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God of Commerce

Realms of Responsibility

Ffloy is the patron of all merchants and responsible labor and work. He strives against those who attempt to become rich and affluent by luck and chance. He believes that a person should earn his way in life and that hard work and good planning should be rewarded. He does not take sides in matters of morality. One who plans his evil schemes is just as worthy of his riches as the man who earns his money despite his good morals.

He is the patron of bankers, merchants, and sellers. He believes that people should earn the food at their table with cunning and good work habits.

Godly Powers

Ffloy has the ability to organize any group of people into a plan for success in business or investments. He never makes a mistake or shirks from any responsibility when it comes to the details of running a business. He knows exactly how many pieces of gold are in any stack. He can tell whether a deal is worthy by the amount of work that has gone into its preparation.


Mortal Form -- He is a finely dressed gentlemen in a suit of traditional style and is usually pictured sitting behind a desk. He is strongly built and wears has closely cropped hair. He speaks with a gravelly voice very slowly powefully.

Avatar Form -- A golden haired young man sitting behind a huge desk that seems to go up forever. The gravelly voice behind the desk booms and yet speaks calmly and softly.

Divine Form -- Two glowing hands hollding equal amounts of gold in each hand.

Holy Symbol

A balance scale, or its root, the ancient High Woldian symbol seen above, which is still in common use today.

Priests' Appearance

Clerics of Ffloy dress in business clothes of the latest style. Many carry satchels with various popular contracts with them. Their hair is trim and their shoes always new.

Powerful Clerics of Ffloy are often followed by groups of young men soaking up their wisdom and agreeing with everything the cleric says.

Clerics in Society

Known as Brokers of Ffloy, these priests are more than mere merchants. They are the ones upon whom trade and commerce depend! These clerics are bankers and moneychangers, arbitrators, guildmasters, merchant association leaders, insurers, moneylenders, userers, tax collectors, lawyers, and so on. His clerics see to it that trade proceeds in a professional and smooth fashion, following rules and regulations.

Some become adventurers planning each venture far ahead for maximum effectiveness.

Wherever they are; however, they strive to teach about the effects of hard work and planning upon one's financial status and enjoyment of life. They strive to overthrow betting houses and casinos, working to outlaw such chaotic means of earning a living.


Worship of Ffloy sounds very much like a business convention with various parts of the temple containing booths with different stratagies and methods of succeeding in life. Speakers talk about positive thinking and the habits that create success of mind and body. Such practices ensure a solid financial future.

No business deals are actually allowed within temple grounds as it is neutral ground where all business men of all levels of ability can stand shoulder to shoulder to fine tune their skills.

Holy Days

Day of the Ant in the Month of Harvests, which represents the rewards one gets for hard, diligent work. And the Day of the Nymph in the month of Beginnings, which is the first day of the year, is a holy day on which many contracts are initiated or renewed.

Also, in port towns, there are days that ships bring in new goods, and vendors sell at lower prices than usual. These are called Sail Days or Sail Events. This practice has been extended to days that caravans bring new goods to inland towns, even though caravan wagons don't have sails.

Content of Sacrifices

Just recompense to repay the church and Ffloy for services rendered. Time spent training others in the ways of business success.


Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. -- Stephen A. Brennan

Spell Domains

Law, Protection (both PHB 165), and Trade (New).

Trade Domain

This domain is available only to clerics of Ffloy

Domain Granted Power -- The Broker gains the use of Appraise, Sense Motive, and Gather Info as class skills.

Trade Domain Spells

  1. Identify
  2. Tongues
  3. Shrink Item
  4. Sending
  5. Teleport
  6. Analyze Dweomer
  7. Discern Location
  8. Mind Blank
  9. Gate

Prestige Classes