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Line 59: Line 59:
Gothruk -- 10' space -- Sable<br />
Gothruk -- 10' space -- Sable<br />
Gothruk -- 5' - Tsak -- Sable<br />
Gothruk -- 5' -- Tsak -- Sable<br />
        Falco -- Finnian<br />
::Falco -- Finnian<br />
  Kiwina - 5' space - Rolth<br />
:Kiwina - 5' space - Rolth<br />
  Kiwina             Rolth<br />
:Kiwina------------------Rolth<br />

Revision as of 21:13, 4 June 2017


Welcome to Taur Isles!

Game Background

In an archipelago not many years removed from open warfare, the three taur races -- minotaur, liontaur, and centaur -- are figuring out how to set aside their ancient animosities. On Liontaur Isle a band of young adventurers has found the perfect place to set forth on the path to fame and fortune.


These are the characters, past and present, that have been featured in this game.

Current Roster

Table: Current Roster
Character Name Player Gender Race Class Notes
Falco Ambersire Ryan M M Halfling Conjuration Wizard Book-lover who uses magic in unusual ways.
Kiwina Steve M M Centaur Ranger Hails from a far western isle.
Finnian Zeke W M Half-Elf Sharpshooter Forest-dweller, bowyer.
Sable Trueheart Don P M Minotaur Ranger Dour bounty hunter seeking a criminal.
Gothruk Gore Logan B M Minotaur Monk Striking scar and big pole-arm.
Rolth Niheow Mark B M Liontaur Barbarian From the wilder part of Liontaur Island, tattooed.
Tsak Rezar Damien B M Half-Orc Ranger Raised by Dwarves.

A link to more extensive information on the current members of the Eight-Petaled Rose Party

Standard Marching Order


10'/5' corridor:


Finnian Left-3rd/Falco Right-4th


This gives us an extra 5 foot space up front for the medium-sized PC to step into if necessary to get off a shot or close spell (color spray!) with Gothruk right behind to use his reach and combat reflexes for AoOs if the enemy tries to step up to that square instead. Rolth and Kiwina have plenty of movement to cross the whole party in one move action if the need to get ahead of the front rank for some reason.


Gothruk -- 10' space -- Sable
Gothruk -- 5' -- Tsak -- Sable

Falco -- Finnian
Kiwina - 5' space - Rolth

Standard Nightly Watch

Past Characters

Table: Past Characters
Character Name Player Gender Race Class Notes
Allura Barrin’tor Clark A F Half-Elf Bard Drow heritage.


  • Name--Race--Class/Role--Description
  • Artemis Blackwind--Liontaur--Master of Ceremonies--Presided over the opening ceremony of the Taurnament of Roses
  • Beckn--Human--Sailor--Serves as Bosun on the crew of the Merry Mermaid
  • Bucko--Half Elf--Sailor--Serves on the crew of the Merry Mermaid
  • Clayfus--Liontaur--Warrior--An egotistical member of the Wrestling Wemics whom the Petals met in Chessford before the Taurnament of Roses
  • Clyde--Human--Mage--Loose-lipped Star Mage Guild recruiter at the Taurnament Opening Ceremony
  • Coyle--Half Elf--Mage--By the book Star Mage Guild recruiter at the Taurnament Opening Ceremony
  • Crusty--Dwarf--Sailing Captain--Captain of the Dahlia, ancient but swift, for the right price
  • Selanlar Erhorn--Half Elf--Sailing Captain--Greedy commander of the overloaded Magbellam
  • Gnym of Gnym--Minotaur--Poet--Judge of the Taurnament of Roses
  • Granny Esoway--Liontaur--Wise Woman--Eldery liontaur who sold us a clue at the Taurnament of Roses
  • Hollyhocks--Centaur--Druid--High Priest of Domi and Judge of the Taurnament of Roses
  • Luomi Juova--Liontaur--Shining Dragon--Dragon Consortium Judge of the Taurnament of Roses
  • Alex Marblehorn--Minotaur--Fighter--Wealthy adventurer competing in the Taurnament
  • Parsons--Human--Sailing Captain--Eccentric commander of the Merry Mermaid, with a history of good deeds
  • Phaeline--Liontaur--Waitress--A staffer at the Wanderers' Roost inn of Chessford who can dish it out as well as she can take it
  • Roco--Centaur--Innkeeper--The gruffly good-humored proprietor of the Wanderers' Roost inn
  • Garrat Steadyrunner--Minotaur--Sailing Captain--Captain of the slow and steady Gallion


This game is originates in the town of Chessford on Liontaur Island, which is the home base for the game. The group starts the campaign in the town, although play will often take them out onto the sea and to other islands. Click here for commonly known geographic facts about the Taur Isles.
