The Red Wyrm Inn

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We've added a separate game board called The Red Wyrm Inn where the characters, not the players, from all the games (including JKF's now defunct Morantia campaign) can gather, meet and chat in character. There we talk, have shared adventurers and some occasionally are invited to visit The Maw, a huge dungeon underneath the inn. All posts in this inn are done in character. With permission from the Campaign DM, you may occasionally introduce or play an existing NPC on this board. You may begin to post here just as soon as you've sent the first draft of your character sheet to your DM. If you have some questions about using this page, email your DM.

All characters entering the RWI find themselves at the 6th level of experience, yet with their current equipment. The only exceptions to this are characters who have joined the ranks of the Dragon Consortium. They may enter the Inn at their current rank of experience. Any equipment gained in the Inn will probably be lost when the character returns to "real life." Hit points used in the inn are spent for real and are lost to the character in his "real" place and time.

No one ever seems dies in the inn. At least not permanently. This seems to be handled in various ways depending on the circumstances. But thanks be to the Gods of Wold that such is the case, because I've seen them dropping like flies in there, each disappearing only to walk in again the next day!

No one knows how characters from various games, places, and times all end up at the RWI together at the same time and place. It is a grand mystery. Some suggest that the Inn summons those who are restless in their sleep to it's comforting environs. Supporting this is the fact that several characters have noticed that rewards earned in the RWI have occasionally appeared the next morning in their bed roll or under their pillow. Someday perhaps this mystery will be revealed.

One thing is for sure and that is that if your character is searching for more adventure, and wants to meet the characters from other times and places, then the Red Wyrm Inn is the place to be!