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Towns. You’re beginning to remember why you dislike them so much. You grew up in a place very much like Northbrook, and leaving it was one of the better decisions of your life. You are a Ranger, more at home in the wild then here among people with their selfishness and bickering and tedious lives.

For the moment, though, you’re stuck. You and a handful of fellow Rangers are tracking a fairly dangerous outlaw wizard. You’re working as part of a loose network, with a few established meeting times and places set up in advance to exchange information. You are in town for one such meeting; there is another Ranger who will meet you here if he can. If he’s not here by the Equinox, though, you can assume he’s not coming. The Equinox is tomorrow and you must leave town by dawn at the very latest if you’re going to get where you’re going next. You have a decent lead on the wizard, and you’d hate to lose her at this point.

Normally you’d be camping out in the woods, but you know that there are many tribes of savage humanoids out there who would make life very interesting for a man alone. You decided to play it safe and stay at the inn--and oh, the joy you have reaped! People glaring at you and muttering under their breaths because you haven’t lived here for a hundred years and don’t care to answer their nosy questions. It’s not a bad little place, as towns go, but you’ll be glad to leave it in the morning.

Just for the heck of it, you’ve made some inquiries about the local wizard. As you expected, she’s a pretty standard town sage and has had no unusual visitors. You consider it extremely unlikely that she has anything to do with the renegade you’re chasing.

Guilt or Innocence

You had nothing to do with the theft. In fact, you don’t even know about the pact with the hobgoblins until this all gets started.


Should anyone care to ask, you can try to pick up the trail of the thief. It won’t be easy tracking somebody over cobblestones after who knows how long, but it might be worth a try. Should anyone care to ask.

Armor, Weapons, Equipment, Money

You probably have your +1 Amulet of Natural Armor and your Lens of Detection on you; neither is especially heavy or likely to excite comment. Your armor class is calculated without your armor, and your weapon bonuses are not noted; you don’t really need them in town and probably don’t have them on you. Should you need them, though, you have a chain shirt, a longsword, and a longbow back in your room at the inn.

Likewise, you have no money or additional equipment listed, but you do have (reasonable) traveler’s supplies in your gear back at the inn, and some money, should you need it.


You can cast one first-level spell per day. You have a spell noted on your character sheet, but if you feel there’s another spell that better suits this character, feel free to swap it in.

Victory Conditions

Whatever else happens, you must leave town at dawn to get where you’re going. You can’t do this if 1) the town is under attack by hordes of screaming hobgoblins, or 2) you’re in lockup under suspicion of theft. You reckon you’d better help them find the tribute if you’re going to get out of here on time.

Name:  Kirill
Played by:  
Race: human
Class: Ranger
Level:  5 
Age:  24
Height:  5’8”
Hero Points:  2
S:	12	+1
D:	16	+3
C:	14	+2
I:	14	+2
W:	14	+2
Ch:	10	+0
Hit Points:  37
Armor Class:  14   (0 armor,  +3 dex bonus, +1 natural )
Alignment:  CG
Initiative:   +3 (dex bonus)
Base Attack Bonus:  +5
Base Speed:  30
Encumbered Speed: 20  
Saving Throws:
 Fort:	+6	(+4 base, +2 con bonus)
 Ref:	+7	(+4 base, +3 dex bonus)
 Will:	+3	(+1 base, +2 wis bonus)

Combat Attack Bonuses:
 Melee:	+6	(+5 base, +1 str bonus)
 Ranged:	+8	(+5 base, +3 dex bonus)

Weapon:			bonus			dam		crit		range

Trained Skills	total mod	ability mod		ranks		other
 Heal		+12		+2			8		+2 (feat)
 Hide		+11		+3			8
 Kn. (nature)	+12		+2			8		+2 (syn)
 Listen		+10		+2			8
 M. Silent	+11		+3			8
 Search 	+10		+2			8		+5 (Lens)
 Sense M.	+6		+2			4
 Spot		+10		+2			8
 Survival	+12*		+2			8		+2 (feat)	
*+2 in aboveground natural environment (syn)
*+2 when following tracks (syn) (+7 with Lens)
Class Features:
 Wild Empathy
 Favored Enemy: Goblins (+2)
 Rapid Shot
 Favored Enemy: Orcs (+4)
 Point-Blank Shot
 Precise Shot
Spells per day: 1
Spell prepared: Endure Elements
Available equipment includes:
 Chain shirt
Magic Items: 
 Amulet of Natural Armor +1
 Lens of Detection

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