Spell: Greater Immortal Summons

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Conjuration (summoning)
Level: Witch 7
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: a summoned creature
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Except as noted above and below, this spell is exactly like the Summon Monster spells. The spell's focus is the holy symbol of the Allied Immortal Power. The creature summoned is related to the witch's Allied Immortal Power. Before a player first intends to use this spell in game, visit the Black Genie Center and work with your DM to create the exact creature to be summoned each time this spell is cast. The creature should be something reasonably likely to be affiliated with the witch's allied immortal power. If the best choice is a CR 7 or 8 creature, apply a simple template or two to bring it to CR9. If it is CR 10 or 11, apply the young simple template and possibly some other modification to bring it to CR9. The Witch must make a section for this creature on her character sheet.

The witch may also use this spell to summon 1d4+1 of the creatures defined as her Lesser Immortal Summons.

For inspiration, consider the options below:

Table: Summoned Immortals
Allied Power Theme Possible Creatures
Fey Nymph
Natural Roc or Greater Elemental
Helpful/Good Lammasu
Harmful/Evil Succubus or Erinyes
Mad/Chaotic Phasm
Deliberate/Lawful Zelekhut Inevitable

This spell can also be used to summon 1d4+1 creatures of the type summoned by the Lesser Immortal Summons.