4E Protector

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Protector of Domi

"Right beats Might -- with a little help from me!"

A Protector of Domi stands up for the weak and opressed, keeping both his allies and innocents from harm with his selfless bravery.

Prequisites: Channel Divinity: Courage of Domi feat

Protector Path Features

  • Protector's Action (11th Level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally within 5 squares gains a +4 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
  • Protector's Shield (11th Level): You gain proficiency with light and heavy shields. In addition, you may apply your shield AC bonus to one adjacent ally instead of yourself.
  • Protector's Challenge (16th Level): When you hit an enemy with an at-will melee attack, you can choose to mark that enemy for the rest of the encounter. The target suffers a -2 penalty to all attacks against other targets than yourself. The next time that enemy shifts or attacks a creature other than you, you can make an opportunity attack against that enemy. If you mark a new enemy with this feature, any previous marks you have made with this feature end.

Protector Spells

Draw Fire (Protector Attack 11)
With a rousing cry to Domi you burn with holy rightiousness, focusing enemy attention upon yourself.
Encounter * Divine * Implement * Radiant
Standard Action, Close burst 8
Effect: 2d8+Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Each target hit is marked with Protector's Challenge.

Interpose (Protector Utility 12)
When an ally is struck down Domi allows you to take their pain
Daily * Divine * Implement
Free Action, Ranged 10
Trigger: an ally in range is reduced to zero hp
Effect: When an ally within range is reduced to zero hp you may choose to take the damage for them.

Divine Defender (Protector Attack 20)
A shield of divine force explodes from your hand, hurling foes away and protecting your allies
Daily * Divine * Radiant * Implement
Standard Action action, Close burst 5
Effect: 4d8+Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Each target hit is pushed a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier, and left dazed. Each ally in the area gains +2 to AC until the end of the encounter.