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Falkwyn (Steven P) HP 37/37; AC 16/15/16; CMD 22; Male Elf Ranger 3/Wiz 2; Perception +8 
Monday December 16th, 2024 5:03:41 PM

Falling in alongside Yofiel, Falkwyn grins and says, "You know, Yofiel, you remind me very much of a clergy woman I once knew back in Culverwood. Are you sure you're not also a priestess of some sort or another?"

Kaze (JonS) HP 42/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Monday December 16th, 2024 9:30:20 PM

Kaze rolls with the punches, saying a short prayer in Beastspeech over the dead, "Goddess, receive these men into your care. Use them to fuel the nature they upset."

He's good to go after that ...

Siolo (Joe) - AC 16/14/14 ; HP 34/34 , NL 0 
Monday December 16th, 2024 9:55:51 PM

In any other situation, Siolo would have burned red with embarrassment at Yofiel's affection, but his unkempt and haphazard appearance seemed to be an outward expression of his inside.

"Thank you, Lady Yofiel." he responded somberly, shying away from her hugs. Though he does not reject insisted hugs.

At the camp Siolo busies himself away from the others as much as possible.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 7:31:06 AM

Colt watches the party's reunion silently. He gravitates to Dapple and helps her with whatever she finds that needs to be done.

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP65/68 - AC20/14/16 - CMD 21 
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 7:36:15 AM

Inar follows along. If there's loot to carry Einar will volunteer to take most of the burden..

Heading Back - Co_GM Ryan Maps and Documents 
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:08:15 PM

Ezekiel asks the most probing question to date about the employers of Arodds crew. Giving it probing due to the diplomacy roll. :) “Not much to tell really. I had an escort job that ended at Plateau City and was taking a bit of time looking for the next gig. I’m known to be good in the wilderness in some circles and I was approached by a half-org looking fellow, said his name was Lork, about this job. He said he was acting for a middle man and I don’t tend to ask questions. I may have been trying to get out of town for a bit, you know how it goes.”

As you go about your tasks and travel Arodd tells you that they used a system of dead drops where they only knew what the next job was and what the next drop point would be. He also tells you that, with the camp gone, the rest of his folks will know just to call the whole thing off and take off. Kind of the unwritten rule is if something disrupts the job they don’t hang around to get caught up in it.

Yofiel talks with both Max and Arodd giving the latter some points on what might help his situation. When asked if he is going to try and run off he chuckles. “Ever see a dwarf run off? Were not generally sprinters so no, I don’t think I will be running off. I can face the music and go on with my life fair enough but I would prefer not to have a leash, that would be a step to far for my pride i think..”

Max stumbles with words when asked to say a few words about the fallen and all he comes up with are. “Jimothy, you were taller then me and a good whistler. Zek, well I didn’t know you much. Still I would rather you were here.” he looks around trailing off. “Don’t think I did that right but you know…” he shrugs.

Arodd pats him on the shoulder and speaks quite about each of the fallen before ending with. “I am not much for religion though of course I know the gods are there. I know you both will hold your chin up when judged by them and it will be ok.”

The others talk as the camp is packed up. [i] {I will send you send highlights of what you find in the email.} Eventually things are settled and you the party takes an uneventful trip back to the outpost. It takes time but there are not problems encountered at least. The biggest thing of note is the Max actually has a nice singing voice and he occasionally will sing a little song about a curious little monkey and his adventures.

If you want to bring the chained up dino either NPC can show you how to drug it so it will come calmly. If you don’ want the hassle you can just lt it go.

As you get closer to the outpost Jothan hesitates. “If its all the same, I might stay out here. Maybe I will stumble across some more information on this operation or maybe I won’t still. Unless you need me I would rather not deal with going back to the outpost just yet.”

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:25:42 PM

Dapple does not give a eulogy unless specifically asked to do so. Warddian eulogies tend to.....lack sympathy.

She has no objection to Jothan remaining behind at the outpost.

Kaze (JonS) HP 42/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 10:19:45 PM

Kaze pipes up about the dino, "If we can do it safely, then I think we should bring it with us. Once we ensure it's ok, then release it back to the wilds."

OOC: Any chance Kaze could have the scimitar?

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 28/33 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:46:09 AM

In rough order of occurrence
Quietly, and somewhat away from others, she approaches and responds to Siolo as he distances himself from group members. "I sense the changes you go through are not only reshaping your body, but begin to shape your mind. You are fond of Maab who shaped much that is good in the Wold, as am I, Siolo. I also adore Alemi, the healer, and Domi, the courageous. Perhaps not now, but let us soon take some time to talk about these things. I am your friend, druid. Don't, I ask, hide from me. There are times when shame makes us want to hide. No, shame is a thing that helps us realize we did something that we may need to shake, to change away from. It can be a healthy warning to our spirit. Remain my friend, come what may, for I shall remain yours."

She then turns away to give him space to think over her words.

Yofi returns Falkwyn's smile. "Nay, no priestess am I. Yet I am a worshiper of the great ones who helped make the Wold what it is, and who serve as examples and inspiration for what we might strive for. My uncle, my father's brother, is a cleric, as is one of his two sons, my cousins. I am pleased we have Dapple with us. She does not talk a great deal, but I often enjoy the insights that she provides.

"Where in the Culverwood? I'm from there."

Yofiel listens to what the boy and the dwarf say of their companions. She makes a song for Zek and a song for Jimothy, who was a tall whistler. Atop each grave she writes the deceased's name using little sticks and rocks. Later she asks Kaze what he prayed over the fallen.

"I know you wanted Arodd with you, and grant he is likely the best tracker among us. But I wanred him to be here when we caught up to Max, to help reassure him." Yofiel did not add that she did not fully trust the dwarf, and wanted to keep an eye on him. "By the way, thanks for giving Dapple a hand."

"Yes, Kaze, I concur. Let us bring the fella. Say, do you fellows give the 'saurs names?" she asks the two remaining hunters.

Jothan et al
Again aiming for a roughly private conversation, Yofiel says, "You are rather thoroughly tied up in the actions of the past day. Please buck up, Jothan. I can see some wisdom in perhaps not revealing your role to the hunters, but it may be time to talk with the crew at Vinevale, nonetheless. Like it or not, you are a big part of the story, good ranger."

"Thanks for being such a strong bearer of burdens, Einar!" She gets to work composing a little ditty about him.

"Ezekiel, sometimes you ask very good questions."

Ezekiel (BrianW) - AC 17/13/14; HP 38/38 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 6:54:06 AM

"What question?" asks Ezekiel. "Oh wait, that was a question. Was that the good question I asked?" "Oh, another question!"

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:36:30 AM

"What's wrong, Jothan? I thought these people were your friends. Are you jealous of Gwenestri and Calbark?"

For some reason, perhaps Jothan's relative youth, Colt has decided he's game for teasing of the most adolescent sort.

Heading Back - Co_GM Ryan Maps and Documents 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 9:50:24 AM

Jothan looks at Colt and it takes a moment to realize he is being teased. Eventually he nods.. “I will go back at some point sure. I just… they sit on their hands a lot and let the world move around them while they study. After Maya I want to be more active and I can feel each thing I do makes me a little better. Living off the land is already something I can do and I just want to be active, if that makes sense.” He realizes he is talking to adventurers several cuts above him and finds his own statement a little embarrassing.

Arodd and Max show the party how to keep the dino under control with the slightly drugged meat and it is content enough to follow alone once it has fed. It acts a little drunk and will even allow people to pet it while in this state, it's just very mellow. Max points out, proud of his knowledge, that you need to give it a bit every four hours to keep it like this but if you try for more than twelve hours it will throw up and get agitated.

Yofiel has several conversations and does some nice work with the burials, much better than either of the fellows who knew the dead. Jothan listens to her about returning. “If you really think I need to I will but I don’t plan to stay long. You have been good to me so if you ask it I guess I have to do it.”

The group makes it back though between messing with the dino and everything it is quite late when they arrive. Most of the residents are either doing their own thing or bedded down but Calbark greets you and welcomes you back giving the dino a bit of a side eye when it is brought in.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 1:55:51 PM

"Hi, we're back!" Dapple announces cheerfully. She looks around. "Don't suppose there's anything left of dinner?"

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 6:02:33 PM

Colt replies to Jothan. "Sure that makes sense, but it doesn't mean you can't visit. And the food's probably better than you're making for yourself."

Kaze (JonS) HP 42/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 10:03:14 PM

Kaze walks next to the dino, speaking to it in soothing tones ... he's semi-checking it out as to how it would work a mount ... or a mobile ram if armored ... or as a method of picking fruits higher than he can reach

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 28/33 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 3:22:50 AM

Along the way to Vinevale, a conversation
"Jothan. Would you mind if we conduct a little thought experiment?" she asks the young man. She waits until he indicates an openness to humoring her on this suggestion.

"Very well, here we go. Ready?" she asks by way of confirmation. If he says he is ready, she begins:

"What do you think, ranger, about people who ride horses? Is that something that in and of itself is intrinsically evil? What about people who have dogs as pets, or, as is the custom of our friend Kaze here, ride them? Is that a wicked practice?

"Also, what about our friend Falkwyn? He has a hawk as a familiar. How could an elf be so crass as to use a bird to work with him as a companion and assistant? Is that wrong, or ill-considered?

"Moreover, consider those who place saddles upon donkeys, or mules, and use them as beasts of burden, or perhaps to pull a cart. Should there not arise a hero to free all such creatures from having to carry things belonging to others?

"With the examples here shown, how might that relate to those who perceive the value of various types of dinosaurs, and who seek to benefit from their strength, or speed, or other intrinsic characteristics?" She pauses. "Is their attempt to win the trust or cooperation of some dinosaurs intrinsically corrupt or wicked?"

Another conversation
Yofiel asks Arodd about the formulation of the means of rendering meat or other foods capable of inducing calm or sleep in dinosaurs, and how to gauge dosages. She listens with care, and will transcribe on to paper in her journals later on.

On arrival at Vinevale
"Ah, Calbark, what a long day this has been. Are all well here?" She inquires about where to put up people to sleep. She indicates she can sleep on the ground, or rig for herself a hammock. "We shall want to hold counsel in the morning, or midday. Is it safe to assume that Lady Selara is remaining here?"

Einar (StevenVdB) - HP65/68 - AC20/14/16 - CMD 21 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 4:40:04 AM

On their way back to Vinevale Einar carries the goods as promised. Once they are back he drops of everything at Calbarks. Perhaps there are some things that will help the outpost? He assumes the rest will be put to good use amongst the group.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:42:25 AM

Along the way to Vinevale, a conversation :

]"Hey, don't forget Foggy! He's an example of pure goodness!" The little dog twines himself around Cole's feet as they walk. Often never quite getting kicked and often not quite tripping the young man.

Heading Back - Co_GM Ryan Maps and Documents 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:11:30 AM

On the trip back Yofiel and Jothan discuss the ethics behind his actions and the actions of the poachers. “I see what you are saying Yofiel but it feels different. An animal raised to work or bear a burden knows no other life really. The same is an animal raised to be slaughtered. These would be domesticated animals so there life is set in many ways. “

“I have no problem with riding a mount but I would not want to catch and break a wild stallion. Let it live its life. The same would go for a wild donkey.” He pauses at that. “Are there wild donkeys? Have you ever seen a hamster? I cannot image them in the wild either really.” Clearly he got distracted for a bit on this topic before he brings it back. “To me a domesticated creature is different. Also, the dinosaurs are in a fairly specific environment and disrupting them over much could upset the balance of the area. Take out two many predator dinosaurs and we could be over run by vicious sloth or something.” When all is said and done he does agree to enter the Outpost with everyone else.

Arodd shares what he knows of drugging the meat and it basically comes down to using a variation on a sleeping potion. You kind of have to take a guess as to the weight of the dino and eyeball how much to use as what would knock out a humanoid would have little effect on a larger dinosaur.. {ooc: and this reminds me I left the three Potions of Sleep off the loot list.

Calbark smirks at the question of food. “Well everything is pretty much away at this point, it is quite late. Selara is around, I believe she retired for the evening but she is around. The whole population is here at present actually.” he eyes the prisoners and nods to Jothan. “Is the the dwarf who was here for the attack?” his hand drops to a weapon but he cna see the dwarf is unarmed.

Places to sleep are arranged but there is not much activity in the outpost at this time of night and Calbark makes no offer to wake people though he will if asked.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 12:39:17 PM

Calbark asks whether Arodd was the dwarf that was part of the attack. "Yeah, but he's sorry," Dapple says.

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 2:25:01 PM

"Calbark, when you say everyone's here, do you mean Waelius too?"

Falkwyn (Steven P) HP 37/37; AC 16/15/16; CMD 22; Male Elf Ranger 3/Wiz 2; Perception +8 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 6:54:19 PM

Without realizing it, Falkwyn shifts to put him self partially between Calbark and Arodd. "He's come...more or less willingly...to face justice. He's definitely mercenary, but not necessarily evil..."

Siolo (Joe) - AC 16/14/14 ; HP 34/34 , NL 0 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:50:10 PM

Siolo takes Yofiel words with little expression changes and, unsurprisingly, keeps to himself moping in the rear on the way back.

Back at Vinevale, Siolo continues to get alone time so long as it isn't disruptive.

Kaze (JonS) HP 42/45 AC 19/Touch & Flat Footed AC 14/ CMD: 18/ CMB: 6/ Grapple: 7 
Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:58:48 PM

Kaze smiles a sad smile when Yofi asks what he prayed, "It's a hunter's prayer. We commend the body of the fallen to the earth to use to nurture new growth somewhere else. We generally say it when we kill animals to eat. We take what we need, the rest we bury, with that prayer. Sometimes people have seeds they bring along, and they plant them on the gravesite."

Yofiel (Kim McCoy), female elf bard 5th AC 16/16/14 HP: 28/33 
Friday December 20th, 2024 2:21:13 AM

"Yes, Colt - Foggy is pretty close to pure goodness!"

"Ah. Thank you, Kaze. That sounds right," Yofiel responds to the fuzzy ranger.

The bard appreciates the comments and questions of her companions.

"Calbark, it has been a long, long night and day, and the night has come again. Let most of us sleep," suggests Yofiel. "I can watch at the wall for a few hours, perhaps some of my friends can do so as well. Those who dwell, here, let them get their rest. On the morrow, we would ask for a brief counsel - perhaps after breakfast? Then let things be decided, and arranged. It is good to see you, guardian of Vinevale."

She makes quick introductions. "This is Arodd. He has been chastened. We would have him meet Selara. This is Max. He is far from home, and sings well. I believe we can trust both this evening." Looking at the deinonychus, she says, "This one is... a topic for a decision. In a few hours, he needs to be fed from this meat, lest he get too feisty. May we keep him tied up away from pathways, with someone to ... say, Max, can you make sure the dinosaur is cared for tonight? Maybe one of us can help you so you can get some sleep, too. What do you think - you want to help Max, Kaze?

"Calbark is in charge here. Do whatever he tells you," he instructs the newcomers.

"For those who would, let us set watches for this evening. I will need to meditate for four hours, then can take my turn on the wall. Who else will stand guard over this beautiful garden?"

She stifles a yawn. Yofiel will take whatever directions for sleeping arrangements that Calbark gives.

Before finding her place to rest, she quietly asks Siolo, "Will you watch with me later tonight, at least for a short while?"

She privately speaks with a few to keep an eye in particular on Arodd. She thinks he will behave, but does not want, through want of attention, for him to try to slip out over the thorny wall.

[OOC: I am hoping we can hand wave the balance of the night hours. In the morning, the group can lay out the gist of what they learned, and what happened. She knows that Jothan's active opposition to the work of the hunters helped to trigger this whole episode, but has taken pains not to spill the beans to Arodd. She hopes in the morning privately to give Selara a summation and her perspectives, but for the druid to make up her own mind on what should take place. The elf wants no further bloodshed.]

In the morning, perhaps after breakfast, the group can present their findings before the people of Vinevale, Arodd and Max might speak on their own behalf, and Jothan, too, if he chooses, give his views.

[I love this game and my gaming companions. I do look forward to a festive break at the Giggling Ghost! Join us there with your character, if you will, meet other Woldians, and win some prizes...]

Siolo (Joe) - AC 16/14/14 ; HP 34/34 , NL 0 
Friday December 20th, 2024 6:34:30 AM

Siolo shakes his head at Yofiel, "No, Lady Yofiel. I will take another watch."

Siolo's thoughts were still overwhelmed by what had happened. He just wanted to continue to wallow in it.

Dapple [AC 18; HP 28/28] (Kathy) 
Friday December 20th, 2024 1:30:53 PM

Dapple contents herself with munching a few cold rations before turning in. Visions of sugarplums dance in her head.

Heading Back - Co_GM Ryan Maps and Documents 
Monday December 23rd, 2024 10:54:16 AM

Calbark stares at the dwarf as the others speak and Falkwyn steps to block a direct path. After a moment he sighs and responds to Colt. [n] “Yes, Ebin is back. He got in very early but I have not seen him since which is not unusual. Yodel makes arrangements for the deinonychus and helps organize the watch. Calbark is fine with th arrangements and Max agrees to take care of the beast.

The night passes and the pirates return with captives naturally has the attention of all in the morning. Not long after breakfast and everyone's preparation for the day there is a small gathering including the Calbark and Selara. Jothan speaks quietly with Selara for a moment before he find a place with everyone. Arodd is the first order of business as there are some naturally hard feelings over the attack. His response is simple.

“I do apologize for he attack and the trouble we caused you. We had our own job to do and frankly being alone in the jungle for so long you can start to see things as enemies easily I guess. The night of the we had been talking about all our traps that had been disarmed and other problems over some drinks. Well a lot of drinks really. Enough of the old liquid courage and complaints go us headed down a bad path really. Should have just moved further away from you folks but we had a nice little nook. All the withstanding we should have left you be, no money in attack your place really.” He looks at Yofiel. “I had some expensive gear they have it now, mostly. I don’t mind paying my due but all I have left is a bit of gold sewn into my pants, its not much. Honestly I would just like to get out of here with my skin still on.”

No judgment is rendered but Selara looks to the party. “It seems you had some success.” As she asks a gnome with grey/white bushy hair floating above his head kind of like dandelion fuzz arrives reading a book as he walks. He looks about. “Oh, your the ones I heard about. Carry on.”

Colt Human Rogue (Tim) AC 18 T 14 FF 14 HP 50/50 CMD 20 
Monday December 23rd, 2024 12:24:53 PM

Colt looks at the bookish gnome. They've come this way through jungle and battles for a dandelion-headed librarian. He'd expected someone more magisterial. Still, it's the successful conclusion to this little adventure, and he says lightly enough, "Arrg. And you're the one we heard about. Danric Bramblemoon, a blue-eyed, freckle-faced halfling sent us after you. Says he's with the WLA and they're getting worried 'cause you've been out of touch."

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