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DMs Only: Trump Cards
- MYSTERIOUS MAGIC ITEM Description: Hand-sized, two fingers thick. Darkly oiled leather wrapping, tied with leather laces. 11 of the cards have pictures etched on to them. The remaining 15 cards are blank on the face side. The backs of the cards appear identical, decorated in a finely detailed blue and yellow pattern. Only the cards themselves appear magical to Ilsidur's second sight. They are layered with three magical auras: two moderately strong, and one weaker. This is the information you have figured out or found out about them. They are called Trump Cards: They are communication and transportation devices. Sleep with one or more cards under your pillow or bedroll for 4 or more hours and in the morning, your image appears on the card(s). Thumping the trump activates the card and allows communication.
á A more advanced version of the card allows one to reach through and pull someone you are talking to through to where you are, and even allow the user to travel through to the person or place depicted.
á Mages hear a high pitched buzzing when cards are being used near them (50' range). (Clerics too) The same thing occurs with anyone who is in possession of an artifact. Magical creatures such as dragons have this ability with an increased range.
á The cards take 1-3 rounds to activate and can only go a distance of 5 days travel by foot. Current Cards á Void (newly acquired) á Ael á Uteva á Sir Thomas á Sly á Altemia á Ilsidur á The Crones á Swift Messenger Service Office (newly acquired) á Unknown Elf á Heranmor(The Frosted Mug) 15 Blank Cards
OOC: Please correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to sleep a night through with a card under your pillow for it to be "attuned" to you? That's what the info on Thomas's PC sheet says -- so no Vanesia, I think. And if anyone has any OOC info on who the heck the The Crones, the Swift Messenger Service Office, and the Unknown Elf are, I would be grateful. Also, can you "reset" a card with an image on it by sleeping with it, or is it set forever once set? (if I may be a techno-geek, WORM or not?) Also, how do you set a card to a place? Did you guys slip a blank card under The Frosted Mug one night or something? Please forgive your newbie DM his ignorance!
The Crones were (three witches) that greeted us in Heranmar when we first stepped off of the ship from the northern continent to the southern continent. THey told us our fortune and sent us on our way. THey were very weird and very magical. Each had a different power. I'm kind of rusty about the details. They appeared very very very early in the story line.
THe Swift Messenger Sevice Office is in Hook City. It was a base of operations for Void and Bear and their slavery service before the war of the gods (cataclysm?).
I don't think we every discovered who the unknown elf was.
WE did not put a card under the frosted mug, but that would have been a neat trick. I don't know how that happened.
That's all i Know and that's still prettty iffy.