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The Floating City

The first thing you'll notice about the Floating City is that it sits in the middle of Turtle Lake. [Illustration above is by Woldian Carl White.] Access to the city is by turtle ferry and by teleport. You will arrive on Fence level which is where thieves and fences share space with sailors' sea shops, pier row, and local businesses. Feel free to purchase a tour guide to show you around the "Big Float." The second obvious feature of The Float is that it is vertical, a city with six levels. Our tour will begin with the top level and work downward.
Open Air Level- Level 1 is the home to the rich and important as well as the location of the most important of the local temples, The Arena, Diamond Midway, The Underamp and Overlord Palace. Various parks, connecting trails, and roads wind throughout the level showcasing monuments to various heroes and causes. The infamous Black Dragons make their home here when they are in residence.
Gold Level- Level 2 is known as Gold Level because of the large amount of sunlight that penetrates the level and the cost of most services found here. It is the home of many well-to-do merchants and their various businesses. This level is basically crime free because of its private police force. The Lords of Diamonds are said to meet somewhere on this level. Some 0f the tourist attractions of this level are Professor Nightshade's Taxidermy, Ozone's Sleep Haven, and Silverwing's Palace of Lavation (two extraordinary bathhouses and meeting places). This is also the home to The Sabertooth Lounge, The Shrine of The Chosen, the Warehouse home of Nikar the Sorceress, and the headquarters of Gordo's Transport. The chapterhouse for the Woldian League of Adventurers is also on this level.
Merchant Level: Level 3 is where most of the local citizenry go to shop. Featuring such establishments as Butch's Butchery, Merabor's Infirmary, The Way Station, The Message in a Bottle Tavern, and The Fish Emporium, this level is always crowded with the daily business of the city's inhabitants. Visit Critaceous, Certified Curios and The Temple of the Three Sisters for sure.
Barracks Level: Level 4 is where the local constabulary and the Royal Army of the First Level reside and train. Weapon shops, adventuring supplies, smith, and stables are all found in abundance here. Standout shops include: Fairshot's Bowyery, The Proud Ladysmith's Daughter, Hriand's Armory, Swords by Saburro, and Knives for Knights. It is also the home of The Jailhouse Rock, the area hangout for criminals.
Fence Level: Level 5 is where the sailors hang out. Nuff said. The area is rough and if you are unprepared, you may be marked even before you set foot upon The Float. This is the home of various taverns -- including the Wold-famous Giggling Ghost. You can also find the best fish in town anywhere at The Dead End Fish Market, as well as various coin exchange facilities. This level is the home to Pier Row and is the usual place to enter the Big Float.
Trash Level: Level 6 is known as the Trash Level for here it is that all trash is gathered, sorted, and deported. This level is lit by torchlight only because it is actually underwater. Once a year this level is flooded to get rid of the smell and refuse. A dead body hidden here might remain where it was put for months. Anarchy rules here. Justice is by cash value through the After Midnight Ulterior Court. The side that has the best bribe usually wins the case. This level also boasts the business fronts of Korig the Stalker, Boss Shackles, The Anvil's Heart Gang, and the Blue Moon Riders Club. Lernitig's Gate is a magical gate through which strangers arrive regularly and very surprised. Entertainment of the dark kind can be found at The Black Thorn Inn, The Black Spade Gambling Club, The Vampires's Daughter, and Tattoos by Sully. This area of course leads to the Sewer Network and the Underramp which leads to Undercity where the Underlord and his bureaucracy chronicle the history of The Wold and where the machinery is found that keeps the city afloat.
The Float's current home is a large lake in the Crying Woods. Here are two maps of the lands around The Floating City. Note that on the map on the left, the scale is 25 miles per hex; on the right, it is 50 miles per hex.