Karinthis (2e)

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(Goddess of Wealth)

Priests’ Version

Realms of Responsibility

This goddess is the maiden of riches, wealth and influence. She accepts the worship of all who love money: especially those who have it. She is also the patron of miners. She patrons the professions of banking and investments.


She is a full-figured female who usually appears chubby because of the number of furs she wears. She has a perfect face with a slightly crooked smile.

Holy Symbol


Broker’s Alignment


Broker’s Requirements

Intelligience-15, Charisma-12

Weapons Allowed

Standard (highly decorated).

Armor Allowed

Standard for priests.

Multiclasses Allowed


Granted Powers

Can use Detection of Treasure and Objects of Value as in the CPH p.26. The Broker can detect treasure when he is within 10’ of it, even when it is concealed (5’ if it is behind a heavy wall or buried); however, he cannot divine its direction through this power, and must move around to get a fix on the treasure. The power does not tell him what sort of treasure it is, and even if it’s of a type he does not desire (such as a small bag of copper coins). The Broker must be concentrating on this skill to be successful. The power is next to useless when the Broker is among allies (their coin-pouches will set it off) so he must walk alone to be able to use it.

Can determine approximate depth underground 50% as a dwarf; dwarf and Gnome Brokers succeed on 1-5 on 1d6.

Can pick pockets as a thief with a 20%+5% per level chance of success.

Acquired Powers

Bonuses to gambling/gaming

Bonuses in investing

Can determine the odds of any financial endeavor.

Non-weapon Proficiencies


Recommended-Mining, Modern Languages, Reading/Writing, Religion, Gaming, Gem Cutting.

Available-Thief Proficiencies at no additional cost.

Duties of the Broker


Marriage: (Brokers do not encourage members of their flock to marry for love if it means alienating the families and living in poverty.).

Teach: the children of noble families how to manage their money wisely, to build business from the ground up, to improve their communities through the careful, studied application of money.

Train: tax collectors for the city, dukedom, country.

Train: worshippers to avoid taxes and tax collectors.

Guard against those who steal from the rich and give to the poor.


Cannot donate riches, but may invest them and call it a donation.

Should avoid associating with anyone that would lower the Broker’s social or business position, especially the poor.

Must spend 20% of total earnings on personal dress, items and equipment.

Holy Days

Deliverance Day.

Day of Wishes

Worship Days

Pay day.

Consist of Sacrifices

Donations by others.


Care for things, not people, unless the people can contribute more things.