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The population of Thistleport is mostly gnomish with some halflings, dwarves, and other races mixed in.  Tradition, ideology, and even humor are gnomish and revolve around trade, crafting, and a little subsistence farming.
The population of Thistleport is mostly gnomish with some halflings, dwarves, and other races mixed in.  Tradition, ideology, and even humor are gnomish and revolve around trade, crafting, and a little subsistence farming.
Moreover, these townsfolk are used to having their methods and attitude looked down upon by the more traditional dwarves.  The occupations of farming and trade are done in the gnomish way and they take pride in their creativity as well as their ability to shift strategies to meet the current opportunities.  They are used to being seen as frivolous and unstable, but their business success speaks for itself. The people of Thistleport have a positive, snappy, clever attitude.  They say that success changes people.  In truth, it changes cultures even more.  Thistleport is always changing and adapting.  With each visit to Thistleport, one can expect to see changes within the town.  Thistleport has both an openness and a secrecy about it, due to the trade practices of the gnome caravans.
Moreover, these townsfolk are used to having their methods and attitude looked down upon by the more traditional dwarves.  The occupations of crafts and trade are done in the gnomish way and they take pride in their creativity as well as their ability to shift strategies to meet the current opportunities.  They are used to being seen as frivolous and unstable, but their business success speaks for itself. The people of Thistleport have a positive, snappy, clever attitude.  They say that success changes people.  In truth, it changes cultures even more.  Thistleport is always changing and adapting.  With each visit to Thistleport, one can expect to see changes within the town.  Thistleport has both an openness and a secrecy about it, due to the trade practices of the gnome caravans.
The largest business enterprise in Thistleport are the Gnomish Caravans.  Run by the Thistle family, all loading, unloading, and storing of trade items are done within the town walls.  The caravan construction and repair facilities are nearby in a secret location. [See History of Gnomish Caravans and Thistleport]
The largest business enterprise in Thistleport are the Gnomish Caravans.  Run by the Thistle family, all loading, unloading, and storing of trade items are done within the town walls.  The caravan construction and repair facilities are nearby in a secret location. [See History of Gnomish Caravans and Thistleport]

Revision as of 15:25, 7 September 2024


Thistleport is located on the north shore of Dragon Bay just south of the central ranges of the Scab. This location is important as it provides the best access to both near and distant destinations within the Scab; trade is this town's lifesblood. There are a few farms growing cold-tolerant veggies and scraggly orchards, but these industries are not enough to feed the population (trade provides the bulk of the food the community needs). Some herb farms growing mint, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme also can be found on the nearby mountain slopes. Being on the water, there is some fishing, but lingering fears of the (now mostly gone) dragons of Dragon's Bay mean this food source is also inadequate.

People and Culture

The population of Thistleport is mostly gnomish with some halflings, dwarves, and other races mixed in. Tradition, ideology, and even humor are gnomish and revolve around trade, crafting, and a little subsistence farming.

Moreover, these townsfolk are used to having their methods and attitude looked down upon by the more traditional dwarves. The occupations of crafts and trade are done in the gnomish way and they take pride in their creativity as well as their ability to shift strategies to meet the current opportunities. They are used to being seen as frivolous and unstable, but their business success speaks for itself. The people of Thistleport have a positive, snappy, clever attitude. They say that success changes people. In truth, it changes cultures even more. Thistleport is always changing and adapting. With each visit to Thistleport, one can expect to see changes within the town. Thistleport has both an openness and a secrecy about it, due to the trade practices of the gnome caravans.

The largest business enterprise in Thistleport are the Gnomish Caravans. Run by the Thistle family, all loading, unloading, and storing of trade items are done within the town walls. The caravan construction and repair facilities are nearby in a secret location. [See History of Gnomish Caravans and Thistleport]

The Oldfoot Family, prominent halflings originally from Angel Springs, run the docks and several warehouses for storing crates in transit. Their company is named Oldfoot Transit Authority. The Oldfoots also run two local warehouses. One contains inventory waiting to be shipped into the Scab by gnomish caravan. The second houses contain inventory that are waiting for a ship to take them to another port.


See Origin of Thistleport and the Gnomish Caravans


The mayor, Gefti Zap, heads the town council. This person is selected from those in the council and the council is made up of the top 10 business folk in the town.


Thistleport (map).jpg

1-- Gnomish Caravans Warehouses: The 4 warehouses are in a square formation. The paved loading zone in the center. Hezna Bombtosser, the foreman, has her office in Warehouse One, which is painted bright green. Felbis Ironbonk is chief accountant and Sinfiz Longhaggle manages all loading and unloading. All loaded caravans activate their defensive magics before leaving the loading zone.

2-- Gnomish Caravan Wainwright Center: This location is unknown, is not inside the town, and it is hidden. Any Gnomish Caravan wagons traveling to or from this location always has its secret and defensive magics activated. This location is where all caravan wagons are constructed, repaired, and upgraded.

3--Gnomish Caravan Headquarters: Gwenipa Thistle runs the Gnomish Caravan Company from here.

4-- Oldfoot Transit Authority: 2 warehouses that butt up against the wharf so that loading and unloading is easily accomplished. The OTA offices are in a smaller building sandwiched between the two warehouses. Fortinbras Oldfoot, a red-haired halfling, is the CEO; however, his son Fosco Oldfoot is more likely to be running things.

5-- Town Hall: This is where the town council meets and the town records are kept. It also is where the town sheriff has his office and the jail is located.

6-- Oldfoot Wharf: Several boats may be loaded or unloaded at a time. The bay is very still, so ships not unloading or loading are told to anchor in the harbor. The OTA mage on watch will cast a long-range Message spell that allows two way communication and welcome the ship, find out where they are from and their reason for visiting Thistleport. Traders are given a number and are invited to the wharf when it is their turn. Usually the turnaround for ships is less than one day unless they wish to have some shore leave. A “shuttle boat” may be sent to bring the crew to shore if requested and later return them to their boat. The wharf remains open from dawn to sunset, but is manned by the Sheriff department around the clock.

7-- Cathedral of Wardd: This temple sits on a hill to one side of the wharf. Constructed of green granite and accented with various moon crystals that glow in the dark of the first moon, it has two entrances on opposite sides. One is for the lucky, who enter to give thanks. The other is for the unlucky petitioners wanting to change their luck. Services are held for both. A circular staircase sits to one side of the nave and descends to the basement. Ibby Gemslicer is the High-Favored priest of Wardd and is a third generation priest of Wardd. Young for her position, this gnome spends her days out in the town offering lucky blessings rather than remaining in the temple.

8-- Fortress of Courage (Domi): This temple, though not near as large as the Cathedral of Wardd, looks formidable as it also serves as a fortress in case the town is ever attacked. Situated on the north wall of the town between the two gates, its doors are always open. The priest, a dwarf named Roar Gvalin, is a retired adventurer and personally runs the various town security folk through their paces in defending the town and the fortress temple. Many gnomes have added Domi as a second patron due to the efforts of Roar and his staff.

9-- Feast Hall of Maab: This temple is painted a bright silver and one can always smell exotic food and incense within. On Godsday, all are welcome for the worship feast. On the first day of summer, the temple casts a spell opening a gateway to Maab’s Table where Maab blesses all her children around the Wold. Mimosa Greathill is the halfling priest, a tiny thing with a huge smile.

10-- Craft Circle (all the trades: stonemason, carpenters, toolmaking, wagon repairs, armorers, etc): Each craft has a section with stalls. No stores, just places to work. Most are covered. A few are nicer than the others. There is usually quite a bit of yelling and advice freely given yet not always appreciated. Stalls are free. Anvils and other equipment must be purchased, though some cast off materials are available. Open “officially” from dawn to dusk, each craftsman or vendor is expected to help keep the area in good repair, keep your stall and the area around it clean, etc. Traditionally, all crafting stops an hour before dark and collectively work to get Craft Circle ready for the next work day. Traditionally the craftsman who has been in the circle the longest is the “boss.” The current boss is a dwarf named Kwalin Beleg - a stonemason.

11-- Marketplace: organized in a similar fashion to the craft circle and the stalls are free. Vendors are expected to be open daily, as with Craft Circle, and do their share of the upkeep and maintenance of the area. Anyone not pulling their share of the load will likely be thrown out on their ear (which is a real thing in Thistleport.). The current Head of Market is a Liontaur named Dargon Goldclaw. Dargon always has the first choice of stall and sells cloth and clothing.

12-- Schoolhouse: Run by a gnome simply known as Mr Tendermask, reading, writing, and math is taught to students until they are of the age to apprentice. He does provide recommendations and advice to businesses looking for apprentices...for a fee.

13-- Mage School: Run by Voli Cobblebadge, Voli teaches students of apprentice age until they are able to cast 1st level spells. Voli also manages a store in the marketplace with his sister Goli that sells spells and scrolls as well as crafting special orders. Both are members of the WLA and both help tend the basement of the Cathedral of Wardd.

14-- WLA office: Managed by Wilma Breegear, the office does have the ability to communicate with the WLA offices of both PCity and the Float. The Catacombs teleport office is also in this building.

15-- Notice Boards: Normally these would be on the walls of buildings near taverns and inns. Here in Thistleport, though, this is done more formally in this location. Many in Thistleport are young freelancers moving from job to job working on earning a reputation. So these boards are bunched together offering all types of opportunities. Twice a year on the first day of summer and the first day of winter, all the notices are removed and the boards whitewashed.

16-- Gwenipa Road: The more affluent houses are on or near this road. Houses tend to have pillars holding up a large porch in the front with broad bay windows and window boxes for flowers. Lawns are well manicured with winter grass, small sculptures, and rock paths leading to the front door.

17-- The Crow’s Nest: This inn faces the wharf and is the cheapest inn in town with rooms. Magic students like to make the Crow above the door “speak” and say things on the hour or to repeat something stupid that one of them has said recently. Food is good, but cheap. Rooms are plain, but cheap. Managed by Najim, a rare human in Thistleport with white hair, beard, quite the girth, huge belly laughs and even a greater temper. Will NOT serve a Green Gnomish and will throw anyone who asks for one out on their ear!

18-- The Rusty Ear: Known commonly as “The Ear,” it sits smack in the center of town within reach of Craft Circle and the Marketplace. Yes, it has a giant ear over the doorway with daisies growing out of it. Nice place with single rooms and suites. Serves the best “nontoxic” Green Gnomish in town along with 3 levels of “toxic” Green Gnomishes (which require saving throws.) He’s been working for years with Voli Cobblebadge on a Red Gnomish that is so hot it will make steam come out of your ears. They always test this with a priest from the Cathedral of Wardd present, just in case.

19-- The Orchard’s Table: Family dining with a magically expanding table. Up the grand staircase are a series of suites. “The Table” is located near Gwenipa Road and caters to the affluent. Adventurers stay for free, but are expected to be the entertainment for the night telling the tales of their adventurers. Owned by Jarvink Fizzear, a jolly gnome and a retired adventurer with several diamond rings in each ear.