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Serenbeth's High Woldian Symbol.

Ethos “In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Domains Healing, Protection, Community
Prestige Classes Healer, Protector
Holy Days First Day of Spring, Day of Wishes, Birthdays.
Sacrifices Donations to orphans and the poor, volunteer time at orphanages, time spent with your family
Favored Weapon Hand or Sap: Even in combat, clerics of Alemi often wish no harm to befall their enemies. Clerics of Alemi gain proficiency with hand (IUS) or sap in order to deal non-lethal damage to their foes.

Serenbeth is the patron of families, especially children. She hears the prayers of every child. She is the refuge to which all stillborn and dead children flee. She is the punisher of child abusers. She is also the patron of the young at heart and those who wish they could be innocent again. She is also the patron of those who wish to have children but can’t. She believes that life is incomplete without a loving and caring family. She considers her followers her family and is eternally grateful to them for believing in her. She calls them “my faithful ones.” She personally scribes with her own hand these words in each of her temples the day they are completed: “I owe my faithful family a debt I can never repay. Thank you, Serenbeth” She believes that the community is responsible for creating a safe place for families. Beyond that, she believes each village and city is responsible for their orphans. Nothing incurs her wrath more than a king or city leader who does not care for the families under their protection. Her priests and followers are tasked with the responsibility of carrying out her wishes in all these things.

God of Family and Children

Godly Powers

Serenbeth has the power to know when any child is in need. She has the power to touch the heart of any parent and make them remember the love they have for their children. She hears every word of every prayer that comes from a child, parent, or family in need. She has the power to notify her priests through visions and sendings of family situations she wants them to address.


Serenbeth appears as a full figured young woman with long blond hair, small freckles, and a husky voice. She prefers the personality and earthiness of a farm girl’s charm.


The worship of Serenbeth is done as a family. Groups of two and three families sit together in a circle. Orphans are encouraged to bond with a family and joins with them for worship day. Families are encouraged to invite the orphans to their home for the day and return them to the orphanage afterwards. Occasionally this leads to adoption. All services end with the children being invited to approach Serenbeth’s altar to lay flowers or something they have folded or drew as a gift to Serenbeth.

Holy Symbol

A small wooden toy.

Favored Weapon

Alemi's favored weapons are the hand and the sap, and clerics of Alemi gain Improved Unarmed Strike or Martial Weapon Proficiency (Sap) as a bonus feat.

Priests' Appearance

Clerics of Serenbeth dress in bright colored robes with large pockets filled with candy and small wooden toys.

Clerics in Society

Known as Guardians of Serenbeth, these priests spend each day in equal parts being available to families and children at the temple and walking through the town visiting families, and orphanages. As opportunity arises, they gather neighborhood children on street corners to teach them basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic using song and writing tablets. All Guardians are trained midwives and aid in childbirth as well as helping families with sickness. Serenbeth’s Guardians comfort the young at heart, mothers who have have dead children. She aids couples with difficulty in having children. They counsel husbands and wives who are having difficulties in their relationship. They ease the hearts of those who suffer with the memories of horrible events in their lives.

History and Relationships

Serenbeth began as a mortal in the 1st age living with her family near the Oshirr House. She was one of four sisters, each of which had overwhelming and different ambitions. Jancassis was full of revenge. Jantierri was obsessed with dreams and foretelling the future. Karinthis was ambitions for wealth and social influence. She learned magic so she could detect objects of value at great distances. Serenbeth was the eldest. At a young age witnessed the local orphanage burn to the ground and helped the younger children get to safety. From that moment on, she volunteered her time to help build the new orphanage and stayed on as a volunteer after it was built. She began to study how to heal the illness of children and became very knowledgeable, spending years studying at the Oshirr House When the Gods of Yore were defeated and the 2nd age began, Alemi chose the four sisters to join him as gods and named them the Serenbeth Maidens since he was so impressed with Serenbeth’s ambition to help children and families. At the end of the Year of Ascension, when the Wold was recreated and all who died were raised from the dead, all were shocked that the Serenbeth Maidens were not among the gods any longer. The followers of Serenbeth never gave up on her, however. They continued to worship her and some even had the experience of receiving spells, supposedly from her. With time, some received dreams, seemingly sharing in portions of Serenbeth’s mortal life. Serenbeth, for her part began to dream of her followers. With time, she inched closer and closer to life and consciousness. The rest is a mystery, even to her. She wasn’t, she dreamed, she lived. Weak at first, she grew stronger as Alemi began visiting her. His healing abilities slowly returned her strength. Now fully restored, she has been restored at a Conclave of the Gods to being a God of Wold.