MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Thursday November 28th, 2024 5:21:06 PM "Oh, my pony!" Nora remembers after cleaning, and goes searching her pony she dismounted before the battle.
In the morning, she notices Frit's tea cooking, and smiles at the amount of honey he offers Sven.
"There aren't many travel prayers, so maybe just the normal spells I guess", she thinks before her morning prayers.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Thursday November 28th, 2024 6:44:54 PM
Aymar contemplates on the message from the altar, “DAUGHTER, TO FIND PEACE AND ATONEMENT, SEEK THE MOUNTAIN HEART. YOU WILL FIND PEACE WHEN THE ORPHAN IS IN YOUR ARMS. SUCCOR THIS CHILD IN MY NAME. I AM DOMI!” Aymar has had a hard time trying to understand while Domi would cause pain to some to redeem others.
Aymar will try talking to the other members, outside the ears of Ingrida and the child. "Could this really be what Domi meant? Why must there be so much pain?
Aymar makes no special preparations for the ride back. He will mount Spirit and offer Ingrida to ride with him unless she would prefer to ride in the caravan.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 32/36 d20+12=20 ; d20+12=16 ; Thursday November 28th, 2024 7:27:41 PM "I am not sure how the gods want to guide us. The journey I had to get here was not one I wish on anyone. I think we will see the true meaning of this journey when it is finished." Aydi says to the group.
Before we leave Aydi will pull Aymar and Grit to the side. "I never did get to talk to the two of you before we left. Tonight when we are back or stopped I would like to talk. I think I know what happened to my father." Aydi says to the group.
Aydi will be part of the advance group with Yuki and scout ahead to sure we are safe.
OOC Perception 20 Survival 16
Caravan in Chaos - DM Cayzle Thursday November 28th, 2024 10:17:23 PM
As you ponder how the gods can know of the future, but not how they can influence it, the mysteries and paradoxes are certainly troubling. Fortunately, that’s the most trouble you face on the peaceful trip to Thistleport.
Ingrida, trying to do the right thing, simply stays close to the boy when she can. And talks gently with him, if no one objects. For his part, Sven does seem fascinated by her.
As you enter the town through the gate at the temple of Domi, Brother Roar Gvalin welcomes you and asks to hear your tale.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Thursday November 28th, 2024 11:02:03 PM
Kaida listens to Frit and a smile spreads across her face. Her cheeks flush slightly at the unexpected compliment, but she maintains her composure, nodding thoughtfully.
"Thank you, Frit," she says softly. "That means a lot. I'll make sure Sven feels safe and looked after. And don’t sell yourself short. You've been amazing with him so far - kindness and tea can work wonders, you know."
As they ride on, Kaida stays close by Sven, offering quiet support. She doesn't intervene when Ingrida speaks with him, but her eyes remain sharp, keeping a close watch on the conversation and the situation around them.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Friday November 29th, 2024 11:00:47 AM
Frit studies his friend's face for a moment. "Are you, um, are you alright. I'm sure learning about this was, um, difficult, and I'm sorry we did not get to, um, talk before," Frit says to Aydi. "Tonight."
Frit's cheeks also get a little rosy a Kadia's words. He clears his throat. "Yeah, well, um, if there's one thing you don't have to worry about, it's, uh, m--, me mistaking myself for short."
During the trip, he keeps an eye on Ingrida's interactions with the boy. He is pleased that the boy seems to be taking to her.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Friday November 29th, 2024 2:02:03 PM
Aymar will talk to brother Roar Gvalin and tell him what happened. He starts with how they happened upon the attack by the creatures, the ensuing fight, and aftermath of the fight, including finding the boy.
Aymar will definitely make time for Aydi that night. "We are here for you."
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Friday November 29th, 2024 4:59:03 PM
Hamlin will also join in with talking to brother Gvalin about the tragedy. Then he will offer to collect the bounty for the party of they are amenable to such.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 32/36 Friday November 29th, 2024 6:23:18 PM
Aydi will look at his friends. "Thank you tonight we will talk."
Aydi will go with the group to see the Brother before helping Hamlin get the bounty before heading to the Inn.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Saturday November 30th, 2024 2:55:37 AM
Kaida makes sure Nyx is cared for with the caravan, and then gently leads Sven and Ingrida to a quieter spot away from the conversation with Brother Gvalin. "Why don't we give them some space?" she says softly, offering Sven a reassuring smile.
She keeps her tone light and casual, steering their attention away from the discussion behind them. "Maybe we can find something interesting to look at while we wait," she adds, her focus on keeping Sven at ease. She knows there may be details in the conversation that would be difficult for him to hear or understand.
Return to Thistleport - DM Cayzle Saturday November 30th, 2024 10:08:22 AM
As Kaida and Frit chat, they also watch over Sven and Ingrida. The bereaved mom sings a dwarven lullaby, one that the boy seems to remember, or at least he is smiling. After he falls asleep, she whispers to the two, wistfully, “I used to sing that to my boy years ago.”
Kaida seems reassured at Ingrida’s words, and gives her and the boy a little space.
Frit takes a moment to support Aydi, as does Aymar. Aydi seems grateful, and they all agree to talk tonight.
Aymar also tells the story of the recent events to Brother Gvalin. The survivors of the caravan add their details to the story. The priest of Domi frowns and mentions that the coldhegs have been a problem recently. He mentions the bounty.
Hamlin volunteers to help with that, and mentions that the caravan leader told the party about it. Aydi helps with that too.
“We’ll grant you the bounty at a little celebration tomorrow night. Let me have those heads, and I’ll see to it.”
“You stayed at the Orchard’s Table?” asks the brother. “Here is a voucher for a couple night’s stay. Please come back to the temple tomorrow at sunset for the party.”
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Saturday November 30th, 2024 11:59:45 AM “They seem to, um, to be getting on,” Frit says softly to Kaida, as they watch Ingrida and Sven. “It’s good, I think. They have, um, both a lot. M—, um, maybe they’ll find something similar kitties comfort and peace in each other.”
Once the party has secured and settled into their rooms at the inn, Frit approaches Aydi. “You wanted to, uh, talk, my friend. Is this a conversation for tea or, um, ale?”
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 32/36 Saturday November 30th, 2024 5:32:07 PM
Seeing Frit come to him and knowing Aymar will be around. He guides them over to a quiet corner of the tavern where he has allready got some pints of ale ready and a spot of whiskey to. " Well remember when when we had that drink that made me passed out. I think it helped me remember something." Aydi pauses a bit and you can tell he is more upset with what he believes to be true. He takes a breath. "Well I do not know how to say it other then just saying it. I think I killed my father. I do not know why, but I just know I did it to protect my mother from him. I am also did it with this." Aydi lays down his father dagger.
After a moment he looks at the others to see their reaction.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Saturday November 30th, 2024 7:39:52 PM
Nadia kept quiet on the ride back, her own beliefs and conversations with her God different and yet more direct, and yet also as mysterious and hidden. After a few moments she would pull the priest to the side and ask about any elder druids nearby, or even just a cleric of Fhorge she could speak with.
"Nothing life changing now, but I have questions as to how Fhorge and Domi are working together on this that I can not see, and how I can keep the balance properly."
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Sunday December 1st, 2024 7:51:33 AM “Your father?To protect your mother. Gods, Aydi.” Frit lets out a soft swear in orcish. He eyes his friend, face full of concern. “Are you, um, are you okay? Learning something like that…” He swears again.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 32/36 Sunday December 1st, 2024 8:51:40 AM "I have no idea if I am or if am not okay. I think my mother did something to me so I would forget. I just wish I knew more." Aydi says
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Sunday December 1st, 2024 7:39:38 PM
Aymar joins Frit and Aydi at the corner table. He grabs his pint and takes a quick drink before hearing Aydi out. He listens intently to Aydi's story. After Aydi finishes, he takes a moment to consider, "If your memories have been tampered with, we can't be sure that these are accurate. We need to find out what kind of magic can tamper with memories and if there is a way to reverse it."
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Monday December 2nd, 2024 2:32:27 AM
Nora has been silently praying the trip back, thinking about the events and the will of gods.
She hugs Ingrida after her lullaby. "It's a nice song. And I believe this will get good. We can't change what has happened, but we can make best of what we have."
"That is so sad, Aydi" ,she says to the discussion of his past, "and very worrying, in many ways. How can you heal if you are forever guessing what is the wound? And even more, how can you be sure that what you remember is correct? If they remove a memory, can't they also replace them with something else?"
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Monday December 2nd, 2024 2:26:09 PM
Frit puts a reassuring hand on Aydi's shoulder. "Whatever you need. We are, um, we are here for you. We'll help you solve this mystery, if that's what you need."
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Monday December 2nd, 2024 5:42:44 PM
Hamlin considers Aydi's story and at the end responds with " I think knowing what you already know is a great burden. Is it worth it find out the truth and live with the consquences?"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Monday December 2nd, 2024 8:59:06 PM "Sven knows the people from the caravan," Kaida says thoughtfully. "He might feel more at ease staying with them tonight." She then adds, "They’d probably welcome you if you wanted to join them."
With that, Kaida makes her way to the Orchard's Table. As she steps inside, she notices some of the group already seated at a table. Their expressions are quite serious, but Kaida, oblivious to the discussion, walks over with a bright smile.
"Why so glum?" she asks cheerfully. "What did I miss?"
Return to Thistleport - DM Cayzle Monday December 2nd, 2024 11:42:24 PM
Frit is glad to see Ingrida and Sven getting along. He has a chat with Aydi later on.
Aydi shares some remarkable detail about his past.
Nadia ponders philosophy and theology.
Aymar joins the conversation and offers some advice.
Nora offers her support to Ingrida, and later, to Aydi.
Hamlin also has words of wisdom for his friend.
Kaida suggests that Ingrida stay with Sven and the caravaneers. Since they are also comped for the same inn, that works out well.
After the serious discussion that night, the day dawns bright. Please specify anything you want to do in town before the evening party.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 3:19:02 AM
Nadia goes looking for someone who is an elder druid. She has questions that maybe could be answered by experience.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 5:52:46 AM
In the morning, Frit checks on Aydi, seeing how he is fairing after last night’s revelations.
He asks Kaida and Nora if they would like to run some errands with him—and if they have any of their own to take care of. He needs to restock on tea and honey, and last night he had an idea. He seems a bit bashful as he tells them that when he was little, he had a toy stuffed lamb that he loved and would drag with him everywhere. Kay, who ran the orphanage, had to mend it for him a few times throughout his first years there. But, one day, two of the older kids took it from him and tore it into pieces. He sobbed over Lamby, and Kay was kind and gave him a new plush, but it wasn’t the same. He wants to try to find something for Sven to hold onto and take comfort in, something like Lamby that won’t ask for anything in return.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+6=23 ; d20+6=25 ; Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 2:41:24 PM
Aydi gets up early the following morning. He will head over to the local blacksmith to see if he can do a little work so he can let his mind relax. After a bit he wants to go to the guards and talk to them and see if there are any good rumors around.
OOC Diplomacy Check to Gather any info 23 Craft Weapons 25 to see if Aydi was a help
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 4:27:33 PM
Hamlin will spend the day with Ingrida and Sven. Try to get to know the kid so that he can get him an appropriate gift. Later in the day Hamlin will take them out to find some decent dwarf- lad clothing since Hamlin figures the kiddo could use some new clothes and other basics.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 6:47:24 PM
Aymar will check in with Brother Gvalin about the bounty. "Thank you for taking care of the heads for us. I know the group will be looking to grab supplies for the trek home." He asks, "Have there been many attacks recently? I am worried since one of the creatures managed to get away."
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 7:15:42 PM "Oh no, a party and I left my dress home. Well... I guess a girl can have two dresses? I'm not going there in armor however traditional dwarven style that is", Nora considers.
"I'll help you buy a plushy if you help me choose a dress?" she suggests Frit. "Something modest but still good enough for party. Maybe flower pattern to praise Flower?"
Return to Thistleport - DM Cayzle Tuesday December 3rd, 2024 11:09:48 PM
Nadia seeks a druid elder. She finds the Feast Hall of Maab, where a couple low-medium level druids serve along with a priest. Will that suffice? To answer what questions?
Frit goes shopping for a soft child’s toy. He finds just the thing, and when the merchant finds out who he is (Not many half-orcs in Thistleport!), he makes him take it for free. “You folk have done the merchant community here a good turn! See you at the party tonight.”
Aydi works the forge, mostly for relaxation, but his skill certainly makes him an asset. He finds that most of the local gossip is about a group of adventurers called the Drakesmeade Heroes, who saved a caravan and killed some monsters that have been threatening merchants in the area.
Hamlin spends the day with Ingrida and Sven. He finds that the boy has taken a shine to Ingrida, and as for the former drunkard ... well, she seems like a different person. Hamlin also thoughtfully buys some clothes for Sven.
Aymar asks Brother Gvalin about the bounty. "Yes,” he says, “We’ll be awarding it at the party tonight." He tells Aymar that he is not surprised one got away, how fast they can swim through the dirt. Getting the last one would be a good deed indeed. Or making sure there are no more after that one.
Nora goes shopping with Frit and buys a lovely dress that has a Flower theme.
That evening, back at the Temple of Domi, the big wrestling arena has been converted to a dance floor, and the smell of food and ale and wine is scrumptious. People are arriving, and everyone wants to say hi to you heroes. How do you react to all the total strangers coming up to shake hands?
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Wednesday December 4th, 2024 1:31:15 PM
Frit doesn't know anything about dresses or fashion, but he is grateful to Nora for going with him to pick out a toy for Sven. So, he does his best to help her select a dress by telling her that any she seems to like--especially the ones with flowers-- "are, um, very pretty." He's about as awkward as you would expect Frit in a dress shop to be.
Frit tries to stay to the back of the group, though, as he is taller than all of them, it's not a very effective strategy for hiding. He's clearly uncomfortable with being the center of attention, fidgeting, shifting his weight, and having some difficulty maintaining eye contact. Any time someone shakes his hand, he mumbles a "thank you, sir" or "thank you, ma'am" or a "just glad we could, um, help."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+11=20 ; d20+6=15 ; Wednesday December 4th, 2024 5:03:31 PM
After the day at the forge and getting cleaned up. He will head over to the party. He will go around and talk to.some of the different people he happened to meet while working. When he notices Frit feeling a little out of place he will take him around with him so he does not have to be the center of attention. Aydi will say to Grit in orcish Highlight to display spoiler: {"Fake it til you can make it"}He will also out of curiosity see if he is able to spot items that he worked on today.
OOC Perception 20 Diplomacy 15
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+8=18 ; Wednesday December 4th, 2024 6:20:03 PM
Aymar thanks Brother Gvalin for the information. "Maybe we can do something about it, but I have to check with the party. I'm sure some would prefer to get back to Drakesmeade sooner rather then later."
Aymar doesn't mind the attention from the various people. He does his best to take the pressure off the party members who aren't quite as comfortable.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Wednesday December 4th, 2024 6:31:37 PM "Thank you. It is quite nice, and the flowers are pretty."[b] Nora thanks Frit for his compliment. [b]"We dwarves don't have so many flowery dresses around, but I had seen some on the other races now and then. And it feels good to be without armor again. I guess you haven't tried going around in one?"
Nora goes to the party in her new dress, carrying her lute. She shies the attention a bit first, but seeing Frit very uncomfortable, forces herself to take the responsibility of the greetings. She takes a modest approach to the praises: "Hello hello, oh, it is what anyone would have done. We got to engage on our terms, in bit of a hurry, of course, but starting attacks out of their range.", and: "Yes, it was fortunate we arrived then, some say the gods willed it so, but why wouldn't gods bring us there a moment earlier so nobody would die? Maybe due to evil gods' influence". and admiring the party: "They prepared the floor so nicely, didn't they? But we'll see if anyone can even leave their table, for that smells really good."
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Wednesday December 4th, 2024 7:20:05 PM
Kaida sets out shopping with Nora and Frit. As Nora tries on a few dresses, Kaida watches closely, giving subtle cues. When Nora tries on a dress that isn’t particularly flattering, Kaida gives a barely noticeable shake of her head, signalling to Frit to hold back on any praise. But when Nora steps out in a stunning dress, Kaida enthusiastically gives a big thumbs-up. "That's the one!"
At the party, Kaida is in her element. She enjoys the hustle and bustle and she moves through the crowd, chatting with anyone who crosses her path.
When she notices Frit hanging back and looking uncomfortable, Kaida doesn’t hesitate to approach. She flashes him an encouraging grin. "Not quite the wrestling arena you're used to, huh? Tell you what, next time someone approaches you, just think about what moves you'd use to take them down if they attacked. Distract yourself a bit. It might help!". Seeing he is in Aydi's capable hands, Kaida gives Frit a reassuring nudge before moving on.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Wednesday December 4th, 2024 10:39:37 PM
Hamlin loves the attention although he doesn't quite feel like a "hero". To his allies "why not stay here awhile and enjoy the local flavor. Drakesmeade will still be there and I'm not excited for that cold"
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle Thursday December 5th, 2024 11:14:17 AM
Bull in a china shop, Frit in a dress shop. That’s pretty much the same thing, right? Nonetheless, a pleasant shopping experience is had by all, or so Frit thinks, seeing how Nora and Kaida react.
At the party, Frit is uncomfortable but tries his shy best to be game.
Aydi works the party scene like a pro, and helps Frit as well. He notices that people are whispering about the heroes ... mostly in admiring tones, his ears tell him.
Aymar makes sure to tell his friends what Brother Roar said about the coldhegs being a problem lately. Then, at the party, he basks in the celebratory atmosphere.
Nora dons her new party dress and reacts to compliments with some humble deflections. She is not sure that anybody is swayed by her demure demurrals.
After a good shopping trip, Kaida enjoys the hustle and bustle of the party. She gives a few words of encouragement to Frit.
Hamlin enjoys the people and the praise. He is in no hurry to get back to Drakesmeade immediately.
About an hour into the celebration, Brother Roar steps up onto a slightly elevated stage set up for the evening, and calls the party to join him. He praises your heroism and says you all are welcome in Thistleport any time. He describes the events of the caravan attack, and presents you collectively with a 2,000 gp bounty (1,000 gp per head) for the coldhegs.
Then Gvalin calls for the owner of Yak Wagons to come up to the stage. The older halfling has a famly resemblance (in the tummy and chin especially) to the younger merchant who led the caravan after the attack.
Tobin Stoutheart gets a bit teary as he offers a toast to those who perished in the attack. He calls for a moment of silence.
Then Brother Gvalin offers a prayer and calls for Domi to shepherd these souls through Gargul’s hands.
Then Tobin speaks abut the party. “These Heroes Of Drakesmeade saved many more who would have been lost. We cannot thank them enough. And not only as a merchant, but as a father, I cannot express my gratitude.”
“Not as a reward, but as a thank you from my family, I have a gift for these heroes.”
He offers a small silver chest to you.
Who accepts the chest? Brother Roar motions that you each should speak.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Thursday December 5th, 2024 11:43:07 AM
Aydi will look to all of the group for everyone to come up to accept the thank you gift.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Thursday December 5th, 2024 2:31:32 PM "Yeah, um, I think I prefer the wresting ring to them, uh, dance floor," Frit responds to Kaida. "At Drakesmeade, things were, um, different. The kids--and I f-f-felt like, um, I felt like I was starting to know the community. But this is, um, a lot. I'm not, uh, good about this sort of thing."
He is solemn during the moment of silence. When Brother Gvalin prayers, Frit thinks specifically of Sven's father.
He reluctantly follows behind Aydi, once again trying to stay toward the back of the group.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+8=11 ; Thursday December 5th, 2024 6:28:50 PM
Aymar will step to the front of the group to accept the silver chest. He was not ready to speak and musters, "We graciously accept this gift." He will look around and hope someone helps bail him out.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Thursday December 5th, 2024 6:39:06 PM "Let's stay together, to show that we are united, if for nothing else", Nora agrees Aydi's suggestion of everybody going.
"Just say 'Thank you', that's enough", she suggests Frit.
She continues her humble acceptance: [b]"We're thankful for your gifts, but the greatest gift is of course the lives saved. We offer our thanks to the gods of their guidance on this, Domi, Flower and Fhorge the most. I just wish we could have done more. We will use your gift to offer more protection to good people, and to strengthen the connection between Drakesmeade and the rest of the world."[/b}
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Thursday December 5th, 2024 6:53:54 PM
"Thank you all for showing us such love and acceptance. I can only hope we can continue to be of service" Hamlin waves to everyone and sits down enjoying the party.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+6=9 ; Friday December 6th, 2024 12:10:48 AM
Aydi will look at the crowd, "Thank you for this gift. I know we did notndonthis for glory. I know for some of us it is because we have a sense of duty to our home and the people we are lucky enough to know on our journey. And with that......................Thank you." You can tell Aydi's mi d went blank and could not finish what he wanted to say.
OOC Diplomacy 9
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Friday December 6th, 2024 12:37:22 AM
Kaida enjoys the lively atmosphere of the party, moving through the crowd with ease, chatting and laughing with the townsfolk. When Tobin calls for a moment of silence to honor those who perished, Kaida bows her head respectfully.
When the silver chest is presented and Aymar looks about, Kaida steps forward with a warm, broad smile.
"Thank you all so much for this, and for making us feel at home. Your generosity is overwhelming." She starts to turn back towards the party but quickly turns back to face the crowd. "Oh, and while I remember - who made those little honey cakes? Because I'm going to need a lifetime supply, and possibly the recipe."
With a final, beaming grin, Kaida gives a little wave before turning back to rejoin her friends, clearly ready to continue enjoying the celebration.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Friday December 6th, 2024 4:55:29 AM
Frit gives Nora a grateful look.
“Um, thank you,” hesays. He shifts to uncomfortably and attempts a smile, but it definitely seems more like a grimace.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Friday December 6th, 2024 9:18:47 PM
To allies " how long do you think we should stay here then?"
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle Friday December 6th, 2024 11:25:26 PM
Aymar will step to the front of the group to accept the silver chest. He murmurs brief words of thanks, but looks to another to start the speechifying.
Aydi and Nora stand close by. Frit stays in the background.
Nora starts if off: "We're thankful for your gifts, but the greatest gift is of course the lives saved. We offer our thanks to the gods of their guidance on this, Domi, Flower and Fhorge the most. I just wish we could have done more. We will use your gift to offer more protection to good people, and to strengthen the connection between Drakesmeade and the rest of the world."
Hamlin is next: "Thank you all for showing us such love and acceptance. I can only hope we can continue to be of service."
Then Aydi: "Thank you for this gift. I know we did not do this for glory. I know for some of us it is because we have a sense of duty to our home and the people we are lucky enough to know on our journey. And with that ... Thank you."
Kaida smiles warmly: "Thank you all so much for this, and for making us feel at home. Your generosity is overwhelming."
"Oh, and while I remember - who made those little honey cakes? Because I'm going to need a lifetime supply, and possibly the recipe."
Last but not least, Frit: “Um, thank you.”
Nadia is quiet.
The crowd laughs at the jokes (especially Kaida’s) and claps hard. That ends the official proceedings, but the party lasts to midnight.
In the morning, the day is yours. Your complementary stay at the inn is good for several more days. And breakfast the next day -- a breakfast of champions! -- is delicious.
You find the chest to hold wealth equalling about 4,000 gp.
What’s on the agenda?
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Friday December 6th, 2024 11:59:04 PM
Nadia stayed quiet as she did the least in the combat, feeling no joy in her musings as when she asked the other druid questions, she got answers not to her liking. It was not that they were notknowledgeable, but rather, she was not asking the right questions. She had queried into how she could help better, and how she could prepare the group for events like this, but nothing gave her a solid answer. It was like she was running in circles and Fhorge demanded her to figure it out herself.
She would ask the others quietly "We deserve some of this for sure, but perhaps some to the survivors, maybe something to help the orphans made?"
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Saturday December 7th, 2024 12:38:40 AM
To answer Hamlin "We should stay until the company is clear if it's going to the other clan like we are, and we should go with them. I think that's about as long as we can this time. And let that woman know we will take her back to Drakesmeade on an adventure when we return. We have the orphan perhaps, so now we need the other parts"
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Saturday December 7th, 2024 11:55:00 AM
Frit enjoys the big breakfast much more than he did the party the night before.
"That's a, um, good idea, Nadia," Frit says after swallowing a large bite of food. "It's a lot of money and could, uh, really make a difference. Might help Sven and Ingrida get settled."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=29 ; Saturday December 7th, 2024 3:19:11 PM
With the previous days activities being a good distraction. Aydi will take the day trying to find answers. He will head out of town with Yuki to a private area. He will cast speak with animals on himself and with spend the time he can talking things out with Yuki. While he is outside of town he will also keep an eye out for any danger.
Perception 29
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Saturday December 7th, 2024 11:31:38 PM
Kaida bounces into the breakfast room the next morning, clearly no worse for wear despite the previous night's festivities. She eagerly helps herself to a heaping plate of food, happy to see honey cakes still on the menu, and chats with the group between bites.
"Nadia, that’s a great idea" Kaida says, pausing mid-chew. She swallows quickly and continues "We’ve got a real chance to make a difference here. Helping Sven and Ingrida sounds like a perfect start." she nods to Frit.
With a satisfied grin, Kaida snatches up another honey cake and adds "Speaking of making things better, I’m pretty sure taking a stash of these honey cakes is essential for the road."
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Sunday December 8th, 2024 7:14:45 PM "It could be a start of a bigger thing for children. School, orphanage, or something", Nora considers the possibilities.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+8=16 ; Sunday December 8th, 2024 9:09:49 PM
Aymar allows the group to decide what they want to do with the chest. He enjoys breakfast, not sure how many of those he is going to get before they head back to Drakesmeade.
He will use his time to find out about the ankhegs. If he can find out enough info, he will talk to the group about taking a care of this problem for the town.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Sunday December 8th, 2024 10:05:12 PM " Honey cakes are important for the road, we should ensure a good supply of them with us. But I want some more of that tea now, this thinking is thirty work. Besides, we have time to kill for now." Naida laughs softly but does seem a bit distracted, as if there was something she still was not sure on exactly where the forge is. But she was hoping things would clear up.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Monday December 9th, 2024 5:03:34 AM
Frit nods thoughtfully at Nora’s comment. “If not for people showing kindness to orphans I, um, I wouldn’t be here. Wouldn’t have traveled to Drakesmeade. Wouldn’t have met all of you. I’d, um, like to m—, to make that kind of difference for someone else, if we can.”
He smiles at Nadia. “Master Thrissa always said that, um, tea both stimulates and calms the mind—depending what is, uh, needed at the time.” He fills her cup from the pot on the table.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Monday December 9th, 2024 4:33:35 PM
Once Aydi has spent sometime working through stuff with Yuki. They will head back to the inn for some breakfast. He see his friends and he looks like something has changed. "What all did I miss this morning? Any ideas of what we should do next?" Aydi says while scarfing down a few biscuits.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Monday December 9th, 2024 6:25:51 PM "Well, first would be secure a place for Ingrida and Sven, that shouldn't be that hard with the money. Here or in Drakesmeade. Then we have heard some legends about the Ice Forge, but is it something we want to chase? I mean, yes, it might be important but it might as well be gone for good? Maybe just keep an eye if we see more hints and when we have something real, follow the trail". Nora answers Aydi while sipping her 'tea'.
"What was this talk about honey cakes?" she asks and goes to get some. She comes back munching one. "These could use a drop of syrup, or honey...."
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Monday December 9th, 2024 7:58:57 PM
"These honey cakes are quite good" Hamlin says while stuffing his face
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Monday December 9th, 2024 9:43:01 PM
Aydi looks at the group and is glad there was some not so sweet items to eat and grabs a couple more biscuits and puts some bacon in them.
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle Tuesday December 10th, 2024 12:02:18 AM
Nadia feels a little frustrated. [OOC to Spencer: Highlight to display spoiler: {If that’s just Nadia, no prob, great RP. If you, Spencer, are feeling frustrated, please email us.}]
Nadia asks the Yak Wagons folks about their plans, and discovers that the company has insurance for this lind of eventuality, and the owner, Tobin, says he is re-evaluating how to move forward. “Just between you and me,” he confides, “those Thistles have a lock on the trade, and I’m not sure I can compete, tell ya true.”
Nadia calls back to the job board notice that you have talked about before, but so far not on which you have not acted: “Sylvie Thymol of the Thymol Clan at 7 Gwenipa Road offers 1,000 gp for an adventuring team to take her on an adventure. Reply via written messenger only.”
Frit, like Nadia, is thinking about ways to use party treasure to help others.
Kaida agrees with this, packing away some pastries.
Nora thinks about helping orphans too.
Yuki and Aydi have a nice chat. Just outside of town, there is no real danger. At least, not that Aydi discovers.
Aymar trusts his pals to make good choices about the treasure and rewards. He asks around town and hears about other caravans that have been attacked ... but in the past, just one coldheg dashed in, grabbed an animal or a small person, and then burrowed away, carrying their snack.
Ingrida listens to the talk of orphanages, but she is set on her preference. “I have friends in Drakesmeade, and some family. A single mom can make mistakes raising a boy, I know that now. But in Drakesmeade I have supports that can help.” She really wants to return to Drakesmeade.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 2:19:25 AM
Kaida leans back in her chair, watching Ingrida speak. She offers an encouraging smile. "You've thought this through. Drakesmeade sounds like the perfect choice for you and Sven". Kaida feels better knowing Ingrida will have people to support her.
She grabs a honey cake from the platter, takes a bite, and lowers her voice to speak with Hamlin and Nora (though still loud enough for Frit to hear). "You know, we could distract Frit and raid his honey stash. These cakes deserve only the best". She gives a mischievous grin. Frit always seems to have some honey about for his tea.
Kaida stashes a few honey cakes into her kit and glances around the group. "Sounds like we're heading back to Drakesmeade. Is there anything anyone wants to take care of before we leave?". Kaida is in no rush and will follow along wherever the group decides to go.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 10:14:45 AM "Take it! I carry honey around for, um, you lot." Frit replies to Kaida's grin with mock exasperation. "In the monastery, we, um, never had honey for our tea." He pauses for a moment. "Though I suppose you've worn me down. I, um, I don't find it as gross as I used to. Just don't tell Master Thrissa. She'd be, um, very disappointed." He playfully nudges Nora's shoulder.
"I'm ready to go home, but, um, I know Aymar was looking into those creatures and the trouble they've caused. Especially because that one, um, got away."
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 3:32:41 PM
Aymar will address the whole group when the meet back up, "From the information I was able to gather, this latest attack indicates an increase in aggression from the coldhegs. Previous attacks had been a single creature, this last one was three. So either they are getting more desperate or more bold. Either one will lead to more attacks. We should take care of this before we head back to Drakesmeade. The towns around here will not be able to survive if there trade routes are cut off."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 4:05:42 PM "I agree with Aymar. We can take a few days maybe scout around the direction of the one that got away. Maybe we can get rid of the problem and then when we are done we can figure out the next step and when we should return home. Who knows the trip home could be a big enough adventure for the women in the posting" Aydi says.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 d20+8=19 ; Tuesday December 10th, 2024 5:34:49 PM
" I agree we should attend to these coldhegs before we leave. I wonder if something is pushing them out of their territory. Doesn't make sense that they would be doing this"
Knowledge nature: 19 to find out more about these creatures
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 7:05:20 PM "You can always say you use much less than others in the team, if she asks" Nora says to Frit with a mischievous smile.
"Getting rid of the bugs sounds really good, but if they move underground how can we find them?" she wonders.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Tuesday December 10th, 2024 9:21:25 PM "Looking into those monsters is not only a good source of making more money, but it certainly helps everyone and the travelers who will not have us when we leave. And that seems like a small enough adventure that woman could come with us, and we could leave Ingrida here safe enough to care for it. That gives more money to help them and anyone else we may need to help."
Nadia thinks there is more to play here, but that is only due to the wisdom of the druids that all carry. Something else drives animals, evil or not, to attack.
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle Wednesday December 11th, 2024 12:23:08 AM
The party seems set on finishing off the coldheg threat, a noble cause, and a lucrative one. Hamlin recalls that if they are like Ankhegs, they have a spit weapon, and it may be possible to track them by the sign they leave on the surface under which they burrow.
[OOC: Knowing that there are only 9 posts left in the year, the DM is inclined to send you to the site of the battle. Tracking down the woman who wants to be an adventurer would take a few posts, so let us say that you decide to check on her, if you do, on the way back to Drakesmeade.]
A day later, at the site of the battle, the desolate area has been scavanged and is empty. You can see where the coldhegs were burrowing. What do you do?
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 d20+5=16 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 8:18:27 AM
Frit checks around the area to see if there is any indication where the creature went. He points out anything he notices to Nadia and Aydi, knowing that they are far better at tracking than he is.
Survival 16
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=24 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+6=25 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 9:00:55 AM
Aydi will scout ahead little ahead with Yuki to confirm the direction the coldhearted went. He will also see if Yukis nose can help.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+6=9 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 5:21:17 PM
Aymar joins the group in looking around for clues, though he doesn't really know what he is looking for and hopes someone else finds something soon.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 d20+8=18 ; d20+9=20 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 5:35:36 PM
Perception check for clues =18 survival check=20. Hamlin looks around the general area for a trail or other tell tale behaviors.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 d20+8=18 ; d20+9=20 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 5:39:40 PM
Perception check for clues =18 survival check=20. Hamlin looks around the general area for a trail or other tell tale behaviors.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+6=9 ; Wednesday December 11th, 2024 5:56:55 PM
Crossbow ready and loaded, Nora follows and as Aydi and Yuki seem to nose the trail excellently, just keeps watch in case something would try an ambush.
However, she gets a bit distracted: "The clouds are pretty today" .
------------------ OOC: Perception 9 is probably not enough for anything.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Wednesday December 11th, 2024 6:29:29 PM
Nadia and Stone both stay close to the group, trying to help out with any healing that will need to be done incase something attacks.
Bug Hunt - DM Cayzle Thursday December 12th, 2024 12:10:39 AM
Staying alert, you all investigate.
Frit, Aydi, and Hamlin find burrow marks here and there. In a few places the fleeing bug broke gound, maybe where the soil was too shallow or flinty for burrowing.
Less than an hour away, the trail ends at a cliff face. Your best bet is that the lair is beyond the cliff face through an underground entrance. Is this a dead end? Or put another way, "Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bug hunt?"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 d20+2=8 ; Thursday December 12th, 2024 3:14:44 AM
When the group reaches the cliff face, Kaida dismounts Nyx, placing her hands on her hips as she surveys the imposing rock wall. "Well, this isn’t exactly inviting" she murmurs.
She turns to the group, brushing a stray lock of jet-black hair behind her ear. "Anyone have any idea how many we’re tracking? Because I’d really prefer not to meet the whole family at once."
Perception: 8
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Thursday December 12th, 2024 11:25:40 AM "Yeah, um, don't think they'll, uh, be too happy to see us, given what we did to two of their members," Frit agrees with Kaida.
"Any one have ideas about how we might, um, lure them out? And how are we going to, um, keep the ponies safe?" he asks eyeing Nyx. "From what Aymar heard, the ponies are kinda a, uh, a treat for these things. And we don't want anything happening to them."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=29 ; d20+12=22 ; Thursday December 12th, 2024 11:54:05 AM
Aydi will look for an entrance. And any other signs around. "I think I have an idea if we can find the entrance. It might backfire where we have a much larger party to fight. What if we smoke them out. If we can get a big enough fire at the opening and another fire set in one of the tunnels they made we could probably be able to finish them off quickly. I hope anyway."
OOC Perception 29 Survival 12
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Thursday December 12th, 2024 4:36:39 PM "Why do we not leave the ponies as bait? Surely if we all mount up and sorta wander around, they will come out, and we can attack that way? Unless you want to crawl through some tunnels"
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Thursday December 12th, 2024 5:09:30 PM
" I think we should use the ponies as bait and we lie in wait"
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Thursday December 12th, 2024 5:17:38 PM
Nora looks at her pony.
"I don't know... sounds a bit cruel? But I don't want to be a bait either. Just attack the enemies before they hurt the poor ponies?"
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Thursday December 12th, 2024 6:42:01 PM
Aymar volunteers to go check it out, "I have a climb kit and if someone wants to scale down to check it out. I'll go if there are no other volunteers."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Thursday December 12th, 2024 10:00:52 PM "I would be willing to go. I can sneak a lot better so I might be able to go in and out and not be seen."
OOC: Okay, sorry, I have failed to explain this properly. The trail consists of the signs on the top of the earth that the Coldheg passed underneath it. Imagine a mole leaving a slightly raised line of earth in its wake. The trail leads to the cliff face and ends. The coldheg was underground when it hit the cliff face. You imagine that it enterd the cliff face when it was underground. To follow that trail, you will have to dig down down to the entrance. You can't climb down or light a fire at the entrance because it is below the surface of the topsoil.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Friday December 13th, 2024 1:02:53 AM
Kaida stands near the cliff face, her gaze shifting between the trail of disturbed earth and the rock wall. She places her hands on her hips and shakes her head. "If you're thinking I could help with the digging, we’ll be here until next winter."
She casts a Summon Monster II spell to summon an earth elemental and gestures for it to start digging where the grass meets the cliff.
--------- OOC: I actually laughed out loud when I saw the special mention of Kaida on the picture :D
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Friday December 13th, 2024 9:35:05 AM
Frit's eyes widen as the elemental begins tearing into the earth.
"Well, that, uh, that should get their attention. I guess w--, um, we'll see if it attracts them or if they hunker down."
He's hoping this will spare the ponies from having to serve as bait. They're innocent creatures and don't deserve to be put in that kind of danger.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Friday December 13th, 2024 12:14:44 PM
Nadia nods. This seems a good middle ground for everything. " We can attract them this way, quickly too."
Nadia then readies her weapon for any attacks and has Stone do the same.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Friday December 13th, 2024 6:05:45 PM
Aymar is impressed by Kaida's genius idea, "Well done Kaida, let's be prepared for anything."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Friday December 13th, 2024 7:09:38 PM "Once we get to the tunnel do we want to sneak down there or hope they come here. Does anyone have a spell that can mimic the smell of the ponies?."
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Friday December 13th, 2024 7:21:28 PM "I have the assistant spell, it's not as strong as an elemental but it stays here a long time and doesn't get tired" Nora offers her assistance, and casts a spell Dirt starts moving in small piles, pushed by the invisible force.
Kaida's Elemental and Nora's Servant start digging. The heroes, half expecting the Coldheg to pop out and attack, ready weapons.
The summoned creatures reveal the disturbed earth that the Coldheg left behind. The sheer amount of churn here suggests regular passage. The churned earth is actually easy to dig -- it has already been broken up and softened by the bugs' passage.
Soon, yes, an opening is revealed. The opening is about 6 feet tall and four wide. The Coldhegs likely had to squeeze to get through. The opening is itself blocked with earth, and the Elemental and the Servant clear away enough to permit passage. Five feet in, the passage is only half blocked, and ten feet in, you can walk on a foot deep layer of soil tracked in by the bugs as they entered repeatedly.
It is very dark in there. You all can wriggle down teh eath slope the summons have dug, and then slide into the cave mouth, and then stand on the cave floor ten feet in. The cave widens to 12 ft wide and seven feet high at that point.
Who goes in? If anybody? How will you defeat the darkness?
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Friday December 13th, 2024 10:57:49 PM
Nadia looks around, looks at the group, nods, and without much more conversation her and Stone go in first. The greatest part of being a dwarf? She wasn't aware it was dark when she dropped in, only that the color has changed.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 d20+9=10 ; Saturday December 14th, 2024 11:42:38 AM "I guess, we're, um, we're going in?" Frit says to the rest of the group. He follows in after Nadia, and tries to keep an eye out for danger, but doesn't notice anything.
Perception- 10 (Crit Fail)
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+6=12 ; Sunday December 15th, 2024 5:50:15 PM
Nora follows behind the dwarf and the half-orc, equally unaware of the fact that some of the party don't see in the cave.
---------------- OOC: Perception 12, seeing in the dark doesn't help much when you look the wrong way.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=20 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+14=28 ; Sunday December 15th, 2024 5:54:30 PM
Aydi will cast light on his armor and jump in. He will scout ahead and look for danger with Yuki not far away.
OOC Perception 20 Survival 15 Stealth 28
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 d20+2=19 ; Sunday December 15th, 2024 8:16:29 PM
Kaida gives Nyx a gentle pat on the neck. "Yes, you need to stay here. Yes. No, I understand that. Okay, I won’t be too long" she says, as though holding a full conversation.
Watching the others descend into the passage, Kaida waits to be closer to the rear of the group, keeping one hand on the cave wall for guidance.
----------- If Aydi's light spell creates enough Dim Light, Kaida will be able to see. Otherwise, she'll cast a Dancing Lights spell to hover above her
Perception: 19
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+6=11 ; Sunday December 15th, 2024 9:06:12 PM
Aymar follows Kaida down, using her Dancing lights to help him see. Unfortunately Aymar was still not prepared for the chenge from above ground to underground and takes a moment for him to adjust. ----------------------------------------------- {OOC: 11 Perception check} ----------------------------------------------- Cold Reduction 4 (09 Days)
Lay on Hands - 0/6 casts
Spells: 1st level (4/Day) - 0 cast
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 16/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Monday December 16th, 2024 12:40:34 PM
Before Aydi leaves, Frit claps him on the shoulder. "Be careful," he say. "We don't know, um, how many are down here."
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Monday December 16th, 2024 5:35:30 PM
Luckily Hamlin has darkvision so he can if not take lead then be second in line to go down.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Monday December 16th, 2024 6:54:16 PM "Could we estimate the numbers from tracks, or something...?" Nora asks insecurely, not knowing a thing about tracking.
Bug Hunt - DMs Cayzle and Courtney 4d4=8 ; Monday December 16th, 2024 9:32:14 PM
Nadia moves through first, with Stone alongside, as the colours turn to shades of grey in the darkness of the cave entrance.
Fritjof and Nora follow moments after, the Half-Orc and Dwarf both comfortable moving without light.
Aydi casts a spell on their armor and it shines bright light around them, illuminating the darkness up to 40 feet away. They then follow the others to the cave floor.
With a gentle pat, Kaida has Nyx remain behind, reassuring the pony that they won’t be gone too long.
Aymar follows in after Kaida, and Hamln moves in quickly to be nearer the front once inside.
As each slides their way into the cave, the silence inside is disturbed by the sound of falling earth behind them that accompanies their fellow party members' entrance.
Within the cave, first through darkvision, then by the light of Aydi's spell, the party can make out churned earth scattered over a hard floor. The smell of damp stone lingers in the air and a number of stalagmites and stalactites meet about the cave to form pillars holding the ceiling some thirty feet above.
From deeper within the cave, beyond the illumination and rocks, comes the sound of carapace catching on rock, as something moves further in.
The Coldheg scuttles closer, emerging from the dark. It stops 15 feet from Nadia (at H-I-8-9) and spits out a line of COLD! Nadia, Aydi, and Kaida, please take 8 points of cold damage (Reflex DC 14 halves).
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 d20+3=7 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 1:07:42 AM
Kaida’s head snaps up just as the Coldheg emerges from the dark and spits a line of freezing cold in her direction.
“Ah! C-cold!” Kaida yells, stumbling back a step as the icy blast cuts across her, failing to dodge any of it. She shivers, brushing frost from her cloak with an irritated scowl.
“Right. Fine. If it’s going to be like that...” she mutters under her breath.
Edging closer to the fight, Kaida raises one hand and gives Frit a firm pat on the shoulder, arcane energy flowing into him as she casts her spell.
--------------- Ref Save vs DC14: 7 = Fail! 8pts damage Move: Move to D11 Standard: Cast Mage Armor on Frit
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+6=23 ; d20=12 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:10:45 AM
Aydi is glad he still knows some of his old tricks and dodges the cold blast. He will then have Yuki double move to J9 and he will then move in to flanking with her at G9 while drawing both of his blades and attack.
OOC Reflex 23 pass (No Damage with Evasion) Attack 20 (12+6+flanking) Damage 3 Sneak 4 Total 7
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 d20+8=25 ; d8+4=12 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:25:18 AM "Thank you, Kaida," Frit says, before sprinting to G10. He takes the long way, around the rock formation, to avoid moving while in the creature's range.
His fist slams into the creature (Stunning fist DC 15 fort save).
Attack 27 (25+2 flanking) Damage 12
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+6=15 ; d10+4=5 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 5:33:45 PM
Aymar moves up to the creature and swings his sword.
----------------------------------------------- {OOC: Moves up to G8} {OOC: 17 to Hit (+2 flanking); 5 damage} ----------------------------------------------- Cold Reduction 4 (09 Days)
Lay on Hands - 0/6 casts
Spells: 1st level (4/Day) - 0 cast
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Tuesday December 17th, 2024 5:36:16 PM
Nora again starts singing to encourage her friends.
"I guess they were the ones to blame, hit us from the ground, will there ever be more of them again?
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:08:35 PM
Hamlin will cast pox pustules on the bug DC 17 fort save.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 d20+4=20 ; d20+4=12 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 9:24:50 PM
Nadia manages to dodge the cold, taking half damage, and moves into combat, taking a swing with her axe, but most likely missing
Bug Hunt - DMs Cayzle and Courtney d20=3 ; d20=2 ; d8+1=8 ; Tuesday December 17th, 2024 11:04:24 PM
Kaida is hit by the full effect of the cold spit, she moves forward to cast a protective spell on Fritjof.
Aydi manages to avoid the spit and moves forward to form a flank around the Coldheg with Yuki before landing a blow against the creature!
Fritjof thanks Kaida for the protection, then circles around the Coldheg using the cave to their advantage and attacks the creature from the side, also striking true. The beast is stummed.
Aymar moves up besides their allies and joins in the attack against the Coldheg, the swing of his sword cutting across the cold insect.
Nora keeps their position and begins a song declaring this the final fight against the bugs and inspiring their allies.
Hamln poxifies the thing.
Nadia would usually miss with a swing like that, but against a monster poxed and stunned, she hits [DM rolling damage] ... for 8 more damage. That puts it down, and then some! A quick fight!
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Wednesday December 18th, 2024 2:05:20 AM
Nadia blinks, having not expected to hit, let alone finish the creature off with such a swing of hers. Maybe she was getting better than she thought? All she knew was the creature was dead, and so "Well, that being that, we need to move deeper... And search for anymore. Who wants to lead? I can if no one can."
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+12=26 ; d20+12=13 ; Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:58:07 AM
After seeing it fall Aydi will look to the rest of the group and go ahead and scout ahead.
OOC Perception 26 Survival 13
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Wednesday December 18th, 2024 4:37:06 PM "The head's pretty, um, big," Frit observes. [b] "Maybe we should, uh, leave it here for now and grab it on the way back. I can, um, carry it."
OOC: Thanks, Courtney, for running the combat!
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+1=3 ; Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:20:47 PM Hmm, what did I hear about the nesting habits of these things?" Nora tries to remember her teachings.
"Hills? No, those were giant ants. Leaf houses? And those were some beetles... no, I don't think I have anything." she says after a moment. "But let's make sure it's empty, and salvage if they have dragged something here."
--------------------- OOC: Bardic knowledge 3, so probably no idea.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Wednesday December 18th, 2024 5:44:39 PM
"We should most assuredly squash any of its spawn just to be sure"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Wednesday December 18th, 2024 6:34:44 PM “If that was just the doorman, we might want to see who else is home.” Kaida glances at the corpse. “Might be best we leave it here while we clear out any more of them.” she agrees with the others.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:33:43 PM
Aymar gives a quick prayer to Domi. He looks around, "We have become a formidable fighting force. Its seems our practice has been paying off. Its easy to forget where we started at."
With Aydi going scouting, Aymar sticks close to Kaida and her dancing lights. He hates not being at the front of the group but strategically it makes the most sense.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d3=3 ; d3=1 ; d20+15=22 ; Wednesday December 18th, 2024 8:49:04 PM
Aydi will use Stealth to scout ahead
OOC Stealth 22 Ignore the d3 rolls
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle Wednesday December 18th, 2024 9:29:45 PM
Nadia is taken aback at having successfully ended the fight but soon thinks of exploring the rest of the cave.
Aydi moves forward to scout ahead.
Fritjof considers the size of creatures head and suggests they collect it once they are ready to leave.
Nora tries to recall what they might know about the nesting of Coldhegs.
Hamln suggests that they ensure any spawn they can find are squashed as well.
Kaida helps to scout out for any more bugs.
Aymar correctly notes that the group has grown and is more formidable! Indeed, where once you were strongly cautioned to beware when wandering the Scab, now you seem more able to travel confidently.
Not much comes to Nora’s mind on nesting habits, but as Aydi moves further into the cave, their shining armor soon lights up the walls of the far side. There are no more bugs here! At the back of the cave, a small burrow is easily found, with a easy half dozen ice blue eggs resting inside. The nest radiates cold.
Nearby, among some bones and remains, you find some gear in good shape: a suit of dwarf-size chain mail and a belt.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Thursday December 19th, 2024 12:43:33 PM
Frit looks to the others in the party. "Do you think we should, um, destroy them?" It seems unheroic to smash a bunch of unhatched eggs, but the evidence of what these creatures might do once they are hatched and grown is a all around them. He hopes the others will have greater insight into what the right thing to do is.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 d20+8=18 ; d20+6=18 ; Thursday December 19th, 2024 1:16:37 PM
Aydi wonders if there is a way to domesticate the creatures. (KN Nature 18) He will also detect magic on the armor and the belt. If magical will try to identify it. (Spellcraft 18)
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Thursday December 19th, 2024 3:44:29 PM
[b]"Bugs, they usually aren't so smart. Not that trainable, but I'm not so sure about these particular ones. Might they be smarter? Still, it feels wrong even if destroying the eggs saves so much pain later{/b], Nora joins Frit's doubts.
Hamlin Vashtel (Brent Adams) -- AC 13/13/10 -- CMD 13 -- HP 19/19 Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:05:27 PM
Hamlin casts detect magic to determine if the objects are indeed magical in nature. " As for the eggs these creatures are terrible if they grow to adulthood. We should make this path safer by destroying them"
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Thursday December 19th, 2024 7:22:13 PM
Kaida's gaze is fixed on the icy blue eggs. Without a word, she steps back from the nest and moves toward the cave wall.
There are two sides to consider. It feels wrong to destroy the eggs - they haven’t done anything wrong. But the group has seen first hand what these creatures can do when fully grown.
In her heart, she knows that Hamlin is probably right, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 d20+9=22 ; Thursday December 19th, 2024 8:12:41 PM
Aymar considers their options, needless killing is not something that he condones but this situation is different. "Sometimes hero's have to make the difficult decisions. Can the eggs be used for something beneficial? Herbal remedies, medicine, food, arcane? If not we should just do it and be done with it."
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle and DM Courtney Thursday December 19th, 2024 10:30:14 PM
Fritjof is hesitant to destroy the eggs and looks to the rest of the group for other ideas.
Aydi searches other the items for signs of magic and finds that they are indeed magical, left overs from the last adventurer to suffer an attack from the Coldhegs. A +2 belt of strength and a +1 suit of chain mail sized for a dwarf, Hamlin confirms.
Nora shares the sentiment that it doesn’t feel right to destroy the eggs when the eventual hatchlings have caused no harm. They wonder if the Coldhegs are smart enough to train.
Aydi manages to recall that Coldheg’s are smarter than the insects they somewhat resemble, and a skilled trainer may be able to tame one as a beast of burden or such. However their taste for both livestock, and humanoid flesh, alongside the tendency to spew freezing cold spit when startled, makes even a trained Coldheg a concerning prospect.
Really, the safest course of action is to get rid of the eggs, as Hamlin suggests.
Kaida agrees with Hamlin, reluctantly.
Aymar too, after thinking about uses and coming up blank.
The deed is done quickly and mercifully. And the return trip to Thistleport is uneventful.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Friday December 20th, 2024 1:57:09 PM
OOC- DMs, are the eggs shells still cold after they've been broken? If not, Frit takes a shard, slipping it into his pocket. He carries it with him as reminder that being a hero means not just putting yourself in danger, but having to make hard decisions about other lives.
Frit is quiet on the walk back to Thistleport. When he gets there, he retreats to his room. Once there, he writes a letter to Master Thrissa about his latest experiences, including the difficult decision that the group had to make eggs. He asks her how to know what to do in a situation like that one. He then meditates for a while.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Friday December 20th, 2024 3:08:48 PM
Aydi still wonders if they did what was right there. Looking at the fight it was only protecting it's young. He also knows getting rid those beast should help save lives. I know in before he would of not thought about everything. When the group gets back to Thisleport he will probably hand out with Yuki and think about the newly found memory and what it means.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Friday December 20th, 2024 5:42:32 PM
Aymar knows that this decision was for the best in the long run. Upon returning to Thistleport, he laments that there are no hot springs to go soak in, "What I wouldn't give to take a dip in a hot spring! Ugh! I guess we take the next best option...Ale!" He looks around to hoping to lift the spirits of the group.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 d20+7=27 ; Friday December 20th, 2024 6:14:27 PM
When returning to Thistleport, Nora goes to study more about Coldhegs. Then she writes a little song, both about their adventures, and to provide future bards hints about the creatures.
She tests the song with her friends. "Listen, I think the lute arrangement brings the feeling of facing the Coldhegs, do you?", she asks and plays an instrumental version. "And then the words, I tried to get both what we did and the things we learned in it." She plays again, and this time also sings.
------------------ OOC: Craft: Song 27...? That's quite a tune. My poetry can't get anywhere near that, so not even trying to ruin the impression with it.
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle and DM Courtney Friday December 20th, 2024 11:38:59 PM
Frit takes a coldheg eggshell back to Thistleport as a memento. It leaves him in a contem[lative mood.
Aydi is too, actually, but he thinks that the lives saved by the party’s deeds are the heavier weight on the scale.
Aymar enjoys some well-earned rest in Thistleport. The good brother meets him, learns about the last coldheg and awards the party another 1,000 gp bounty.
Nora composes a brilliant song to mark the occasion.
The party finds Thistleport very welcoming and relaxing, even with no hot springs. Nonetheless, downtime and rest are at hand.
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Saturday December 21st, 2024 5:21:33 PM "That is, um, a b-b-b-, a beautiful song," Frit says to Nora after she performs. "I, uh, I don't know much about music, or, um, formal composition, but I know that's beautiful."
The next day, Frit seeks out a jeweler. He's hoping to get the eggshell set as a necklace that he can wear as a reminder of the adventure and the choices he and his friends had to make.
He also asks Nadia and Kaida if they'd like to visit Sven with him--to check on him and give him the stuffie they picked out for him.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:51:52 AM
Aydi will spend the day doing what he can for the town. If it is working at the forge or taking a shift helping the guards. That evening seeing everything is pretty safe he will hang out at the pub so he can talk to his friends and see what their plans are after our brief break.
MM - Eleonora Deepmine -- AC 14 (with armor 18) -- CMD 15 -- HP 27/28 Sunday December 22nd, 2024 3:35:47 PM
Encouraged by the positive feedback, Nora goes to the pub to perform her new song.
Dominik - Aymar Shakhtar -- AC 20/16/17 -- CMD 21 -- HP 27/30 Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:16:07 PM
Aymar makes sure that Nora gets a big cheer at the pub.
RobC - Kaida Shadowplay -- AC 13/13/11 -- CMD 12 -- HP 32/32 Sunday December 22nd, 2024 9:39:50 PM
When Frit mentions visiting Sven, Kaida perks up. "Oh, absolutely!" she says, her eyes lighting up at the idea. "Let’s go. And that stuffie is perfect - it’s bound to make him smile!"
Though Kaida doesn’t voice it, she finds herself wanting to check in on Ingrida too - if only to see how things stand. She’s still a little wary of the woman.
Spencer Holloway Nadia Silvershield AC 19/13/15 HP 35/35 Tuesday December 24th, 2024 7:54:23 PM
Nadia is more than welcome to go and check on their wards, pointing out they have to ensure that everyone is going well and adjusted. "They need company while they are not among their people. Well, us but that's it really. Maybe a trip to a park or something as well? See the stars?"
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Wednesday December 25th, 2024 1:21:58 PM
Frit goes with Kaida and Nadia to check on Sven. He gives him the stuffie, sitting on the floor to play with him. He is also happy to give the park with them, offering to give Sven a piggyback ride, carefully holding onto the small toddler.
Heroes of Drakesmeade - DM Cayzle and DM Courtney Wednesday December 25th, 2024 1:35:50 PM
Frit has a local jeweler to set the coldheg eggshell into an amulet. The dwarven crafter is happy to do this work, and tells you she has some high quality raw materials that will work well. Please spend as much gold as you like, say X gp. The next day you return to obtain your amulet. You may add the following to your character sheet:
This is a bronze amulet. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is studded with steel and encircled with bands of coldheg eggshell. On the amulet is a glyph of a circle over two parallel lines -- the Old High Woldian symbol for “mend.” The value of this item is X gp.
After picking up his amulet, Frit invites Nadia and Kaida to visit Sven and Ingrida. Of course, that just means going to her room in the place you all are staying, the Orchard’s Table.
Kaida is eager to join Frit on the visit. Nadia suggests a fun outing.
In Ingrida’s room, the trio of friends finds that a mysterious benefactor has preceded them. Some anonymous person left a few presents for the boy outside the door last night. You see Sven playing with one, a small toy forge (a traditional dwarf favorite).
Ingrida is happy to go for a walk, and everybody has a fine time out and about.
StephenT - Aydi Alzila -- AC 19/16/16 -- CMD 18 -- HP 36/36 Thursday December 26th, 2024 5:27:36 PM
Aydi decides to see if there is a natural spring near the town that he can use for a bit of relaxation. Maybe even have the party come by for a bit of fun and relaxation
Jess- Fritjof -- AC 20/16/13 -- CMD 19 -- HP 43/43 Friday December 27th, 2024 9:58:00 AM
Frit has no idea how much a necklace should cost--this is the first time he's ever bought anything like for himself or anyone else. He suggests 50 gp and waits to see the crafter's reaction. If she seems to respond like this is an appropriate amount, he'll stick with that.
He is glad to see that someone else has also taken an interest in Sven. He enjoys the outing with Ingrida, Nadia, and Kaida.