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Title of Module: Adventurers
'''Back to [[DMs Only: Legacy of Heroes]]'''
Game: Legacy of Heroes
Game: Legacy of Heroes
Line 19: Line 21:
Changes to module when played: 1 paragraph (to be done when the module concludes)
Changes to module when played: 1 paragraph (to be done when the module concludes)
Scene 1: The Day Everything Changed
==Scene 1: The Day Everything Changed==
[3 weeks] [500 xp]
[3 weeks] [500 xp]
Line 69: Line 71:
If the PCs search, they find a small cache of coins in one of the torn-up areas of earth where the elementals came out. Probably, the coins were buried there years ago, and forgotten. There’s about 20 gp worth.
If the PCs search, they find a small cache of coins in one of the torn-up areas of earth where the elementals came out. Probably, the coins were buried there years ago, and forgotten. There’s about 20 gp worth.
Scene 2: After the Attack
==Scene 2: After the Attack==
[2 weeks] [200 xp]
[2 weeks] [200 xp]
Line 89: Line 91:
The suggestion is made that the PCs accompany the younger kids, for “security.” It's clear that most of the professors believe no extra security is really needed, but they think the PCs deserve a little off-campus treat for their heroism, and Lord Bydrian seems willing to host them.
The suggestion is made that the PCs accompany the younger kids, for “security.” It's clear that most of the professors believe no extra security is really needed, but they think the PCs deserve a little off-campus treat for their heroism, and Lord Bydrian seems willing to host them.
Scene 3: The Safe Road
==Scene 3: The Safe Road==
[4 weeks] [400 xp.]
[4 weeks] [400 xp.]
Line 131: Line 133:
Regardless of whether the bandits are questioned, the PCs find 50 gold on each bandit if they search.
Regardless of whether the bandits are questioned, the PCs find 50 gold on each bandit if they search.
Scene 4: Chateau Henderly
==Scene 4: Chateau Henderly==
[2 weeks] [200 xp.]
[2 weeks] [200 xp.]
Line 147: Line 149:
Everyone gets a good night's sleep, and prepares to leave in the morning.
Everyone gets a good night's sleep, and prepares to leave in the morning.
Scene 5: Return to Maplehurst
==Scene 5: Return to Maplehurst==
[4 weeks] [500 xp.]
[4 weeks] [500 xp.]
Line 161: Line 163:
The PCs are “real” adventurers now! Also, they're second level.
The PCs are “real” adventurers now! Also, they're second level.
End matter:
==End matter:==
A: List all NPCs used in the module. Even if it is NOT the first time for that NPC to be used in the campaign, write a sentence or two describing the NPC. If there are changes in the NPC in this module, note that it is a change and what changed. An alternative to this is to have an NPC page on Woldipedia and link to that page where all NPCs are here.
A: List all NPCs used in the module. Even if it is NOT the first time for that NPC to be used in the campaign, write a sentence or two describing the NPC. If there are changes in the NPC in this module, note that it is a change and what changed. An alternative to this is to have an NPC page on Woldipedia and link to that page where all NPCs are here.

Latest revision as of 15:02, 6 December 2012

Back to DMs Only: Legacy of Heroes


Game: Legacy of Heroes

Projected Dates: October 2011 – February 2012

Author(s): Kathy Ice

Starting Party Level: 1

Module Background: [Note: This is DM information only. It is highly unlikely the PCs will find out any of this stuff during the module, though they may learn some at the end.] One of Plateau City's many adventuring companies is a group called the Order of the White Rose. Two of its members, the elf Tilannen Wintershine and the human Saadi Droverson, are husband and wife. Their daughter, Dawn Wintershine, attends Maplehurst. The Order has had several run-ins with a powerful evil wizard who calls herself Lady Ostine. They have thwarted Lady Ostine on several occasions, but the Lady herself has always eluded capture. Now, in retaliation for her latest defeat (and possibly to set up her next scheme), Lady Ostine has decided to kidnap Dawn Wintershine.

She began by studying the defenses of Maplehurst, and concluded that the underground approach would be the best. She therefore acquired spells, scrolls, and magic items that would allow her to summon and/or control elementals [since the PCs are never going to find any of this stuff, I'm comfortable hand-waving it]. Before launching her attack, she made contingency plans. She hired a band of bandits in Dirt City (disguising her appearance whenever she met with them) and moved them to Plateau City. On the day she struck, she moved her bandits into strategic positions, reasoning that if her initial attack failed, the school might very well try to move the pupils to safety, and her bandits might still be able to snatch the girl. She didn't think this very likely, but bandits are cheap.

[She may have made other contingency plans at the same time, but the bandits are the only ones we're going to run into.]

Summary of Module: The PCs are going about their day when the school is attacked—from below! They are called upon to help fight the attacking elementals, some of which seem to be headed toward a group of younger pupils. After some discussion, the young pupils are moved from the school, and the PCs are asked to accompany them. However, their group is attacked on the road. They re-group, summon reinforcements from the school, and attempt to return. There is another attack, and the PCs are once again called upon to help.

Changes to module when played: 1 paragraph (to be done when the module concludes)

Scene 1: The Day Everything Changed

[3 weeks] [500 xp]

The scene opens with Our Heroes peacefully going about their day. Suddenly, pandemonium! The school is being attacked—from below. Although the school's above-ground defenses are excellent, there are only minimal defenses against underground incursions, so when a full score of earth elementals attack the place, things get pretty bad.

The instructors respond to the threat and fight the elementals, telling the kids to get to safety. However, Our Heroes spot a group of smaller elementals [2 Small, 1 Medium], overlooked in the general melee, making a beeline for a group of terrified Lower School kids. With any luck, Our Heroes leap into the fray, and violence ensues.

Earth elementals are located at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/elemental.html#_elemental-earth

Small Earth Elemental CR 1 XP 400 N Small outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4 Defense AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (–1 Dex, +7 natural, +1 size) hp 13 (2d10+2) Fort +4, Ref –1, Will +3 Immune elemental traits Offense Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide Melee slam +6 (1d6+4) Special Attacks earth mastery Statistics Str 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 13 Feats Improved Bull RushB, Power Attack Skills Appraise +1, Climb +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1, Knowledge (planes) +1, Perception +4, Stealth +7

Medium Earth Elemental CR 3 XP 800 N Medium outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +7 Defense AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +9 natural) hp 34 (4d10+12) Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +4 Immune elemental traits Offense Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide Melee slam +9 (1d8+7) Special Attacks earth mastery Statistics Str 20, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 18 Feats Cleave, Improved Bull RushB, Power Attack Skills Appraise +1, Climb +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (planes) +2, Perception +7, Stealth +3

If the PCs search, they find a small cache of coins in one of the torn-up areas of earth where the elementals came out. Probably, the coins were buried there years ago, and forgotten. There’s about 20 gp worth.

Scene 2: After the Attack

[2 weeks] [200 xp]

[Note: There is a lot of discussion in this scene. I have noted down what the professors will say; what the PCs say or do is up to them. I'm going to have to improvise a bit, and speed up the scene if the PCs seem to just be standing around watching.]

The attack leaves several injured but no dead (unless the PCs have really screwed up; I'll have a contingency plan for that). It has also destroyed several buildings, and left the school's security seriously compromised.

The PCs are praised for their quick thinking, and are not actually shooed away when the faculty begins discussing the attacks. They learn that, in the expert opinion of most of the faculty, the smaller elementals who broke away were after something in particular. They had a specific mission.

The elementals were heading toward an outbuilding where weapons are stored. In that general direction is also the temple, where there are a few magic items. The elementals could have been after either, though both seem a somewhat odd choice.

Hardly anyone believes the elementals were actually after the group of Lower School kids (who were, specifically, one of two classes of second-years); they think the kids just happened to be in the way. Professor Goodnight, however, is convinced that one of the kids was, in fact, the target, and that they should be removed to safety (since the school's own security is compromised). There is an argument.

At last, Lord Bydrian suggests that the class of second-years accompany him to his estate, and stay there for a time, at least until more is known about the attack. He argues it will do no harm, and of course, the roads are safe.

(The safe roads are described at http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Geography:_New_Elenna)

The suggestion is made that the PCs accompany the younger kids, for “security.” It's clear that most of the professors believe no extra security is really needed, but they think the PCs deserve a little off-campus treat for their heroism, and Lord Bydrian seems willing to host them.

Scene 3: The Safe Road

[4 weeks] [400 xp.]

The shadows are stretching long by the time the group gets on the road, but of course, that's all right, because all roads on the Second Plateau are safe. At dusk, however, they come to a spot where a mudslide has made the road impassible. The PCs and their professor just might manage to climb over, but there's no way they're getting the kids over. They're going to have to go around.

This likely seems very suspicious to the PCs, especially with the apparent synergy between mudslides and earth elementals. Also it hasn't rained in weeks. They can make whatever preparations they like prior to stepping off the road.

The minute they leave the road, they are in fact attacked. This time it's bandits [3 or maybe 4. This encounter isn't supposed to be difficult, but they won't have had time to renew spells, etc., since the last one, so it will be a challenge.].

Bandits can be found at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mastery/nPCGallery/brigands.html#_bandit

Bandit CR 1/2 XP 200 Human warrior 2 CN Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception –1 Defense AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 shield) hp 11 (2d10) Fort +3, Ref +2, Will –1 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee rapier +3 (1d6+1/18–20) or sap +3 (1d6+1 nonlethal) Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+1/×3) Statistics Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 9 Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16 Feats Dodge, Point Blank Shot Skills Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Ride +5, Stealth +2 Languages Common Gear studded leather, buckler, composite longbow (+1 Str) with 20 arrows, rapier, sap, light horse (combat trained)

If captured and questioned, the bandits know the following information: ·Their names are Kel, Skans, and Ferrot. They are part of a larger group of bandits, based in Dirt City. Their leader is a half-orc woman named Tevla; the band is generally known simply as Tevla's crew. ·About a week ago, Tevla's crew was hired for a job. They were teleported to Plateau City and put up at an inn for a few days. They were told they were the “contingency plan.” This morning, they were assigned various spots on the Second Plateau and told to grab the target if they saw her. The bandits heard their companions being given their assignments, but the locations meant nothing to them and now they can't remember what they heard; they were concentrating on their own assignment. ·The target is a half-elf girl with pale blond hair named Dawn something. ·The person who hired them was a red-haired elf woman, who must be some kind of wizard or something because she was able to teleport them. Though not all at once. She did not give a name; among themselves, the bandits call her the Red Lady. ·The Red Lady did not tell them why she wanted Dawn, and honestly, they don't really care. She gave them 50 gold (each) in advance, and promised more if they captured the girl.

Regardless of whether the bandits are questioned, the PCs find 50 gold on each bandit if they search.

Scene 4: Chateau Henderly

[2 weeks] [200 xp.]

Lord Bydrian's servants are astonished at the influx of students, but they do their best to find accommodations for everyone. Lord Bydrian asks to talk to the PCs.

Their conversation is going to vary depending on whether they questioned the bandits. If they did not, they're going to have to talk to the second-years to try to figure out who the bandits were after. Dawn knows about her parents and the Order and Lady Ostine, and she can soon get everyone up to speed. She is a timid girl, however, and very upset by today's events; there are a lot of tears.

Lord Bydrian sends Dawn away before talking more with the PCs. The group is safe for the moment, but stranded. There isn't another road back to Maplehurst, and that mudslide is going to take days to clear. And it's only a matter of time before Lady Ostine re-groups and launches another attack. Lord Bydrian is the etiquette and diplomacy guy; he can tell a shrimp fork from an oyster fork at a glance, but he's no spellcaster and can't think of a way out of this.

If the PCs can think of a clever way of getting a message to the school asking for help, then they can do that and it will work. Otherwise, somebody from the school thinks to contact Lord Bydrian with a Sending spell, to which he can reply. Once they know of the situation, several Maplehurst professors teleport to the manor.

Unfortunately, they cannot return directly to Maplehurst via teleport, because there are protections in place to prevent teleportation (the professors had to walk about a half-mile down the road before teleporting). Anyway, there are too many students to take everybody at once; and making multiple trips means the party is strung out between the two locations for far too long. They're going to have to return on foot, and hope the professors will be able to protect the group.

Everyone gets a good night's sleep, and prepares to leave in the morning.

Scene 5: Return to Maplehurst

[4 weeks] [500 xp.]

Lady Ostine's forces attack before the group even reaches the road. The attack force includes more elementals, and the remainder of Tevla's crew, including Tevla herself. Lady Ostine, a distantly-glimpsed figure, lobs a few spells, but quickly retreats once the battle turns.

The professors handle the tough stuff, but the PCs are again called to action when a smaller group breaks away and tries for a flanking maneuver. Exactly how strong this force is will depend on how well the PCs handled the first two fights; if I need to make this one tougher, I will.

Like the earlier bandits, each of these has 50 gp in their belt pouch.

Once that battle is over, there is no further impediment to returning to Maplehurst. The PCs are again congratulated for their bravery and quick thinking. A few days later, Dawn's parents arrive at the school, full of concern, but also congratulations for the PCs. As a reward, they sponsor a shopping trip to the Catacombs. (This should be fun. A field trip. And for many of the players, it will be their first trip to the Catacombs, so I kind of like the idea of bringing chaperones.)

The PCs are “real” adventurers now! Also, they're second level.

End matter:

A: List all NPCs used in the module. Even if it is NOT the first time for that NPC to be used in the campaign, write a sentence or two describing the NPC. If there are changes in the NPC in this module, note that it is a change and what changed. An alternative to this is to have an NPC page on Woldipedia and link to that page where all NPCs are here.

Professor Jervis Goodnight: Listed in the planning sheet Lord Bydrian Henderly: Listed in the planning sheet Tilannen Wintershine and Saadi Droverson (New NPCs): Experienced adventurers, WLA members, and members of the Order of the White Rose (which I totally made up). They're roughly 12th-13th level, Good-aligned, nice people. He's an elf; she's a human. They're married, and their daughter Dawn attends Maplehurst. Dawn Wintershine (New NPC): Dawn is 14 years old (about 9 in human years), small for her age, with pale blond hair and green eyes. She is sweet, good-natured, and obedient. She is also timid and somewhat frail, so at present she doesn't look much like adventurer material. Lady Ostine (New NPC): An arch-nemesis, but not the PCs'. She's waaaay out of their league. She is beautiful, cold, evil, and very smart. Even the Order of the White Rose can't say for sure what she looks like; she makes frequent use of magical disguises. Kel, Skans, and Ferrot: Bandits. They might even survive the module.

B: List all locations used in the module. [same as for NPCs.] Describe the location. We’re talking places like inns, shops, temples, etc. If there are changes to the location from the last entry, note what has changed and that it HAS changed.

Maplehurst Academy: Most of the action takes place outside, in the aftermath of the attack. This module will tear up the floors of some of the buildings; I'll try to remember to have construction people working on repairs in the next module. Chateau Henderly (new location): A typical Second-Plateau manor house, fully staffed. Not quite up to an invasion of 40 (or so) Maplehurst students, but they do their best.

C: Magic Treasure: List all magic treasure given in the module. Check with the DM of the Catacombs if you are not sure about what their rules are for magic items, what can be sold, etc. This should be done to Woldian standards.

No specific magic treasure is given out. Instead, Dawn's parents sponsor a shopping trip to the Catacombs. Each PC can pick out a magic item. I think I'll make it a choice of a +1 armor or shield, a first-level wand, a first-level Pearl of Power, or a selection of potions. There ought to be something for everyone there.

D: List the experience for the module. [Remember we are advancing at 3 levels a year for levels 1-3, 2 levels a year after that until 20th level is reached.] I highly suggest dividing the xp for the module by the scene and then giving out “xp per scene.” Play-testing shows that this helps keep the interest of the players high.

1800 xp. Everybody should be 2nd level by the end.

General notes:

Give me the level of detail necessary to for a sub, not familiar with the game or campaign to run the module. Anything beyond that is up to you. Look at your module as you fill in the template with that "focus" in mind. Can my Asst. DM or a sub DM run this with this amount of information? I do not need monster details for the module -- just the name of the monster, etc. If strategy is needed, include that. You can work up the monster's stats when the combat comes. We are all honorable enough to not cheat "against" the players during combat. It is very easy however, to just paste monster stats from an online source into the module though. It puts everything in one place.