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Latest revision as of 15:33, 20 March 2014

Jerry: Module approved. on 2012DEC25. This is a nice one Kathy. They will enjoy it. Note the new requirement on 2B. Quick fix, but as promised, the module is approved.  ;) Thanks for being the first to be done!

Jerry: Reviewed on 2012DEC21. Please correct the things on the list below and I will approve the module. The module is very focused. I like it alot. There are no “writing” requirements at all, just suggestions. The two requirements are in other areas and should be easy to fix. When the corrections are done, shoot me an email and lead me here again and I will put my approval stamp on this.  :)

Thanks! It was a joy to read.


1) Jerry high suggestion: With our slow pace of play, I think we should add some small piece of story here to keep them focused on why they are here. Can you place something in one of the traps that give information about the druids to come. Then they can make perception checks on that information to interpret what it means and how it might help them. Perhaps something about how one druid has something going on on the side or perhaps a hint of why they are attacking the waystations. Or perhaps some letter describing to some unknown agent that their plans are proceeding well. Or perhaps a letter scrap that mentions the party, but without context letting the party know that the druids are aware of the trading post and the party patroning it.

2) Jerry requirement: Please total the treasure for the module and compare that to where they should be at their “after the module” level. I’m not saying you have to stay exactly at 1x wealth or that you need to do an item by item table or anything like that, but we do need to keep up with where we’re at. So just do the total value here and where that puts them in a general sense with regard to the 1x wealth table.

2a) Jerry suggestion: The ACDMs and I are having a revival of roleplaying emphasis. Part of this is “interesting” treasure that creates roleplaying situations. Treasure that starts a mystery. Treasure that creates emotions such as dread and fear. Treasure that reveals history and takes them to an NPC to learn more, etc. I suggest adding an item or two of treasure of this type. I also suggest tailoring the treasure a bit more than we have been doing so that they WANT to keep it and not sell it. Fate items are also encouraged as they can’t be sold.

2b) Jerry requirement 2nd round: Do list them officially as a Fate item so that they cannot be sold in the CC. They are fine and I like them. If I “was” to add to them in any way, I’d throw some story behind them. Why are they significant to Auntie and her people? Are they an honor? Who was the last “friend of the tribe” to earn these? etc.

2c) Jerry idea to share: In my local campaign, I have the kobolds using a totem pole and when significant things happen, they add a face to the pole. Could be fun to have the tribe split on who’s image should be added to the totem.  :) This could serve as an opening scene for your next module. Just an idea. Adding it to my campaign now I think. Hmm.....part of the tribe wants the tank because he fought so bravely. Part of the tribe wants our mage because he is short like them. Or something similar. Could be an interesting way to start the evening of play.

3) Jerry high suggestion: Please expand the roleplaying before the battle begins. I see the questioning section below, but I think there should be an opportunity at least for some talking beforehand. This is a great place to make these druids seem like more than someone just to fight. Remember our new push for high levels of roleplaing. There is nothing to “fix” here, just the high suggestion to allow some roleplay before the likely battle. Let the party use some diplomacy, though it will fail, barring something very unusual. There can also be levels of disagreement/hatred that can come of talking with them. The druids shouldn’t be just something to kill.  :) You have set up some really good motivation here for the druids. This is your time to develop the story and go deeper. I’m also thinking that this might be a battle where the druids will try to escape or surrender. They might even agree to stop the damage to the Waystations, and then go do it again when DARE comes down upon them.

4) Jerry High Suggestion: Where exactly are the locations in this module? It would be VERY helpful to any sub and to your players to show these things by “editing” a copy of the Cthonia map and show the relevant locations please. Then during the module email maps to the party so they have a mental picture of where they are and where they are going.

5) Jerry requirement: Please list what PC level the party will be at when the module concludes. Thanks.

Title of Module: Friends and Foes

Game: Cthonia

Projected Dates: January-February 2013

Author(s): Kathy Ice

Starting Party Level: 4

Background: The current Cthonia module, being run by the current Cthonia DMs, involves the PCs investigating the waystations between the Cthonia Trading Post and the Floating City. They find destroyed waystations, and the current module calls for them to encounter a group of non-hostile kobolds. That module is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/15l3NZ3GXtoNTZLTHQzyCgZ8Gm2ZLyh7M98ap-edOpWc/edit. My best guess is that the current game will not advance past the encounter with the kobolds. It may or may not get to the place where the PCs actually meet the kobolds.

If the game has already gotten to the point where the PCs have been sent to recover the disk, I will continue with that more or less as the current DMs have written. If not, I will instead use my own idea for making friends with the kobolds.

Jerry: Nice solution with the incomplete module situation.

Summary of Module: Through their own actions, the PCs strike up a tentative alliance with the kobolds, The kobolds tell the PCs that the destruction of the waystations was engineered by a group of druids, and that some of those druids have an encampment nearby. They tell the PCs how to find the encampment. On the way to the encampment, the PCs have to deal with a number of snares and traps the druids have created. They reach the encampment, and there is a battle. In the aftermath of the battle, the PCs find evidence linking this group to a larger group of druids calling themselves D.A.R.E.

Changes to module when played: 1 paragraph (to be done when the module concludes)

I ended up running Scene 1B to start with. One of the kobolds died trying to slay the River God, so I added a funeral scene at the kobold village. The primary rogue stopped posting before the group hit the traps, so I switched up the order so they were able to spot most of them. It ran a tiny bit long, but was otherwise as written.


Scene 1A: The Lens

[3 weeks] [2400 xp]

If the PCs have already started on the Lens quest, I will finish it pretty much as written (to the extent I understand what's been written). I will probably limit it to one encounter, because as written, it looks a little big for a side-quest. XP and treasure will be the same.

(A substitute can run the scene as written in the other module)


Scene 1B: The River God

[3 weeks] [2400 xp]

If the lens quest hasn't begun yet, this will be my approach for dealing with the kobolds.

The PCs reach a waystation and find it largely intact. However, a crude sign has been erected in the middle of the camp. In Draconic, the sign says: “Danger! Do not camp here! This location is not safe.” Underneath, in Common, it says: “No camp here! Bad place!”

Members of the K’tthhykk tribe have been hanging about here after putting up the sign, curious about who is responsible for the waystations. It shouldn't be too hard for the PCs to find them and talk to them. One of them, K’thyyryyk Ka, speaks broken Common, but obviously the kobolds prefer to converse in Draconic. Either way, they inform the PCs that this camp isn't safe because the “River God” sometimes comes here. They explain that the River God is a crocodile, but like no crocodile the kobolds have ever seen (“not slow and stupid”). It is, in fact, a Dire Crocodile.

Despite the name, the kobolds do not believe the Dire Crocodile is an actual god. Well, it probably isn't. Maybe. Anyway, it isn't one of their gods, so it would be okay to kill it. And, since it sometimes eats kobolds, they'd kind of like to kill it, only they feel it's a bit beyond them. Could the PCs maybe help them kill it? The kobolds hint that if the PCs could help them with the River God, the kobolds might be able to help the PCs with something. Something about destroyed waystations.

Jerry Comment Only: Play with the paranoia of whether it is a god or not. Might even drop some godlike clues to give them the wrong impression and mess with their minds a bit. I like this!

So, there's a Dire Crocodile hunt. Dire Croc stats are at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/crocodile.html#_crocodile, and are reproduced below:

Dire Crocodile CR 9 XP 6,400

N Gargantuan animal

Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14


AC 21, touch 6, flat-footed 21 (+15 natural, –4 size)

hp 138 (12d8+84)

Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +8


Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.; sprint

Melee bite +18 (3d6+13/19–20 plus grab) and tail slap +13 (4d8+6)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Special Attacks death roll (3d6+19 plus trip), swallow whole (3d6+13, AC 16, 13 hp)


Str 37, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 2

Base Atk +9; CMB +26 (+30 grapple); CMD 36 (40 vs. trip)

Feats Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Run, Skill Focus (Perception, Stealth)

Skills Perception +14, Stealth +0 (+8 in water), Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water

SQ hold breath


Environment warm rivers and marshes

Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–6)

Treasure none

If this scene is run instead of 1A, the PCs won't get treasure here. I will add treasure in the other scenes to make up the difference.

Scene 2: Auntie

[2 weeks] [250 xp]

The kobolds take the PCs to meet “Auntie.” Auntie is a very old female kobold. She is not a chief of the tribe; those roles are traditionally filled by male kobolds. Auntie is more of a spiritual advisor, but everybody, even the chiefs, listen to her. It was Auntie who first suggested that the tribe should try to befriend whoever was building the waystations.

Auntie is a shrewd, no-nonsense type. She knows every kobold in the tribe, who they're related to, and all their childhood misadventures. To gain the upper hand in a debate, she is not above reminding the group of the time this kobold ate so many green gooseberries that he threw up at his own name ceremony, or the time this other kobold took his father's boat and got swept downstream and had to be rescued, sobbing like a toddler. Auntie has a very clear vision for where she thinks the tribe should go, and isn't above fighting dirty to get there. She also speaks pretty good Common.

Jerry Comment only: I wonder what would happen if she was able to use fortune telling of some type to also determine stories from the PC’s past? Could be interesting and some fun.

Jerry: LOVE THIS NPC!!! If she works out well with the party, she could become a major repeating NPC for the game. And with your permission, I think I want to borrow her for my local campaign. Email me if you’re prefer me not “steal” her.  :)

Auntie's ultimate goal is to befriend the people of the Trading Post. She believes that if her tribe can take part in the trade with Floating City, it will benefit them and enable them to defend their lands better. Befriending the PCs is her first step.

Auntie speaks with the PCs for a bit, and formally thanks them for helping with the disk or the river god. She then explains that the K’tthhykk know who has been destroying waystations, but not why. She gives the PCs directions for getting to the druids' camp.

Jerry Comment only: I am doing something similar to this in my local campaign. BTW, in case you didn’t know, I’m running Cthonia in my local group. I have 3 kobold tribes, led by members of the same family that all hate each other for reasons I won’t go into. So 2 of the 3 are trying to make friends of the party. One for their power, one for trade and their “supposed” wisdom. The other has declared the party a mortal enemy because the other two are courting them. All 3 worship the power REXX who is a humongour T-Rex power that does a version of the “great hunt” every few seasons. The finale to their time in Cthonia will be to join the Great Hunt.]

Treasure: If all goes well, Auntie presents each PC with a tribal necklace. Each necklace functions as a Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads, except that each bead can be used only once. I'm going to tentatively value them at 800 gold each, the same as if the beads were potions (which they basically are).

Scene 3: Marching Orders

[2 weeks] [1000 xp]

The PCs know how to get to the camp, but what they don't know is that the approach is trapped. Each trap is separate and independent from the others. Traps are as follows:

Camouflaged Pit Trap (CR 4)

Type: Mechanical Perception DC: 20 Disable DC: 25 (they can also walk around it)

Trigger: Location Reset: Manual

Effect: 30-foot pit (3d6 falling damage); DC 25 Reflex save to avoid; multiple targets

Poison Arrow Trap (CR 5)

Type: Mechanical Perception DC: 25 Disable DC: 20 (they can also avoid the trigger)

Trigger: Touch Reset: Manual

Effect: Arrow (Atk +15 ranged; 1d6 damage plus medium spider venom); multiple targets

Rolling Log Trap (CR 4)

Type: Mechanical Perception DC: 20 Disable DC: 20 (much more difficult to avoid)

Effect: Rolling Log (Atk +20; 3d8 damage ); multiple targets

Scything Blade Trap (CR 5)

Type: Mechanical Perception DC: 25 Disable DC: 20 (they can also avoid the trigger)

Trigger: Touch Reset: Manual

Effect: scything blade (Atk +20 melee; 6d6 damage)

Jerry high suggestion: With our slow pace of play, I think we should add some small piece of story here to keep them focused on why they are here. Can you place something in one of the traps that give information about the druids to come. Then they can make perception checks on that information to interpret what it means and how it might help them. Perhaps something about how one druid has something going on on the side or perhaps a hint of why they are attacking the waystations. Or perhaps some letter describing to some unknown agent that their plans are proceeding well. Or perhaps a letter scrap that mentions the party, but without context letting the party know that the druids are aware of the trading post and the party patroning it.

I can certainly remind the PCs what their mission is and why they’re chasing these guys, but I think the place to do that is in the kobold camp. Leaving letters and scraps lying around outside their camp is littering, which would be an odd thing coming from fanatical eco-terrorist druids.

Jerry: Very well.  ;)

Scene 4: Zealots

[3 weeks] [1250 xp]

If the PCs sprung any of the traps, the druids and their animal companions are aware of their approach. Otherwise, the PCs can attempt to sneak up and take the camp by surprise.

In keeping with the druids' anti-civilization stance, there's very little in the campsite to indicate that it is a campsite. The druids are sleeping in rough shelters, created from bending and binding living branches and bushes. There is a very small fire-ring, with a very small fire, and that's about it.

Jerry requirement: Please expand the roleplaying before the battle begins. I see the questioning section below, but I think there should be an opportunity at least for some talking beforehand. This is a great place to make these druids seem like more than someone just to fight. Remember our new push for high levels of roleplaing. There is nothing to “fix” here, just the high suggestion to allow some roleplay before the likely battle. Let the party use some diplomacy, though it will fail, barring something very unusual. There can also be levels of disagreement/hatred that can come of talking with them. The druids shouldn’t be just something to kill.  :) You have set up some really good motivation here for the druids. This is your time to develop the story and go deeper. I’m also thinking that this might be a battle where the druids will try to escape or surrender. They might even agree to stop the damage to the Waystations, and then go do it again when DARE comes down upon them.

When the PCs enter the camp, the druids tell them to leave, and to dismantle the remaining waystations. They claim that the trading post, and Town, and the waystations, are all encroaching on the natural world and harming the forest.

During any conversation that may follow, Teril does most of the talking; Zyk’s contributions are more in the form of threats. The druids only attack if the PCs refuse to dismantle the waystations, or if the PCs attack them or their animal companions. Teril fights to the death. Zyk fights only as long as Teril is conscious; once Teril is out of the way, Zyk tries to bargain for his life. The animal companions only fight as long as their druid is alive.

Jerry: Sounds good, thanks.

Zyk CR 5

Human Druid 3/Rogue 3

LE Medium Humanoid


AC 18; Touch 13; Flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 dex, +1 dodge)

hp 39 (6d8+6+6) 9

Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +6


Speed: 30 ft

Melee: masterwork scimitar +6 (1d6+1)

Ranged: masterwork shortbow +6 (1d6 plus poison)

Special Attacks: Sneak Attack (+2d6); Spring Attack

Druid spells prepared: (4/3/2): Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending; Entangle, Longstrider, Magic Fang; Heat Metal, Spider Climb


Str 12; Dex 15; Con 13; Int 10; Wis 15; Cha 8

Base Attack: +4 CMB +5 CMD 17

Feats: Dodge, Toughness (bonus human feat), Mobility (bonus Rogue feat), Skill Focus: Craft (Trapmaking), Spring Attack

Rogue Talent: Combat Trick (see bonus feat above)


SQ: Sneak attack (+2d6); trapfinding; evasion; trap sense +1; nature's bond (animal companion); nature sense; wild empathy; woodland stride; trackless step

Gear: +1 hide armor; masterwork scimitar; masterwork shortbow; 6 arrows treated with medium spider venom; potion of Barkskin

Teril CR 5

Human Druid 6

N Medium Humanoid


AC 18; touch 10; flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 natural)

hp 39 (6d8+6+6) 32

Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +8


Speed 30 ft

Melee masterwork scimitar +8 (1d6+2)

Druid spells prepared (4/4/4/3): Create Water, Know Direction, Light, Read Magic; Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Magic Fang, Summon Nature's Ally I; Barkskin, Delay Poison, Heat Metal, Summon Swarm; Cure Moderate Wounds, Spike Growth, Summon Nature's Ally III


Str 14; Dex 10; Con 13; Int 8; Wis 16; Cha 12

Base Attack: +4 CMB +6 CMD 16

Feats: Toughness, Brew Potion (bonus human feat), Natural Spell, Weapon Focus (scimitar)


SQ: Nature's bond (animal), nature sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, trackless step, resist nature's lure, wild shape (2/day)

Gear: +1 hide armor; masterwork scimitar; amulet of natural armor

Dinosaur, Deinonychus (Teril's animal companion)

N Small animal

Senses low-light vision, scent


AC 23, 15 touch, 19 flat-footed (+4 Dex, +8 natural, +1 size)

hp 51 (6d8+24) 35

Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +3 (+7 vs. Enchantment)


Speed 60 ft.

Melee 2 talons +8 (1d6+1), bite +8 (1d4+1)


Str 13, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Atk +4; CMB + 7; CMD 14

Feats: Run, Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers


SQ: Evasion, devotion

Ocelot (Zyk's animal companion)

N Small animal

Senses low-light vision, scent


AC 21, 17 touch, 15 flat-footed (+6 Dex, +4 natural,+1 size)

hp 19 (3d8+6) 13

Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1


Speed 50 ft.

Melee bite +8 (1d4+1 plus trip), 2 claws +8 (1d2+1)


Str 13, Dex 22, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6

Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 18

Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse


SQ: Evasion

In the aftermath of the fight, the PCs can search the camp and/or question the druids, if they've chosen to leave them alive. In the camp, they find a letter from D.A.R.E. headquarters:


Your latest report is most satisfactory. I am pleased to hear that our treant allies proved useful in your mission. We will be contacting them again to forge a new agreement.

In the meantime, it is vital that you continue your work of returning these “waystations” to their natural state. We must prevent further incursions of so-called civilization into the noble beauty of the wild lands. Once the waystations are gone, we can address our attention to the towns and the trading post, and make the lands safe once again for the glorious bounty of life that is the jungle. And after that—but we must not get ahead of ourselves.

Please continue to inform me of your progress. I look forward to the day when we can all gaze in wonder at a free and unsullied wilderness.


Druids Against Rogue Explorers

If the PCs did not complete the disk quest, then the letter also indicates that “C” is sending along some trade goods so that Teril can bribe the natives into helping him. The “trade goods” are the treasure outlined in the original module (which, again, is at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15l3NZ3GXtoNTZLTHQzyCgZ8Gm2ZLyh7M98ap-edOpWc/edit.)

Regardless of whether that treasure is present, the PCs can keep the druids' gear: +1 hide armor (x2); masterwork scimitar (x2); masterwork shortbow; 6 arrows treated with medium spider venom; potion of Barkskin; amulet of natural armor (although the potion and some of the arrows may have been used).

Questioned, the druids admit to being allied with D.A.R.E., an organization of nature-lovers who wish to protect wild forests from incursion from civilization. If pressed, Teril will admit that D.A.R.E. also hopes to awaken all Woldian forests to sentience. (Zyk does not have this information.) Neither man has met the mysterious “C”, and they don't know what the letter stands for. They refer to C as “him,” although they don't actually know C's sex. They know that C is a fairly high-ranking officer in D.A.R.E., and that “he” is the one who sent them on this mission. They don't know what race C is, where C lives, or anything else.

(I should stress that I haven't yet decided any of these things either, although I'm leaning toward making C female.)

Once the PCs have decided what to do with the druids, the module ends.

End matter:

A: List all NPCs used in the module. Even if it is NOT the first time for that NPC to be used in the campaign, write a sentence or two describing the NPC. If there are changes in the NPC in this module, note that it is a change and what changed. An alternative to this is to have an NPC page on Woldipedia and link to that page where all NPCs are here.

K’thyyryyk Ka (new NPC): Youngish, reasonably bright kobold who speaks a little Common (he learned it from Auntie). Leader of a small band of kobolds who have been tasked with watching the waystation and attempting to contact whoever comes there.

Auntie (new NPC): quite elderly female kobold. Auntie is a shrewd, no-nonsense type. She knows every kobold in the tribe, who they're related to, and all their childhood misadventures. To gain the upper hand in a debate, she is not above reminding the group of the time this kobold ate so many green gooseberries that he threw up at his own name ceremony, or the time this other kobold took his father's boat and got swept downstream and had to be rescued, sobbing like a toddler. Auntie has a very clear vision for where she thinks the tribe should go, and isn't above fighting dirty to get there. She also speaks pretty good Common.

Teril (new NPC): Druid and member of D.A.R.E. Teril is a True Believer, and the head of their little two-man operation.

Zyk (new NPC): Rogue (and lately druid) and member of D.A.R.E. Zyk is not a True Believer; he's a nasty little thug who likes to hurt people. D.A.R.E. is just an excuse to do that.

B: List all locations used in the module. [same as for NPCs.] Describe the location. We’re talking places like inns, shops, temples, etc. If there are changes to the location from the last entry, note what has changed and that it HAS changed.

Jerry High Suggestion: Where exactly are the locations in this module? It would be VERY helpful to any sub and to your players to show these things by “editing” a copy of the Cthonia map and show the relevant locations please. Then during the module email maps to the party so they have a mental picture of where they are and where they are going.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any software that would allow me to edit the Cthonia map. Also, I don’t know how many waystations they’ve already explored, or will have explored by the time I take over.

Jerry: Understood. I am kinda primitive too. I will print it out in color and then draw on it and scan it in again.  ::weak grin:: I would like to move us to using geography more. I’ll have to talk to our IT guys about a free program or two that we can ALL use to make combat maps, to edit existing maps, etc. As I’m in the “know just enough to be dangerous” myself, It will have to be something very simple.

Waystation (basically a cleared, flat space with a fire ring and a box of supplies. Oh, and a sign posted by the kobolds).

Kobold village (about 15 huts; campfires; trail to the river). In the village is Auntie's hut: larger than the rest, decorated on the inside with various charms and mementos.

Druid camp (the druids altered the wilderness as little as possible for their camp).

C: Magic Treasure: List all magic treasure given in the module. Check with the DM of the Catacombs if you are not sure about what their rules are for magic items, what can be sold, etc. This should be done to Woldian standards.

Jerry requirement: Please total the treasure for the module and compare that to where they should be at their “after the module” level. I’m not saying you have to stay exactly at 1x wealth or that you need to do an item by item table or anything like that, but we do need to keep up with where we’re at. So just do the total value here and where that puts them in a general sense with regard to the 1x wealth table.

Jerry suggestion: The ACDMs and I are having a revival of roleplaying emphasis. Part of this is “interesting” treasure that creates roleplaying situations. Treasure that starts a mystery. Treasure that creates emotions such as dread and fear. Treasure that reveals history and takes them to an NPC to learn more, etc. I suggest adding an item or two of treasure of this type. I also suggest tailoring the treasure a bit more than we have been doing so that they WANT to keep it and not sell it. Fate items are also encouraged as they can’t be sold.

Kathy said in email: That's actually what I was trying to do with the kobold necklaces. So, what needs to change about them in order to make them in line with what you're asking for?

Jerry requirement 2nd round: Do list them officially as a Fate item so that they cannot be sold in the CC. They are fine and I like them. If I “was” to add to them in any way, I’d throw some story behind them. Why are they significant to Auntie and her people? Are they an honor? Who was the last “friend of the tribe” to earn these? etc.

Jerry idea to share: In my local campaign, I have the kobolds using a totem pole and when significant things happen, they add a face to the pole. Could be fun to have the tribe split on who’s image should be added to the totem.  :) This could serve as an opening scene for your next module. Just an idea. Adding it to my campaign now I think. Hmm.....part of the tribe wants the tank because he fought so bravely. Part of the tribe wants our mage because he is short like them. Or something similar. Could be an interesting way to start the evening of play.

Kobold necklace (1 per PC): Each necklace functions as a Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads, except that each bead can be used only once. I'm going to tentatively value them at 800 gold each, the same as if the beads were potions (which they basically are). Unique item; cannot be sold.

+1 dagger, +1 heavy steel shield, Silversheen, hand of the mage, feather token: swan boat, +1 hide armor, potion of Barkskin, amulet of natural armor +1. Standard items that can be sold.

Treasure value: between 2700 and 3500 per PC, depending on which stuff they sell, which stuff they keep, which comsumables get used by the bad guys before they can get to them, and how many PCs we end up with. Medium treasure per encounter at 4th level is 1150; this module has 3 main encounters (the first of which is divided into two scenes), so they should earn 3450 by the tables. Realistically, they’ll probably come in a little below that, but not too far.

Jerry: Thanks Kathy

D: List the experience for the module. [Remember we are advancing at 3 levels a year for levels 1-3, 2 levels a year after that until 20th level is reached.] I highly suggest dividing the xp for the module by the scene and then giving out “xp per scene.” Play-testing shows that this helps keep the interest of the players high.

Jerry requirement: Please list what PC level the party will be at when the module concludes. Thanks.

The PCs will still be 4th level at the module’s conclusion.

4900 XP

General notes:

Give me the level of detail necessary to for a sub, not familiar with the game or campaign to run the module. Anything beyond that is up to you. Look at your module as you fill in the template with that "focus" in mind. Can my Asst. DM or a sub DM run this with this amount of information? I do not need monster details for the module -- just the name of the monster, etc. If strategy is needed, include that. You can work up the monster's stats when the combat comes. We are all honorable enough to not cheat "against" the players during combat. It is very easy however, to just paste monster stats from an online source into the module though. It puts everything in one place.