Legacy Interstitial

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Legacy of Heroes: Proposed Interstices

1. Consequences

I'd like to run this mini-chapter after the “Adventurers” module ends, but before “A Field Trip” begins. It deals with the reactions of the PCs' fellow students, and their professors, to the first adventure. Specifically, I have a minor character-based challenge for each PC.

Grell (the uber-jock) finds that his jock friends no longer seem to look up to him. In fact, they mock him for his choice in companions, and especially delight in referring to William as Grell's “boyfriend.” This obviously all comes from jealousy, but it is still hard to handle.

F'aast, who felt isolated before, seems doubly so now. Students and professors alike give him sidelong glances, and seem to regard him as dangerous and unpredictable.

William, who strives so hard not to be noticed, finds that everyone is noticing him. Also, his faculty advisor is after him to start wearing armor.

Vaniime discovers that a lot of very silly girls suddenly want to be best friends with her. After a time, it becomes clear that they're playing up to her in order to get close to Grell.

Wilma also has this happen to an extent, but as Grell's sister she learned to deal with it a while ago. She finds herself being courted by a trio of charismatic young men, who (as it turns out), just want her to help them pass some of their classes.

Emrys, eager to immortalize his group's experience in song, finds that every other member of the Bard program is trying to do the exact same thing. They pester him endlessly for details about the adventure, and produce songs and poems that range from pretty good to downright cringe-worthy.

The idea is, basically, to present each character with his or her specific challenge, then see what the players do with it. I don't anticipate this running more than a week.

2. Recruiters

I'd like to run this one after “A Field Trip,” and before whatever module comes next. Recruiters come to the school from various areas of the Wold, trying to get adventuring groups to move to their region. This might be a good opportunity to offer “guest spots” to other DMs.

Areas of the Wold without current adventuring groups include: Dirt City, Windhorn Hamlet, Crescent Valley, Cinnamon Valley, and Floating City. There should also be a recruiter from Plateau City, and I think it would be fun if they're kind of arrogant. (“Look, come or don't come. Whatever. We have lots of adventuring companies.”)

I want this to last long enough to answer all the PCs' questions; I'm thinking about a week, but it could run longer.

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