Travel Between The Continents

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The Abridged Notes of Sir Nonam Firstorlast of the Storm Dragons

Yrth, the Northern Continent, and the Southern Continent of the Wold had no recorded contact until a decade before the Year of Ascension. In that time, a ship was blown off course and landed in Heranmar. On board were fledgling adventurers, afterwards becoming the renowned Children of Chaos. Their success paved the way for communications and then commerce to grow and now both continents are generally known.

Travel is still difficult, for not even teleport spells can reach more than 3,000 nautical miles! There are three known modes of travel between the Continents: physical travel (2 or more months by sailing ship), Teucri Gate, and by high level magic.

The sea route, is a long and dangerous passage; only the most prepared and courageous (or crazy and desperate) have ever attempted the journey. There are no ports to reprovision, so every ship requires magic to feed the crew. Even then, the most difficult is crossing the “hump.” The Wold, as everyone knows, is flat and circular; go in any direction for too long, and a traveler comes to The Edge. Yet, the center line of the Wold is a crease across the ocean. Sailors who have seen this phenomenon have called it “The Hump” or “Godsmount”, where the ocean rises higher and higher seeming to “climb the sky.” Both maneuvering a ship up and down this hump is fraught with danger, but the success of a few have made fortunes. The traditional, and closest point on the Southern Continent is Heranmar in the Gateway Downs, but it is barely a town and provides little trading opportunities. Most merchants after the last Great Migration, set sails for mighty Hook City.

Teucri Gates, permanent teleportation circles, are currently operated by the Star Mages Guild; connecting Plateau City, Floating City, and Hook City (outside the Gates in Mudtown). This means of travel is expensive; either in wealth (5,000gp gem), in favors, or when on urgent business on behalf of the rulers of one of those three greatest cities of the Wold. Two previous gateways weren destroyed; one rumored to be at the Abbey that once housed the Chaos Bell, and another in Rattledam, the hometown of the Bloodpack before the First Sargrass destruction (before the birth of the Saar (See Spirituality).

High level magic includes Greater Teleport, various Wish or Miracle spells, or even planar travel like Shadow Walk. Still more wild, there have been claims by some to have used flying ships and even travel thru Jericho Space but those who have claimed such travel have been debunked as lunatics.

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