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Kevintar's High Woldian Symbol.

Ethos "Perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away". - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Domains Knowledge, Law, Rune
Prestige Classes Lore Master, Mystic Theurge
Holy Days Second Birth, Day of the Ant in the Month of Beginnings.
Sacrifices Meditation, personal training, time and donations.
Favored Weapon Hand - Clerics of Kevintar gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

Kevintar is an Independent God. Kevintar is the patron of enlightenment, self-perfection, austerity, and inner strength. He provides clarity, peace, instruction, and encouragement to those who are on their journey to enlightenment. While his brother, Marteaus, makes people suffer for their own good, Kevintar instructs through meditation and healing through self-reflection. He also provides rebuke and chastisement to those who partake of the sins of sloth or pride.

The God of Self Mastery

Godly Powers

Kevintar has the ability to identify potential in any creature. He can give clarity, knowledge, and direction. He can give the gift of emotional balance by dispelling fear, calming anger, and soothing sorrows. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of every individual person, group of people, creature, and object in existence. He inspires his followers to reach amazing heights of mental and physical endurance.


Mortal Form -- Kevintar appears as a middle-age, clean-shaven bald male. Regardless of who views him, he appears as a member of the observer’s race. He exudes calm and serenity - perfect, sublime serenity.

Avatar Form -- In this form, Kevintar appears similar to a golem - a 9-foot-tall bipedal, perfect humanoid with rough features. His face is flat and blank save for two white points of light for eyes, and his skin appears to be made of a reflective metal akin to mercury.

Divine Form -- In visions, Kevintar takes the form of a glowing, floating sigil of intricate geometric shapes, symbols, and bits of undecipherable script within a circular border.


Kevintar is worshipped by all who seek enlightenment and self-improvement, and thus is one of the few gods to count as many wizards as monks among the faithful. Kevintar maintains no dedicated houses of worship, instead encouraging the consecration of schools, libraries, and gymnasiums in his name. As long as an adherent whispers a prayer to Kevintar before beginning study, training, or exercise, the god of self-mastery is sated. Sloth is a grievous sin, and often results in afflictions of physical lethargy or mental fog until the adherent corrects themselves. Likewise, strong displays of emotion, whether fear, anger, sadness, or even reckless joy, are strongly discouraged.

Holy Symbol

A white equilateral triangle. Kevintar’s faith features a strong emphasis on geometry, runes, and sigils in general, and adherents frequently decorate buildings, books, clothing, and even their skin with arrangements of shapes and symbols in crisp, clean patterns.

Priests' Appearance

Clerics of Kevintar have no themes in their dress, though many favor simple, clean-cut, serviceable garments. The faithful tend to refrain from ostentatious or bulky clothing, as well as gaudy jewelry or pungent perfume. All Clerics of Kevintar wear their holy symbol to identify them.

Clerics in Society

Known as Disciples of Kevintar, his clerics frequently serve as teachers, tutors, scribes, and instructors. Whether teaching letters to a nobleman’s children, leading a calisthenics course at a gymnasium, or instructing apprentices in a craft workshop, all are working toward perfection and mastery. Most clerics of Kevintar do not adventure for the same reasons as the normal adventurer. They are not likely to be looking for glory, wealth, or power. Instead they adventure to challenge themselves and learn of other cultures.

History and Relationships

In the distant past, Kevintar was one of the twin enforcers of Gargul. Along with Marteaus, he punished the wicked as an automaton of righteous fury. In time they grew too powerful and dangerous, and in the Year of Ascension Kevintar and his brother were sealed away in the Bone Tower. For eons, he raged against his imprisonment, but eventually he grew tired and despaired. Then a realization -- he no longer had the will of Gargul driving him. His thoughts were his own thoughts and for the first time in his existence, Kevintar truly began to think for himself. He became self-actualized, and spent countless years in mindful meditation. He had his revelation - several, in fact - while in quiet contemplation in his prison. He mastered his rage and achieved inner-peace. When the Iron Dragons stormed the Bone Tower and broke the seal, Kevintar emerged. Not as a god of righteous fury, but a god of serenity and discipline.

See Marteaus and Gargul for more information.