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Yanosh Ironfist

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Edd Ferguson is a husband to a wonderful lady and father to 4 great kids and grahfather to 1 awsome grandson. Ive been playing since AD&D 2nd edition was out in the late '80s. Im a 16 year veteran of the Texas Prisons and been with the Wold Since September '08.

Yanosh Ironfist. Dwarf Cleric/Fighter.

  • Yanosh is a badly burned and scarred dwarf.
  • He is feircly loayal to his 'Pack and to his God. Yanosh has but one fear and that he will never be truly accepted anywhere he is. He feels that he looks like a monster and that others treat him like one. he is a defender of the weak and innocent he feels it is his duty to the Wold even though he feels the Wold hates him. Yanoshs one desire is to feel like he is HOME. He believes that OddHolme is where he belongs. He will die to defend OddHolme and the Sargrass Plains.
  • He would also like to see his temple to Gargul have followers. Yanosh is very aware of his looks and covers himself with a scarf to keep others from having to look upon him. He is bald and has a red mustache and a long goatee. The rest of his hair was permatly burned off. Yanosh keeps himself as neat and orderly as he can.