Ffloy (2e)

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(God of Thieves and The Silent Death)

Priests’ Version

Realms of Responsibility

This god is the patron of thieves and thievery. He is the patron of “night-time activities.” He is the patron of prostitutes and other “undesirables.” He is responsible for the craft of telling half-truths. He is the patron of everything from harmless pranks for comic relief to polished military tactics, from proficient trapsters to stage magicians. he likes inflicting pain and torture, a good rip-off, and intimidation of others. He dislikes law-enforcement and reform.


He appears as a thin wiry human with a hood hiding all facial attributes. No mortal knows what his face looks like. He is usually depicted as a thief.

Holy Symbol

The black spot.

Fingerman’s Alignment

All evil and/or chaotic alignments.

Fingerman’s Requirements

Dexterity-12, Intelligience-14.

Weapons Allowed

All priestly and thieving weapons.

Armor Allowed

Leather and shield.

Granted Powers

Tell lie with victim making an ability check vs. 1/2 its intelligence to determine belief or disbelief. This check may be adjusted by the DM for the liar’s cleverness and for other circumstances.

Able to detect lie once a day with a 20% + 5% per level chance to succeed.

Can speak Thieves Cant fluently without using a language proficiency slot.

Becomes proficient at one thief skill (Chosen by Fingerman) every time a new spell level is gained. The percentage chance to succeed with each new skill is the same as for a 1st level thief. Every experience level the Fingerman receives 15 points to assign to his skills. No skill may exceed 95%.

Control Undead

Detect secret and concealed doors as do elves.

Non-weapon Proficiencies


Recommended-dancing, etiquette, modern languages, reading/writing, religion, forgery, reading lips, set snares, ventriloquism.

Duties of the Fingerman


Missions: Fingermen often choose to go on adventures where they will have the opportunity to participate in some great plot or caper; it can be a deadly serious mission, so long as the fingerman gets to be involved in intricate planning and clever tactics.

Vigilance: Against forces (mostly of society) that forces people to be too responsible in their youth (forces that mature people too quickly before their time.)


Give 10% of proceeds to the mob bosses.

Never betray another member of “the family.”

”The Family” comes first.

Holy Days

Day of the Dead.

New Moons.

Night before Mask Day.

All eclipses.

Consist of Sacrifices

Letting the mob bosses in on big scams.

stealing from the rich, giving to The Bosses.


Use your talents to get ahead in life and to support the family. Be street wise, and careful not to steal too much so you can return and score again and again.