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DMs Only: Gwaed

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  • Alignment: CN
  • Capital: Orsedd (180)
  • Notable Settlements: Bwyell (16,730), Darian (12,490)
  • Rulers: Wrachar Council, Hywel the Cunning (Wolf), Serwyl Three-fingers (Lion), Anarawd Ghost-Eye (Bear)
  • Government: Loose confederation of barbaric tribal monarchies
  • Languages: Common, Sylvan
  • Religion: Animistic shamanism

Gwaed is a cold, rugged land, populated by hardy and fiercely independent people. Its men are berserkers, disdaining armor and fighting with axe, spear, sword, and bow. Its women wield powerful magic tied to the land, training those with magical potential to serve the land and the Gwaedig people. Although Gwaed is ostensibly ruled by powerful tribal chieftains, the true power is held by the Wrachar Council, an ancient sorority of witches.

The land is full of nature spirits, any of which can turn jealous or vindictive against those who offend them. Gwaedig laws are simple and based on honor, and they disdain the trapplings of civilization. the people are devoted to the warrior ideal, competing in athletic contests and other harsh physical activities such moon-lit hunts and spontaneous wrestling matches. These challenges keep them strong, for weakness would doom them to death at the claws of the land’s many monsters.

The Gwaedig people are divided along tribal lines, with each major tribe venerating a particular animal spirit as the ideal. Gwaedig warriors are fur-clad or leather-armored barbarians and rangers who fight in loosely disciplined warbands.

[Note: While not required, most pursue the Ranger Shapeshifter archetype and Barbarian Totem Warrior archetype.]

The blaiddkith, or Wolf People, are known for their cunning and tactics. They are the most sociable of the tribes, with extensive contact and trade with foreign lands. They also maintain the largest navy of both military and trade craft, carrying goods and coin to the north and west in mercantile trade. A blaiddkith solves problems through planning and teamwork as much as through strength.

The llewkith, or Lion People, are known for their honor and bravery. They are the most militaristic of the tribes, with mandatory military service expected of all youth and arms to be kept in every household by law. With the largest standing army of the Gwaedig, they are also tentatively exploring sea travel after looking upon the wealth and prosperity of the blaiddkith with envy. A llewkith expects unwavering courage from himself and his companions.

The arthkith, or Bear People, are known for their ferocity and reclusive nature. Confining themselves to the darkest forests and mountain heights, the arthkith maintain no permanent settlements, but instead wander through their territory in small bands consisting of several families. While fewer in number than the blaiddkith or llewkith, the arthkith are rightly feared for their savage nature and unrelenting determination. An arthkith is likely to show a ruthlessness and grim practicality born of a harsh struggle for survival.

Throughout the land, the wrachar are revered and heeded. It is certain death to harm a witch, or wrach, and cause for flogging and shunning to disobey one (unless a child, another wrach, or a foreign for the first time). Among themselves, the wrachar steer their people toward relative peace and agreement so that the land is kept strong. They view their land as sacred and in need of protecting. Communion with sylvan spirits and animal totems is a common component of Gwaedig religious life.

All wrachar are female; Gwaedig males who find a talent for spellcasting are gently encouraged, then forcefully if necessary, to pursue a magical tradition outside of witchcraft. The wrachar are spread throughout Gwaed, but hold mystical convocations and hear tribal disputes from their sacred grove of Orsedd.

[DM Note: For thematic purposes, Gwaedig words and names are derived from Welsh.]