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DMs Only: Campaign Themes and Ideas

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Campaign ideas with the woldsblood:

The basic campaign here is the conflict between the great themes of the Sargrass.

Sargrass vs. what was before What exists now vs. what mutates Sargrass now vs. what it might become

It is to be revealed that the "power" behind the Sargrass is Woldsblood itself. There are two pools/lakes of Woldsblood, underground, that is directly in contact with the Sargrass giving it power, adaptability, chaos, and causing mutation.

The northern pool is deep under the town of Rattledam. A great secret is that the hidden purpose of the town is to hide the Woldsblood pool.

As the characters level, the idea is to reveal secret within secret about the plains until about level 13 or 14, the truth is known. Then they must decide which side to be on as they become the foretold nexus of power that will decide the triple fate of the plains: destruction and reversal, preservation and maintenance, mutation and the unknown natural progression of things.

This builds to a grand ending at level 20 where all comes to a head and the party fights for the ending they select vs. the advocates of those who wish another ending.

Then whatever remains is where we start for the next group.

The two major powers are the Monks vs. the Manfri. The Manfri protect the Sargrass. The Monks want to destroy it. 6/5/2005 MikeK – Three powers, not two: Monks want to preserve the Sargrass as it exists. Mutations lead to change, and change is bad. They believe that only by remaining where they are will they remain safe. No going back, no going forward, perpetual sameness. Old Chinese kind of philosophy. Manfri want to allow the Sargrass to naturally mutate without external influence. They believe Sargrass is an organism with its own life cycle that must be allowed to continue. Druids want to destroy the Sargrass. They believe the Sargrass is an aberration that arose from the destruction of a natural forest, and they want to put the forest back.

The Baron's Men and various Raiders are basically neutral in the environmental debate – they seek power over men not nature. However, exceptions are found, such as the hidden Forsaken elements within both.

Module ideas outside the campaign focus.

--mutations of Sargrass animal or plant life

--raider plot. They have scavenged a holy site, ancient site, portal to the future, wreck, treasure, and the party wants it first.

--Baron's men plot. They have had their family villages where their women and children live attacked. They approach the party to help fine the culprit. Then once found they go off to get revenge, but this could throw off the balance of this or that so the party must now stop the barons men.

--sickness. A plague is affecting all who are not one with the Sargrass. Only plainswalkers, animals, and manfri are not affected. Who or what caused it? Where is the cure? Find the cure.

--New grasstype found. Raiders using it to make a drug to sell to Hook City. Drug makes men reckless and therefore feel that they are immortal. So death by reckless bravery abounds. Stop the raiders from making the drug.

--Invasion from Offshore by some form of mutated animal, insect, or plant.

--piracy of raiders increasing on trading routes. Stop them.

--trip to offshore to find a lost trader. His rich wife paying for his return.

--visit to climbers. Must prove themselves by climbing. Then they get what they needed which is usually information or support in another effort.

--trip to Hook City. Need trading supplies for village or high clerical healing help for disease.

--A trader in Hook City has been giving maps of the location to Rattledam. Find the trader, discredit the maps which turn out to be false.

--monks didn't make it across the crystal mountains, travel with other monks and find out why.

--tall men are after the group. Survive and find out why.

--Druid trees dying. Find out why and save the druids.

--What? Trees growing in the sargrass without druids? What's up with that?

Locations, Events, and Random occurances:

Water Bubble sort of bladder under the ground that burst when it was stepped on

Lightning Storm First you can feel it coming as the world takes on a bluish tint and the smell of ozone becomes strong. The small hairs all over your body stand up and then the others, all your hair standing on end. If you were touching some one you know letting go would be deadly now, or touching anyone else. The only option left. Stay as still as a statue. You watch the sparks become rays and the rays beome bolts jumping all about. it becomes the most amazing light show you have ever seen in your life. Blots of raw power arching over your head jumping from the tops of the grass across the clearing to the other side. A done of death rocketing above you in beauty and in death. The gods be praised it is an amazing sight and you know you are one of the few beings EVER to see suchj a sight. you can see the electricity passing though all the metal and heating it slightly. That heat you can tell would have become VERY uncomfortable but more importantly it would have made it next to imposibble to keep still. Every on can see another amazing sight. Gry's steel grass stuff seems actualy to repel the energy a bit. (Steel grass is resistant electricity 5) Sudenlly the popings start, just like the bag before. It is water. All water begins to pop and explode out of its continers. that must have been waht caused the bag earlyer to jump. Then as fast as it happened it is passed. The storm passes and nothing the any worse for the experience. you stand there smiling at each other on the muddy gound. Watter everywhere from the storm. water all over the ground, covering the area all around you. Water everywhere....

running seems to do the trick and unfortunately the water in your backs has busted. Why would this type of storm effect water in such a way, what would be the reason. fleeing through the grass you reach the skiff in time to climb a board. You notice as you run MANY incests and such pulling them selfs out of the ground shaking off dirt. Even the flying ones seem to know how to burrow.