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DM ONLY: Ust Delmah: Character Surgeries

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Revision as of 10:50, 6 December 2009 by W0ldianDM (Talk | contribs)

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Character surgeries:

5/26/2009 Gaerin changed exotic weapon feat for Power attack feat & took Improved Critical at 9th level. Approved by Jerry & DM Glenn.

5/26/2009 Giovanni dropped Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot for Negotiator and Leadership. Approved by Jerry & DM Glenn.

5/23/2009 Eclip dropped two-weapon feat for Woldian Craft Item. Approved by Jerry & DM Glenn on

9/29/2009 Stephen Katulka created a new character Gilin to replace Gaerin who died. Approved by Jerry & Glenn.

11/13/2009 Giovanni swap Rapid Reload Feat with Iron Will so he can take Oathbound class at 10th. Approved by Jerry and DM Glenn.