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Mama Flaust's House

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The biggest and nicest Plateau City orphanage is located on a farm just outside the city.

There is a farmhouse, original to the day when this was a plantation. There are three cottages and a dormitory, as well as several sheds and a barn, built some time ago. And there is a newer, larger building as well.

The central idea of the place is that children thrive outdoors. They help out with the farming and the chores. Many go on to be farmers and farmhands. But another guiding philosophy is to encourage play. No job is too onerous, and everyone has time for games and fun.

There are also several statues scattered around the ground ... plaques name the heroes of the Crimson Shields -- Syr, Lang, Xenia, Wynn, Bin, Belkior, Angus, and others. Some of them were raised in an orphanage in Float City, by a woman named Mama Flaust. The Crimson Shields founded this one right after the troubles of the Dark Fae Rising, and it was named after the woman who had sheltered them so long ago.

The original Momma Flaust's was located on Fence Level in Floating City. At the time of the Dark Fae Rising, the Crimson Shields evacuated all of the children to Plateau City, the group making their perilous way up the levels to Open Level where the massive teleport rings that supply the city lie. The origins of the plantation itself are mysterious and dark and few of the Crimson Shields will speak of it.

The orphanage is still operated by a husband (Buckle) and wife (Kay), who helped the Crimson Shields establish the place. They are now old but hale, and they will tell you all about the Crimson Shields if you ask them.

Plantation Grounds

Plantation House