Bearclaw Keep
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Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 23 T: 14 F: 21 R: 10 F: 6 W: 12 HPS: 59/59 CMD: 6
Monday December 16th, 2024 7:02:28 PM
Gnubert double moves to stand next to Hank. "What do we have now?"
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11 ( 15 Mage Armor)(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 20/36 7d6=23 ;
Monday December 16th, 2024 9:48:00 PM
Ash looks at the ground of the new room, and quickly does some math in his head before pointing to spot behind one of the elementals(Ak11) and drops a fireball. (23 dmg, DC 15 for half) catches Te 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12 and SE 1
Hank (Tanner) AC 26/12/24 - CMD 26 - HP 77
Monday December 16th, 2024 9:51:30 PM
More zappy creatures! Attacking the chapel." Hank rushes (double move) toward the commotion.
DM Mitch and Hugh Elemental Fight d20=20 ; d20=10 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d4=1 ; d20+9=28 ; d8=8 ; d4=4 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 8:53:26 AM
Manolo follows the others and readies himself for another encounter. He warns the others against getting flanked
Gnubert double moves next to Hank asking what they have now
Ash looks at the ground, doing some math before dropping a fireball. 4 of the tiny elementals and the small elemental make the save but it doesn’t matter for the tiny elementals as even half damage from Ash’s fireball ends them
Hank double moves to the commotion
As the heroes announce their presence with a fireball the civilians scream in shock and the few surviving elementals all spin in the air in confusion briefly. Their sights quickly set on the mage though and they swarm him.
Ash takes 6 damage from the tiny elementals and 12 from the small (mixed physical and electrical)
A swarm of new tiny elementals enters the room through the broken window.
Te 2 - dead
Te 3 - dead
Te 4 - dead
Te 5 - dead
Te 6 - dead
Te 8 - dead
Te 9 - dead
Te 10 - dead
Te 12 -dead
SE 1 - 11
AC 17 HP 50/50 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:01:10 AM
Loryn runs down the hall to come up behind Ash, "Let's not set the place on fire eh?" he says with a good hearted chuckle
Active Spell: Mage Armor +4AC 8 hours
Empower rod 0/3
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range 1d6+3
Innate Used:
1st lvl: 2/8
2nd lvl: 6/8
3rd lvl: 6/6
4th lvl: 4/4
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11 ( 15 Mage Armor)(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 2/36
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:33:54 AM
Ash doesn't like the blood taste in his mouth, he also realizes he cant take another shot. Ash casts Dimension door, steps through and goes to the back of the hallway to catch his breath.
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:11:32 PM
Drack runs to catch up with the others after having a moment. He ends up at AC13, but is currently unable to engage after racing to get back in the mix.
Lay hands 7/11
1st: Divine Favor, bless, prot. from evil
2nd: Bulls strength, shield other
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:12:27 PM
(Sorry all. still recovering. can someone who is not a technical moron fix the map for me please.)
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 23 T: 14 F: 21 R: 10 F: 6 W: 12 HPS: 59/59 CMD: 6 3d8+9=28 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 7:16:01 PM
Gnubert moves to Ash and casts a cure serious wounds on him healing for 28 points.
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 20 -- HP 35/51 d20+11=22 ; d20+11=15 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 8:51:26 PM
Manolo moves closer to the tiny element and starts to attack it with his short sword
Move : AF12
Attack 22
Damage 3
Ooc : ignore second attack thought I had critical hit.
Hank (Tanner) AC 26/12/24 - CMD 26 - HP 77
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:48:42 PM
"Or go ahead and set the place on fire! Maybe they have great municipal insurance and the place could use a renovation." Hank double moves down the hallway and almost makes it to the chapel.
DM Mitch and Hugh Elemental Fight d20=3 ; d20=2 ; d20=3 ; d20=13 ; d20=17 ; d20=4 ; d20=6 ; d20+6=18 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:40:23 AM
Loryn runs down the hall behind Ash and suggests they not set the place on fire
Ash doesn’t like the taste of blood in his mouth and also realizes he can’t take another shot like that so he dimension doors back to the hallway
Drack runs to play catchup with the others but ends up at AC13 unable to do anything else
Gnubert moves to Ash and casts cure serious wounds
Manolo attacks the tiny elemental doing just enough damage to finish it off
Hank double moves down the hallway and suggests they might have fire insurance
The party is in luck - being in the keep the room is made of stone and there are few chairs or other wooden objects to light aflame. It seems most worship is done standing or kneeling, so there’s a distinct lack of fireballable furniture.
With Ash falling back the elementals go for Manolo as the new person attacking them. Despite the number of enemies his armor and his skill are able to keep him from serious injury.
Te1 - dead
Te 2 - dead
Te 3 - dead
Te 4 - dead
Te 5 - dead
Te 6 - dead
Te 8 - dead
Te 9 - dead
Te 10 - dead
Te 12 -dead
SE 1 - 11
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J d20+16=29 ; d10+8=17 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 3:14:56 PM
Drack moves to AE13, squeezing past Loryn and swings at SE1. hit ac 29, damage 17
Lay hands 7/11
1st: Divine Favor, bless, prot. from evil
2nd: Bulls strength, shield other
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:20/15/16. temp/hp:72/57.
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:01:33 PM
Mortimer has been deeply engrossed in thought, lost in the onslaught of unwanted memories from long ago. A deafening fireball eruption down the hall brought him back to the present. "Blood Hells, we still in combat?" You would thought by now he would have learned his lesson,
He runs down the long corridor after the others, thinking about how he didn’t realize the building was this long. (Run Speed x4)
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11 ( 15 Mage Armor)(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/36
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 7:47:26 PM
"Thank You Gnubert" Ash adds as he begins heading back to the fight.
Full move back to the room.
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 23 T: 14 F: 21 R: 10 F: 6 W: 12 HPS: 59/59 CMD: 6 4d6=14 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 9:07:30 PM
Gnubert follows Ash into the room and channels positive energy again healing those around him for 14
Hank (Tanner) AC 26/12/24 - CMD 26 - HP 77 d20+18=24 ; d20+13=29 ; 2d4+14=20 ; 2d4+14=20 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 9:39:27 PM
Hank moves up and takes a swing at the nearest target (SE1).
Attack 24
Damage 20
Attack 29
Damage 20
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 20 -- HP 35/51 d20+11=12 ; d6=6 ; d20+5=14 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 10:39:03 PM
Manolo will try to attack the enemy twice if he doesn't need to move.
Otherwise he will move and attack once
Attack#1 12 (rolled 1)
Attack #2 14 (second attack is only +1 bab bonus)
Damage #1 8
Damage #2 5
DM Mitch and Hugh Elemental Fight d20=20 ; d20=14 ; d20=20 ; d20=7 ; d20=9 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ; d4=4 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 9:03:53 AM
Drack moves to AE13 and finishes off SE1
Mortimer was deeply engrossed in thought but the fireball brought him back to his senses so he runs down the corridor after the others.
Ash thanks Gnubert then moves back to the room
Gnubert follows Ash and channels positive energy healing for 14
Hank moves up and takes a swing at the nearest target te7 destroying it and another harassing Manolo
Manolo can take a 5 foot step to engage te 13 and still attack twice and does so but he misses both times.
Manolo continues to be swarmed and this time two make it past his defenses. He takes 12 total physical and electric damage.
Another swarm of elementals come in through the broken window.
Te1 - dead
Te 2 - dead
Te 3 - dead
Te 4 - dead
Te 5 - dead
Te 6 - dead
Te 7 - dead
Te 8 - dead
Te 9 - dead
Te 10 - dead
Te 12 -dead
Te 13- dead
SE 1 - dead
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11 ( 15 Mage Armor)(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/36
Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:33:37 AM
Ash centers a Haste spell on the party, making sure not to catch any of the elementals.
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J d20+16=32 ; d10+8=14 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 12:21:21 PM
Drack moves his way past Loryn and Hank to AG13, taking attacks of opportunity as they happen. if possible, he will swing at one of the elementals attacking Manolo. (hit ac 32, damage 14.)
"Anyone have a way to seal that window? If not, Hank or I should get to it and kill them as the come while everyone else clears the room of the little monsters."
Active: Haste
Lay hands 7/11
1st: Divine Favor, bless, prot. from evil
2nd: Bulls strength, shield other
Manolo (Michael A) -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 20 -- HP 23/51 d20+11=13 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+11=15 ; d6+11=17 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 9:03:58 PM
"There is a lot of them!", Manolo complains as he attacks.
Attack#1 14
Attack#2 16
Attack#3 16 (due to haste if allowed and possible)
damage#1 7
damage#2 6
damage#3 8
Gnubert Glitterdust (Wade) AC: 23 T: 14 F: 21 R: 10 F: 6 W: 12 HPS: 59/59 CMD: 6 4d8+9=22 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:40:37 PM
Gnubert moves just behind Manolo and casts cure serious wounds on him for 33 healing
Hank (Tanner) AC 26/12/24 - CMD 26 - HP 77 d20+18=19 d20+13=32 2d4(3+4)+14=21 2d4(2+1)+14=17 d20+13=17
Thursday December 19th, 2024 11:59:35 PM
Hank swings again at the elementals harassing Manolo.
Attack 19
Damage 21
Attack 32 (critical threat)
Attack 17 (critical confirmation)
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:20/15/16. temp/hp:72/57. d20+11=16 ; d6+1=2 ; d6=3 ;
Friday December 20th, 2024 8:31:46 AM
Mortimer moves in with his icy sickle and swings at the nearest elemental. Even with all his various advantages, his bad luck continues to foil his plans.
(Mortimer attacks elemental. Arcane Strike +2. Hit AC: 16. Damage: 4 + 3 frost = 7 damage.)
AC 17 HP 50/50 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K d20+20=34 ;
Friday December 20th, 2024 8:47:56 AM
"That's a good question and I have an answer. Maybe. Or it will kill us all. Only one way to find out."
Loryn moves to the window with the strange bottle in hand. Once the 2 liquids mix, they will repair the window, or explode. Either way it will be something to see
UMD 34 to activate the bottle correctly at the window.
Active Spell: Mage Armor +4AC 8 hours
Empower rod 0/3
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range 1d6+3
Innate Used:
1st lvl: 2/8
2nd lvl: 6/8
3rd lvl: 6/6
4th lvl: 4/4
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J
Friday December 20th, 2024 8:55:29 AM
(Heading on the road shortly. Will try and check later for post update)
DM Mitch and Hugh Elemental Fight
Friday December 20th, 2024 10:31:24 AM
Ash centers a haste spell on the party making sure not to catch any elementals
Drack moves his way past Loryn and Hank destroying one of the elementals harassing Manolo. He asks if anyone has a way to seal the window otherwise he suggests he and Hank play whack-an-elemental at the breach while the rest of the party tracks down the strays
Manolo misses all 3 attacks as he observes there are a lot of them
Gnubert moves just behind Manolo and casts cure serious wounds on Manolo
Hank takes out 2 of the elementals harassing Manolo
Loryn tries the bottle.
Loryn quickly finds the bottle contains some kind of magic glue. It is designed to pour only one liquid at a time, one being the glue and the other being something able to dissolve the glue - which is lucky or he might have accidentally glued his hand to the window permanently.
It’s the work of a few seconds to seal the hole with the broken boards and bits of glass scattered about. Fortunately the break is near the bottom and within reach.
As Loyrn finishes sealing the hole something unexpected happens. The roar of the wind and the sound of the fades away, and with it the elementals all react. Almost as if being pulled away by the fading storm the are dragged towards the walls, but with the hole sealed there is no way for them to escape the keep and they make strange, keening moans before expanding out into mere water vapor, air, and perhaps a slight static charge.
Those younger or new to the area begin to cheer the storm being over throughout the keep, but those who’ve seen such things before are quick to douse the burgeoning celebration. This is not the end of the storm, but the eye of it. Things will be calm for a time, but it will return.
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J
Friday December 20th, 2024 10:45:15 AM
"Drack sets to work on sealing the window as strongly as possible, and begins to check other rooms for such weaknesses."
AC 17 HP 50/50 Loryn Glitterfall; Dan K
Friday December 20th, 2024 2:08:29 PM
"Oh?" he says with a start as he catches up to what the bottle contains, "That would have been awkward. Me with me own magical seeing lens, but no one would punch a gnome with glasses eh?"
Loryn gives a chuckle and noting his beard frizz a bit, "How about everyone slowly exit and no one need shuffle their feet or touch really anything for a bit eh?"
"Now's time to get out and at least do a quick damage assessment. We got magical horses to speed us about and with the wand i might be able to shore up a wall or two."
Active Spell: Mage Armor +4AC 8 hours
Empower rod 0/3
Acid Ray 8/8 30' range 1d6+3
Innate Used:
1st lvl: 2/8
2nd lvl: 6/8
3rd lvl: 6/6
4th lvl: 4/4
Hank (Tanner) AC 26/12/24 - CMD 26 - HP 77
Friday December 20th, 2024 8:38:11 PM
"Yep! It's time to check for structural damage and seal any holes." Hank goes around the building to check the doors and windows for any openings.
Ash Macfarlane - Shawn R; AC: 11 ( 15 Mage Armor)(T 11, FF 10), CMD: 24 HP: 30/36
Saturday December 21st, 2024 7:29:16 AM
"Great Job Loryn.. Great Jon everyone. " Ash exclaims. He moves into the room, and begins looking around making sure the room is secure.
AC 24 HP 84/84 Drack ; Chris J
Monday December 23rd, 2024 6:30:41 AM
As Drack moves he listens and looks for any signs of trouble.
Mortimer Margrave (Stephen F.): ac:20/15/16. temp/hp:72/57.
Monday December 23rd, 2024 9:52:36 AM
Mortimer felt relieved that the melee was finally over. However, his nerves had yet to calm. He immediately noticed that his right hand was trembling. He recognized this sensation from several instances long ago. This was more than your normal storm, something otherwoldly was taking place. Everything was about to change.
Click here to visit the Woldipedia Bearclaw Keep game page.