Talk:The Uncharted Lands

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DM: Bob & Carla Watt

Public Notice

Attention all Woldians of the age of consent. The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration Company of New Ellena seeks interested parties to join them in a new and exciting venture. The 'Company' has successfully petitioned for the rights to establish a new settlement in the uncharted lands for the purposes of mineral exploitation and commerce.

Join us in establishing the new settlement of Bryn Baraz and in so doing; share in the fortunes of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Land, commercial enterprises, and opportunities for personal advancement are available. Minimum two-year commitment required! Lodgings provided!

All interested parties shall make their interests known at Adventurer's Square in the Dragon Quarter on the third Friday of the month. Departure for the new settlement will take place no later than the last Friday of said month.

(A long list of required trades and professions follows the announcement. It includes everything from blacksmiths to farmers, to metallurgists, to weapon smiths. It also most notably includes a requirement for individuals with military training and skills to perform a variety of military and policing functions.)

Additional Information:

Prospective PC's will know that this is the first organized foray into the uncharted lands since the great cataclysm. The High Lord Mayor and the Advisory Council nor the Free States League has not chartered any organized ventures before, and remains uncertain about the prospects of any new settlements. Rumors abound about adventurers that have travelled to the area and lost their lives, or been chased out by a race of savages that tolerate no trespass. All that is known is that is a arid land, dominated by grass and shrublands with large plains bisected by deep and convoluted ravines that twist and intertwine in expansive networks. Any excursion into these lands should be well armed.

The Facts:

Start and Finish Date: January 2008 through January 2010. Levels: The game will begin at 2nd level and hopefully take you through level 8. Other Special Rules: 1500gp starting funds. All characters will also receive an additional 500 gp signing bonus should they enlist for two years. All humanoid characters welcome. All characters must be good aligned.