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Alternate Racial Traits



Venturers honor Ffloy and his ideals by bringing the light of commerce and mercantilism to places in which they are rare or unknown. They specialize in exploring new lands, opening new trade routes, and spreading the concepts of free trade and commercial law. If they make a decent profit at the same time, all the better!


The avenger is driven by a deep aching need for revenge (NPC only).

The Diseased

Those who adopt this prestige class devoted to Marteaus are concerned with digging ever deeper into disease and misery to discover the hidden truths and answers to be found during the Bitter Anguish achieved during the process of overcoming these diseases (NPC only).

Hand of Love

The Hands of Love are an organization of zealots who seek to impose their own views and make others worship Caeroldra in the way that they do (NPC only).


Within the priesthoods of Ga'al there are none more feared than the inquisitors. (NPC Only)

The Refined

The Refined sect forma secret society of those who feel they have come through "the fire" to discover their Great Need and now strive to attain it (NPC only).

The Tempered

This prestige class is made up of those who seek to follow the exact path to Their Great need that Marteaus took when a mortal (NPC only).


The Wold outside Aisildur is a place of great weakness, in which the flawed Noble Races fail test after test, in Cataclysm after Cataclysm. The Noble races can only be saved from their naturally self-destructive nature by submission to Ga'al. (NPC Only)


