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This link takes you to the Catacombs board.

==Catacombs Policy (October 2005)== [Staff addendum added by Jay B, policy change by Cayzle]

  1. Only core items (from the PHB and DMG) or Wold original items (found in the Oshirr House part of the site) are allowed for purchase or exchange.
    1. Items may not be bought from the Epic book, the Psionics book, other Wizards of the Coast books, other third party books, magazines, other Web sites, and so on.
    2. Woldian seals, oriental weapons, and technology-inappropriate items from the DMG may not be bought or sold. Other items may also be placed on this no-trade list by the Campaign DM.
  2. Pricing for standard items are listed as the Market Price in said book.
  3. For all standard items in the DMG, the exchange rate is as follows:
    1. Items sold in the Catacombs will receive 90% of their total value listed in the DMG.
    2. Any change due to the customer will be given in either gold or gems, whichever the customer prefers.
  4. Specialty order items should include the words RED TICKET in the Post Name field.
    1. All specialty order items are pending DM approval. Specialty order items consist of the following options:
      1. Scrolls not listed in the DMG (example: Scroll of Erase)
      2. Potions not listed in the DMG EXCEPT for spells with a range of "personal" and target of "you" (example: Potion of Ventriloquism is okay, Potion of True Strike is not)
      3. Wands not listed in the DMG (example: Wand of Water Breathing)
      4. Staves not listed in the DMG (example: Staff of Acid that lets you cast Acid Splash and Acid Arrow).

[Staffs can be purchased as red ticket items. For staffs that include spells from the same school, the cost is exactly that described by the rules in the DMG. For staffs with spells that are linked by theme but that are from different schools, the cost is as per the DMG plus 10 percent. For staffs with spells that have an experience point cost, the cost of the staff is not increased to pay for the xp required. Instead, the weilder of the staff pays the xp cost, exactly as if he had cast the spell. If a staff is made so that it can be used to cast Wish, Limited Wish, Miracle, etc, then those wishes must meet the theme of the staff. Non-theme wishes either fail (at full charge and xp cost) or backfire, at the DM's discretion.]

      1. Weapons and Armor created with the DMG tables (examples: +1 whip of spell storing, +5 animated mithril buckler)
      2. Non-core rods and rings are NOT allowed
      3. Non-core wonderous items are NOT allowed EXCEPT for versions of core items that differ in body slot but do not break the rule for affinity. Such items cost 10% extra. (example: +4 Gauntlets of Strength are okay, +4 Goggles of Strength are not)
      4. The policy on combo items (ones that combine the powers of two or more lessers items) is currently under review.
    1. Restrictions
      1. All specialty order items must be original (ie. it can't be an item that is found in another book..
      2. If a completely unique item is desired (ie, it does not fit a category above) the customer will be referred to the Black Genie Center to research the item.
      3. The very first time that a particular specialty item or BGC-approved item is purchased, there is usually a 10 percent surcharge for lab and library use (see 5c below).
  1. PCs Making Items
    1. The PC's DM approves the manufacture of the item(s) and confirms that the PC has the required feats, spells, and skills (Or a friend who does and is willing to help)
    2. Base cost is half market price
    3. For items that require it (first time purchases of red ticket items and BGC-approved original spells and items), lab and research fees are 10% of full market price -- but may be waived if the PC's DM says the PC has access to a lab/library.
    4. Time and xp costs must be logged as spent by the PC's DM.
      1. Time and experience points used are exactly as detailed in the PHB and DMG for core items and specialty (Red Ticket) items.
      2. For Wold-unique items from the Oshirr House, time spent is per the PHB and DMG, but xp costs are waived.
  2. Identification of items in the Catacombs will be performed by a 1st level mage. The cost of identification is 10gp plus a pearl of at least 100gp value per item.
  3. Purchase of Items from the Oshirr House
    1. If a character researches a specialty item in the BGC and then purchases it for themself (for example, Renik’s Shades of Smooth Talking) before another character buys a copy, then the originator of said item is entitled to 10% of the profits from further purchases by any Woldian character. (So, if Renik purchases his glasses, and then Ashira comes in and buys a pair, Renik will be credited 10 percent of the market price) (Renik himself gets a 10% discount after the first time he buys his own item.)
    2. The Catacombs Staffer who handles the transaction for the Oshirr House item will send a voucher for the 10% commission via email. The notice will be sent to the originator, the originating PC’s game DM and CC’d to the Catacombs Manager and the CDM.
    3. A researcher gains this 10% commission regardless of whether the researcher has the item creation feat needed to make the item themself.

Here is some advice for DMs when the players are far from a Catacombs Branch and still want to go shopping.

Gracor (Nellie) retired and passed the job as General Manager to Wysp (Jay)