Geography: Spice Trail

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The Spice Trail is an ancient track that winds through the western Culverwood. It is maintained by the elves of the forest as an alternative to the more traditional trade routes that service the Windborne Hills from the Southern Ports. Merchants and caravan masters must make prior arrangement to use the road, usually involving a toll. Those that choose to use the Spice Trail without having first made the necessary arrangements are often never heard from again, or return to their starting point after weeks of being lost in the shifting maze that is the Culverwood. The trail crosses the Peaseblossum River at Pullman's Crossing : Pullman's Crossing, one of the only establishments along the ever changing route.

At the head of the Spice Trail, near the northern edge of the Culverwood lies the Spring of Alnair (Brightspring). Here, in a small glade created by a hole in the canopy of the forest, a natural spring has formed a quiet pool. Large rocks and logs have been arranged in a rough circle around the pool, and it is here that safe passage can be arranged by waiting for an audience with the Greenmage of the Culverwood.