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Crescent Valley (game)
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Crescent Valley: Current Events
Here is where you'll find the current combat maps, images or documents that relate to this game.
- Zombiezom'nhom
Weekly Summary Monday 26 Nov
After a while the Crescent Valley Halflings realize they ought to free to Homonculus from its box before the Zombie will go back to Flavius... Votes are cast to follow the Zombie and give back all the belongings from the Necromancer.
Results: Give back everything and no chase. Only Airin's hawk Fioni will follow the Zombie and the Homonculus.
Time to go home and wait for the first lights of dawn.
- The Return of Tommy and... Zom...
Weekly Summary Tuesday 4 Dec:
The night is cold and quiet. Some guard the hayfield - some fall asleep and others go back to town. Waiting for a sign of the little boy.
Then finally at dawn Zom returns bringing back the sleeping Tommy. He is in good health and soon our friends return home.
Only... what's up with Zom?!?
- The Aftermath of Zom
Weekly Summary Tuesday 11 Dec:
Zom's pitiful life is brought to an end and the group returns to the town with the little boy.
Reunited with his folks, a party with lots of pancakes is held to celebrate the return of Timmy. Of course our friends are the guests of honor.
Rewarded with loads of gems the group finds itself once again on a turning point... What's next?
- Training, resting and ... Huh?!?
Weekly Summary Monday 17 Dec:
The days slowly pass as our friends either rest or train at the WLA. Evenings are merry and no one worries any more about the treacherous life out there in the wild.
Two nights before the group has planned to go to Dourscale by carriage a storm rages and all are awaken in the middle of the night by someone banging on the door...
Crescent Valley: The Story So Far
A first start at the Crescent Valley history so far is uploaded. Needs additional data and of course a lot of things need to be improved (not in the least spelling mistakes being native Dutch ;-) (SVDB)
Crescent Valley: Archives
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.
Current Characters
- Kendry, bard, and writer of the letter that suggested the halflings get an adventuring group together. Curious, garrulous, indefatigable. Newly engaged to Airin
- Tobias, ranger, and master of a two-headed wolf, Tewdyr
- Podo, Walker Healer/Cleric of Alemi & Monk of Domi, spreads peace and health where ever he roams
- Julian, Protector of Domi, with his badger familiar and his sword, "EagerTooth", he can change dramatically to find the best way to combat an opponent
- Selithe, Kendry's sister, rogue and sorcerer. Enjoys gambling. Good singing voice
- Airin, partly a Rogue, partly a Druid, but completely in love with Kendry. Nimble scout but highly paranoid in the treacherous wild.
- Fickle, fighter from the 'Magic Forest' - the Culverwood. Rarely has a clue, but is great for entertainment value
- Dwight, secretive rogue-druid-witch, and key player in helping to quell Eberyon's initial destructive foray into the Wold. Insightful, circumspect, with a good head for tactics - when he chooses to focus on such
Past Characters
- Mayzie, druid, raised by elves
- Olo Thistlefoot, bushy-haired cleric of Wardd, and good cook
- Duncan, a mute monk, nimble, clever, who taught his sign language to others in the group
- Patterson 'Patty', Kendry's cousin, a powerfully-built fighter
- Polly, Duncan's friend, cousin to Kendry & Selithe, ADHD
- Shale, ranger, cousin to Kendry & Selithe. Looked forward to the heroic life.
- Morpth, Barbarian Halfling of note. Beheaded an elf during the Ebyron event forcing his early retirement. Later returned (as NPC) in the employ of Mungo Hardbottle
- Aya, cleric of Gargul - joined briefly, left quickly
- Bella: a Witch who lives in Angel Springs, and in her eccentric ways seems to delight in getting the PCs into deeper and deeper trouble - with the noblest intent.
- Lomar: a half Ogre / Ogre Mage befriended by our Halflings in the latter half of the Beer Run. An excellent drum player. Banished by his own kin, and much moved by the warm acceptance he has received in Crescent Valley (owing to a great introduction by the singing halfling adventurers).
- Bobbles: a happy dancing goblin befriended by the group during the Beer Run. Sometimes refers to Kendry as his uncle. There is no relation. Now companion to Lomar.
- Clover: Druid from the Culverwood and a member of the Secret Circle of the Culverwood. Helped our friends during their encounter with the baby Fey King. Airin gave back a Druid Vestment to him and was given a Green Silk dress and cloak of elvenkind in return.
- Savoulus: Druid from the Culverwood who helped them during the encounter with the Baby Fey King, Eberyon.
- The Telperien Family(also Telperiën): 4 signet rings were found on Goblin Bob during the Beer Run. These belonged to an elvish family called Telperien, known to be musicians, painters, and craftsman. On one of the rings is the insignia in old Common "Let the deid shaw" which translates to "Let the deed show". One of Airin's goals (shared by Kendry) is to track this family down, and return the rings.
- Graeff: A ranger who oversees a healing community in Four Peaks.
- The Crescent Valley Burgomeister, Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly. He enlisted the group's help in acquiring some of the best beer in the Wold to help him in his campaign for that office. Quite supportive of halfling adventuring groups. [Later framed on trumped up charges, replaced by another]
- Mungo Hardbottle: Purveyor of the Antiques Shoppe located in Angel Springs. Known to be well acquainted with magic.
- Mister Smith: A halfling spy and assassin who paid a couple to spy upon Bella. He nearly killed Podo, was jailed for a month. In disguise, Kendry (as 'Milo') got to know him a bit, was offered a job by 'Smith'.
- Tiggy: A friendly were-tiger, friend of Bella, who entrusted the adventurers with a set of stones for safekeeping.
Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.
Here you'll find links to all the events and history relevant to this game.
DM Pages
Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.