+1=18 d20+1=13 d20+3=12 d20+3=17 d20+3=4 d20+3=6 d20+3=20 d20+3=8 d20+12=22 d100=88
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 6:27:39 PM

The party rush to the location of the solid cloud, within which a flying ogre mage is chatting away incomprehensibly to himself. The cloud, which is about 40 feet up continues to obscure your view (only Jack on his flying steed is at the same height as the cloud).

The thought perhaps occurs to you: if you found yourself, effectively blind, with no idea who you were or where you were, would you remember to fly? You soon find out. The mage, who has been slowly dropping though the cloud until this point, suddenly finds no soft supporting cloud beneath his feet.

Still babbling like a loon he plummets to earth with an almighty crash. Before he has time to get up he is hit by Zeoll's Charm spell, and falls for it hook line and sinker. However he remains confused, capable of doing nothing but drooling and rambling.

(OOC: Cayzle, what is the duration of your Confusion spell? And the Charm spell for that matter.)

Seeing Khuun poses no immediate threat, the others hold off their attacks for now.

Brahmah's Entangle spell ends.

It occurs to Ashira that the party have been conducting a stand-up, knockdown, all-out battle with a bunch of roaring, bellowing ogres in the dead of night as an enemy army moves over the hills somewhere nearby (OOC: Kudos, Nellie!). From higher ground she scans the area for signs that the party might have been spotted.

And it is a good thing that she does. Over the hills to the west she can see an orange glow in the sky, no doubt from the light of many torches. By placing an ear to the ground she is able to make out the sound of many, many feet marching. It is impossible for her to tell how many. At best guess this mass of marchers are perhaps half a mile distant, maybe closer, which would place them somewhere near the path you took to reach Oshirr House.

But you have more immediate concerns. About 200 feet distant you can see a number of flying figures heading towards you, gliding silently on the night air. Six or seven at best guess. In the dark it is hard to tell exactly what they are, but they look to be small humanoids, with large bat-like wings.


Mad Jack  d20=6
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 6:53:08 PM

Jack cannot see through the cloud form, but hears as the mage lands on the ground. Kneeing Trya, he flies down to the spot where the Mage sits. Since the mage is disabled, he searches the body. To any of his friends that come close, he says, "remember he said he had something powerful. Some one come here and help me search him."

Search 6

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 9:37:55 PM

Theodore remains where he is and looks on the babbling ogre. "What now?" he asks of no one in particular.

Tratain AC 23 HP 42/58 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 10:30:22 PM

Tratain keeps an eye out for more Danger. He says to his Comrades, "Something is Strange here. My Warhammer is enchanted to be deadly to Fey Creatures, yet when I struck the Ogre its enchantements came to Life. That should not have happened, unless somehow those Ogres were infused with Fey energies somehow. It makes no sense. We should go, and talk about this somewhere else."

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+14=21 d20+14=31
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:31:07 PM

Vorelle is concerned at how spread out the group is. She begins looking around, trying to figure out how to get everybody back together, and where the next danger may come from.

[Spot 21, Listen 31]

Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:16:41 AM

The sea-elf takes it all in with mouth wide open in horror. Vainly she tries to make a count of the force headed Oshirr's way. That's going to be one ugly fight.

And then there is the flicker of movement in the sky. She hisses out a warning in hushed terms as she points out the winged enemy. "We have company coming! Get under cover now! And shut that babbling idiot up!"

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL)  d20+21=26
Thursday January 5th, 2006 3:14:27 AM

Zeoll steps between Khuun and anyone who would attack the Ogre Mage or try to loot him. "This is ourr new frriend," Zeoll says. "A new frriend who knows the way to ourr destination, and who may be able to help us enterr and obtain what we need. Be nice to him, because he is a little confused!"

The confusion spell lasts 7 rounds. The charm, 7 days. The Confusion cannot be ended early.

With no trees or brushes anywhere within 40 feet, Zeoll is not sure what cover Ashira is referring to. But the solid cloud provides concealment of a sort. Zeoll steps right up to the confused ogre and begins whispering in his ear. He sings a song very softly, about hiding and being quiet and being peaceful. This is a bardic music Fascinate attempt. The Will save is a 26 (perform check). I'm hoping that the fascinate will keep the ogre calm and still under the cloud, overriding the confusion.

DM Carl: Correction 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 4:29:05 AM

Apologies, got muddled. The orange glow and path are to your east, not the west. To the west are the mountains you were heading towards The flying creatures are approaching from the east.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+6=9 d20+11=18
Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:53:55 PM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*

The ranger watches the targets closely. (Knowledge Nature 9, Spot 18)

DM Carl:  d20+3=11
Thursday January 5th, 2006 5:32:15 PM

Jack flies down and lands, and moves towards the prone ogre to search him. Before he can make much progress Zeoll intercedes, weaving a spell with a softly sung tune. The ogre gazes at his friend glassy-eyed, a line of spittle extending from his slack lower lip. He rocks quietly back and forth, completely lost in Zeoll's tune.

Tratain ponders the mystery of his Fey-bane warhammer. He also recalls that the hammer seemed to somehow bypass the ogre's damage reduction, where all other physical attacks were rebuffed. Could it be due to some special property of his warhammer?

Ashira warns of approaching danger, and Vorelle and Brahmah see it too. Seven dark figures, gliding silently towards you on leathery wings. Vorelle is just able to make out a dog-like yapping as two of them communicate quietly. The creatures are now around 120 feet away from the party, about 80 feet up, and have clearly spotted you if their direction is anything to go by.

Please let me have cell references of where you and your animal companions are.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round12.jpg

DM Carl 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 5:33:23 PM

I'll try to make the Friday post, but I'm away for a few days, and may not have internet access until Monday. We'll see...

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:58:58 PM

Theodore moves to T51, under the solid fog spell, and prepares for the oncoming enemies. "This isn't turning out so great."

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+20=40
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:51:11 AM

Vorelle takes a moment to try to conceal herself from the advancing enemy.

[Hide 40, natural 20]

Rose  d20+7=20
Friday January 6th, 2006 4:27:12 AM

Rose tries to hide in Vorelle's shadow as she quickly thinks about what she has available to use in another battle. Meanwhile Piper just flies to a tree branch and looks like a raven.

hide: 20

ooc 1: how near does Piper need to stay to keep the shared spells? She wont move out of that range.

DM Carl: Only 5 feet I'm afraid. Tghis from the SRD: Share Spells

At the master's option, he may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit.

If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master before the duration expires. Additionally, the master may cast a spell with a target of "You" on his familiar (as a touch range spell) instead of on himself.

A master and his familiar can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

ooc 2: can a spectral hand deliver both melee touch and ranged touch attacks?

DM Carl: Just melee from my reading of the spell. A ghostly, glowing hand shaped from your life force materializes and moves as you desire, allowing you to deliver low-level, touch range spells at a distance.

I've brought up the question up on the Rules board though, there is some ambiguity there.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Friday January 6th, 2006 3:54:20 PM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*

The minotaur prepares for attack. (Readies to attack, if the creatures attack)

Saturday January 7th, 2006 4:11:20 AM

Grumbling mightly, the ranger reaches onto her pack and pulls out her longbow, prepared to attack when the opportunity presents itself.

Mad Jack  d20=18
Saturday January 7th, 2006 3:10:19 PM

Zeoll tells him not to search the body for the artifact. Phaw, he continues to rummage through the body anyway. The item the mage had so lustily guarde, Jack now wanted. Out in the distance, he can hear the enemy coming, so he finishes his search and remounts Trya.

Search 18

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain, Inspire Courage on ALL) 
Sunday January 8th, 2006 12:43:08 AM

[OOC: Jack, can I make everything clear? There is no "body" for you to loot. Only an ogre mage that Zeoll has now spent two spells and two bardic musics to charm, so that we can have a guide to the enemy's keep and an escort inside. If you try to take the ogre mage's possessions, then the Charm may end, and all my work will be for nothing. The chance that a random ogre mage has the Fae King's artifact that he lent to Gargul is just about 0%! Okay?]

Zeoll is increasingly nervous. An enemy is approaching, and the liontaur can neither flee nor prepare. If he stops his song, which is taking his concentration, then the Ogre Mage will likely start babbling, or flee, or attack him.

Then the bard has a brainstorm. He slips his left hand into the ogre's hand, as friends do (free action). He uses the other hand to take out his masterwork drum, and slips its strap over his head (move action). Finally, he readies his standard action.

When the fliers are within 90 feet, Zeoll will end his song, just to start a new song a second later. This song will be loud enough, though, to carry to the fliers. Zeoll will focus his song on the Ogre Mage next to him and on two of the fliers. If any flier is larger, or has jewelry or more or better equipment, or in some other way seems a leader, Zeoll will pick it as one of the two to fascinate.

Zeoll's new song:

Woo hoo! You, too! Now hearr me trrue!
Orr all of you will be my stew!

Don't quail! Don't wail! And I'll rregale
you with a tale of grreat trravail!

All rright! This night I've had a fight!
To test my might is my delight!

This mage, in rrage, did me engage!
And crross this stage our warr did wage!

Kapow! And now I must avow!
I made him bow! I don't know how!

He frroze my nose! And I suppose
We fought as foes in dying's thrroes.

So then! Amen! We fought again!
Acrross this glen 'til who knows when!

We bled in rred! And then I said,
Why butt that head? Be frriends instead!

So gee! Now me and Khuun agrree!
We guarrantee! Grreat frriends arre we!

I pray that they who hear me say
These words will stay as friends alway!

Mad Jack 
Sunday January 8th, 2006 6:02:31 AM

OOC Sorry I forget the game is all about what your doing. I have never played with a bard before, and cant just recognize the spells you are casting. Jack would have to know you have charmed him, since it is OOC info. And of course I know that the powerful object is not with this mage, but maybe a hint, or clue to the one we search for is found with the mages'. Sorry folks, dont mean to rave.

Sunday January 8th, 2006 6:53:32 AM

OOC Sorry, me too.

DM Carl: It's in the trees, it's coming!  d20+3=13 d20+21=33 d20+23=28 d20+3=13 d20-1=9 d20-1=11 d20+3=10 d20=6
Monday January 9th, 2006 5:46:14 AM

Theo moves beneath the solid cloud. Vorelle attempts to hide, and although there is no real cover around the wily ranger is able to conceal herself pretty well in the long grass. Rose attempts to follow suit, but Vorelle doesn't leave much of a shadow to hide in. (OOC: Loretta, I've answered your two questions in your post above.)

Brahmah stands, falchions at the ready, as the flyers approach the party, the remnants of the war party, and the abandoned catapult.

Jack is able to rummage through the ogre mage's pockets as he sits staring stupidly at Zeoll. Zhuun stirs a little, but Zeoll is able to hold his attention (OOC: Made an additional Perform check for Zeoll, Khuun failed his save).

Unfortunately Jack finds nothing of interest on the fat ogre. Just a half-eaten rabbit, a pouch of sharp-smelling herbs and a number of polished stones. Whatever the ogre was talking about when he mentioned a secret weapon to use against Oshirr House, he doesn't seem to be carrying it. Perhaps he meant the catapult. Jack remounts his steed, ready for battle.

Zeoll then stops his song, and begins it afresh, this time targeting two of the creatures approaching as well as Khuun. Khuun remains in his stupor, and two flyers begin to descend, wide-eyed. (They all appear pretty similar, so Zeoll hits the closest two, k6 and k7, with his song).

Their companions, who look to be some sort of flying kobolds, yap and growl at their goggle-eyed fellows, to no avail. The remaining kobolds fly on, making right for you. They are brandishing spears, but do not attack yet.

From within the stinking cloud you hear the goblin continuing to lose the remnants of his dinner. Doesn't look like he's going anywhere soon. To the north you hear the gentle snores of the sleeping goblin Theo zapped (P18). He's likely to be out cold for several more minutes.

And then it happens. Just as you think you have the full measure of the attack, the bark of the trees nearby begins to bulge, swell and split. From out of each of the four trees in the near vicinity, a goblin appears! (g1-4) They wield morningstars, and are ready for battle!

(OOC: DM Error in your Favour: D'oh! I've been forgetting Khuun's Spell Resistance! I thought you were giving him more problems than I'd expected! Fair warning: from this round on, any spells or spell-like abilities cast on Khuun will require a caster level check (d20 plus caster level) DC 19 to affect the ogre mage. I'll let it slide this round as it was my error.)

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round13.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain)  d20+24=38 d20+23=34
Monday January 9th, 2006 6:57:34 AM

Note that Zeoll's Inspire Courage has expired.

Zeoll keeps singing, knowing that its distracting power will end if combat breaks out. He alters his song to include sung messages to his friends and the new monsters (sorry, no time to compose verse!):

We should all be friends! There is no need to fight! Look at what good friends Khuun and I are! Do not attack each other!

Diplomacy 38, Perform 34.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Monday January 9th, 2006 11:11:04 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2
2)bear's endurance*

Brahmah appoaches Zeoll's position and readies to protect his friend.

Mad Jack 
Monday January 9th, 2006 8:33:26 PM

Jack spurs Trya into motion. He gains flight to about 50 feet, and flies back towards his friends.

Fly to V40

Vorelle  d20+11=12 d20+11=23 d20+6=19 d8+1=3 d8+1=2
Monday January 9th, 2006 8:58:26 PM

Emerging from her cover, Vorelle takes three quick shots at one of the goblins [g3].

[Hit AC 12, which I assume misses. Hit AC 23 for 3 damage; hit AC 19 for 2 damage]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Monday January 9th, 2006 10:50:08 PM

(OOC - Is that big brown square to the west the catapult? If so:)

"I'm going to take a look at that. If I can, I'll set it on fire," he says to Zeoll before moveing west. Theodore takes a double move to J51.

(If it's not the catapult:)

Theodore hunkers down and prepares for the oncoming enemies. "We can't sit around here forever, Macaw."

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 12:27:12 AM

Rose smiles as she thinks of something to do "Here Vorelle this will help you" She says as she reaches out to touch Vorell just before Vorelle shoots.

cast Heroisim on Vorelle (hopefully it will affect her roll above)

Vorelle gets a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 7:55:50 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2*
2)bear's endurance*

Brahmah casts Entangle on the tree, AG38, in hopes to catch the creature.

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 11:02:34 AM

Ashira spits. Lovely, just lovely. But once more she waits on Zeoll to see if his magic works...which she doubts it will, considering others are attacking... Just to be sure, she moves forward to stop the aggressors if they advance (Y40).

DM Carl: Commander Krun's Flying Loincloths  d20+1=15 d20+2=9 d20+2=14 d20+2=3 d20+2=11 d20+2=14 d20+2=13 d20+2=19
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 12:55:08 PM

Zeoll attempts to persuade the onrushing assailants that they need not fight. Though his song continues to hold Zhuun in its thrall (he is so confused he can't tell friend from foe, let alone the intricacies of the developing power play) the rest are not so easily fooled.

Brahmah moves to protect Zeoll and catches one of the emerging goblins (g3) in his spell. The goblin is still able to move, but only slowly. He drags his feet through the undergrowth angrily, but is unable to get clear of the entanglement area this round.

Jack takes off and prepares for battle, as Ashira takes up a defensive position. Rose casts a spell on Vorelle, who then unleashes three arrows at a goblin (g3). Two find their mark, but bounce harmlessly off. More magically toughened skin? What could that mean?

Theo has a sudden brainwave, and makes a dash for the discarded catapult.

Theo, if you make a spot check DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {nearby you see a couple of discarded net bags containing several large rocks each. And closer to you a large flagon, dropped on the ground.}

The two fascinated kobolds (k6 and k7) snarl and take off as the others continue to advance. They do not engage yet though, moving to 40ft altitude and slowing. The kobolds bark and yap to one another.

If you make a spot check DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {One kobold (k7) points at Theo with some urgency}

If you understand Draconic Highlight to display spoiler: {

k7 says "Look! Human heading for weapon! Stop it, or Commander Krun have our hides for loincloths!"

k3 says "Attack flying horse first! Flying enemy dangerous!"

k1, 2 and 4 say "Yes! Easy kill!" "No! Save secret weapon!" "Yes! Get horse!"

The goblins draw closer. Suddenly Tratain feels a wave of exhaustion strike him, and must struggle to keep his eyes open (Deep Slumber from g1: Will save DC 13 or Sleep).

Ashira feels the same magical effect, but in her case it strikes her twice as two goblins close on her position (g2 and g3). (Will save DC 13 twice or sleep).

(OOC: It looks like Joe is unable to post right now. Can someone take over Tratain until he's back? Let me know and I'll mail you his sheet. Thanks!

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round14.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 8:22:07 PM

Zeoll has no choice but to continue fascinating the ogre mage until the confusion wears off. How long will that be? (sorry Carl, I've lost track of the rounds)

But he takes the opportunity to move to 54V.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=23 d20+5=14
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 9:57:15 PM

Theodore notices the rocks and flagon about the catapult. (Spot 23) He takes a moment to pull out a couple of tindertwigs before bending down to take a closer look at the flagon.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+16=24 d8+2=8
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:05:03 PM

Vorelle grimaces in annoyance as her arrows once again fail to do damage. Then she remembers that these creatures may have something to do with the Fae King....

She re-positions herself, getting a little closer to one of the goblins. This time, when she reaches into her quiver, she takes one of her Cold Iron arrows. She sets it to the string and fires.

[Move to T-38 and shoot at G2. Hit AC 24 for 8 points Cold Iron damage.]

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87 X37  d20+12=20 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+14=31 d20+14=21 2d8(8+7)+8=23
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:39:52 PM

Ashira feels the tingle of the magic, and her human side longs to curl up and take a nice nap. But her elven blood easily pushes the magic aside.

With a sinister smile, she moves over and engages the front line goblin (g2). Her longsword slices down with expert precision, and she is pleased with the results (AC31/21 crit?? for 23 points).

DM Carl: The sleep effect is normal, Ashira is indeed immune

Rose  d20+10=20
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 1:45:13 AM

Rose quickly casts a spell on herself then follows Vorelle.

cast expeditious retreat on self, not shared. Moving to T37

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours (shared with piper)
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes (shared with piper)
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round for 5 min

Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks

Mad Jack  d20+32=37 d6+5=7 d6=3
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 1:54:11 AM

Wheeling Trya ack focuses on a perimeter Kobold. K1 at Z37. Jack unleashes a mighty war cry as he attacks the beast and rides on by.
Fly to AB 31, wheel and ready to attack again.

Cast True Strike, verbal only no ASF.
Hit AC 37
Damage 10 (+1 Magic Greatsword)

(0)-9-DC13-Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Read Magic, Detect Magic
(1)-9-DC14-Mage Armor, True Strike, Shocking Grasp, Protect /Evil *-2 True Strikes*
(2)-7-DC15-Scorching Ray,Cats Grace

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:17:04 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

(OOC:I'm not exactly clear as to distance the flyers are above the ground.)

DM Carl: They are all 40 ft up

The ranger casts his last prepared Entangle on Y44.

(OOC: Sorry in advance to any party member I might catch in it. Usually, in combat situations, one doesn't have time to look to see who is doing what.)

Tratain: Subbed by Carl  d20+13=17 d20+14=19 d8+6=12 2d6(4+3)=7
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 12:18:22 PM

(OOC: I'd like a volunteer to play Tratain until Joe returns please.)

Tratain shrugs of the magical sleep with ease, and prepares to strike should the goblin come within range (readied attack, AC 19, HP 19).

DM Carl: Wave 2  d20+1=13 d20+3=20 d20+3=12 d6=4 d20+1=19 d6-1=5 d20=12
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 12:34:13 PM

Zeoll decides to use his newfound friend as cover. He peeks out from behind Khuun's portly belly as the battle is joined. Throughout it all Khuun sits there drooling and rocking to the song, a big stupid grin on his big stupid face. Up this close his bodily odour is almost overpowering (The Confusion ends at the end of next round, Cayzle).

Theo examines the flagon. It appears to be full of some sort of thick, viscous liquid.

Vorelle repositions and lets loose a cold iron arrow. It punches through the goblin's neck (g2) with ease, leaving it pawing at the mortal wound. It does not have long to contemplate its plight, however. Ashira steps up and sends its head flying from its shoulders. She feels the magical toughness once again, but it is no match for her mighty blow.

Rose casts her spell and moves alongside Vorelle.

Jack flies towards a kobold, takes a swing and flies on. The kobold falls from the sky in his wake, blood spraying from the gash to its chest.

Brahmah casts entangle once more, but the flying creatures are far too high to be ensnared (flyers are 40 feet up, as mentioned last post).

Tratain waits patiently as a goblin charges towards him screaming, then plants a blow to its head with his cold iron, Fey-bane warhammer that crushes its skull like an eggshell.

Seeing their comrade cut out of the air the majority of the kobolds decide against engaging Jack and his flying steed. Instead they make directly for Theodore! None are able to attack this turn, however.

Only one brave (or particularly stupid) kobold chases after Jack. Maybe he's not so stupid after all; he targets Tyra instead of Jack, stabbing wickedly at the beautiful steed's hindquarters with his spear (hits AC 19 for 5HP).

The goblin who had been wading through Brahmah's area of entanglement (g3) now finds himself stuck fast. Growling he draws his javelin and hurls it at Ashira . The ranger is able twist out of the way sufficiently that the strike is a glancing one; it bounces harmlessly off her armour. The other goblin draws close enough to hurl his own javelin, but it sails well wide.

Then the bark of the nearby trees begins to warp and bulge once more, and out of the four trees four more goblins appear! (g5-8)

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round15.jpg

Mad Jack AC119 64 HP  d20+13=23 2d6(1+6)+5=12 2d8(2+1)=3 d8=6
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 5:25:05 PM

Jack laughs menacing at the little creature. Swinging his greatsword in a large arc he brings it down on the poor beast. Then he reaches back into his sack and pulls out his wand. He taps Trya neck gently 3 times to ensure she is healed completely. Then he places the wand back in the bag, again fascinated at the magic. Anything he wanted was always on top.

Hit AC 23 12 damage
CLW 3 times 9 points healed on Trya

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 6:33:26 PM

"Vorelle, do you have anything that will set those trees on fire?" Rose asks. As she casts a spell to see if she can tell why the goblins seem to appear from the trees.

Casting see invisible on self, shared with piper

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours (shared with piper)
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes (shared with piper)
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round for 5 min
See invisible: 50 min
Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+15=26 d8+1=7
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 8:30:35 PM

Vorelle smiles when she sees that her shot harmed the goblin. "C-c-c-c-cold iron," she calls to the others in what for her is a very loud voice. In absolute terms, it's perhaps a bit soft for carrying the length of a battlefield. But she's trying.

When Rose asks her for something to set the trees on fire, she takes a moment to dig into her backpack, retrieve a torch, and drop it on the ground at her feet. No, it isn't terribly useful, but it's what she has.

She shifts position slightly, and shoots another of her precious cold iron arrows, this time aiming for G4.

[I think I can do all that. Speaking is a free action. Retrieving an item is a move-equivalent action; dropping an item is a free action. Add a 5-foot step to U-38, and I still have a standard action to shoot G4. Hit AC 26 for 7 damage.]

Zeoll  d20+7=20
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 9:16:59 PM

The bard continues to try to fascinate the ogre mage, for this last round. He also tries to insinuate a Suggestion into his song (the Bard power). He suggests that the ogre has to protect Zeoll and help him get back to Lord Gargullus's headquarters as soon as possible.

(Will Save DC18, magic resist may come into play? If so, I think that means Zeoll has to roll a d20+7 ... he gets a 20)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 9:31:16 PM

"A little help!!" Theodore hollers as he sees the kobolds bearing down on him. He maintains the presence of mind to strike the two tindertwigs. He tosses one on the front of the catapult and moves around the corner of the catapult and holds this one to the catapult, making sure that it catches.

Tratain AC 23 HP 42/58  d20+14=27 d20+14=19 d8+6=11 d8+6=9 2d6(2+3)=5 2d6(5+5)=10
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 9:35:34 PM

Tratain takes a step to L49 and swings His Warhammer at the goblin, taking not to see if His Warhammer effects them like it did the Ogre and First Goblin.

(First Attack Hits AC 27 For 11 Physical and 5 Bane Damage.
Second Attack Hits AC 19 For 9 Physical and 10 Bane Damage)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 9:36:30 PM

Oops, Please DIsreguard that post, I mistook my position for Theo's :)

Tratain AC 23 HP 42/58 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 9:39:03 PM

Tratain Moves Over and Across to Square Q36, Ready to head in the direction of whichever party member should need help.

Ashira AC 21 HP 66/87 X35  d20+14=33 d20+14=21 2d8(4+3)+8=15
Thursday January 12th, 2006 12:43:52 AM

Since she's too far away to help out Theo, Ashira decides to work on the newcomers. She strides over to her next lucky opponent (g6) and slices once more with her longsword. Once again she aims well and is happy with her strike (AC33/21 crit? for 15). Still she knows they can't go at this forever. "Zeoll, we can't do this all night. We've got to wrap this up." She calls out to her comrade.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11) 
Thursday January 12th, 2006 6:57:52 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

The minotaur makes a b-line (running) for Theo, who seems in the most need of assistance. "What can I help with? You think this thing will work to launch me at them?" He asks with a semi-serious tone.

DM Carl: Puce is the Colour  d20+1=21 d20+1=4 d20+1=5 d20+2=21 d20+2=4 d6=4 d20+1=14 d20=8 d20=6 d20=20 d20+3=5 d4+1=3 d20-1=5
Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:43:01 PM

Jack takes a swing at the kobold facing him (k3) and connects. The blow takes a wing and most of one arm off, sending the small beast shrieking to its death. Jack then draws out a healing wand and prepares to use it.

(Dave, The attack was a standard action. Retrieving any specific item from a handy haversack is a move action, but it does not provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does. That's all your actions used for the round, if you want to cure Trya it will have to wait until next round I'm afraid.)

Rose casts her spell and peers at the trees in the dim moonlight. She sees no evidence of any invisible creatures nearby. It really looked as if those goblins emerged from the inside of those trees somehow.

Vorelle drops a torch, takes a step and fires (at g4). The arrow lodges in the goblin's shoulder, but doesn't take him down.

Zeoll attempts to use the power of Suggestion on the ogre mage, but the big guy's mind isn't all there, and right now he is pretty much incapable of understanding what Zeoll is saying, even though he knows he likes him, and that his song is pretty (I'll allow the Suggestion attempt once the Confusion effect ends, Cayzle).

Theodore, aware of the incoming thrteat, tosses a tinderwig onto the catapult, then tries to get the second one to light it from behind cover. But tindertwigs are designed to light dry kindling or flammable substances; using them to set fire to this immense treated timber construction is akin to dropping matches onto a grand piano. It's not going to light up without some highly flammable material to help it on its way. If only you had some.

Tratain moves towards the heart of the action, and Brahmah races to Theo's side.

It's a good thing for Theodore that he does; three yapping kobolds (k2, k4 and k5) swoop down upon him instead of Theo. Two stabs are feeble in the extreme, the third bounces harmlessly off Brahmah's armour. They are still in flight, but now only 10 feet off the ground, well within the large minotaur's reach.

The two injured goblins (g4 and g6) attack Ashira, and this time the agile ranger is not quite quick enough. A morningstar draws blood as it slams into her shoulder (4hp).

The two goblins in Brahmah's area of entanglement (g3 and g8) find themselves stuck fast. One hurls a javelin at Vorelle, but it flies hopelessly wide.

Finally, having spent the entire battle stuck and vomiting, one of the original goblins staggers out of the entanglment and stinking fog (4). He is still convulsing with the dry heaves, his skin a delicate shade of puce.

The Stinking Cloud, as if to rub salt into the goblin's wounds, dissipates into nothingness behind him. Khuun blinks and shakes his head as his Confusion finally lifts.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round16.jpg

Mad Jack  d8=2 d8=7
Thursday January 12th, 2006 5:00:19 PM

Jack taps the wand twice on Tryas neck, healing the damage caused by the flying beast. Then he places the wand back into the sack. As he was doing this he flyes Trya over to where Ashira is, hovering just aboove the 2 goblins attacking the elf.

OOC Thanks, I was a little confused with all I could or not do, so best to do more than u think, right? haha

Zeoll  d20+5=24
Thursday January 12th, 2006 9:24:33 PM

Zeoll uses the suggestion on his new pal this time. (see above). Maybe a good way to protect us would be to call off these attacking small fry.

Chr check to urge him to do something he otherwise might not do ... 24 woot!

Oh, and is Khuun wounded? If so, how badly?

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (dodge & mage armor & total defense) 
Thursday January 12th, 2006 9:29:19 PM

Theodore moves to pick up the flagon, I hope this is oil, he thinks before dousing the catapult. (Using the total defense to get +4 AC. If I can't pick up the flagon and douse the catapult as one action, I'll just pick up the flagon, dousing next round.)

Rose  d20+10=14 d4+4=7 d20+9=16
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:50:33 PM

rose looks at the torch helplessly, it wouldnt be very good to set the trees on fire even if it was lit, and its not. she gives up on that idea and starts shooting arrows at the goblins.

Piper flies right over Rose's head (within 5') and looks for invisible creatures and anyother threats.

shoot g6 using magic +1 bow.
attack: 14, +1 point blank
damage: 7, +1 point blank
piper spot: 16

feats used
point blank shot
precise shot
quick draw

Rose hp: 49/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours (shared with piper)
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes (shared with piper)
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round for 5 min
See invisible: 50 min
Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Ashira AC 21 HP 62/87 X35  d20+12=22 d20+7=10 d20+11=21 d20+3=6 d8+4=12 d6+3=8
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:53:11 PM

Barely noticing the wound, Ashira retaliates. "Come on boys, I've got a date and I don't want my armor all messed up." she quips as she launches her attack (AC22 for 12, AC21 for 8).

OOC: What happened with Ashira's attack last round, got no feedback.

DM Carl: Wow, sorry, could have sworn I typed a section on that! Perhaps I deleted it by accident. Damage reduction absorbed some of the blow, the remainder wounded him quite badly, but he's still standing.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)
  d20+13=15 d20+15=30 d20+15=26 d20+8=21 d20+10=14 2d4(3+3)+7=13 2d4(4+2)+7=13 d6+4=9 d6+4=8 2d4(4+2)+7=13
Friday January 13th, 2006 9:07:21 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

Brahmah attacks the flyers (k2, k4 and k5), splitting his attacks needed.
(hits AC 15, 30(crit 26), 21 and 14 for 13, 9(22 if crit), 13, and 8 damage)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+15=35 d20+15=16 d8+1=2 d20+10=21 d8+1=5
Friday January 13th, 2006 9:20:48 AM

Vorelle takes out another of her cold iron arrows, firing this time at the goblin who just emerged from the stinking cloud. It's a good shot. [Hit AC 35, critical threat, confirm to AC 16 so probably not. 2 damage.]

If the goblin is still up, she takes a second shot at him with another cold iron arrow. If he goes down, she switches targets to K7. [Hit AC 21 for 5 damage.]

She has one cold iron arrow left.

DM Carl: And they called it kitty love...  d20+1=9 d20+1=17 d20+3=19 d20+3=4 d20+3=6 d20+3=7 d20=16 d20=14
Friday January 13th, 2006 12:23:05 PM

Jack uses his wand, curing 2 HP (Only one standard action per round Dave! One wand use is one standard action. Replacing the wand is a move action; I'll let you decide in your next post if you have returned it to your pack or kept it in hand to heal more next round). Tyra flies towards Ashira.

Zeoll attempts to suggest that Zhuun intervenes, but the big ogre isn't interested, wanting to gaze lovingly into Zeoll's golden eyes rather than get involved with all that shouting and fighting (Spell resistance beaten with that check from last round. But Zhuun makes a Will save 19. I make the Suggestion DC 18 (10+2+6). "Pussycat pretty!" rumbles the ogre mage.

Ashira backs up her bold words with action: her first blow drops one goblin (g6) and her second leaves another (g4) bleeding heavily. His riposte is clumsy and goes wide.

Rose and Vorelle let fly with arrows. Rose misses, but Vorelle has more luck. Two cold iron arrows thud into the vomiting creature's belly, eliciting a shriek of pain. He's still standing, but still incapable of anything beyond hacking up last night's raw rat.

Moving closer to Rose Piper sees no hidden foes, invisible or otherwise.

Theo makes a dash for the flagon, ducking under the spears of two kobolds as he goes (attracted two AoOs, both miss). He picks it up and unstoppers it, ready to pour it over the catapult next round.

Then Brahmah lets rip, his blades flashing out in a devastating blur of steel. Kobold bodies burst and rupture in their path, blood spraying everywhere, and all three fall dead at his feet.

The two approaching kobolds (k6 and k7) take one look at Brahmah's display, exchange glances, then climb frantically (Now at 30 feet). As they go they prepare their slings, then aim and fire at Theodore. But the minotaur's prowess have unnerved them utterly. One misses by miles, the other manages to wrap his sling around his own foot (nat 1, no attack next round).

Two more approaching goblins use their magical powers, one (g7) at Ashira (who is able to shrug off the sleep attack due to her elven heritage), the other (g5) at Rose (Rose needs to make a Will save DC 13 or succumb to Deeper Slumber).

Both ensnared goblins struggle to free themselves but fail.

Now Piper, keeping close watch, does see something. The trees being to bulge and split once more. There can be no doubt, there is no invisibility at work here: four more goblins have burst out of the very hearts of the trees, which then resealed themselves. Will these waves of enemies never end?

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round17.jpg

Mad Jack  d8=3
Friday January 13th, 2006 11:30:48 PM

OOC Ok, ok, you dont ant me to heal my horse, I get it. Conspiracies everywhere I tell you.

Jack continues to hold the wand in one hand, and his sword in the other. He makes Trya land next to Ashira and taps her on the shoulder with the wand.3points healed.

Ashira AC 21 HP 65/87 X35 or Z36  d20+12=29 d20+12=31 2d8(5+6)+8=19 d20+7=13 d20+11=26 d20+3=12 d6+3=9
Friday January 13th, 2006 11:44:09 PM

The ranger smiles at the arrival of Mad Jack and the healiing touch. "And I thought you didn't care." she murmurs.

Ashira rolls her eyes at the attack by the goblin in front of her. "Hardly worth my time..." she grunts as she dispatches yet another goblin (AC29/31 crit. for 19...if that doesn't kill it, AC 26 for 9). She sighs wearily at the arrival of the new goblins. "It's gonna be a long night..." she grumbles. Depending on how much effort she had to expend on killing g6, Ashira will advance toward her next vitim (g7...assuming she didn't have to use the full attack to kill g6).

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Saturday January 14th, 2006 12:15:47 AM

Zeoll smiles at his new friend and starts casting a spell. It is Summon Nature's Ally II, cast spontaneously. It will take the whole round to cast. When Zeoll is done, at the start of his turn next round, a fire elemental will appear in square O54. He'll command it next turn, but odds are he'll have it attack the catapult.

8 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: [Animal Trance], Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Mad Jack 
Saturday January 14th, 2006 3:58:01 PM

OOC just reread my post, I want the 3 points of healing to go to Ashira, not the horse.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+16=35 d8+2=10 d20+10=16 d8+1=2
Sunday January 15th, 2006 1:52:20 PM

With considerable regret, Vorelle pulls out the last of her cold iron arrows and fires it at 4. Her next shot is aimed at 4 (if he's still up), or at g7 (if 4 goes down).

[Hit AC 35 for 10 damage; hit AC 16 for 2 damage]

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)  d20+10=12
Monday January 16th, 2006 9:59:32 AM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

Unable to reach the kobolds, Brahmah looks around for some catapult ammunition; stones, iron balls, sand bags etc....

If he finds ammo, he'll try to hit the flyers, likely missing horribly.
(hitting AC 12)

If not he turns to Theo. "Can you make me fly or hover?"

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58 
Monday January 16th, 2006 9:59:52 AM

Seeing that Brahmah and Theo seem to have the two goblins near them under control Tratain moves to X36 and prepares to help with the goblins there.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (dodge & mage armor & total defense) 
Monday January 16th, 2006 4:17:50 PM

Theodore tosses the liquid from the flagon onto the catapult and tosses his tindertwig on, hoping for the best.

(Total defense again.)

DM Carl: Like a Huge Flaming Beacon  d20+3=7 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+8=28 d20+3=19 d6=4 d20+3=16 d20+1=17 d20=7 d20=16 d20+3=19 d6=4
Monday January 16th, 2006 7:08:49 PM

Jack heals Ashira, provoking an Attack of Opportunity as he does so. The goblin (g4) doesn't get close though.

Ashira, appreciating Jack's tender ministrations, lashes out at the creature. The blow near cuts him in half and he falls with a look of incredulity on his face. She moves towards the next goblin (g7), who is looking more than a little nervous at her martial display and the rapidly approaching Tratain.

Vorelle's arrow catches her target (4) in the thigh. It is a deep wound, but the goblin is still standing. Indeed, he is looking as if he might be finally shaking off the effects of that stinking cloud.

Rose easily shakes off the goblin's sleep effect (Rose, I rolled your Will save, Nat. 20)

Brahmah quickly sees that tossing the large rocks at overhead foes is impractical. Those things are over a foot in diameter, selected to be flung out of as siege engine. Hitting a foe flittering about tens of feet above your head is going to be near-impossible. He calls to Theo instead, but the mage is too busy setting fire to the catapult. His stratagem finally pays off; the sticky oil (which was no doubt intended to be applied to the rocks and lit before firing) bursts into flames the instant the tindertwig is applied. Theo and Brahmah will need to move away from it next round as the flames grow higher, or risk getting burned.

The kobolds flying above Theo howl in horror as their secret weapon goes up in flames. They rain sling stones down on the mage in fury, but Theo is too agile for them.

The goblins close in. One (g5) moves up to Rose and takes a swing, connecting with AC 19 for 4HP. Another (g11) aims a blow at Jack which catches AC 19 for 4 HP.

Ashira's intended target decides to take the initiative, swinging desperately. In his panic he misses the nimble ranger.

The nearest entangled goblin (g3) hurls another javelin, which also sails wide. His two trapped companions struggle to free themselves without success.

Zeoll summoning is finally complete: a flaming figure appears halfway towards the now-blazing catapult. He notices that Khuun has received a couple of minor nicks and cuts, but nothing serious (apologies, missed that last round).

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round18.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 12:32:50 AM

Zeoll calls for a general retreat. "Come on, frriends! This way! It is time forr us to deparrt!"

He instructs the fire elemental to fight and delay any creatures that follow or attack them.

He says, "Come on, Khuun! You, me, and my frriends must get away beforre that bonfirre attrracts enemies! If you know any quick way to delay or distrract those trrying to follow us, please help as best you can!"

Takes a double move south.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+14=23 d20+14=34 d20+14=28 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d8+2=3 3d8(6+3+3)+4=16 3d8(2+3+5)+4=14
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:14:05 AM

Her cold arrows gone, Vorelle now uses her Rapid Shot ability. More arrows in the air means more chances to actually do damage to her target. She keeps shooting at the same goblin until he drops, then shifts to target one of the other goblins.

[Targeting 4: hit AC 23 for 3 damage; hit AC 34 (critical threat), confirmed to AC 28 for 16 damage. If 4 drops, she five-foots to T-38 and targets g9. Hit AC 29 (critical threat), confirmed to AC 19. That's 14 damage if it's a crit, 4 damage if it isn't.]

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 3:40:03 PM

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

The minotaur waves Theo away and moves East to meet Zeoll and Khuun.

Mad Jack AC119 60/64 HP  d20+12=25 2d6(5+1)+5=11
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 4:34:45 PM

Jack hurries and places his wand in the sack, while raising his sword to strike. When the sword it held high he reaches with his other hand and grabbing with both hands brings the blade down on the creature.

Attack G11 Hit AC 25 11 damage.
I only made one attack due to placing wand in sack. Hope that works, if not no attack.

(0)-9-DC13-Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Read Magic, Detect Magic
(1)-9-DC14-Mage Armor, True Strike, Shocking Grasp, Protect /Evil *-2 True Strikes*
(2)-7-DC15-Scorching Ray,Cats Grace

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:14:02 PM

Tratain makes a double moves south keeping up with Zeoll, he is ready to intercept any goblins that should follow the party away.

DM Carl 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:37:29 PM

I'll hold until I have some more posts.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (dodge & mage armor & total defense) 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:36:50 PM

Theodore throws his arms over his face and runs south from the blaze and away from the kobolds.

(Total defense, so moves 30')

Ashira AC 21 HP 65/87  d20+14=20 d8+4=6
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:58:46 AM

Nodding, Ashira takes a whack at the goblin in front of her before departing (AC20 for 6). She calls out to Vorelle. "C'mon Vorelle, we're done here. Let's get going."

Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:30:45 AM

Continues moving.

(OOC: Sorry about the one round double post, but I have to post now or I likely won't get one.)

DM Carl: Run away! Run away!  d20+3=14 d20+3=10 d20+3=13 d20+3=17 d20+3=17 d20+3=12 d20+3=5 d20+3=20 d6=1 d6=4
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:58:21 AM

Sending his summoned elemental to cover the retreat Zeoll races away from the battlescene, perhaps concerned that the burning catapult will draw more opponents. On the plus side, every goblin you kill is one less for the embattled inhabitants of Oshirr House to worry about.

Brahmah, Tratain and Theo follow the fleeing Wemic.

Ashira nicks her opponent (g7), then turns to run. The goblin lunges at her but misses.

Vorelle continues to pump arrows into the enemy, finally taking down the goblinoid pincushion (4), and then turning her attention to another victim (g9). Her arrow lodges in his bicep, but does not take him down.

Jack puts his wand away and whacks at his own foe (g11) drawing blood and furious squeals.

The goblins draw in close, grinning as the surround their opponents. Rose is nicked (by g9 for 1HP) and Jack is also hit (by g7, +2 flanking bonus, 4HP damage). The others cannot get close. Theo continues to dance through the slingstones that thud down around him.

Those still in the combat zone are able to see the four trees swell once again: another four goblins appear! How many of these things are there?

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round19.jpg

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain) 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 7:08:02 PM

Zeoll casts a Lullaby cantrip placed so as to affect g9 and g5 but not any of his friends (Will save 18).

Then he moves another 40 feet south, hoping that his friends will wise up and follow!

Mad Jack AC119 56/64 HP  d20+8=21 d20+8=18 2d6(5+2)+5=12 2d6(5+4)+5=14 d20+12=13 d20+8=15
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 8:05:13 PM

Jack wonders to himself where all these goblin appeared from. He was smaking one, and 3 more have appeared. The screeching of the beast in front of him is going to drive him crazy, so he attacks it first. (OOPS, Nat 1) Missing badly he strikes at it again. This time he finds his blade strikes the east, hopefully putting it out of its misery.

OOC Last map G11 was only one in my area. G7, and G10 came after i attacked, so I think I should get AoO's on them, because of Combat Reflex feat.
Hit AC 21 G7 for 12 dam
Hit AC 18 G10 for 14 dam
So first attack this round was nat 1, if i drop my sword or whatnot, ignore the second strike i guess.

0)-9-DC13-Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Read Magic, Detect Magic
(1)-9-DC14-Mage Armor, True Strike, Shocking Grasp, Protect /Evil *-2 True Strikes*
(2)-7-DC15-Scorching Ray,Cats Grace

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 8:16:10 PM

Theodore takes a double move south, forgetting about defense for the moment. He hazards a look back to see the conflagration and see how his allies are biding.

Thursday January 19th, 2006 12:31:09 AM

The ranger pauses in horror as Rose, Vorelle and Jack stay behind. "Come on, let's go!" she yells as she waits to back them up from the advancing goblins.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 1:04:26 AM

Startled, Vorelle looks up and realizes that the little group is in retreat. Following suit, she pulls back.

[Withdraw to T-44]

DM Carl: Sub Rosa 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 7:34:45 AM

Looks like Rose has not posted for a while now. I've emailed Loretta (Rose) and have had no response yet.

Unless you want to see your companion surrounded and very slowly chopped to bits I'd like a sub for her urgently please! I can email you the CS.


Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:31:12 AM

Rose takes a quick look around "Zeoll have the elemental attack the trees the goblins are coming from!" She says as she starts running.

Rose will run 50' to R47

ooc: sorry for not posting. for some reason I've been sleeping about 15hrs/day and I havent touched my computer in the last few days. I would have posted yesterday but my sister is dogsitting for friends and her back has been troubling her more than usual so she had me stay there why she waited at the doctors all day for a cancellation.

Rose hp: 48/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours (shared with piper)
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes (shared with piper)
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round for 5 min
See invisible:
50 min
Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:36:15 AM

OOC: DM's, you moved me wrong. I said I wanted to move east toward Zeoll. Your moving me away.

Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:37:10 AM

fixing last post. Rose is running and I forgot that speed is x4 so she'll run from T37 to R77

1 square = 5'
can move (with spell) 50' or 10 sq
run is 10*4 or 40 sq

DM Carl: Mad Jack Surrounded  d20-1=13 d20-1=13 d20+3=7 d20+3=22 d6=5 d20+3=17 d20+3=21 d20+3=14 d20+3=5 d20+3=16 d6=3 d6=6 d6=4 d20+3=19 d6=6 d20+1=14 d20+1=5 d20+1=20 d20+1=11
Thursday January 19th, 2006 4:48:06 PM

Zeoll sings his soporific song and both his targets find themselves having a hard time staying focused (Concentration check if you do anything distracting please). Khuun continues to lope along behind the Wemic like an obedient puppy.

Moving like greased lightning Rose suddenly bolts, racing past Ashira, Tratain and Vorelle. Her retreat is not without a price however: she catches a nasty blow in the back as she turns to run (AoO from g5 for 5 HP). She almost reaches Zeoll just as Brahmah arrives.

Jay Highlight to display spoiler: {Hi Jay. You posted this:

Jay: OOC: DM's, you moved me wrong. I said I wanted to move east toward Zeoll. Your moving me away.

DM Carl: But Zeoll wasn't east! Zeoll had moved 80 feet south last turn to W69. I moved Brahamah in his general direction as you had posted you wanted to move towards Zeoll and Khuun. This turn you move south east and end up near Zeoll. To avoid confusion in future please specify a cell reference, then there is no possibility of misunderstanding. Thanks!

As instructed the Fire Elemental moves to cover the party's retreat. It slams a flaming appendage at a goblin but misses (g9). The goblin is not so inaccurate; its spiked Morningstar crashes into the fiery creature, sending up a shower of sparks (6HP).

Jack nearly takes his own head off, so wayward is his blow, but he wrestles his sword back under control. The approaching goblins do not provoke extra attacks. (Moving away without withdrawing or performing a distracting action incur an AoO, Dave. Moving into combat does not. http://d20srd.org/srd/combat/attacksOfOpportunity.htm#moving)

The goblins swarm around Jack. One calls out some guttural words (if you speak Goblin Highlight to display spoiler: {"Human goin' ta get away! Kill the flyin' horse, then it's trapped!"}). The others respond with wicked grins and close in.

Tyra finds all attacks focused in his direction, and three blows land (total 13 HP damage). Then a wave of tiredness washes over the Pegasus (will save DC 13 or Trya is asleep, though standing).

The entangled goblins continue to struggle to free themselves. One nearly fights his way free.

The kobolds look from the remnants of the battle to the flaming catapult, and then glance at each other. With a mutual nod of agreement they turn tail and flee west, away from you and the assault on Oshirr House.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/round20.jpg

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 10:18:01 PM

Theodore stops for a moment to look back and see that Jack is surrounded.

"Come on, Jack! Get out of there!" he hollers.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=21 d8+1=6
Thursday January 19th, 2006 11:55:06 PM

Hoping to help Jack, Vorelle fires a shot at one of the goblins, then continues to retreat.

[Fire at g5; hit AC 21 for 6 damage. Move to Q-49]

Mad Jack AC119 56/64 HP Trya 21/34hp  d20=3 d20=19
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:26:29 AM

Jack is becoming surrounded. He would not care so much, for some reason his comrades are all running in the other direction. Kowing that he has to move away now, he turns Trya to the right, where no goblin is and kicks hard in the loins, not that the mare needed the prodding. These beasts seemed to be attacking her, and not him.

OOC Trya Will save 3, spent hero point for 19. I cant find if she had a plus or not, but 19 should pass. Sorry about the AoO, it happened in Dit City, and they gave me the attack. I best try and fly out of there, even though I count 5 AoO's from the enemy.

Friday January 20th, 2006 12:55:54 AM

Zeoll watches Jack try to make his escape. He waits to see if his friend succeeds. If he does, he'll keep moving. If he does not, He will rally his friends to go to the rescue.

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)
Friday January 20th, 2006 11:26:25 AM

OOC: As of Monday January 16th, 2006 6:08:49 PM, Zeoll WAS east of Brahmah, unless the map is not situated north-south. The reason no cords where given was the topography, if those lines are topography lines? Seems to me that there might be rises and slopes and the like. So distance may have been a factor, I didn't know.

He readies with Zeoll for the assault. He will go with Zeoll as soon as he moves.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 6:08:29 AM

There is an inward sigh of relief as Ashira sees Rose and Vorelle retreat. But then she spots Jack. Deciding to give the goblins something else to think about, Ashira moves forward, swishing her swords menacingly. "Hey uglies! Why not try out your luck on an elf rather than a horse!" she mocks as she tries to buy Jack time to become airborne.

Carl: Face Snotbelly if you dare!  d20+3=5 d20+3=15 d6=4
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 5:07:36 PM

Jack decides it's about time to take his leave. He spurs Trya forward and upward. As the Pegasus rises, beating her huge wings in order to take to the air, the goblins rush forward, desperate to drag the noble beast back to earth. But such is the power of Trya's mighty wings and the danger of her flashing hooves that they are unable to reach her in time. The pegagus and rider soar into the air, 60 feet above their heads. (As there were no other actions taken this round I will allow Trya a Withdraw action, so no Attack of Opportunity. As no destination cell was specified, you are above the goblins heads).

Vorelle and Ashira remind the goblins they are still around, Vorelle nicking one goblin. They seem uncertain whether to follow or not; looking over at the blazing catapult the just-wounded goblin growls something at the others, and they back away, seeking cover.

Meanwhile the fire elemental is proving rather ineffectual. Its foe easily dodges its clumsy swipe, and the swift riposte blows the flaming creature apart. Its fire goes out like a snuffed candle.

The goblin (g9), emboldened (and slightly surprised) at his own impressive display roars a challenge after you, beckoning you towards him mockingly. "Cowards!" he yells in Common. "Puny human scum! Face Snotbelly if you dare! I kill you all! I kill you all twice!"

Then Snotbelly looks over his shoulder and discovers the mighty goblin horde he thought were at his back are fast disappearing over the hill. With a gulp he turns tail and runs.

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) (Speak with Plants, Heroism on Tratain)  d20+24=42 d20+11=28
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 5:13:01 PM

Zeollis very glad that the battle is over. "Come on!" he says to his friends, nod and new. "Let's get moving."

He looks to the rangers -- Ashira, Vorelle, and Brahmah -- to put them back on track.

As they walk, he engages Khuun in conversation. "Wow! That was a grreat fight! You werre fabulous. I surre am glad you'rre on ourr side!"

Zeoll's purpose is to simply begin to cement his friendship, and perhaps add confusion about who is on what side, after all.

Diplomacy 42, Bluff 28

Vorelle  d20+16=29
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 11:11:51 PM

Vorelle looks about, trying to re-establish the lay of the land and where the group needs to go.

[Survival 29]

Monday January 23rd, 2006 2:55:44 AM

As Rose waits for the others to catch up she makes sure that she's ready to attack any goblins that move within range of her bow.

ooc: didnt my last post say that piper moved with rose?

Brahmah (83-115hps, AC22, flat-footed 20, TAC11)
Monday January 23rd, 2006 10:07:20 AM

Brahmah rushes to the core of combat. He full out runs and should make it to Q56 by the end of the round. (light armor, well below light capacity, 120ft)

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 11:15:10 AM

Theodore lets out a well-deserved sigh as he joins the rest of the group. "We should go quickly. Before they bring back more."

He looks back as the rest of his friends begin to group together. "Is there a way to hide our tracks from here?"

Mad Jack 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 3:03:54 PM

Jack is shocked at the greedy little beasts elow him. Shocked that none of them had landed a blow. He hated to run from a fight, and if he were alone he may have stayed to finish it, one way or another. But Trya was hurt. Since they had not been together long, he owed her the chance to live. Tugging the hat down on his head, that the mortician had given him, he spurs her forward to catch up woth the group.

OOC I think Im out of her normal fly range, to the group. As we are flying, I dont know if I get a double move or not. So I am just trying to catch up to them.

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 4:43:44 PM

Tratain follows along with Zeoll, listening to the Wemic speak with the ogre, hopeing that it will give the party some usefull information.

Ashira  d20+9=13
Monday January 23rd, 2006 10:13:14 PM

Ashira gives a scathing look at the remaining goblin and waves her hand dismissively. "Shoo, little pest!" she yells as she heads out with the others.

Once they are clear of the goblins, the ranger consults with Vorelle, but concedes to Vorelle's navigational efforts since she is clearly more talented in this area. Instead, Ashira works on Theodore's suggestion, and goes about trying to cover the groups tracks (Surv.=13), though she doubts that an army bent on the destruction of the Oshirr house will be too troubled by this small band of travelers.

DM Carl: Back to Oshirr House? 
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 6:36:44 AM

The party gather together and those that were apart are reunited with their animal companions.

As some party members cover the retreat and attempt to disguise their tracks Vorelle kneels and takes her bearings. She estimates the party need to continue south for several miles, then bear southeast. From the map she concludes that the party will need to march all night in order to reach Gargulus' compound by early morning, assuming you take the path (which will hopefully be clear now the monster army has passed you by).

Of course the party has the option to stick to the hills, move closer to the mountains, or head back to the path. The rougher the terrain you pick, the slower your progress will be, but perhaps avoiding the path will be safer?

Zeoll tries to engage Khuun in conversation. The big ogre mage beams in pride as his battle prowess are praised. Chunks of some sort of decaying meat are lodged between his huge yellowing teeth. He slaps his belly cheerfully as he nods in agreement. "Thass'right! Khuun biggest and baddest! Khuun destroy all in Oshirr House!"

He looks around in sudden confusion. "Hey, Oshirr House that way! Why we go this way, prettykitty? Khuun gotta kill House humans! Come on, you come watch how good Khuun kills!"

The pot-bellied ogre stops, ready to lead the party back towards Oshirr House.

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 8:48:52 AM

Not having the leader position in this group, Brahmah is content to follow.

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 9:15:13 AM

As quickly as she can, Vorelle outlines the situation for her companions. "W-w-w-we sh-should st-st-stay off the p-p-p-p-path," she concludes. "I c-c-can g-g-g-guide us c-c-cross c-c-c-country."

Mad Jack 
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 8:16:26 PM

Jack lands near Zeoll and the ugly mage. Pulling out his wand of CLW he begins to tap Tryas neck. He will continue to do so, as he checks her body, for the closig of each wound.

OoC Not sure how many hp she lost, somaybe you could roll for the clw;'s. Then i will figure out total usages and reflect it on char sheet.

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12)  d20+6=10 d20+6=20
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 8:51:34 PM

After listening to the ogre (and smelling his breath), the liontaur can only say a quick prayer for strength [OOC: casts Guidance if it will belp the roll to come.]

Zeoll talks with his pal, Khuun. "Not yet, my frriend! We have anotherr job to do firrst. We have to get a new secrret weapon frrom the Leaderr. We have to go to the Leaderr's headquarrterrs firrst and get the new weapon."

"What's morre, my frriend, I rreally need you to help us get therre! Please come with us, give my frriend herre advice, so that we can get therre as soon as possible." He motions to Vorelle and consults on the route.

[Zeoll makes a Chr check to convince Khuun that this is the right course of action, buoyed by the Guidance, maybe? His Chr check is a +6, or +7 with the spell. THe result is a 10, or maybe an 11! bleck. I'll use a hero point to reroll that. a 20, or maybe 21 ... much better.]

Zeoll's stuff used:

1 of 5 hero points
8 staff charges
0 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
1 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, [Guidance?], Guidance x2, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: [Animal Trance], Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=6
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 10:07:05 PM

Theodore follows after Vorelle. He sends Macaw into the air to keep a look out for approaching enemies or allies. (Macaw spot 6)

Ashira  d20+12=14 d20+11=15
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 11:29:09 PM

The ranger holds up the back of the line, covering tracks and checking for anyone following them (Spot=14, Listen=15).

Rose  d20+10=13 d20+10=22 d20+8=28 d20+9=17
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 1:17:38 AM

Rose will try to stay with the group (and as long as expeditious retreat lasts she should be fine). After a while she will alternate running (at 4x speed), walking, and if she gets a bit ahead resting.

Piper will fly about 10-20' above & ahead of rose.

listen: 13
spot: 22

listen: 28, nat 20
spot: 17

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours
Shield: +4 to ac for 5 minutes
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round for 5 min
See invisible: 50 min
Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil


ooc: dm could you let us know how much time has passed since the fight in your posts. Rose has 2 spells that will last 5 min or 50 rounds, a spell on her and one on vorelle that will last 50 min each, and one on her that will last 10 hours.

Brahmah  d20+11=18 d20+11=14 d20+16=19 d20+7=9 d20+6=9
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 9:45:05 AM

Spells Prepared:

Scrolls used: 1

Spot and Listen: 18 and 14
Survival to avoid hazards: 19
Knowledge Geography and Nature: 9 and 9

He's useless right now.

DM Carl: A midnight snack?  d8=2 d8=1 d8=7 d8=5 d8=7 d20+2=17
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:23:04 PM

Jack heals Trya using 5 charges from his wand. The others work to secure their position and ensure they are under no further threat. There is no evidence of pursuit. The sky to the northeast glows faintly, no doubt the torches gathering around the defenders of Oshirr House. Although, thanks to you, there will be several goblins fewer in the assault, and an entire ogre war party with their flaming catapult.

Zeoll figures every little helps as he tries to hoodwink the ogre, and casts his spell. Whether it is the spell or the wemic's natural powers of persuasion, Khuun falls for the ruse.

"Anuvver secret weapon, yer, Khuun knew that", nods the ogre mage emphatically, not wishing to appear foolish in front of his new friend. He follows Zeoll as the party set off.

"Yer slave 'as it right, we just head thataway." He eyes Vorelle with some interest. A long string of saliva begins to extend from his bottom lip before plopping onto his gut.

"Y'know, prettykitty don't need all these slaves. Bin ages since Khuun had a snack, and goblin so stringy, no proper meat. Why don't we eat that one on the go?" he points a cruel finger at Vorelle.

He looks over at Brahmah questioningly. "You hungry, cow-head?"

A foul gurgle reverberates from the ogre mage's capacious belly.

Ten minutes have passed since you broke off the battle with the goblins.

Mad Jack 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:42:27 PM

Jack finds Trya healed and falls in behind the rest. This whole situation was much more thenhe had bargained for.

Vorelle  d20+16=27
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 9:23:37 PM

Vorelle's eyebrows go up at Khuun's suggestion, but she isn't worried. Not really. Sure, she has a hard time trusting people, but Zeoll isn't going to let her get eaten by an ogre.

Is he?

Slowly but surely, she sidles away from the ogre and the liontaur, still doing her best to keep the group headed in the right direction.

[Survival 27]

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12)  d20+24=41
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 11:44:14 PM

Zeoll chuckles when Khuun suggests eating Vorelle. "Oh, no, my frriend! Firrst, I need this one alive, forr surre! Second, if I know ogrres, a good meal of man-flesh will make you sluggish and sleepy! I need you alerrt and hungrry on this mission, old pal!"

[Diplomacy 41]

Zeoll continues with the group towards Gargullus's Keep.

What time of day is it? If we get divine spells back at dawn, except for ones cast since waking, we should keep track of when the sun rises!

Thursday January 26th, 2006 8:22:26 AM

The minotaur very casually stands, moves over to Vorelle and sits down by her. "You'll have to through me buddy boy. This one isn't food." He places a gentle hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=17
Thursday January 26th, 2006 2:24:05 PM

Theodore is a little miffed by the ogre's behavior. Who would eat a human? he thinks to himself. Disgusting.

Catching Vorelle's eye, the thin mage shrugs. Otherwise, he continues onward, casting a look over his shoulder every now and then to look at the flames from the catapult.

Overhead, Macaw keeps an eye on things. (Spot 17)

Ashira  d20+12=20 d20+11=30
Thursday January 26th, 2006 3:05:40 PM

The half-elf just chuckles at the ogre's suggestion. She continues on, ready to be on their way. (Spot=20, Listen=30)

DM Carl: That sort of slave 
Thursday January 26th, 2006 4:30:27 PM

Khuum, half-satisfied that Zeoll knows best, looks momentarily confused at Brahmah's words. Then his eyes open wide in comprehension, and a foul leer spreads across his face. "Aaah, that sort of slave!" winks the ogre mage lasciviously, rubbing his hands together. "Khuun unnerstand! Hurr Hurr! Looks like you have her well trained, cow-head. Khuun's girl-slaves usually try to run away!"

The party continue to march through the night, the loathsome ogre regaling you with one repulsive anecdote after another as you go. The night remains moonlit and quiet, and your scouts on land and in the air see no sign of danger.

You leave Oshirr House and the battle site many miles and several hours behind you, and by around 2 or 3 am you have reached the end of the Oshirr valley. According to your map a turn to the east will lead you through the Valley of the Dawn towards the wooded Monster Sanctuary, and from there to the compound of Gargalus. A turn to the west will lead you to either Maab's Palace or the stronghold of King Eberyon.

Vorelle, expert in all matters of nature lore, estimates that given the hour of sunset on the previous evening, the sun should be rising by about 6 am. She figures you can probably reach either Gargalus' compound or Eberyon's castle by then. It will take an hour or so less to reach the Fae Queen's palace.

Assuming of course, that nothing else slows your progress first...

Thursday January 26th, 2006 10:26:50 PM

Zeoll grins at his evil friend, and is glad to have him along for the trip. He asks the Ogre about his life in general, and about what to expect at the keep.

Zeoll otherwise is happy with the progress being made and hopes to get to Gargullus's Keep soon.

Friday January 27th, 2006 12:32:08 AM

Rose is getting tired, it's hard for her to keep up with the others. I wish Vauhwyt were here, she's nice and would help me Rose thinks. "Can we take a quick break?" Rose asks everyone.

If they stop then rose will sit down and eat tea with bread and butter.

Friday January 27th, 2006 1:22:00 PM

"She's equal in our eyes fella'."

DM Carl 
Saturday January 28th, 2006 4:27:42 AM

Anyone else like to join in? :-)

Saturday January 28th, 2006 10:05:38 AM

Looking over at Rose's plight, Ashira asks if Brahmah will hold her pack. Then she offers to carry the halfling on her back. We need to move quickly Rose, we can't be stopping all the time. When consulted, Ashira suggests that they continue on to Gargul's headquarters, since she really has no other clue of what to do.

Mad Jack 
Saturday January 28th, 2006 3:27:34 PM

Jack is completely puzzled why the ogre is with them. Everyone else seems to know, but he cant understand it. As Vorelle is saved from the savages hunger, he feared Trya will be next on the menu.

Nope, not in this lifetime. Jack jumps on Tryas back, and kicks her flanks. Off he goes in the direction pointed out by Vorelle, to be Gargulus castle, or whatever. Jack flies about 200ft off the ground.

Vorelle  d20+16=29
Saturday January 28th, 2006 6:51:34 PM

Vorelle shakes her head at the ogre's new train of thought. If liontaurs and humans are biologically compatible, she thinks, I don't want to know about it.

Seeing that most of the group seems to want to head for Gargalus's keep, she begins finding a route that will take them there.

[Survival 29]

Saturday January 28th, 2006 8:49:45 PM

Rose eagerly climbs onto Ashira's back, her legs are so tired. She hangs on very carefully so she wont choke Ashira or anything.

DM Carl: Pinata was never like this  d100=34 d20+2=16
Sunday January 29th, 2006 2:59:36 PM

Rose hops up onto Ashira's shoulders, grateful for the rest. Jack, finding Khuun's company a little much, decides to take to the clear moonlit skies. Vorelle cannot escape so easily, and so busies herself plotting the best route to their goal. Her guidance is faultless, and even in the dimness of the moonlight the terrain revealing its secrets to her like an old friend. A hidden stream is spotted here, a patch of boggy ground avoided there. The stars allow her to navigate an accurate route, and the position of the moon allows her to estimate the time to be 3am.

Brahmah makes it clear he is not intimidated by the ogre mage, who merely shrugs in response.

The big ogre chats away cheerfully with Zeoll, revealing rather more about his life than perhaps Zeoll might wish to know. It is little more than a long litany of abuse, cruelty, torture and death, all of it recounted with the perverse pride of the morally impoverished. To all rightminded individuals the ogre's boasting is truly stomach turning.

"Pettykitty should have seen 'em! Hurr Hurr Hurr! All them little pink humans all trussed up in a net, swinging from this tree! They was weepin' and wailin' and makin' all sorts of noise. It's always the women and kiddies seem to make the most noise fer some reason. Well, Wossogg, he had a bit of a temper on him, 'specially the mornin' after a skinfull, and he just lost it started lumpin them with Woshka, yellin "Shut up! Shut up! Wozzogg's head hurts!"

Well them's that were still alive just yelled louder than ever. We was fallin' about laughin', coz the more they yelled the madder Wozzogg got. Managed to salvage a couple of live kiddies from the middle though afore Wozzogg smashed em all up, though. The kiddies always taste best alive. Good n' fresh n' crunchy."

He rubs his belly fondly, drool dripping from his grinning lips.

He proves a little less forthcoming about Gargalus' lair.

"Well, ye'd know what to expect, right? You must have been there before, prettykitty and cow-head. I mean, look at you!"

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=11
Sunday January 29th, 2006 4:25:42 PM

Theodore keeps his distance from Khuun as his tales become more grotesque and evil. He hopes they will not need to travel much longer with the monster. Trying to focus his attention on the trail ahead, he manages to keep his balance, a rather unusual feat for the naturally clumsy wizard.

Above, Macaw glides soundlessly, his vision swinging left to right. (Spot 11)

Vorelle  d20+16=27
Sunday January 29th, 2006 10:36:27 PM

He reminds me of my brother, thinks Vorelle, listening to the ogre with a mixture of fear and disgust.

She continues to search out the best path for the group to follow. [Survival 27]

Brahmah  d20+14=33 d20+11=22 d20+11=25
Monday January 30th, 2006 4:10:59 AM

Brahmah stick by Vorelle's side.

(Survival 33, Spot 22, Listen 25)

Monday January 30th, 2006 10:32:13 PM

Rose decides to ask Ashira the question that's been bothering her since they got together for this adventure. She carefully whispers so that others wont hear "Ashira, what happend? You're not the same anymore."

Mad Jack 
Monday January 30th, 2006 11:27:31 PM

Continues to fly above the others.

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 12:44:08 AM

Ashira stops dead in her tracks at Rose's question. She continues moving, but it is a long time before she speaks. When she does, she speaks in low tones. "Rose, do you have any scars? Well, sometimes, life hands you thinks, very bad things...and you scar, but it's not on the outside...it's on the inside." Ashira continues on, moving easily, despite Rose's added weight. "Rose, do you know anything about Ga'al and his heartseeds?"

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12)  d20+11=22 d20+6=20
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 2:13:39 AM

Zeoll uses his Bluff skill to send a secret message to his comrades: Forgive, me, friends, for what I'm about to say, but we need the information.

[OOC: Bluff Check 22 to send a secret message]

Zeoll laughs at the ogre's stories, and laughs again when he sees Vorelle and Theo shy away.

"You are a good storrytellerr, Khuun! I love to see them flinch," Zeoll says, motioning to his friends, "at all the funny parrts."

"Oh, I rreally want to see how they rreact to a GOOD storry! Tell them about Lorrd Garrgullus and his arrtifact!"

[OOC: Opposed charisma check to push the ogre into opening his mouth: 20! Sweet!]

As he talks, Zeoll wipes at the blood and frost-burn on his body, but mostly he just makes a mess.

DM Carl: A dark tale  d100=20 d20+3=5 d20+2=15
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 7:19:54 AM

(As no marching order has been specified I'll go with what I infer from posts so far. Please state if you wish to change position.)

Theo and Vorelle keep their distance from the big ogre, Theo taking up the rear with Tratain some 30 feet behind Ashira and Rose. Zeoll and Khuun are around 15 feet ahead of them, whilst Vorelle travels up front with the protective Brahma, some 40 feet ahead of the foul ogre and his new feline friend. Jack soars overhead, 200 feet up.

Could Ashira be about to open up to her diminutive friend? The first faltering steps are taken...

Vorelle and Brahmah serve as pathfinders, guiding the party unerringly through the darkness. The journey continues uneventfully. It is now 3.30am.

Zeoll loads his words and body language as he speaks to Zhuun. Those listening to the exchange are aware that the wemic is feeling sorrow at this course of action, but sees no option.

Zhuun misses the hidden meaning of the wemic's words, falling for his ploy completely.

"Hurr! Khuun like you, kitty! Yer, Khuun tell best stories! I make yer slaves wet themselves with this one! Hurr hurr hurr!

The ogre mage raises his voice so all can hear. "Right! Shut up you stinkin' slaves! This the story of how Khuun got made so mighty, an' how cow-head and prettykitty got made too!"

Aside to Zeoll he points at Rose and says "Khuun just nibble on that little one as I go, OK? Too small to make Khuun sleepy. Telling stories make Khuun hungry!" But Khuun waits for Zeoll's response before helping himself.

"Lord Gargulus, he mighty, even more mighty than Khuun! Stories of his power spread to many tribes, orc, goblin, kobold, ogre. Stories about how he can make us mighty too! Many tribes travel to him, to see if stories true.

Stories true! Khuun arrive with his war party one night. Meet Lord Gargulus, go to great Joining Room. Many captured Fey there, all in cages. Stupid flying things, wood-ladies, goat-men, lots and lots all in cages.

Then Khuun stand with wood-lady floating above. Lord Gargulus, he hold some stone inside a rag, he blast that wood-lady, suck out her life, put it in Khuun! Gargulus say Khuun have soul now! Not know about soul, but Khuun's skin get extra-tough! Nobody hurt Khuun now!

Lord Gargulus, he do the same with many monsters! Goblins, orcs, spider things, big giant worm. Animals, mixing them up together. Like cow-head and prettykitty. Many many monsters, all with souls and mighty powers! Huge army of monsters, growing every day! Catch many Fey, make army bigger and bigger! Soon we crush all humans, Oshirr first, then Winter town, then Wold! Army of Gargulus destroy all! Kill all humans! Kill! Kill! Ah-hurr hurr hurr!"

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 1:37:28 PM

"No, isn't Ga'al one of the Gods of testing?" Rose never paid to much attention in school and only knows the basics for the gods of testing.

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 1:49:00 PM

The ranger keeps a close eye on Vorelle and keeps the other eye on the path.

Mad Jack 
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 8:56:38 PM

Listens to the storyteller as he tells his story. With Gargulus using fey creatures, one would assume he was being helped by Eberron. Interesting

Theodore and Macaw  d20+4=13
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 9:34:20 PM

"It keeps with what we know, so far," Theodore quietly says to Tratain concerning Khuun's tale. "Hopefully, we'll soon find out more."

Overhead, Macaw peers about for hostile movement. (Spot 13)

Vorelle  d20+16=36
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 10:07:13 PM

Listening to the ogre's tale, Vorelle heaves a sigh of regret for her cold iron arrows, already gone now. She wishes she had a dozen more.

Nevertheless, she keeps most of her focus on finding the path. [Survival 36]

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 10:45:18 PM

Tratain walks in silence with the others. He nods at Theodores words. He says "We may want to go visit Queen Maab, she may be able to help us. I'm sure that she's none to happy about fey being captured and killed."

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:33:07 AM

Ashira doesn't hear a whole lot of Khuun's story, being too caught up in her conversation with Rose. She does, however, hear enough to shoot Zeoll a withering look as she places her hands on her sword hilts ever so briefly. With a small hop, she readjusts Rose's weight on her back. "A god of testing...that hardly goes far enough to describe it... Where to begin... Rose, Ga'al is evil, pure and simple. He has a whole nation of people that he controls directly. How does he do that? By a small little organism called a "heartseed". Most Aisildurian's have this nasty little thing put in their chest when they're young, and they live all their lives as Ga'al's puppets. Now, since the time of testing, Ga'al is supposed to only heartseed those are willing, but in Aisildur, no one would even think to question the seeding. You think he'd be happy with a whole country of mindless slaves, but Ga'al has set his sights upon the whole Wold. Some people sell their souls to him to gain special powers that he can grant through the seeds. But he has other, not so nice methods of persuasion for those who don't sign up right away...like torture." Ashira shudders, jostling Rose a little and her voice drops lower. "You see, after hours or days of torture heartseeding can begin to look like a very nice option." Tears form in the half-elf's eyes, and she tries to dab at them, but doesn't have a lot of luck, considering she's still holding Rose's legs. "I suppose a braver person would choose death...but I just...I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted the pain to stop. So I let them put that thing in me..." Unable to continue the conversation, Ashira picks up her pace a little, her breathing coming a little more difficultly.

Zeoll  d20+6=8 d20+18=23 d20+6=9
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 7:08:08 AM

[OOC: Sorry for a fast post. So short of time!]

Zeoll prevents the Ogre from biting a chunk out of Rose.


Zeoll continues to flatter the ogre. "Great story. That Rock that Lord Gargullus has, that's a powerful rock! With that rock you would be really strong."

"Hey, Khuun, you know where he keeps that thing? That would be something to see."

[Chr check 8 -- bleck! Sense Motive to try to sense if he DOES know where it is, even if he is not saying: 23. IF Zeoll gets the feeling that Khuun knows where the stone is but is not saying, he'll say, "Aw, come on! Share what you know with me, your good friend! I really want to know!" Then he'll use a hero point to reroll the Chr check: a 9 shucks!]

DM Carl: 4am and all's well  d20+3=17 d20+3=10 d100=6 2d10(3+1)=4 d20+14=16 d20+14=31 d20+14=34
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 8:55:55 AM

Rose and Ashira continue their private discussion, and Ashira finally reveals the true extent of the horrors she endured and the guilt she bears.

Jack flies closer (down to 30ft above the party) to listen to Khuun's tale, and he Theo and Tratain mull over the implications of the ogre mage's words.

Zeoll presses on with his questioning, but has he pushed his new friend too far? "Uh-uh" grunts Khuun, shaking his head. "Khuun not say, that secret. Why kitty want to know that? Kitty and cow-head already made into kitty and cow-head by stone, can't use it twice!"

He fixes Zeoll with a suspicious glare, but Zeoll tries again and his perseverance almost pays off. You can see Khuun's resolve wavering, his loyalty to (or fear of) Gargulus doing battle with his newfound friendship. Ultimately though, the power of Gargulus wins out. "Nuh-uh, Khuun not say."

Up front Vorelle (under the protection of Brahmah) continues to carefully plot the party's course. Though the rolling hills continue the land is becoming quite a bit more wooded here, with plenty of large bushes and denser undergrowth. As she and Brahmah move down into a small valley they climbs over one of several long-fallen and moss-covered trees that bar the path.

Ashira and Brahmah Highlight to display spoiler: { As the two rangers climb the log does something causes Vorelle to stop and examine the ground nearby. She realises that she is looking at tracks, but not the tracks of any walking creature. These tracks are more like smooth, curved depressions, perhaps the signs of a large snake? Looking around there seem to be several in the vicinity.}

Brahmah  d20+11=22 d20+11=29
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 1:00:08 PM

"Friends, I think there are several snakes, quite large ones, slinking around. We should be on guard.

It might be some sort of other creature, like a naga or the like.

Rose, stay close."

He stands very still, listening for the the tell-tale signs of snakes. (Spot 22, Listen 29)

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 5:11:56 PM

Rose is horrified by what Ashira is saying "You were tortured!" She says as she gives Ashira a big hug "But how did you get away?"

Mad Jack 
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 7:25:00 PM

Jack continues on, nothing to add.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+2=19 d20+2=20 d20+4=5
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 9:14:42 PM

"Snakes?!" Theodore's face scrunches up in disgust and his head spins about as he searches for offending reptiles. (Spot 19, Listen 20)

Above, Macaw's senses are attacked by his master's sudden fear. (Spot 5)

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=13
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:05:58 PM

Noting Brahmah's warning, Ashira gives Rose's leg a little squeeze. "Not right now Rose..." All business now, the ranger attempts to pick up any signs of the supposed snakes (Spot=15, Listen=13), but it's might hard with Rose on her back. She whispers gently over to Rose. "Rose, do you think you can walk for a while? There might be trouble soon, and I'll be a whole lot more helpful if I can move around freely."

Vorelle  d20+16=22 d20+14=25
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 1:15:17 AM

Vorelle continues to scout their path, and now keeps an eye out for snakes as well.

[Survival 22, Spot 25]

Zeoll (HP37 of 69 AC12) 
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 1:32:23 AM

Zeoll has an idea on how to get the info he needs from Khuun later, but there seems to be danger about, so the liontaur puts that on hold for now.

He hopes that the blood dripping from his wounds will not excite any potential attackers to aggression.

"Didn't you listen to my good frriend Khuun just now, oh my slaves? He just told you that Lorrd Garrgullus put souls into the bodies of worrms. That's what these must be."

"Rrememberr, if we meet anything, let me talk to them firrst. Don't attack anything I have entrranced or engaged in converrsation. At least not until I say so!" He gives Khuun a wink.

Khuun (DM Carl)  d20+10=13
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 4:26:47 AM

"Hurr Hurr, kitty would know if these was the master's worms! His worms BIG!" chortles the ogre mage. He casts a wary eye about, on the lookout for something to crush and, hopefully, eat. (Spot 13)

DM Carl: If you go down to the woods today...  d20+1=14 d20+1=16 d20+1=14 d20+1=8 d20+1=19 d20+1=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=9
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 5:18:47 AM

Though Rose is keen to continue the discussion Ashira wisely counsels caution and lifts the halfling to the ground. Aware that something may be in the vicinity the party go on the alert.

Brahmah Highlight to display spoiler: {You freeze and carefully take in your surroundings. There is sudden movement all around you. You hear a rustle close behind and then you see a most peculiar sight. Ahead of you two human-like heads emerge out of the end of two fallen logs! The closest, around 30 feet away, looks strangely beautiful to you, and you feel yourself instinctively trusting it. It whispers "Protect usss!"(Will Save DC 19 or you are Charmed. If you are charmed beat a Cha check DC 19 to avoid carrying out the order).}

Vorelle Highlight to display spoiler: {You move carefully forward, alert to any signs of danger. Then you freeze! You see a most peculiar sight. Ahead of you two human-like heads emerge out of the end of two fallen logs! The closest, around 10 feet away, looks strangely beautiful to you, and you feel yourself instinctively trusting it. It whispers "Protect usss!" (Will Save DC 19 or you are Charmed. If you are charmed beat a Cha check DC 9 to avoid carrying out the order).}

Theodore and Macaw Highlight to display spoiler: {You and your bird can't see any obvious sign of danger, but you do notice that beyond the fallen log ahead Vorelle and Brahmah suddenly freeze. You are sure you hear some sort of rustling up ahead, and then perhaps some sort of sibilant whisper?}

Ashira Highlight to display spoiler: { You can't see any obvious sign of danger. You are think you hear some sort of rustling up ahead though, and it looks as though Brahmah and Vorelle, beyond that fallen log ahead, have stopped.}

Zeoll Highlight to display spoiler: {You see no signs of danger. However Khuun grunts and stops for some reason.}

Rose Highlight to display spoiler: { You see no signs of danger.}

Jack Highlight to display spoiler: { You see no signs of danger.}

Tratain Highlight to display spoiler: { You see no signs of danger. OOC: I need you to start posting regularly my friend! Your party are injured, about to hit combat again, and may shortly be in need of your prowess. And that's before you've even reached the Compound! If you are having computer woes or time issues please email me at carl.white@gmail.com and we'll see if we can find someone to sub for you. Thanks!}

Theo, Ashira, Zeoll, Rose, Jack and Tratain, if you make a Listen check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a sibilant whispering from near Brahmah and Vorelle, as well as rustling movement}

If you make a Listen check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear two voices whispering the words "Protect usss!"}

Map for Brahmah and Vorelle: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/nround1a.jpg

Map for everyone else: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/nround1b.jpg

OOC: Map Key
Blue-green circles are trees
Brown rectangles are fallen logs
Irregular light green shapes are dense prickly bushes (cannot be moved through)
Irregular dark green shapes are heavy undergrowth. This is Difficult Terrain, and each square counts as 2 squares of movement.

Spoiler Tags
Please use spoiler tags in your own posts if appropriate to keep information hidden from those who would not be aware of it. You create spoiler tags like this:

{spoiler} your text goes here {/spoiler}. Just use [] instead of {}.

Zeoll  d20+4=5 d20+9=10
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 6:01:19 AM

With a natural one, Zeoll is not even hearing his own thoughts! He whispers to Khuun, "What is it? Wherre?"

Spot check 10, also a nat one! D'oh! That's a 1-in-400 bit of deaf-and-blindness for you! :-)

Khuun (DM Carl)  d20+10=13 d20+10=12
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 8:30:32 AM

"Dunno kitty, cow-head and scout-slave stopped." grunts the ogre mage, suddenly alert.


He draws his immense greatsword with a rusty "Shliing!"

Ashira  d20+12=24 d20+11=14
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 10:19:11 AM

Now on full alert, Ashira heads forward to further check things out (R29). Before she goes, she whispers to Rose. "Rose, don't get too far away, but don't crowd in on the fighters. And stay away from Khuun. I've got a bad feeling." (Spot=24, Listen=14)

Brahmah (AC 22, 115hps, CHARMED PROTECTOR, Bears Endurance)  d20+7=9 d20+7=20
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 11:04:10 AM

Active Spell: Bear's Endurance (scroll, +4 con)

(failed first)
(if hero points are allowed, if we have any, Will save passed 20)

The minotaur ranger moves to Q38, drawing his swords(free action while moving). "As you wish." He retrieves a Bear's Endurance scroll and reads it.

Rose  d20+10=15 d20+10=21 d20+8=22 d20+9=25
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 4:42:18 PM

Rose quickly slides down as Ashira wants and quickly flips through her scrolls looking for one as she calls Piper to her "Piper come here." She then reads the scroll and suddenly moves very fast and darts ahead of Ashira, while Piper remains abover her at all times.

Piper flies to Rose (in previous posts I had said that piper would be 10' ahead of rose) then Rose casts a spell on them both and they move ahead of Ashira.

Cast expedious retreat from scroll shared with piper then move to R30

listen: 15
spot: 21

listen: 22
spot: 25

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 25
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round currently at round 1/10
See invisible: 50 min
Cast on Vorelle: heroisim +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 50 minutes

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil


ooc: how long has it been since the last battle?

Mad Jack  d20=20
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 6:47:42 PM

Jack watches and notices, Vorelle and Brahmah both stop their advance. The growth is dense, and so he can not see much. But his ears seem to be well alert, and he watches the ground carefully. He decides that flying right now, would be much better than on the ground.

listen check, nat 20

Vorelle  d20+4=20
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 7:51:10 PM

Highlight to display spoiler: {Vorelle pauses for a moment, taken aback by the creature's unearthly beauty. Then she shakes off the strange compulsion to do what he says. He's a head in a log, for goodness sake! [Will Save 20] }

Vorelle holds up a hand for the rest of the group to stop, then turns and makes her way back to Theo. "Th-th-there's a h-h-h-head in a l-l-l-log," she tells him, unable to explain the sight any better. "I th-th-think he c-c-c-cast some k-k-kind of sp-spell. T-tried to g-g-g-get me t-t-to h-help him."

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+3=23 d20+18=34
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 9:34:54 PM

The wind must be in Theodore's favor, as he manages to overhear whispering up ahead. (Listen 23, natural 20)

When Vorelle approaches Theodore he nods to her. "All right. I'll see what I can find out." The wizard pulls a wand from his backpack and moves to T19

(If we're not going by rounds, Theodore will move to within 15' of where Vorelle points out the head and casts detect magic from his wand on the area. Spellcraft check 34 to determine type of magic, if any.)

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58  d20+7=15
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 11:01:20 PM

Tratain walks along with the others his thoughts about the mixing of fey and monsters keeps him quiet.

He is roused from his thoughts by the big ogre and quickly glances around.

Tratain runs forward 12 spaces towords the front of the party

Friday February 3rd, 2006 7:03:02 AM

Brahmah turns toward the group, unsure what to do, but he KNOWS he has to protect his new friend from something.

DM Carl: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...  d6=3 d6=4 7d6(5+5+6+1+6+4+6)=33
Friday February 3rd, 2006 11:51:30 AM

The time is currently just after 4am. A little over 5 hours have passed since your battle with the ogres.

Brahmah and Vorelle dig deep and manage to shake off the magical compulsion. They blink and then stare in horror! How could you have thought these black lipped, razor-mawed monstrosities were beautiful?!

Brahmah draws a scroll from his case (move action) and casts it (standard action). That's it for this round. (OOC: Jay, everyone started the game with 5 Hero Points. Your use of a Hero Point saves you from the Charm. Phew! I trust you guys to keep track of those Hero Points!)

Vorelle retreats, calling out a warning. She is able to move to the big log and climb over it (a move equivalent action) this round.

Overhead Jack is able to make out the hissing whispers of the creatures, but he doesn't see anything.

Theodore, Ashira, Rose and Tratain all rush forward. From her new position Ashira is able to catch a momentary glimpse of a hideous face poking out of the end of a log (at Q39)

Zeoll and Khuun stand their ground.

The twin faces grin horribly. Suddenly Brahmah feels a horrible tickling sensation rising up his legs. In seconds he finds himself completely covered in a squirming black mass of large hairy spiders, crawling and biting their way over his body (3 hp damage, Fort save DC 11 or Brahmah is Nauseated for 1 round. Make a second Fort check vs DC 11 or be Poisoned, 2 points Str damage this round).

Then all hell breaks loose. A tiny flaming pea rockets towards you, and the gathered heroes suddenly find themselves engulfed in a blazing inferno (Zeoll, Khuun, Tratain, Ashira, Rose, Piper and Vorelle take 33 HP damage from a fireball, Ref DC 19 for 16 HP).

OOC: Friendly DM suggestion: if anyone is able to counterspell a fireball, now might be a great time to do so!)

The horrid grinning faces then vanish back inside their logs.

Please list your HP, AC and active spells folks. And specify cell references too, saves on confusion.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/nround2.jpg

Rose  d20+9=22 d20+12=27 d20+12=17 d20+7=25 d20+8=16 d20+9=24
Friday February 3rd, 2006 2:31:13 PM

Rose sees the fireball coming and tries to dive out of the way while piper takes evasive action over her head, amazingly they are successful. They stay close to the others as they look for where the fireball came from.

ref: 22, evasion take no damage
listen: 27
spot: 17

ref: 27, improved evasion take no damage
listen: 16
spot: 24

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 5 hrs left
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round currently at round 1/10

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil


ooc: I just realized I had forgotten to adjust Rose's and Piper's Ac for having the spells wear off from last battle. I'm glad Rose hadn't been attacked since or it would be hard to find out how many attacks had actually hit.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+9=19
Friday February 3rd, 2006 8:24:22 PM

Just barely, Vorelle dodges out of the way when the fireball detonates [Reflex save 19 on the nose; I have Evasion so no damage].

She has nothing to combat the swarm. She reaches into her backpack for a torch and begins trying to get it lit. If she can't fight the swarm with it, well, maybe she can set one of those logs on fire.

Zeoll (HP4 of 69 AC12)   d20+4=5
Saturday February 4th, 2006 12:55:05 AM

Already badly wounded by Khuun's frost attack, Zeoll is taken completely off guard and eats the brunt of this fire attack! (nat 1) Insult adds to injury, leaving the liontaur with a scant 4 hit points!

"Khuun, fight them!" yells Zeoll. Then he turns tail and runs 160 feet due north, to square (Q,-2) (not shown on map). Hopefully there is a nice tree or something to take cover behind when he gets there.

[OOC: Oh, and does Khuun get some sweet spell resistance or something?]

Tratain AC 25 HP 41/58  d20+8=19 d20+14=32 d8+9=15
Sunday February 5th, 2006 10:25:19 AM

Tratain is able to Dodge some of the Fireball. He quickly begins to cast Cure Light Wounds Mass upon the Party defensively. (Everyone Heals 15)

He says "Spread out Everyone! Find That Mage!"

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+9=11 d20+9=22
Sunday February 5th, 2006 5:47:19 PM

Theodore gasps as the fireball goes off among his friends and quickly rushes to U 24.

Once there, he prepares to counterspell an other hostile magic. (Readying a dispel magic to counterspell. Dispel magic check 11. Use hero point. Dispel magic check 22.)

"Is everyone all right?!" he calls out.

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87) R39  d20+9=11
Monday February 6th, 2006 12:19:27 PM

Ashira tries to roll out of the way of the fireball, but is largely unsuccessful (Evasion-16dam). Here eyes widen as she spots the very serious condition of her friend Zeoll. She wants to help him, but seeing as he just bolted away, that wasn't a very good option right now. She feels Tratain's healing wash over her, and she smiles as she pulls out her swords and advances toward the unknown creatures in the logs (double move), determined to stop the spellcasting the old fashioned way...with her swords.

Brahmah (AC 22, 112/115hps, CHARMED PROTECTOR, Bears Endurance)  d20+10=15 d20+10=18
Monday February 6th, 2006 10:08:57 PM

Active Spell: Bear's Endurance (scroll, +4 con)
Hero Points 4
(fort saves 17, 20, with endurance counted in)

The minotaur starts searching for the mage when the alert goes up.

Brahmah  d20+11=20 d20+11=20
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 3:32:40 AM

(Spot 20, Listen 20, +2 if human, +4 if centaur) Searching for the mage.

Khuun (DM Carl)  d20+7=18 d20+10=26
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 3:30:12 PM

As fire explodes around him Khuun bellows with laughter. "That tickles!" he yells, racing forward with his greatsword in hand. He is so huge he steps over the fallen log, then stands hunting for a foe to attack (Spot 26).

"Kitty not worry" chuckles the ogre as Zeoll races for cover with his smoking tail between his legs, "Khuun smash good!"

DM Carl: Heads up!  d6=6 d20+1=19 d4+1=2 d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 3:59:08 PM

Zeoll runs for it and finds cover behind a large bush. Tratain's healing effect washes over him and the rest of the party as he goes.

Vorelle is able to extract her torch and light it from the aftermath of the fireball on the nearby foliage. She suspects that lighting the falling logs will be a major operation though, and will probably require the application of oil or a similar flammable substance to really get going.

From her current vantage point Rose can see nothing, the fallen log blocking her view. However Piper has a clear view of what follows.

Ashira gets ready to batter the head if it pops out of the log again, but when it reappears it is at the far end! A second bead of fire races towards the gathered adventurers, but this time Theodore is ready. He casts almost simultaneously, negating a second inferno.

Brahmah is able to fight off the worst of the spider swarm attack, but the creatures continue to cover his body as he stands searching for foes to hit (6 hp damage, same Fort checks as last round please).

Then the second head emerges and four bright bolts of energy shoot from it and slam into Brahmah (Magic Missiles strike for 12 HP).

Lurking in their logs, the creature's have Concealment (20% miss chance).

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/nround3.jpg

Brahmah (AC 22, 100/115hps, Bears Endurance)  d20+11=28 d20+11=31 d20+16=25 2d8(8+4)+12=24 d100=87
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 5:22:37 PM

(fort saves 28 and 31)

Brahmah works his way toward the creatures, planning on attacking when he reaches them.

He charges creature #2, horns down. (hits AC 25, for 24 damage... I'll roll % on the off chance the cover effects Brahmah, 87%)

Mad Jack  d20=9
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 5:51:21 PM

Jack continues to fly in a tight circle. He can see the magic being wielded below him, but figures it is another trick Zeoll is using. Or maybe his friend the Ogre is acting up. Either way, Jac decides the best thing to do is climb a little higher, look for other dangers.

OOC Fly to 60 ft
Spot 9

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 6:59:03 PM

Theodore moves to R 28 and prepares to counterspell again.

Spells available for improved counterspell:
0 - Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost
1 - Color Spray, Obscuring Mist
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web
3 - Fly
4 - Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
5 - Wall of Stone

"Stealthy" Zeoll (HP19 of 69 AC12)  d20-9=10
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 10:13:33 PM

Zeoll starts the round 160 feet from the action. He makes a standard move back (40 feet), putting him 120 feet from the group. He thinks to himself, wondering if his voice would carry to the battle if he were to start singing. If so, he will use a standard action to Inspire Courage. If not, he will move another 40 feet closer. Either way, he does his best to end the round behind a bush (concealment) or tree trunk (cover). He also tries to hide. (untrained check at -4 for being large and at -5 for moving at speed. That's a 10 check, with a fantastic roll of 19 LOL!)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+10=20
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 10:34:58 PM

Holding the lit torch aloft, Vorelle scrambles over the log to stand between Bramah and Khuun. This puts her closer to the ogre than she'd like, but she's more worried about getting those spiders off Bramah. "St-st-step b-b-back," she tells him, holding the torch ready.

[Move to T-33, which I hope is a single move, then ready an action to attack the swarm with the torch when Bramah steps back. Hit AC 20 for some weapon damage that won't do anything, plus hopefully some fire damage.]

rose  d20+10=19 d20+10=16
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 11:11:34 PM

rose and Piper carefully but quickly move so that they can see what is happening. Once she sees the spiders attacking Braham and the things firing spells she quickly moves near the others and casts a spell to help.

Move to R38 and cast magic circle against evil on Rose.

All allies within 10' of Rose gain +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance on saves agains attacks or effects by evil creatures, a barrier to block attempts to posses or exercise mental contol over warded creature, spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, ect.

listen: 19
spot: 16

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 5 hrs left
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round currently at round 3/10
Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes
All allies within 10' of Rose gain +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance on saves agains attacks or effects by evil creatures, a barrier to block attempts to posses or exercise mental contol over warded creature, spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, ect.

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: none


Brahmah (AC 22, 94/115hps, Bears Endurance)
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 12:47:10 AM

OOC: Hit point correction!! My bad.

Brahmah  d20+11=25 d20+11=19
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 1:20:54 AM

Magic bolts! I hate Magic bolts! He thinks to himself. He looks around for signs of mage. (Spot 25, Listen 19)

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87) T43  d20+14=26 d100=25 d8+4=10
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 1:29:31 AM

Frowning, Ashira heads over to the other side of the log. "Gotcha now, ugly!" she calls as she brings her longsword down on the creature's head. (AC26, Concealment=25, hit for 10 dam)

DM Carl: Hiding Heads  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d6=4 2d6(6+1)+6=13 d8=6 d6=1
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 7:17:54 AM

Leaving a torch-bearing Vorelle far behind Brahmah races into the fray. He gashes one of the log-dwelling faces. It snarls in anger and bites him hard (AC 28 for 13 HP), and Brahmah feels a burning sensation as poison pumps into his bloodstream (Fort DC 18 or take 6 points CON damage). The head then retreats back inside the log, out of Brahmah's sight.

The writhing mass of spiders continue to crawl and bite their way over the minotaur's body (1 HP damage, 2 x Fort checks DC 11 please).

Ashira launches an attack of her own and feels the satisfying bite of blade into flesh. The creature bites back, but misses. It too retreats inside its log.

Zeoll edges back towards the battle, keeping well hidden. He is still too far for his song to be effective, so he hides himself as well as he is able.

Theo stands ready to counterspell.

Rose is able to climb over the fallen log but casting her spell means she can move no further (climbing the log is a move equivalent action).

Jack circles overhead as Khuun, with an evil grin, vanishes from sight.

Map, a bit later than advertised: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/nround4.jpg

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 8:27:06 PM

Theodore moves to R32. "Does anyone know what they are?" he asks as he prepares to counter any hostile magic.

Ready improved counterspell.

Spells available for improved counterspell:
0 - Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost
1 - Color Spray, Obscuring Mist
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web
3 - Fly
4 - Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
5 - Wall of Stone

Vorelle  d20+10=24 d6+1=3 d4=1
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 11:31:55 PM

Vorelle moves to the other end of Ashira's log. If they each take an end, they can perhaps keep the strange creature from casting spells.

[Move to Q-38 and ready an action to whack that thing with the torch. Hit AC 24 for 3 points bludgeoning damage and 1 point of fire damage.]

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87) T43  d20+12=13 d20+7=18 d20+11=20 d20+3=13 d8+4=10 d6+3=5 d6+3=5 d100=15 d100=59 d100=24
Thursday February 9th, 2006 1:05:43 AM

Ashira nods her thanks at Vorelle. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" she taunts the creature in the log in hopes to take a whack at it. (AC18--conceal miss!, 20 and 13 for 5 and 5...if they even hit.)

Mad Jack  d20=10
Thursday February 9th, 2006 1:22:20 AM

Jack cotinues his vigilance from above.

Spot 10

rose  d100=30 d20+9=25 d6=4
Thursday February 9th, 2006 6:16:45 AM

Rose moves along with Vorelle and starts casting a spell to inflict on the creature.

concelment: 30 hit :)
ranged touch: 25 (um, it is my base +5, dex +3, & size +1 right?)

cast touch of idiocy on creature, it takes -4 penalty to int, wis, & cha

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 5 hrs left
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round currently at round 3/10
Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes
All allies within 10' of Rose gain +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance on saves agains attacks or effects by evil creatures, a barrier to block attempts to posses or exercise mental contol over warded creature, spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, ect.

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand
level 3: none


Zeoll (HP19 of 69 AC12) (Inspired)  d20-4=1
Thursday February 9th, 2006 7:38:20 AM

Zeoll moves forward another 20 feet (60 feet from the party), staying under cover. He sings from cover to inspire his allies -- everyone gets a +1 on damage and attacks. His hide is a 1!

Brahmah (AC 22, 81/115hps, Bears Endurance)  d20+11=20 d20+11=17 d20+11=20 d20+13=15 d20+15=25 d20+8=12 d20+10=27 d20+10=14 d100=27 d100=13 d100=4 d100=43 2d4(4+1)+7=12 2d4(4+2)+7=13 d6+4=8 d6+4=5 d6+4=7
Thursday February 9th, 2006 12:00:40 PM

(fort 20 for poison)(forts for spiders, 17 and 20)

(Boy dm, your out to get me ;))

The minotaur attacks the opening in the log, hoping to skewer the serpent. (AC 15, 25, 12 and 27(crit for 14)/ 27%, 13%, 4% and 43% concealment, for 12, 8, 13, 5(12 if crit) damage)

DM Carl: Knock on wood  d100=62 d20+9=13 d20+9=16 d20+7=14 3d6(4+4+1)+7=16
Thursday February 9th, 2006 4:39:32 PM

Zeoll draws close enough that his inspiring song bolsters the party's resolve. Singing a rousing song of heroic deeds, bold actions and legendary courage, the liontaur crouches behind a bush hoping not to get hit again.

Vorelle's plan pays off. Right on cue the head pops out of the log and "Bam!" it gets a flaming torch in the face. Rose follows this up with a spell designed to reduce its spellcasting powers. The creature wails as its mind fogs over, and reacts by snapping at Vorelle, but its aim is thrown by a facefull of sparks.

Brahmah's speculative prods fail to find a target (hidden inside the log the creature has total concealment, with a 50% miss chance). He is gl;ad to see the spider swarm fall away from him, vanishing back into the undergrowth.

Then Khuun reappears. He is hovering above the log where Brahmah fights. He takes a mighty swing at the log with his enormous greatsword, and splinters fly in all directions as he hacks into it. He doesn't do quite enough though: the log remains in one piece, its occupant concealed from sight.

"Smash logs!" He bellows. "Then stupid heads got no place to hide!"

Mad Jack  d20=1
Thursday February 9th, 2006 7:10:34 PM

Jack keeps hearing the ruckus below, and continues his vigilance in the air. Not having Trya for that long, he is beginning to really like the flight, and the night air at this height.

Spot 1, woo hoo

Zeoll (HP19 of 69 AC12) (Inspired)  d20+9=23
Thursday February 9th, 2006 9:55:45 PM

Remember, everybody! Add that +1 to hit and damage!

Zeoll continues his song. He stays under cover but is not really trying to hide any more. He keeps a sharp eye out (Spot 23)

Vorelle  d20+9=21 d6+2=5 d4=4 d20+13=14 d20+4=8 d20+8=25 d6+4=8
Thursday February 9th, 2006 11:26:29 PM

[OOC: I'm assuming the head is still at this end, since you didn't say it withdrew?]

With her free hand, Vorelle snatches up her handaxe. On her best day, she couldn't smash the log, but she can give that creepy head thing something to think about! She lashes out with axe and torch.

[Draw handaxe (free action with Quick Draw) and attack two-handed. Hit AC 21 for 5 points damage plus 4 points fire damage. Hit AC 14 and AC 8. Hit AC 25 for 8 points magical slashing damage.]

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87) T43  d20+13=29 d20+8=16 d20+12=28 d20+4=12 d8+5=12 d8+5=12 d6+4=6 d6+4=5
Friday February 10th, 2006 10:31:00 AM

Ashira shrugs...Khuun's idea was as good as any. She waits to see if the head appears. If it does, then she launches an attack on it. If not, then she starts smashing up the log (AC29 for 12, AC16 for 12, AC28 for 6, AC12 for 5).

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) 
Friday February 10th, 2006 10:39:47 AM

Seeing that the fighters seem to have it under control, Theodore stays where he is and prepares to counterpell any hostile magic.

Spells available for improved counterspell:
0 - Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost
1 - Color Spray, Obscuring Mist
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web
3 - Fly
4 - Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
5 - Wall of Stone

Brahmah (AC 22, 81/115hps, Bears Endurance)  d20+6=9 d20+6=9
Friday February 10th, 2006 10:58:03 AM

"I have a better idea." The minotaur sheathes his weapons and begins trying to roll the log. Failing(9) at it the first time, he tries again(9). Swearing loudly, the ranger draws his weapons again.

Rose  d100=70 d20+12=17 d8+7=10
Friday February 10th, 2006 4:30:53 PM

Rose draws her sword and gets ready to take a swipe at the head when it appears.

concelment: 70 hit
attack: 17
damage: 10

Mad Jack  d20=1
Saturday February 11th, 2006 4:01:02 AM

Continues watching the skies, what a beautiful evening he thinks.

Woohoo another 1 to spot

Tratain AC 25 HP 42/58 
Saturday February 11th, 2006 11:01:34 AM

Tratain Moves towords Zeoll, ready to heal the Liontaur when get close enough

DM Carl: Heads and tails  d100=73 d100=36 d20+9=26 2d6(2+6)+6=14 d8=4 d20+7=25 3d6(1+4+1)+7=13
Saturday February 11th, 2006 11:52:37 AM

Zeoll continues his song and Tratain moves to provide him with some healing. Jack hovers overhead, happy to let his companions deal with the creatures. Rose waits for an opening as Vorelle batters the creature in the face again. It bites back, and this time the wickedly pointed teeth sink agonizingly into the ranger (14 hp, Fort DC 18 or take 4 points Con damage from poison). Then Ashira's blows hammer down on the hollow log. Splinters fly, then with a great crack the log breaks open. A revolting snake-like body is revealed.

Brahmah's attempts at moving the log prove unsuccessful, but Khuun has more luck. With another hefty blow the log is pulverised, revealing... nothing at all! Where has the naga gone?

Zeoll (HP19 of 69 AC12) (Inspired)  d20+9=24
Sunday February 12th, 2006 5:14:38 PM

Zeoll keeps singing and also tries to spot the other snake. (Spot 24!)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday February 12th, 2006 10:37:17 PM

"A naga!" Theodore exclaims after catching a glimpse of the disgusting creature. He remains where he is, ready to counter any hostile magic.

Spells available for improved counterspell:
0 - Acid Splash, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost
1 - Color Spray, Obscuring Mist
2 - Alter Self, Darkness, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web
3 - Fly
4 - Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
5 - Wall of Stone

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 62/76]  d20+9=23 d20+9=11 d20+13=22 d6+4=6 d20+4=12 d20+8=19 d6+4=9
Sunday February 12th, 2006 11:44:15 PM

Vorelle shakes off the effects of the poison [Fort 23], then lashes out again with torch and axe.

[Hit AC 11. Hit AC 22 for 6 points magical slashing damage. Hit AC 12. Hit AC 19 for 9 points magical slashing damage.]

Brahmah (AC 22, 81/115hps, Bears Endurance) 
Monday February 13th, 2006 11:13:54 AM

Brahmah isn't happy. "Didn't see it leave! Damn."

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87) T43  d20+13=33 d20+13=31 2d8(2+7)+10=19 d20+8=10 d20+12=22 d20+4=15 d6+3=9
Monday February 13th, 2006 10:08:51 PM

"Come to mama!" Ashira mumbles as she lashes out at the now visible body of the naga. Her first spear with the longsword proves particularly nasty (AC33/31 for 19) but she has a hard time pinning down the tricky snake and lands only one of her blows with her shortsword(AC22 for 9).

rose  d20+11=22 d20+6=12
Monday February 13th, 2006 10:26:54 PM

Rose strikes at the human headed snake as fast as she can.

attack: 22, +1 zeoll's song
damage: 12, +1 zeoll's song

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 5 hrs left
Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes
All allies within 10' of Rose gain +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance on saves agains attacks or effects by evil creatures, a barrier to block attempts to posses or exercise mental contol over warded creature, spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, ect.
Zeoll's song: +1 hit & damage

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: none


Mad Jack  d20=15
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:22:10 AM

Continues to fly and watch the empty skies.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 3:37:03 AM

Checking in.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 5:49:47 PM

Sorry chaps, sick DM. Will post tomorrow I hope. Back to bed.

DM Carl: One down...  d20+1=16 d20+7=16 d100=27
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 7:59:05 AM

The ladies combine against their foe to deadly effect. Ashira and Vorelle's blows send ichor-like black blood flying. Then Rose steps in to deliver the coup de grace: the halfling's strike silences the vile creature forever.

Khuun and Brahmah blink in surprise at their opponent's apparent clean getaway. Then from in front of them they hear the sound of a hissing voice whispering arcane words of magic. Khuun launches a mighty hack at where he guesses the voice is coming from, but hits thin air.

From his vantage point Zeoll sees nothing of the missing creature.

Brahmah (AC 22, 81/115hps, Bears Endurance) 
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 12:36:34 PM

Brahmah looks around for foes.

DM Carl: Not unless I get spot check he doesn't! ;-)

Rose  d20+11=18 d8+6=13
Thursday February 16th, 2006 3:32:00 AM

Rose looks for the other snake person as she rushes over to Brahmah.

if she sees the snake person she'll strike.
If she doesnt see the snake person she'll grab a scroll and cast see invisible on Brahmah.

attack: 18, +1 zeoll's song
damage: 13, +1 zeoll's song

rose  d20+10=16 d20+10=19
Thursday February 16th, 2006 3:33:35 AM

forgot checks
listen: 16
spot: 19

Zeoll (HP19 of 69 AC12) (Inspired)  d20+9=16 d20+4=8
Thursday February 16th, 2006 4:56:38 AM

Zeoll thinks that the creature will become visible if it casts an attack spell. So whatever it just cast was probably a buff or a summons. He comes closer to the battle -- up to 30 feet from Khuun and Brahmah, but still under cover or concealed by bushes if possible.

The liontaur tries to pinpoint the location of the invisible snake. Spot 16, Listen 8.

Then the liontaur takes out a potion of CLW to drink next round.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=21 d20+14=23 d20+15=19 d6+4=8
Thursday February 16th, 2006 9:06:49 AM

Vorelle drops her torch and draws her other handaxe (both free actions), then tries to see or hear the remaining, invisible foe.

[Spot 21, Listen 23]

If she can figure out where the critter is, she moves to it and attacks. Otherwise she holds her action.

[Hit AC 19 for 8 points]

Ashira (AC21, HP86/87)  d20+12=19 d20+11=26 d20+15=28 d8+4=6
Thursday February 16th, 2006 10:01:03 AM

Like just about everyone else, Ashira turns her attention on the missing naga. Taking a look around, she can't spot it (Spot=19), but she thinks she just might have located it by sound (Listen=26). Moving forward, she brings her longsword down where she thinks the naga is (AC28 for 6...if it hits ;).

Brahmah  d20+11=14
Thursday February 16th, 2006 12:30:03 PM

Brahmah seems really slow looking around. (SPOT CHECK! ;) 14)

Thursday February 16th, 2006 6:01:16 PM

Jack continues to watch from above, not understanding what the holdup is or the commotions.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday February 16th, 2006 9:41:11 PM

Oblivious to exactly what's going on, Theodore peers about. "Are they gone. What's going on?"

DM Carl: Lipgloss  d20+1=18 d20+1=2 d100=92 d4=1 d20+9=22 2d6(6+6)+6=18 d8=7 d100=11 d100=40 d20+7=25
Friday February 17th, 2006 8:35:38 AM

As Zeoll creeps forward, Theo tries to work out what is going on and Jack sails overhead, seemingly unperturbed by the battle below, the party hunt for any sign of the missing snake. Rose casts See Invisible on Brahmah and the minotaur sees the snake directly in front of him!

Using her keen ears Ashira pinpoints the location of the invisible naga and takes a swing. The blow connects!

Vorelle and Khuun hold back, waiting to see what will happen next. Their answer is not long in coming. Shrieking in retaliation the blood-streaked naga flickers back into view, its razor fangs latching on to Ashira's forearm and biting down hard (18 hp, Fort save DC 19 or take 7 points CON damage).

This is the moment Vorelle and Khuun have been waiting for (OOC: the joys of held actions!). They strike as one, their blows heading unerringly for their target's throat. They hit home... only to discover they have hit nothing but empty air!

A hideous grin splits the naga's face as it licks Ashira's blood from its glistening lips. "You cannot hit me now, foolss, but I can hit you!"

Khuun bellows in frustration.

Brahmah (AC 22, 81/115hps, Bears Endurance)  d20+13=18 d20+15=17 d20+8=22 d20+10=25 d20+10=15 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(2+2)+7=11 d6+4=9 d6+4=9
Friday February 17th, 2006 12:16:08 PM

"Aw! Thanks." He says to Rose.
The minotaur smiles sinisterly and goes full out on the serpent. (with Zeoll's song, AC 19, 18, 23 and 26(crit threat 16), for 11, 10, 12 and 10 damage)

Friday February 17th, 2006 7:06:06 PM

His attention at watching the skies has been diverted. Actually he has gotten bored. So Jack will fly down to the group landing to the far north side of it, but still with in sight.

Rose  d20+11=12 d4+4=6 d20+9=13 d20+10=20 d20+10=13
Saturday February 18th, 2006 3:20:35 AM

Rose is startled when the snake woman says that she can't be hit, and is proved right. However, she tries to strike at the now visible creature even as she tries to think of what may be causing people to miss.

attack: 12, nat 1
damage: 6, hmm I wonder if I hurt myself
know arcane: 13
listen: 20
spot: 13

Ashira (AC21, HP32/87)  d20+10=18 d20+13=17 d20+8=17 d20+12=23 d20+4=9 d6+4=6
Saturday February 18th, 2006 9:31:50 AM

Ashira grunts as the naga digs into her arm. As the poison flows into her blood, Ashira's knees wobble (Fort.=18). Sweat trickles from her brow and drips into her eyes. "Is that the best you've got?" she taunts unconvincingly. (AC17,17 23 for 5, AC9)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday February 19th, 2006 6:24:08 PM

"Get it! Get it!" he hollers, bouncing up and down.

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 64/76]  d20+13=32
Sunday February 19th, 2006 10:34:27 PM

Vorelle isn't sure what is going on. Either the creature is there (in which case she and Khuun should have hit it), or it isn't (in which case it shouldn't have hit Ashira).

She decides she doesn't have time to figure it out just now, and concentrates instead on helping Ashira. Maybe somebody else can figure out how to kill this thing.

[Fighting defensively. Succeed at using the Aid Another action to give Ashira an AC boost. Ashira is +2 to AC for the next round.]

Zeoll (HP23 of 69 AC12) (Inspired)  d8+1=4
Monday February 20th, 2006 6:52:59 AM

Zeoll stops singing and drinks a potion (Inspire Courage lasts 5 rounds from NOW).

He heals a little.

Monday February 20th, 2006 10:26:02 AM

Brahmah looks around more invisible foes.

DM Carl: Master Chef Khuurn  d100=2 d100=87 d100=57 d100=65 d100=100 d20+7=25 3d6(6+6+2)+6=20
Monday February 20th, 2006 10:47:40 AM

As Zeoll heals, Jack lands and Vorelle supports Ashira, the crew go to work. Things don't start too well; Rose manages to connect with a large gorse bush much to the naga's amusement. Then Brahmah's blow whistles wide, though he could have sworn he was aiming right at that smug maw.

"You ssee?" it hisses. "You can't hit me foolss! I'm invincible! I'm-- aargh!" The foul creature's gloating is cut short as Brahmah's next two swings hack into the creature, along with powerful strikes from Ashira and Khuurn. It flickers and shifts, phasing back into view a good foot or two away from where it seemed to be.

"Yer dead" grunts Khuurn, giving the creature a swift kick just make sure.

The big ogre sticks out his tongue and closes one eye as he takes careful aim. Then with an almighty hack he chops the naga in two. Another blow leaves him with a three inch thick naga steak, dripping with sticky black blood.

"Kitty, cowhead, this Khuurn's naga!" grins the ogre dangerously, tucking in and waving them in the direction of the culinary delights of naga number two.

The time is 4.15 am.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday February 20th, 2006 11:59:23 AM

"Is everyone okay?" Theodore asks, peering at the chopped up naga. "Shall we continue on?"

Monday February 20th, 2006 1:11:29 PM

"Well, that was fun."

Tratain AC 25 HP 58/58  4d8(8+3+8+6)+9=34 4d8(6+2+5+4)+9=26 4d8(6+7+2+8)+9=32 3d8(2+6+8)+9=25 3d8(7+2+2)+9=20 2d8(1+2)+9=12 d8+5=8 d8+5=6 d8+5=7 d20+15=34
Monday February 20th, 2006 1:12:44 PM

Tratain comes out of his daze when the last Naga is killed.

He moves about the Party Gathering them together and Tending to the wounded.

He first Tends to the poison flowing through Ashira (Heal Check 34, Ashira should have no problem with the Second Fort Save.)

Tratain says "It is almost Time for my daily Prayers, is anyone else in Need of Healing? Ashira I can Cure the Damage Done by the poison after I have finished my prayers for the Day."

Brahma Healed for 34
Ashira Healed for 57
Zeoll Healed for 46
Vorelle Healed for 12
Tratain Healed for 16

OOC: Anyone Else Hurt? I healed up everyone I could see whas Injured in the post headings

Monday February 20th, 2006 3:30:43 PM

Jack watches as the Ogre plays with his prize. He looks around at the others. They must have had ti find the beast something to eat.

Zeoll (HP69 AC12) (Inspired)  d20+1=21
Monday February 20th, 2006 9:38:36 PM

Zeoll is completely healed by Tratain, and his happiness is clear not only in his toothy grin but in his perky tail. "Many thanks, noble Trratain! I had fearred that should I die, my out-of-time soul would not know wherre to go!"

The liontaur claps the ogre on the back. "Good worrk, my frriend! Yourr battle prrowess is amazing! But I want loot morre than steak!"

Zeoll takes a quick look through the snakes' logs to see if they had anything of worth. (Search 21! Nat 20!)

Then he is eager to get back to the quest.

Ashira (AC21, HP51/51, -7 Con)  d20+12=21 d20+11=16
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 12:02:30 AM

Ashira looks up gratefully at Tratain. "Thank you. I would appreciate your ministerings once you can." Casting a quick glance at the now dead naga, Ashira is anxious to get going, but she waits patiently for Zeoll to finish his search. As she waits, Ashira checks to see if they have attracted any more visitors (Spot=21, Listen=16).

Rose 43/52 hp 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 7:33:03 AM

Rose patiently waits her turn to be healed, she's not very hurt so will wait until the others are healed.

Brahmah (AC 22, 115hps, Bears Endurance)  d20+11=20
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 2:09:53 PM

"Thank you Tratain."

He continues to look around for more invisible foes. (See Invis, 20 Spot)

DM Carl: Snack boots 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 3:32:38 PM

The party gratefully accept Tratain's tender care.

Zeoll's rummaging turns up the bones of a number of creatures in the area, including at least two humans. Inside another log he finds some rusty weapons, an empty vial and a pair of boots stuffed with dead tarantulas.

Vorelle  d20+16=32
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 9:20:29 PM

Now completely healed, Vorelle stammers her thanks to Tratain. As the treasure-finding winds down, she once again prepares to find the best path to the encampment.

[Survival 32]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+18=38
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 9:45:01 PM

Theodore uses his wand of detect magic on the stuff Zeoll uncovered. (Spellcraft check 38, natural 20, to determine spell school, if applicable.)

"I'm ready to go," he suggests. "Were these...things...working for the enemy?"

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 10:12:35 PM

Jack watches as the others do their thing.

Ashira (AC21, HP51/51, -7 Con) 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:08:51 AM

Leaning against a nearby tree, Ashira waits patiently for the others to finish up. She takes several deep breaths as she waits feeling unusually weak.

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 6:10:34 AM

Zeoll asks Tratain if there is anything he can do for Ashira.

He thanks Theo for looking the "loot" over.

He suggests that the party needs to get moving.

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:38:42 AM

He stands there, waiting.

DM Carl: Empty yer boots 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 6:42:02 PM

The party decide to move on, but not before Theodore determines that the boots are giving off a moderate transmuation aura. Emptied of half-chewed tatantulas the boots are stashed away for later perusal as the party set off again.

Khuurn munches happily upon his naga steak, dragging half the dead creature behind him.

The sky begins to fractionaly lighten as dawn dawn edges nearer (4.30am)

Theodore and Macaw  d20+5=7
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:22:33 PM

Seeing the sunrise, Theodore yawns as a natural reaction to the early morning. He's curious about the boots, but other than telling the others of what he discovered, he pushes them from his mind.

Above, Macaw soars, keeping eye out for the party. (Spot 7)

Zeoll  d20+24=28
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:57:03 PM

Zeoll says, "Had I feet made forr boots, I'd wearr them, but since I do not, someone else can don these."

[OOC: Use them or lose them! No point in saving them for the next adventure! LOL!]

Zeoll presses on, looking to the rangers for directions.

As he walks, he engages the ogre in conversation. "Did you everr think, my frriend, that if we had Lorrd Garrgullus' little toy, then we could be ourr own lorrds, and eat snake steak every night? Go to warr when we want, fight who we want, no bosses, no orrderrs, nobody telling us what to do? That would be sweet, hey?"

Diplomacy 28.

Vorelle  d20+16=25 d20+20=33 d20+20=38
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:14:37 PM

"I a-already h-h-h-have m-m-magic b-b-b-boots," Vorelle says to anyone who asks. Mostly, though, she concentrates on finding their route. Now that they are getting closer, she also makes an effort to remain unseen.

[Survival 25, Hide 33, Move Silently 38]

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:28:40 PM

When Dawn arrives, Tratain tells the others that he needs some time to Replenish his spells.

After spending Time in prayer he is ready again to travel with the others. Before they set out Tratain casts Restoration upon Ashira curing the damage done by the poison.

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:28:52 PM

Knowing that cursed items can have ugly effects, Ashira decides to wait a little longer before voluntering to take the boots... She'd hate to have to explain to Rigging how she'd changed sex.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 7:12:12 AM

Rose tries to keep up with the others, but gradually falls behind (unless that is the others are walking slower for her?) Everyonce in a while she run to catch up, but it's not much use.

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Mandy hp: dead

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 5 hrs left
Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes
All allies within 10' of Rose gain +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance on saves agains attacks or effects by evil creatures, a barrier to block attempts to posses or exercise mental contol over warded creature, spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, ect.
See invisible cast on Brahmah lasts 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: spectral hand
level 3: none


ooc: dm could you tell me when some of my spells have expired, timekeeping in games doesnt seem to be very exact.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:53:15 AM

The large taur tries to catch a nap.

To The Lair of Gargullus

DM Carl: An echo across the centuries  d100=53 d100=41 d20+2=20 d100=59 d100=60 d20+2=13
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 4:36:04 PM

The party continue on until the sun rises, by which time they are deep into the heavily wooded area marked on the map as the Monster Sanctuary. Thankfully whatever monsters there may be in here, none of them find the party. Yet.

Tratain calls a break to pray and recover his spells, during which the party are able to rest up for a short while. No-one dares try on the magic boots.

Zeoll tries to stir the seeds of rebellion in his ogre buddy.

"Hurr! Yer, that'd be sweet!" grins the ogre, spitting out a chunk of naga spine and just missing Vorelle with it. "Tell you what kitty, you go steal Lord Gargulus' stone, Khuurn stay back an' watch while he turn you into cat food! A-hurr hurr hurr! You sure you met Gargulus before?" He belches mightily.

Tratain's fervent prayers are answered. He feels his link to the divine Domi as strongly as ever, even though it echoes across void of countless centuries. Somehow whatever power hurled you back in time has preserved some sort of connection to your true present. Offering final thanks Tratain is able to cure Ashira of the debilitating effects of the naga poison.

You get ready to set out again. Ahead of you and rising above the trees you see the craggy spikes of a great mountain, like gnarled black talons against an apricot dawn sky. Beneath them must surely lie the fortress of the Lord Gargulus. Going by the map the entrance can be no more than a half-hour treck from here.

The time is now 6.30am. Rose's Mage Armor has 3 hours remaining. Her other spells have expired.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=9 d20+18=33
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:04:56 PM

When the party takes a break, Theodore takes the newly found boots out to study them closer. First he goes over them with his eyes and fingers to obtain any clues. (Search 9) Then he uses an even finer sense to delve deeper into the aura of the boots. (Spellcraft check 33)

If none of this helps, he tempts fate and pulls them on.

Zeoll  d20+8=17 d20+6=10 d20+6=26
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 11:34:33 PM

Oh! Before Theo tries on those boots, Zeoll asks for a look-see. Maybe the liontaur bard can recall some echo of the history or nature of this item -- or at least take a decent guess at a command word! [OOC: Bardic Lore 17]

Zeoll laughs with his friend, Khuun. "Surre, I'll get the stone!" -- [OOC: Did we know it was a stone? If not, that's news to us!] -- "How would you like anotherr soul to go with yourr firrst one, old buddy? But I've been away forr a while. Wherre does he keep his stone these days? What's the best way to get therre, and what guarrds does he have at the prresent? Come on, you can tell me! If you don't say, I could end up torrturred and worrse!"

[OOC: Opposed Charisma check to get the ogre to spill what he knows ... 10! Bleck! That calls for a hero point reroll (leaving Zeoll with three hero points) ... 26! Nat 20! Holy sweet reroll! Totally worth it! Woo hoo!]

Friday February 24th, 2006 6:29:52 AM

Rose gratefully flops down to rest "Tratain, could you hand out some of the food?" She says as she takes a drink of water.

When traiten hands out the food Rose will take some of the sugar spice bread with cream cheese.

tratain put the food in his bag of holding at begining of game. Food that Rose bought is:
Tea leaves
bread with assorted fillings,
20 with sugar, spices, and nuts
10 with sausage, scrabbled eggs, and cheese
15 with tomato sauce, beef sausages (pepperoni, salmi types), vegetables, and cheese
10 ham and cheese
20 whole wheat
15 assorted, various types
Cream cheese

DM Carl: Khuurn  d20+2=8 d20+2=18
Friday February 24th, 2006 7:31:09 AM

"Listen, kitty, no joking; you take Lord Gargulus stone, you dead. Khuurn like you, but Khuurn not stupid. He not fight Lord Gargulus. You fight Gargulus, he kill you."

He thinks for a moment, then adds "But kitty Khuurn's friend. Khuurn not help him."

The ogre clearly has great loyalty towards his master, or great terror of him. Perhaps he doesn't know where the stone is, for no further information is forthcoming. He shuts his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

The fat and snoozing ogre's eyes snap open at the mention of food. Salivating he peers over at Tratain and calls out;

"You! Little slave! Bring Khuurn your food NOW! This food for Khuurn, not stupid slaves!"

He places a hand upon his greatsword to emphasise the point. He glowers at Rose, just daring her to touch his second dinner.

Friday February 24th, 2006 9:38:41 AM

The ranger is rather hungry after his nap. His nose finds that Rose's pack is smelling like breakfast.
He's very happy to see that food is being portioned out.

(OOC: I assume there wasn't time to reprepare spells?)

Friday February 24th, 2006 11:06:53 AM

Ashira beams at Tratain. "Thanks! Those things pack quite a whallop!"

As the group relaxes, and Rose gets out her food, Ashira gets herself a little bread and butter. She knows that others are probably more hungry than her.

At Khuurn's statments, Ashira shoots Zeoll a murderous look as if to say "Shut him up, or I'll do it for you." Still, she has enough respect for the liontaur that she does not just kill the creature. Instead, she moves to position herself between Khuurn and the others, staring at the ogre blankly.

Zeoll  d20+6=13 d20+11=30 d20+6=12
Sunday February 26th, 2006 10:12:57 PM

Zeoll chides his new friend. "What, you want to eat slave food! Eh! Leave it! Stand down! Besides, you just had half a snake. Perrsonally, I only eat things I have killed myself. That's the warrriorr's way."

Chr check to make him ignore the food: 13

Zeoll returns to the topic of Gargul's stone. "My frriend, I did not want to say this beforre, but I am underr a deadly currse. I have to get my hands on that stone. If I do not, I will die frrom the currse. You have to tell me wherre the stone is or else I will die frrom my currse."

Bluff Check to tell a believable lie: 30 woo hoo!

Chr check to make him tell me where the Stone is: 12.

Sunday February 26th, 2006 10:24:12 PM

Too keyed up to sit still, Vorelle paces while she has a bit of bread and cheese. She stays well away from Khuun's reach.

Monday February 27th, 2006 11:49:34 AM

Brahmah follows, or leads, depending on the function he needs to serve. :)

DM Carl: The way to an ogre's heart is through his stomach  d20+3=19 d20+3=5
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:30:19 PM

Khuurn's belly speaks to him more loudly than Zeoll is able. With a brutal snarl the enormous pot-bellied ogre stands, greatsword in hand. He points one long cracked fingernail at Rose and bellows:

"No! Khuurn take food! Slave, bring Khuurn food now or Khuurn eat slave!"

At Zeoll's next words the ogre looks surprised, but his anger at being thwarted does not leave him. "Stone most likely in joining chamber, on lower level." Snaps Khuurn. "But you take stone, you die. You not take stone, you die. Looks like you is dead, kitty!"

He turns back to Rose and fixes her with a gaze of pure fury.

"Just like tiny slave if Khuurn not get his food RIGHT NOW!!"

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday February 27th, 2006 7:53:27 PM

Seeing the situation begin to escalate, Theodore stands from his scrutiny of the boots and takes a few steps from the altercation. He flings his hands wide and prepares to use his magic should things get nastier.

(DM Carl, did Zeoll or Theodore discover anything about the boots?)

Rose 43/52 hp 
Monday February 27th, 2006 11:09:43 PM

rose is a bit scared, so she tosses Khuurn 10 loaves of wheat bread (khuurn just got 10lb food so that should fill him right?)

If Khuurn settles down Rose will munch on some wheat bread with butter, and if there's time to rest she rest and study her spellbook.

ooc: did rose ever get healed?

Monday February 27th, 2006 11:13:54 PM

From her position in front of Rose, an unhealthy flush works its way to Ashira's cheeks. As Rose tosses the bread to the big lug, Ashira mutters through clinched teeth. "Someone has outlived their usefulness. I tire of this game."

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 12:15:14 AM

Casually, Vorelle lets her hands drift toward her axes.

Zeoll  d20+11=21 d20+6=13 d20+24=42
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 5:28:56 AM

What Zeoll says: "Khuun, you big lug! Ha ha! The things you say make me laugh! I think that brread weighs morre than Rrose does!" He goes on for a few minutes, seeming to laugh in a friendly way at the ogre.

In this way he uses a bit of diplomacy and humor to defuse the group's tension. [Diplomacy check 42 to do so!]

What Zeoll means (Bluff check 21 to pass a secret message to his friends): Yes, I know Khuun is a jerk, but we are getting good info from him. Please be patient for a little while more. Thanks for putting up with him.

As the party continues to travel, Zeoll returns to the topic of Lord Gargullus's keep. "So tell me, cleverr Khuun, if you had to sneak down to the lowerr level, how would you do it? Is therre a back doorr? An entrrance that is less guarrded?"

Chr check 13.

[OOC to Rose and everybody: We took the time to prep arcane spells back at Alemi's place, so Rose should be set for the day. Yes, we used up some fighting Khuun and those goblins, and fighting the nagas, but there's no way to get those back short of sleeping eight hours.]

[Still OOC: Carl, how close are we to dawn? The divine casters get their spells back then, right?]

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 10:15:29 AM

Brahmah remains by Roses side. He still isn't sure of the ogre.

DM Carl: Here's spit in your eye  d20+3=7
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 6:11:53 PM

Khuurn grabs the loaves and wolfs them down in next to no time. Even for an ogre, this boy is greedy.

His belly filled he grins back at Zeoll savagely, slapping him mightily on the shoulder.

"You see, kitty? Can't be soft on slaves, got to show 'em who boss!"

He steps up close to Rose and lets out a terrifying, ground trembling roar, right in her face. She is showered by gobbets of ogre spittle, her hair blown out behind her by the sheer force of the ogre's blood-curdling roar.


Clearly satisfied at his bullying tactics he turns, laughing contemptuously, ready to be off.

Theo bravely tries on the boots. He has a good idea what they might be, and with his own insight and Zeoll's help he is able to try a few things. "Hover!" "Float!" "Rise!" "Up!"

The last one does the trick, and Theo finds himself the proud owner of a pair of boots of levitation.

The party set off through the forest, and Zeoll continues to press the point with Khuurn. The ogre shrugs and says "Only way Khuurn know is through main gate, down stairs. Plenty of guards, Khuurn is thinking."

The time is now 6.45am, and dawn has broken over the craggy mountains ahead. Divine casters have been able to spend some time readying their spells before setting off. Arcane casters have not had sufficient rest to regain any spells cast since leaving Oshirr House.

Zeoll  d20+11=22
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:54:31 PM

"Hey!" says Zeoll, "That slave alrready had one bath this yearr!" With some body language and a whispered word (bluff check 22), Zeoll lets Rose know how sorry he is that she had to put up with that.

Zeoll gathers the whole group together for a strategy meet as they walk toward Gargul's keep. Here are some of his ideas:

1) They group can try to fight our way in, smash the wards, grab the stone, and get out. Disadvantage: probably won't work.

2) The group could try to talk/bluff/enchant our way in. This is Zeoll's strong suit, but the danger is probably too great.

3) Find or make a back door.

3A) Rest up for new spells as needed. Dig/burrow/stoneshape our way in. Zeoll can summon earth elementals to help with this idea.

3B) Fly in a window or roof entrance. We have Jack's mount, Khuun can fly, and now we have the boots.

Any other ideas? Anyone have any way to contribute to these ideas or others?

Theodore & Macaw 
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 9:40:20 PM

Theodore is quite happy with his new toy. He's also happy that tensions have calmed. Eager to set off again, he cinches his pack. Not having any ideas about entering the stronghold, he holds his tongue and lets others speak.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 11:22:26 PM

Her grip on the hilts of her swords so tight that her knuckles pop, Ashira is about 2 seconds away from dispatching Khuurn..and her loyalty to Zeoll will only give him so many allowances. For now, she grits her teeth and continues her white knuckled grip on her swords. She keeps quiet for now, trying to calm down after the ogre's last action.

Vorelle  d20+13=31 d20+18=28
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 12:55:59 AM

Now that they are close, Vorelle begins looking for tracks. Perhaps there is a less-used entrance, or a back way in, and maybe the tracks will lead her there.

Anyway, it's all she can think of for the moment.

[Search (to find tracks) 31, Survival (to follow tracks) 28]

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 6:04:38 AM

Rose is reassured by the way the others are looking at Khuurn, that they wont let him hurt her. However she is quite upset and disgusted when she gets sprayed with ogre spit and soggy bread crumbs. She whispers to Theo "Theo, do you have any water or a prestidgation spell so I can get cleaned up?"

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:47:52 AM

Brahmah is with Ashira; he is also close to dispatching the ogre. He looks at Ashira, his hands on his hilts, as if waiting for a signal.

Prepared Spells: Speak with Animals, Charm Animals, Bear's Endurance

DM Carl: A morning stroll  d100=88
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 6:26:19 PM

The party continue towards their goal, discussing possible ways into the stronghold. Vorelle finds that there are plenty of tracks here, probably made by orcs or goblins. A track of sorts leads the party towards the sheer rocky mountainside to the south.

The forest remains quiet and peaceful. Khuurn informs you that there is perhaps a 15 minute walk ahead of you until you reach the great doors.

The time is 7am.

Theodore & Macaw 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 8:32:19 PM

As the group debates what to do next, Theodore hovers slightly above the ground, grinning foolishly at anyone who looks his way.

Wednesday March 1st, 2006 11:37:30 PM

The ranger shrugs. "Stealth would probably be best. I think I like the last couple of plans (3A and 3B) the best."

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:41:51 AM

"I c-c-c-can't f-fly. Or b-b-b-burrow," says Vorelle diffidently. "B-b-but I c-can sn-sn-sneak."

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 3:02:46 AM

Rose resigns herself to being filthy, at least for the moment. "I think we should hide and rest so we can prepare our spell."

If it's decided not to rest she says she can fly in with Theo carrying her, or she can sneak in but reminds everyone that she's slower than the others.

Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:12:30 PM

"I used to be able to fly, but then the tax collector came and took my wings."

DM Carl: Home sweet home  d100=78
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 4:17:04 PM

The party edge closer to the entrance, debating the best route forward. After a short while the rangers up front signal the party to stop. Peering ahead through the trees you see a clearing, perhaps 50 feet wide. Beyond that a sheer black cliff face rises high above you, the sun hidden behind the massive bulk of the mountain. At its base are a set of wide stone steps, roughly hewn into the black rock of the cliff. They lead upwards about thirty feet to a wide portal, an entrance directly into a dark cavern beneath the mountain. Though there are massively thick wooden doors at the entrance, reinforced with steel and adorned with spikes, they are wide open, and there are no guards immediately visible.

Khuurn looks at you all with a mixture of contempt and confusion.

"Why you all hiding? Stupid slaves scared, Khuurn understand, but Kitty? Cowhead? You want to come to fortress of Gargulus, we come. Now we go inside, yes?"

He seems ready to stomp right up to the steps and march on up.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 9:32:01 PM

"I could cast a fly spell and an invisibility spell on someone who could go take a look," Theodore offers.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:24:09 AM

Vorelle pauses to see what the others decide to do. She's confident in her sneaking ability, but the building entrance looks awfully big. And suspiciously quiet.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:28:22 AM

"Theo, will an invisibility spell work on both of us if you cast it on yourself while carrying me?" Rose asks curiously.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 6:14:11 AM

"Khuun, yourr a smarrt fellow. Can I just walk in and say, 'Oh, Lorrd Garrgullus, please give me yourr magic stone?' No, I can't do that. So we have to figurre out how to go get it."

Zeoll does his best to pull the group back out of sight while plans are finalized.

"We have choices. Do we trry to get in frrom below? Frrom above? Do we wait nine hours to rrecoverr arrcane spells? But we need inforrmation. So let's send out scouts. Vorrelle, how about if you cirrcle arround and look forr trrails, secrret exits, and the like? Someone else can do an invisible fly-overr."

"If someone can turrn me invisible, maybe I can use my Locate Objects spell at differrent points along the base of the ediface."

Zeoll does not mention that the "someone else" he has in mind for the invisible fly over is Khuun. Maybe the ogre will volunteer. Or maybe Zeoll will try to convince him to do that after the other PCs speak.

Friday March 3rd, 2006 8:38:01 AM

Ashira moves in close and whispers. "I can do the fly over if you want me too... Of course I'd have to have the spells cast on me first. I'm pretty observant when I need to be. But maybe we should have Rose do it. She's quite a bit smaller and might have a better chance at going undetected."

Friday March 3rd, 2006 10:50:21 AM

Getting upset, Brahmah responds to the ogre. "None of us are hiding you abnoxious idiot. Now move your big butt."

DM Carl: You call Khuun's butt big? 
Saturday March 4th, 2006 6:57:39 PM

Khuun shrugs at Zeoll's words, willing to let him dictate the next steps. But when Brahmah finally loses patience with the big ogre he turns sharply, eyes blazing.

"What you say to Khuun? You say Khuun idiot? You say Khuun got big butt? Cowhead, Khuun kill many for much less. You friend of kitty, Khuun give you break. You say you real sorry right now, Khuun not chop you into bits."

The ogre draws his greatsword and faces off with the minotaur.

"But any more stupid cow talk, Khuun feed you to cowhead's own slaves. Cowhead beg Khuun for mercy RIGHT NOW, or Khuun turn cowhead into oxtail soup!"

You are 60 feet or so away from the entrance. Khuun's voice is raised: unless you are able to quiten this situation down quickly it is quite likely that anyone near the entrance will hear you.

Zeoll  d20+6=21
Sunday March 5th, 2006 7:12:30 AM

Firmly but softly, Zeoll says to Brahmah, "Be quiet!" and to Khuun he says, "Shut up!" To both: "Do you want Lorrd Garrgullus to come down herre and ask who is shouting at his gate?"

"If you shout you will kill us, so stop shouting!"

Chr check 21 to get Khuun to be quiet.

"Come, walk back with me so that we can talk without fearr of detection."

Zeoll leads the party back out of earshot of the fortress.

Brahmah  d20+11=18 d20+11=29
Sunday March 5th, 2006 10:14:01 AM

"I wasn't shouting Zeoll, I was simply telling Meathead here to get moving."

He turns, grinning at the ogre, without drawing his weapons.
"...you massive dung heap, I had my tail cut off many years ago. Same with my ear.

Now if you would be so kind.... quiet down and get the Nine Hells out of my face so we can complete the mission.
I'm a minotaur, not bovine livestock you moron. Stop calling me a cow."

The minotaur will not likely back down.

Zeoll knows Brahmah doesn't tolerate bullies.

This whole time, Brahmah is talking in normal tones.

Brahmah looks past the ogre toward the gates, wwatching and listening. (Spot 18 and Listen 29, +2 vs humans, +4 vs centaurs)

Sunday March 5th, 2006 3:04:07 PM

Rose sort of hides behind Ashira, hoping Khuun wont decide that halfling would be a good snack.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=8
Sunday March 5th, 2006 9:53:03 PM

Theodore sees the potential for another confrontation and steps back and prepares to cast a spell.

If Khuun makes a hostile move, Theodore lobs an acid splash at him. (Attack 8) The ray shoots wide.

Vorelle  d20+20=36 d20+20=40
Monday March 6th, 2006 12:06:53 AM

Never one for confrontation, Vorelle tries to melt into the shadows. As Zeoll suggests, she moves back with him, trying to go quietly.

[Hide 36, Move Silently 40 (natural 20)]

Monday March 6th, 2006 11:01:00 AM

OOC: Lets consider Sunday's post as Monday's please.

DM Carl: Fight! Fight!  d20+3=15 d20+2=7 d20+7=13 d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=10 d20+1=19 d20+1=15
Monday March 6th, 2006 4:31:37 PM

Standing toe to toe with Brahmah the 10 foot 2 ogre looms above the minotaur, waiting impatiently for his apology. Khuun growls angrily at Zeoll when the wemic tells him to settle down, but seems willing to back off for now. He begins to turn to follow Zeoll, but he is far from happy.

But then Brahmah proves that he's nobody's whipping boy. Khuun's eyes open wide as the minotaur heaps one insult upon another. His breathing becomes ragged and laboured as Brahmah says exactly what he thinks of the brutish, bullying ogre.

"M-meathead? DUNG heap? MO-RRONN?!?!? RrrraaAAAGGGHHH!!!!!"

Grasping the greatsword in both hands he slams it down at Brahmah as hard as he is able. The minotaur is easily able to sidestep the wild swing, however. This only serves to infuriate Khuurn all the more.

"RAAGGHH!! Khuun smash puny cowhead!" he bellows, beginning to foam a little around the mouth. "Khuun chew you up and spit you out!"

Alarmed, Theo fires off an acid splash at Khuun, but misses. Vorelle, unnoticed by anyone, slips into the deep shadow of a tree, vanishing from sight. The others stand frozen in shock at this dramatic turn of events. A mere 70 feet from the entrance to the Fortress of Lord Gargulus, and here's Khuun bellowing his head off! If there is anyone in there they are sure to hear him...

Ashira  d20+14=20 d8+4=12
Monday March 6th, 2006 5:21:15 PM

A grim look of satisfaction on her face, Ashira moves forward to silence the ogre. Using the flat of her blade, Ashira aims for subdual damage (even though she'd rather just kill the beast). Striking with her longsword, she slaps the ogre fairly well (AC 20 for 12).

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday March 6th, 2006 10:32:29 PM

Theodore moves away from the confrontation, deciding he can only hurt the proceedings.

Monday March 6th, 2006 10:36:09 PM

Vorelle remains hidden.

Monday March 6th, 2006 11:09:00 PM

Last round, Zeoll moved off 80 feet. I think the only party member with him is Theo. Zeoll says to Theo, "Well, if Brrahmah wants to make a distrraction, it is up to us to make surre the distrraction is put to good use. I want to use my Locate Object spell to pinpoint the location of the arrtifact. Carre to cirrcumnavigate the keep with me? And would you happen to have any invisibility spells or such in yourr head?"

Zeoll casts his Locate Object spell (range 680 feet), looking for a spherical stone, sized to fit in one's hand. He is basing this on the illustration we saw long ago of the object draped in Gargul's hand and on what Khuun said.

Then he starts walking, heading around the keep (only 40 feet moved this round).

Using his druidic ability to pass through underbrush without a problem, Zeoll keeps to the densest growth, trying to maintain 100% cover/concealment. He'll be less anal about this if he is invisible!

Stuff Used:

8 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
2 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, [Guidance], Guidance x2, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: [Animal Trance], Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Hero Points: three (?) of five (?) used

OOC: Carl, please clarify -- the divine spells marked in brakets above were cast in the battle with Khuun and the ogre who loved his club too much (Woshka?). Are they available now, or no?

{DM Carl: All divine spells are restored. Arcane spells are not.)

Rose  d20+10=12 d4+4=8 2d6(1+3)=4
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 12:02:32 AM

When Ashira attacks Khuun Rose realizes that he needs to be silenced and quickly fires an arrow at him.

attack: 12, +1 if within 30'
damage: 8, +1 if within 30'
sneak attack: 4

Brahmah (97hps, AC 22) 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 11:13:32 AM

Brahmah shakes his head at Zeoll in agreement and continues hurling insults.

"Great big ogre bully thinks he's going to smash the cowhead!? Well, catch me then. Come on idiot." He sprints in the general direction of the gate, distancing himself from the group.

Tuesday March 7th, 2006 12:32:12 PM

Tratain follows Zeoll as he looks for the stone, unhappy about leaving Brahama alone with the ogre.

DM Carl: For whom the bell tolls  d20+1=7 d20+1=10 d20+1=10
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 5:54:12 PM

As Khuun finally goes postal Ashira and Rose decide they'd better help Brahmah out. Ashira suspects her blow has done minimal damage, and Rose sees her arrow sail well wide of its target. Vorelle continues to hide. It makes no odds- Khuun ignores all of them utterly.

Brahmah decides to lead the ogre on a merry dance. He races directly towards the wide entrance, across the clearing, merrily hurling insults at the enraged ogre as he goes. Khuun stalks furiously after the minotaur, waving his greatsword above his head and screaming insults right back, but after only 40 feet he snaps his fingers and vanishes from sight. Brahmah's flight brings him to the foot of the steps. Looking up he sees two astonished orcs at the top of the steps, some 20 feet away, blinking in the morning sunlight. They wear studded leather armor, carry rusty falchions, and (oddly) sport long, curved horns upon their heads. From within the compound Brahmah hears a bell begin to ring, over and over again.

(OOC: The party were 70 feet away from the entrance. I'm going to assume Brahmah makes a withdraw action (double move), in order to avoid an attack of opportunity from Khuun, rather than a run action which will take him well inside the compound (120ft) and draw an AoO from Khuun and goodness knows who else. Please specify in future to avoid any confusion. Thanks!)

Theo, Zeoll and Tratain sneak off through the undergrowth, trying to take advantage of the minotaur's frontal assault in order to track down a back entrance. However the flaw in this plan rapidly becomes apparent. The sheer cliff face either side of the entrance stretches way off into the distance. As far as you can see there are no other entrances anywhere nearby. In fact, if you think back to the map Alemi gave you, this cliff face could well stretch on for miles in this manner. This group are now some 90 feet from the entrance, but are still well hidden.

Zeoll decides to cast a Locate Object spell, and tries to focus upon a magical stone, much like the one depicted in the tapestry. With a start the wemic realises that he can indeed sense the direction of just such an object. It clearly lies beyond those great open gates, and below where you currently stand.

Zeoll  d20+9=22
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 8:13:17 PM

Zeoll sees Brahmah's nonverbal sign (Spot 22) and just hopes that the brave minotaur will get out before he is slain. He says as much to Tratain and Theo.

"Meanwhile, we have worrk to do," says Zeoll. He explains that he senses the Stone in that direction. But he needs a fix on about how far away it is. So he makes a full round move perpendicular to the direction, hoping to get a crude guess as to distance with a simple triangulation.

He also has to keep under 100% cover or concealment, and he asks his friends to think about ways to get closer to the encampment without being noticed.

He tells his friends his plans: If he can get within 160 feet or so of the sphere, he can summon earth elementals to go and fetch the stone, or at least find out about it.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 8:26:09 PM

"What do we do now?" Theodore whispers.

Vorelle  d20+20=40 d20+20=34
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 10:54:48 PM

If there is enough cover, Vorelle will try to approach closer to the doors while remaining hidden. She will not break cover, however.

[Hide 40 (natural 20), Move Silently 34]

Rose  d4=2
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 6:00:59 AM

ooc: did rose get healed after the last fight?

Rose quickly cast a spell that she hopes will help.

cast spectral hand.

Rose hp: 43/52 ac: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 3 hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 50 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Brahmah (97hps, AC 26) 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 1:31:39 PM

Brahmah draws his swords and he makes a tactical withdrawal. (Moving away and Total Defense) The minotaur is moving away from both the entrance and where the ogre might be. (IE; Point 'B' is moving away from the rock and the hard place ;))

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+11=20
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 3:20:50 PM

At a loss of what to do to help, Ashira keeps a look out for signs of the surely emanate trouble headed their way. (Spot=25, Listen=20)

DM Carl: Wass that crazy guy doin', Patch? Uh, Patch?  d20-2=0 d20-2=18 d20+1=3
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 4:54:55 PM

Brahmah veers right, trying to keep ahead of the invisible ogre and away from the orcs at the entrance. For now he seems to have partially succeeded, There is no sign of the ogre, and one of the orcs holds position. The other, a mean looking brute with a patch over one eye, is not so disciplined Forgetting all about whatever orders he may have been given, he comes tearing down the steps after the minotaur, yelling some orcish battlecry. He doesn't reach Brahmah this round.

By now the whole party can hear the ringing bell. Ashira also hears raised voices coming from inside the entrance, and thinks she spots signs of movement back there in the darkness.

Zeoll tries to figure out how far the stone might be. The angle changes disappointingly little as he moves however, leading the wemic to believe that the stone is pretty much directly behind the entrance, but probably at or near the maximum range of his locate object spell.

Rose casts her spectral hand spell as Vorelle looks for a way to get near the entrance unseen. Sadly the occupants have foreseen just this eventuality, and have cleared the 70 feet or so of land between the treeline and the entrance completely.

The orc at the entrance glances over at the trees nervously, perhaps fearing that this lone attacker has allies. His gaze passes you by however, his attention focused upon the crazy suicide attacker. But for how much longer?

(OOC: Folks, you are in cover, but I'll need to see Hide rolls from you all if you want to remain unseen. Also a word of warning; you are at the heart of darkness. The enemy is on high alert, and Brahmah is isolated and exposed. Doing nothing is not an option at this stage!).

Here's the map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/maps/dfr/g-round1.jpg

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 6:00:01 PM

Theodore casts a spell and turns invisible. He then moves to Q18.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours from beginning of first battle out of fort
Invisibility - 9 minutes

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=24 d20+11=26 d20+6=15 d8+1=8 d8+1=3 d8+1=9 d20+20=35
Thursday March 9th, 2006 1:01:40 AM

Vorelle whips out her bow [Quick Draw feat] and snaps off three shots at orc #1. She tries to remain hidden as she does so.

[Hit AC 24 for 8 damage; hit AC 26 for 3 damage, hit AC 15 for 9 damage. Hide check 35, not taking any penalties into account because I'm not sure what they are.]

Cayzle OOC to Kathy 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 2:28:48 AM

Kathy, you might want to look at the sniping rules in the PHB under the Hide skill.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+9=21
Thursday March 9th, 2006 7:31:43 AM

Zeoll is torn. He has no secretive ranged attacks. Frankly, he suspects that the mission has failed. They have no hope of destroying Gargullus's Fortress, a task Alemi himself could not do. They cannot sneak in. The best they can hope for is to get up that cliff, travel to a spot above the stone, and then send earth elementals down to fetch it.

Zeoll looks at the stone wall -- what's the DC to climb it? How tall is it?

He casts Heroism on himself.

He thinks to himself, how many small air elementals would it take to lift him to the top of the cliff?

He looks for any sign of the invisible Khuun (Spot 21).

Stuff Used:

8 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: three of five used

Brahmah (97hps, AC 26) 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 9:40:06 AM

Being exposed, Brahmah does his best to avoid the ogre, but his biggest worry is what to do if the floodgates open and the content of the fort flow his way. He gets any idea. He stops in his tracks.

"You ogre, I can't see you, but I CAN smell you. I know your nearby." He sees the orc approaching. "Khuun isn't going to let little pigface kill Cowhead all by himself?! Stinky ogre doesn't need help to kill cowhead, does he? The pigface and his friends want to kill cowhead!"

(Brahmah goes into Total Defense)

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 12:32:13 PM

Clearly frustrated, Ashira turns to Zeoll as she fishes a potion out of her backpack and downs it. "Well, unless you have any better ideas, I'm going to drink a fly potion and fly in there and try and take the stone."

OOC Carl 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 4:22:01 PM

Waiting for more posts...

Thursday March 9th, 2006 5:32:03 PM

Zeoll gasps! "Ashirra, you have a Fly potion! My thought was to get close to the Stone we seek, even if seperrated by rrock and soil. Then summon earrth elementals to glide down thrrough the soil and fetch the stone. But I have to get up therre on top of the cliff. Could I use your potion? It is a lot to ask, I know!"

He explains that he has located the Stone and tells her where he thinks it is. And how the elementals can bypass the guards and traps in place by gliding through stone around them.

Ashira (extra post) 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 10:54:14 PM

Grinning, Ashira thumbs at her pack. "By all means, take it! There's a levitation potion in there too if somebody else wants it. I'll go and help Brahmah keep the guards busy."

Brahmah (97hps, AC 26)  d20+11=27 d20+11=16
Friday March 10th, 2006 9:07:22 AM

Brahmah whirls his blades menacingly at the invisible ogre, all the while tossing jabes his way. "Your a sight prettier this way Khuun, I don't have to look at your ugly moosh!" He jockies around to see if he can make out foot prints, or dust wisps or broken twigs or anything that might give away the ogre's position. (Spot 27, Listen 16)

(Total defense)

DM Carl: The window of opportunity grows ever smaller...  d20+4=11 d20=7 d20+7=11 d20+6=9
Friday March 10th, 2006 6:11:54 PM

The vanishes from sight as Vorelle fires 3 swift shots at the orc approaching Brahmah. To her dismay they simply bounce off! Clearly this creature has undergone similar magical strengthening to his companions. She is unable to hide again, however.

(OOC: Sniping: If you've already successfully hidden at least 10 feet from your target, you can make one ranged attack, then immediately hide again. You take a -20 penalty on your Hide check to conceal yourself after the shot.)

Zeoll downs a potion and then is handed another by Ashira. Might his desperate plan just work? Looking up at the sheer cliff face he does some rapid mental calculation. It is a good 100 feet straight up to the first set of rocky crags. But the mountain continues up steeply from there, reaching thousands of feet at its distant summit. Could he position himself directly over the stone? Probably, but by best guess the mountain would already be maybe 1500 feet high by that point. That's an awful lot of rock to travel through, and a long way up to fly...

Brahmah waits for the ogre, trying to fool him into a mistake. But the big ogre is too angry and too cunning to fall for such tricks. He races in to attack, hoping to catch the minotaur by surprise. Brahmah's keen senses save him just in time. He spots some hint of movement above him, and hurls himself to one side at the last possible moment as the greatsword whistles over his head. The ogre blinks into view, cursing the minotaur.

Patch comes in fast, taking a great hack with his falchion. But the blow is a clumsy one, and the minotaur remains unscathed. He calls out "Khuun? Izzat you? What happened to Wozzogg an' the uvvers? Woss goin' on?"

At the gate there is a flurry of activity. Led by two orcs a group of eight goblins appear, and start down the steps towards you. They completely block the steps. Inside two kobolds, under orders from the remaining orc, begin to heave the great gates closed.

If you make an Int check DC 15 please Highlight to display spoiler: {You realise that the vast army of Gargulus cannot be here. They must be some way behind you, whatever the outcome of the battle at Oshirr House. Maybe hours behind, maybe minutes... Which means that if you're lucky there may only be a skeleton crew defending the base. If you don't get the stone now you may never get another opportunity...}

OOC: this is going to be tough folks. We'll need all of you posting if you're going to get through this and succeed in the module. Every posts counts now if you are going to claw this back.

I've mailed Joe and Dave but heard nothing from them. If one of you wants to sub for Tratain and someone for Jack (and I strongly suggest that you do, particularly with Tratain's cold iron weapons, hint hint!) please let me know and I'll mail you their sheets. Joe, Dave, if you see this, we need you back!

Loretta hasn't posted as Rose since Wednesday, hopefully we'll see her back shortly. Loretta, Rose is currently on full hit points.

Good luck troops!

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 1:33:11 PM

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours from first battle after leaving fort
Invisibility - 8 min 9 rounds

Seeing the gates closing on the party, Theodore thinks quickly and begins to incant. A 2 inch thick stone wall springs up between the closing gates. In the center of the stone wall, is a portal (doorless door) about 6' wide and 9' high. (Stone wall is 2" thick and up to 45 square feet, as per 9th level)

(Wall is intended to stop closing gate and provide an entry way for our party should we decide to enter)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+9=22 d8+1=9
Sunday March 12th, 2006 11:42:01 PM

More to provide a distraction than anything else, Vorelle breaks cover and fires another shot at the orc.

[Move to X-16. Hit AC 22 (with -4 penalty for shooting into melee) for 9 damage.]

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+8=23
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:24:37 AM

[OOC: OH! I thought that after the 100 feet of cliffs it was a plateau. In fact, it's all mountain up there! Oh well.]

[OOC: Carl, you posted that Zeoll drank a potion. In fact, he cast Heroism on himself.]

Zeoll says no thanks to Ashira. He was confused about the options. Sorry.

Instead, Zeoll runs out 80 feet toward Brahmah, drawing his staff as he moves. (double move). No map, but Zeoll would like to end about 20 feet from Patch and well away from the two orcs and kobolds.

He calls out, "Khuun! Stop that this instant! I need help! Get overr herre and tell yourr associate that we arre frriends!"

Cha check (with Heroism) 23.

Stuff Used:

8 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: three of five used

Brahmah (97hps, AC 26) 
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:48:40 AM

Total Defense.

Brahmah continues to spin the blades, doing everything in his power not to attak the ogre, though he would like too.

Monday March 13th, 2006 10:55:02 AM

Use Sunday's post.

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4 
Monday March 13th, 2006 3:22:15 PM

The ranger sighs. Subterfuge again...and she was all set for a life or death battle. Lowering her swords, she calls out to Vorelle "Fellow slave, our Master has ordered us not to harm the mighty ogre our Master's ally. We must obey Master." Turning her head away, Ashira rolls her eyes as she plays along with the game.

DM Carl: Just how stupid is that ogre?  d20+8=9 d20+1=14 d20+1=11 d20=12
Monday March 13th, 2006 5:00:56 PM

Theo's quick thinking ensures there is no way those gates are going to shut. Vorelle's arrow bounces off its target again. Brahmah braces himself for impact, but it never comes.

Khuurn recoils as if stung at Brahmah's harsh words, though a hint of a superior sneer appears on his face at Ashira's words.

"Aw, hey kitty, don' be like that" he wheedles, turning his back on Brahmah and spreading his great arms wide. "You heard what stupid cowhead said, Khuun was only going to mash him up a little bit!"

(OOC: I give Khuun a +5 circumstance modifier on top of his Cha bonus and he rolls a natural 1! The dice rolling gods smile upon you!)

He waves at his monstrous allies to stand down. "S'okay boys, these lads is with Khuun. Even stupid cowhead. Take it easy."

The orcs and kobolds come to an uncertain halt, gazing first at Khuun, then at the heavily armed party. They don't attack, but they don't seem to be too sure about letting you in.

The orc who was at the gateway with Patch calls down to Khuun "Hoy, Khuun, 'oo is zis, den? Wotcha bringin' yoomans 'ere for?" He looks deeply suspicious of you all.

(OOC: If you are going to continue this subterfuge I'll need to see Bluff checks from those participating please.)

Cayzle OOC 
Monday March 13th, 2006 8:12:30 PM

[Sorry everyone who prefers a straight up fight! How's about Zeoll tries to talk us in, and after we win through to the inside, we can fight then if we like? LOL!]

[OOC: Carl - what if Zeoll uses his staff of charming? Is it obvious that he is doing something offensive? Can he use a bluff check to distract the masses while sneaking off the spell? Or is it a lost cause and obvious hostile action?

How about casting a Suggestion spell? How obviously offensive is that?


Carl: With so many opponents glaring at you suspiciously, any unexpected move may set things off. If I saw a big lion-man start to cast a spell at me with a big staff I think I'd consider it pretty alarming! But it's your call... ;-))

Vorelle  d20=4 d20=14
Monday March 13th, 2006 10:31:18 PM

Vorelle puts her bow away and tries to look meek. Since she actually is meek, I'm kind of hoping for a circumstance modifier here.

Bluff 14 (used Hero point to re-roll)

Brahmah (97hps, AC 26) 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 9:59:25 AM

Brahmah doesn't let his guard down, but is tempted to stab the ogre in the back. :)

Total Defense still up. He moves about 10ft closer to the gate.

Tuesday March 14th, 2006 4:32:16 PM

Waiting for more posts...

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4  d20+1=16 d20+11=23
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 4:42:40 PM

Knowing that she's really not the best at this sort of thing, Ashira continues to try and play the game. Sheathing her weapons, she lowers her eyes, fixing her gaze to the ground like what she supposes a good slave would do (Bluff=16). "Master, we await your orders." she says in a subdued voice as she listens to the noises around her, trying to determine whether the ruise is working (Listen=23).

Tratain (via Nellie)  d20+1=13
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 4:46:41 PM

Not really thinking Zeoll's and Ashira's plan will work, but with very few other choices right now, Tratain trys to look submissive (Bluff=13), but makes sure his weapons are close by in case this thing goes south.

OOC: Sorry, haven't had time to get a feel for Tratain...will do more homework tonight.

Zeoll  d20+13=24
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 5:55:43 PM

Zeoll assumes an air of command. [Bluff check 24]

"Stop this nonsense!," Zeoll calls up to the gate guards, "and inforrm yourr superriorrs that we have imporrtant news frrom the warr. And turrn off that noise!" He motions in the general direction of the alarm bell.

"Khuun, slaves, come follow me! We have business inside."

Zeoll starts walking in as if he owned the joint. He expects everyone to follow.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 7:02:06 PM

Theodore, still invisible, moves up to Vorelle and touches her lightly on the arm.

"It's Theo," he whispers. "I'll follow you since I'm not too quiet. Hopefully, they'll attribute any noise I make to you."

That said, the invisible wizard sticks close to the ranger.

Invisibility - 8 min 8 rounds

DM Carl: They're buying it! Nobody giggle!  d20-4=12
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 8:43:00 AM

The party do their best to look like Zeoll's pitiful slaves apart from Brahmah, who moves boldly towards the entrance. This brings a cry of alarm from Patch, who raises his weapon and yells "You stop! Stop right there!"

Then Zeoll calls out in a commanding fashion, and everyone looks to him and then the orc at the gate. Uncertainty reigns.

Khuun does his best to calm his monster comrades' fears.

"You boys lissen' to kitty, he's all right kitty is. Bungo, who'd they leave in charge?"

Bungo, the Orc at the gate, seems torn. These are humans! But they are slaves to these two weird looking monsters, obviously a pair of the master's more disgusting experiments. But they were fighting Khuun! They shot arrows at Patch! But then Khuun is always fighting. And Patch is a moron; he deserves to have arrows shot at him. And they did stop when that lion-thing told them...

Eventually makes up his mind. This has all got too complicated. His head is starting to hurt. Time to upwardly delegate.

"OK, you come in, but no funny business, right? You! Stupid! Stop that bell! We go see Snotguzzle now, he listen to this news. But get this wall out of my gate first!"

Khuun rejoins the group with an apologetic smirk at Zeoll and filthy look at Brahmah. The kobolds move to surround your group as you move towards the steps. Everyone waits for you to remove the stone wall and doorway before you proceed.

Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:42:04 AM

Brahmah smiles back at Khuun and winks at Zeoll.

Out of the pan, into the fire.

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 3:02:03 PM

Continuing her act, Ashira mummbles as they enter the area. "Perhaps Master's magic stick could make the stone go away..." She hopes that the suggestion might give Zeoll a little leeway to use his Staff to charm more of the creatures.

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 7:03:30 PM

OOC - I can't dismiss the stone wall. It's permanent, unless I'm reading the spell description wrong. They're stuck with it, unless they want to break it down.

"I can't take down the wall," Theodore whispers to Vorelle as he walks behind her.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+26=43 d20+13=16 d20+13=20 d20+8=20 d20+8=10
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:31:49 PM

"Excellent, verry good. You pass the test," says Zeoll to the gate guards. "You have done well. I'll be giving a good rreporrt."

Diplomacy check 43.

Then Ashira speaks, and Zeoll glares at her. "I can come up with my own brrilliant plans, slave!" He uses a Bluff check to communicate that he actually is grateful and thinks his friend's idea IS brilliant. (Bluff Check 16 is just enough)

[OOC: Really, Janell, GREAT idea! You made me laugh!]

"Now, let me see," says the liontaur. "I will use my magic staff to rremove this stone wall. Stand back! My magic is grreat!"

He then casts Charm Monster on Bungo and Patch. Two charges each for the Charm Monsters. The save DC is 21 if you consider Charm Monster to be a 3rd level spell (as it is for bards) or 22 if 4th level (as I think the assumption is for the pricing in the DMG).

If either makes the save, Zeoll will say, "Did you feel my powerr?" and try again.

After the charms, Zeoll says, "Therre! The magic is done. The stone wall will fade away in two hourrs." If either objects to that, Zeoll will say, "Look, do me a favorr and be patient, okay?" (Bluff check 20, Chr checks 20 and 10 if you need them.)

Finally, Zeoll says, "Patch, Bungo, come with us and lead the way. How farr is it to Snotguzzle? Wherre is he now?"

Stuff Used:

12(plus?) staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

Tratain (via Nellie)  d20+1=21 d20+7=11 d20+7=23
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:14:01 AM

In the groove (Bluff=nat. 20), Tratain fixes his gaze to the ground and shuffles along. As he does so, he attempts to keep his wits about him, moving closer to Rose to protect her should Ashira and Zeoll's plan fail (Spot=11, Listen=23).

Vorelle  d20+20=40
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:31:56 AM

Vorelle concentrates on moving as quietly as she can. Any sound Theo makes should be attributable to her, and two sets of footfalls could raise awkward questions.

[Move Silently 40, natural 20]

Thursday March 16th, 2006 1:27:37 AM

Rose stays close to Ashira, and as far away from Khuun as possible. She doesnt talk but remains ready in case they are attacked.

ooc: Sorry for not posting. My computer has been freezing when online. I had to slowly email my documents to one of my email accounts and reboot. Unfortunatly my computer is still freezing, so suggestions would be helpful.

Brahmah  d20+11=16 d20+11=15
Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:55:01 AM

Brahmah remains alert and stays quiet as Zeoll does his thing.
(Spot 16, Listen 15)

DM Carl: Yer me besht mate!  d20-2=3 d20-2=11
Thursday March 16th, 2006 11:32:11 AM

Things seem to be looking up. Ashira'a well-timed prompt allows Zeoll to pull off a sneaky bit of spellcasting that has both orcs beaming at their new buddy. The stone wall blacking their gate is waved away. Brahmah marches in with Zeoll and Khuun, the others trooping in behind. The attendant kobolds look at one another with raised eyebrows, but are sufficiently aware of their place (not to mention the likely place the orcs' boots will end up if they argue) to keep their yaps shut.

The rest of the party play their parts to perfection, shuffling along with heads hung and glum expressions as their 'masters' lead them into the dragon's den.

Sorry, did I say dragon? Figure of speech, that's all. Honest. ;-)

Their 'masters' lead them into the gloomy lair of Lord Gargulus, a great stone-hewed structure buried deep below the mountain. You find yourselves in a wide antechamber, a rough cave with stalactites and stalagmites throughout. It feels cool after the early dawn's early rays outside. Ahead is a corridor, leading through to another chamber beyond. To either side of the corridor ahead are what look like cages.

As they walk with you the three charmed monsters chat away merrily.

Bungo: "Snotguzzle? He woz down in the Joining Chamber, workin' on more troops fer the boss last time I looked. Juss' down here."

Patch: "Snotguzzle workin'? Thass a good one!"

Khuun: "Hurr hurr! You'll like Snotguzzle, kitty. He proper nasty!"

Patch: "He sure is. You hear he ate a whole batch of them pixies last week? All in one go? Crunch crunch crunch! He greedier than you and Wozzogg put together!"

Bungo: "Hey Khuun, where is Wozzogg anyways? He finally elope with Woshka? An' what about the bruvvers?"

Khuun: "Kitty an' cowhead an' slaves kill em all. Big fight! Lots of blood an' fire!"

A spot check DC 10 reveals the kobolds are now looking at one another in outright alarm, though none of them yet dares to speak up.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+4=16
Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:39:06 PM

Theodore, still invisible and still sticking close to Vorelle, waits quietly by her side.

I'm gonna become visible shortly, he thinks to himself. I better think of something.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours from first battle after fort
Invisibility - 8 min 8 rounds from entering fort

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+13=15 d20+11=30
Thursday March 16th, 2006 9:50:06 PM

Note: The locate object has a duration (in total) of 7 minutes. How much of that is left? And which way to the Stone?

Zeoll laughs with his three good friends. "Yes, it was a grreat fight! Wozzogg was worrking for the enemy, you know, and I had to put him down. I'm just glad I turrned Khuun herre to the rright side of things."

Bluff Check 15 on that one.

Zeoll looks in the cages. Are they occupied? If so, Zeoll asks Khuun what these creatures are and why they are in cages. And who has the keys? Zeoll is thinking about freeing / charming creatures in cages.

How many kobolds are there? Zeoll notices (Spot 30) that the kobolds are nervous.

"Hold on a moment, therre, my frriends," the liontaur says. "Let me talk to these kobolds. They look nervous.

Zeoll talks quietly to each kobold in turn, casting Charm Person on ten of them (Save DC18). (2 from Zeoll, 8 from the charm staff.

He leaves two charmed kobolds at the gate and takes EVERYbody with the group. "Lead on, good Khuun! To Snotguzzle and the joining room."

Stuff Used:

20 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
2 of 5 first level bard spells
3 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4  d20+12=24 d20+1=13
Thursday March 16th, 2006 11:09:23 PM

Spotting the nervous kobolds, Ashira resolves to silence them if Zeoll's spells don't work out. The further in they go, the more nervous Ashira is about whether they will be able to pull this off (Bluff=13). But, seeing that they really don't have any other plan... Ashira continues to shuffle along. Looking over as Rose moves in closer, Ashira catches her eyes briefly and then continues with the slave act.

Vorelle  d20+20=30
Thursday March 16th, 2006 11:49:56 PM

Most of Vorelle's concentration is taken up with not making noise as she goes.

[Move Silently 30]

Friday March 17th, 2006 6:38:50 AM

Rose carefully moves along with the others keeping close to Vorelle and Ashira and is very wary of the ogres.

Tratain (via Nellie)  d20+7=18 d20+1=15
Friday March 17th, 2006 1:10:21 PM

The Protector watches nervously as the kobold's seem to be catching on (Spot=18). He keeps up the slave act (Bluff=15), and smiles a little as Zeoll casts his spells. That one's got guts. Hope he knows what he's doing, because we're in a world of hurt if he doesn't. he thinks as he briefly touches his war hammer.

DM Carl: Is that the sound of the wheels coming off?  d20+1=21 d20+1=3 d20+1=16 d20-1=15 d20=16 d20+2=10
Friday March 17th, 2006 3:57:50 PM

Zeoll feels the lure of the divined object somewhere ahead and down.

Ahead of you the corridor continues on. It is wide, perhaps 25 or thirty feet. Just past the cages you can see two sets of stone steps heading down, one set on either side of the corridor (about 30 feet ahead of Zeoll and Brahmah who head the party). The corridor continues on for another 40 feet or so and then opens out into a roughly hexagonal chamber. You can see some sort of large raised throne near the center of the room. As you walk through the corridor you see six cages, three on either side of you. Four are empty but for a few of scattered bones, but in the last two you see huddled groups. It is hard to tell what race they are, so filthy and emaciated are they. The smell is near overpowering, and it is clear they have been left here in their own filth for some considerable time. Seeing humans one bearded figure lurches forward towards the bars and in a cracked and pitiful voice cries "Free us! Please, please free us!"

His pleas are cut off by a savage orc boot to the head. "Back scum!" cries Bungo, drawing his rusty falchion.

Zeoll informs his buddies of Wozzogg's traitorous secret. The orcs buy it wholesale, but Khuun is not convinced. "Wozzogg? Workin' fer the enemy? Never! You bin eatin' funny mushrooms, kitty? Wozzogg not work fer nobody but me! Wozzogg too dumb to work fer more than 1 person at a time!"

He scratches his head, looking perplexed. "Explain to Khuun again why you killed Wozzogg and the uvvers, and set fire to the secret weapon. Khuun not sure he understand."

Zeoll has approached one of the kobolds and casts his spell. It does the trick, but the others have no intention of waiting around to be 'magicked' like their bosses and buddy. "Run!" cries one, and 9 kobolds set off at a sprint, yelling at the top of their lungs. "Help! Help! We're being invaded!. Each party member may take an attack of opportunity if they wish as the kobolds rush past you.

Friday March 17th, 2006 4:33:31 PM

Brahmah stays his hand with the kobolds, though he's tempted.

Zeoll  d20+13=30 d20+7=25 d20+5=8
Saturday March 18th, 2006 8:20:51 PM

When Khuun asks for an explanation, Zeoll does not miss a beat.

"Well, you know the humans arre plenty trricky, rright? You thought you werre taking the weapon to fight the humans. But they had trricked you! You werre taking it to an ambush! They werre going to get the weapon and use it against us! I had to stop you and destrroy the weapon beforre the humans stole it! I'm just glad I brroke the spell on you orr we would have had to kill you!"

[Bluff Check 30]

When the kobolds flee, Zeoll shouts, "Stop them! Bungo, call them back herre!"

The liontaur tries to grab one. His touch attack hits! (vs AC25!) Then he grapples. He is +8 to size -4 due to non-prof, plus +1 Str. He rolls an 8 on the grapple check. Maybe the kobold slips away? (but if it has a -2 Str adj, maybe not?)

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday March 19th, 2006 8:07:03 PM

Still invisible, Theodore sees things begin to go wrong. He keeps his silence and hopes for the best, still unwilling to reveal his presence just yet.

Sunday March 19th, 2006 11:25:41 PM

Vorelle does not take an AoO as the kobolds flee past her. She tries to avoid drawing attention to herself--and tries not to look at the wretched creatures in the cage.

rose  d20+7=17 d20+10=21 d20+10=19 d20+10=28
Sunday March 19th, 2006 11:38:37 PM

Rose sneaks over to one of the cells and starts unlocking the door. She does her best not to be seen and to be very quiet.

hide: 17
listen: 21
move silently: 19
open lock: 28

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4 
Monday March 20th, 2006 12:33:12 AM

More than a little anxious, Ashira hopes fervently that Zeoll knows what he's doing. At least the kobolds are running away from this Snotguzzle guy. Hopefully that's a good thing... She lets the kobolds run past her, hoping the ogres can shut them up, but her hands itch to draw her swords and just bust in and take the stupid stone thing. This was all taking too long, and frankly, she's beginning to think it's gone south.

OOC:Apologies if I was unclear: the kobolds are running into the complex, towards this Snotguzzle guy!
-DM Carl

Monday March 20th, 2006 1:01:55 PM

Brahmah looks at Khuun with sympathy.

DM Carl: Kobold Catching  d20+1=16 d20+1=12 d20+10=30 d20-4=12 d20-4=5 d20=8 d20-2=15 d20-1=3 d20-1=19 d20-1=11 d20-1=9 d20-1=5 d20-1=16 d20-1=1 d20-1=2 d20-1=4
Monday March 20th, 2006 3:52:43 PM

Khuun blinks at Zeoll's obvious explanation of events. "Huh! 'Mazin'!"

Then the kobolds make a break for it. Zeoll makes a grab for one kobold, but the wiry little creature is too slippery for the big wemic. It squirms free and races off down the corridor, shrieking wildly.

(OOC: Zeoll didn't quite make the Grapple DC, but also note that "your grapple check fails on a roll of a natural 1, 2, or 3". Cayzle, who wrote our Woldian special attack rules, is clearly testing his poor DM! ;-) Look up those rules here:


They can come in very handy, as we are about to see...)

Bungo does as he is told and sticks out a foot as a kobold goes past. The creatures desperately attempts to avoid the outstretched boot, but is running too fast to stop in time. It slams to the ground in a heap.

Khuun and Patch try the same trick, but are too late.

Then Bungo bellows "Stop where you are, you 'orrible little scum!" in a voice like thunder. Remarkably all but two of the fleeing kobolds skid to a halt, their fear of the big wemic's magic overruled by their absolute terror of their commanding officer's righteous wrath! They stand trembling ahead of you. The remaining two reach the two sets of stone steps. They split up, one heading down each. They continue to yell and scream as they go.

Under cover of all this confusion, brave Rose makes a bid to free the poor occupants of the cages. She sneaks quietly to one side, out of line of sight of those up front. She is just about to fish out her set of lockpicks (OOC: Picking a lock is a full round action, so this round Rose moved into position)) when Khuun turns around (Spot nat 20!).

"Hoy! Wot's dat slave doin' near the cage?" he roars, pointing at the tiny Halfling. A string of saliva drips from his bottom lip. Patch and Bungo turn to stare at her.

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4  d20+1=14
Monday March 20th, 2006 4:35:26 PM

Oh yeah, we're screwed... the ranger thinks as she watches the two kobolds make a bolt for it. Then Khuun spots Rose near the cage and starts bellowing. Better move fast. Darting toward Rose, Ashira slams her into the side of the cage. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! It's not time to steal yet, besides, these stupid things don't have anything to steal! Move now! Master tells us when to steal!" (Bluff=14) Ashira herds Rose back over to the others and wonders how in the world they're going to get out of this alive. At least that big stone wall afforded them an exit...but there sure are a lot of uglies to fight... Zeoll better know what he's doing.

Monday March 20th, 2006 8:09:07 PM

Zeoll is clearly frustrated and barks some orders.

"Bungo, my frriend, tell those kobolds to get in line. We have to be moving out."

Hearing the pleas of the captives, Zeoll snarls. "I'll give you frreedom! You pitiful humans disgust me! You arre frree to die! Rrose, Ashirra, stay herre afterr we go and kill all these snivelerrs. Then catch up to us, fast."

"I wish I had time to kill them myself, But we have to go see Snotguzzle rright now! Khuun, lead the way this instant, my faithful frriend! Then the kobolds, then everryone else!"

Zeoll gets the entire party moving as fast as he can, right this instant. If anyone dawdles, he says, "Get moving!"

Over his shoulder he calls to Ashira and Rose, "Make it painful, but fast!"

Vorelle  d20+20=21 d20+20=33
Monday March 20th, 2006 8:48:18 PM

Vorelle continues to use her skills to remain unobtrusive, but she's having some serious doubts. If Zeoll's plan falls apart, she can hardly sneak out again.

[Hide 21, Move Silently 33. Using the Hide skill to avoid calling attention to myself, not necessarily to be completely hidden and out of sight.]

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday March 20th, 2006 9:16:03 PM

The invisible Theodore follows after the entourage, keeping close to Vorelle.

Tratain (via Nellie)  d20+1=7
Monday March 20th, 2006 11:57:43 PM

Tratain shifts about nervously. Things have definately taken a turn for the worse. His hands fumble for his weapons, though he does not yet draw them (Bluff=7).

Tuesday March 21st, 2006 1:11:32 AM

Brahmah moves along, head high and looking down on the humans imperiously.

Ashira AC24 HP87/87, Barkskin+4 (extra post)  d20+1=21
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 9:53:13 AM

Ashira grins evilly at Zeoll's command and unsheathes her swords. "You hear that? Master says we get to kill them...then we can steal from them. Must be our lucky day, huh Rose?" Ashira winks at the halfling, trying to let her know everything's going to be ok (Bluff=nat. 20).

DM Carl: Who watches the watchmen?  d20-2=4 d20-2=11 d20+2=10
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 4:00:05 PM

The party continue to ride their luck. Ashira and Zeoll's little charade convinces the two orcs and Khuun, who turn their attention back to the kobolds. They don't seem at all bothered that those sorry wretches are going to be put out of their misery. After a few moments of reshuffling you set out once more, this time with the party guarding the kobolds instead of the other way around!

Ashira and Rose are left behind to heartlessly murder the poor, whimpering prisoners, who are pressing themselves back against their cell walls, terrified that their long ordeal is soon to come to a very brutal end. Some sob, some shriek, one still has enough spirit remaining to raise his filthy emaciated fists to you in defiance.

Ahead is the throne room. Patch beckons you forward. To either side of you are the stone steps descending into darkness. From down the two sets of steps you hear the echo of kobold yaps and screams.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 9:33:44 PM

Theodore continues to follow along, still invisible.

Vorelle  d20+20=25 d20+20=31
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 10:44:36 PM

Vorelle continues to do her best to be unobtrusive.

[Hide 25, Move Silently 31]

Brahmah  d20+11=13 d20+11=22
Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 2:37:01 AM

He listens and watches. (Spot 13, Listen 22)

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 8:18:40 PM

Zeoll urges everyone to follow Patch asap.

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 11:14:08 PM

Brandishing her swords in a menacing manner, Ashira waits until the others are out of eye and earshot and then she whispers to Rose. "Ok Rose, lets get them out of here...Though how in Gargul's name we're going to pull this off, I really don't know." Then the green skinned warrior turns to the prisoners. Still whispering, she gives them the skinny. "Alright, listen up. We're not going to kill you, but I need you to make it sound like it. 'Cus if you don't, the ogres are gonna come back and kill you...so scream...scream for your very lives." And just how exactly I'm going to get you out of here, I have nooo clue! she thinks as she watches Rose work.

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 1:07:33 AM

Keeping with the ruse, Brahmah confirms Ashira's statement. "Yah." He grits his teeth.

rose  d20+10=18 d20+10=19 d20+10=26 d20+10=24 d20+10=20 d20+10=23 d20+10=27 d20+10=26 d20+10=21 d20+10=14
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 2:13:53 AM

Rose quickly gets to work on the locks freeing as many as she can.

open lock tries, I'm assuming we're not in rounds at this moment and am making 10 tries or 1 minute of opening locks.

try 1: 18
try 2: 19
try 3: 26
try 4: 24
try 5: 20
try 6: 23
try 7: 27
try 8: 26
try 9: 21
try 10: 14

DM Carl: The Throne Room  d20=20
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 11:29:29 AM

Patch leads the party into the throne room. Several more cages line the walls, the cages populated by an assortment of fey, animals and monsters. They gaze at you listlessly as you enter the room, their dull eyes and slumped postures evidence of the absence of all hope in this dreadful place. That anyone would choose to situate a throne here, amongst such utter despair speaks volumes for the nature of the master of this place.

Patch indicates a wide set of stone steps to the rear of the chamber, directly ahead of you. "Snotguzzle down here." Peering down into the darkness the steps appear to go down some considerable way.

If you make a Listen check DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the high pitched yipping of kobolds echoing up the stairs.}

If you make a Listen check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the high pitched yipping of kobolds echoing up the stairs, and a sort of low rumbling sound.}

If you make a Listen check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the high pitched yipping of kobolds echoing up the stairs, and a sort of low rumbling sound, which sounds rather like loud snoring.}

If you make a Listen check DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the high pitched yipping of kobolds echoing up the stairs, and a sort of low rumbling sound, which sounds rather like loud snoring. In fact, it sounds like two distinct sets of snoring.}

Ashira and Rose Highlight to display spoiler: { You hang back and let the humans in the cages into your plan. At first they seem too far gone to register your words, sobbing in horror at the lion-monter's threats. But the fellow who raised his fists to you seems to be made of sterner stuff. His eyes open wide in comprehension, and a look of incredulous hope steals over his face. He turns to his companions and whispers "Scream! Scream for your lives!"

Rose works the lock, struggling to get the rusty thing open. She has no luck at first.

(OOC: Loretta, we're going round by round at the moment. I'll use your rolls as you made them, no luck this turn.)

From behind you in the corridor the party hear the terrified wails of the human prisoners.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=15
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 10:14:01 PM

(Listen 15)

Invisible Theodore continues with the party.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+6=17 d20+13=16
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 10:30:41 PM

Zeoll worries that more enemies will be piling in soon, and he wants to enchant Snotguzzle before that. So he urges the group to go down the stairs post haste.

"Come my frriends!" Zeoll exhorts, "Snotguzzle awaits! Let's get down therre!" He leads the group down, staff in hand.

By the way, what is his fix on the stone orb revealing?

As he heads down stairs, Zeoll says to his comrades, "Afterr we get what we came forr, I hope we will meet the masterr of this place. I have a special song I have been composing just forr him. I think he will be interrested in hearring it. No doubt you slaves will flee at the sight of the grreat lorrd, but I will sing my entirre song forr him."

Zeoll is in this way passing a secret simple message to his friends [Bluff check 16 is just enough]: If we meet Gargul after we get the orb, Zeoll will fascinate him with bardic music and give you all a head start in escaping.

Brahmah  d20+11=27
Friday March 24th, 2006 1:43:26 AM

(Listen 27)

"Something large is asleep."

Friday March 24th, 2006 5:36:30 AM

Rose continues working on the locks.

use previous rolls

Vorelle  d20+14=27 d20+20=27
Friday March 24th, 2006 9:13:03 AM

[Listen 27]

Vorelle agrees with Bramah's assessment--something very large is sleeping down there. The kobolds are worrisome, too.

Vorelle's hand drifts toward her axe, and she continues to move as quietly as she can. No point in waking up whatever's asleep.

[Move Silently 27]

DM Carl: 
Friday March 24th, 2006 6:29:03 PM

The front party: Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll and Brahmah lead the party down the stone steps. Zeoll can still feel the presence of the stone, at a steep downward angle. Steeper than that at which the steps descend, down into the darkness.

Behind them come Khuun, Patch and Bungo, then seven terrified kobolds and one happy one, and then Vorelle, Tratain and an invisible Theo. (OOC: I need posts for Tratain please. Nellie, are you OK to continue doing the honours?)

The sound of snoring that some of you heard now becomes apparent to all. It echoes off the rocky walls, and draws chuckles from Khunn and the orcs. "That be Snotguzzle, workin' as usual!" grins the ogre mage.

Then, without warning, the snoring stops.

The team at the cages: Highlight to display spoiler: { Rose works as fast as she can. The rusty old lock is proving stubborn, but she thinks she almost has it. Not quite yet though...

Ashira glances nervously about, but apart from the continuing wails of the prisoners, all is quiet. The others have disappeared down the stone steps to the far end of the throne room.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Saturday March 25th, 2006 2:21:11 PM

Zeoll says to his friends softly, "Now you slaves be polite! Let me have a worrd with this fellow. No need to starrt a fight!"

He continues down the stairs at a brisk pace.

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=27
Saturday March 25th, 2006 8:19:17 PM

Ashira keeps a watch as Rose continues to work. Geez, what the heck are we going to do with these people...can't take them down with us...can't let them just walk out the front door alone. Hmmmmm... she ponders as her eyes and ears probe the tunnel (Spot=nat.20, Listen=27).

OOC: Carl, yeah, I'm sorry I dropped the ball on Tratain. I'll keep posting for him.

Tratain  d20+7=12 d20+7=14
Saturday March 25th, 2006 8:23:38 PM

The cleric shifts his feet nervously as the snoring stops. His hand inches from his war hammer, Tratain waits to see if Zeoll can pull off another miracle.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Saturday March 25th, 2006 10:48:51 PM

"Come on, everrybody!"

The liontaur readies a Charm Monster to use on Snotty as soon as he sees him. He wonders what he is, given that he snored so loud.

Sunday March 26th, 2006 3:17:19 AM

"Stupid stubborn lock, just give why dont you!" Rose mutters under her breath "Ashira can you see a key?"

rose continued 
Sunday March 26th, 2006 3:18:58 AM

as rose is muttering she is still working on the lock. use rolls made on the 23rd.

Vorelle  d20+20=21
Sunday March 26th, 2006 10:50:27 PM

Vorelle tries to move quietly and act meek at the same time, and somehow the combination is a bit much for her. Still, even at her clumsiest, she is pretty quiet.

[Move Silently 21, natural 1]

Monday March 27th, 2006 10:13:43 AM

He follows.

DM Carl:  d20+12=23
Monday March 27th, 2006 4:18:40 PM

The party above: Highlight to display spoiler: {Rose's battle with the rusty lock is finally won. With a satisfying click the iron door springs open, and the imprisoned folk stagger out. At repeated prompting from their leader they continue their howls and wails, and in fairness do a pretty good job of sounding as if they are dying in unspeakable agony. They have obviously had plenty of practice.

Ashira keeps a keen eye out for danger, but sees no sign of trouble yet. However she is well aware that opening the cage door for these people is not the same thing as setting them safely free.
The bearded fellow who defied you before whispers urgently "Bless you, friends! A thousand thank yous! Now do you have means to transport us? Many of us are too weak to walk."

Looking at this sorry bunch you see the truth in his words. Some of these wretches are being held upright by their companions, but all of them are near starved to death. They will not get far by foot.

The party below: Highlight to display spoiler: { You continue down through the gloom. The slow-burning torches bracketed to the walls are few and far between.
Zeoll can feel that you have passed over the stone and past it. Now the steps turn 180 degrees, continuing down, and a faint light is visible at their base. From behind you you hear screams of agony, as if folk up there are being painfully butchered.

You also hear sounds from down below, growing ever clearer as you descend. Along with the yapping and snarling of kobolds two brutish voices can be clearly heard echoing up the rocky passage.

Voice 1 "Yoomans!? Yoomans here?"
Voice 2 "An wif Khuun an' Patch an' Bungo all magicked up? An' a lion fing and bull fing an all?
Voice 1 "Dey got some nerve! Comin' in here? Magickin' up our boys? We's gonna shows 'em, ain't we Snot?"
Voice 2 "Too right Guzzle, too right!"

The thud of mighty footsteps can be felt through the stone steps. Dust falls from the roughly carved stone above you as a bellow from below rattles the teeth in your heads.

"Khuun? Boys? You lissen' to Snotguzzle an' you lissen' right good! You pull out yer weapons an' cut dem mates o' yers down, or I's be suckin' da meat from yer bones when I's done wif dem!"

Zeoll's newfound friends look at one another nervously. All around you, weapons are drawn. But are these monsters siding with you, or against you?

Vorelle  d20+20=40
Monday March 27th, 2006 10:37:48 PM

All Vorelle can think to do is keep as quiet as she can--and keep her hands close to her weapons.

[Move Silently 40. Natural 20 today.]

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+24=33 d20+11=15 d20+18=26
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 12:46:40 AM

Zeoll calmly continues to walk downstairs, getting closer to Snotguzzle.

The liontaur calms the situation with a few carefully chosen words. "Snotguzzle, you dog! Stop this nonsense rright away! I'm a frriend! These humans arre my slaves. We'rre herre to do the Masterr's worrk! You gonna believe a few stupid kobolds? I know you arre smarrterr than that!"

He listens to try to gauge the monster's state of mind

"I suggest that you calm down and listen beforre you end up in trrouble with the guys upstairrs!"

Diplomacy check: 33. Bluff check: 15. Sense Motive check: 26.

Casting Suggestion spell: Will DC 20, maybe even harder depending on circumstance.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 1:01:21 AM

Ashira sighs in relieve when Rose gets the cage open, but the sight of the captives state sends her mind reeling. This was more than she'd bargained for. "Hmmmm...can't walk, you say?" The ranger thinks long and hard. "Well, you can't very well just march out the front gate. And, I can't take you down with the others that think you're dead. So, you really only have one option...lay down and play dead until we get back. Hopefully we'll be back soon. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can offer you right now." Looking sad, but resolute, Ashira turns to Rose. "Rose, we have to join the others. We'll come back for these guys once we've taken care of the other." Ashira looks briefly at the captives. "I'm sorry. Good luck." and then she heads toward the stairs heading downward.

Tratain AC25, HP58/58 (via Nellie) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 1:07:57 AM

With the monsters drawing their weapons, that's enough to convince Tratain that the time for trickery is over. He begins to cast Divine Favor on himself.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 10:42:19 AM

Having drawn his weapons on the stairs, Brahmah stares back, waiting and wondering.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 9:36:52 PM

Theodore remains unseen, tensed for action.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 10:02:00 PM

Rose quickly follows Ashira, wishing she could do more to help.

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 10:58:57 AM

He remains vigilant.

OOC: Carl 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:04:22 AM

Apologies gang, RL has given me a proper beating over the last few days. I'll do my best to post tonight.

DM Carl: And it was all going so well...  d20+12=19 d20+7=25 d20=11 d20=16 d20-1=13 d20+6=16 2d4(2+1)+4=7 d20+6=7 d20+1=3 d20+1=6 d20+1=13 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 4:29:13 PM

Party below: Highlight to display spoiler: { The party subtly shifts into a state of readiness. The tension is palpable. Zeoll attempts to defuse the situation with another spell, but Snotguzzle's next words, reverberating up the stairs, leave him in little doubt as to its outcome.

"You not trick Snot with yer clever tricks, wizard!"
"Nor Guzzle! Not Guzzle niever!"
"S'right! Boys, ATTACK!"

"Sorry boys, nuffin personal, but orders is orders" shrugs Patch as he swings a heavy falchion at Zeoll's hindquarters and connects with a jarring thud of metal against flesh (7 hp).

"Yes boss! Yes boss!" squeaks Bungo as he takes a swing at Brahmah. He may be mates with the lion thing, but if Snotguzzle tells him to attack, attack he will. You don't mess with Snotguzzle if you like your gizzards where they are. But Snotguzzle's threats have him too shaken to do anything. His swing comes closer to hitting Patch than the big minotaur.

The kobolds, sandwiched between the orcs and the the rearguard, cannot all make an attack. But one takes a nervous stab at Vorelle with its spear, and another two try the same trick on Tratain. Even the charmed kobold moves to attack. None connect, their weapons easily knocked aside by the experienced warriors.

Only Khuun does nothing. He finds himself unable to reach anyone but Zeoll, and he cannot bring himself to attack kitty. He stands there, gripping his greatsword, looking torn. If only he could reach that accursed cowhead! Kill him, yes, but not kitty, kitty friend!

Party above: Highlight to display spoiler: {Ashira tries to persuade the prisoners to remain in their cage. Hope turns to horror as they look back into their cage.

"No! Never!" Cries the leader. I'd rather die than go back in there! We're leaving, with you or without you! We'll crawl if we have to! If we are to die let it be with the sun on our backs rather than starved to death for the amusement of those horrors!"

And so saying he leads his companions shakily towards the entrance.

If you wish to argue or prevent them leaving. Otherwise I'll assume you are heading towards the stairs. With a listen check DC 17 you hear cries from down below, and the clash of steel.

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/stairs1.jpg

Zeoll (AC12 HP62 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=10 d20+14=24
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 6:22:15 PM

Zeoll shouts out, with all the force of command in his voice, "You all stop this attack rright now!" [Chr check 10 to command, oh well]

To his friends, he shouts, "Total Defense! This rround at least, please!"

He takes a move action down the stairs.

If he sees the two-headed SnotGuzzle, then he casts Charm Monster on the creature.

If he does not see the monster, then he shouts, "SNOTGUZZLE! COME HERRE! I HAVE BUSINESS WITH YOU!" Then he readies an action to cast the Charm Monster as soon as he sees the monster. [Charm Monster save is a Will DC22.]

Either way, he casts on the Defensive to make sure he provokes no AoOs [Con check 24].

If the charm takes, he shouts to SnotGuzzle, "Tell them to stop the attack rright now, my frriend!"

Vorelle [AC 24; HP 76/76] 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:40:14 PM

Heeding Zeoll's instructions, Vorelle pulls her handaxes (a free action with Quick Draw) and concentrates only on defending herself.

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=17
Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:52:47 AM

Ashira sighs. She completely understands the poor people's plight, but their decision will only lead them to their death. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish I could give you something to help you fight with the guards at the gate, but I'm sorry...I can't. If you change your mind, we'll be back in a few minutes..." Ashira's ears catch the faint sounds of a scuffle down below. "We'll that's our cue Rose..." Ashira begins to sprint down the stairs (Running...4x movement=120 feet this round).

Tratain AC25, HP58/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor 
Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:58:08 AM

The Protector grunts at Zeoll's order. Doesn't he know that the game is up? Oh well. Pulling out his war hammer, Tratain swings it defensively, keeping the kobolds at bay, but not trying to hurt them....for now.

Thursday March 30th, 2006 3:50:32 AM

Rose quickly reads a scroll then runs after Ashira, hoping they wont be to late.

cast expeditious retreat from scroll. run down stairs 60'x4=120'

Brahmah (97hps, AC22)  d20+13=23 d20+15=27 d20+8=16 d20+10=14 2d4(2+2)+7=11 2d4(2+3)+7=12 d6+4=8 d6+4=7
Thursday March 30th, 2006 6:10:08 AM

Brahmah sighs deeply, having really taking a liking to Bungo. 'It's a shame, I really did like him.' He thinks.

He returns the attack from Bungo. (hits AC 23, 27, 16 and 14 for 11, 8, 12 and 7 damage)

DM Carl: Battle beneath the mountain round 2  d20+6=8 d20+1=20 d20+1=18 d20+1=21 d20+1=15 d20+1=10 d6-1=5 d20+6=24 d20+6=13 d20+7=13 2d4(1+1)+4=6
Thursday March 30th, 2006 3:58:12 PM

Zeoll moves forward, attempting to draw Snotguzzle out into the open. But the creature is too wily for that, and remains out of sight. Patch takes a swing as Zeoll moves away, but can't hit the fleet-footed Wemic.

He may not find Snotguzzle, but a lone kobold, looking rather nervous, is shoved into the tunnel entrance. It stands there blinking, holding its spear like a comfort blanket in the face of the savage-looking liontaur. From around the left hand corner comes Snotguzzle's mocking voice:

"You no magic us! You fight, wizard!"

Tratain and Vorelle defend themselves valiantly, hoping Zeoll tactics might yet pay off. But one kobold gets through. Springing forward it jabs its spear into Tratain's thigh with a hiss of victory (5hp).

Theo remains invisible, not sure what to do.

Brahmah is less inclined to heed Zeoll's advice. He lets rip with a hail of blows at Bungo, but to his dismay finds that only two strikes draw blood, and even those are only the slightest of wounds. Bungo laughs. "Is dat all ya got?"

Now Brahmah find himself surrounded by foes. Patch lands a solid blow (6 hp), but both Bungo and Khuun miss, much to the ogre's annoyance.

"Cowhead gonna pay now!" grins the ogre mage with a look of grim satisfaction.

Ashira and Rose abandon the prisoners to their fate and race down the steps. Judging from the sounds of battle ahead you should reach the combatants next round.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+2=14
Thursday March 30th, 2006 9:26:02 PM

"Nod your head if you want to come with me to Zeoll," Theodore whispers to Vorelle.

With or without her, Theodore casts dimension door to take him (and Vorelle, if willing) to Zeoll's side. Once there, he attempts to move past the lone kobold. (Still invisible, move silently 14)

Rose  d10+3=6
Thursday March 30th, 2006 10:18:21 PM

As Rose races towards the combat she pulls out a scroll. As soon as she's come to a stop (within 30' of combat, and can see it) she'll read the scroll.

cast false life from scroll, gained 6 additional hp

ooc: did rose get healed up after last combat?
DM Carl: Yes, Rose is fully healed
ooc2: is rose's mage armor still active? what about spectral hand from last combat?
DM Carl: Yes to both. 15 rounds remain on spectral hand, over 2 1/2 hrs on the mage armor.

Zeoll  d20+7=15
Thursday March 30th, 2006 10:23:37 PM

Zeoll once again tries to control his "friends" -- both those charmed and otherwise!

"Frriends! Frriends! Ourr enemies laugh when we fight each otherr! At least use the flats of yourr weapons! Do not strrike with killing blows!"

Chr check 15 to convince the charmed enemies to do as he asks.

He then says to the kobold, "I am yourr frriend! Do not be afrraid!" Then he charms it, or trries to. [Charm monster save DC22, with the kobold getting a +5 if it feels threatened.]

If the spell works, he walks 40 feet closer, hoping to see SnotGuzzle. He says, "Hey SnotGuzzle! Do not be afrraid! I am yourr frriend too!"

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+12=24 d20+12=16 d20+7=17 d20+7=10 d6+3=7 d6+3=4 d6+3=7
Friday March 31st, 2006 2:06:42 AM

Vorelle shakes her head slightly at Theo's question. She wants to stay where she is, because she has a chance of actually doing damage to the kobolds. She lashes out with her handaxes.

[Hit AC 24 for 7 damage; hit AC 16 for 4 damage; hit AC 17 for 7 damage; hit AC 10]

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=24 d20+7=23 d8+9=11 2d6(2+1)=3 d8+9=13 2d6(1+5)=6
Friday March 31st, 2006 9:57:20 AM

Tratain shakes his head at Zeoll's order. Can't he see the game is up? No matter...they will soon have this sorted out. With a brief glance over at Vorelle, the Protector decides to lend her a little assistance (Take Under Wing...Vorelle gains +5 to AC). Tratain's war hammer slams into the kobold (k2) in front of him with a little less accuracy than he could normally provide, but it is still a good hit (AC24 for 11+3). The hammer smashes down once more with lethal force (AC23 for 13+6). Should the first blow kill the first kobold, Tratain uses his second strike against k3.

Ashira AC21, HP87/87 
Friday March 31st, 2006 10:07:25 AM

Slowing her pace a little, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out a potion (Shield of Faith). She can't drink it now, but at least she'll be able to before she jumps into things.

Brahmah (91/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=26 d20+13=21 d20+8=28 d20+8=16 d20+10=24 2d4(1+4)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12 d6+4=8 d6+4=10
Friday March 31st, 2006 10:12:29 AM

The minotaur sighs when he hears the plea from Zeoll. He doesn't wish to heed the suggestion, now that the 'jig is up'.
He turns his focus to Khuun, who seems to want the full bore of the minotaur's attacks. (hitting AC 26, 21, 24, and 28(possible crit on 16), for 12, 8, 12 and 10 damage)


DM Carl: Round 3: Enter Snotguzzle  d20+4=6 d20+3=12 d20+1=7 d20+1=3 d20+1=13 d20+7=16 d20+6=21 d20+15=22 d20+10=11 d20+15=24 d20+10=17 d10+8=14 d10+8=14 d10+8=10
Saturday April 1st, 2006 10:19:16 AM

Rose and Ashira follow the stairs down. They make a 180 degree turn and there, 30 feet or so ahead, you see the battle in progress. Rose casts False Life, Ashira has time to down her potion.

Vorelle and Tratain lay into the kobolds. Vorelle connects once (Kobolds are AC 18), and that blow nearly finishes her opponent. Tratain's blows hammer down as if the very power of Domi himself were behind them. Both of his enemies are smashed aside, gouts of blood pumping from their crushed skulls. The terrified kobolds prod feebly at you with their spears, but have no impact.

Brahmah focuses on the sneering ogre mage. Although four blows strike their target, only two do any damage, and that is limited (AC 18, DR 10). Khuun grins swings back, but both he and Bungo cannot penetrate the big minotaur's armor.

Zeoll tries to call a halt to the fighting, but things are too far gone. Most of your charmed monster allies are allies no longer. (OOC: Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell). Only Patch pulls back, torn between the command of his friend and the orders of his boss.

Zeoll casts his spell at the kobold in front of him and a relieved smile spreads across the creature's face. "Hey boss, dis guy ain't our enemy!" grins the kobold, relaxing his defensive posture.

Zeoll presses onward and rounds the corner. At the same time Theo is able to dimension door his way past the kobold, and also peek around the corner of the stairwell.

Zeoll and Theo Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll and Theo find themselves face to face with an astonishing creature. Fully fourteen feet tall and covered in thick, matted hair, a two-headed giant stands before you, whirling a heavy flail in each gigantic hand. From the way it is swinging those things you get the impression he has had plenty of practice at using them. He wears some sort of armoured skin as armor, and gives every impression of being a seriously unpleasant and dangerous fellow.

Taking a stomping step forward with twin grins the creature hammers a rain of mighty blows down on the unsuspecting wemic. One head seems amazed when a blow made with its arm misses, but every other strike is true. Zeoll is rocked by the ferocity of the three blows (total 34 hp).

Brahmah may make a Spot check DC 15 to read the above. Everyone else can see Zeoll take a series of very heavy blows.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs3.jpg

Brahmah (OOC) 
Saturday April 1st, 2006 12:09:39 PM

How is it that only two strikes hit if his AC is 18? Hmmm... this suggests spell usage at some point. Which suggests that his AC ISN'T 18. :)

DM Carl: AC is indeed 18. However his Damage Reduction (DR) is 10, so only 2 of Brahmah's blows do enough to get through it, and even then only for a total of 4 hp damage. The orcs share this unusual feature, although the kobolds do not. They seem to have picked up wings from Gargulus' process. So far the only thing to bypass the damage reduction has been magic spells, cold iron arrows and Tratain's cold iron warhammers.

Vorelle [AC 25; HP 76/76]  d20+12=25 d20+12=25 d20+7=23 d20+7=20 d6+1=5 d6+1=5 d6+1=3 d6+1=6
Saturday April 1st, 2006 9:19:47 PM

Encouraged that the kobolds seem easier to hit, Vorelle attacks again. She starts with the wounded one, and moves on to the non-wounded one if that one goes down.

[Hit AC 25 for 5; hit AC 25 for 5; hit AC 23 for 3; hit AC 20 for 6]

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 2:42:21 PM

OOC: I misunderstood. Perhaps the post was intended to be clearer.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:17:20 PM

Invisible Theodore bends down to pick up a pebble from the floor. He whispers some arcane language and darkness blooms from his position, extending out 20'.

(Cast darkness for 90 minutes on his pebble, providing concealment (20% miss chance) to everyone within 20' radius)

Zeoll (AC12 HP35 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+14=27
Monday April 3rd, 2006 4:37:10 AM

Zeoll casts on the defensive (Concentration check 27), lifting his staff and trying to charm the head farthest from the stair (on Zeoll's left, that is, on the giant's right, that is, on the south). The save DC is a 22, reduced to a 17 most likely with the -5 penalty.

He then walks southeast by east 40 feet, likely taking an AoO as he does. Maybe he will be lucky and the giant will be slower than him, Zeoll thinks, so that he will have to charge to attack, and maybe this kobold will interfere with that.

If the charm works, he tells the giant, "We have to stop fighting! This is all a terrrible mistake! I am yourr frriend." As he walks away, he tells the kobold, "Follow me!"

Brahmah (91/97hps, AC26)
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:56:14 PM

Brahmah pauses briefly to think. Then moves away toward Zeoll. (Total Defense)

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=31 d20+7=25 d8+9=13 2d6(5+6)=11 d8+9=15 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday April 3rd, 2006 2:53:03 PM

Looking grim, the Protector moves with Vorelle, ready to remove the kobold resistance one swing at a time. First he moves against the kobold closest to Vorelle (k4, AC31 for 13+11). Once satisfied that it is dead, he slams his warhammer into the kobold in front of himself (AC25 for 15+6). Scanning the battlefield, Tratain looks over at Vorelle. "Looks like the others could use some help. Let's push past these things and help out our friend Brahmah."

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3)  d20+14=21 d8+4=7
Monday April 3rd, 2006 3:00:59 PM

As the magic tingles through her body, Ashira looks at the battle in front of her. Knew Zeoll's plan was too good to be true. she ruses as she rushes forward to take up a position to the left of Vorelle. Her arms tight, Ashira thrusts her longsword at the kobold in front of her (k1, AC21 for 7dam).

DM Carl: Round 4: Snot vs Guzzle?  d20+1=11 d20+1=6 d20+4=12 d20+7=17 d20+6=12 d20+15=28 d10+8=14
Monday April 3rd, 2006 5:33:13 PM

The kobolds don't have time to curse their fortune as the heroes tear into them. Vorelle puts down one kobold with her first blow, another with her next two, and wounds a third with her last attack. Tratain finishes off the job in style, smashing that wounded creature into a hideous mess of flesh and bone. Then he steps forward and caves in the skull of yet another enemy. Finally Ashira steps past Vorelle and lands a blow on one of the two remaining creatures.

Both he and his companion strike back, but they are hopelessly outclassed. They cannot get close to these deadly invaders.

Brahmah figures Zeoll is in need of aid, and moves to help him. His opponents try to take advantage of his distraction, but the big minotaur is too quick for them.

Theo casts his spell, and the air around him becomes thick with wafting shadows.

Zeoll casts at Snot, trying to charm him. The spell is a success, and Snot beams at his new buddy.

Snot: "Hey, is'OK, Guzzle! He's a good guy, see?"
Guzzle (rolling his eyes): "Aw you moron! Dat cat's done magicked yer stoopid head!"

One head smiling, one grimacing, the ettin lumbers after the retreating Zeoll, but finds Brahmah blocking his path. Blinking through the magical darkness Guzzle swings his left arm as Snot nods cheerfully. The massive flail connects with a heavy crunch (14 hp).

Now that Zeoll and Theo a moment away from combat he can take stock of his surroundings. Zeoll can feel the stone, directly south of his current position! Anyone else can also make spot checks, but you need to add 10 to the DCs listed below due to the darkness.

Spot 10: Highlight to display spoiler: {You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter.}

Spot 15: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. You see metal cages hanging from its distant roof. }

Spot 20: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. Up on theses gantries you can see the faces of several creatures, goblins by the look of them. They are circling round to the scene of the battle. You see metal cages hanging from the distant roof. At the centre of the vast chamber is a stone island, which seems to be surrounded by lava, if that soft orange glow is anything to go by. Actually, now you think about it, it is rather warm down here. }

Spot 25: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. Up on theses gantries you can see the faces of several creatures, goblins by the look of them. They are circling round to the scene of the battle. You see metal cages hanging from the distant roof. At the centre of the vast chamber is a stone island, which seems to be surrounded by lava, if that soft orange glow is anything to go by. Actually, now you think about it, it is rather warm down here. To the south, on the far side of the island, you see what looks like some holding area. And there, on a pedestal, is a domed glass jar, and within it an object shrouded by a cloth.}.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs4.jpg

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=21
Monday April 3rd, 2006 8:29:26 PM

Theodore moves slowly south, carrying the pebble with darkness cast upon it.

Vorelle  d20+4=18 d20+8=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=15 d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d6+1=7 d6+1=3
Monday April 3rd, 2006 10:51:01 PM

Without darkvision, Vorelle can't make out much of the room, but she can see a bit of it [Spot 18 with the penalty]. She is concerned that the party is so separated, and at the same time she feels a little sorry for the kobolds.

She turns her axe so that she is striking with the blunt side, hoping to put the remaining kobolds down rather than kill them outright.

[With the -4 penalty for trying to do non-lethal damage, hit AC 10; hit AC 28 (natural 20, confirmed to AC 15 so no crit) for 7; hit AC 21 for 3; hit AC 12]

Zeoll  d20+11=31
Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:32:36 PM

Zeoll shouts, Brahmah, step back! This is my good friend!" Then he charms the other head.

Spot DC 31! Nat 20! Woo Hoo!

OOC for Carl: Highlight to display spoiler: { Don't see any d100 rolls for concealment miss chance on our good pal Brahmah!}

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3)  d20+12=22 d20+12=26 d20+7=17 d20+11=27 d20+3=15 d8+4=5 d6+3=7
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:07:06 AM

Pressing the attack, Ashira finds it increasingly more difficult to connect with the kobold (k6), though she does manage to land a couple of good attacks (AC26 for 5, AC27 for 7). Unlike Vorelle, Ashira does not try to soften her blows, preferring to end the fight for good.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+7=15 d20+12=21 d20+7=19 d8+9=12 2d6(4+6)=10 d8+9=15 2d6(6+5)=11
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:15:11 AM

Too busy smashing kobolds to notice anything important about the surrounding area, Tratain makes what is most likely his last attack against the kobolds. His attacks smash into the kobold (k8) with brute force (AC21 for 12+10, AC19 for 15+11). Blood soaked, he sets his eyes on the combatants facing Brahmah.

Rose  d20+10=18 d20+10=23 d4+4=7 2d6(6+4)+4=14
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 3:01:20 AM

rose paused a moment to take a look then fires an arrow at the kobolds (either k6 or k8). before moving to a better position. (rose will move 70' to 4 squares above bu, why dont you give letters & #'s to the grid?)

spot: 18
attack: 23
damage: 7
sneak attack: 10 (ignore the +4, accidently hit when trying to change to +0)

Brahmah (77/97hps, AC26) 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 7:51:07 AM

The minotaur moves, stepping in front of Zeoll. (Total Defense)

DM Carl: Round 5: Guzzle vs Snot?  d100=81 d20+6=9 d20+6=20 2d4(2+1)+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+15=33 d20+15=30 d20+10=18 2d10(7+4)+16=27 d20+7=23
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 5:06:14 PM

Theo creeps south, leaving Brahmah and Snotguzzle free of the darkness. (OOC: BTW, apologies, I missed Snotty's miss chance vs Brahmah last turn. Oops! Rolled it this time and he hit, so no foul. Bad DM!)

Despite Vorelle's restraint the combined effect of her blows and those of Ashira, Tratain and Rose leave the two remaining kobolds looking like they've been shredded and then mashed. Bits of kobold innard drip from the ceiling as the adventurers batter aside their feeble opponents.

Rose darts forward, only to find Bungo and Patch reel around and face her! Both lash out, and Patch's falchion draws blood, connecting for 7 hp.

Brahmah tries to ward off the ettin's blows as Zeoll weaves his magic once more. Guzzle's eyes light up with newfound bonhomie, but Snot has just seen his wee kobolds reduced to a fine red mist. This sight rather sullies his cheerful disposition towards Zeoll and his companions, and his smile turns to a snarl.

Guzzle: "Hey, Snots, youse right, dis cat's OK!"
Snot: "Whut are ya, stoopid? He's magicked yer dumb head, ya moron! Look, him an' his buddies is choppin' our boys inta bits!"

The arm controlled by Snot batters at Brahmah, and one blow completely evades the minotaur's defences, catching him squarely on the side of the head. The blow leaves Brahmah's teeth rattling, but does not put him down (Crit for 27 hp).

Then Khuun moves in with a vile grin. "So long cowhead! Time ta get turned inta steak!" He hammers away with his greatsword, but Brahmah rallies and is able to knock the attack aside. Khuun looks furious at failing, yet again, to cause the minotaur harm.

And a map, grids included :-) http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs5.jpg

Zeoll (AC12 HP35 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=19 d20+11=25
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 5:12:41 PM

Zeoll shouts, "Frriends, new and old! Stop fighting! Orr use non-lethal damage! No need to kill each otherr!"

Chr check 17 on that one.

Then another Charm on Snot.

Zeoll also tries to keep an eye on the foes on the catwalks -- Spot 25 -- how long until they arrive?

Stuff Used:

20 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

List of charm charges used:

9-10 = Patch
11-12 = Bungo
13-14 = Kobold K9
15-16 = Snot
17-18 = Guzzle
19-20 = Snot again

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 9:30:10 PM

Seeing Brahmah in trouble, Theodore moves north 5' so that he is within the darkness sphere.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 10:46:03 PM

Seeing Rose beset, Vorelle wastes no time in moving up, trying to get into a position where she can flank the opponents.

[Double move to P-16, staying close to that wall to avoid AoOs.]

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:07:00 AM

Also noting Rose's prediciment, Ashira likewise charges into the fray.

OOC: From looking at the map, looks like a 40 foot move for Ashira. Sorry, but no time to put coords. in. Please move her appropriately.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:23:01 AM

A look of frustration on his handsome face, the cleric moves forward to engage with the two creatures facing little Rose (50 foot double move to R15). "Not today ugly ones...not today." He growls through gritted teeth.

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 10:28:26 AM

Still defending himself (Total Defense), Brahmah moves straight back into the darkness 30ft.

DM Carl: Round 6: Snotguzzle charmed!  d20+4=10 d20+6=20 d20+6=10 2d4(1+2)+4=7 d100=45
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 3:54:59 PM

Zeoll manages to get his companions to back off. Though they move into threatening positions they hold their attacks this round. As a result he is able to cast his spell and succeed in charming the ettin's second head. The two heads gaze upon the wemic in adoration.

Patch and Bungo are not so well disposed. Patch swings at Tratain and misses, whilst Bungo lands another blow on poor Rose (7hp).

Khuun moves to pursue Brahmah but bumps into the invisible Theo on his travels. He takes a blind swing at the mage but misses.

Zeoll notices the goblins up on the gantry drawing closer. They are still a couple of hundred of feet away, and at least 60 feet up.

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs6.jpg

Zeoll  d20+7=25
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 6:15:38 PM

Zeoll asks his new friend loudly, "Hey Snotguzzle old pal! Tell this motley crrew that we'rre all frriends, rright? No need to fight!"

Chr check 25.

He shouts up to his friends on the stairs, "Hey! Hold yourr attacks! Let peace be the orrderr of the day!"

Meanwhile, he casts his charm spell on Khuun.
"Khuun old frriend, calm down!"

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) Q15  d20+8=9 d20+3=13 d20+7=9 d20-1=18
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:00:04 AM

Grumbling under her breath, Ashira tries her best to inflict non-lethal damage to Patch, but she's not used to fighting in this manner, and her blows don't even come close to hitting.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Rose gains +5 to AC)  d20+8=17 d20+3=14 d8+9=10 2d6(2+6)=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:03:57 AM

Trying to be patient with Zeoll, Tratain aims primarily for the creatures heads, trying to knock them out rather than kill them. As he does so, he extends protection to the nearby Rose(AC17 for 10+8??? not sure what to do with numbers on non-lethal attack).

Vorelle  d20+12=28 d6+3=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:45:30 AM

Avoiding possible attacks, Vorelle moves to flank Bungo with Rose. She swings her handaxe, still trying for non-lethal damage, and manages to strike a decent blow.

[Move as follows: P-17, Q-18, R-18, S-18, S-17. Hit AC 28 for 8 nonlethal damage.]

Rose  d20+11=29 d8+6=8 2d6(6+2)=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 3:37:06 AM

After the shock of getting hit wears off Rose draws her sword and swiftly attacks Bungo. She ignores Zeoll's ideas on not killing as stupid and idiotic.

attack: 29
damage: 8
sneak attack: 8 (flanking?)

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac
Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


ooc: Tratain how long does take under wing last?

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC22)
Thursday April 6th, 2006 5:36:16 AM

Brahmah stays put until Zeoll can ge things under control. Meanwhile, he bleeds heavily.

DM Carl: Round 7: Everybody's friends again... or maybe not  d20+9=15 d20+7=13 d20+6=20 d100=15 d100=49
Thursday April 6th, 2006 4:56:28 PM

Zeoll does his best to calm things down, and looks to be succeeding. Both Snot and Guzzle fall under his spell, and yell "Hey! Stop fightin' youse lads!"

His attempt to charm Khuun is less successful. He fails to beat the ogre mage's formidable spell resistance.

Ashira and Tratain both miss, put off perhaps at having to use their deadly weapons to stun instead of maim. (OOC:Tratain, I've posed that non-lethal damage question on the Rules board, I'll let you know what the outcome is). Vorelle lands a solid blow, but it is doesn't slow Bungo down.

Then Rose wades in low, and her sneaky strike is enough to send Bungo tumbling down the stone steps, blood pumping from the wound ti his hamstring. The combined attack is too much for the orc, and he passes out. Patch swings back at her, but his blow is parried by Tratain.

Unfortunately Rose's attack instantly snaps Snot and Guzzle out of their reverie. "Hoy! Youse is tryin' ta tricks us!" they roar, and race towards the hapless minotaur. However the discover an invisible Theo in their path, and take a swing at him instead. The heavy flail whistles high above Theo's head. So far the mighty ettin has not picked up so much as a scratch.

Khuun's grin grows wider than ever as he ignores Theo and moves towards the minotaur (Theo, you may take an Attack of Opportunity if you wish). "See cowhead? See whut happens to dem dat diss Khuun?" He winds up for a killing blow... and misses again! "Stand still, stoopid cowhead!" bellows Khuun in frustration.

Up on the gantry the goblins draw closer. Another round or two before they are in missile range, at a guess.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs7.jpg

Apologies, map should show Snotty in red.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25(dodge, mage armor, & total defense) 
Thursday April 6th, 2006 9:13:52 PM

Theodore senses himself in a predicament and focuses on protecting himself (total defense). The wizard then moves west to get away from the ettin.

Zeoll  d20+7=25
Thursday April 6th, 2006 10:05:16 PM

Zeoll gives up on the charms. The liontaur asks his friend k9 to please go tell the oncoming goblins that we are friends, and they should not attack. Chr check 25 to get him to do that.

Then Zeoll casts Summon Nature's Ally III, calling 1d3 small air elementals. The casting time is a full round.

[OOC: I'll roll for how many, and give them instructions, at the start of my next turn.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Ashira and Rose gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=30 d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d8+9=14 2d6(3+5)=8 3d8(3+5+8)+27=43 2d6(1+3)=4
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:17:29 AM

Tratain's face lightens a bit as he sees that it is indeed to be a fight at last. Taking out his pent up frustrations on Patch. Slamming down his warhammer, the Protector clocks Patch a solid blow (AC30 for 14+8) and then flows up with a second strike to the temple that promises to do some lethal damage (AC27/27 crit. for 43+4).

OOC: Rose, Take Under Wing lasts as long as a) Tratain continues to take a -5 on his attacks and b) Rose is within 5 feet of Tratain. :)

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) Q15  d20+12=16 d20+7=23 d20+11=27 d20+3=8 d8+4=8 d6+3=9
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:23:12 AM

Grinning, Ashira stops pulling the punches. Still, Patch proves to be a tricker opponent than she first believed, and Ashira is only able to land a couple of blows on the hardy fellow (AC 23 for 8, AC27 for 9).

rose  d20+11=29 2d6(5+3)=8 d8+6=13
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:28:31 AM

Rose quickly attacks the only enemy remaining near her. She will move if Tratain does and stay near him.

attack: 29
damage: 13
sneak attack: 8

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26)
Friday April 7th, 2006 6:50:19 AM

Brahmah jockies around in the dark to avoid Khuun. The ranger stifles laughter.

(Total Defense)

DM Carl: Round 8: Boggle  d6=2 d20+15=27 d10+8=9 d10+7=17
Friday April 7th, 2006 5:24:08 PM

Tratain, Ashira, Rose and Vorelle surround Patch and attack in a mind-boggling display of martial prowess. Patch's mind is certainly boggled, along with most of the rest of him. The orc makes a smooth transition from a solid to liquid state.

Theo moves out of Snotguzzle's path, but the ettin doesn't seem greatly interested in the invisible mage. He looks between the wemic and the minotaur, and opts for Zeoll. Striding forward he belts the liontaur once with his huge flail (9hp).

Snot: "You no mess with Snot's head, cat!"
Guzzle: "Yer! Wot he said!"

Brahmah stands there and invites Khuun to try again. The ogre mage obliges, and misses yet again. "AAAARRGGH! Stoopid cowhead! Die! Die!" Rages an incandescent Khuun.

The sole remaining kobold races forward waving his arms. "Hold yer fire! Hold yer fire!" he yaps to the goblins far above. "These is friends! Friends!"

You suspect that the pitched battle raging around him may cause the approaching goblins to take his comments under advisement.

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs8.jpg

Map now working!

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 11:06:57 AM

Brahmah continues to distract the ogre. "Is that all ya got Stinky!" He laughs.

Brahmah (Addendum) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 11:07:32 AM

oh yeah, Total Defense as well.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 4:13:11 PM

With Patch out of the picture, Vorelle continues down the stairs toward the ettin and the ogre, intent on helping her friends.

[Can't see the new map, so I can't give exact coordinates. Double move, stopping short wherever continuing would provoke an AoO.]

DM Carl: Apologies for the inconvenience, the map is now up. Please feel free to repost if you wish if the map shows you something you were not aware of.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (mage armor & dodge) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 8:17:04 PM

Having free reign again, Theodore takes a double move south, keeping an eye out for anything that might hold the stone they're looking for.

Rose  d20+10=20 d4+4=6
Monday April 10th, 2006 2:10:06 AM

Rose will stay near Traitan (she likes his help) and start shooting at Khuun. If Traitan moves so does she, she can move 60'/round.

notes using precise shot, if within 30' then add +1 attack & damage for point blank shot, if more than 70' away after any moving (depends on traitan) than -2 range increment on attack.
attack: 20
damage: 6

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Expeditious retreat: +30' 2/10 rounds
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Monday April 10th, 2006 10:31:16 AM

OOC: I posted Sunday.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Rose gains +5 to AC) 
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:48:45 PM

Tratain smiles at his new friend Rose. "Come, friend...let us go show these monsters some manners." Making a double move, the Protector moves over to where he will be in a good position to help out Zeoll next round (R27).

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) 
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:52:03 PM

Grinning at Tratain's pluck, Ashira follows his lead and moves down the steps as well...ready to carve into Snotguzzle when she gets a chance. (Q27)

Vorelle supplemental 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:00:07 AM

[I think I can get to S-27 without provoking.]

DM Carl: You Stew  d6=2 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d20+15=17 d20+15=31 d20+10=29 d20+10=11 d10+8=9 d10+8=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:37:57 AM

Snot and Guzzle continue their dualog as their twin flails whir and spin around them, a hypnotic dance of death.

"Ever 'ad cat stew, Snot?"

"Yers, we 'ad dat tiger inna pot dat time, 'member? And dat sack o' kittens?"

"So's we did Snot, so's we did. Stringy buggers, eh? Dis time let's leave thissen cookin' nice 'n slow fer a couple a days afores da eatin, eh?"

(OOC: Executive DM decision. Cayzle hasn't posted, but if Zeoll doesn't act this round he is very likely to be killed. So I'm controlling Zeoll for this round. Isn't it lucky you have such a kindly DM? ;-) Don't expect to be bailed out like this too often!)

Zeoll backs carefully away from the ettin, calling out to his companions "He's all yours!" (Withdraw action).

Snotguzzle notices the threat behind him and double grins. "More meat fer da pot!" notes Guzzle to Snot, and he steps towards his new opponents with a footfall that you feel through the soles of your boots. Twin flails spin, circle, then descend with deadly accuracy and fearsome power. The ettin decides to split his attacks between Tratain and Vorelle, catching each once. Tratain manages to roll with the blow (9hp), but is still amazed at the power behind it. Vorelle takes even more punishment (13hp).

Brahmah continues to torment Khuun, who's fury turns cold. "Cowhead gonna be sorry" growls the ogre mage as Rose's arrow pings off his backside. He promptly vanishes from sight.

Theo moves south, his darkness globe continues to move with him, making his search all the harder (OOC: As does his lack of a Spot or Search roll!).

Up on the gantry four goblins arrive at a run. They look to one another, uncertain of what to do next. What their kobold ally is patently at odds with the conflict playing out before them. From this height their spears have as much chance of hitting their master as these invaders, a prospect they do not relish. They decide to wait for orders, and content themselves with cheering Snotguzzle's attacks.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs9.jpg

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=27 d20+10=18 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(4+2)+7=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 7:10:42 AM

"Theo! Get you butt to the group! Or go cover Zeoll! But help us!"

The Minotaur, his cover gone, moves toward Snot, assuming Khuun isn't still in the way. (hitting AC 27 and 18 for 10 and 13 damage)

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+16=30 d3=2
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:24:16 PM

[OOC: Thank you for not killing me, Carl!]

[OOC: Last round if allowed ...]

Zeoll is still casting his spell when he is hit for 9 hp damage. That means he has to make a concentration check of 19 or lose the spell. His check is a 30, so no problem.

At the start of his turn, his spell takes effect, and 2 air elementals appear (rolled 1d3 for how many). With a free action, he tells them in Auran to go harass the goblins on the catwalks -- throw them off with whirlwinds and bull rush, stay between them and Zeoll. They will last for five rounds.

Then with his full action, he retreats (withdraw action).

This Round

Zeoll takes a five foot step back and once again casts Summon Nature's Ally III.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:43:07 PM

Oops, Theodore thinks to himself when Brahmah hollers for him. Not having any spells that would help the current situation, he simply moves 30' east, bringing his darkness sphere with him.

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 63/76]  d20+12=14
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:18:34 AM

Vorelle hisses in pain when the ettin smashes her, but it doesn't slow her down much. She realizes that she has but little chance of hurting this thing, but she can still be useful to her friends.

She shifts a bit closer to the beast (5-foot step) and swings her axes not to hit the ettin, but to make it easier for Tratain to do so.

[Attack defensively, use Aid Another action to aid Tratain's attack. Tratain gets +2 on his next attack.]

Tratain AC25, HP44/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+14=34 d20+14=18 d8+9=13 2d6(3+6)=9 d20+7=23 d8+9=11 2d6(4+1)=5
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:20:34 AM

Taking the blow in stride, Tratain steps up to bat. As Vorelle moves in closer to help out, Tratain smiles at her. Twisting and straining to deflect any blows to his friends nearby, the cleric still manages enough accuracy to inflict a good amount of damage on the creature (AC32/16..assuming no crit. for 13+9, and AC23 for 11+5).

Thinking that his attack will probably do a good job of attracting the creature's attention, Tratain smiles. "If you continue your attack, I doubt you will be eating anything come the end of the day!"

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=30 d20+12=24 d20+7=24 d20+11=17 d20+3=12 2d8(3+2)+8=13 d8+4=12 d6+3=8 d6+3=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:30:12 AM

Chuckling at Tratain's comment, Ashira moves in closer to help out the only way she knows how...by swinging her swords. Her arms a blur, Ashira catches the ettin with a wicked first strike (AC3/24 for crit? for 13) and her second hammers home as well (AC24 for 12), though she can't help but think that she could have timed her third and forth swings better (AC17 for 8?, AC12). She watches to see how succesful her and Tratain's attack have been in order to plan her next strikes better.

Rose  d20+9=24 5d6(5+1+4+6+5)=21
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 4:17:51 AM

Rose quickly pulls out a scroll and begins reading it. Suddenly a force reaches out and touches Khuun.

Cast Shocking Grasp from scroll. Spectral hand delivered.
attack: 24, +3 if target is wearing metal
damage: 21

DM Carl: Fry, Khuun, Fry!  d20+9=13 d20+15=28 d10+8=15 d20+3=19 d20+3=21 d20+3=21 d20+3=22 d4=2 d4=2 d4=3 d4=4 d20+11=13 d20+7=10
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:17:06 AM

"Ha HAA!" Bellows Khuun as Brahmah moves away, provoking an attack of opportunity from the invisible ogre. Brahmah is not able to see the attack coming, but it doesn't matter. Even invisible the ogre cannot hit Brahmah. His howl of fury echoes around the cavern.

As Brahmah moves within range of Snotguzzle's mighty flails he takes another attack of opportunity, this time from the ettin. This one slams home (15 hp damage). Then Brahmah strikes back (only once! Only one attack allowed with a move).

Theo, keeping his own council, moves east.

Zeoll sends his elementals up towards the gantry and begins summoning more. The goblins stop their cheering and start to hurl javelins, to deadly effect. All four hit their target, and although the elementals are not destroyed, they are both wounded.

The remainder of the party team up on Snotguzzle. Tratain and Ashira lay into the ettin with enchanted warhammers and swords. The power of the blows rocks the ettin back on his heels. (FYI, Snotty's AC is 23).

"Why I aughta...!" yells Snot.

"Dat hurt! You two is first inna pot fer that!" roars Guzzle.

The ettin winds up for a truly awesome blow against Tratain, but the protector is easily able to sidestep the clumsy blow. The flail crashes into the ground with an almighty crash, causing small stones to dislodge from the ceiling.

Then Khuun moves up, and is just about to hit Brahmah when Rose's spell slams into him, causing him to miss. "Waaagghh!!" shrieks the ogre mage, in pain and frustration.

No map today, sorry!

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+13=26 d20+15=18 d20+8=13 d20+10=20 2d4(3+3)+7=13 2d4(2+2)+7=11 d6+4=7 d6+4=7
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:48:14 AM

(OOC: I may have misread, the 15 damage was done to Brahmah? Correct?)

Brahmah presses on, attacking Snot furiously.[If Brahmah is flanking, his first attack would be a crit threat] (AC 26,18,13,and 20, for 13,7,11,and 7 damage)

(DM Carl: Correct, 15 hp damage to Brahmah inflicted by Snotty's AoO.)

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=12
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 7:11:47 PM

[OOC: Assume you are handling Air Elemental hp and attacks, Carl?]

Zeoll finishes his summoning and calls forth a Thoqqua, an elemental of earth and fire. He tells it in Terran to run over to the isle in the lava, grab the round stone under the cloth, and bring it back to him.

Then Zeoll moves up to 20 feet so that he is in Theo's Darkness and about 40 feet from Khuun (or as close to that as possible). He casts Hideous Laughter on Khuun. His caster level check to get past the spell resist is 12. Oh well.

Stuff Used:

20 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
1 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

List of charm charges used:

9-10 = Patch
11-12 = Bungo
13-14 = Kobold K9
15-16 = Snot
17-18 = Guzzle
19-20 = Snot again
21-22 = Khuun again

rose  d20+9=11 d20+9=19 d6=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 7:40:54 PM

Rose quickly pulls out another scroll and reads it. Suddenly the force touches Khuun again.

cast touch of idiocy from scroll, delivered by spectral hand, duration 30 min.

attack: 19 (used hero point to reroll the 11)
penalty to int, wis, cha: 6

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
Touch of idiocy: on khuun 6 pts damage to int, wis, cha for 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 9:45:20 PM

Theodore stays where he is as Zeoll moves into the sphere of darkness. He holds his staff in front of him in a protective manner.

Tratain AC25, HP44/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+12=16 d20+9=21
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 11:10:38 PM

Smirking, Tratain lashes out once more at the two headed creature in front of him. Unfortunately, he's so preoccupied with warding off any blows that might be headed Ashira's way that he can't quite connect with the pesky ettin (AC16 and 21).

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=25 d20+7=25 d20+7=15 d20+11=25 d20+3=10 d8+4=6 d8+4=6 d6+3=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 11:18:34 PM

The ranger looks over at Tratain with concern...it wasn't like him to miss like that. Oh well...guess I gotta step up to bat for him. Her swords whirling once more, Ashira follows up with another battery of attacks. Unfortunately, they prove not quite as powerful this go round (AC25 for 6, AC25/15 for 6, AC25 for 6...that's just weird!).

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 63/76]  d20+12=19
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:53:30 AM

Encouraged by its effectiveness the first time, Vorelle once again attacks to aid Tratain.

[Still attacking defensively, succeed in the Aid Another action. Tratain gets +2 on his next attack.]

DM Carl: Who will be first to fall?  d20-6=4 d20-6=2 d20+2=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=6 d20+2=12 d6=6 d6=2 d20+2=10 d4=4 d4=2 d20+15=25 d20+10=14 d20+15=32 d20+10=26 d10+8=14 d10+8=9 d10+8=18 d20+7=14
Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:43:12 PM

Brahmah flanks and hacks into snot's arm. Ashira's assault also pays dividends, but Tratain has less luck. Still, the ettin is looking quite badly wounded now, and a glimmer of desperation enters the eyes of Snot and Guzzle.

Zeoll sends an elemental off to retrieve the object on the far side of the cavern, then moves into the darkness. The elemental has a fair distance to cover: it will take some time to reach the glass jar on the far side of the cavern.

Zeoll's remaining two air elementals swoop into battle, slamming into two of the goblins in an attempt to knock them from the gantry. Perhaps it is their wounds that diminish their power, but the attacks are ineffectual. Then the goblins press forward, slamming at the insubstantial creatures with their morningstars. Imploding with a rush of wind, the two creatures are destroyed under the cruel blows.

Rose casts another spell at the ogre mage. She needs to overcome a spell resistance of 19 (forgot that with your shocking grasp, lucky you!): this time the spell fizzles out (Caster check 10).

Now Snotguzzle strikes back. Snot hammers a blow into Tratain (14 hp), then Guzzle follows up with a brutal assault on Ashira (9 hp and 18 hp). The ettin licks his lips.

Khuun remains as ineffectual as ever, clumsily bouncing his greatsword of Brahmah's back.

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=31 d20+15=24 d20+13=14 d20+8=24 d20+8=27 d20+10=27 d20+10=11 d4+7=9 d4+7=10 d4=4 d4=1 d6+4=5 2d4(4+2)+7=13 2d4(1+3)+7=11 d6+4=6 d6+4=9
Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:55:36 PM

Brahmah pushes on, bleeding all over.
(AC 31(crit 24), miss, 24(crit 27) and 27(crit 11), for 13(20 if crit), miss, 13(24 if crit) and 6(15 if crit) damage)

Thursday April 13th, 2006 6:22:46 PM

um what do I roll to do the spell resistance? i forgot.

Where's the map?

DM Carl: Spell resistance is your caster level + 1d20. This must at least equal the Spell resistance, in this case a DC of 19.

As for maps, apaologies, but things have been very busy of late, less time for DM posts, and no time at all for maps!

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:39:28 PM

Theodore stays where he is, prepared to defend himself.

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20-2=9 d20+7=14
Thursday April 13th, 2006 10:04:58 PM

Zeoll does his best to hide in Theo's darkness (untrained Hide check is 9 -- but that means others still have to make a Spot DC9 check to see him!)

He casts Hideous Laughter again on Khuun. Spell Penetration check is 14 (ugh). The Will save DC is 15.

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+14=31 d20+9=15 d8+9=15 2d6(2+1)=3
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:08:36 AM

Tratain grunts under the ettin's blow, but is determined to see it fall. Lashing out once more, Tratain slams his hammer into Snot (AC31 for 15+3). His second blow, however falls short and the cleric wonders how much longer he will be able to afford protection to his comrades.

Ashira AC29, HP60/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=16 d20+7=12 d20+11=15 d20+3=10
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:17:12 AM

Rocked by the solid blows, Ashira's head whips back. Spitting blood, Ashira grimaces. Shaking her head, she tries to focus her attacks on Guzzle. Unfortunately, the double images of the ettin make it hard to aim precisely, and Ashira misses the creature badly with all of her strikes.

DM Carl: Victory! But where did that pesky ogre go? 
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:37:10 PM

Now Brahmah and Tratain team up to devastating effect. The sounds of bones cracking beneath the power of their blows rings out across the cavern. Blood gushes from countless wounds and the flails drop drop to the ground. The ettin's heads turn to face one another, looks of confusion on their faces.

"Snot, wass' happenin? I -- I don' feel so good..."
"Juss a scratch, Guzzle, juss a scratch..."

And with that the mighty ettin topples over backwards stone dead, landing on his back with a terrific crash. By the time the dust has settled, Khuun is no-where to be seen.

Up on the gantry the four goblins (who had been readying a new set of javelins), stand and gape at the sight of their invincible leader laid low. Then, as one, they turn and flee as fast as their legs will carry them.

The party stand surrounded by the carcasses of their foes, and take stock.

Zeoll's elemental continues its trip across the cavern floor. As it can fly it does not need to concern itself about the rope bridges that connect your cave to the central island and then to the merging area. It sails onwards towards its goal, a domed glass container set on a pedestal amidst the chains, cages and shackles. It will reach its goal in perhaps another round.

You notice that beyond the merging area are another two sets of steps leading upwards. Perhaps they are the sets of stone steps you passed in the corridor up above.

Friday April 14th, 2006 3:44:27 PM

"That bloody ogre is invisible again! Someone needs to use that spell to see him."

Saturday April 15th, 2006 12:47:46 AM

Rose pulls out another scroll and starts to cast a spell.

Cast see invisible on rose from scroll.

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
See invisible: 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC) 
Saturday April 15th, 2006 9:20:10 AM

Wiping the blood from his face, Tratain smiles at Brahmah. "I believe I can help with that." Moving his hands in ellaborate movements, Tratain begins to cast (Invisibility Purge).

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Saturday April 15th, 2006 9:50:51 AM

He smiles at Tratain. "No need. I can upset him enough to get him to attack, then he'll appear!"

He begins talking outloud. "Where did stupid ogre go... I should be able to smell him! But I can't. He said I was going to DIE this time! Is he a lier or just scared or embarrassed that he couldn't even scratch me!!" The minotaur bellows on.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=22
Sunday April 16th, 2006 5:39:17 PM

Vorelle moves cautiously forward to near where the ogre was last seen. She stops and listens intently, trying to hear where her foe has gone.

[Move to S-30 (I think; I'm looking at an old map); active Listen check 22]

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28 
Sunday April 16th, 2006 10:37:49 PM

Pumping her fist at the fall of the ettin. Her smile widens at the fleeing goblins. She looks over at Zeoll. "Now what boss?"

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) 
Monday April 17th, 2006 2:03:40 PM

Theodore puts the pebble with darkness cast on it into his pocket, and the shadows disappear.

"Have you found the stone?" he asks of Zeoll, eager to get out of the belly of the beast.

Monday April 17th, 2006 4:01:26 PM

He continues to taunt the ogre mage.

"Letseee ALL those fancy spells Stinky!"

DM Carl: Deep breath and relax... and PANIC! 
Monday April 17th, 2006 6:26:06 PM

Basking in the glow of their victory the party look around for the ogre mage. Tratain's spell does not reveal him, and neither do Vorelle's sharp ears nor Brahmah's barbed taunts.

It is Rose who finally spots the invisible ogre mage.

"Oh no, he's going after the stone!" she cries, pointing, though only she can see him.

Khuun is already halfway across the cavern, flying out over central island in hot pursuit of Zeoll's summoned elemental.

The elemental creature has reached the domed glass container within which Zeoll has already spotted some sort of object, covered by a cloth. The glass container would seem to be locked closed, if the struggles of the elemental are anything to go by.

Beyond the joining platform are twin sets of steps leading up. If Khuun should sieze the stone, if he is able to get it back to his master Gargulus and his returning army... that outcome doesn't bear thinking about.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday April 17th, 2006 8:25:19 PM

Theodore quickly casts see invisibility on himself as well and sees Khuun heading for the stone. The mage then rushes 30' towards Khuun.

"He's going after the stone!" he exclaims.

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+11=20
Monday April 17th, 2006 9:59:15 PM

Zeoll races towards the stone under glass on the pedastal on the island in the pond of lava in the cavern under the keep of the being who will be the God of Life and Death.

He makes a run (up to 160 feet) but will stop short of the point at which the heat will cause him damage. He shouts to the elemental to melt or break the glass.

He tries his best to see the ogre. (Spot check 20)

Rose  5d6(1+2+3+2+3)=11 5d6(6+4+5+5+1)=21 2d20(7+6)+9=22
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:20:51 PM

Rose quickly casts another spell and moves towards the stone.

rose casts shocking grasp from scroll delivered by spectral hand.

damage: 21 (11 rerolled using hero point)
attack: 22 (+3 if khuun is wearing metal)

Monday April 17th, 2006 11:22:51 PM

oops, hit enter to soon here's rose's info & can you at least say how far from khuun we are?

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
See invisible: 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76] 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:42:45 PM

Vorelle, too, races as quickly as she can toward the Feystone.

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:42:59 PM

Hearing the cries of the others, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out a small vial. Handing it over to Tratain, she smiles at the cleric. "I can't do anything about that guy in time...but I'll be you can. Take this potion of fly and take him down."

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Invisibility Purge 30ft, Fly 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:47:36 PM

Smiling warmly at the sea-elf, Tratain takes the offered potion and gulps it down. As soon as he feels the effects take place, the cleric begins flying toward the Feystone. Though the thought of killing the ogre doesn't give him any particular joy he knows the importance of the mission.

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 8:57:21 AM

The ranger begins pelting along behind the others, suddenly realizes his leg isn't working right, and notices the gash in it dripping blood.
"Damn. I'll be along. Give me a minute." He finds some filthy rag somewhere and wraps his leg hastily with it. Then he continues on.

DM Carl: Butterfingers!  d20+8=18 d6+1=7 d20+7=20 d20+9=13 d20+1=16 d12=1 d6=5
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 4:33:47 PM

The party scramble to catch up with Khuun. Rose is unable to cast her spell, as Khuun is a good 300 feet away. Led by Zeoll they race across the rickety rope bridge that is suspended some 40 feet above the central island and the lava that surrounds it. The alarming swinging of the bridge slows your progress somewhat.

In order to reach the stone you will have to either jump or fly down to the island, or run to the far platform, then back down the next rope bridge.

The elemental, oblivious to the threat behind it, swings at the glass case. It smashes into pieces, and the entire chamber is filled with the sudden ringing of the alarm bell you heard earlier. The elemental reaches out to grab the cloth-covered object, just as Khuun goes barrelling into its back, reappearing in the process. The ogre mage sends the elemental flying, and both of them scrabble for the stone as they crash into the pedestal. Khuun comes closest, but the stone flies out of the cloth and out of his grasping fingers, rolling five feet due north.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/cavern.jpg

Rose  d20+6=14 d20+6=11
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 7:29:27 PM

last round if allowed
since rose would have known that khuun was to far away she would have cast expeditious retreat and then moved her full 60' with spell. with khuun 300' away by last post that means he would now be 240' away

this round, if change to last round is allowed
Rose will move another 60' and fire her bow at him. Khuun should be 180' away by then.

attack: 14, miss (ignore the 11, accidently double clicked)

this round, if change to last round is not allowed
Rose will cast expditious retreat & move 60' Khuun should be 180' away.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76] 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 10:49:58 PM

The one thing Vorelle doesn't want to do is hold up the rest of the party. She continues forward with as much speed as she thinks is safe.

[Do we need to make Balance checks?]

[DM Carl: I'll allow Balance checks to move at full speed, otherwise you move at 2/3 speed.]

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+2=11 d20+7=22
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 7:23:48 AM

Zeoll moves up to 40 feet closer to the visible ogre mage. If he has to jump down as part of that 40 feet of movement, he does so with a check result of 11 (if that means taking 4d6 falling damage to get close enough, so be it. That's max 24 hp damage, and Zeoll has 26!)

When he is in range, Zeoll casts Charm Monster on the ogre mage. His spell penetration roll is a 22. The save DC is 22.

If it works, Zeoll says, "Khuun, my frriend! You have come thrrough forr me afterr all! I am so glad to see you!"

If it does not work, Zeoll tells the elemental, "Grrab the orrb and burrrow to me!"

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:57:04 AM

Brahmah retrieves a scroll from his pocket and reads it(move action). (Casts Jump) Then he reaches for another scroll. He continues moving(move action).

(OOC: I assume my animal companion is still here, or no?)

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

[DM Carl: Animal companions are still around, just busy keeping out of the way.]

DM Carl: Not fade away  4d6(2+5+1+4)=12 d20+8=19
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 3:31:33 PM

Rose casts her spell last round, moves out onto the bridge and shoots an arrow at Khuun. It misses by a fair distance.

The others continue acros the rope bridge.

Zeoll decides he has only one chance at this. Disregarding personal safety he leaps from the brdge, crashing down to the rocky ground far below (12 HP falling damage). Then he casts, and once again catches Khuun in his thrall. The ogre's fist closes over the Feystone just as a huge grin spreads over his face.


The grin fades, replaced by a look of mounting terror. First Khuun's hand begins to grow grey, then his arm, then his chest. The huge muscled arm begins to wither, as around the stone a nimbus of light begins to gather, seemingly sucked straight from the ogre mage. Khuun, looks down at the stone in dumb horror, then back up at Zeoll.

"Kitty? Kitty, help Khuun! Wass' happenin'?"

A pattern of dark veins begins to grow up his arm and across his neck and chest as the draining effect spreads.

Zeoll (AC12 HP14 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 4:46:50 PM

"Drrop it, Khuun! Drrop it!" shouts Zeoll. He thinks, well, there go any doubts I might have had about whether we have the correct item.

He looks around for his friends. "Don't attack my good frriend Khuun!" he shouts. "Rrose, stop firring!"

He adds, "Does anybody have a Mage Hand spell or even tongs?"

Zeoll says, maybe this is why it is always shown in a cloth -- because the cloth protects the holder from the effect of the thing. The liontaur looks for the cloth that had draped the orb.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 7:22:40 PM

Rose looks on in horror as Khuun seems to be turning to stone or something. Hearing Zeoll call for someone with mage hand she continues running. However she needs to be within 40' to use it.

at end of round rose should be 160' away

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 9:09:13 PM

Theodore continues moving towards the stone, thinking of ways to properly carry the stone.

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Invisibility Purge 30ft, Fly 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:20:17 PM

The cleric continues to fly toward the Fae Stone, unsure of what he'll do once he gets there. Certainly not touch the blasted thing.

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=15 d20+11=24
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:41:12 PM

Figuring that there enough people crowding over that rickety rope bridge that someone really ought keep a look out. Scanning the area, Ashira checks to see if that alarm is going to result in company. (Spot=15, Listen=24)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76]  d20+3=19
Thursday April 20th, 2006 1:15:18 AM

Vorelle continues to move across the bridge.

[Balance check 19. Of course, I don't know what the DC is. :) ]

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+16=17
Thursday April 20th, 2006 10:44:41 AM

"IF FOR SOME REASON HE CAN'T LET GO, CHOP OFF HIS BLASTED ARM!" Says the minotaur seriously, jumping from the bridge as well, attempting to break his fall, but failing miserably. (Jump of 17, Nat 1)

DM Carl: Success! 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 6:13:11 PM

Zeoll commands Khuun to drop the stone. With evident effort the ogre mage opens his fingers slowly, until the stone falls from his numb grasp to the stone floor.

Within a matter of moments the draining effect leaves the ogre mage, his flesh returning to normal. The light around the stone fades.

Khuun looks at Zeoll, his eyes wide with fear and gratitude.

"Kitty save Khuun! Khuun almost sucked dry, like the flappy thing the master used to make Khuun!"

The others gather around (Brahmah decides at the last moment that there is no urgent need to jump off the rope bridge, and follows the bridges down instead).

Zeoll finds the cloth that was draped over the stone.

With the last defenders of Gargulus' stronghold defeated it seems the party have won the Feystone. The question before you now: what to do next?

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 10:19:48 PM

"So," Theodore scratches his nose. "What now?"

Zeoll (HP14 of 69) 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:25:36 PM

Zeoll takes the cloth and drops it over the orb without touching it at all.

He looks at the ogre's hand and pronounces it fine. "You stay close to me, old frriend," he tells Khuun.

He turns to the party mages and asks if anyone can cast Mage Hand.

Zeoll suggests that a mage cast Mage Hand and use it to carry the orb. He asks Brahmah to carry the mage so that the party won;t be slowed down.

If the group encounters anyone especially powerful on the way out, Zeoll plans to distract Him with a special song. If that works, the rest of the group should flee while Zeoll (and Khuun) create the distraction.

"Now we have to go home," says Zeoll. "Let's trry going back to that caverrn. Or let's go to the Queen. She may help."

But short term, the liontaur shepherds the group over the bridges and out.

As they go, he turns to Tratain and asks if the priest might be able to cure the wounded.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:53:27 PM

Vorelle is somewhat startled--and more than a little suspicious--at the apparent ease of the group's victory. She looks around uneasily.

"W-we sh-should g-g-g-go," she says to nobody in particular.

Friday April 21st, 2006 5:24:55 AM

"Sure I'll do it." He answers Zeoll.

Tratain (via Nellie)  3d8(6+6+7)+6=25 3d8(7+4+7)+6=24 2d8(6+6)+6=18 2d8(1+4)+6=11 d8=4 2d8(8+1)+6=15 d8=1 d8=1 d8=6 2d8(5+4)+6=15
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:30:19 AM

The cleric nods at Zeoll's request, working first with the most gravely wounded and ending up with himself. Looking very tired, Tratain says "Let us try the cave first, then the Queen.

Healing results:
25 pts. to Zeoll (Spont. in place of Searing Light)
24 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Dispel Magic)
18 pts. to Zeoll (Spont. in place of Bear's Endurance)
11 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Bear's Endurance)
14 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Bull's Strength)
20 pts. to Tratain (Spont. in place of Resist Energy)
15 pts. to Rose (Spont. in place of Align Weapon)

Ashira HP87/87  2d8(7+5)+3=15
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:35:24 AM

Seeing that Tratain has almost exhausted himself healing the party, Ashira grabs a healing potion from out of her bag and gulps it down (15 hp. healed). She holds out 3 other potions. "I've got 3 more of these if anybody else needs any. Otherwise I'll save them for later." Agreeing with Tratain, Ashira gets ready to head out feeling excited and yet very weary. "I'd like to stop to check on the slaves that we freed before we leave." she comments.

Brahmah (59/97hps, AC22) 
Friday April 21st, 2006 4:30:14 PM

Brahmah thanks Tratain.

rose  d20+11=24
Friday April 21st, 2006 6:43:35 PM

Once Rose reaches the stone she says she will be glad to use mage hand (and although she doesnt say it you realize she will be glad not to have to run to keep up)

Rose thanks Tratain for healing her and as soon as the group is ready to go she'll cast mage hand.

concentration: 24

Friday April 21st, 2006 6:45:16 PM

"Um, you guys know that mage hand doesnt move things very fast dont you?"

mage hand: duration is concentration, move action to move 15' range 40' can lift 5lb

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 5:56:30 AM

"How 'bout using that disc thing mages have? You know, the floating thing?!"

DM Carl: More decisions 
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:32:19 AM

Rose casts Mage Hand and is able to lift the stone with ease. However the halfling is correct. Even being carried she needs to mentally push the stone to keep it moving along with her. And at the rate she can push it is going to be a very long journey home.

Does anyone else try to carry the stone in another way?

The party very slowly make their way up the stairs and back to the upper floor. You soon realise from the desperate cries coming from the throne room that there are still a large number of captives in this place. Some are animals, but others are Fae: you recall seeing pixies and dryads in those cages. Should they be set free? Or should you flee this place at once, in case Lord Gargalus' army returns?

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 3:14:35 PM

Zeoll is very greatful to Tratain for the healing. "Trruly you do prrotect us, in Domi's name," he tells Tratain.

Then he ponders the stone.

"It is clearr," says Zeoll "that a momentarry touch will not cause perrmanent damage. So someone could trry to handle it wrrapped in its cloth. The cloth may offerr prrotection."

If no one else volunteers, Zeoll will give that a try.

Vorelle [HP 63/76] 
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 8:57:19 PM

Vorelle is still injured, but not much, and she has more important things on her mind.

She is very much in favor of freeing the captives. "I-if the a-a-army c-comes b-back, I can h-h-hide and sn-sneak out," she says. "B-b-but we c-c-an't just l-l-leave them."

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday April 23rd, 2006 7:22:33 PM

"I can offer you a blanket that I carry with me," Theodore says to Zeoll, concerning carrying the stone. "Perhaps even more padding between you and the stone would help."

When Vorelle suggests freeing the prisoners, Theodore agrees. "It's the right thing to do. Plus, we can use the escaping prisoners as a distraction. We shouldn't have a problem blending in."

Sunday April 23rd, 2006 10:26:35 PM

Seeing the animals and Fae, Ashira's face hardens. "I won't leave them here. Even if you guys leave I'm going to free them." She begins heading toward where she hears the cries intent on doing her best to free the captives.

Rose  d20=1
Monday April 24th, 2006 12:35:44 AM

Rose will maintain concentration, just in case nobody else can carry the stone.

ooc: dont have sheet on new comp could you add modifiers...oh well I rolled a 1 so I guess it doesnt matter.

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:15:05 AM

"I don't like repeating myself... do we have that disc spell that floats? We can pick up the stone with a blanket..." He pauses. "... or we just use an empty pack?!"

DM Carl: Tick tock tick tock... 
Monday April 24th, 2006 5:38:41 PM

Seeing as no-one else volunteers, Zeoll wraps the stone in the cloth, then Theo's blanket, then tentatively picks it up. Khuun looks on anxiously for a few moments...

...but nothing happens. It seems it is safe to carry the stone in this manner.

The others are intent on freeing the captives, though you realise that every moment spent here brings the enemy army a step closer. With no keys in evidence it looks like you'll have to break these cage doors or pick the locks. Inside the cages the captures creatures clamour for freedom.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday April 24th, 2006 9:36:04 PM

"I do not have that spell currently memorized, Brahmah," Theodore replies to his friend.

At the cages, (how many cages?) Theodore pauses to pull out a scroll and begins to read from the parchment.

(Casts knock on one of the cages.)

Monday April 24th, 2006 11:21:05 PM

Zeoll cautions everybody to consider the effects of their actions. "Rrememberr, frriends, that we did not come herre to change things. Morre I will not say forr the sake of discrretion. But it will help us not at all, and otherrs even less, if we arre found lingerring when the masterr of this place rreturrns."

So he urges the group to depart immediately.

Moreover, he is not happy carrying the orb. "If we do meet the masterr of this house, my job will be to delay him while the rrest of you flee. So I cannot carrry the orrb. Theo? Arre you still invisible? Maybe you should carrry it. Orr Ashirra, if you still have that potion of fly, you could escape with it."

"I think ourr best courrse is to rreturrn to the cave of ourr arrival. Failing that, the Queen may be able to help."

He asks his good friend Khuun to go invisible, peek out the main door, and come right back to tell Zeoll what he sees.

Ashira  d20+14=18 d8+4=6
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:39:50 AM

Urging Rose to come and help, Ashira begins bashing on the locks hoping to bust some (AC 18 for 6).

Rose  d20=15
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 2:24:48 AM

Rose starts picking some locks.

[ooc: having trouble with word documents (at least some of the time) it tries to open with 2003 which i have a 3 month trial and didnt install. I installed 2000 but when trying to open my documents with 2000 (instead of just clicking) i get blank pages.]

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:08:31 AM

"Z-Z-Zeoll, c-c-can y-you ask your f-f-f-f-friend wh-who had the k-k-k-k-keys to th-the c-c-c-cells?" Vorelle asks in a low tone.

If Zeoll can't get the information, Vorelle begins searching the bodies of the foes they defeated. Somebody should have keys to these things.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:51:43 AM

Brahmah waits patiently.

DM Carl: Two down, four to go 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 5:19:28 PM

Rose and Theo succeed in opening a cage each. Two dryads sweep Rose up in their spindly arms, kiss her, then join in the effort to get the cage doors open. Ashira's efforts seem to have little effect so far.

Zeoll urges the party to leave at once, but those with softer hearts cannot bear to leave the occupants of the four remaining cages, who are weeping openly at the prospect of freedom so close.

Khuun, who claims to have no idea where Snotguzzle or the Master may have kept they key, shrugs at this display of sentimentality. At Zeoll's behest he lopes off to scout an escape route, flicking out of sight as he does so.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 6:59:07 PM

Zeoll hates to leave these folk behind, but if the Quest for Ebryon's Orb fails, more innocents thatn these will suffer.

"Come, my frriends! We must away! Rrose, if you wish to stay and frree them, then do so. Maybe Ashirra will let you drink herr potion of flight so that you can catch up with us when you arre done."

"And again I ask, who will carrry the orrb? I am rreluctant because I do not want to be holding it if we meet the masterr of this foul place, since I will be the one staying behind to delay him."

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:32:33 PM

"I will take it, Zeoll," Theodore says, not turning towards the liontaur as he takes out another scroll. "Just lay it there on the floor and I'll pick it up in a minute."

It is quite obvious the wizard is more concerned with freeing the prisoners than the stone. He quickly reads from the second scroll, again casting knock.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:21:13 PM

Rose will keep picking on locks, trusting her spell of expeditious retreat to help her leave quickly.

[ooc: still having trouble with word documents, see loot & booty if you want to help me.]

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:00:33 AM

Ashira looks over at the captives and then Zeoll...her face hardened with determination. "Zeoll, you know I trust you completely... but I'm staying here and trying to get the captives out. You're right, it's risky, and if someone wants to go with you to flee with the stone, then I won't grudge you that. But I'm staying here, even if it cost me my life. Sorry, but that's my answer."

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might  d20+7=10
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:21:28 AM

Tratain smiles at Ashira's little tirade...perhaps there was hope for her after all. Looking up at Zeoll he smiles. "What kind of a Protector would I be if I just left these people here to die. No I'm sorry...I must stay too." As he whispers a prayer to Domi, his muscles ripple and grow (Righteous Might). Grabbing the bars to the nearest cage, he give it a mighty tug...and prompty twists his wrist (Str. Check=10).

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:49:58 AM

Vorelle sighs. She has no skill with locks, no strength to speak of, no magic to wield, and she can't find the keys.

She would like to help free the prisoners, but her practical side is asserting itself, telling her that others are better suited to the task and that Zeoll has a point.

"I-I've g-g-g-got it," she says, picking up the bundle containing the stone. She starts after the liontaur.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 1:27:19 PM

Brahmah trusts Zeoll's judgement and decides to follow.
"Come on friend." He says to Vorelle.

DM Carl: The breaking of the fellowship?  d20=13
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:02:35 PM

Zeoll is eager to leave. He heads after Khuun towards the entrance with Brahmah and Vorelle tagging along. Khuun has not yet returned from his scouting.

The others (including Theo who volunteers to carry the stone) remain behind to attempt to free the last few pitiful sould from the lair of Lord Gargulus. Rose and Theo succeed in opening two more cages. For all his rippling musculature, Tratain has no luck with the iron bars. Now only two cages remain locked.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:51:11 PM

Zeoll is visably unhappy at splitting up. He whispers to his Vorelle and Brahmah that he hopes they will catch up soon .

He says that he is worried that some enemy is outside and has got Khuun. He asks Vorelle if she would consider sneaking up and peeking out without going outside. If she goes, Zeoll follows, keeping about 40 feet back.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:55:12 PM

Rose quickly opens another cage.

[ooc: hmm having less trouble with word, but it wont open my dark fae stuff. I may have to delete and resave from my email.]

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+11=17
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:11:05 PM

Ashira bids Zeoll and the others goodbye, vowing to join them as soon as possible.

Knowing that bashing the locks around isn't working, Ashira decides to just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble...or even better maybe the keys or something (Spot=31, Listen=17).

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might  d20+7=9
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:36:15 PM

Tratain works on the cage that is available, tugging once more...and once more doing precious little more than torq out his shoulder (Str. check=9). Blushing, he encourages Rose in her work as he thumbs his warhammer.

Vorelle  d20+20=29 d20+20=29 d20+14=22 d20+14=32
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:07:19 AM

Vorelle agrees to scout, and slips ahead of Zeoll and Bramah. If she thinks the weight of the feystone will make the sneaking more difficult, she hands it off before she leaves.

[Hide 29, Move Silently 29, Spot 22, Listen 32]

Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:30:54 AM

The ranger continues, unconcerned with the amount of noise that he might be making.

He watches Vorelle ahead of him and wonders where the ogre really went.

Theodore and Macaw  d20=1
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:12:23 PM

"That was my last knock scroll," Theodore informs those who stayed with the cages. "We must rely on Rose's skill with the locks."

That said, the wizard moves to assist Rose in picking the locks. (Rolled 1 to assist) He is utterly at a loss with the lock, though. "Sorry. It's not my forte."

DM Carl: The party divided  d20=18
Thursday April 27th, 2006 6:09:11 PM

The party leaving Highlight to display spoiler: {Vorelle creeps out towards the stone arch blocking the great gates and looks around. There is no sign of anything untoward that she can make out. Nor, for that matter, is there any sign of Khuun.

"Boo!" says a voice from just behind her, followed by Khuun's disturbing laugh. "Nothing to see, but it don't mean nothing's there, right, little slave?"

Zeoll and Brahmah move slowly towards the entrance.

The party staying Highlight to display spoiler: {Another cage springs open under Rose's delicate touch. Fey are joyously reunited, weeping and hugging. Only one cage to go, but is there enough time remaining?}

Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:24:06 PM

[Unfortunately my dark fae documents are blank for some reason. I tried to download from the email I sent myself before I hooked up my new computer, but something must have went wrong with the email as that's no help. I will download from the email that I sent myself about a month ago when I tried rebooting my old computer, but it wont be accurate (ie it will still have all the scrolls & stuff that I used on it).]

Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:27:46 PM

Rose goes to work on the next lock.
"Ashira, get them out of here quietly, Theo can you cast expeditious retreat on yourself and be ready to grab me and go. You're alot faster. If you need it take this scroll."

Vorelle  d20+20=36 d20+20=32 d20+14=27 d20+14=30
Thursday April 27th, 2006 11:43:13 PM

At the sound of Khuun's voice, Vorelle jumps a little and sidles away. She hopes that if she looks meek and subservient enough he'll do no more than tease her.

And she hopes Zeoll can talk him out of it if he decides to eat her.

Meanwhile, she continues scouting.

[Hide 36, Move Silently 32, Spot 27, Listen 30]

Friday April 28th, 2006 12:37:25 AM

The ranger looks over at Rose and Theo...they wouldn't stand much of a chance in a fight by themselves. She shakes her head. "No, I'm staying till we all get them out of here."

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might 
Friday April 28th, 2006 12:43:19 AM

Seeing that Rose is busy, Tratain sets to quieting the freed Fae. "Everyone, please calm down. Let our friend work on setting the rest of you free. Be quiet so we don't draw attention to ourselves!"

Brahmah  d20+11=23 d20+11=17 d20+16=19 d20+4=16
Friday April 28th, 2006 7:13:58 AM

Brahmah keeps an eye and ear out. (spot 23, listen 17) He also looks for tracks that aren't the groups or Khuun's. (survival 19, search 16... bad rolls)

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday April 28th, 2006 12:33:53 PM

"I don't have that spell memorized, Rose. And I wouldn't be able to carry you, anyway. I'm pretty weak." Theodore shrugs. "I have fly prepared. I also have a couple of scrolls I could use if it comes to it. We'll worry about that when the time comes."

Friday April 28th, 2006 7:45:54 PM

Zeoll says that if the coast is clear, then let's get moving.

He follows Vorelle, and leaves the Stronghold of Mortal Gargul.

The Orb of the Fey

DM Carl: What next?  d20=18
Sunday April 30th, 2006 7:33:58 AM

The final lock falls to Rose's skills, and the stragglers urge the released captives to follow them as quietly as possible. They hurry after Zeoll and the others, and catch up with them a short distance from the entrance to the lair. Khuun groans when he sees the rearguard catching up.

"Watchya bringin' all dem for?" He snarls at the freed Fey, who by turns cower or scowl back.

So far no-one has seen any sign of foes. There are plenty of tracks near the gates, but they are either old or those of the humans you released earlier. From the looks of things they have made their way into the woods ahead.

The party makes its way into the cover of the treeline, to face the next decision.

Do you return to the cave where you arrived, hoping to be somehow transported you back to your own time?

Do you visit Queen Maab, seeking advice or information about how best to proceed?

Do you return the Feystone to its unpredictable creator, the Fae King?

Do you heed the pleas of Alemi, and bring the Feystone back to him at Oshirr House?

Or do you embark upon a different course of action?

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday April 30th, 2006 12:05:31 PM

"I think our best bet might be to head for Queen Maab," suggests Theodore, when they are all together again. "She is the one who defeated the Fey King in our time. I'm sure she'd be sympathetic to our current situation."

Sunday April 30th, 2006 3:38:31 PM

That sounds good to me, too.

Sunday April 30th, 2006 4:29:25 PM

"Our mission was to return the stone to Alemi. Wasn't it?"

Sunday April 30th, 2006 7:45:14 PM

Zeoll tries to remember the mission. "I'm prretty surre we have to rreturrn the arrtifact to ourr own place. Therre it will be used to check the powerr of the Fey King."

Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:01:58 PM

"What exactly does the stone do?" The little halfling pants as she keeps up with the others.

Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:51:25 PM

Happy to be reunited with the party, Ashira shrugs. "I guess Maab would be the best place to start."

Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:52:56 PM

Though sorely tempted to return the stone to Alemi and Domi, Tratain consents to go to Queen Maab for advice.

Monday May 1st, 2006 12:45:01 AM

Vorelle, too, would prefer to take the stone to Alemi. But she joined the others late, and didn't hear their initial instructions. She's willing to go along to the Fae Queen.

Monday May 1st, 2006 10:41:46 AM

"Who cares what the bloody thing does. Lets finish the mission. Return it."

DM Carl: A Path Chosen 
Monday May 1st, 2006 5:47:12 PM

Although some of the party seem to think that they should return to Oshirr House, the eventuak decision is almost unanimous. The party will take the stone to Queen Maab, in the hope that she might aid them in their quest to curtail the Fae King's power in their own time.

The Fae creatures you rescued take no part in your discussion. In fact you are sure that there were more of them a moment ago. It seems at least some have vanished into the forest.

Khuun shrugs again. "Khuun go with kitty. If kitty want to see fairy Queen, Khuun come. But Khuun not like it. Fairy Queen dangerous, Khuun knows."

The swaggering braggart of earlier seems altogether diminished, severely shaken by his earlier encounter with the Feystone. As the party set out towards the castle of Queen Maab he stomps along behind, looking sullen and put out.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday May 1st, 2006 9:58:44 PM

Theodore nods his head resolutely. "Our task is to get back to..." he pauses and glances at Khuun. "Where we originally came from. Perhaps Maab can help us."

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+11=21
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 12:27:16 AM

Traveling along at the back of the group, Ashira offers to carry Rose while she checks to make sure no one is tailing them (Spot=25, Listen=21).

OOC: If it's all the same, I'd like to just have Tratain trail along silently while we're out of combat. I'm a little too busy to post for him daily right now.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:47:08 AM

"Whatever is decided, I'll follow. I will protect all of my friends, even the smelly ogre." He waits for the ogre to start to get upset, then he smiles and winks at the mage. "Actually Khuun, I think you're a great fighter."

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:07:53 AM

Zeoll is just glad to be out of the keep without meeting its master!

He depends on the rangers to guide them to the Queen's residence.

He talks quietly with each of his comrades in turn, and Khuun too, praising their heroism and great deeds.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 12:23:35 PM

Rose accepts Ashira's offer of a lift as she doesnt want to slow the group down. She could use a scroll to make her faster, but it would only last a minute and then she would be slowing everybody down again.

"I think we should find out exactly what the stone does, maybe instead of giving it to anybody it should be destroyed."

DM Carl: A moment of respite 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 6:41:11 PM

As the party discuss their options they continue through the woods, heading northeast towards the palace of Queen Maab. Ashira notices no signs of pursuit.

Khuun must be really out of sorts. He doesn't even register the minotaur's gentle teasing, stomping along in silence. Even Zeoll is able to get little more than noncomittal grunts out of the creature. If such a thing is possible for ogres, Khuun seems to be deeply depressed.

A little more than half an hour into the journey you notice that the last of the Fey have vanished into the trees. It is midmorning, and the bright sunlight dapples the woodland floor with warmth. There is a peaceful air about the woods, as birds sing and small creatures rustle about in the fallen leaves. An intangible air of optimism pervades the group (with the exception of Khuun): you have succeeded in achieving the impossible, stealing the Feystone from the mountain fortress of Lord Gargul. Surely Queen Maab will be able to assist you in the remainder of your quest and help to send you home.

Vorelle  d20+14=29 d20+14=30
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 8:13:56 PM

As they travel, Vorelle looks and listens for signs of anything threatening or unusual.

[Spot 29, Listen 30]

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:37:19 PM

Theodore can't help but feel the optimism floating around the group. At the very least, they are out of the belly of the beast. He allows himself a smile.

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+11=30
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:36:41 PM

Feeling better than she has in a long time, Ashira jogs happily along with Rose on her back. Tempted to whistle, Ashira remains on her guard and scouts out the area as she enjoys the sunshine (Spot=31, Listen=30).

Zeoll (heroism)  d20+7=25
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 7:21:12 AM

Lost in his own thoughts, Zeoll continues with the group to Maab's home. He tries to talk to the ogre and draw him out. (Chr check 25)

Brahmah  d20+11=21 d20+11=15 d20+14=25
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:39:36 AM

He is vigilant. (Spot 21, Listen 15, Survival 27 to avoid natural traps)

DM Carl: Crossroads  d100=68 d100=78 d100=48 d100=67 d100=36
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 3:32:21 PM

The party remain vigilant as they press on through the woodland known as the monster sanctuary. In that time they encounter nothing that gives cause for alarm.

It is midday by the time the party leave the woods and reach the crossroads at the heart of the Valley of the Dawn. One path leads north to Oshirr House. Gazing into the distance you can see a tall column of smoke rising from that direction. Has Oshirr House been destroyed? Could yonder destruction indicate the death of Alemi and Domi? Could your inaction in the battle of Oshirr House have changed history, leading to the death of the Gods before they were ever deified? If so what Wold might you return to? Or perhaps Oshirr House stands still, bravely holding out against the next inevitable attack.

Another path heads east, back towards Fort Gargulus. What events transpire back in that direction? Has Gargulus returned to his fortress and discovered his loss? Has he fallen in the battle of Oshirr House? Where are his army now?

To the west lies another path, this one leading on to even greater unknowns. The Fey King's sanctuary lies in this direction, a true unknown. What are his motives? And what of Maab? What will the Queen make of your quest? Will she aid you or simply use you? Can she be trusted to assist in your quest?

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:02:01 PM

Zeoll knows that the choices are not as obvious as the leading paths of the intersection would suggest.

"We cannot go back, forr we cannot face Garrgul. If we did, we would prrobably lose, and even if we won, who knows how that would change things back home."

"Alemi's challenge is not ourrs to face. We know that, and we made ourr choice on that count alrready."

"We must go forrwarrd."

"This evening, let us camp and rrecoverr ourr strrength, beforre we apprroach the Queen's home. I will trry to see if therre is any trruth about Queen Maab to be found in drreams."

[OOC: Any word on Zeoll's interaction with the ogre mage from last post?]

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:08:17 PM

Theodore's smile vanishes at sight of the smoke. He gives his friends an uncertain look. "There's no way it's fallen, right?"

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 7:29:11 PM

Rose quickly pipes up from her place on Ashira's back "I agree we need to stop somewhere to stay the night, but not so near the crossroad. How about we move a little ways down road and find a hidden place to spend the night that has lots of fresh water. I'm thirsty."

Ashira may or may not realize that Rose has been braiding her hair into patterns.

Ashira  d20+9=19 d20+9=14
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 11:39:12 PM

The ranger nods at Rose's idea and smiles at her freshly braided hair. "Yeah, let's move out a little further. I think I can find a little better place for us." Finding a secure off the cross roads spot, Ashira places Rose on the ground and scouts the surrounding area for a nice, secluded place to spend the night (Survival=19). After guiding the party to the campsite, Ashira takes a look around for edible fruits and berries (Survival=14) for the group. Not wanting to anger any woodland life, Ashira makes sure that no game is gathered and no fires are started. After distributing her meager dinner, Ashira sets up a watch schedule between the three rangers (4 hour watch shifts each), making sure that the magic users get a full night's sleep.

Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:57:11 AM

"It's a b-b-b-battle," Vorelle whispers, attempting to reassure Theo. "Th-there's often s-s-smoke in b-b-b-battles."

She helps Ashira find a campsite and food.

[Automatically succeed on an Aid Another check to give Ashira +2 on her checks.]

Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:53:47 AM

Rose will help with the camp chores. She helps set up tents, gets water, eagerly picks berries (and eats a few), and warms up the breads she got from the giggling ghost. She will give the people on watch her everburning hair ribbon to help them see.

As she sleeps she starts moving about and talking in her sleep..."Junior you got to get well.....dont leave me Junior....Junior! She wakes up crying just before it's time to get up for the day.

Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:50:43 AM

"I smell wood and hot stone. But I don't hear the weapons." Says the minotaur.

DM Carl: Sanctuary 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 4:11:12 PM

The party decide to make camp before heading on to Queen Maab. Given the trials you have faced without pause it will be good to recover lost spells and catch up on sleep.

Some ten minutes walk from the crossroads Ashira and Vorelle find a secluded, defensible spot in a hollow beneath a large fallen tree. Even in the midday sun there is sufficient shade here to get cool and to sleep.

Zeoll is able to eventually draw the ogre mage out of his introspection. "Dat stone, dat stone... it was suckin' me dry, like dem stoopid fairies was sucked... I could feel Khuun gettin' sucked into dis green that went down forever..."

The ogre mage shudders in horror, hugging his knees as he sits in the shade of your hiding place.

Not long after Zeoll falls into a troubled sleep, filled with dreams and portents (dream to follow shortly).

Please let me know how long you intend to stay camped, and what defensive preparations you make.

Theo, Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a Will save please.}

DM Carl: Zeoll's dream 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 4:57:34 PM

You have the strangest feeling that you have dreamed this dream before. But this time something is profoundly different.

It begins with soft, peaceful, endless green.

From that blissful verdant immensity sparks of power begin to emerge, and from the rapidly circling sparks a bright pink power grows. The pink and green circle one another quickly at first, then slower and slower, until the pink force begins to coalesce into the form of a blissfully happy fae female, beautiful beyond description and young.

A sudden change occurs in the regal fae, her joy transmuted to rage as she breaks away from the green in sudden fury.

The green transmutes into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "Benign? Or Key?"

Swirls of light sweep around this figure and into an orb, that pulses with power. Now it is held by another, and with growing fear you hear his laughter.

In his hand he clutches the orb, held beneath a cloth. Swirling patterns of translucent light surround it, and a beam of blinding green light seems to be infusing something into a horde far below. As it does so they seem to grow, expand and improve. And so, it seems, does the figure holding the orb.

He is bearded, dressed in black. He seems impossibly tall, towering over you, over the creatures, over the land itself, his laughter ringing in your ears.

Now the horde is approaching, expanding, moving towards you. You back away, and as you do a rising sense of dread grips you. You try to resist, but you are pushed inexorably backwards from the darkness ahead, your terror mounting.

A serene voice reaches your ears from out of the rapidly diminishing light. "Go in peace, my friends... discover Gargul's means for infusing souls into monsters... please return and tell me, for without some major breakthrough this war has only one inevitable outcome..."

The horde, far below you, are a sea of orcs, goblins, all manner of foul monsters, as far as the eye can see. An overwhelming martial roar buffets you like a physical thing as the creatures surge forward like a tide of maggots overwhelming the land.

But now the dream changes: instead of sweeping all before them , engulfing the Wold with their darkness, (as you vaguely remember happened before, long ago, perhaps though through some mirrored memory you cannot quite place) they stop. The orb is gone, hanging in the balance. The darkness stands at a crossroads, and though it threatens to engulf everything you sense there is still hope, however faint.

DM Carl 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:02:36 PM

You might want to take a look at Zeoll's previous dream, posted December 8th, if there are references this time around that are not making any sense.

Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:22:44 PM

Zeoll wakes, and tells everyone his dream. He also reminds his friends of the dream he had just a day or two ago, though now it seems months in the past:

All is still, silent, dark. You feel strange, disorientated, as if you have been turned somehow inside out or back to front.

But is the darkness you percieve really so still? No, it is moving, moving as if it were alive! A writhing, squirming mass, as if the very void itself were made of countless shivering maggots...

Not maggots, you realise. They are creatures,, certainly, but far below you. A sea of orcs, goblins, all manner of foul monsters, as far as the eye can see. An overwheming martial roar buffets you like a physical thing.

Now the horde is receding, shrinking, moving away. You follow, and as you do a rising sense of dread grips you. You try to resist, but you are pulled inexorably onwards into the darkness ahead, your terror mounting.

From out of the darkness a bearded figure dressed in black swims into view. He seems impossibly tall, towering over you, over the creatures, over the land itself, his laughter ringing in your ears. It sounds wrong, somehow, twisted.

In his hand he clutches an object, an orb of some sort, held beneath a cloth. Swirling patterns of translucent light surround it, and a beam of blinding green light seems to be extracting something from the horde below. As it does so they seem to shrink, diminish and recede still further. And so, it seems, does the figure in black.

The images come faster now, tumbling one over the next, becoming confused. Your fear is forgotten. The laughing figure recedes until all that is left is the orb, pulsing with power. The swirls of light around it sweep away and into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "?yeK rO ?ngineB"

The images come faster still; a beautiful young fae female, terrible in her fury, a sudden change and the same woman blissfully happy, a pink force spinning about a green force, the two colours merging, spinning faster and faster, bright sparks of power being sucked into the fiery hot glow, until finally only green remains.

Soft, peaceful, endless green.

The liontaur invites his friends to comment on what they think these dreams could mean.

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:51:23 PM

Theodore doesn't have a problem falling asleep. The day's numerous escapades have taken their toll on the frail wizard.

Upon waking, and hearing about Zeoll's dreams, Theodore muses for a couple moments. "I think the second dream, the one with the changes, respresents we now have the potential to change the tide of this battle." Theodore now looks at Zeoll. "And I think it is necessary for us to utilize such potential if we can. You must take into consideration that it is quite possible us coming back in time is a necessary part of our past. Perhaps, we play a part in how the future is shaped. Perhaps, we might end up delivering the orb to Alemi..."

Ashira  d20+2=18
Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:42:56 PM

Ashira carefully considers the two dreams, turning them over in her mind (Wisdom=18). She thinks for a long time, and then speaks. "Zeoll, I don't like to admit it, but I think Theo might be right. It seems to me that perhaps we are meant to turn the tide of the battle. As much as it kills me, I think we have to go back to Oshirr as soon as possible."

Friday May 5th, 2006 12:51:33 AM

Zeoll expresses his opinion that sometimes dreams can be very difficult to interpret. "So it is naturral forr us to disagrree," he says. "I do not see Alemi in this drream."

"Herre is how I see it. The firrst drream was backwards, as we know from the backwarrds talking in it. The second time I had the drream, last night, was in the corrrect dirrection. Herre is my take on it all."

It begins with soft, peaceful, endless green.

"The Grreen is Naturre, I think."

From that blissful verdant immensity sparks of power begin to emerge, and from the rapidly circling sparks a bright pink power grows. The pink and green circle one another quickly at first, then slower and slower, until the pink force begins to coalesce into the form of a blissfully happy fae female, beautiful beyond description and young.

"Orr maybe the grreen is the Fae King. But the pink can only be the Queen."

"A sudden change occurs in the regal fae, her joy transmuted to rage as she breaks away from the green in sudden fury. [/i]

"Queen Maab became estranged from the King."

The green transmutes into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "Benign? Or Key?"

Swirls of light sweep around this figure and into an orb, that pulses with power. Now it is held by another, and with growing fear you hear his laughter.

"The King and his Orrb that we now have. In the drream at this point, the Orrb is in Garrgul's hand. But we know that it no longer is. Skip on, to this ..."

A serene voice reaches your ears from out of the rapidly diminishing light. "Go in peace, my friends... discover Gargul's means for infusing souls into monsters... please return and tell me, for without some major breakthrough this war has only one inevitable outcome..."

"And this is the Queen's voice! Our path is clearr. We must go to the Queen. She will know how to use the Orrb correctly. It is not forr us. And maybe she will know how to rreturrn us home."

Friday May 5th, 2006 8:49:03 AM

"Maybe uniting the Queen and The King will bring balance and they'll both decide to sleep again or something?" Suggests the confused minotaur. "You know know me Z, I can't puzzle this sort of thing out very well."

Friday May 5th, 2006 1:37:58 PM

Rose is busily studying her spell book and ignoring her friends. While she would like to join in the discussion she knows it is more important to be ready for whatever happens later in the day than to discuss who they would give the orb to. Rose thinks that it might be best to just destroy the thing, while an object isnt evil in and of itself it is the uses put to it that are and the greater damage an object can do the less it should exist.

new daily spells

level 0
detect magic, resistence, mage hand, message

level 1
mage armor, magic missile, shield, expeditious retreat

level 2
spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible

level 3
heroisim, magic circle against evil

DM Carl: Discussion and Insight 
Sunday May 7th, 2006 3:54:22 PM

Zeoll's dream seems to raise more questions than answers. Zeoll believes it to be a clear indication that they must seek out the Queen. Though thinking back he can only rememnber the words themselves, not the voice that spoke them. Ashira and Theo not so sure. Brahmah is not sure what the dream means, and Rose is busy learning her spells (Theo, if you want to memorize new spells now's a good time to do it: please list your spells for the day when you're done).

Ashira thinks deeply about the dream, letting its meaning and content seep into her subconcious. Something nags at her about Zeoll's reading of it, but she can't quite...

Wait! That's it! Those words, spoken at the end, they surely cannot be the words of the Queen! She knows those words! Those were the very words that Alemi spoke to the party as they left Oshirr House!

Monday May 8th, 2006 1:08:47 AM

Her eyes wide in disbelief, Ashira spins on Zeoll. "No Zeoll, you're wrong!" she says with a conviction not previously seen. "Those weren't the Queen's words...those were Alemi's words!!" Spinning on her heels, Ashira faces Oshirr house. "You know my feelings toward Alemi, but we're going back there...and we need to do it now!"

Monday May 8th, 2006 2:37:56 AM

Rose looks up from her spellbook "I agree with Ashira." She says before resuming her study.

Monday May 8th, 2006 12:10:33 PM

"Yes, Alemi." Agrees Brahmah.

Monday May 8th, 2006 8:19:40 PM

The liontaur grins, abashedly. "I was wrrong. Let us go to Alemi."

He then says to Khuun, "I can't wait to see what happens to him when we give him the orrb!" He smiles a wicked grin.

A mile or two from Alemi's home, Zeoll asks Khuun to wait for them here invisibly and silently until his return. "No need to rrisk yourr skin, my frriend!"

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:34:28 PM

"I agree," says Theodore. "I think we should head back to the fort."

Then the wizard sits to perform his studies for the day.

Spells memorized:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost x2
Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Magic Missile x2
Level 2: Alter Self, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Web
Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud
Level 4: Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Solid Fog
Level 5: Wall of Stone

Vorelle  d20+14=23 d20+14=30
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:51:59 PM

With a sense of relief, Vorelle follows her friends. She doesn't know for sure which course of action is right, but it feels right to be giving the stone to Alemi.

As always, she keeps her eyes and ears open.

[Spot 23, Listen 30]

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 6:42:19 AM

The minotaur won't say I told you so.

"Yes, to Alemi." He smiles.

DM Carl: Back to Oshirr House 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 2:44:25 PM

The party are decided. They will return the stone to Alemi. Khuun can scarcely believe his ears.

"You're going to give the stone... to the enemy?" he exclaims, completely confused. But why?" He is comforted though at Zeoll's grin, remembering what happened to his own arm.

He dutifully stops at the designated spot, and vanishes from sight. "Give 'im one from Khuun, kitty!" he growls.

You have travelled a few hours, and the sun is is high in the mid-afternoon sky as you approach Oshirr House. Ahead you can just make out the dark wall, and figures moving about outside. The smoke continues to curl into the sky in several tall columns.

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 5:18:49 PM

Zeoll suggests that they send out a scout. He offers to summon an air elemental, commanding it to fly over and report back. If no one objects, he will do so.

[OOC: Carl, are we all healed up? Both arcane and divine spells renewed?]

Carl: Yup, everyone is back at full HP, all arcane spells memorized. As we said divine spells were renewed at dawn, those that were cast within Gargul's lair are gone.

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 7:31:32 PM

Theodore agrees with Vauhwyt's suggestion of a scout. "I'm no military strategist, but it looks like the enemy's still at the wall. If that's the case, we will need to find a way through them."

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=22
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:59:19 PM

The ranger nods at Zeoll's idea, and waits to see what the air elemental finds out. In the meantime, she stays alert to any closer threats (Spot=16, Listen=22).

Vorelle  d20+14=16 d20+14=28
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:16:16 PM

Vorelle is no slouch at scouting, but has to admit that an air elemental would be even better. She joins Ashira in keeping a watch over their current position.

[Spot 16, Listen 28]

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 1:02:34 AM

Rose gets a bit excited when the air elemental appears "Oh! Have it carry me to scout!" Rose squeals as she runs over and lets the air elemental start playing with her.

If (as is possible) Zeoll doesnt like the idea of Rose playing with the air elemental Rose will go over to Ashira and pout saying "I wish Rigging were here, he'd let me play with Swirl."

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 5:50:26 AM

Zeoll explains that he is summoning a small air elemental who will not be able to carry Rose, nor last long enough to both play and scout.

He casts the Summon Nature's Ally II spell, and commands the elemental in its own tongue to fly over and return with news. Especially, is there fighting going on, and are there humans to be seen.

Brahmah  d20+11=15 d20+11=12
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:11:02 AM

Spells: Resist Energy acid, Resist Energy sonic Bears Endurance

Brahmah keeps close to the group. (Spot 15, Listen 12)

DM Carl: Elemental News  d20=13
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 7:35:10 PM

Zeoll casts his spell, issues his commands, and sends his servant forth.

Whilst the creature is gone the party hunker down, waiting for it to return. All is silent. The keenest eared among you hear the faint cackles of fires, but no telltale sounds of battle.

A short while later the elemental returns and confirms this.

"I see no fighting, master. A great battle has been fought, but it is over now. Humans burn corpses outside the walls."

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 8:24:33 PM

Theodore is hopeful about the news the elemental brings. "Should we proceed then?"

If they do, Theodore sends Macaw ahead to scout out any hidden enemies or traps.

Vorelle  d20+14=19 d20+14=31
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:54:23 PM

Relieved by the elemental's news, Vorelle helps scout as the party makes its way to Oshirr House.

[Spot 19, Listen 31]

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+11=17
Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:04:53 AM

Although relieved that Oshirr has apparently made it through the attack, Ashira is anxious about meeting with Alemi once more. She knows it's the right thing, but she is still more than uncomfortable with seeing him face to face again. (Spot=13, Listen=17)

Thursday May 11th, 2006 7:41:39 AM

Brahmah stays near the females.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:19:30 PM

Rose goes over to zeoll, "can I play now, just for a minute while we get ready to leave?"

DM Carl: The Field of Battle 
Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:26:14 PM

The party approach Oshirr House with lighter step now, in the knowledge that the valiant defenders have survived the night's battle.

But as you draw closer you realise that victory has come at a terrible price. Much of the outer wall has been destroyed, seemingly blown inward by explosions of tremendous force. A handful of wounded students are outside the walls, burning the bodies of the dead. They seem numb with shock, some weeping openly, oblivious of their surroundings. All bear signs of battle.

Unburned bodies of the dead, friend and foe alike, still litter the ground within the compound, crows feasting unhindered upon burst and bloodied meat. The air is filled with the terrible stench of the charnel house, a nauseatingly sweet stink of roasted flesh.

As you draw near one of the students, a gnome, looks up in fear, then turns and runs back towards Oshirr House itself.

"Master! Master! The travellers have returned!" he cries. It is only from his voice that you realise this bloodied and battered creature is Paxx, one of the brave students of Domi who guided you to this place.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:42:09 PM

Zeoll follows the boy, hoping to meet Alemi or Domi.

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday May 11th, 2006 9:17:40 PM

Theodore follows along, looking at the carnage with sad eyes. "How bad is, do you think?" he asks Ashira.

Friday May 12th, 2006 12:40:52 AM

Ashira stares down at the ground, desperate not to make eye contact with Theo. "Bad, Theo...real bad." Is all she can manage to choke out. The bodies still evident in her peripheral vision, Ashira tries to reassure herself that their original decision to not help defend Oshirr had been the right choice...that her own self-righteous anger toward Alemi hadn't clouded her decision. Plodding along with Zeoll, Ashira is anxious to see the state of the inside of the compound...and the condition of its masters.

Friday May 12th, 2006 3:04:26 AM

Rose starts lagging behind as they approach the compound, you can tell she doesnt really want to see the aftermath of the battle. but she stays with the group and stays closest to her friends.

Friday May 12th, 2006 3:43:43 AM

Vorelle's expression is solemn as she surveys the carnage. She has never seen the aftermath of a battle this size, and she doesn't like what she sees. Tears prick her eyes as she reaches for her healer's kit--then, abashed, she puts it away. There are too many hurts her for her to even begin healing.

Friday May 12th, 2006 8:06:19 AM

The taur looks around somberly.

DM Carl: Hope Amidst the Carnage 
Saturday May 13th, 2006 6:13:01 AM

If anything things inside are worse than outside the walls. Outside most of the bodies were of monsters. Within, most are those of students. You recognize many familiar faces among the fallen; big boned Faiyth and freckle-faced Tharpeia lie with a pile of other bodies, awaiting cremation. The dwarf Qwar, who befriended Mad Jack and wished to ride his steed, has been beheaded, his wispy-bearded head a grisly capstone on a cairn of corpses. Now more than ever the youth of these students hits home. Some of the dead are little more than children.

As you step through congealing puddles of blood and gore the stench of death washes over you. Your minds reel at the scale of the carnage. (Make a Fort check DC 12 or be Nauseated by what you see.)

Those with a mind for tactical considerations take in the scene with no less horror. With the outer wall breached in multiple locations, and with the already meagre defenders reduced to a mere handful of walking wounded, there is absolutely no way this place will be able to survive another assault. If Gargulus is able to gather even the smallest of forces and return, he is sure to overrun this place at his next attempt.

Paxx's cries are answered. The door of Oshirr House opens, and two figures emerge. It takes several moments to realise who they are. Gone is the serene, white-clad figure of Alemi who first greeted you. Now he is stooped in pain, caked in blood and filth, and clearly badly wounded. His face speaks of terrible grief, unspeakable horror. You wonder if it is the physical pain that bows him, or the mental torment at seeing so many of his beloved students cut down before his eyes. Whatever the cause, you cannot help feeling pain of your own, seeing so strong a man in such torment.

Domi supports his master, but the brave warrior is no less battered. His bared torso is streaked with blood and covered with a multitude of wounds that would fell a lesser man. It is amazing he is still on his feet, yet his eyes still blaze with defiance.

Alemi's face lights up in hope as he sees you. "You have returned to us! This can only mean... you were successful in your quest? You have leaned the secret of Gagulus' hordes? Of a way we might yet be victorious, though all seemed lost?"

Zeoll  d20+8=27
Saturday May 13th, 2006 7:25:13 AM

Saddened though he is by the carnage, Zeoll is in no danger of shaming himself with physical illness. (Fort save 27)

Seeing Alemi and Domi, Zeoll bows low. He answers, "Yes, while Garrgullus was distrracted herre, we discoverred his secrret tool for crreating monsterrs, and we took it frrom him. We also discoverred that cold irron is a potent weapon that cuts thrrough the thick skins of his monsterrs."

"So his arrmy will not grrow, and you will be betterr able to attack those who rremain in it."

"Now, let us help heal yourr wounded, rrestorre yourr morrale, and shore up yourr defenses. Then it will be time for us to rreturrn home. We arre not surre of the way back, but, Masterr Alemi, perrhaps you have some guidance forr us on that."

Brahmah  d20+10=18
Saturday May 13th, 2006 7:57:13 AM

Carnage about them, Brahmah seems almost unphased.

DM Carl: You forgot to make your Fort save Jay. Made it for you; you succeeded.

Theodore and Macaw  d20+9=16
Saturday May 13th, 2006 5:55:44 PM

Theodore manages to keep his lunch down, but only by focusing on Alemi and Domi. (Fortitude 16) "We should show him the stone, Zeoll," says Theodore.

Vorelle  d20+9=22
Sunday May 14th, 2006 2:02:21 AM

The carnage bothers Vorelle, but not enough to make her sick [Fort 22]. As the others talk with Domi and Alemi, she begins helping the students in whatever way she can, whether that means pulling out her healer's kit and patching them up, or helping to reinforce the walls in case of a second attack.

Rose  d20+5=11
Sunday May 14th, 2006 11:49:16 AM

The sight of so much blood and gore make Rose feel sad and sick. She moves towards an empty area and starts throwing up.

Ashira  d20+10=27
Sunday May 14th, 2006 11:19:01 PM

Though sickened by the gore around her, Ashira is no stranger to the battlefield, and the contents of her stomach are not threatened (Fort.=27). She looks over at Zeoll, suddenly tired, and whispers to him. "Zeoll, I think we were meant to give this thing to him. Look at these people...they can't take another assault, no matter how small. Maybe this is what we were brought here for."

Monday May 15th, 2006 4:53:53 AM

Zeoll whispers back, "But Ashirra! We need the Orrb back home to defeat the Fae King! That's why we came herre! We could let him use it, but we need to brring it home!"

Monday May 15th, 2006 10:54:30 AM

Looking at Ashira. "If another one comes, we'll be here!" Says the ranger firmly.

DM Carl: The Request 
Monday May 15th, 2006 4:25:18 PM

Poor Rose is overcome by the horror of your surroundings, and leans against a wall blinking tears from her eyes as her stomach heaves. Vorelle moves away from the party, offering to lend the students a hand. A gangly youth points to a body lying sprawled on the ground, a swarm of flies buzzing about his exposed intestines. "You can help carry Hornace to the next pyre" he suggests bleakly.

Zeoll explains that the party have stolen the Feystone, and that Gargul's threat is gone. Whilst Theo and Ashira urge him to show the stone to Alemi, Zeoll is reticent, wanting to keep the Feystone. However it is Theo who is carrying the stone, and his decision as to whether he shows it to Alemi.

Brahmah pledges his prowess to the defense of Oshirr House.

Alemi steps forward and speaks to the minotaur. "You have my thanks, brave one. Who knows, with courage like yours perhaps we could hold on. But you are not from... this place, are you? Your stay here cannot last. Soon you will leave us, though you will it or no."

Addressing the party he says "My friends, understand that although your actions have no doubt caused Gargulus a grave inconvenience, they will not have ceased his threat. He is more than capable of raising an army of monsters by mundane means rather than magical. He has powerful allies.

We stand at a precipice. We final few, the survivors of the Dark Nights, have clung on to life, beaten back the hordes one final time. But rest assured, noble travellers, those hordes will rise again. And when they come, no matter how we patch our walls or our survivors, we will fall."

Domi stiffens at his side, a retort on his lips, but Alemi continues "You know it to be true my friend. Look around you. Our brave students have given everything, but they have no more to give. Too many have fallen. This was our final action here." Though Domi says nothing you see by the slump of his shoulders that even he cannot deny the impossibility of their position.

He turns back to the party, his voice calm and solemn. "Only one chance remains to us. Please, show me the stone."

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday May 15th, 2006 4:41:20 PM

"He is Alemi," Theodore says, simply. Stepping forward, the mage unwraps the stone, taking care to keep the cloth between his flesh and the stone.

"Take care," he cautions the elder man. "Touching the stone saps your energy. Of course, I haven't had the proper time to study it. Given enough time though, I could... Ow!" Macaw pecks him hard on the head.

Monday May 15th, 2006 9:46:03 PM

As directed, Vorelle helps move the body of the student. She tries not to look too much at the still form, or to wonder what kind of person Hornace was. Would anyone have time to mourn Hornace? And when her time came, would anyone have the time--or the inclination--to mourn Vorelle?

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 7:30:07 AM

The liontaur does not object to showing the orb to Alemi.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 12:43:22 PM

"If I could, I would stay." He says, disappointed.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 3:35:02 PM

rose is still being sick. she looks and feels awful.

DM Carl: A Tale of Two Quests 
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 4:47:27 PM

As Vorelle helps out and Rose slowly begins to feel the wave of nausea pass Theo carefully fishes out the stone and shows it to Alemi.

The great man cradles the stone carefully in its cloth wrapping, brining it close to his face and closing his eyes in concentration. A look of mild surprise crosses his face, and then his brow furrows in concentration once more.

Then his eyes snap open, hope and excitement rekindled. Very carefully he brushes the stone with a finger, and you see his fingertip turn grey. He draws it back and studies it until it reverts to its normal colour, nodding as he does so. "Yes, yes this makes sense... unfocused it drains the holder. Directed it drains and redirects from a target. Now what if..."

This time he grips the stone unprotected in one hand and closes his eyes. He holds the stone aloft. He is suddenly bathed in green light, and in a moment his wounded body is healed, his back straight and his eyes clear. When he speaks his voice is deep and strong, and filled with barely suppressed excitement.

"It is as I thought! This stone, this Faestone, it is a creation of Eberyon, the Fae King. In a way it is a part of him. Held unfocused the stone drains the soul of the holder. Targeted at another it can draw out their soul and redirect it. It is in this way that Gragulus has built his army of empowered creatures; he has been binding the souls of innocent creatures, fae it would seem, into his minions.

But this stone holds a greater power still. If one turns the focus inward, upon the stone itself, one can tap into the power of Eberyon himself! Do you see, Domi? This is the answer! These travellers from afar have saved us, saved all of us, both from the forces of Gargulus and the indifference of the Gods themselves!

Students! Students, to Oshirr House at once, all of you!"

As Domi and the students make their way towards the white house at the center of the compound Alemi turns towards the party, seized by an urgency you have not seen in him before. "My friends, you may have saved us all. There is little time, for in using the stone in this way I may have alerted Gargulus to its location.

I know you have seen great hardships to get this far, but I must ask one final boon of you. As my students and I invoke the power of the stone within Oshirr House I must ask that you protect us, keeping us safe from whatever foes Gargulus may yet throw at us. Will you do this thing? Once this task is done the stone will be yours to do with as you will, but before you fulfil your quest, will you help us fulfil ours?"

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 9:59:23 PM

Theodore is surprised by the sudden urgency in Alemi's voice. "Protect...you?"

The idea of protecting a future deity is more emotions than Theodore can quantify.

"I will stay," he says firmly.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:58:29 PM

Vorelle is certainly willing to do what she can, but it would be easier if....

"S-s-s-s-sir," she says, scarecly believing her own temerity. "D-d-d-do you h-h-have any c-c-c-c-cold i-iron ar-arrows?"

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:19:19 PM

Alemi's request hits the aquatic ranger like a dagger in the gut. Protect him? Where was he when she needed protecting?! Waves of anger cold and terrible surge within her. But then, looking around at the calamity around her, Ashira is cut to the soul with guilt. This devastation was the direct result of her previous self righteous response. How dare she allow her own petty feelings toward this future god get in the way of the greater good of all humanity?! Looking Alemi full in the face, Ashira speaks with conviction. "Though my heart tells me otherwise, I will stay and protect you and the others with my life."

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:42:55 AM

Zeoll agrees and is more than willing to try to stand their ground in defense of Alemi's folk.

"Should we rrest, then, in prreparration forr the assault?" The liontaur seems ready to bunk out.

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 12:20:08 PM

"I have already said I'll stay." He smiles.

DM Carl: Something Wicked This Way Comes... 
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 6:14:35 PM

"My heartfelt thanks, brave travellers." says Alemi, his eyes resting longest upon Ashira. Perhaps he is aware of the conflict she feels, even if he cannot know of its cause. "I owe you all a debt I can never repay."

"Sadly our weapons are all but spent, used in last night's battle and those that preceded it. You must stand alone with the arms you bear. I fear that if an attack is to come it will come swiftly."

As if in answer to his words a cry comes up from the last of the students to enter the house.

"Look! to the south!"

All eyes follow his pointing finger. There in the sky is a dark spot, very distant but growing larger at an alarming rate. Whatever it is must be travelling at a fantastic speed.

"I must go at once! Good luck my friends!" says Alemi, turning and running up the steps to Oshirr House. With a final backward glance he closes the door behind him, leaving you alone in the corpse-strewn courtyard, standing in a line before the porch steps. Behind you that spot in the sky grows ever larger, though with the sun where it is in the sky it is hard to make out clearly.

Spot check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of flying creature}

Spot check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of red flying creature}

Spot check DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of enormous red reptilian flying creature, with huge leathery bat-like wings}

Spot check DC 35 Highlight to display spoiler: {Oh dear. It looks like a red dragon.}

Rose  d20+10=25
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 6:44:44 PM

Rose still feels a bit queasy but knowing she has responsibilities she looks around. "Guy! There's some sort of red creature flying this way!" she says as she quickly pulls out her rod and casts a spell.

cast mage armor on Rose (shared with piper, extended to 10 hours)

if she has time she'll cast a few more spells on herself (not sure if we're in rounds yet)

2. false life from scroll, lasts 3 hrs
3. making sure everyone is within range rose will cast magic circle against evil, lasts 50 min

Vorelle  d20+14=30
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 8:14:06 PM

"D-d-d-d-d-dragon?" Vorelle chokes out. "I-is th-th-th-that a d-d-d-d-dragon?"

She thinks of her pitiful axes, her pathetic arrows. Nothing she has will make a dent against such a foe. She begins to tremble, knowing that she will die, knowing that her body will soon lie alongside those of the hopelessly overmatched students, will bloat and rot in the sun...

She swallows hard, fights down the rising panic. To die for Alemi and Domi. It is not such a bad fate.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=25
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 9:14:04 PM

(Spot 25)

Theodore's eyes go wide as he sees the coming creature and hears Vorelle's exclamation. Like Rose, Theodore quickly casts mage armor on himself. (9 hours)

"Friends..." he says, staring at the oncoming threat. "If there was ever a time we needed to be of one mind, this is it."

The normally timid wizard slowly rolls up first one sleeve, and then the other. It is apparent the death and pain he has seen over the last couple of days has changed him.

"Spells that I have available that might be effective in our coming fight are resist energy, fly, stinking cloud, lesser globe of invulnerability, and solid fog."

"My proposed strategy would be to cast fly and resist energy on someone brave enough to do battle with the dragon in the air. I would put up a stinking cloud in his path, hoping to weaken him and save the solid fog and lesser globe of invulnerabily as defensive measures."

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism)  d20+10=23 d20+10=20
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 9:48:35 PM

Zeoll's heart tells him what is coming, and he casts Heroism immediately. Then he looks into the distance. That, and Vorelle's and Rose's words, trigger a memory [Bard lore 20]. Gargul was of old the creator of the dragons!

He tells his friends that he suspects Gargul himself is riding on the dragon.

Zeoll snaps into action. "Quick! Split up! No two people should be close enough to brreathe on! Get underr coverr forr prrotection!"

[OOC: keep in mind that improved cover really helps against area attacks.]

"Now, if we can get underr coverr and if I can get within 90 feet, I will trry to Fascinate Garrgul and the drragon. If I do, do not attack. Use the time to buff and prrep and position yourrselves!"

Brahmah (AC22 HP97, longstrider)  d20+11=29
Thursday May 18th, 2006 10:44:26 AM

(Spot 29)

"Could be!" He doesn't like dragons, especially red ones. He and his friends had to kill a brood of baby reds once while a gold was fighting the mother. Red dragons suck.

He breaks away from the group so not to present a better target for it to hit. (The breath hurts!)

He retrieves a scroll and reads it. (Longstrider 1 hour)

Ashira  d20+12=16
Thursday May 18th, 2006 1:35:00 PM

The ranger scans the sky, but can't make anything out (Spot=16). "Can't be..." But the others seem so confident. She reaches into her pack, pulling out potions before the group breaks up. She hands two to Brahmah (Shield of Faith (+3 to AC), Barkskin (+3 to AC)), another to Tratain (Levitate), one to Rose (Bear's Endurance +4), and one final one to Zeoll (Bear's Endurance +4). Then, seeing the wisdom of Zeoll's advice, Ashira breaks off in search of cover. She gulps down as many potions as possible as she waits for the creature to get closer (Barkskin+3, Shield of Faith +3, Bear's Endurance +4, then Fly...should she have the time). She listens to Theodore and chimes in. "If we stand any chance against a dragon, it will take all of us to do it. The fighters will need to gang up on it and keep the spellcasters safe."

Tratain (AC25, HP58/58) Divine Favor  d20+9=10
Thursday May 18th, 2006 1:58:35 PM

Looking up, Tratain is blinded by the sun (Spot=nat. 1). Still, with all the others clamoring and running about, Tratain decides it's time for action. He quickly reaches out an murmuring a few words he reaches out and touches Ashira (Protection from Energy (Fire). Then he casts a spell on Brahmah (Resist Energy (Fire)). Finally, he casts a spell on himself (Divine Favor).

DM Carl: Countdown... 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 4:27:13 PM

Folks, we are back into combat rounds now, so I'll take the first action you posted for last round. I won't be able to post tomorrow or over the weekend, so please post your next three rounds of actions as the dragon flies towards you.

Please make sure you include all spell effects in your posts titles, as well as your current HP and AC, or I'll assume they are the default ones on your character sheets..

Regarding movement, this map is too big for me to get into cells refs, so you'll need to specify the number and direction of cells you wish to move from your current location.

A dragon! A big one! And it's a red! The party spring into action, casting spells as quickly as they can.

Rose casts Mage Armor.

Vorelle battles with her fear, horrified at the scale of the threat. ;-)

Theo casts Mage Armor and proposes a battle strategy.

Zeoll casts Heroism and tries to see if Gargul is riding the big red (If anyone can make a Spot check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {you are pretty sure there is no rider on the dragon})

Brahmah casts Longstrider and moves to the relative cover of a large mound of bodies.

Ashira digs out a number of scrolls and is able to hand one to Rose (Bear's Endurance) and one to Tratain (Levitate).

Tratain casts Protection from Energy (Fire) on Ashira.

So, let's have your next three rounds of action. Please feel free to post as many times as you wish until the next DM post (Monday) in order to prepare your strategy.

Here's a map of the whole compound: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/oshirr.jpg

And here's a map of your immediate surroundings: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/oshirr1.jpg

Good luck!

Rose  d10+3=12
Thursday May 18th, 2006 5:50:56 PM

Round 1

Rose calls out "Everybody get over here so I can cast this spell!" and if necessary moves so that as many people as possible are within range of the spell she's going to cast.

As soon as everybody is within range Rose will make a circle of powdered silver around herself and start casting.

cast magic circle against evil. everyone within 10' of rose gain protection from evil. Lasts 50 minutes

Round 2
Rose casts Heroism on Ashira and heads off to a relatively sheltered area.

Ashira gain +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

Round 3
Rose casts false life on herself from a scroll. gain 12 temporary hit points.

ooc: on that bears endurance potion when you get +4 to con does that mean you get +2 hp for all of your levels totalling 18 or do you get +2 hp for only your current level?

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes, everyone within 10' of Rose gets protection from evil spell. +2 deflection bonus to ac & +2 resistance bonus on save which apply to attacks made or effects created by evil creaturs. Protection against being possesed or mentally controled. Prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, which ends if you attack the summoned creature or attempt to force the barrier against the summoned creature.
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message
level 1: magic missile, shield, expeditious retreat
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible
level 3: none

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x5
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Thursday May 18th, 2006 5:52:10 PM

um in the first line could someone fix the to a

DM Carl 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 6:48:06 PM

Loretta, please note that only people within the circle are effected by it. If they move out of the circle the effect upon them ends.

Given that any dragon worth his salt will take one look at a little huddle of adventurers within a magic circle and say to himself "Target!", you may choose to cast another spell in place of the one you cast if you wish.

Regarding Bear's Endurance, the Con bonus will give you a HP bonus for each of your levels, so +18 for a level 9 character.

Another important point: everyone with a familiar, please let me know where it is located. If it is flying, how high is it, what cell is it in etc. Thanks!

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism) 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 11:28:33 PM

Zeoll reminds his friends that their goal is not to kill Gargul or his dragon -- just to delay them long enough for Alemi to do his thing. So if they can get Gargul talking, so much the better.

So, PLEASE do not attack until Zeoll has a chance to try his Fascinate, Suggestion, and Charm.

That means we HAVE to try to get Gargul within 90 feet of Zeoll. Zeoll suggests that everyone hide in broken buildings with total or near-total cover. Put a decoy or illusion or bait within 90 feet of where Zeoll is hiding. With any luck, Zeoll will be able to step out and sing away. That could be seven rounds of delay. During that time. buff up and move into position, but do NOT pose a threat.

Seven rounds of delay could be all the time Alemi needs!

Rose, your Message cantrip is just what we need! Ready your spell so that when Gargul is within 150 feet or whatever your range is, tell him that we want to talk, that we are no threat to him, that if he kills us he will never get it back, and that we are willing to negotiate.

I'll Ready my bardic music to use as soon as he is in range.

Round One: Zeoll hands Vorelle a quiver with 20 cold iron arrows and then casts Heroism on her.

Round Two: Cast Heroism on Brahmah. Move to the building to the west -- take cover in it or under its eaves.

Round Three: Finish moving. Ready Fascinate to use the moment Gargul is in range.

Druid spells
Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic
Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits,
Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Bard Spells
3 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18)
5 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19)
2 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20)
1 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)

Bard spells chosen from:
Level 0: Det Magic, Know Dir, Rd Magic, Daze, Lullaby
Level 1: Comp Lang, Det Secret Doors, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter
Level 2: Det Thoughts, Locate Obj, Heroism, Suggestion
Level 3: Confusion, Scrying

Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts.) 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 11:45:28 PM

Ashira thanks Rose and Tratain for their spells and continues to hand out potions.

Round 1
To Brahmah(Shield of Faith (+3 to AC), Barkskin (+3 to AC))

Round 2
To Zeoll (Bear's Endurance +4)

Round 3
Having distributed all of the potions she can, Ashira gulps down her Barkskin potion and readies her Shield of Faith to be drunk next round. She heads for cover, wanting to get away from the others before the dragon arrives.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)[/i]

OOC: The Barkskin potions last for 60min, the Sheild of Faith for 6min, Bear's Endurance for 3min, and the Levitate for 3min.

Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) extra  d20+10=27
Friday May 19th, 2006 6:00:35 AM

Ooh! Ooh! The guy with the AC12 is in no position to say no to more hit points! Please change Zeoll's Round three action to Drink Potion Under Total (or near total if he can find it) Cover.

Unfortunately, it does not stack with his amulet, so the net bonus is +9 hp, not +18.

He'll have to hope that Round 4 (which is only Round 4 if he cast Heroism on himself in Round 0 -- LOL) is soon enough to try his fascinate -- or to ready it.

ALSO -- Zeoll forgot to roll his spot check. Okay, actually *I* forgot to roll it for him. My bad. Oh, the roll is a 27! Sweet.

Zeoll tells his friends that he sees no rider on the dragon -- but that does not change anything. He could be invisible on that Dragon. Delay is our duty, not defeat!

Location: In a doorway or under an eave or in a building near a hole. Zeoll wants to have total cover, and to be able to step out of total cover into improved or regular or partial cover, then cast a spell, then use a move action to move to a new place with total cover! If possible.

rose  d20+10=25
Friday May 19th, 2006 6:29:37 AM

per dm, correction to round 1

rose doesnt call everyone together or cast magic circle against evil but instead casts see invisible. Also every round she moves as far as possible to get under cover away from the others, she can move 30'/round.

Piper is going to hide away from Rose, probably she'll just act like any other ravens in the area. If there are no ravens in the area then she'll probably wiggle under all the bodies in one of the piles (the one that nobody else is hiding by)

Cayzle I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ignore Zeoll asking Rose to use the message spell. Because there is no way that Zeoll knows that Rose has the message spell. Player info is not character info. Now if Zeoll had discussed what spells Rose had prepared earlier in the day, then he would have known.

ooc: Ashira how long will the potion last?

ooc2: dm carl if you want us to list grid markings then they will need to be on the map.

Friday May 19th, 2006 6:30:40 AM

oops per last post rose's spot is 25, does she see anyone on the dragon after using see invisible spell?

Vorelle  d20+14=30 d20+20=34
Friday May 19th, 2006 9:20:57 AM

[Spot 30]

Vorelle sees no rider on the dragon, but the dragon by itself is bad enough.

Round 1 - Vorelle accepts the quiver from Zeoll with a grateful look, then begins moving east.

Round 2 - Vorelle continues moving east (double move), and puts the building between herself and the dragon. She pulls out her bow as she moves.

Round 3 - Vorelle continues moving (if necessary to put the building between herself and the dragon), and hides (Hide check 34).

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) 
Friday May 19th, 2006 10:50:35 AM

OOC: Thanks friends for the spells! :)

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min)

Brahmah retrieves yet another scroll and casts it. (Cat's Grace) He then ducks lower, finally drawing his falchion and ready to draw the kukri.

Tratain (AC25, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance 
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:34:05 PM

Tratain continues to cast defensive spells, hoping Zeoll's plan will work out, but suspecting that it will probably come down to fighting.

Round 1
Casts Shield of Faith on Zeoll (+3 deflection to AC...lasts 9 min)

Round 2
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)) on Brahmah (20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

Round 3
Cast Bear's Endurance on self and like the others, seeks a sheltered spot away from the others to await the dragon's arrival.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Shield of Faith; Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evilx2;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; Align Weapon;(Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance 9/9 min

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) 
Friday May 19th, 2006 6:26:49 PM

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

"Thanks friend Trataine. I'll need that I think!" He laughs.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=18 9d6(6+2+1+4+3+6+2+1+5)=30
Sunday May 21st, 2006 1:57:41 PM

Theodore thinks Zeoll's plan risky and resolves to act quickly if things turn sour.

Round 1: Theodore seeks out a place to conceal himself from direct attacks from the oncoming dragon. (Hide 18)

Round 2: Casts resist energy (fire) on himself. (First 20 points of fire damage disregarded. 90 minutes)

Round 3: Readies a lightning bolt spell if the dragon attacks any of his friends. (30 damage; half if Reflex save vs 17)

DM Carl: Sorry! 
Monday May 22nd, 2006 5:54:52 PM

Hi folks,

I'd like everyone to confirm they are happy with their location on the map before we continue.


This appalling transparent delaying tactic is entirely in the interest of ensuring players are satisfied that I have put them where they wish to be, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that your DM's preparations for this battle have overrun horribly.


Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) 
Monday May 22nd, 2006 6:46:48 PM

OOC: Behind rubble is great.

The minotaur prepares for pain, serious, agonizing pain.

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

Monday May 22nd, 2006 8:29:18 PM

under a tree is ok, not great but Rose wouldnt have wanted to be to close to the others or in the pile of bodies.

Where's piper?

Monday May 22nd, 2006 9:07:31 PM

[OOC: I'm pretty sure I said east. But Vorelle is fine where she is.]

Monday May 22nd, 2006 9:08:56 PM

(OOC - Fine with me.)

Monday May 22nd, 2006 10:45:20 PM

Carl, Zeoll's plan is to ready his bardic music to use the moment that the dragon gets within 90 feet. So it is crucial that Zeoll be on the edge of the compound in the dragon's incoming path. Obviously, the dragon might fly around and approach from a different angle, but assuming that the beast just flies right in, Zeoll wants to be in its path.

And for the plan to work, he has to be able to use his Bardic Music optimally.

Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts.) 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 12:03:21 AM

OOC: Sure I don't mind Ashira or Tratain's placement...roast away. ;)

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 10:10:37 AM

***Waits patiently behind the rubble for The Red DEATH on wings!***

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins48secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

DM Carl: Know Who You Face  d20+20=32 d20+6=25
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:26:53 PM

Brahmah and Theo huddle behind a large pile of bodies (not rubble!), as everyone else spreads out and casts as many spells as they are able.

Tratain hugs the side of Oshirr House, Rose takes cover behind a tree whilst Piper flies north to get away from the approaching horror. With the benefit of her spell she is unable to detect the presence of any invisible creatures.

Vorelle thinks about moving east, then heads west (whoops! Sorry!), and hides in shadow of a barracks building. Ashira makes it to a mound of bodies and hunkers down behind it.

Zeoll distributes spells and then moves forwards so that he is lurking beneath the walkway near the compound gate (OOC: apologies Cayzle, I'm unclear as to exactly where you want to be (you said west to a building before, though I in my rush I moved you east! This time I've moved you south. Hope current location is OK). He is in total cover, and from his current location cannot see the approaching dragon.

With languid strokes of mighty leather wings the red dragon draws ever closer. It is a hoorific sight. Talons and thick armoured scale glint in the sunlight. Flames lick around its fangs, and a fiendish intelligence blazes in its wicked green eyes. And yet for all the impending sense of dread you cannot help admire the sheer physical poetry of the creature. The vast muscles moving effortlessly beneath the skin, the sheer power of those wing strokes, the whole creature moving far faster and more gracefully than you would think possible for a creature of such a size. It is a truly magnificent sight.

Then it is upon you, nearing the gate some 40 feet up. Awe gives way to horror as the true scale of the task ahead of you dawns upon you for the first time. This thing is surely unbeatable!

Those within 150 feet of the dragon (Zeoll, Ashira, Theo and Brahmah, within the orange circle marked on the map) must make a Will save DC 22 or be Shaken

It speaks in a voice like sibilant thunder, a voice dripping with amused malice.

"I see you, little meat! Are you hiding from me? Come out to play, little meat! My Lord Gargulus has bid me retrieve his property from you. Return to me what was stolen and you shall all go free, this I swear. Resist me and you shall die screaming as you boil in your own blood!"

Sense Motive DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {Funnily enough, you get the impression he's not being strictly honest about the whole "going free" thing.}

"Come now, return the stone to me. You know you cannot hope to defeat me, for you face not some paltry band of orcs, nor witless ogres. Now you face the mightiest champion of Lord Gargulus, the Scourge of the Derwen Downs, the Ruin of House Oshirr..."

The dragon's mighty voice rises in pitch and volume until the very ground beneath your feet trembles, as if in fear of the young adult dragon's name;

"Now you face...


Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/oshirr3.jpg

Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End)  d20+15=24 d20+20=24 d20+10=27 d20+25=45 [WOO HOO!! HOLY SMOKES! THAT's A NAT 20 ON MY PERFORM CHECK!!!] d20+13=20
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:50:51 PM

Zeoll makes his save and is not shaen by the dragon's presence (Will save 24).

He listens tot he dragon and thinks he hears something in its voice ... (sense motive 24 darn it!) ... but it just eludes him!

On the other hand, the name that the Dragon gives is not unknown to the bard (bard lore check 27). This is Flame when he was young! Flame who would bear a more dire name in the future! Flame who would defeat many adventurers of the Wold!

But Zeoll steps out into view, nonetheless! His hands beat a hypnotic rhythm on his finely crafted drum, and he lifts his voice in song to the Dragon:

Oh grreatest of the grreat and strrong!
Oh cunning wit and mightly spell!
Please listen to this humble song
And we, no fools, will serve you well!

(Perform check = Will save DC = 45! Nat 20!) (Didn't even need to blow a hero point!)

Zeoll prays that the dragon will be fascinated and listen to the other verses he has in mind over the next seven rounds.

Zeoll also puts a secret message in the last line of his song -- (bluff check 20 to pass a secret message): DO NOT FOOLISHLY FIGHT THE DRAGON! (He does not even mind if the dragon understands his secret message!)

NOTE: If Zeoll sees any other enemy, he will try to include that person in the song as well. Hopefully with the same save DC! LOL!


Druid spells
Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic
Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits,
Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Bard Spells
used 0 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18)
used 0 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19)
used 3 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20)
used 0 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)

Bard spells chosen from:
Level 0: Det Magic, Know Dir, Rd Magic, Daze, Lullaby
Level 1: Comp Lang, Det Secret Doors, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter
Level 2: Det Thoughts, Locate Obj, Heroism, Suggestion
Level 3: Confusion, Scrying

Bardic Music 1 used of 7

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:33:39 PM

Vorelle nocks an arrow, but she has no intention of firing on the dragon until some sort of signal is given. She wishes there was some way to help Zeoll, but she knows that keeping quiet and out of sight is her best contribution at this point.

Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3)  d20+5=23 d20+2=13
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:21:22 AM

Ashira shudders at the arrival of the dragon as every single thought...no, every single fiber in her body screams out to get as far away from that horrible roasting machine on wings. But somehow, the importance of this moment seeps through her horror and she moves her hands to her swords (Will=23, Sense Motive=13). Yet again, she waits patiently to see whether Zeoll's actions prove fruitful. Trying to look nonchalant, Ashira drinks down the potion in her hand (Shield of Faith), and pulls another one out of her pack.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.

Tratain (AC25, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance  d20+13=19 d20+13=27
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:38:08 AM

Tratain begins to tremble as the dragon speaks...what was he thinking?! There is no possible way to defeat this creature! Turning, Tratain briefly considers running away when something inside of him snaps him out of it (Will=19, HP reroll=27). No! He was going to stand here with his comrades and if he should die, then so be it! His hands near his holy symbol, Tratain prepares to cast a couple of spells should the dragon attack (Quickened Divine Favor and Righteous Might).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Shield of Faith; Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evilx2;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; Align Weapon;(Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: *Righteous Might; *Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance 9/9 min

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 3:01:18 AM

<i>I'm to far away, I wont be able to help the others I have to be able to get closer</i>

Rose is worried that she's to far away to help her friends if they end up fighting. She quickly casts a spell upon herself.

cast expeditious retreat on herslef

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 20
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 50/50 rounds left

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message
level 1: magic missile, shield
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x5
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
Bears endurance +4 from ashira (adds +2 to con for ? min)
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


ooc: I still need to know how long the bears endurance potion will last when I use it.

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 10:54:17 AM

(Will Save 22! THANK YOU ZEOLL!!!!!!!!)

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins48secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

Brahmah knows NOT to go to the dragon. Allow it to come into our arena on OUR terms.

He takes out a scroll and reads it. (Owl's Wisdom)

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor)  d20+12=22 d20+3=7 9d6(2+4+2+3+2+3+4+3+6)=29
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:27:01 AM

A surge of fear passes over Theodore, but is quickly replaced by excitement. Wow! A real, live dragon! This is amazing! (Will 22)

He waits for the dragon to make a hostile move before firing off a lightning bolt. (Damage 29, Reflex vs 17 for half damage)

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Resist Energy (fire) - 89 min 8 rounds

DM Carl: Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail  d20+15=29
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 4:23:23 PM

The party holds its collective breath as Zeoll steps out and launches into his song. Even his own companions are nearly caught up in his spell, so finely is it crafted. The dragon, despite its formidable mental strength, cannot help but be drawn into the wemic's hypnotic verse.

Flame's eyes widen, and its head, which had been casting about urgently from side to side as if hunting for something, begins to sway gently in time with complex rhythms of Zeoll's drum. Small puffs of smoke are emitted in time with the upbeat.

Huge wings beat the air in time to the tune as the great dragon Flame hovers in place, captivated by the liontaur before it.

You can scarcely believe this period of grace. Could Flame be faking? Is he truly lost in the song? And if so, what can you do to turn this temporary reprieve to your advantage?

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 9:24:50 PM

Rose quickly casts another spell on herself and quietly starts moving closer to the others staying right along the wall of the building Vorelle is at. When she gets close enough to include everyone in a message spell (150') she will stop and be ready to cast it next round.

Piper will remain in the tree.

cast shield & move up to 60'

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 49/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 50/50 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message
level 1: magic missile
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x5
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
Bears endurance +4 from ashira (adds +2 to con for 3 min)
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3

Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) extra 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:34:46 PM

Zeoll says a silent prayer to the future God of Courage and continues his song::

We bow beforre you, glorried Flame!
We shake with fearr! We hope to serrve!
Yourr majesty all folk proclaim!
Yourr edicts we must all obserrve!

"Rreturrn that which you stole!" you rroarr,
And now, of courrse, to you we yield.
Yourr merrcy we must now implorre.
Ourr secrrets now to you rrevealed!

As he sings, Zeoll thinks about what he will do after seven rounds of song, when the Fascinate ends. He has some ideas.

DM, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll is thinking about using the suggestion in R6 and Charm Monster in R7. Or maybe Confusion.}

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:43:01 PM

Still holding her arrow nocked, Vorelle hopes Zeoll had some sort of plan beyond "fascinate the dragon."

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+2=16
Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:03:46 AM

A few seconds...we only have a few seconds, at most! Ashira slurps down the potion in her hand (Fly) and eyes the dragon warily (Sense Motive=16). She briefly thinks about moving in closer, but hesitates, thinking that it will probably interfere with Zeoll's plan. So she stands, and she waits...hands on hilts, ready to engage the dragon when the magic wears off.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 3/3min.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:09:35 AM

When that thing snaps out of it, it's going to be mighty angry! Time to get ready. thinks Tratain as he begins to cast a spell on himself (Shield of Faith). Then he edges forward closer toward Zeoll and the dragon, though he is sure not to act menacing (move 30 feet).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evilx2;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; Align Weapon;(Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Thursday May 25th, 2006 7:43:52 AM

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

"He's waiting. For what?! By Domi, I hate dragons!"

DM Carl: Countdown is progressing (6) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:32:36 PM

As the party inch forward and continue buffing up, Flame remains transfixed. A proud smirk spreads across his maw as Zeoll flatters and praises the great beast.

As spells are cast the dragon reacts, his head darting in the direction of the caster, but seeing nothing directly threatening he is drawn inexorably back towards the singer, his eyes dreamy and unfocused.

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 9:43:48 PM

Theodore remains where he is, glad for the reprieve.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) 89 min 7 rounds

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:14:38 AM

Having no more buffing to do, Ashira waits with baited breath for the spell to wear off or the Alemi to pull their butts out of the fire... On second thought... Ashira hedges closer in toward the dragon so that she doesn't have to fly so far when it's time to attack. She is excruciatingly careful to move in a non-threatening manner.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 3/3min.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:26:29 AM

Smiling, the cleric casts another spell upon himself (Protection from Evil), making sure his body language and actions reflect a peaceful manner.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; Align Weapon;(Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Friday May 26th, 2006 1:27:36 AM

Vorelle holds, arrow still pointed at the dragon.

Friday May 26th, 2006 2:38:51 AM

Rose pops down the potion Ashira gave her and moves forward another 60' or until everyone is within range of the message spell.

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 48/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 49/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 30/30 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message
level 1: magic missile
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x5
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3

dm carl please let me know where rose is in relation to the others now.

Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) 
Friday May 26th, 2006 6:28:56 AM

Zeoll watches his friends out of the corner of his eye, and he hopes that no one will threaten the dragon. He is especially worried about Vorelle's pointed arrow.

Well, maybe he can mitigate that threat. Still singing:

Behold the hide imprregnable!
Immune to puny bolts and darrts.
Behold the forrce unstoppable!
That strrikes such fearr in morrtal hearrts.

It is no wonderr then, you see,
That those who thought they might rresist
Instead at once do all agrree --
Theirr plan to fight has been dismissed!

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Friday May 26th, 2006 8:41:55 AM

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins36secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

As the party inches up, Brahmah stays put, knowing that the dragon is likely bluffing and the minotaur will have to pull someone out of the flame or out of Flame!

Saturday May 27th, 2006 6:17:58 AM

Hi folks, just to let you know I'm going to be taking a short break from the wold, a month or so, to recharge the batteries and free up some time. The Powers That Be are sorting out a replacement DM to take you through this battle, so hopefully there should be limited disruption.

Good luck!

Countdown is progressing (5) (Quickie Sub DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 7:54:31 AM

[OOC: Friends, with Carl taking a break, we are seeking a new DFR1 DM. Until then (since Carl didn't post Friday), let me offer this easy countdown post so that we all can write a turn. Carl, if you are planning to post but I jumped the gun, please accept my apologies and feel free to delete this. -- Cayzle]

PC actions

Theo and Brahmah stand pat.

Ashira nudges a smidge closer, trying to seem non-threatening.

Rose drinks a potion and moves.

Tratain casts a spell on himself and stays put.

Vorelle keeps her weapon ready and also stays put.

Zeoll continues his song, trying to keep the dragon's attention on himself, and to convince it that the party is no threat.

DMish Note: Friends, keep in mind the rules for bardic fascinate: Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Clearly, Vorelle's aiming an arrow should break the fascination effect. But she has been doing so already for two rounds, so we see that DM Carl is being generous. Here subbing for Carl, if only for a post or two, I suggest that future action take the above into consideration. If Vorelle keeps aiming her weapon, for example, don't be surprised if the fascinate ends.

I also rule that if you are within 100 feet of the Dragon and you move directly towards it, that will also require a new Perform check and save.

Please take the latest map from three rounds ago (http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/oshirr3.jpg) and use it to figure out your current position.

[Carl, if you are planning to post but I jumped the gun, please accept my apologies and feel free to delete this.]

Dragon actions

The Dragon rouses, staring at Vorelle and glancing at Rose. But Zeoll's song lulls him, and his gaze returns to the liontaur.

Monday May 29th, 2006 11:38:37 AM

[OOC: I hate to get all rules lawyer-y, but Vorelle hid before she pointed her arrow, and got a 34. In my opinion, anything that requires a DC 34 Spot check is not an "obvious" anything. :) ]

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 11:43:16 AM

OOC: Is that a break in the front wall just West of Flame?

Brahmah attempts to move up, move through the wall, and position behind the pile of bodies just outside the wall. (Longstrider makes his movement 40)

Monday May 29th, 2006 11:44:59 AM

OOC: His intention is to move between Vorelle and Rose and skirt the back wall of the building and move down the wall to the break.

Cayzle to Vorelle 
Monday May 29th, 2006 2:44:25 PM

LOL! You are exactly right! I looked at your most recent post for a hide check, but I didn't look at your post before that! My bad! Sorry!

loretta  d20+7=9 d20+10=27 d20+10=29 d20+10=23
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 3:03:36 AM

rose is somewhere along the wall Vorelle is listed by, maybe about halfway between her and ashira no matter what she's close enough to get everyone in her message spell (if there were numbers and letters on the map it would be easier) she is supposed to have cast a message spell on everyone in the group (not the dragon) as soon as she's in range. she's been moving silently and hiding

hide: 9, ok she's not doing a good job
listen: 27
move silently: 29
spot: 23

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 2:02:36 PM

Brahmah continues his movement until he reaches his goal or dies in the process.

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 4:03:45 PM

Theodore stays where he is, content to let things play out. This might actually work... he thinks to himself.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) 89 min 6 rounds

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 10:15:44 PM

Friends, Jamie has agreed to take over the game! Yay! Thanks Jamie! Please e-mail him your PC sheets: woldian@gmail.com.

DM Jamie 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:33:44 PM

One and all. All I ask is that you give me until Wednesday late afternoon to post. I will then do another post early on Thursday because I will be getting on an airplane later in the morning tio travel back to Turkey. I will get off the plane in enough time to read your posts when I get there and make my Friday post. Just like last time if I make a mistake because of something that might have happened while I was away just remind me :) I am glad to be back.

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:14:53 AM

From her new position of just outside the wall, Ashira watches and waits.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 3/3min.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:31:30 AM

Freezing in position, Tratain whispers a prayer and litely touches his warhammer (Align Weapon-Good).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 4:09:40 AM

Zeoll continues his song, holding the dragon's concentration and fascinating it.

[OOC: Sorry, no time to write a verse for this post.]

[OOC: This is the fourth round of seven rounds that the fascinate will last. On the sixth round, Zeoll plans to weave a suggestion (per the bardic music ability) into the song. If that does not work, on the seventh round he plans to stop singing and use Charm Monster on the dragon. If that works, maybe Zeoll can end the encounter right there! If not, we'll see if he's toast!]

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 1:16:48 PM

The rangers continues on his psth, the few moments lasting forever, it seems. :)

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:46:58 PM

Vorelle remains hidden and keeps her arrow nocked.

DM Jamie 
Thursday June 1st, 2006 4:52:40 AM

Disclaimer: If I miss something just bring it to my attention. Also, keep in mind I am leaving my family for 10 months in a few hours. Also, sorry for the late post, my network went down last night. I will try to find a wi-fi spot in my travels otherwise I will post again on Friday.

As Flame becomes transfixed it is almost as if time slows. The flap of Flame's great wings slows... Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh. The smoke puffs rising slowly; being taken by the breeze up into the air to slowly dissipate.

There seems to be an almost calming silence permeating the area and all you can hear is the chant by Zeoll flowing through the air and seeming to weave with the very air surrounding the leviathan.

You can each hear your own heartbeats and can feel your blood pumping through your veins. If there ever was a perfect moment this is it. No matter your current situation you feel as if you have control over every inch of your being.

You all get to your respective spots. (I apologize for no map. I have reviewed the one from an earlier post and I will try to get something together for my Friday post. For right now just be as descriptive as possible for my sanity and yours.

It seems as if Flame's eyes are beginning to slit.

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Thursday June 1st, 2006 7:35:17 PM

Theodore remains where he is, but tenses as the creature's eyes begin to narrow.

Something bad's gonna happen.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:14:52 PM

Brahmah continues to move.

(OOC: How far has he gotten please.)

DM Jamie - The lull before the storm 
Friday June 2nd, 2006 10:52:51 AM

The battleground strewn with bodies of the students, some of which were your friends, and the bodies of your fallen enemies lie before you. The sweet smell of charred flesh intermingles with that of blood to create a pungent odor which seems to fill every pore in your being. This will not be something that you forget anytime soon and is a life changing event for anyone. You have met gods in flesh and possibly some of your idols in roles you had never imagined. You have seen the tenacity that your forefather heros have fought with and it brings some glimmer of hope to your soul. This is it, you tell yourself. This is where we save the world or die trying.

Zeoll, Highlight to display spoiler: {It feels as if something is fighting for contention with you over Flame. You can feel a will trying to impress itself upon Flame to counter your bardic song. Please give me a perform check with a DC 29. You don't think you have lost control right now, but it could happen soon.} Sweat beads across your face as you send out your song.

Brahmah, you have made it to the break in the wall. The pile of bodies outside the wall is worse than you could have imagined. They are strewn about, most of them missing something. A head here and a leg there, some of them appear to have been gnawed on. No doubt if you all fail here they will become a snack for Flame.

Vorelle, it does not look as if Flame has even paid any attention to you. Concealed so well you are you are able to stand ready, with what you think will be a clean shot. Highlight to display spoiler: {Since you have been hiding unseen by the dragon you will get a +10 to your first shot to take into account that you will be blindsiding him with it.}

Rose, you are able to position yourself to the point most beneficial for the message spell and you believe you have not been spotted, but when you tripped over that dead student you don't remember if you let out a little cry or not. Something about tripping into the hollowed out chest cavity of another humanoid just has that effect on people.

Theodore, as you wait you can't help but have your attention drawn to the bodies. Already flies have begun to infest the piles of rotting flesh. Soon this mound will be covered with maggots who will chew their way through this meat feast in their small attempt at life. You see a student that you recognize from your last visit to the Oshirr compound. His name seems to fail you right now, but what were his aspirations? Did he have a family? These are all thoughts that help to temper the feelings inside of you into a weapon that will surely be able to bring down this awful force now.

Tratain, it feels good to have the familiar magic flow through your hands into your weapon. It has always been there, reliable and safe. Like an old friend. It seems to have a calming effect on you as you ready yourself for battle.

Ashira, you are watching Flame intently as you sit there. Looking at the bodies here makes you wonder if all this is worth it. Then you think to the future, your future. What would it be like if you fail here? What would happen to your family and friends still in the future? You shrug off this thought with determination knowing that in your heart you are exactly where you need to be. You have some concealment, but could still be hit if things go poorly. Highlight to display spoiler: {When Flame looks your way and then back at Zeoll you think that for a moment you see some type of conflict in his eyes. }

Suddenly Flame's wings begin to beat a bit more. He lifts himself into the air about another 10 feet and orientates his body into more of a prone position, but takes no action to inhale or do anything other that beat his wings. The breeze begins to pick up and you begin to see small objects move across the ground. Dust is beginning to pick up. Those of you watching think that you see a smile creep along Flame's face.

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Friday June 2nd, 2006 12:45:26 PM

Brahmah takes up a position behind the bodies and prepares for whatever is to happen next. He expects death, but chances are just as good that they will proveil... what was he was doing here again!?

Zeoll  d20+25=37
Friday June 2nd, 2006 10:45:14 PM

Zeoll senses a mental force trying to distract the dragon, but Zeoll continues to make his music as enthralling as he can (Perform Check 37 is plenty high enough).

This round, Zeoll weaves a subtle suggestion into his music. He suggests to the dragon that the desired object is not here, but that if he is willing to take Zeoll away, it is hidden no more than a few hours' flight from here, and why not let Zeoll guide Flame to the hiding place?

Note that per the rules, "Using this ability does not break the bard's concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect."

Suggestion Will save DC is 18.

rose  d20+7=8 d20+7=22 d20+10=19 d20+10=20 d20+10=18
Saturday June 3rd, 2006 12:55:42 AM

Rose cast the message spell last round (per previous posts) and now whispers to the others "Now we can talk, does anybody have a plan?"

She pulls a miniture cloak out of her component pouch and quickly whispers a spell. She will then carefully move another 10-20 feet trying to make sure that Flame cant see or hear her.

hide: 8, use hero point 22
listen: 19
move silently: 20
spot: 18

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 47/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 48/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 29/30 rounds
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 10/10 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x5
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Sunday June 4th, 2006 12:52:31 PM

Their mission was to delay the dragon. So far, it was an outstanding success. Vorelle tries to draw encouragement from that, picturing those within Oshirr House quickly making their preparations.

She keeps her arrow pointed at Flame, waiting for the signal to fire.

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+12=31
Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:51:34 PM

Every fiber of her being is taut...waiting for the moment to strike...because she has absolutely no doubt that it will eventually come down to a fight. He hands down at her side, Ashira waits patiently for the moment to attack (Spot=31)...though she casts an anxious glance at Zeoll's last verse of his song. I sure hope he knows what he's doing...because that dragon's going to be pretty peeved when the spell wears off, and I don't think a liontaur snack will last very long...

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 27/30 rds.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon 
Sunday June 4th, 2006 11:35:45 PM

Having done just about all he can do to prepare for the fight he knows will come, Tratain waits. He has more spells to cast, but they would probably upset the dragon, so for now he waits...

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might; Quicken Divine Favor;(Flame Strike)

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Monday June 5th, 2006 9:41:23 PM

He waits.

DM Jamie  d20+13=33 d20+39=57 d20=13
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:52:01 AM

Time seems to teeter on the head of a pin. Nerves are on end and everyone waits for the stalemate to end.

The only person who has moved as of yet is Rose. I have her to the west of Ashira behind some rubble. I will have a new map out with the Tuesday post. I am working extended hours and this will be may last post from work so I will have a small window after getting off work in order to post. My next post will be sometime around 10 am Wold time on Tuesday.

Flame shakes his head a bit as if to clear the cobwebs and speaks. His voice like thunder, "I know that which I seek is here and located in that building," as he points towards the Oshirr house. "Your parlor tricks have amused me for long enough. I will now take what is mine."

Flame draws in a great amount of air.

Since everyone has been waiting and watching intently I am going to give everyone time to perform one action prior to Flame attacking. Good luck.

I will have a map with my next post

Vorelle  d20+21=32 d20+11=26 d20+6=19 d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=7
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:03:36 AM

When she sees the dragon break Zeoll's enchantment, Vorelle fires the arrow she's been holding, followed quickly by two more.

[Hit AC 32 for 4 damage; Hit AC 26 for 8 damage; Hit AC 19 for 7 damage]

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+16=29 d8+4=7
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:45:50 AM

Yep...that would be the signal! Ashira takes flight and moves toward the dragon, engaging on his flank if possible. If close enough, she takes a wack at the dragon (AC29 for 7).

OOC: I really don't remember anymore how far Ashira is from the dragon.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 26/30 rds.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon  9d6(5+4+4+2+6+3+2+4+4)=34
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:58:27 AM

Noting that the time has come, Tratain casts an offensive spell (Flame Strike). He watches as the column of fire explodes into the dragon, knowing that the fire will do him no damage, but the divine attributes will. (34 dam....17 dam. from divine power). After the strike, the Protector moves toward the dragon readying himself to engage in more one on one tactics.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)  d20+15=32 2d4(3+3)+6=12
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 3:17:21 PM

(Map please.)

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

Positioned nearest the dragon, Brahmah charges the dragon.
(AC 34, for 12 damage)

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 5:51:11 PM

Rose quickly grabs a scroll and reads it off. suddenly a ray of darkness hits Flame's eyes. Hopefully it will work.

Cast from scroll blindness/deafness using blind.

Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 24
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 47/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 48/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 29/30 rounds
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 10/10 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  9d6(5+6+3+2+1+2+6+4+5)=34
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:26:13 PM

Theodore stands and unleashes a lightning bolt at Flame, and quickly ducks back behind his cover.

(Reflex vs 17 for half of 34 damage)

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:53:56 AM

Zeoll stops singing and casts Confusion on the dragon. Will save DC 21.

Then, whether it works or not, Zeoll dives for cover (40 foot move) into the nearest building.

Druid spells (in brackets = [cast]
Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic
Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits,
Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Bard Spells available
3 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18)
5 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19)
2 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20)
0 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)

Bard spells chosen from:
Level 0: Det Magic, Know Dir, Rd Magic, Daze, Lullaby
Level 1: Comp Lang, Det Secret Doors, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter
Level 2: Det Thoughts, Locate Obj, Heroism, Suggestion
Level 3: Confusion, Scrying

Bard Music used: 1 of 7

DM Jamie - End Game  d100=13 d100=59 d20+11=17 d100=52 d20+13=30
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:44:42 AM

Flame rears back as all of the attacks converge on him.

Tratain A flame seems to drop from the heavens as another rises from the ground and converge on the creature Flame. You can all hear the scream as Flame moves his hands over his face from the burn of the divine power touching his courupt flesh. You can see a scorches piece of flesh now covering his face.

Rose is able to cast her scroll and as the negative energies fly from her hand they speeed towards the mighty beast. The energies dissipate as they hit Fame (Made SR role).

Theodore you fire off your bolt of lightning and like a night in shining armor it flies straight and true towards the great beast striking him in the center of his mighty chest, althoughit looks as if he is able to shake offa portion of the damage.

Zeoll staring death in the face he fires of one last spell before making his strategic retreat. The spell does not seem to have any effect, though, other than further enraging the beast. He does make it down off the wall and a ways away from what could be a nasty burn.

Brahamah you are able to charge the great beast and can feel the evil exude off of it as you cut into his soft underbelly. The creature lets out a scream and rises another 5 feet.

Ashira moves to flank the great beast. Making just above the wall.

Vorelle you feelas if everything slows down as you find your shot. As Flame makes a turn you see your chance and take it. Two of the arrows fly true finding their marks between his scales, imbedding themselves deep into the creature.

Flame rears back and screams. It is more a scream of unbelief and despiration at these small creatures who are hurting him so. He quickly sees that his is no longer in a position to unleash fire so he begins to hover at about 15 feet bringing up a cloud of dust around him.

The cloud is hemispherical and is 60 feet in radius. Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10'. Creature have concealment at 15 and 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents canot use sight to locate the creature.) Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check of (DC 10 + 11) to cast a spell

You can all hear him, but Brahmah is the only one who can see him.

Map will be emailed... Kathy I do not have a good email address for you.

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)  d20+13=18 d20+15=26 d20+15=34 d20+8=18 d20+10=16 2d6(5+3)+8=16
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 3:06:25 PM

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 42secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

Brahmah attacks again, if the dragon is low enough. (AC 18, 26(crit threat 34), 18 and 16, for 9 damage, 16 damage if crit)

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:35:42 PM

Theodore pulls forth his lesser rod of metamagic, enlarge. Standing quickly, he shoots off another spell. A noxious cloud appears above where Flame was.

(Cast stinking cloud 10 feet above where Flame last was. Fortitude save vs 17 to negate)

Vorelle  d20+20=24
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:08:47 PM

Approach closer to the dangerous creature, or stand here unable to make a shot? It isn't an ideal choice.

Cautiously, Vorelle starts forward, trying to move without making a sound.

[Move Silently 24]

[The kice6 at comcast dot net email address should work just fine. I know there was a period of time when Comcast and Yahoo were being snippy with each other and their servers weren't talking, but I think that's all been resolved.]

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:09:39 PM

Ashira grunts in frustration. She needs to get closer to be useful. So that's exactly what she does. She flies 60 feet toward the dragon.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 25/30 rds.

Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:30:25 PM

Knowing that he is absolutely no use so far away, the Protector sprints toward the dragon. (Run 4x=120 feet).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

rose  d4=2
Thursday June 8th, 2006 6:39:05 AM

Rose quickly (but carefully) moves towards the dragon "Hey guys what was the use of having us all be apart if we have to be near eachother and the dragon to attack it?" She whispers to the others.

As soon as she thinks she's close enough (within 150' of dragon, probably a bit closer) She'll cast another spell.

cast spectral hand, lose 2 hp get hand with 2 hp.

dm sanity info
Rose HP: 62/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell)
Rose AC: 24
Hand: 2/2
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 46/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 47/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 28/30 rounds
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 9/10 rounds
Spectral hand: hand can deliver melee touch spells up to 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2:touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x5
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


DM Jamie 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:58:04 AM

Awaiting some posts. Kathy, I still had some problems sending. I am going to try one more time. Can someone forward the map to her? Also, what did you think of the map? Thanks

One quick thing. Is the Ogre still with you guys and if so where is he?

Thursday June 8th, 2006 4:44:30 PM

(OOC - D'oh! A regenerating ogre would have been nice! Unfortunately, he was told to wait a ways back. As far as I know, he obeyed.)

Thursday June 8th, 2006 4:53:25 PM

Zeoll stays hidden and casts a Summon Nature's Ally III. He will be occupied casting it all this turn.

Yup, the ogre was left a couple miles from Alemi's place.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:40:27 PM


DM Jamie  d20+16=29 10d10(4+2+4+6+8+8+7+9+7+7)=62
Friday June 9th, 2006 12:26:55 PM

My appologies. The internet in Turkey is older than dirt and runs that way. The network went out and I had to run all over the base in order to find a dialup I could use.

Those of you outside the cloud can still hear the beating of leathery wings, but as to seeing anything you can only make out the dirt and dust flying through the air. Although, the top of the dust appears to be darker than the rest of it.

Tratain in an effort to get into the battle and protect his friends sprints the last of the distance, but once he gets there he wonders what he has gotten himself into. Highlight to display spoiler: {Inside the dust cloud is like standing in a stong wind. The dust whips around you, embracing you in a great swirl of dirt and abrasiveness. You can barely make out a large shape in the air in front of you. Roughly 20' in the air.}

Vorelle moves forward along the side of the building she has been hiding next too.

Ashira you cross into the dust cloud. Highlight to display spoiler: {Once inside the vortex the outside world almost doesn't exist. The sun is blotted out and everything takes on a hazy look. The winds buffet you, but you easily maintain control while in the air. The sand and dirt in the air is very abrasive against you. It seems to be crying out to you its frustration for being picked up and flung around. You can see a darker cloud slightly higher than you and over the flying shape of Flame.}

Rose moves to where she thinks she is within 150 feet of where Flame last was and casts her spell. A hand appears in front of her.

Theodore you easily fire off your spell. It goes off successfully bypassing Flames spell resistance because it was not directed at him. Only time will tell if it affects his mighty lungs.

Brahmah Highlight to display spoiler: {The winds rise up around you and buffet your hair and loose belongings around. The dirt and sand seem to rise to meet the sky and the outside world no longer exists for you. The wind seems to quite all of the outside distractions. You can barely make out Flame roughly 20 feet above you. Blast, he is too far away to strike, but while you are looking up you can see it grow darker above Flame. You can barely make out that someone has approached from the ground and someone seems to be in the air.}

Zeoll concentrates on completing Summon Nature's Ally III.

Flame rises another 30 feet into the air (now 50'). He makes it through the darker cloud with no problem (Fort save 29). As he rises through the air the dust cloud and the darker patch of cloud begin to dissipate. You can see blood dripping from him from several places on his body. He inhales and exhales turning his head below him.

Ashira needs to roll even/odd. And even roll means you are just outside of the cone. An odd role means you are just inside the cone.

Brahmah, Tratain, and possibly Ashira are caught in the torret from above. 62 hp with a reflex DC 24 for half (31).

Map will be emailed out.

Friday June 9th, 2006 2:48:27 PM

Rose quickly casts another spell off of a scroll on herself and then moves even closer to the dragon while sending the hand out even closer (rose will go as far as she needs to to get the spectral hand to where it can touch the dragon and be behind any of its breath weapons).

ooc: corrected hp as I forgot to add in the extra from bears endurance.

dm sanity info
Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance)
Rose AC: 24
Hand: 2/2
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 45/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 46/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 28/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired)
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 8/10 rounds
Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 49/50 rounds
Blur: 20% miss chance 30/30 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2:touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x4
touch of idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperature control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x4

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Brahmah (AC22(30)HP86/97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
Friday June 9th, 2006 5:53:26 PM

(Save 30, for 31 damage, reduced further by Protection from Fire?, for a total of 11 damage.)

Active Spells:
Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:))
Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC)
Cat's Grace (scroll, 36secs)
Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 48 min)
Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)

The ranger can't do anything until the beast lands, but once he does, Brahmah will surely attack with vengence.

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith)  d3=2
Friday June 9th, 2006 10:31:17 PM

Zeoll finishes casting SNAIII and calls forth 1d3 small air elementals ... 2 appear! He commands one to go make a whirlwind to blind the dragon this round. He commands the other to make a whirlwind next round. After that, they are to Aid any creature fighting the dragon (Aid Another to add +2 to hit) or just fight the dragon if no one else is. (Zeoll speaks Auran).

Then he begins casting another SNAIII.

Stats on elementals.

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d6=1 d20+11=30 d20+12=24 d20+16=17 d20+16=21
Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:46:13 PM

Caught in Flame's cone of fire, Ashira flies quickly to the side and avoids the fiery attack altogether (Refl=30, Evasion...no damage). She flies up through the cloud, and though she notices the noxious vapors, they do not bother her (Fort.=24). Ashira flies to the underbelly of the great dragon and takes a swipe, but just can't manage to connect with the tough dragon (AC 21).

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 24/30 rds.

Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)

Tratain (AC28, HP45/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation  d20+8=25
Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:07:12 AM

Even with all dirt and debris, Tratain spots the incoming wall of flame and manages to roll away from the worst of the damage (Refl=25). Smacking his head, Tratain suddenly remembers the potion that Ashira gave to him only a few moments ago. Reaching into his pack, he pulls it out and downs it (Levitation).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Dispel Magic; Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Levitate: 3/3min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Sunday June 11th, 2006 9:13:30 AM

The ranger keeps watching the dragon for signs of landing.

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:15:02 PM

Theodore rises up and darts southwest to hide behind another pile of bodies.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 4 rounds

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+11=29 d20+11=17 d20+6=13 d8+1=6
Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:22:20 PM

Now that she can see a target, Vorelle fires three more shots at the dragon. Only one if them manages to find its way through the beast's scales.

[Hit AC 29 for 6 damage. Hit AC 17 and AC 13]

Monday June 12th, 2006 11:00:11 AM

Watches the dragon with some trepodation.

DM Jamie  d20-11=-9 d20+11=28 2d6(4+2)=6
Monday June 12th, 2006 12:26:40 PM

The whirlwind elemental flies forth from Zeoll in an attempt to blind the dragon, but it is not big enough to go that high (50'). So it tries to trap the great beast in its whirlwind.

Flame escaes the small elemental easily and flies towards the Oshirr house. At 30 feet he turns and casts DC 20 to detect what he castHighlight to display spoiler: {Acid Fog}.

Brahmah and Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {a fog developes around you each. Becoming quite thick. As you stand there you begin to feel your skin burn. You and your objects take 6 points of acid damage.}

Ashira, the dragon flies past you towards the Oshirr house and then turns to cast.

Theodore, you make it to your new pile of bodies.

Rose, you make it to your new pile of bodies.

Vorelle, you see the great beast fly owards the Oshirr house and then turn to cast.

rose  d20+9=19 5d6(6+3+5+6+5)=25
Monday June 12th, 2006 6:33:11 PM

ooc: assuming that spectral hand is close enought to touch flame, since last post I said I'd get close enough to do that.

Rose carefully pulls out a scroll and reads it as her spectral hand touchs flame (preferably on any metal flame may have or be wearing). Suddenly a shock ripples through flame.

cast shocking grasp from scroll using spectral hnad to deliver
melee touch attack: 19, +2 hand = 21 +3 if flame is wearing metal.
damage: 25

dm sanity info
Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance)
Rose AC: 24
Hand: 2/2
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 44/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 45/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 27/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired)
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 7/10 rounds
Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 48/50 rounds
Blur: 20% miss chance 29/30 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2:touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x4
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x3

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor)  d20+18=37
Monday June 12th, 2006 7:29:11 PM

Theodore notices what Flame casts (spellcraft 37), but doesn't yell it out for fear of calling attention to himself.

Instead, he summons forth his powers to cast another spell. A cloud of solid fog appears about the red dragon, hampering his movement.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 4 rounds
Stinking Cloud - 7 rounds
Solid Fog - 9 minutes

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+16=33 d20+16=29 2d8(5+5)+12=22
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:36:54 PM

Ashira looks over at the retreating dragon. "Hey big fellow, where you going? I'm not done with you!" Flying over to the side of the great beast, she lashes out with her longsword (AC33/29 crit? for 22 dam).

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 23/30 rds.

Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:36:57 PM

Vorelle's first thought is to disrupt the spell's casting by wounding the creature.

Then Theo surrounds it with a dense fog, which she's pretty sure her arrows won't penetrate. She pauses, waiting to see what will happen next.

Tratain (AC28, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation  d20+9=20 d20+14=34
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:08:15 AM

The Protector yelps as the cloud around him burn his skin and eyes and mouth. Frowning, he puts himself into a deep concentration (Con.=nat. 20) and begins to slowly attempt to unweave the spell that has him and his brother at arms trapped (Targeted Dispel Magic Check=20...So will dispel as long as the Flame's caster level is less than 9). He then moves 5 feet out of the cloud just in case he is unable to dispel the spell.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Levitate: 3/3min.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith)  d3=1
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:24:54 AM

Zeoll summons another set of air elementals ... but this time only one creature answers his call. He orders this one to also go out and fight the dragon. Now there are three air elementals fighting Flame.

Zeoll begins casting SNAII.

Three elemetnal attacks -- should I roll them, or the DM??

DM Jamie 
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 10:30:59 AM

OOC: Cayzle, sorry I flaked on the attacks of the elementals. Would you roll them for me please. Also, today I had to play in some war games and I am on a quick break to a computer. I will not get a real post in until around noon on Thursday. I appologize for slowing down play. Thanks.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:08:27 PM

Moves out of the fog.

(OOC: 6 damage to which objects. That is quite vague.)

DM Jamie 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:22:49 AM

I was vague on the 6 damage to objects and to move play along disreguard that. We were supposed to roll saves and place damage against all items on your person. No worries.

DM Jamie  4d6(3+1+5+4)=13
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:12:33 AM

Flame is enraged when he is shocked by magical powers and when he is sliced open along his side. The blood drops from the wound onto the ground as he hovers in the air. Then he can no longer be seen by anyone other than Ashira. You can all hear his labored sounds and see his blood dripping from the cloud. Soon he begins to droop through the bottom of the cloud and then comes crashing down onto the section of wall bordering the path, rock chunks go spiraling out as he hits and then tumbles to the ground.

Rose, your attack is successful. You feel a sense of accomplishment at causing damage to the great creature.

Theo, your spell goes off without any problem and you can soon hear the frustration in the voice of the great dragon.

Ashira, Highlight to display spoiler: {Your blade runs deep into the creature. You can feel your sword cutting through bone and sinew. Rolled to see where you crited him and it was in the muscles allowing him to fly. You see him continue to try to stay elevated, but his left wing begins to fail him and he goes crashing down to the ground.}

Vorelle, you wait and see the above happen.

Tratain, Your dispel is unsuccessful and you easily move out of the fog.

Zeoll, your three elementals attack the dragon without mercy. Right now he looks to be in no position to defend himself. Please roll for the two elementals I missed the last round and roll for the attacks this round of the three. Thanks

Brahmah, You step from the fog in time to see the spectacle above.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:54:38 AM

Brahmah wishes that he could help more.

He retrieves several scrolls and moves to the nearest party member able to reach the dragons.

He casts Summon Nature's Ally II, Dire Bat.

DM Jamie addon: Brahmah since he is on the ground if you wanted to attack you can now. Just making sure that you saw the map first.

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith)  d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=18 d20+1=14 d20+1=5
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 2:00:20 PM

Attacks from two elementals, then from another three. Assuming they all need a 20 to hit, all miss.

In the coming round, Zeoll calls a hippogriff (with SNAII) to join the fight. Then Zeoll steps out to survey the battle and will direct the elementals to Aid Another to help Ashira, Brahmah, and the Hippogriff.

(Jamie, you want rolls for next round yet?)

Stats for Hippogriff

rose  d20+9=21 5d6(4+3+2+4+6)=19
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 3:10:24 PM

Rose pulls out another scroll and has her spectral hand deliver again (if necessary she'll move closer).

attack: 21, +2 hand = 21 +3 if flame is wearing metal

damage: 19

dm sanity info
Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance)
Rose AC: 24
Hand: 2/2
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 43/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 44/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 26/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired)
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 6/10 rounds
Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 47/50 rounds
Blur: 20% miss chance 28/30 rounds

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2:touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x4
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x2

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3


Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:57:00 PM

Theodore raises up again to summon a large web beneath the now grounded dragon. (Refelx vs 17 (+1 for spell focus conjuration))

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 3 rounds
Stinking Cloud - 6 rounds
Solid Fog - 8 min 9 rounds
Web - 90 minutes

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+14=18 d20+9=19 d20+13=28 d20+5=19 d6+5=8
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:26:56 PM

Making sure she flies well above the level of the sticky web, Ashira launches into the dragon with a full attack, but her shortsword only strikes a glancing blow (AC28 for 8). The rest of the strikes bounce harmlessly off the dragon's scales.

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 22/30 rds.

Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)

Tratain (AC28, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:48:31 PM

Giving a hoot at the hobbling of the dragon, Tratain prepares for the ground battle to come. With the briefest of thought, The Protector fires off a quick spell (Quickened Divine Favor) and then another (Righteous Might). The cleric smiles as he begins to grow to enormous proportions.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Levitate: 3/3min.
Divine Favor: 1/1min.
Righteous Might: 9/9 rds.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Brahmah  d20+17=29 2d4(1+1)+7=9
Thursday June 15th, 2006 5:06:18 AM

(OOC: Oops! Didn't realize he was on the ground. Scratch the scroll thing.)

Brahmah charges the dragon. (AC 29 for 9 damage, with falchion)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Thursday June 15th, 2006 8:32:35 AM

When the beast goes down, Vorelle puts away her bow and approaches it, drawing her axes as she moves.

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired)  d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+9=20 d4+5=7 d20+7=14 d20+2=21 d8+3=10
Thursday June 15th, 2006 9:57:16 PM

Zeoll summons his hippogriff right next to the dragon, orders it to attack the dragon, and steps 20 feet closer himself. Speaking the elementals' language, he orders the air elementals to help Ashira, Brahmah, and the Hippogriff.

Then he uses his Inspire Courage to give EVERYONE a +1 to hit and damage.

Elemental 1 gives Ahira a +2 to hit.

Elemental 2 gives Brahmah a +2 to hit.

Elemental 3 gives the Hippogriff a +2 to hit.

The Hippogriff has these attacks: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d8+2). The first claw gets the +2. All attacks are Inspired with Courage. The Hippogriff hits AC20 for 7, AC14 a miss, and AC21 for 10 hp damage.

DM Jamie  d20+11=14 d20+10=13
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:55:29 PM

Cayzle, thanks for rolling for the extra creatures. I would have gone insane:)

Flame roars with anger as he lays on the ground. How is it that these insignificant creatures could even dream of matching might with he who is a dragon? He is even further humiliated when he becomes covered and entangled in Theodores web Failed Rflex save with 14.

Next he jumps a little when Rose's shocking grasp hits him like a bolt of lightning.

Zeoll is ableto orchestrate his new summoned creatured to help the party with their attacks. His Hippogriff gets in a few hits as well.

Brahmah and Ashira close and attack. Able to get in a few good hits.

Tratain, with a grin of satisfaction across his now proportionately larger face, walks towards Flame.

Vorelle, axes drawn, moves towards the great beast with, no dought, thoughts of what she will do.

Flame is even further infuriated when he tries to stand and make his way out of the web only to find himself become more entangled [i]Failed Strength roll 13[/b].

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+13=28 d20+13=25 d20+8=18 d20+8=26 d6+4=7 d6+3=5 d6+4=9 d6+3=4
Friday June 16th, 2006 1:05:16 AM

Vorelle's little hand axes don't do much damage, but as quick as she is she makes up for it in the sheer number of blows.

[Hit AC 28 for 7 damage; hit AC 25 for 5 damage; hit AC 18 for 9 damage; hit AC 26 for 4 damage]

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly, Inspire Courage)  d20+17=26 d20+10=22 d20+14=22 d20+6=20 d8+5=11 d8+5=9 d6+4=8 d6+4=9
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:12:40 AM

Knowing that this is the chance in a lifetime, Ashira presses the attack, her swords a blur of action (AC26 for 11, AC22 for 9, AC22 for 8, AC20 for 9).

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 22/30 rds.
Inspire Courage: +1 to hit and damage

Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)

Brahmah (AC22(30)HP86/97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom)
  d20+15=22 d20+17=35 d20+17=18 d20+10=29 d20+10=30 d20+12=24 2d4(2+2)+7=11 d6+4=6 d6+4=6 2d4(3+4)+7=14 2d4(2+4)+7=13 d6+4=7
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:32:39 AM

Inspire Courage

Brahmah makes a full attack. "Beast! Fall. Leave this place!"
(AC 22, 36(crit19), 30(crit 31) and 25, for 12, 7(14 if crit), 15(29 if crit) and 8 damage)

Tratain (AC31, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might, Damage Reduction 5/evil  d20+21=33 d20+14=30 2d6(1+5)+12=18 2d6(4+1)+12=17
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:51:17 AM

The giant sized cleric steps toward the dragon and brings his huge warhammer down twice on the dragon's side. He smiles grimly as he hears the crackle of breaking bones from the force of the blows (AC33 for 18, AC30 for 17).

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Levitate: 3/3min.
Divine Favor: 1/1min.
Righteous Might: 8/9 rds.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

OOC: The aligned warhammer bypasses any damage reduction if the dragon is evil.

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired)  d20+2=5 d20+2=18 d20+2=17 d20+13=28 d8+2=8 d8+7=13 d8+7=13 d8+2=5
Friday June 16th, 2006 1:08:44 PM

Zeoll shouts for his air elementals to help him! Then he charges the dragon himself, swinging his staff!

Elementals Aid Another ... 2 help for a total +4.

Charge attack adds another +2.

Zeoll's attack: hits AC28 for 8 damage.

The hippogriff attacks again with beak and claws: all three miss.

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Friday June 16th, 2006 9:30:34 PM

Theodore holds his actions, letting his friends take advantage of the downed dragon.

Spells Active:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 3 rounds
Stinking Cloud - 6 rounds
Solid Fog - 8 min 8 rounds
Web - 89 min 9 rounds

rose  d20+9=25 d6=2 d6=4 d6=1
Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:14:44 AM

rose quickly moves forward, she's running out of scrolls and is worried that she'll need some later. She moves as close to Flame as she can get this round and draws out a different scroll which she quickly casts upon him.

cast touch of idiocy from scroll

attack: 25, +2 hand, +1 inspire courage = +28
damage: 2 int, 4 wis, 1 cha (i think you roll each stat seperatly if not then 2 damage to all three)

dm sanity info
Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance)
Rose AC: 24
Hand: 2/2
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left
See invisible: 50 minutes
False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged.
Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 42/50 rounds left
Shield: +4 ac for 43/50 rounds
Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 25/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired)
Message: on everyone in party 50 min
Resistance: +1 to all saves 5/10 rounds
Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 46/50 rounds
Blur: 20% miss chance 27/30 rounds
Inspire courage from zeoll: +1 to hit & damage, no idea how long it lasts

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, mage hand,
level 1: magic missile
level 2:touch of idiocy
level 3: magic circle against evil

Remaining scrolls
false life x4
blur x4
touch idiocy x10
blindness/deafness x4
see invisible x4
temperture control x4
expeditious retreat x4
shocking grasp level 5 x2

Remaining potions
clw x10: 1d8+1
cmw x4: 2d8+3

DM Jamie  10d10(6+6+7+6+3+7+10+6+9+6)=66
Saturday June 17th, 2006 7:16:21 AM

Unless I missed something your combined damage was just short of his total HP.

Everyone closes in for the kill. Each blow causing more and more damage to the great beast. Vorelle, Ashira, and Brahmah close in and Flames blood drips from their blades.

Flames breathing becomes raspy and shallow as Tratain closes in. He brings down his great warhammer and the sickly sound of bone breaking echoes off the walls surrounding you. Flame makes one last attempt at spewing flame at his attackers and shoots wildly up into the air. (66 HP of damage worth of fireworks that hit no one) The webs burn away.

And then his head drops to the ground and the last amount of air in his lungs is expelled.

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) 
Saturday June 17th, 2006 12:48:09 PM

Zeoll is stunned at the party's luck! "Fate must be on ourr side, frriends, with this turrn of events!"

Then he punches the dragon repeatedly to inflict lots of nonlethal damage. That will keep Flame unconscious until the group figures out what to do with him.

He also cuts a scale off the dragon and puts it in his totem bag.

Saturday June 17th, 2006 2:23:03 PM

Rose runs up to look at the dead dragon. "I cant believe we actually won!" she says excitedly.

ooc: dm jamie did rose actually use that scroll I mentioned in my last post or did flame die before she could?

DM Jamie supplement: No you didn't. Sorry, I forgot to add it to the post.

Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly)  d20+12=29 d20+11=25
Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:04:21 AM

Ashira breathes a sigh of relief at the fall of the dragon, but she remains wary. "Don't get too comfortable. There may be more on the way." she calls out to her companions as she searches for signs of danger (Spot=29, Listen=25).

Spells in place
Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks)
Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC)
Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)
Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Fly: 21/30 rds.

Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)

Tratain (AC31, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might, Damage Reduction 5/evil 
Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:09:02 AM

Grinning from ear to ear at the downfall of the dragon, the Protector looks over at Zeoll. "So, should we remove this vile creature from the Wold permanently?" As he savors the victory, Tratain looks up at where Alemi and Domi fled to, wondering how successful their efforts have been.

Spells Remaining
0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic
1st Level: Divine Favor; Bless; Protection from Evil;(Sanctuary)
2nd Level: Bears Endurence; Bull's Strength; (Spiritual Weapon)
3rd Level: Invisibility Purge; Prayer; Searing Light
4th Level: Freedom of Movement; Spell Immunity; Death Ward;(Divine Power)
5th Level: Righteous Might, Quicken Divine Favor

Spells in place
Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min
Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Levitate: 3/3min.
Divine Favor: 1/1min.
Righteous Might: 7/9 rds.

Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)

Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) 
Sunday June 18th, 2006 9:09:56 AM

Looking around to see if Alemi is listening, Zeoll says to Tratain, "Well, we know that Flame lived for thrree ages of the Wold. So he did not die -- at least not perrmanently -- herre on this battlefield."

"Or maybe this one will die, and Garrgul will make a new, strrongerr Flame -- and that is the drragon we know. It is a puzzle my poorr brrain cannot solve. But I am rreluctant to kill it."

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday June 18th, 2006 3:01:16 PM

Theodore is glad the battle is over. He breathes a sigh of relief.

"I'll check on Alemi and Domi," he shouts to the others before heading off to find what they're up to.

Sunday June 18th, 2006 10:53:27 PM

Vorelle cleans and sheathes her axes, not terribly surprised to find that she is shaking all over.

DM Jamie 
Monday June 19th, 2006 11:39:28 AM

Alemi and Domi exit the building and come towards the group. Alemi gathers all the remaining students before him and pauses for a second. He looks over the remaining students and the group. When he looks at the group he pauses on each of you for a second as if he were peering into your very souls. His voice, filled with emotion, says "This is the learning opportunity of many lifetimes. Meet the creator. He has heard our plea. He will help us use the Feystone to defeat Gargul and his monsters once and for all." A figure steps out from the building and approaches.

Eac of you are able to recognize who it is. It is The Jericho. You all stare intently at his features and his manerisms, but as you look you feel the knowledge flow out of your brain. Years from now when you speak of this you will remember that you met him and that you felt the glory of his presence, but you can not remember what he looked like.

Alemi continues, "Then we will at The Jericho's bidding, attack the Gods themselves as they have disobeyed him seeking to usurp him."

Then a huge sound is heard. That of hundreds of wings: Gold Dragons. They arrive and sit on the wall all around the Oshirr House.

"The Dragons have heard our call and agreed to the Jericho's command. We will move our souls into the Gold Dragons. In these powerful forms, nothing will be able to stop us."

"I, Alemi, will undergo the process first."

The Jericho nods, and a gold dragon comes forward. The Jericho holds out the Feystone and Alemi merges with the dragon, and roars. Now with the dragon voice, "Now, who will be first!"
If any of you step forward The Jericho stops you and with a voice that seems to fill you entire being with peace says, "This battle is not for you. You have what you came for. See us off, take the Feystone, and return to your time. You must then decide how to save the Wold in your time using what you have learned here as well as other information that other questers have discovered."

The Jericho continues to take volunteers and many join with dragons. Where did all of the volunteer some from? As you begin to look around you realize that alot of the students bodies that were piled up are not there anymore. In fact you see some of the students, whose bodies you saw, standing up and waiting to partake.

When done, The Jericho turns to you all. "All here thank you for your help. You have given them hope. Now take this hope to the people of your time. Farewell." He hands Zeoll the Feystone.

The Jericho waves his hand and the party disappears, reappearing in the inner sanctum of the temple that you began your time travel in. There are gold and jewels all around you.

Father Farkus is standing there with his arms crossed as if expecting you. He has a little smile on his face as you appear and he seems to let out a sigh of relief.

"I am glad you have returned, but there is not time for any questions right now. You must all return to where you came from."

With that he begins to murmer under his breath and he closes his eyes. His hands begin to glow a light blue and slowly the light expands out and begins to fill the room. It becomes more and more intense until there is a flash and then darkness. Soon you feel the ground falll away from your feet and you begin to fall.

You all land into a heap on the floor of the Giggling Ghost.

Let me confir with the rest of the DFR DM's and with Jerry to find out what is going on next. I am going to post your arrival in the GG on the GG page. I had a blast with this game I hope you all did as well.

Monday June 19th, 2006 1:08:38 PM

"I will!" The minotaur steps forward, looks at Domi, than at Alemi. "Lets do this thing." He smiles.

Monday June 19th, 2006 8:01:50 PM

Although events move awfully fast, Zeoll manages to find the time to stammer best wishes to Alemi and Domi ... and to bow his head and whisper that it is an honor to meet The Gericko. Then he is whisked away.

Monday June 19th, 2006 11:57:19 PM

Absolutely awestruck by the rapid events unfolding around her...Alemi changing into a gold dragon...the Geriko. Thankfully, Ashira has enough sense to cut off one of Flame's scales before they are transported back to the temple. ;) (Please oh pretty please!)

Back at the temple, Ashira smiles at Father Farkus. And then, with a flash, she is gone again.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:05:11 AM

Watching is absolute awe as the transformation takes place before his eyes, Tratain is dumbstruck. "We did it..." is all he manages to whisper before he appears in the Giggling Ghost.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:00:07 AM

Vorelle is nearly overcome by fatigue and her emotions. She is awestruck by what is happening before her, terrified that she might be asked to do more, and profoundly relieved that nobody expects her to talk. She watches everything with huge gray eyes--forgetting, for once in her life, to look at the ground.

The Giggling Ghost

The Mortician (DFR1 DM Jamie) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 10:15:14 AM

After settling at a table The man you have come to know as The Mortician waves his hand and you seem to be surrounded in a bubble of shimmering energy.

"You have done well and survived to return back to the future. Remember what you have learned. The stone will now be returned to the temple of light."

He pulls out a black book from his inside pocket. You recognize it and its pen as the same book you placed your mark in when you began your journey long ago.

You see him doing some scribbles and making some marks in it.

"You have done well. Nothing was disturbed too much from the past to be carried forward to the future. Now, if you will hand over the stone I will transfer it to the Temple so it can be used to help the Wold."

He outstretches his frail looking hand towards the party.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 10:48:09 AM

Looking at the Mortician, Brahmah states concern. "I believe you represent, if not actually, Gargul here to stop us." The minotaur smiles.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 3:07:25 PM

The ranger shakes her head. "No Brahmah, I think you're wrong. He is not of Gargul and we should give him the stone." she states simply.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 6:50:35 PM

"And even if he werre a minion of the Lorrd Garrgul, I would not deny him the stone. Forr one thing, defying the Lorrd of Life and Death is futile, and for anotherr, Grreat Garrgul is not the Garrgallus of the Firrst Age. I have met Garrgul, God of Life and Death, in my trravels in the Lands of Rrest, and he is a noble and wise being, though prroud. He is unlike the Lorrd of Filth, who I have also met, and who has scarred me in ways I do not wish to rrecall."

"Lorrd Garrgul I trrust, and also this Morrtician, whosoeverr he serrves."

"Frrom the hand of The Jerricho to mine, and frrom my hand to yourrs." Zeoll gives the Feystone to the Mortician.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 8:44:33 PM

rose just watches

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 9:38:57 PM

Theodore nods in agreement as Zeoll hands the orb over. He is relieved to have this quest at an end.

DM Jamie 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 9:40:16 AM

"Though I respect your doubt it is unwaranted. I have no way to appease you other than my word."

He accepts the stone and closes his long fingers around it. It seems to diminish in size as he moves it towards his inside pocket. He places it in and pulls out some envelopes.

As he hands each of you one he says, "You may take these back with you to your lands and when you do they will confer a prize upon you and those whome you call companions. Remember, you are all valiant heros and you will always be friends to the Wold."

With that he drops the shimmering bubble around the group and he walks back to the fireplace and steps through.

Now back to the GG page

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