Geography: Plateau City: Gladiator Park Quarter

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This district is home to the Golden Arena. It is the largest arena in the Wold, with some 40,000 seats. At one time, it was home to exhibitions of great bravery and honor, as adventurers battled magical beasts, or each other, in valorous combat. These days, the audiences seem to favor more blood and less honor, and the contests have evolved to suit them.

Surrounding the Arena is the gladiator park, designed as a welcome stretch of green in the city. The ghosts, however, can make it a dangerous place to visit.

These ghosts are not the undead. Rather, "ghost" is the local term given to the destitute and desperate people who make the park their home. Unable to buy lodging in the city, they camp in the park in makeshift shelters and shanties. This is against local ordinances, so any ghosts found by the Guard are arrested; any camps found by the Guard are dismantled. Still the ghosts find a way to survive.

It is rumored that the Thieves' Guild is recruiting heavily among the ghosts.


4. The Golden Arena