DMs Only: The Forged

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An overview of The Forged needs to be written and placed here. The Campaign is a dwarven campaign scenerio of a group of dwarves in The Scab mountains working to bring all of the clans back together

Official Items

Creatures NPC's and Organizations

Ashtrious A Deamon that dwells at the entrance to the Underdark and is the location of the Stone Festival. Being able to speak to the DEAMON Ashtrious is one of the reasons being afforded the lord of the festival is such a coveted position Current state towards party: Neutral

* Sam Snapdragon Mcfisticuff - Gnome Male - Bard Played by David Whitford Update 10-7-2013 David has rejoined the game with Sam The Grim Guard could no longer be a place for Sam Snapdragon Mcfisticuff. The bard had seen and known too much. Now, struck mute by Gargul himself for slights that his mind could not grasp, the gnomish bard was truly lost. So he has left the company of the dwarves known as the Grim Guard to make his own way. The question where? The Scab was full of reminders of what was, dwarven clans bickering, giant raids and then there was his own past. So the bard sets his feet northwest to the alpine valley of Green ridge where a community of halflings is said to farm in relative peace and harmony. How they can do so in such a land will be discovered soon enough.

Brounknar Thunderhand – Sentinel of Location Z The Thunderhand family line is deep within the Scab mountain able to directly link themselves to the First Age. More so, they related to Monthor, Clangden Swiftaxe, Kazak and Durgan Stonewall and through this rich and powerful family history, they have been chosen to be the sentinels over location Z. Brounknar is the latest and has served for 75 of his 100 year duty. Like all Thunderhands, he is lawful and extremely proud of his heritage and duty. The sentinel of Location Z is not there to prevent anyone or anything to be there. It is to watch, observe and learn first and protect if necessary. Those who appear of evil bent towards Location Z, the dwarven call to unite the clans again or similar threats are dealt with appropriately. Others are dealt with on a case by case basis. As the Sentinel, Brounknar can Detect Evil at will and does not need sleep, food or water, though as a dwarf he certainly enjoys all 3.

Stats are below: These may be modified in the future dependent on DM Need

Class Fighter/Monk/Stone Warden 4/4/5 AC 28 w shield 32 HP 165 (4d10+4d8+5d10)+78 CMB 22 CMD 28 S 24 D 12 C 22 I 12 W 14 C 12 Base +12 Uragosh +21/21/16/16/11 Unarmed +20/20/15 Comp Shortbow +16/11/6 Reflex +7+1+4 Will +7+2+4 Fort +11+6+4 Gear: Mithril Breastplate +2 Light Fortification; Heavy Steel Shield +2 Animated; Amulet Natural Armor +2; Cloak of Protection +4 Elvenkind; Ring of Protection +2; Belt of Physical Perfection +2; Figurines of Wondrous Power Lions; Efficient Quiver; Boots of Speed; Haversack (Potion CSW x10, Potion Flying x2); Uragosh +3/+3; Bow +2; 10 cold iron arrows +1, 10 Silver Arrows +1, 10 Arrows +1 Cold/Fire/Acid each, 60 arrows

Feats Wpn focus Uragosh/Unarmed Strike/Bow; Wpn Specialization Uragosh/Unarmed Strike/Bow; Vital Strike; Improved Grapple; Cleave; Flurry Blows, 2 wpn, improved 2 wpn, Rapid Shot; Point Blank; Precise Shot

Brainstorming and other Unofficial Ideas

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