Geography: Plateau City: Trade Quarter

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Located between the arms of the Endless River, this quarter bustles from before dawn until well after dusk. Most of the activity centers around the Open Palm Market, the major marketplace in the city and the one most frequented by commoners. On especially busy days, vendors can be seen all the way up Helm's Way, Gauntlet Street, and Shield Street filling the entire quarter with stands and merchandise.

The market is truly open; anyone may open a stall or a place of trade so long as they pay their coin to the Market Manager. Buyers need to be on their toes, for some who open stalls here are less than honest.

Overlooking the market is the Temple of Flower. Many vendors believe that the goddess brings good luck, and try to find space as close to the temple as possible.

In addition to the market, the narrow, twisting streets of this quarter offer all manner of minor shops and eateries. Lodgings tend to be small, often located above shops. Those who live here, generally merchants and those who work for them, quickly become accustomed to the constant activity--or decide to live elsewhere.


28. Temple of Love (Flower)
43. Sampson's Place (Tavern)
44. Endless Fish (seafood from the Endless River)
151. The Silver Coin (tavern)