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The Woldian League of Adventurers
Established in the beginning years of the Second Age, the Woldian League of Adventurers has long been the largest, most influential and most popular of all adventuring guilds due to the exceptional support and training it offers as well as its reputation for compassion and heroism.
[hide]Membership Requirements
- Class: Any
- Level: Any
- Race: Any.
- Alignment: Any Good.
- Deity: Any
- Deed: None
- Oath: Adventurers must take the League oath: “I, (state your name), do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it.”
- Fee: Varies by level (See Benefits)
Sphere of Influence: The League is a global organization, supported by all governments that allow adventuring groups, and has chapters in most large towns and cities on both continents and all major islands.
Ethos: The League unites heroic adventurers in fighting evil, in all its deadly forms, and in protecting the innocent. Of course, there are as many ways to apply that ethos in practice as there are members.
Level | Title | Skill Bonus | Special | Dues |
1 | Adventurer | +1 | Badge, Information | Oath |
2 | +1 | |||
3 | Journeyman | +1 | Training I, Prestige I | 1,000 gp dues |
4 | +1 | |||
5 | +1 | |||
6 | Guardian | +1 | Training II | 2,500 gp dues |
7 | +1 | |||
8 | +1 | |||
9 | Officer | +1 | Training III, Prestige II | 3,500 gp dues |
10 | +1 | |||
11 | +1 | |||
12 | Champion | +1 | Training IV | 4,000 gp dues |
13 | +1 | |||
14 | +1 | |||
15 | +1 | |||
16 | Hero | +1 | Training V, Prestige III | 7,000 gp dues |
17 | +1 | |||
18 | +1 | |||
19 | +1 | |||
20 | +1 |
WLA Badge: When you take the oath and join the WLA, you receive a magical badge, a Fate Item, known all over the Wold. It is in the shape of a battlemented tower with the WLA symbol in Old High Woldian. This slotless magical item only works for you, and all WLA benefits (Skills, Training, Prestige, Hero) only function when you wear your badge. If your WLA badge is damaged, it is restored to full hit points at dawn the next morning. If it is lost or destroyed, you replace it after one week in a special ceremony at a WLA chapterhouse, with a cost of 200 gp per character level. The badge has hardness 30 and 10 hit points.
Skill Bonus: For each of your character levels, you gain a +1 unnamed bonus on checks for a skill you select. Note that this is a bonus - not a skill rank. You can select a given skill no more than twice, so the bonus maxes out at +2 for any particular skill. You cannot change the skills, once chosen. This bonus does not require WLA Training for levels 1 and 2. Further skill bonuses require WLA Training.Information: One of the League's primary tasks is to gather local knowledge and information, to offer WLA members situational awareness of events in the Wold, which makes the chapterhouses a font of eclectic information. Normally, you need to have at least one skill rank in a Knowledge skill to attempt skill checks above DC10. When you are at a chapterhouse, you may attempt those checks even if you are not trained. This bonus does not require WLA Training.
Prestige: When openly wearing your WLA Badge, you gain +1 circumstance bonus on all charisma-based skill checks with all Noble Races. This bonus increases to +2 at level 9, and +3 at level 16. This benefit requires WLA Training.
WLA Training: Starting at Journeyman and at each rise in rank, you may seek out and undergo two days of training led by a WLA-certified adventurer. This training grants you a Bonus Feat. The cost and available feats are dependent by rank. You can choose to undergo all training you qualify for at the same time, but you must train at the lower level rank before training a higher rank. Training times and cost stack. You must qualify for all bonus feat prerequisites.
Training I: Requires 1,000 gp in dues any time after gaining 3rd level. Pick one bonus feat: Armor Proficiency [any], Martial Weapon Proficiency [any], Run, Self-Sufficient, Magical Aptitude.Training II: Requires Training I and 2,500 gp in dues any time after gaining 6th level. Pick one bonus feat: Endurance, Toughness, Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, or one feat from Training I list.
Training III: Requires Training II and 3,500 gp in dues any time after gaining 9th level. Pick one bonus feat: Die Hard, Fleet, Combat Casting; OR one feat from a previous list.
Training IV: Requires Training III and 4,000 gp in dues any time after gaining 12th level. Pick one bonus feat from the Advanced Players Guide: Bodyguard, Cosmopolitan, Saving Shield, Heroic Recovery, Minor Spell Expertise; OR one feat from a previous list.
Training V: Requires Training IV and 7,000 gp in dues any time after gaining 16th level. Gains one feat from any previous list and can cast Atonement as a spell like ability, limited to the Redemption or Temptation version, 1/day.
The WLA is ancient, dating back, according to some, to the Second Age and filling the void of the Oshirr House after the ascension of Alemi and Domi. It has borne several names over the centuries, but the original Three Precepts of Oshirr House remain:
- To foster the excellent behavior and sterling reputations of adventuring groups.
- To offer adventurers centers for training and information.
- To help those in need to find an adventuring group to aid them.
The original first chapterhouse of the WLA in the interior of the continent of Yrth no longer exists. It was abandoned at the end of the Third Age and assumed to be destroyed in the Cataclysm. The current ‘First Chapterhouse’ is in Plateau City near the Red Wyrm Inn. It was established by the legendary half-elven ranger-cleric Lars Tokasis, who devoted his considerable wealth and prestige to enhancing the reputation and reach of the WLA throughout the Wold. Some say he is still alive, and lucky members may meet him and even learn from him during their training.
Each chapter operates independently but works from a common charter overseen by the First Chapterhouse. Most local chapterhouses are run by retired adventurers or family members of local adventurers and can provide food, lodging, information and training. Most chapterhouses have access to healing and other spell casting services for the regular price.
WLA chapters tend to be built near the a city’s most infamous inn. (In small towns, the chapterhouse may well double as an actual inn.) One can easily spot the iconic tower with the WLA symbol in Old High Woldian. Some older chapters have four carved faces of a Fighter, Mage, Cleric, and Thief instead of the Old High Woldian symbol.
The League pretty much runs itself, supported through altruism and heroic adventurers stepping up when needed. When necessity requires a Wold-wide response, a League Council convenes at the First Chapterhouse. Invariably, the right heroes seem to be at the right time and do what needs to be done. The League works closely with the Dragon Consortium.
The League strives to be a beacon of good in the Wold without taking sides when people and nations disagree in good faith. They do not have any true enemies or rivals in the ruling governments in the Wold, though they are viewed with distrust by a great many other groups, notably the mercenary outfit The Mailed Fist.