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DMs Only: Campaign Adventures

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--Ghost Ship attacking on the high seas

--The WLA wishes to put a ship or building in Bonetown

--Empty ship drifts into the harbor with no crew. investigation finds signs of fighting and blood shed

--Great dragon awakens from under the twin volcanoes

--A Neothelid dwells deep beneath the volcano

    Recent exploration group collapses an area in a natural cave and ends up in the deep vast column of earth that is the very base of the island upon which Bonetown sits
    These adventurers alert a neothelid to the presence of what lies above it and it begins to send agents
    a. Seugathi  CR 6
    b. Roper CR 12
    c. Giant Slug CR 8

--Several captains have banned together to hit fleets trying to get to Rum

--The Death of Billoopl has caused a power vacuum

   1) The Sahauguin -- Nyumbani nation and their Fiendish Kraken leader are positioning to take the area
   2)  A Storm Giant -- A drudic storm giant has decided the surface dwellers are destroying his ocean
   3)  Megladons -- expanding their hunting grounds