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==[http://www.woldiangames.com/games/index.html?game=hook The Game]==
[[Image:Iron_Dragons_badge.JPG|thumb|right|250px|The crest of the Iron Dragons.
The 'IA' initials a reminder of their humble beginnings as the 'Iron Adventurers']]
==[http://www.woldiangames.com/games/index.html?game=hook The Game]==  
Here you can find the latest posts in this game.
Here you can find the latest posts in this game.
==Current Events==
==Current Events==
The latest Great Migration of the Southern Continent has barely subsided and Hook City is already back to conducting business as usual.  Do our selected group of heroes have what it takes to rise up from the muck of Mudtown to gain fame and fortune in Hook City?
The latest Great Migration of the Southern Continent has barely subsided and Hook City is already back to conducting business as usual.  Our selected group of heroes did have what it takes to rise up from the muck of Mudtown to gain fame and fortune in Hook City!
==The Story so far (from a player's point of view)==
The Iron Adventurers acquired a stone Tower on the border of SouthHook and LaborTown, a half mile downriver from the Bridge.  It is in the middle of a square that is now known as Iron Square in honor of the heroes.  Formerly a haunted and rundown locale, it is seeing a revival, and many of the people that the Iron Adventurers have helped have moved to the Square.  The place is very pro-Iron Adventurers. 
Day 1
Should some kind soul be willing to summarize past events, here is where you will find them.
(DM SteveK Note: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that Iron Tower remain a safe place to provide a sense of fulfillment for the Players and PCs.)
The original group (Padre, Bosk, Valla, Sanji, Ariman, Lenwe and Naru) met by chance as a halfling was being chased down the street by a group of mercs and their merchant employer. Standing up for the outnumbered halfling they matched blades with the mercs in the small one's defense. When the great minotaur, Bosk, fell to numerous blows the strategy changed on both sides and calmer minds prevaled. Turns out the little halfling was indeed a theif and was forced to return the stolen property.
The Iron Adventurers have also collected many cursed items and now a magical vault to store the items safely.  A recurring theme of the group has been collecting cursed and unusual magical items. They have a magical Vault in the Iron Tower (built by some of the retired Children of Chaos) where the group can safely store the cursed items.
With Bosk healed and once again in the realm of the living, the group decided to sit down together in a local tavern. Xeron, who had witnessed the fight decided to join the group at this point... as did their future employer, a merchant named Penn. He hired the group to protect his goods for a week while he awaited entry into Hook City. As a group they agreed to take on this job, as protectors.
Known throughout Hook City, our heroes have been involved in saving many people during the festivities of the Day of Faith, and was involved in the destruction of the Teucri Chit Machine and the failure of the Hook City monetary system. Can our heroes thread the political and economic monsters of Hook City?
Once at Penn's camp, a few mercs picked a verbal fight that was avoided by a well placed spell and a bit of diplomacy. That night the camp was attacked by goblins. Once the fight was over the group found that these were not goblins, but a group of novice mercs using magic gear to appear as goblins. They identified themselves as members of the Ironband company, a merc company with a dirty reputation that Penn had hired but fired them when they attempted to extort additional payment from him.
==The Story so far==
Day 2
'''Volume 1: Business as Usual''' (8th June 2009).  Our heroes adventures began in a brawl in the watery streets of MudTown, where they were able to defeat a mind-flayer’s plot and gain ownership of Black Harris’ Emporium, and also gain access to the fabled wonders of Hook City.
Xeron, Sanji and Valla scouted out their camp while the others questioned the survivors. At this point there was a 'changing of the guard'. Maikill the half-orc brute joined the group in hopes that he would get to smash something. Lenwe disappeared without even saying something. Naru and Ariman felt the job was too tough and decided to leave. They were replaced by Motley, a gnome rager, and Grendel, a half-orc priestess of Flower.
Once everyone was introduced, Penn instructed the group to make an assault on the Ironband camp as he considered those mercs to me a present and immediate danger to the lives of everyone. With little rest and much magical resources spent, the protectors attacked an established merc company. With Xeron, Sanji and Motley stealthily leading the way (with the remainder of the group not far off behind) we assaulted the Ironband.
'''Volume 2: Home of the Manfri''' (9th February 2010).  Our heroes travel to a part of the Sargrass Plains that were still attached to Hook City since the Great Migration. There they assist the strange Manfri and stop a plot by a group of Witches.
A dwarf on guard duty caught us approaching and raised the alarm. The battle was intense as both sides moved quickly to engage. A total of 9 Ironband members took on our 8. As we felled them one and two at a time, Maikill fell from many wounds and Valla was rushed by 3 of the Ironband and fell. Sanji fell while attempting to get the attackers of Valla. While one attacker prepared to 'finish off' Valla, Grendel cast a command spell to force him to drop his arms. Unfortunately for Valla, the sword dropped point first into his chest further worsening his plight. Maikill was healed and rejoined the fight only to be dropped by a solid sling shot a moment later. The Ironband broke off when most of their members had fallen, though Bosk caught one before he could escape, leaving a total of 2 members of Ironband as survivors.
Back we go to our camp with our wounded who were promptly healed by Penn's temporary guard. After the loot is sorted and the remaining prisoner's dispatched there is a hidden Ironband stash to find and loot somewhere in a seedy tavern here in Mudtown. Sanji checked out the Bucket of Blood Saloon as Bosk went to sell our aquired loot and Maikill dumped some dead bodies that were laying around our campsite. Sanji was sent packing with a death threat if she ever returned. Maikill was scared off by some brain eating monster and left the horse and cart in Pig Alley, where it was easily taken by a lucky citizen of Mud Town.
'''Volume 3: Inbetween''' (23rd April 2010).
As our group settled in for some much needed rest we realized that Penn hadn't returned from a quick errand and was now a couple of hours past due. Leaving a small guard behind (no pun intended Motley), the group found an informant who saw Penn being lead into the back door of the Bucket of Blood Saloon. Our group charged in the back door and found Penn captive of a rival merchant named Gordo and his two thug Mercenaries.
Even though we outnumbered them, the two bodyguards of Gordo were dangerous. One even wielded a magic sword! Penn made it clear that Gordo was off-limits but also that his fate was tied to our success against Gordo's men. All fought well. Maikill, Bosk, and Padre fell to the deadly opponents while Xeron and Sanji were unstoppable. Turning his blade and body into flanking positions time after time Xeron struck vital blows on both opponents. Sanji, who had been rather ineffective for the early part of the fight was obviously bluffing as she laid out their strongest with but a single blow from her rapier.
'''Volume 4: Night of the Zombies''' (11th November 2010)  A prodigal son leads to a strange healer, then to a copse of corpses, then to a new way to make zombies, and then to the zombie master himself -- who is not who he seems to be. Having found a secret entrance to the catacombs beneath Hook City, the party follows tracks to the workshop of the evil Mr. E, a necromancer who has found a way to make a new kind of zombie. Mr. E turns out to be a disembodied spirit, housed in a Magic Jar-like necklace, who has possessed his great-great-great grandson. The party finds this out the hard way.  Before the party can stop him, Mr. E unleashes a zombie horde on the city. The adventurers do what they can to give a warning. In the aftermath, Hook City authorities have questions.
Turns out that we were then due payment of bounty from Gordo, which was a large reversal from the opening positions. As a group we were paid 1000 gp. Grendel patched up both ally and enemy, not allowing any that fell to meet Gargul that day. Upon leaving, we encountered an elf who was set upon by the same monster that attacked Maikill. Having half of our team wounded we invited him to help us transport Penn to the gates of Hook City with his goods. There Penn paid us, gave us a letter of recommendation and bid us farewell. Here too, Padre and Motley left our little rag tag group.
We then crashed at an Inn for some much needed rest and recovered much of our injuries.
'''Volume 5: The Ring of Malaphaz''' (20th July 2011)
Day 3
Last night we were unable to agree on a name and decided to spend the night regaining our strength and scribing a few scrolls.  The next morning we over heard a merchant complain to the bartender about the brain eater. We put out word that we could be hired to deal with th creature and then headed out to blow our cash on armor and spell components.
'''Volume 6: The Girls''' (22nd November 2011) (Volume 7 was Intermission)
As night fell we learned that the last victim of the braineater was a man by the name of Black Harris and that there was a 5000gp for the capture or death of the Brain-eater.  Deciding to investigate, we made our way to the first victims residents.
We met Mac MacGuiness' wife, who was now in charge. I'm afraid we scared the poor woman half to death, but we learned that Mac had a junk shop and dealt with some strange items. Next were two of Felton Gros' sons. We had to “convince” them to answer our questions and learned little.  Last was Black Harris' general merchandise store, closed and locked up--mostly like by Harris himself just before he was killed. After asking around we learned that Felton Sr. had visited the store about a week ago, for what reason was unknown. 
'''Volume 8: The Death of Heather Brody''' (18th January 2012) (Volume 9 was Intermission)
Checked though some old records and learned that Old Mac sold a puzzle box to Felton Sr., who then gave it to Black Harris to sell on commission.  The records indicated that the box was originally bought from a homeless person, a term often associated with stolen items. The box was said to be about about 6" square and made of some sort of wood, maybe mahogany, but other than that was unremarkable.  This was our only lead, so we pursed it.
Worrying that Blacks shop would soon be looted and the puzzle box would be lost we proceeded to Blacks shop in an attempt to secure and protect it. To do this Maikill had to knock down the door, which Grendel and Bosk later mended.
'''Volume 10: Fish On!''' (30th July 2012) Where our heroes rescued a dragon that had been balefully polymorphed into a giant goldfish with a bounty on its head!
After a brief search Maikill found the wooden box matching the description of the one we were looking for.  We then began to search the building, and Maikill cautiously ascend the single flight of stairs. After he paused a moment he caught sight of someone standing in the backyard of the store--It was his mother.  In her right hand she held a bloody handaxe. Then under cover of darkness she ran away.  The sight was too much for the half-orc and he dropped to the ground crying and stroking the hair of a near by doll.
Although we wanted to go out and investigate, in our current condition we would have been no match for what was out there.  In the end we decided not to venture outside and to hold up for the night inside the house. That night Sanji then suggested the group hold up in the shop for a few days and claim it as their head quarters, we had to admit that it sounded like a good idea.  
'''Volume 11: Return to the Temple of the Illithid''' (14th December 2012)  Where our heroes at last put to rest the Illithid demi-god and all of its imprisoned and kidnapped souls.
In the  morning Bosk whipped up a decent meal for us, and found an extra set of house keys in the back of a kitchen drawer while looking for silverware. Outside, unbeknown to us, people were already moving about and from the way they were stopping and talking to each other, something had happened.
As Bosk cooked Beri managed to slide another piece of the puzzle out of the way.  When he got bored Valla studies the puzzle box and proceeded to dissembled the entire box, leaving nothing remaining but a diamond shaped red and black gem at what was once it's center.
'''Volume 12: Southern Comfort''' (7th January 2013)  Our heroes learn more about the secrets of the Southern Continent post-Great Migration.
Day 4
After breakfast we stepped outside and asked some passersby what the commotion was all about. It didn't take long to find out that there had been another grisly murder, a merchant by the name of Hammond Delves has had his skull cracked open and eaten. Gossip has it that his partner, Chipper Wanes--who cannot verify his whereabouts the previous night, committed a copycat murder to take full control of the business so he could pay off his gambling debts. They ran a livestock business and some say they also dealt in rare animal curiosities.
In the course of our talks with the streetfolk, Valla tuned into a familiar voice nearby. His nemesis, Zamnoodle, was talking tersely to a lone individual. Zam was accompanied by six of his companions from the looks of it.  They appeared to be offering the man protection from themselves at an outrageous price.  We quicklyoffered to ass ist the man, and after a few choice words from Zamnoodle the group turned to leave.  They walked about thirty feet down the road and then turned and began firing arrows at us.  Before we knew what was happening battle had begun.  
'''Volume 13: The Cauldron and the Spear'''(23 July 2013) Our heroes stop a mad wizard from becoming a lich and destroying two magical artifacts.
As the arrows flew at us Bosk and Maikill quickly charged forward directly at Zamnoodle, killing him outright.  With their leader dead, the rest become infuriated and attack us wildly with the bulk of the group surrounding the Taur.  The battle seemed to be an even match, but with all their attacks focused on the taur, Grendle was able to offset their damage by healing him through the power of her prayer. Our hope was short lived though, as several attacks against the taur found their mark and quickly sent him unconscious. If it wasn't for a few daring moves on our part, we most likely would have lost the battle. Fortunately Xeron lunged forward and skewering a woman named Jillian and sending her into unconscious agony at the end of his blade while the same moment, Grendel plunged her dagger deep into the male warrior's collar bone, sending spurts of blood up her blade hanging in midair until it splashed down on her-- Hemust was out of the fight.  With that, the fight was over and there were several bleeding and dead.
Grendel stabilized friend and foe while the gentleman we had assisted introduced himself. His neme was Jacob of Greendale, scholar by trade, but on an errand for his father in the Sargrass Plains in this case.  He was delivering a package for him to Magister Alistair in Hook City proper.  Although he had no money, his script of conveyance allowed him to bring along personal bodyguards into Hook City, a luxary we could not otherwise afford.  We quickly agreed and brought both Jacob and the prisioners back to the shop.
'''Volume 14: Day of Faith''' (12 February 2014) Our heroes are on the trail to thwart a series of mysterious accidents on the eve of the annual Day of Faith, where citizens of Hook City test their faith in the Four Sky Hooks that give the city its name.
That day we learned the reward for the brain-eater has risen to 10,000gp, and that the gang members that escaped were Lilly's brothers and that they would probably looking for her.  We put out word, but feared for her safety and would not let her leave until healed.  Mud town was not a friendly place to injured and unarmed women. 
'''Volume 15: The Day After''' (18 July 2914) Our heroes are embroiled in the political and economic dangers of a powerful Hook City that is suddenly without money!  They venture into the depths of the Treasury to discover more about the mysterious origins of the Teucri...
Grendel then worked her charm and the next thing we knew Hemust and Jillian were in our employ working the shop for us. The only hiccup that night as when Lilly and Xeron got into a heated argument after she insulted his mother, but it as soon resolved.  
Day 5
'''Volume 16: The Hunt for the Teucri''' (12 November 2014)  Our heroes us a Teucri teleportation machine.  They want to find the Teucri to repair the Chit Machine, but instead find themselves in a land of heat and sand and an ancient curse!
Rested from the nights sleep Grendel cast her Identify spell on the small crystal.  It revealed the true nature of the gem--it is a magical compass. When placed on a thin strip of wood that is floated in a bowl of water, the red end of the gem pointed to something other than North.
==Cursed and Evil Magic Items in Storage with Iron Adventurers==
Over breakfast we questioned Lilly about her visitor, having heard her conversing with someone during the night.  Naturally she denied it. After breakfast we gave her back one dagger, some gold, and an invitation for her and her brothers to join us for a meal.  We then let her go.
The mood was a little glum, talking mainly about the recent murders and lurking bain eater until Sanji announced that she found some trinkets on the shelf that were most likely forgotten because of all the dust covering the box they were inA note explained that they were charms were made by the halflings of Greendale and would bring the bearer luck once a week when needed.
The Iron Adventurers have been collecting cursed magical items almost since the beginningAt the end of "Southern Comfort", part of their reward was a magical vault to safely keep the cursed items. Current itesm are:
This cheered us up and Valla, Grendel and Maikill decide to go talk to the family of Gerald Hunsinger, the latest victim of the brain-eater. They learned that Gerald had left behind a large family which sold books, scrolls, artwork and offered a copying services.  The books, scrolls and artwork were bought from travelers who sold them and from other cities.  Though the Hunsinger family does make copies and some original artwork from time to time, the last people Gerald talked to were Kweku the ink maker, Yosef the baker, and Numitor the calligrapher.  Afterward Everyone reconvened back at the shop.
==Loose Ends==
'''Sargrass Daggers'''.  Two wickedly curved daggers (fate items) from the Sargrass that were used in an unknown ritual that summoned a weird spirit (the Sargrass is a blocked land, presumably destroyed.  See ACDM or CDM for details.)
'''Vellinius''' - Mindflayer
Still on the loose in Mudtown.
'''Yosef, Arriet and children''' - Possible evil cultists
'''Skeleton Swords'''.  Bosk has some skeletal hands that have swords fused to the wrist instead of hands.  They have a faint evil aura and are worthless.  They are mainly decorations in his room now and for nostalgia.
Headed South with Roy the beggar garbed ranger.
'''Shanghai'd''' - Warehouse
'''Teleporter Painting'''.  A painting and a teleportation disk to the temple of the Illithid that radiated evil, but they are now deactivated and broken.
Find out who kidnapped Ransy and Cesar
==[http://www.woldiangames.com/archives/index.html?game=hook Archives]==
'''Branding Iron'''.   a cursed branding iron. Successful attack requires Fort DC 18 and Will DC 18. Fail Fort = Baleful Polymorph to Acid Zombie (as zombie but explodes when killed for 3d6 acid splash damage). Fail Will = Dominate Monster spell under control of weilder.  This item was lost along with Zeoll when the Iron Adventurers and Uncharted Heroes stopped the Chaos Bell at the end of "Southern Comfort".
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.
'''Bronze Ring'''.  The ring has a map and was owned by a Hook City elite from long ago with a strange accent that sucked the heroes inside for a series of arena battles.  They do not know the significance of the map.
'''Group term in Hook City:''' Free Company...this will take a while to decide on a name, just jotting down the term used by DMJim.
===Current Roster===
'''Red and Black Gem'''.  Serves as a magic compass when placed in water.  So far, it has pointed the team to a warehouse outside of Hook City, and to an Illithad Tadpole eating animal.  They have no clue how it works.
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddbgxskh_200gjfxmfdm Bosk Deox] [James] - Minotaur - Cleric 1/Rogue 1
'''Assasin Box'''. A box that the team cannot open and looks like it has a place to insert something like a signet ring.  The Assassin that killed Heather had the box.  The signet ring is unknown.
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dcqs5fnn_0ckk65rdh&hl=en Valla Crudarian] [Marty] - Elf - Wizard 2
[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dkfjrwh_4hs86h3hf Xeron] [Alain] - Human - Rogue 2
'''Chaos Bell Clapper'''. The group temporarily had this item, stopping a Witch in Threshold, but the Clapper was taken by Gargul and the Crones of Gateway Downs to keep out of reach of mortals.
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARaKww61WdiqZGZ4cjd4N3dfMGcyZjhkZmd0&hl=en Maikill]  [Kelly] - Half-Orc - Barbarian 3
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AT3Ulk3Ou0Y0ZGNobTQ2ajZfMWRzZ3dwY2g2&hl=en Grendel] [Jay] - Half-Orc - Cleric 1/Wizard 1
'''The Spear of Eberyon'''.   Corrupted to chaos and evil by the twisted drow mage, Khar Avon, this Spear changes all spells cast nearby to strange and horrible effects!
[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgz8kfvm_0hf4rfmvr Beriothian] [William] - Elf - Rogue 2
==[http://www.woldiangames.com/archives/index.php?game=hook Archives]==
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.
'''Group Name in Hook City:''' Iron Adventurers
===Current Roster===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
|+'''Table: Current Roster'''
|- style="background:#efefef;"
!Character Name!!Player!!Gender!!Race!!Class!!Description
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aAjI6WeDt8AYQMJ6Q2xZELV3FzQbWE30fCsfamw569o/edit Bosk Deox]||James D|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"|Minotaur|| align="center" | Cleric4/Avenger10/Grim3 || [[File:Hook-Bosk.jpg|100px|thumb||Bosk Deosk]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dM95PA-h3EZqrcerERKgiT6eWO8AuzQbIp3s3AeeV8Y/edit Zane Stormfront]||John C|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"| Minotaur|| align="center" | Monk4/Sorceror5/DragonDisciple10||[[File:Hook-Zane.jpg|100px|thumb||Zane Stormfront]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vJm-fe1ckfy5riNnoB7WXZycKW6HBJWKhIr5QX5CjC0/edit Restlin]||Carl M|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"|Human|| align="center" | Wizard8/Cleric2/Mendicant9 ||[[File:Hook-Restlin|100px|thumb||Restlin]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QFA8A96-MCDatfgvkp0T3AidB_kUIx2I-_JTG21-qYI/edit Garret Goodbarrel]||Jeff O|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"|Halfling|| align="center" | Monk19 ||[[File:Hook-Garret.jpg|100px|thumb||Garret Goodbarrel]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xtKSoZAGC63auD6IK0wR6Elv2dfelmZyCPE2T97eI7U/edit?pli=1 Beriothian Galanodel ('Beri')]||William D|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"|Human|| align="center" | Druid19 ||[[File:Hook-Beri.jpg|100px|thumb||Beriothian Galanodel]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gn3TG4FujLC9zbkIrfoRYHJn1arkRCVqcAilDm5lA8E/edit Wyaar Mudlynn]||Jon L|| align="center"|Male|| align="center"|Human|| align="center" | Paladin19 ||[[File:Hook-Wyarr.jpg|100px|thumb||Wyaar Mudlynn]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vDPletZ-_PTSs1Tup5zgGdRooO11oV-a8FimudQxGtQ/edit#gid=0 Katinka Hushfoot ('Tink')]||Rob C|| align="center"|Female|| align="center"|Halfling|| align="center" | Wizard8/Justicar5/ArcaneTrickster6 ||[[File:Hook-Tink.jpg|100px|thumb||Katinka Hushfoot]]
|- align="left"
|[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M_GlrIFZfpUBxRxOLlCovyvKpwkMFVjuTiWQ0p1JFP8/edit#gid=0 Sesha]||Ken E|| align="center"|Female|| align="center"|Surface Drow|| align="center" | Bloodwitch19 ||[[File:Hook-Sesha.jpg|100px|thumb||Sesha]]
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AVBnORG4SkjhZGY5NXJoNjVfMWQ5NW5tcmNm&hl=nl Ransy] [Wilson] - Human - Paladin 2
[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dx799dq_0hfth37cs Cesar] [Nick] - Human - Fighter 2
===Past Characters===
===Past Characters===
Line 129: Line 136:
Motley Anklebiter [Dominic] - Gnome / Barbarian / 1
Motley Anklebiter [Dominic] - Gnome / Barbarian / 1
[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dc5jz99c_0cfv4bfg2 Sanji Remeid] [Eric] - Human / Rogue / 1
Sanji Remeid [Eric] - Human / Rogue / 1  [currently an NPC at Five Mile House with Helmust and Jillian]
Grendel [Jay] - Half-Orc - Cleric 1/Wizard 1
Xeron [Alain] - Human - Rogue 3
Valla Crudarian [Marty] - Elf - Wizard 3/ Ranger 3  [Came again, left again, came again, left again]
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AVBnORG4SkjhZGY5NXJoNjVfMWQ5NW5tcmNm&hl=nl Ransy] [Wilson] - Human - Paladin 2
[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dx799dq_0hfth37cs Cesar] [Nick] - Human - Fighter 2
[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARaKww61WdiqZGZ4cjd4N3dfMGcyZjhkZmd0&hl=en Maikill]  [Kelly] - Half-Orc - Barbarian 3
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tgyc97iRRALsVVucv40cFrEcvqsA2RlsDkBTJB_5BKM/edit?hl=en&authkey=CNO4rJgL&pli=1# Kyan] [Jon] - Human - Ranger 6
[https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AWu7jrvQYDllZGZtNmRqdzJfMmM2Yjc1eGRu&hl=en_US Alexi] [Jon T] - Human - Fighter 6
[https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AYETZJPTQ4x3ZGd6N3pyeDNfMGZoN3F4OWY1&hl=en&authkey=CKilzaoP Beltrin] [Keith] - Human - Barbarian  / Wizard (Transmuter) 5
[https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8IbiyD6W2lrOGVlYTczMmYtN2U2MC00YWIzLWJkMTUtOGMzNThkNTQ2YzM2/edit Yondrim] [Jon L] - Centaur - Barbarian 2 / Oracle 4  Killed.  Re-rolled Wyaar
[https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&srcid=0B8IbiyD6W2lreWFUOHFva1NleTg Wyaar] [Jon L] - Human - Paladin 6 / Cradled 1  [2nd Character.  Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes]  Stayed at Threshold to rebuild Quinn's Fort
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W0oXRFX7vzF7ra3VhEWpPoJl0Nc9ADkRK3fGVC4lOV0/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CI61spcB Zane] [John C] - Surface Drow - Sorcerer 5 / Dragon Disciple 3  [2nd Character.  Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes]  Travelling
[http://bit.ly/VqrQl3 Zeoll] [Cayzle] - Liontaur - Cleric 2 / Sorcerer 2/ Cradled 2 / Seer 2  [2nd Character.  Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes]  Sucked into the Chaos Bell temporal distortion and reappeared in Bonetown Game.
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kMRItJrASrRc-0FmP1dcgfIYf_hdcd9zg_KZUapa9hA Cyniq al-liz] [Ezra] - Elf - Wizard / Justicar - 10
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AipMjFvPkEd9dGN3SU1KOU0wdUhlcFdMVTlmd1QycGc#gid=0 Caius] [Tanner] - Human - Fighter - 10
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AibKkCtH6XHBdEtXS0dlcGlxRHFsei14V3BKZVhzemc#gid=1 Anrete] [William] - Human - Barbarian
'''Venbolio Penn''' - Quality spell component merchant and first employer of the group.
'''Gordo''' - Owner of the Bucket of Blood saloon
'''Venbolio Penn''' - Quality spell component merchant and first employer of the group.  Has tent and sells bottles and potions.
'''Vellinius''' - Mindflayer
'''Gordo''' - Owner of the Bucket of Blood saloon in MudTown.  Has Saloon on wagons and travels around MudTown.
'''Temujin aka Jacob the Lesser''' - Doppelganger
'''Sanji''' - once a pc, now an NPC that runs the company's shop.
'''Hemust and Jillian''' - former Noodle gang members, who now work for the group at the shop
'''Five Mile House''' Budding waystation on the isthmus between Hook City and Gateway Downs.  It is 5 miles from Hook City (outside the 5 mile regulation for permanent structures)
'''Lilly, Burwotti and Cade''' - Halfling siblings that were part of the Noodle gang
'''Sanji''' – former PC. Female Rogue. Orphan, she is very loyal but hates bullies.  Runs with Hemust and Jillian.
'''Roy''' - shanghai'd ranger that left under unhappy circumstances
'''Hemust and Jillian''' - former Noodle gang members, who now work at Five Mile House and good friends of the Heroes.  Jillian has short blonde hair and blue eyes, always suspicious.  Hemust is half-elf, also blonde and blue eyed, and is arrogant.
'''Yosef, Arriet and her two children''' - rescued by the group and have left with Roy to start a new life
'''Magister Alistair''' - High level mage that lives in North Hook and is a family friend to the real Jacob the Lesser
'''Hook City'''
'''Magister Alistair''' - High level wizard who helped occasionally to navigate the government of the city. Died of old age. Now, Alistair's Manor is an exclusive dining and meeting establishment.
'''Sergeant Capon''' – was liaison between team and SouthHook Constablatory.  High sense of duty, no sense of humor.  Takes everything seriously. Is currently assigned to the Treasury security detail.
'''Inspector Auslander''' - detective for the Hook City Constablatory.  Tough no-nonsense and skilled, appreciates effective assets.  Has worked with the team before on cursed items.  Currently the liaison between the heroes and the Hook City bureaucracy.
'''Brodery Family''' – Team saved family in MudTown and sponsored them to Hook City after their daughter was killed by assasins.  They run “Brodery Apothecary” in Iron Tower Square.
Jimbim.  Now eldest brother.  He's a nice guy.  Expert herbalist.
Clarissa.  Sister.  Penetrating stare.  Expert alchemist.
Katherine and Billy Boy. Youngsters.  Very angry and vindictive.
Gat.  Cousin.  Toss a coin to figure out that mans mood. He likes to fight and will take anything said to him as an insult.  Expert crafter of common items.
'''Mara Weaver''' – VIP NPC, mother of another PC.  She owns “Sargrass Weavings” on the Iron Tower Square.  Very beautiful and makes beautiful carpets and anything woven.  Master weaver moved from Rattledam before the destruction of the Sargrass.  Can repair Steelgrass weavings.
'''Torm''' - Awakened Tortoise and high priest of Ma'ab in the Hook City Temple.  Speaks slow and has great wisdom.  Temple of Ma'ab in Hook City has grottos that are environmentally thematic; one area of swamp, one forest, one desert...
'''Flea''' - Halfling priestess at the Hook City Temple of Jantierri.  The priests of the dead goddess augment people seeing visions with various drugs (voluntary only).
'''Foes Who May Be Alive'''
'''De Rais''' - An evil arcane spellcaster and his thrall children escaped into Hook City's sewers (Volume 6) after the Iron Adventurers thwarted his plans and killed his brother.  He was also involved in killing two girls who used to be ghosts haunting the Iron Tower.  Not a nice guy and does NOT like the Iron Adventurers, especially any 'taurs.
'''Mhalice''' - A drow Sorcerer/Spellweaver who was lieutenant of Khar Avon before the Iron Adventurers killed him (Volume 13).  She was a huge problem because of her counterspell capabilities.  Due to some bad blood, Mhalice and Sesha (heroic drow BloodWitch) are now arch-enemies.
'''Korrine''' - An Umbral Dragon who lives in Jericho Space.  Tried to use a Tecuri Portal from space to a swamp near Oyster Bay (south-west coast of Gateway Downs) to bring an army of Serpentfolk and golems to conquer the Wold.  The heroes stopped her by destroying the portal, and she is very angry at the Iron Adventurers.  She speaks as if a grandmother talks to grandchildren.  "Tsk, tsk, dearies, you must be punished."  Often outright lies and has no issue with killing her own allies if it suits her purpose.
*[[Iron Tower| The Iron Tower]] - the home of the Iron Adventurers in Hook City
'''The Iron Tower Neighborhood'''
*[[Media:Iron_Tower_Square.png| Iron Tower Square]]
The Iron Tower of the Iron Adventurers stands alone in the middle of a medium-sized square.  It is downriver of the Bridge which is clearly visible only a ½ mile away, and situated on the border between LaborTown and South Hook.  Quite fortuitous, really, as the mercantile activities of LaborTown is full of activities that provide information and are also full of people who will trade nearly anything.  And from the South Hook precinct, the group has access to the constablatory, magistrates, and the respectability which comes of living in Hook City itself.
The square itself is bordered by shop/homes where the street level is of one shop or another and the upper floors are the home of the crafters, merchants, and traders who run the shops.  At first, the square was nearly deserted because of the events of the Haunted (Iron) Tower.  Yet the Iron Adventurers have caused this neighborhood to revive, and several new families have moved in with their own businesses.  In fact, once per week, an open market occurs in the square, with vendors of all sorts vying for the attention of any passersby.
*[[Geography: The Southern Continent|The Southern Continent]]
*[[Geography: The Southern Continent|The Southern Continent]]
*[[Geography: Hook City|Hook City]]
*[[Geography: Hook City|Hook City]]
Special Locations for the Iron Adventurers in Hook City
(all temples are located on the Marble Causeway)
'''Temple to Ma'ab and Eberyon'''  This is a combined temple run by an Awakened Giant Tortoise named Torm.  Torm is extremely wise if very slow in speaking style.  The temple itself is set up as grottos for every possible environment and a cleric of Ma'ab or Eberyon or any druid can recover spells within the temple (even though it is within the city)
'''Temple of Wardd'''  The temple is one big room built with a mix of every imaginable building material.  In the center is a huge statue of Wardd (the pose and specifics of the statue change every time).  Around the statue is always a hodge-podge of items that people leave or take hoping for luck.  Any worshippers that want luck on a venture just come in and shout out their request!  Sometimes, there is someone who can answer the question as they are waiting for their own luck.
'''Temple of Panthenon'''  Set up like a court room, there is always one Justicar on duty to act as judge and hear any cases brought to them.
'''Temple of Jantierri'''  Quiet, dim, and full of incense, there are many beds for supplicants to sleep and perhaps dream of the answer they seek.

Latest revision as of 01:43, 28 November 2019

The crest of the Iron Dragons. The 'IA' initials a reminder of their humble beginnings as the 'Iron Adventurers'

The Game

Here you can find the latest posts in this game.

Current Events

The latest Great Migration of the Southern Continent has barely subsided and Hook City is already back to conducting business as usual. Our selected group of heroes did have what it takes to rise up from the muck of Mudtown to gain fame and fortune in Hook City!

The Iron Adventurers acquired a stone Tower on the border of SouthHook and LaborTown, a half mile downriver from the Bridge. It is in the middle of a square that is now known as Iron Square in honor of the heroes. Formerly a haunted and rundown locale, it is seeing a revival, and many of the people that the Iron Adventurers have helped have moved to the Square. The place is very pro-Iron Adventurers.

(DM SteveK Note: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that Iron Tower remain a safe place to provide a sense of fulfillment for the Players and PCs.)

The Iron Adventurers have also collected many cursed items and now a magical vault to store the items safely. A recurring theme of the group has been collecting cursed and unusual magical items. They have a magical Vault in the Iron Tower (built by some of the retired Children of Chaos) where the group can safely store the cursed items.

Known throughout Hook City, our heroes have been involved in saving many people during the festivities of the Day of Faith, and was involved in the destruction of the Teucri Chit Machine and the failure of the Hook City monetary system. Can our heroes thread the political and economic monsters of Hook City?

The Story so far

Volume 1: Business as Usual (8th June 2009). Our heroes adventures began in a brawl in the watery streets of MudTown, where they were able to defeat a mind-flayer’s plot and gain ownership of Black Harris’ Emporium, and also gain access to the fabled wonders of Hook City.

Volume 2: Home of the Manfri (9th February 2010). Our heroes travel to a part of the Sargrass Plains that were still attached to Hook City since the Great Migration. There they assist the strange Manfri and stop a plot by a group of Witches.

Volume 3: Inbetween (23rd April 2010).

Volume 4: Night of the Zombies (11th November 2010) A prodigal son leads to a strange healer, then to a copse of corpses, then to a new way to make zombies, and then to the zombie master himself -- who is not who he seems to be. Having found a secret entrance to the catacombs beneath Hook City, the party follows tracks to the workshop of the evil Mr. E, a necromancer who has found a way to make a new kind of zombie. Mr. E turns out to be a disembodied spirit, housed in a Magic Jar-like necklace, who has possessed his great-great-great grandson. The party finds this out the hard way. Before the party can stop him, Mr. E unleashes a zombie horde on the city. The adventurers do what they can to give a warning. In the aftermath, Hook City authorities have questions.

Volume 5: The Ring of Malaphaz (20th July 2011)

Volume 6: The Girls (22nd November 2011) (Volume 7 was Intermission)

Volume 8: The Death of Heather Brody (18th January 2012) (Volume 9 was Intermission)

Volume 10: Fish On! (30th July 2012) Where our heroes rescued a dragon that had been balefully polymorphed into a giant goldfish with a bounty on its head!

Volume 11: Return to the Temple of the Illithid (14th December 2012) Where our heroes at last put to rest the Illithid demi-god and all of its imprisoned and kidnapped souls.

Volume 12: Southern Comfort (7th January 2013) Our heroes learn more about the secrets of the Southern Continent post-Great Migration.

Volume 13: The Cauldron and the Spear(23 July 2013) Our heroes stop a mad wizard from becoming a lich and destroying two magical artifacts.

Volume 14: Day of Faith (12 February 2014) Our heroes are on the trail to thwart a series of mysterious accidents on the eve of the annual Day of Faith, where citizens of Hook City test their faith in the Four Sky Hooks that give the city its name.

Volume 15: The Day After (18 July 2914) Our heroes are embroiled in the political and economic dangers of a powerful Hook City that is suddenly without money! They venture into the depths of the Treasury to discover more about the mysterious origins of the Teucri...

Volume 16: The Hunt for the Teucri (12 November 2014) Our heroes us a Teucri teleportation machine. They want to find the Teucri to repair the Chit Machine, but instead find themselves in a land of heat and sand and an ancient curse!

Cursed and Evil Magic Items in Storage with Iron Adventurers

The Iron Adventurers have been collecting cursed magical items almost since the beginning. At the end of "Southern Comfort", part of their reward was a magical vault to safely keep the cursed items. Current itesm are:

Sargrass Daggers. Two wickedly curved daggers (fate items) from the Sargrass that were used in an unknown ritual that summoned a weird spirit (the Sargrass is a blocked land, presumably destroyed. See ACDM or CDM for details.)

Skeleton Swords. Bosk has some skeletal hands that have swords fused to the wrist instead of hands. They have a faint evil aura and are worthless. They are mainly decorations in his room now and for nostalgia.

Teleporter Painting. A painting and a teleportation disk to the temple of the Illithid that radiated evil, but they are now deactivated and broken.

Branding Iron. a cursed branding iron. Successful attack requires Fort DC 18 and Will DC 18. Fail Fort = Baleful Polymorph to Acid Zombie (as zombie but explodes when killed for 3d6 acid splash damage). Fail Will = Dominate Monster spell under control of weilder. This item was lost along with Zeoll when the Iron Adventurers and Uncharted Heroes stopped the Chaos Bell at the end of "Southern Comfort".

Bronze Ring. The ring has a map and was owned by a Hook City elite from long ago with a strange accent that sucked the heroes inside for a series of arena battles. They do not know the significance of the map.

Red and Black Gem. Serves as a magic compass when placed in water. So far, it has pointed the team to a warehouse outside of Hook City, and to an Illithad Tadpole eating animal. They have no clue how it works.

Assasin Box. A box that the team cannot open and looks like it has a place to insert something like a signet ring. The Assassin that killed Heather had the box. The signet ring is unknown.

Chaos Bell Clapper. The group temporarily had this item, stopping a Witch in Threshold, but the Clapper was taken by Gargul and the Crones of Gateway Downs to keep out of reach of mortals.

The Spear of Eberyon. Corrupted to chaos and evil by the twisted drow mage, Khar Avon, this Spear changes all spells cast nearby to strange and horrible effects!


The full past history of game posts can be found here.


These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.

Group Name in Hook City: Iron Adventurers

Current Roster

Table: Current Roster
Character Name Player Gender Race Class Description
Bosk Deox James D Male Minotaur Cleric4/Avenger10/Grim3 thumb Bosk Deosk
Zane Stormfront John C Male Minotaur Monk4/Sorceror5/DragonDisciple10 thumb Zane Stormfront
Restlin Carl M Male Human Wizard8/Cleric2/Mendicant9 thumb Restlin
Garret Goodbarrel Jeff O Male Halfling Monk19 thumb Garret Goodbarrel
Beriothian Galanodel ('Beri') William D Male Human Druid19 thumb Beriothian Galanodel
Wyaar Mudlynn Jon L Male Human Paladin19 thumb Wyaar Mudlynn
Katinka Hushfoot ('Tink') Rob C Female Halfling Wizard8/Justicar5/ArcaneTrickster6 thumb Katinka Hushfoot
Sesha Ken E Female Surface Drow Bloodwitch19 thumb Sesha

Past Characters

Ariman Couatlfang [Jason] - Human / Cleric / 1

Lenwë Palantír [Ed] - Half-Elf / Wizard / 1

Naru Aetherwind] [Adam] - Human / Wizard (Enchantress) / 1

Padre Sixtus [Drew] - Human / Cleric / 1

Motley Anklebiter [Dominic] - Gnome / Barbarian / 1

Sanji Remeid [Eric] - Human / Rogue / 1 [currently an NPC at Five Mile House with Helmust and Jillian]

Grendel [Jay] - Half-Orc - Cleric 1/Wizard 1

Xeron [Alain] - Human - Rogue 3

Valla Crudarian [Marty] - Elf - Wizard 3/ Ranger 3 [Came again, left again, came again, left again]

Ransy [Wilson] - Human - Paladin 2

Cesar [Nick] - Human - Fighter 2

Maikill [Kelly] - Half-Orc - Barbarian 3

Kyan [Jon] - Human - Ranger 6

Alexi [Jon T] - Human - Fighter 6

Beltrin [Keith] - Human - Barbarian / Wizard (Transmuter) 5

Yondrim [Jon L] - Centaur - Barbarian 2 / Oracle 4 Killed. Re-rolled Wyaar

Wyaar [Jon L] - Human - Paladin 6 / Cradled 1 [2nd Character. Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes] Stayed at Threshold to rebuild Quinn's Fort

Zane [John C] - Surface Drow - Sorcerer 5 / Dragon Disciple 3 [2nd Character. Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes] Travelling

Zeoll [Cayzle] - Liontaur - Cleric 2 / Sorcerer 2/ Cradled 2 / Seer 2 [2nd Character. Left upon consolidation of Hook City and Uncharted Heroes] Sucked into the Chaos Bell temporal distortion and reappeared in Bonetown Game.

Cyniq al-liz [Ezra] - Elf - Wizard / Justicar - 10

Caius [Tanner] - Human - Fighter - 10

Anrete [William] - Human - Barbarian



Venbolio Penn - Quality spell component merchant and first employer of the group. Has tent and sells bottles and potions.

Gordo - Owner of the Bucket of Blood saloon in MudTown. Has Saloon on wagons and travels around MudTown.

Five Mile House Budding waystation on the isthmus between Hook City and Gateway Downs. It is 5 miles from Hook City (outside the 5 mile regulation for permanent structures)

Sanji – former PC. Female Rogue. Orphan, she is very loyal but hates bullies. Runs with Hemust and Jillian.

Hemust and Jillian - former Noodle gang members, who now work at Five Mile House and good friends of the Heroes. Jillian has short blonde hair and blue eyes, always suspicious. Hemust is half-elf, also blonde and blue eyed, and is arrogant.

Hook City

Magister Alistair - High level wizard who helped occasionally to navigate the government of the city. Died of old age. Now, Alistair's Manor is an exclusive dining and meeting establishment.

Sergeant Capon – was liaison between team and SouthHook Constablatory. High sense of duty, no sense of humor. Takes everything seriously. Is currently assigned to the Treasury security detail.

Inspector Auslander - detective for the Hook City Constablatory. Tough no-nonsense and skilled, appreciates effective assets. Has worked with the team before on cursed items. Currently the liaison between the heroes and the Hook City bureaucracy.

Brodery Family – Team saved family in MudTown and sponsored them to Hook City after their daughter was killed by assasins. They run “Brodery Apothecary” in Iron Tower Square. Jimbim. Now eldest brother. He's a nice guy. Expert herbalist. Clarissa. Sister. Penetrating stare. Expert alchemist. Katherine and Billy Boy. Youngsters. Very angry and vindictive. Gat. Cousin. Toss a coin to figure out that mans mood. He likes to fight and will take anything said to him as an insult. Expert crafter of common items.

Mara Weaver – VIP NPC, mother of another PC. She owns “Sargrass Weavings” on the Iron Tower Square. Very beautiful and makes beautiful carpets and anything woven. Master weaver moved from Rattledam before the destruction of the Sargrass. Can repair Steelgrass weavings.

Torm - Awakened Tortoise and high priest of Ma'ab in the Hook City Temple. Speaks slow and has great wisdom. Temple of Ma'ab in Hook City has grottos that are environmentally thematic; one area of swamp, one forest, one desert...

Flea - Halfling priestess at the Hook City Temple of Jantierri. The priests of the dead goddess augment people seeing visions with various drugs (voluntary only).

Foes Who May Be Alive

De Rais - An evil arcane spellcaster and his thrall children escaped into Hook City's sewers (Volume 6) after the Iron Adventurers thwarted his plans and killed his brother. He was also involved in killing two girls who used to be ghosts haunting the Iron Tower. Not a nice guy and does NOT like the Iron Adventurers, especially any 'taurs.

Mhalice - A drow Sorcerer/Spellweaver who was lieutenant of Khar Avon before the Iron Adventurers killed him (Volume 13). She was a huge problem because of her counterspell capabilities. Due to some bad blood, Mhalice and Sesha (heroic drow BloodWitch) are now arch-enemies.

Korrine - An Umbral Dragon who lives in Jericho Space. Tried to use a Tecuri Portal from space to a swamp near Oyster Bay (south-west coast of Gateway Downs) to bring an army of Serpentfolk and golems to conquer the Wold. The heroes stopped her by destroying the portal, and she is very angry at the Iron Adventurers. She speaks as if a grandmother talks to grandchildren. "Tsk, tsk, dearies, you must be punished." Often outright lies and has no issue with killing her own allies if it suits her purpose.


The Iron Tower Neighborhood

The Iron Tower of the Iron Adventurers stands alone in the middle of a medium-sized square. It is downriver of the Bridge which is clearly visible only a ½ mile away, and situated on the border between LaborTown and South Hook. Quite fortuitous, really, as the mercantile activities of LaborTown is full of activities that provide information and are also full of people who will trade nearly anything. And from the South Hook precinct, the group has access to the constablatory, magistrates, and the respectability which comes of living in Hook City itself.

The square itself is bordered by shop/homes where the street level is of one shop or another and the upper floors are the home of the crafters, merchants, and traders who run the shops. At first, the square was nearly deserted because of the events of the Haunted (Iron) Tower. Yet the Iron Adventurers have caused this neighborhood to revive, and several new families have moved in with their own businesses. In fact, once per week, an open market occurs in the square, with vendors of all sorts vying for the attention of any passersby.

Special Locations for the Iron Adventurers in Hook City

(all temples are located on the Marble Causeway)

Temple to Ma'ab and Eberyon This is a combined temple run by an Awakened Giant Tortoise named Torm. Torm is extremely wise if very slow in speaking style. The temple itself is set up as grottos for every possible environment and a cleric of Ma'ab or Eberyon or any druid can recover spells within the temple (even though it is within the city)

Temple of Wardd The temple is one big room built with a mix of every imaginable building material. In the center is a huge statue of Wardd (the pose and specifics of the statue change every time). Around the statue is always a hodge-podge of items that people leave or take hoping for luck. Any worshippers that want luck on a venture just come in and shout out their request! Sometimes, there is someone who can answer the question as they are waiting for their own luck.

Temple of Panthenon Set up like a court room, there is always one Justicar on duty to act as judge and hear any cases brought to them.

Temple of Jantierri Quiet, dim, and full of incense, there are many beds for supplicants to sleep and perhaps dream of the answer they seek.


Here you'll find links to all the events and history relevant to this game.

DM Pages

Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.

Hook City Fiction

Here are any stories written about Hook City Characters/Game Events