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Adventure Ideas

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Jerry:  I don’t see the need to outline 1st module 2nd module here in this section.  We all know that module 1 will be arrival and choosing  which town we want to be our home town.  Either that or if Daniel/Zach prefer to pick the town so they can draw home base ahead of time.  That is probably best.

Dan K: I want to make the small trading post the home town. Copied from above In charge I dont’ think is right but i do like the they got the job because no one else wanted it type of thing, of course the group is not presented with it that way. I think the first module should be just that. Them getting the ‘position’ at the post. later they can find out why they got it. maybe they are the last teleport and the ring malfunctions. it drops them within sight of the mesa but still a day or two away. survival navigation dodging a few critters and maybe a savage attack climb and cross the mesa and there you go 2 modules I added detail for Homebase above

The Ghost Town

Several towns have come and gone in this area. A Monstrologer thinks the town died because Big Game Hunters angered the “Father Beast,” the largest dino in the area, a giant T-Rex he thinks took out the town. He just returned from there and was chased off, but not before he got this cast of a partial foot that stomped the tavern roof in.


A caravan is missing. Last seen at Resthouse 12 headed to 13. Investigate.

3) The Ash Pit -- escort pilgrims from New Elenna to the Ash Pit where their 1st King was buried. There we’re taken back into the past and see the area as it once was. Was the trip real? Or was it a visionquest?

4) Kentucky Jones -- thrill seeker and archaeologist has found a sketchbook of the legendary “Journey of the Teucri” which is supposed to tell what happened to this mysterious people. Accompany him to the location and try to find out what happened to the Teucri and why some don’t want the party or Kentucky to leave with the knowledge alive!

5) The Madness of the Thunderfeet! Big Dino herd beasts are migrating, but at top speed, blowing a hole in the jungle as they go. What has them spooked? Or are they running towards something?

6) The Headhunters: A primitive tribe, never before seen. Gnomelings [half gnome/half halfling] with sharp pointed teeth. They took the entire group off of the Montegue Family Farm and are going to sacrifice them to Father Beast. But first, they must shrink their heads. Can the party stop them in time?

7) V The Return...of the grandchildren. A teenage girl. Pregnant. She says she was raped by a Giant Lizardman. [really normal sized] When the child if born, it is half elf, half lizardman. What to do? Does the baby have free will? Memories of the twins of King Claudia come back to haunt this story.

8) Father Beast is dying, so says one of the worshipping tribes. They will guide the party to the top of the highest plateau if their priest will try to save the beast. Of course, Onelius the Monstrologer wants to come along as does Gaxer the Big Game Hunter. These two hate each other and the tribe hates both. Yet, both show that they may have some knowledge that may help save Father Beast.

9) The Witch Hunt -- The Lizardman town of Urkkzzt has called a witch hunt for Marigale the Malignant and demands the party’s help, since they know her.--or at least they claim that the party knows her. Find her, bring her back. We have the fire waiting. Is Marigale innocent or guilty? Will the party trust to Lizardman justice?

10) The Medicine Man -- Our Wild West Town is sick. Why? A cure all concoction by Jonus Barrakus the Medicine man. He cured one old lady of the Grey Blight and everyone bought some. The party must find out what happened before the town dies. Did he just have one good potion and the rest was supposed to be a placebo? Did someone set him up? Is he trying to get revenge on the small town of Whiskey Point?

11) Boon and Cask, Explorers -- These two and their gang of mercenaries blaze new trails and then at times work as thugs on those who travel their trails when times get lean. Well one of the trails has closed. A bridge has fallen and Trolls are demanding treasure or death. Boon and Cask blaze another trail, but are charging half of what each traveller has to take the trail. They are physically turning back any who won’t pay. The party must either build a new bridge, talk Boon and Cask into a reasonable solution or find some other way to get the trail open again.

12) The Sponser is coming to town. Lord Peerimon is coming to town to check on his investment. Or it could be his good for nothing spoiled brat of a daughter coming. She wants to pay the party to help her get AWAY from “father.” Father demands that the party send her home. How does one conquer the brat while keeping her safe, and return her home to “daddy.”

13) Misfit Village has a dragon infestation. Pseudo Dragons attacking and trying to turn the town into their personal slaves. Actually, there are Fey involved here. Someone here in town has done something that has affected a nearby Fey Pocket Plane. Can the party dig to the bottom of this mystery and save the town of Misfits before all their hair-brained schemes and ideas take them down first?

14) The Missionary’s Miracle -- A missionary has come preaching the gospel of Father Beast. He claims to have received his “missive” from the Beast Gods near Rum. He has power over the dinosaurs. No magic item. He can really do it. But why? What does he want to accomplish? And will he help with his dinosaurs come looking for him and attack the town?

15) The Treasure Trade Convention -- The Jones Society is haing a convention. Folk are going to be traveling in from all over the place. Paying lots to come hear from the legendary Kentucky Jones himself. Some are legit. Some are young women in love. So what happens when inexperienced explorers/treasure hunters all head out into danger all at once all competing to bring back the biggest prize? And will the party join in the fun or sit back scowling knowing that they will have to rescue someone soon?

16) Kill The Buffalo -- For some reason, a hunter group called The Trophy Club has been hunting like crazy the Thunderfeet. Turns out that they have found a market and created a craze in The Floating City for various parts of these beasts. There is a Taxidermist named Grizzle that is turning them into masks for Mask Day in the Floating City. If the hunters are allowed to grow their Club and kill so many Thunderfeet, then there may be extinction in the future for both the Thunderfeet and the Trophy Club once the Monstrologers get ahold of them.

17) Lemtroville -- This is the “holy face in the item” scenario. People all through town are seeint the visage of Lemtrovex in things. Puddles in the floor. Footprint of a dragon or is it? Face in a mirror. Old Tusky’s face lit up white and looked like Lem for a time. Everyone saw it. So what is going on? Turns out that some leprechaun’s and fey are having a contest to see who can mess with the good people of Lemtroville the best. If the town can “keep their cool” for another week, they will reward them with a circle of protection from “beasties” for a year. Course for some reason it keeps out Taurs too.  :)

18) The Great Renewal -- Every few centuries, Father Beast passes and is reborn. When this happens, the reptiles of the forest seem to gain intelligence and join the hunt for renewal. The beast that slays takes on the spirit of the Forest and ascends to become Father Beast. So when all the Taurs in the area as well as Lizardmen and hunters start heading out after him, unbalancing the hunt, can the party slow the hunt down enough to let Father Beast get to the Happy Hunting Grounds before he is slain?