Flora and Fauna

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Dan K: 5)eco system, I think should be broken to regions. What generally is found in a region. I see 3 regions 4 if you want to add below ground. The area is large enough to have some grasslands between our jungles and thus allow for the larger dinos and a natural border of adventureing. [the under 5th level crowd doesn’t go to the grasslands because the T Rex’s will eat them]

Region 1 Mesas: small mammals, great cats, hyenas, flying dinos, ankhegs the misfits and wild west type towns ground more suited to farming.

Region 2 Jungle: Amazon-like koblolds and lizard men burrow lairs under great monkey pod trees or perhaps up in the trees with smaller dinos, Raptors, those bird things, crocs, insects a plenty, spider and other swarms, maybe fire ants. exotic flowers herbs roots and such. lots of poisonous things, flowers, snakes

Region 3 Grasslands: Larger dinos, T Rex, triceratops that type of stuff, no fixed ‘towns’ nomdic gnoll tibes, unaffiliated with each other some are at peace some are not with each other. rare mineral depostis near surface, turqoise, mithril, iron, gemstones. no cache is very large

Cayzle 26May: We already have mithril in Bryn Baraz a couple hundred miles northeast of here. I say do not steal BB’s thunder. No mithril here, please. Dan K: fair enough, mithril is out. We’ll stick to gemstones; Rubies, Emeralds, diamonds, saphires and such

Region 4 Underground?