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Enjoyed by orc and goblin pirates plying the trade lanes near the Elennian Peninsula, this mixture of dark rum, water, and lemon juice was discovered almost purely by accident by the orc captain Hashrak gro-Bulmug. A mighty leader, Hashrak combined his fondness for wanton violence and strong drink to invent an intriguing method of executing captured sailors. Each prisoner was placed inside a large wooden barrel into which Hashrak's crew poured his favorite grog. The barrels were then sealed up and the victims allowed to drown. After the beverage had rested for several weeks, Hashrak and his crew found the resulting drink to have acquired a sour quality and distinct flavor that it had not possessed before. The orcs and goblins of Hashrak's crew also claimed that the drink increased their vigor in battle and would often down a pint or two before boarding a ship. Although Hashrak was eventually slain by privateers, his legacy lives on in the form of his favorite beverage. Any individual who imbibes a pint of corpsegrog gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the Hit Dice of the individual drowned in the barrel. These temporary hit points last for 3 hour or until lost. Drinking more than one pint of corpsegrog within an hour has no effect.

Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, false life, Price 300gp.

Created by Ezra Crandall, Took 2nd place in the Woldian Mixology Competition 05.30.2011