Uncharted Lands Module One

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Title: New Beginnings

Game: Ankor Dar: The Uncharted Lands

Date: [Begin November 26th] [approx 4 months from start]

Author: Bob & Carla Watt

Summary of Module: The PCs become aware of an opportunity to make a new life in the uncharted lands to the north of Floating City. A mining and exploration company has been given assent by the High Lord Mayor and the Advisory Council and the Free States League to establish a new settlement for the purpose of mining mithril and general exploration. The PCs sign up for the venture and help guide the caravan to the site of the proposed settlement.

A number of obstacles along the way will introduce the PC’s to the harsh reality of life in the arid grasslands and canyons, as well as it’s equally harsh denizens.

Changes to module when played: 1 paragraph (to be done when the module concludes)

Scene 1: “Are ye in, or are ye not?” (approx 2 weeks – allows some role play as players pull together their character sheets)

The PCs become aware of an opportunity to make a new life in the uncharted lands to the north of Floating City. A mining and exploration company has been given royal assent to establish a new settlement for the purpose of mining mithril and general exploration. Handbills are posted on notice boards, fences, and storefronts across Floating City to alert all comers to the possibility of starting a new life. Depending on which part of the city the PCs are in, they will either see a handbill, or be provided the opportunity to interact with a street urchin who has been paid to post notices in shop windows and the like. All manner of trades people and adventurers are sought, and the benefits appear lucrative.

On registration day, the area dockside on Fence Level in Floating City is a like circus with all manner of tents and throngs of people either signing up or just observing. Individuals wishing to sign-up must stand in queue at the appropriate trade booth where they will be interviewed and tested as required. Large signs hang over individual tents indicating each trade, including the military trades. Those signing up must commit to a two-year term and are offered a signing bonus of 500 gp in equipment and supplies to get them started. They are advised that conditions will be primitive at first and that the company will not be held liable for any misfortune that might befall them.

Once PCs are signed on, they will be asked to be ready to leave in a weeks time and given instructions to meet at a precise time by the docks, where barges will be ready to start them on their way. Their requested supplies will also be waiting.

Scene 2: “Tearful Goodbyes” (2 weeks)

When they return to the docks, their requested items await them. A large heavy set man records the distribution of items. Yer can read can’t ye? He asks each of them. Each one is presented with a receipt for the items they requested. A lengthy paragraph follows, indicating that under the laws of New Ellenea, they are bound to the Stonehelm Mining and Exploration Company for the period of two years or dissolution of the company, whichever comes first, and that breach of this contract would be penalized by forfeiture of all goods listed on the receipt and 500 gp.

The scene at the dock is tumultuous. Weeping mothers bidding farewell to youngest sons and daughters who have signed on, lovers bidding long goodbyes, last minute traders supplying the huge caravan, wagon after wagon of goods, a train of oxen, cattle, and goats, several wagons of caged fowl, along with carts heavy with supplies and seed. Another cart has the makings of a still while yet another is filled with women in seductive clothing.

The wagon master, a burly human with large mutton chop sideburns, struggles to get things organized for departure. There are many carts to be loaded on barges, and often is the case, said animals are not always familiar with barges. The master will enlist the party’s help in getting things squared away. During all of this, the PCs will have to step between an overly aggressive suitor of one of the departing women who is trying to restrain her from going.

Scene 3: “A Suitor Scorned” (3-4 weeks)

Early in the trip, Lollena, a girl from one of the wagons goes missing. The woman in charge of the cart reports that she was taken in the night. They are aware that a jealous suitor in Floating City had tried to stop her before she left, but had been turned away by the PCs and City Guard. He had returned with help and kidnapped the girl. The PCs must chase them down and return her to the wagon train. The girl’s husband to be, Pliny, a young man who has signed on as a carpenter’s assistant is distraught and begs to accompany the party. They must chase down the kidnappers and free the girl. The husband only serves to hold them back and get in the way.

Scene 3: “Bandits” (3-4 weeks)

During the first half of the trip, the caravan is attacked by bandits led by a half-elf named Ramiss. The bandits appear to be targeting a specific wagon (spell components and herbalist wagon). The next wagon in line is a family of halflings that tries to defend the targeted cart. If the party is successful in defending the caravan and beating back the bandits, they will be rewarded by the wagon master. They will also discover that the herbalist carries a small orb that grants fertility to the land within a short distance of it. Without the orb, there is no guarantee that they will be able to feed themselves for the duration of two years. The PCs should ponder why the bandits focused on this particular cart, how did they know about the orb, and why do they want it.

Scene 5: “Outlanders” (3-4 weeks)

Now some 6-7 weeks into the trip, the settlers grow disgruntled with the length of time it has taken. They question that the wagon master knows his bearings and morale is ebbing. As the wagon train ventures deeper into the uncharted lands they find themselves in a twisting and interconnected set of steep-walled valleys. Above them, on the mesas that overlook the valley, they spot figures following them. Each day the number of figures grows more numerous. If the PCs do not go to scout out the situation, the Outlanders will stage a number of small raids on the caravan, stealing a few horses and stampeding away some livestock.

It soon becomes obvious that the figures are herding the caravan and the wagon master fears an ambush. He sends the PCs ahead to scout a route and if possible clear the way for a mad dash through the line and to the safety of the settlement site. There are two possible outcomes to the encounter; during the battle the PCs are captured and brought to the Outlander camp, or the PCs capture an Outlander. Either way, the bulk of the wagon train manages to break through. If captured, the PCs must endure a test of their bravery and mettle before they are considered worthy of negotiating with the Outlanders. If an outlander is captured, the PCs can question him and discover him to be a chief’s son. If they return with him to the outlander settlement, they will discover the outlander’s ways and their distrust of all civilized men. They will however negotiate a truce with the PCs.

The rest of the wagon train will be suspicious of the truce, but will follow the PCs lead.

End matter:

A: NPCs Caleb O’Connel, Wagon Master: a stocky, muscular human with thick, bushy mutton chop sideburns that have begun to grey. His skin is deeply tanned and weathered from exposure to the elements following years of outside work. He is an expert navigator, has a certain knack with large draft animals, and has many years of experience leading caravans through all regions of the northern continents. He has never been to the uncharted lands before, but is in possession of a hand drawn map showing the general route and location of the proposed settlement.

Tarketh Clearwood, herbalist: a medium sized half-elf of indeterminate age. Tarketh is a druid of the Alder Circle, albeit he rarely visits his fellow bretheren whom he finds tiresome due to their endless arguing over political matters. He is confident that the Uncharted Lands will offer him the peace and solitude to study native plants and learn their medicinal and magical properties. He is the current owner of the Orb of Kalista, a magical orb passed to him from his uncle on the first plateau.

Lollena, Seamstress and Pliny’s wife: a blond-haired human of considerable beauty. Her mother and father had been in negotiations with one of the lesser nobles in Plateau City that would have seen her married to the young son of this noble. She had different plans, for she has been secretly engaged to a young apprentice in the carpenter’s shop, and together they have eloped and signed on for a new life in Bryn Baraz.

Pliny, Carpenter and Lollena’s husband: a tall, thin, but rather earnest young man. He fell in love with Lollena at first sight. As a carpenter’s apprentice, he would find endless excuses to pass by the fabric shop where Lollena worked, just to catch a glimpse of her through the window. When she finally approached him and suggested they meet, he nearly passed out from excitement. Their romance bloomed and they eloped and joined the caravan to the Uncharted Lands and a new life.

Dasan, outlander chief: Dasan is past middle aged and the hereditary chief of his tribe. He is tall but a little stooped. Long flowing white hair is tied behind his head. Despite his age, it is readily seen that in his youth he was a powerful warrior. He bears a number of scars that have left ragged lines across his muscular frame. His skin is tanned and heavily weathered. Deep crinkles line his eyes from a life squinting into the unrelenting sun. He speaks softly and in a deep voice.

Muata , outlander fighter/ranger: Muata is the sole surviving son of Dasan and hence in line to be chief upon his fathers death. He is tall and lithe. His hair is almost jet black and like his father is tied behind his head with a simple strip of hide. He carries a wooden bow and a leather quiver brimming with multi-coloured arrows. Like all outlander men, their final name is chosen upon their passage to manhood. Muata is the name for the wasps that live in the grasses and sting their enemies in swarms.

Huyana , outlander female– girlfriend to Muata: Younger than Muata, she is almost a foot shorter and quite curvaceous, A slight bulge in her belly reveals her to be with child. She is clearly in love with Muata and is quick to see to his needs. Her name means ‘Falling Rain’.

Ramiss, leader of the bandits: Ramiss is a half elf, and his followers are a mix of half elves, humans, and half orcs. While his followers are often loutish, Ramiss is well spoken, intelligent, and very deceptive. Ramiss does not know who hired him, only that he was well payed to interrupt the caravan, burn as many wagons as possible, and escape. He was also told that there were items of considerable value hidden in the wagon with the yellow rims.

Dwain Stonehelm, dwarven adventurer and principal owner of Stonehelm Mining and Exploration. Dwain is in all ways a typical dwarf in appearance. Slightly shy of 4 feet in height he is well muscled, with bulging forearms and a barrel chest. He has a ruddy complexion and a slightly bulbous nose that pokes out above his sandy-red beard. Despite his small stature, his booming voice carries well when he addresses those that have signed up for his venture.

B: Locations

The Uncharted Lands All that is known to most folk is that the uncharted lands are an arid place, dominated by grass and scrublands with large plains bisected by deep and convoluted canyons and ravines that twist and intertwine in expansive networks. Any excursion into these lands should be well armed, as few who have ventured forth have ever returned.

Bryn Baraz (Shining Promise) On arriving in Bryn, the PCs find only the skeleton of a settlement. A timber and stone church is being erected at one end of town, and the frames of a number of other buildings are also under construction. A number of tents have been hastily erected to house the new arrivals as well as the miners that are already on site. There is little that ‘shines’ about the fledgling settlement. ‘Bryn’ lies in a small valley with but a single exit that opens up onto a large area of grasslands. Above them, a mesa towers over the grasslands, covered in grass a scrub.

Misu Dar (Land by the Water) Misu Dar, the Ahote camp, lies in a deep canyon some 30 miles to the north of Bryn Baraz, and on the far side of an expansive grassland that separates the two. A river runs through the canyon providing moisture to the valley bottom. A rare grove of willow trees lines one side of the valley, while open grasslands dominate the other. A loose association of tents makes up the settlement. Each tent is comprised of a circular wall made of stretched animal hides, topped by a slightly conical roof made of the same material sewn together. Pathways lead up out of the canyon to the mesas above, where sentries are posted in strategic positions.

The village of the Ahotes is comprised of a series of Yurts arranged in a loose semi-circle with a single Yurt in a central position. A number of small fires burn outside the hide covered structures, and small whisps of smoke escape from vents in the roofs of others. The camp looks neither makeshift nor permanent. Wooden racks have been built to dry meat in the sun and to smoke meat over fires. Horses are secured behind a corral of uprooted thorns and briars, presumably to keep predatory animals from them.

Thirty to forty individuals make up the small settlement. Many are young men, but a few are women of different ages, and there are three older men, at least judging from their white hair. The men are lean, well muscled, and hardened by the harsh environment of these open lands. Although mostly elvish in appearance, the Ahote are of mixed race. Their skin is tanned and wrinkled from perpetual exposure to the elements. Deep crows feet surround their eyes from squinting into the sun, and their bodies' are more hirsute than their elven cousins. Stronger in appearance than elves, they have however maintained the agility and lightness of foot.

Amongst the people that the party can see, there are no children. As Muata shows you to the central yurt, some of the females in the tribe are glaring suspiciously at the party members--none of them appear to like the party much and they keep their distance.

C: Magic Items:

Orb of Kalista. This small glass orb is approximately 4 inches in diameter and rests atop a small wooden stand with falling leaves etched along the sides. The orb is believed to grant fertility to the land surrounding it. It’s history is unknown, but the current owners of the orb have continuously had better crops than neighboring farmers. The orb radiates a moderate aura of Transmutation (Plant Growth /Enrichment).

D: Experience: 2000 xp + incidental bonuses for heroic action and/or great role play.

General notes: This part of the story arc is meant to familiarize the players with some of the uncharted lands and set the stage for the ongoing uneasy relationship between the outlanders and the settlers and ultimately the role of the party as a buffer between the two cultures.

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