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Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19
Monday December 16th, 2024 5:35:30 PM
Luckily Hamlin has darkvision so he can if not take lead then be second in line to go down.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28
Monday December 16th, 2024 6:54:16 PM
"Could we estimate the numbers from tracks, or something...?" Nora asks insecurely, not knowing a thing about tracking.
Bug Hunt - DMs Cayzle and Courtney 4d4=8 ;
Monday December 16th, 2024 9:32:14 PM
Nadia moves through first, with Stone alongside, as the colours turn to shades of grey in the darkness of the cave entrance.
Fritjof and Nora follow moments after, the Half-Orc and Dwarf both comfortable moving without light.
Aydi casts a spell on their armor and it shines bright light around them, illuminating the darkness up to 40 feet away. They then follow the others to the cave floor.
With a gentle pat, Kaida has Nyx remain behind, reassuring the pony that they won’t be gone too long.
Aymar follows in after Kaida, and Hamln moves in quickly to be nearer the front once inside.
As each slides their way into the cave, the silence inside is disturbed by the sound of falling earth behind them that accompanies their fellow party members' entrance.
Within the cave, first through darkvision, then by the light of Aydi's spell, the party can make out churned earth scattered over a hard floor. The smell of damp stone lingers in the air and a number of stalagmites and stalactites meet about the cave to form pillars holding the ceiling some thirty feet above.
From deeper within the cave, beyond the illumination and rocks, comes the sound of carapace catching on rock, as something moves further in.
The Coldheg scuttles closer, emerging from the dark. It stops 15 feet from Nadia (at H-I-8-9) and spits out a line of COLD! Nadia, Aydi, and Kaida, please take 8 points of cold damage (Reflex DC 14 halves).
And the Map!
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 d20+3=7 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:07:42 AM
Kaida’s head snaps up just as the Coldheg emerges from the dark and spits a line of freezing cold in her direction.
“Ah! C-cold!” Kaida yells, stumbling back a step as the icy blast cuts across her, failing to dodge any of it. She shivers, brushing frost from her cloak with an irritated scowl.
“Right. Fine. If it’s going to be like that...” she mutters under her breath.
Edging closer to the fight, Kaida raises one hand and gives Frit a firm pat on the shoulder, arcane energy flowing into him as she casts her spell.
Ref Save vs DC14: 7 = Fail! 8pts damage
Move: Move to D11
Standard: Cast Mage Armor on Frit
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+6=23 ; d20=12 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:10:45 AM
Aydi is glad he still knows some of his old tricks and dodges the cold blast. He will then have Yuki double move to J9 and he will then move in to flanking with her at G9 while drawing both of his blades and attack.
Reflex 23 pass (No Damage with Evasion)
Attack 20 (12+6+flanking)
Damage 3
Sneak 4
Total 7
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 d20+8=25 ; d8+4=12 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:25:18 AM
"Thank you, Kaida," Frit says, before sprinting to G10. He takes the long way, around the rock formation, to avoid moving while in the creature's range.
His fist slams into the creature (Stunning fist DC 15 fort save).
Attack 27 (25+2 flanking)
Damage 12
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+6=15 ; d10+4=5 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 5:33:45 PM
Aymar moves up to the creature and swings his sword.
{OOC: Moves up to G8}
{OOC: 17 to Hit (+2 flanking); 5 damage}
Cold Reduction 4 (09 Days)
Lay on Hands - 0/6 casts
1st level (4/Day) - 0 cast
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 5:36:16 PM
Nora again starts singing to encourage her friends.
"I guess they were the ones to blame,
hit us from the ground,
will there ever be more of them again?
It's the final bug fight!"
OOC: Inspire Courage +1 attack / + damage.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:08:35 PM
Hamlin will cast pox pustules on the bug DC 17 fort save.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 d20+4=20 ; d20+4=12 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:24:50 PM
Nadia manages to dodge the cold, taking half damage, and moves into combat, taking a swing with her axe, but most likely missing
Bug Hunt - DMs Cayzle and Courtney d20=3 ; d20=2 ; d8+1=8 ;
Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:04:24 PM
Kaida is hit by the full effect of the cold spit, she moves forward to cast a protective spell on Fritjof.
Aydi manages to avoid the spit and moves forward to form a flank around the Coldheg with Yuki before landing a blow against the creature!
Fritjof thanks Kaida for the protection, then circles around the Coldheg using the cave to their advantage and attacks the creature from the side, also striking true. The beast is stummed.
Aymar moves up besides their allies and joins in the attack against the Coldheg, the swing of his sword cutting across the cold insect.
Nora keeps their position and begins a song declaring this the final fight against the bugs and inspiring their allies.
Hamln poxifies the thing.
Nadia would usually miss with a swing like that, but against a monster poxed and stunned, she hits [DM rolling damage] ... for 8 more damage. That puts it down, and then some! A quick fight!
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 2:05:20 AM
Nadia blinks, having not expected to hit, let alone finish the creature off with such a swing of hers. Maybe she was getting better than she thought? All she knew was the creature was dead, and so "Well, that being that, we need to move deeper... And search for anymore. Who wants to lead? I can if no one can."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=26 ; d20+12=13 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:58:07 AM
After seeing it fall Aydi will look to the rest of the group and go ahead and scout ahead.
Perception 26
Survival 13
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 4:37:06 PM
"The head's pretty, um, big," Frit observes. [b] "Maybe we should, uh, leave it here for now and grab it on the way back. I can, um, carry it."
OOC: Thanks, Courtney, for running the combat!
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+1=3 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:20:47 PM
Hmm, what did I hear about the nesting habits of these things?" Nora tries to remember her teachings.
"Hills? No, those were giant ants. Leaf houses? And those were some beetles... no, I don't think I have anything." she says after a moment. "But let's make sure it's empty, and salvage if they have dragged something here."
OOC: Bardic knowledge 3, so probably no idea.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:44:39 PM
"We should most assuredly squash any of its spawn just to be sure"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 6:34:44 PM
“If that was just the doorman, we might want to see who else is home.” Kaida glances at the corpse. “Might be best we leave it here while we clear out any more of them.” she agrees with the others.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:33:43 PM
Aymar gives a quick prayer to Domi. He looks around, "We have become a formidable fighting force. Its seems our practice has been paying off. Its easy to forget where we started at."
With Aydi going scouting, Aymar sticks close to Kaida and her dancing lights. He hates not being at the front of the group but strategically it makes the most sense.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d3=3 ; d3=1 ; d20+15=22 ;
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:49:04 PM
Aydi will use Stealth to scout ahead
Stealth 22
Ignore the d3 rolls
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle
Wednesday December 18th, 2024 9:29:45 PM
Nadia is taken aback at having successfully ended the fight but soon thinks of exploring the rest of the cave.
Aydi moves forward to scout ahead.
Fritjof considers the size of creatures head and suggests they collect it once they are ready to leave.
Nora tries to recall what they might know about the nesting of Coldhegs.
Hamln suggests that they ensure any spawn they can find are squashed as well.
Kaida helps to scout out for any more bugs.
Aymar correctly notes that the group has grown and is more formidable! Indeed, where once you were strongly cautioned to beware when wandering the Scab, now you seem more able to travel confidently.
Not much comes to Nora’s mind on nesting habits, but as Aydi moves further into the cave, their shining armor soon lights up the walls of the far side. There are no more bugs here! At the back of the cave, a small burrow is easily found, with a easy half dozen ice blue eggs resting inside. The nest radiates cold.
Nearby, among some bones and remains, you find some gear in good shape: a suit of dwarf-size chain mail and a belt.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43
Thursday December 19th, 2024 12:43:33 PM
Frit looks to the others in the party. "Do you think we should, um, destroy them?" It seems unheroic to smash a bunch of unhatched eggs, but the evidence of what these creatures might do once they are hatched and grown is a all around them. He hopes the others will have greater insight into what the right thing to do is.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+8=18 ; d20+6=18 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 1:16:37 PM
Aydi wonders if there is a way to domesticate the creatures. (KN Nature 18) He will also detect magic on the armor and the belt. If magical will try to identify it. (Spellcraft 18)
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28
Thursday December 19th, 2024 3:44:29 PM
[b]"Bugs, they usually aren't so smart. Not that trainable, but I'm not so sure about these particular ones. Might they be smarter? Still, it feels wrong even if destroying the eggs saves so much pain later{/b], Nora joins Frit's doubts.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19
Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:05:27 PM
Hamlin casts detect magic to determine if the objects are indeed magical in nature. " As for the eggs these creatures are terrible if they grow to adulthood. We should make this path safer by destroying them"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32
Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:22:13 PM
Kaida's gaze is fixed on the icy blue eggs. Without a word, she steps back from the nest and moves toward the cave wall.
There are two sides to consider. It feels wrong to destroy the eggs - they haven’t done anything wrong. But the group has seen first hand what these creatures can do when fully grown.
In her heart, she knows that Hamlin is probably right, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+9=22 ;
Thursday December 19th, 2024 8:12:41 PM
Aymar considers their options, needless killing is not something that he condones but this situation is different. "Sometimes hero's have to make the difficult decisions. Can the eggs be used for something beneficial? Herbal remedies, medicine, food, arcane? If not we should just do it and be done with it."
{OOC: Knowledge Arcana 22}
Cold Reduction 4 (09 Days)
Lay on Hands - 0/6 casts
1st level (4/Day) - 0 cast
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle and DM Courtney
Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:30:14 PM
Fritjof is hesitant to destroy the eggs and looks to the rest of the group for other ideas.
Aydi searches other the items for signs of magic and finds that they are indeed magical, left overs from the last adventurer to suffer an attack from the Coldhegs. A +2 belt of strength and a +1 suit of chain mail sized for a dwarf, Hamlin confirms.
Nora shares the sentiment that it doesn’t feel right to destroy the eggs when the eventual hatchlings have caused no harm. They wonder if the Coldhegs are smart enough to train.
Aydi manages to recall that Coldheg’s are smarter than the insects they somewhat resemble, and a skilled trainer may be able to tame one as a beast of burden or such. However their taste for both livestock, and humanoid flesh, alongside the tendency to spew freezing cold spit when startled, makes even a trained Coldheg a concerning prospect.
Really, the safest course of action is to get rid of the eggs, as Hamlin suggests.
Kaida agrees with Hamlin, reluctantly.
Aymar too, after thinking about uses and coming up blank.
The deed is done quickly and mercifully. And the return trip to Thistleport is uneventful.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43
Friday December 20th, 2024 1:57:09 PM
OOC- DMs, are the eggs shells still cold after they've been broken? If not, Frit takes a shard, slipping it into his pocket. He carries it with him as reminder that being a hero means not just putting yourself in danger, but having to make hard decisions about other lives.
Frit is quiet on the walk back to Thistleport. When he gets there, he retreats to his room. Once there, he writes a letter to Master Thrissa about his latest experiences, including the difficult decision that the group had to make eggs. He asks her how to know what to do in a situation like that one. He then meditates for a while.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36
Friday December 20th, 2024 3:08:48 PM
Aydi still wonders if they did what was right there. Looking at the fight it was only protecting it's young. He also knows getting rid those beast should help save lives. I know in before he would of not thought about everything. When the group gets back to Thisleport he will probably hand out with Yuki and think about the newly found memory and what it means.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30
Friday December 20th, 2024 5:42:32 PM
Aymar knows that this decision was for the best in the long run. Upon returning to Thistleport, he laments that there are no hot springs to go soak in, "What I wouldn't give to take a dip in a hot spring! Ugh! I guess we take the next best option...Ale!" He looks around to hoping to lift the spirits of the group.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+7=27 ;
Friday December 20th, 2024 6:14:27 PM
When returning to Thistleport, Nora goes to study more about Coldhegs. Then she writes a little song, both about their adventures, and to provide future bards hints about the creatures.
She tests the song with her friends. "Listen, I think the lute arrangement brings the feeling of facing the Coldhegs, do you?", she asks and plays an instrumental version. "And then the words, I tried to get both what we did and the things we learned in it." She plays again, and this time also sings.
OOC: Craft: Song 27...? That's quite a tune. My poetry can't get anywhere near that, so not even trying to ruin the impression with it.
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle and DM Courtney
Friday December 20th, 2024 11:38:59 PM
Frit takes a coldheg eggshell back to Thistleport as a memento. It leaves him in a contem[lative mood.
Aydi is too, actually, but he thinks that the lives saved by the party’s deeds are the heavier weight on the scale.
Aymar enjoys some well-earned rest in Thistleport. The good brother meets him, learns about the last coldheg and awards the party another 1,000 gp bounty.
Nora composes a brilliant song to mark the occasion.
The party finds Thistleport very welcoming and relaxing, even with no hot springs. Nonetheless, downtime and rest are at hand.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43
Saturday December 21st, 2024 5:21:33 PM
"That is, um, a b-b-b-, a beautiful song," Frit says to Nora after she performs. "I, uh, I don't know much about music, or, um, formal composition, but I know that's beautiful."
The next day, Frit seeks out a jeweler. He's hoping to get the eggshell set as a necklace that he can wear as a reminder of the adventure and the choices he and his friends had to make.
He also asks Nadia and Kaida if they'd like to visit Sven with him--to check on him and give him the stuffie they picked out for him.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36
Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:51:52 AM
Aydi will spend the day doing what he can for the town. If it is working at the forge or taking a shift helping the guards. That evening seeing everything is pretty safe he will hang out at the pub so he can talk to his friends and see what their plans are after our brief break.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28
Sunday December 22nd, 2024 3:35:47 PM
Encouraged by the positive feedback, Nora goes to the pub to perform her new song.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30
Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:16:07 PM
Aymar makes sure that Nora gets a big cheer at the pub.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32
Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:39:50 PM
When Frit mentions visiting Sven, Kaida perks up. "Oh, absolutely!" she says, her eyes lighting up at the idea. "Let’s go. And that stuffie is perfect - it’s bound to make him smile!"
Though Kaida doesn’t voice it, she finds herself wanting to check in on Ingrida too - if only to see how things stand. She’s still a little wary of the woman.
Click here to visit the Woldipedia Drakesmeade game page.