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Cthonia (game)
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Current Events
After the destruction of the Gate to Floating City, the waystations on the river have become more important than ever. Accordingly, the heroes of Cthonia have been sent on a mission to check the waystations and make sure they are still suitable for travel.
And it's a good thing they checked. The first two waystations were destroyed by some unknown force. They tidied up as best they could, but the question remains: who is destroying the waystantions, and why?
At the third waystation, the heroes encountered a group of friendly kobolds.
The Story so far
The party has been recruited by a merchant, Mr. Randolph, to be the heroic working arm of the Cthonian Trading Post, CTP. Their mission statement, secure the area, secure the resources as required by the Post and vet the the longevity and profitability of the Post. Some Privateers/black market poachers, run by a burly half orc called Mr Bas and some muscle have also met with the party. Things got out of hand quickly with the violently volatile Bas. The group is now meeting at the WayFarers guild and preparing to put safe distance between themselves and Mr. Bas by going to the CTP.
Journal of Toregan Dondarin
Starting this journal as a record of activities on my way to Cthonia as I have just received possible employment there. Property of Toregan Dondarin.
Day 1: Contacted by possible employer. Name of Mr. Randolf. Seeks group for the security of the Cthonian Trade Route. Meranus Stormhorn and Ygnvar Hefnd there as well. Good to see some people I know here. Some of the others look adequately skilled. Plan to accept offer tomorrow.
Day 2: Accepted offer of Mr. Randolf. Meranus Stormhorn and Yngvar Hefnd accepted as well. A young man named Leonan Songsteel is coming too. He seems like he knows how to fight. He's one of those warrior types, but he's got a good head on his shoulder for his age. A man named Henrix Sharpsword is also with us, though contrary to his name he is quite the spellslinger, and his talents will come in use quite often I would think. He seems to be even more nervous in front of people than me, always talking thorough his familiar, or writing out his speech. Hopefully I can help him with that, as soon as I can help myself. Also introduced to Artrius Myphcim, Wayfinder. Seems to know a bit about the Trading post we are to be heading to. Approached by a Half-Orc by the name of Mr. Bas. Ruthless, strong, and obviously connected with the poachers in the Thunderlands. Part of the Cat and Mouse gang located in the Floating city. Attacked us with little provocation, after warning us to keep out of their way in the post. I'll see if I can get a security detail up there for dealing with him.
Day 3: Trips gone to hell. We were supposed to be teleported to the CTP using some sort of Teucri artifact, but it malfunctioned somehow and damn near ripped Artrius in half. now we're stuck here in the middle of the Cthonian Jungle, with only a slight idea of where to go and how to get there. The CTP is supposed to be on a mesa, and theres only one that i saw. Artrius is stable for the moment, but I'll have to watch his health. Looks like I won't be enjoying those drinks anytime soon.
Day 4 Morning: Got attacked by giant bugs last night. Seems they were poisonous too. Meranus and Yngvar got hit, and they seem a bit off balance. Doesn't seem to be deadly though, so it should pass through their systems within a few days. Moving towards the mesa again.
Day 5 Morning: Lots of rain yesterday. Low visibility, and had to cut our trek short when we found decent shelter. Artrius has a fever which probably means an infection. He legs aren't much better. We travel all day today rain or not. Also saw a creature in the trees last night. could have been a monkey, but I could've sworn it was holding something while climbing. It was definitely watching us. I don't think we're alone in this forest anymore.
Day 5 Evening: Attacked by kobolds today. Probably scouting us since yesterday or even earlier. Knocked us all out and brought us to their camp. Dropped all of our gear too. Lost my bow. I'm going to miss it. Anyways, the kobolds probably planned on eating us, there were two other captives there, both with chunks out of them, and looking very thin. Odd thing is, another kobold freed us. Cut open the cage and left. If I had to guess, he was from another tribe, and getting rid of resources. On the..... darker side of things, we were only able to save one of the captives. The other one, Leonan gave a merciful death. Its tearing the kid apart. He wasn't prepared for this sort of thing. I should've been the one to do that, I would have been able to deal with it, but.... I just hope it doesn't torment the kid too badly. He's got a good head on his shoulders and I want him to get out of this place. Ran out of food too. I'll have to start gathering from the environment form now on. Monitoring the health of everyone. We're in bad shape from the kobolds.
Day 6 Morning: We have a new companion by the name of Tel Longstrider, a halfling. He brought back the gear that we had dropped in the fight. I had already thought my bow gone for good. I'm glad to have it back. Its the last thing I really have from home. Anyways, the black kobold stopped by the camp last night as well. He seemed...... I don't know how to put it. He didn't seem like he wanted to hurt us, but actually help us. He gave me a bundle of gourds. they're no larger than potion vials, and they don't smell as if they are poison. I actually believe that its some kind of healing liquid, similar to that of potions. I'm planning on giving some to Artrius and the elf we saved. Maybe it'll work. As a side note, I'll have to ask around at the CTP about the kobold tribes. If there's one that isn't hostile to outsiders, it would be a good chance to get some allies.
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.
Current Roster
Current characters.
Toregan Dondarin Human Ranger (Played by Sean)
Yngvar Hefnd Human Wizard (Played by Ezra S)
Faust Surface Drow Alchemist (Played by Pedro)
Ragnarök Human Monk of Domi (Played by Steven VdB)
Past Characters
Past Characters go here.
Tack Greenword Halfling Sorcerer (Played by Corey D)
Leonan Songsteel Human Fighter (Played by Erik)
Tel Longstride Halfling Ranger (Played by Derek Walters)
Rexxan Illiek Human Cleric of Domi (Played by Bruno T)
Henrix Sharpsword Human Wizard (Played by Andrew S)
Meranus Stormhorn Minotaur Fighter (Played by Josh Ingram)
Raven Human Cleric of Gargul (Played by Jon Eber)
Ellie Half Elf Summoner (Played by Rob C)
Griffin Half Elf Rogue (Played by Jon Eber)
Asteron Minotaur Barbarian (Played by Jorge)
Artrius Myphcim -- Wayfarer Guild Member that has travelled back and forth from the Trading Post to the Floating City many times and knows the Cthonia area well. He is a Guild member in good standing, with more than 10 years experence. He is 5'10" and 180 pounds with fair skin, short sandy hair, and a neat beard and mustache. Art favors cotton shirts in dark colors, with a leather, many-pocketed vest, sturdy wool pants with leather belt, and a long dagger. He is single and in his mid thirties. He is known as an affable man who likes his job and has no enemies to speak of. His easygoing manner hides a fierce competence.
Mr. Randolph -- A cultured gentlemen, typically dressed in the style of a wealthy merchant. At times, he smokes a gorgeous pipe magicked to create all kinds of effects, both with the smoke and the emotions of the smoker. He has a good reputation and is known for dealing fairly and legally in all ventures. He is in his thirties, but is already on his 3rd wife. One of his exes is still living and he supports her and their 7 children. An opportunistic trader, he deals in anything he can turn a nice profit on from live animals to furniture to rope and tackle. He is on the Merchant Guild Council and has much of their support.
Mr. Bas -- Black markerteer roughian/thug/extortionist. Half orc 6'5" 240 and as slimy as they come. Average intelligence but generally uses the direct intimidating approach. He is mean, viscious, fairly well connected and moves quickly to destroy those he sees as a threat.
The Trading Post Residents
--Haggard Stark: --Tavern Owner/Brewer. Haggard is a mountain of a man, standing 6'6" and weighing around 280 pounds. He is in his mid forties. He is bald, and claims it's because he shaves his head every morning, and honestly, who's going to contradict him? He has dark eyes, bushy brown eyebrows, a very coarse 5 o'clock shadow. He has a large nose, cocked to the right. He wears a sleeveless buckskin tunic, and thick black bearskin (not fur) trousers. He keeps a dagger on one hip and a well crafted handaxe on the other. A large grey-whiskered mountain lion by the name of Grim sits curled up in a corner of the tavern. It raises its head to "check out" each patron as they enter. Haggard's old Greatsword, "Vanguard" hangs above the mantle.
--Hope Stark: --Daughter of Haggard Stark and an aspiring young Bard. Hope is a beautiful young woman with a voice of silk. She is tall (5'8") with a lithe, athletic build. She is extremely agile. Long brown hair is left down to flow to the middle of her back. Her eyes are the color of dark emeralds, and her tan skin is without a blemish. She favors a loose-fitting white cotton shirt and a maroon-and-black laced bodice.
--Lerangis: --A gangly half-elf woman, Lerangis stands 6 feet tall and weights no more than 110 pounds. Spry and nimble, she has a long bird-beak of a nose set in a well-weathered face. She is all about the survival of this post; she thinks Fate brought her here and she’s here for good. She is also security-conscious, so she keeps her goods locked up tight. Her eyes always search and look at customers, even the ones she knows. She has a large collection of good locks, and supplements them with cunning traps of her own devising.
--Polly: --Plump, blue-eyed, blond Polly is the sweetest person you'd ever hope to meet. Everyone at the Trading Post says so. Blessed with a sunny disposition, she is never without a cheery smile or a kindly word.
--Anna: --Half-elven Anna is as blond as Polly, but she is thin and lissome where Polly is plump. And while Polly is sweet and cheerful, Anna....isn't. Anna is beautiful and knows it. She expects everyone to defer to her beauty, and is visibly annoyed when they do not.
--Bast the Brewer:-- Trained in the fields and breweries of the second plateau, Bast was kicked out of his family for experimenting too much. Now they beg him to return. Bast has not only developed new brews of his own, he has also purchased a few recipes from others to supplement them. His reputation is growing, and fully a quarter of the traffic that comes to the Trading Post is specifically due to Bast's skill.
--Toth: --A streetwise kid Bast adopted when he was left behind by a caravan. Toth was trouble, but Bast has tamed, adopted him, and shared with him his love for brewing. Now Toth is an able apprentice, often seen running errands for the brewer.
--Diaosha, Bast’s wife.-- When Bast was driven out by his family, devoted Diaosha came right along with him, and has never regretted it for a moment. She has proven to have quite the head for business, and essentially manages the brewery for her husband. Both Bast and Diaosha pretend that he is in charge, but it is an open secret that he'd be lost without her.
--Risca the Stalwart:-- The dwarven master smith who runs the workshop says he doesn't have a history. He is extremely protective of Hope Stark, though none can really point to a reason. (Nudge and Patterson likely have an idea, but if they do they haven't shared it.) No on knows Risca's surname or clan, but is an extremely talented craftsman and his work is gaining in reputation in Hook City and Floating City.
--Nudge:-- The gnome armor smith has had a fear of “horrible raking attacks” since some battle decades ago, which still figures prominently in his nightmares. He talks very fast and never stops between sentences. Nudge is not his real name, but so far it's the only one he's shared.
--Patterson:-- The Halfling bowmaker also makes various tools. Somewhat shy, he talks softly and always seems to be looking over his shoulder. He is fond of nature; his hairy white feet can often be seen dangling from one tree or another as smoke rings puff through the branches. He also holds church services for various gods on their holy days. Post gossips are divided as to whether he is a priest or a ranger.
--Penfold Blurwinder Phwent (Pen):-- Pen is a gnome from the Floating City assigned to run the post. Stuck as a lower administrator and yearning for more, he jumped at the chance to move to a higher-profile position. He is middle-aged, with a wife and son, who both live with him at the post. He is ambitious, and determined to prove the worth of the Trading Post, and of himself as an administrator. He is orderly, meticulous, and always on the lookout for improvements.
--Phinystys Cobberstore Phwent (Phinny):-- Phinny is Pen’s devoted wife. She loves her husband dearly and despite what Pen thinks, she is quite happy with their life together. She supports and encourages Pen, but does not understand his drive for greater success. She was a bit put off when they first came out beyond civilization and she lost access to reliable metalsmithing tools and supplies for her tinkering, but she now makes do with an occassional delivery. Mostly she worries about their son who seems to have "the feys," that is, displaying a knack for mischief and magic.
--Penttlecaster Blurwinder Phwent (Caster):-- Caster is gnome of 16 whose magical gifts are beginning to manifest. He is insatiably curious, overly mischievous, and a source of major worry for his mother. And his father, whenever Pen spares a moment from worrying about the Trading Post.
--Rexan--: Human cleric of Alemi and former member of the group sent by Mr Randolph to the Trading Post. He has decided to retire from the adventuring life that brought him here and to set up pernament residence. He has begun courting Anna. He currently shares the residence with Patterson the bowmaker; plans are underway to build an addition.
--Gazzy-- : She is quite the cat’s meow to the older gentlemen of the trading post--none of whom have demonstrated the courage to make the first move. She simply LOVES dinosaurs, and seems to have an affinity with them, although she never discusses it. Folks swear she can turn back a raging dino just by looking it in the eye; it is almost as if she goes into a trance that they can understand. She is not often at the Trading Post; she spends much of her time out in the jungle gathering for her potions and concoctions. She can brew an antidote to just about anything, and sees no practical difference between a poison and a disease. Both harm the body, she says, and both can be neutralized with the correct remedy.
--Borcht the Baker:-- Borcht had a rough exterior and a heart of gold. Unfortunately, he was killed during a dinosaur attack on the Trading Post, leaving his sister to run the mill and bakery.
--Klairiest:-- Borcht’s sister inherited his business and responsibilities. Klairiest is as stern and intimidating as her brother was, but she has a deep, abiding sense of community. Nobody goes hungry in the Trading Post, whether they can pay or not, and Klairiest scorns any idea of thanks.
Tribe of Kobolds
Ss'Hathk tribe
Current condition: Hostile; extreme
Local Headhunter kobold tribe. Tribe is Brown with Tan highlights. short crests of black and brown from snout to upper skull back, long viper=-like tails. Initial Reaction is always Hostile. Ambush hit and run like the other small humanoid tribes of the jungle floor about the mesa's high use of poison and alchemy which seperates them from the others. Primitive tech, no metal weapons or armor, no refining capabilities. wood and vine construction of Tribe. Like many primitive cultures here they worship the land and the geat dinosaur. Tribe sits on exposed gold ore vien and use the unrefined ore in all decorations. Powder form for paint, small nuggets in necklaces and such. matriarchal society with the Chief (female) in charge Tribe is about 150 warriors strong.
Grux The Kobold Observer; Current Condition: Neutral - has lent the party assistance in escaping the Ss'Hathk Tribe Observer in Ambush Scene; dark black scales with green highlights and a brown crest running from the bridge of his nose, over his head and all the way to the tip of his tail. Visibly equipped with bow and sword a pair of pouches on his belt. He observes the attack on the interlopers by a different kobold clan that he has been watching for his own clan for a few months. He will not approach the party and will quickly loose them in the jungle if they come after him. The Kobold is a mid lvl Ranger/Sorcerer with Dragon bloodline. Initial level idea is 4/6 He is an introduction only and will be a reoccurring NPC seen but never approaching. The hope is that the party will try and initiate peaceful contact at some point. A running NPC reaction scale should be kept. The Kobold will begin 1 step worse than neutral. I'll create a point system. He is more intelligent than the rest of his tribe. This makes him sort of an outsider so he volunteers himself as a scout and spy for his tribe. They "like" him and want his help thinking about "stuff" when there is a "big problem." They "hates" him and ridicule him when things are going well. Grux usually spends his time in the canopy hunting and honing his skills. The Kobolds can't get to him for their daily "beatings" when he's in the trees
Here are details on the Geography, History, and Settlements in Cthonia.