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Bill's Stylish Pants O' Plenty

These pants appear to be well-made and unremarkable, but their magic nature is obvious when different people try them on -- a perfect fit regardless of size!

The pants can have many regular pockets, but two special pockets open into nondimensional spaces, like small bags of holding -- the inside is larger than the outside. Neither the pants themselves nor objects placed in the special pockets affect the wearer's encumbrance. Each pocket can hold up to 20 pounds in 2 cubic feet of space. While such storage is useful enough, the pants pockets have an even greater power in addition. When the wearer reaches into a pocket for a specific item, that item is always on top (as with Heward's Handy Haversack). Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a pocket contains. Retrieving any item from the pants is a move-equivalent action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

If a fine or diminutive living creature is placed within a pocket, it can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time it runs out of air.

The pants and whatever the pockets hold gain a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws. This resistance does not extend to the wearer of the pants.

If a person tries to place an item in a pocket which would exceed the capacity of the pocket, he will feel a resistance, a pushing back against the item. If he nevertheless forces the item in, that will cause the pocket to burst. The DM may make a saving throw for each item within to see if it is lost in another dimension (d100:1-40) or spills out upon the ground (d100:41-100). Add 5% to the roll if an item stored is magical, (such as a potion), or 5% times the plus of an item to the roll for items with magical plusses. For example, a +2 dagger would fall to the ground if the adjusted d100 roll is 31 or higher (d100+10).

Though highly resistant to puncturing or tearing, if a concerted effort is made to damage a pocket, a similar effect to that of overfilling will result.

These pants come in two variations.

1. The standard pair of pants o' plenty can be made of any number of durable fabrics. The extra-dimensional pockets are made of finely tanned leather, which is concealed by the fabric.

2. The stylish pants o' plenty are able, on a command phrase (which includes the shade desired), to change color. And with a separate command phrase, they will also change style. The wearer of the pants gains a +2 on disguise checks. This does not stack with Disguise Self / Alter Self / Hat of Disguise bonuses, but may stack with a disguise kit. An individual change takes a standard action, or both color and style can be changed as a full round action. At the DM's discretion, a limit of up to five color changes plus five style changes can be made per day.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Leomund's Secret Chest. Disguise Self also needed for color/style changing option. Market Price: 2,000 gp for Bill's Pants o' Plenty; 2,500 for Bill's Stylish Pants o' Plenty.

Developed by Bill Troublefinder (Kim McKoy)