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==[http://www.woldiangames.com/games/index.html?game=uncharted The Uncharted Lands: The Game]==
==The Uncharted Lands: The Game==
Click the link above to see the latest posts in this game.
The Uncharted Lands was a Woldian Campaign that ran from April 2008 to January 2010. It told the story of the establishment and loss of a mining colony at Bryn Baraz. In January 2010, the game merged with another Woldian game, [[Making of a Hero]], to create a new game, [[Uncharted Heroes]], which continued that story.
==[[The Uncharted Lands: Current Events]]==
==The Uncharted Lands: How It All Started==
Here is where you'll find the current combat maps, images or documents that relate to this game.
==[[The Uncharted Lands: The Story so far]]==
The following notice has been circulated to recruit adventurers for a new mission:
The following notice has been circulated to recruit adventurers for a new mission:
Attention all Woldians of the age of consent. The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration Company of New Ellena seeks interested parties to join them in a new and exciting venture. The 'Company' has successfully petitioned for the rights to establish a new settlement in the uncharted lands for the purposes of mineral exploitation and commerce.
*Attention all Woldians of the age of consent. The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration Company of New Ellena seeks interested parties to join them in a new and exciting venture. The 'Company' has successfully petitioned for the rights to establish a new settlement in the uncharted lands for the purposes of mineral exploitation and commerce.
Join us in establishing the new settlement of Bryn Baraz and in so doing; share in the fortunes of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Land, commercial enterprises, and opportunities for personal advancement are available. Minimum two-year commitment required! Lodgings provided!
*Join us in establishing the new settlement of Bryn Baraz and in so doing; share in the fortunes of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Land, commercial enterprises, and opportunities for personal advancement are available. Minimum two-year commitment required! Lodgings provided!'
All interested parties shall make their interests known at Adventurer's Square in the Dragon Quarter on the third Friday of the month. Departure for the new settlement will take place no later than the last Friday of said month.
*All interested parties shall make their interests known at the kiosks located dockside on Fence Level on the third Friday of the month. Departure for the new settlement will take place no later than the last Friday of said month.''
(A long list of required trades and professions follows the announcement. It includes everything from blacksmiths to farmers, to metallurgists, to weapon smiths. It also most notably includes a requirement for individuals with military training and skills to perform a variety of military and policing functions.)
''(A long list of required trades and professions follows the announcement. It includes everything from blacksmiths to farmers, to metallurgists, to weapon smiths. It also most notably includes a requirement for individuals with military training and skills to perform a variety of military and policing functions.)''
==[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted The Uncharted Lands: Archives]==
The full past history of game posts can be found here:
[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted&start=1208143722&end=1225428725 Volume 1]: '''A Once in a Lifetime Opportuntity!''' The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration company seeks interested parties to join them in establishing a new settlement.
Chapter 1: New Beginnings. Curious about news of recruitment for a new settlement, those with an adventurous heart flock to Floating City.
Chapter 2: The Adventure Starts! Wagons, carts, animals, and adventurers depart Floating City via turtle ferry, for the shores of the Crying Woods and the long trek into the uncharted lands.
Chapter 3: A Suitor Scorned. 3rd June 2008
Lollena, a girl from one of the wagons has gone missing. Has she been kidnapped?
Chapter 4: A Time to Kill, and a Time to Heal. Having liberated the pretty seamstress from the kidnappers, the party makes haste to return to the main body of the caravan. Along the route they enounter abandoned wagons occupied by some very sick settlers.
Chapter 5: A Time to Loose, and a Time to Seek. Having located a suitable camp site for the caravan's next stop, the scouts back track, only to discover the wagon train is under attack!
Chapter 6: A Time to Keep Silent, and A Time to Speak. The caravan is able to beat off the bandits, narrowly foiling their attempt to steal an artefact secreted in the druid's wagon. Tarketh Clearwood reveals the Orb of Kalista to the security detail, and explains its relevance in the survival of settlement.
Chapter 7: Outlanders. The security detail realize the wagon train is being watched.
Chapter 8: Dream Quest. After breathing in magical smoke conjured by a native shaman, the group learn what it is that worries the nomads. While still in the dream state, the group are summoned to another Ahote camp and learn two children have gone missing in the night.
[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted&start=1225428725&end=1236599448 Volume 2]: '''Bryn Baraz''' A new mining colony is founded.
Chapter 1: The Settlement. Located in a box canyon the colony seems safe -- for now.
Chapter 2: Distractions. Worker's who should be busy with more pressing jobs seem drawn to work on Ma Belle's Tavern!
Chapter 3: Exploring the Environs. The party is sent to recon the environs beyond the settlement.
Chapter 4: Deadly Hunters. The party investigate some creature's lair and discover a pair of deadly draconic hunters -- Ambush Drakes!
Chapter 5: Ahote. Having successfully overcome the monsters, the party investigate the lair. They are interrupted when a group of Ahote hunters make their presence known.
Chapter 6: Return to the Settlement. The party returns to Bryn Baraz. The vigour of growth achieved by all plant material is shocking.
Chapter 7: Lurking Shadow. The party investigates rumours of something lurking around the face of the outcrop above the community. The newest party member bravely volunteers to lead the investigation, only to get trapped on a ledge by a puma!
[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted&start=1236599448&end=1257425438 Volume 3]: '''Innocents in Peril!''' The heroes establish deeper ties to the local Ahote people though a quest to save their children.
Chapter 1: The Children are Missing! While trying to relocate a puma from its lair near Bryn Baraz to the den previously occupied by a pair of Ambush Drakes, the party encounter a small group of Ahote scouts. The scouts recount the bewitching of Ahote womenfolk and the mysterious disappearance of the tribe's children.
Chapter 2: The Second Dream of the Ahote. The party learns more about the history of the Ahote -- and receive a vision of a place that may lead to the restoration of the children.
Chapter 3: Battle in the Badlands. Searching for a tilted spire in or near the broken lands of a black mesa, the party encounters those who wish them ill.
Chapter 4: Prisoner Dilemma. Oh, what to do with captives? And after that, how to find the way through the maze of the badlands?
Chapter 5: Under The Tilted Spire. By a dark cold lake, the trail of faint evil leads the party to the place they have seen before -- in a vision. There are stairs here ... stairs that lead down into dangerous dark.
Chapter 6: Darkmantles. An ambush in the dark.
Chapter 7: The Ice Demon. From the surprise of an attack from water, a strange creature named Crik challenges the party.
Chapter 8: The Children Are Found! But can they be saved?
Chapter 9: Two Bad Men. Returning the lost children to their Ahote parents becomes trickier when two villains block the way.
Chapter 10: Darkmantle Dilemma. The party puzzles over how to get the kids past a cave of flying darklings.
Chapter 11: Happy Parents; and Justice is Delivered. The kids are home safe ... and the parents punish the kidnapper.
[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted&start=1257425438&end=1266199342 Volume 4]: '''The Storm That Changes Everything''' Visions and premonitions give some warning, but nothing could truly prepare the folk of Bryn Baraz for what lies ahead.
Chapter 1: Coming Home. The party returns to the settlement, with a warning.
Chapter 2: Battening Down The Hatches. Keela, Jet, and Alexi prepare for the worst.
Chapter 3: Oh, Those Dwarves! A conspiracy, or just stiff-necked dwarf pride?
Chapter 4: The Wind Begins To Blow. The first true hint of the danger ahead appears -- in the skies above.
==[http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=uncharted The Uncharted Lands: Archives]]==
The full past history of game posts can be found here.
==The Uncharted Lands: Characters==
==The Uncharted Lands: Characters==
These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.
These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.
===Current Characters===
===Final Characters===
(list to come)
'''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CKO2oqYI&key=0AoFaho8iFmRwdHg0RHRtV0Ita3FsM2RiRDVqZzhsNmc&hl=en&authkey=CKO2oqYI#gid=0 Keela Larch]''' (Human Wizard 8) Kathy I
''' [https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1yYjTuAq3bo6cVD1BeZ77theSsThpHgQza9sfNdP5dZI Zeph Illidian]''' (Elf Rogue 2 / Wizard 1 / Avenger 5) Addison P
''' [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hj8CBLHo6wMW4SBmU3SwIHofQjbzdpNBSORwi2WZ6UU/edit?hl=en&authkey=CKiwhtYB Garret Goodbarrel]''' (Halfling Monk 8) Jeff O
''' [https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1e8cU7WIcLPre7RlwUyHwo0BGe9diMByqXNDq9uIOGM4 Koko Dogteeth]''' (Human Druid 4 / Shapeshifter 4) Jeff L
===Past Characters===
===Past Characters===
No dropouts yet!
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddc6s5rg_14cvh3m8fj Jet Stormway]''' (Human Fighter 2 / Cleric 4)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfm6djw2_2c6b75xdn Alexi Komonov]''' (Human Fighter 6)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dnhhxp2_0gsdcn5dh Beren Greenleaf]''' (Elven Ranger 4)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dj7rdnr_8gg7ffbgh Caelnin Corrail]''' (Elven Sharpshooter 4)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dcznhjmb_1z4z2m5fp  Anrete Nanoc]''' (Human Rogue 1 / Barbarian 1 / Fighter 1)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dfp7bpdd_9fp8zz2c2 Fatine]''' (Human Witch 2)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dcbq59tt_0c6wzfzdn Mikal Esgaroth]''' (Human Cleric 2)
'''[http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dg4tqqzz_0hr744ggx Ender Tealeaf]''' (Halfling Rogue 3 / Fighter 1)
(list to come)
'''Garth Turnbuckle''' - The wagon master of the trip, has a short fuse for certain things
'''Lollena''' -  A young woman seamstress that escaped the floating city to stay with her true love
'''Pliny''' - A carpenter's apprentice that fell in love with Lollena at first sight
Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.
Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.
[http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php?title=Geography:_Floating_City Floating City]
Here you'll find links to all the events and history relevant to this game.
==The Uncharted Lands: DM Pages==
[http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgfbd99j_131fcg4k6hj Bryn Baraz]
Here are all the resources a DM will need to run this game.

Latest revision as of 01:32, 7 December 2011

The Uncharted Lands: The Game

The Uncharted Lands was a Woldian Campaign that ran from April 2008 to January 2010. It told the story of the establishment and loss of a mining colony at Bryn Baraz. In January 2010, the game merged with another Woldian game, Making of a Hero, to create a new game, Uncharted Heroes, which continued that story.

The Uncharted Lands: How It All Started

The following notice has been circulated to recruit adventurers for a new mission:

  • Attention all Woldians of the age of consent. The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration Company of New Ellena seeks interested parties to join them in a new and exciting venture. The 'Company' has successfully petitioned for the rights to establish a new settlement in the uncharted lands for the purposes of mineral exploitation and commerce.
  • Join us in establishing the new settlement of Bryn Baraz and in so doing; share in the fortunes of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Land, commercial enterprises, and opportunities for personal advancement are available. Minimum two-year commitment required! Lodgings provided!'
  • All interested parties shall make their interests known at the kiosks located dockside on Fence Level on the third Friday of the month. Departure for the new settlement will take place no later than the last Friday of said month.

(A long list of required trades and professions follows the announcement. It includes everything from blacksmiths to farmers, to metallurgists, to weapon smiths. It also most notably includes a requirement for individuals with military training and skills to perform a variety of military and policing functions.)

The Uncharted Lands: Archives

The full past history of game posts can be found here:

Volume 1: A Once in a Lifetime Opportuntity! The Stonehelm Mining and Exploration company seeks interested parties to join them in establishing a new settlement.

Chapter 1: New Beginnings. Curious about news of recruitment for a new settlement, those with an adventurous heart flock to Floating City. Chapter 2: The Adventure Starts! Wagons, carts, animals, and adventurers depart Floating City via turtle ferry, for the shores of the Crying Woods and the long trek into the uncharted lands. Chapter 3: A Suitor Scorned. 3rd June 2008 Lollena, a girl from one of the wagons has gone missing. Has she been kidnapped? Chapter 4: A Time to Kill, and a Time to Heal. Having liberated the pretty seamstress from the kidnappers, the party makes haste to return to the main body of the caravan. Along the route they enounter abandoned wagons occupied by some very sick settlers. Chapter 5: A Time to Loose, and a Time to Seek. Having located a suitable camp site for the caravan's next stop, the scouts back track, only to discover the wagon train is under attack! Chapter 6: A Time to Keep Silent, and A Time to Speak. The caravan is able to beat off the bandits, narrowly foiling their attempt to steal an artefact secreted in the druid's wagon. Tarketh Clearwood reveals the Orb of Kalista to the security detail, and explains its relevance in the survival of settlement. Chapter 7: Outlanders. The security detail realize the wagon train is being watched. Chapter 8: Dream Quest. After breathing in magical smoke conjured by a native shaman, the group learn what it is that worries the nomads. While still in the dream state, the group are summoned to another Ahote camp and learn two children have gone missing in the night.

Volume 2: Bryn Baraz A new mining colony is founded.

Chapter 1: The Settlement. Located in a box canyon the colony seems safe -- for now. Chapter 2: Distractions. Worker's who should be busy with more pressing jobs seem drawn to work on Ma Belle's Tavern! Chapter 3: Exploring the Environs. The party is sent to recon the environs beyond the settlement. Chapter 4: Deadly Hunters. The party investigate some creature's lair and discover a pair of deadly draconic hunters -- Ambush Drakes! Chapter 5: Ahote. Having successfully overcome the monsters, the party investigate the lair. They are interrupted when a group of Ahote hunters make their presence known. Chapter 6: Return to the Settlement. The party returns to Bryn Baraz. The vigour of growth achieved by all plant material is shocking. Chapter 7: Lurking Shadow. The party investigates rumours of something lurking around the face of the outcrop above the community. The newest party member bravely volunteers to lead the investigation, only to get trapped on a ledge by a puma!

Volume 3: Innocents in Peril! The heroes establish deeper ties to the local Ahote people though a quest to save their children.

Chapter 1: The Children are Missing! While trying to relocate a puma from its lair near Bryn Baraz to the den previously occupied by a pair of Ambush Drakes, the party encounter a small group of Ahote scouts. The scouts recount the bewitching of Ahote womenfolk and the mysterious disappearance of the tribe's children. Chapter 2: The Second Dream of the Ahote. The party learns more about the history of the Ahote -- and receive a vision of a place that may lead to the restoration of the children. Chapter 3: Battle in the Badlands. Searching for a tilted spire in or near the broken lands of a black mesa, the party encounters those who wish them ill. Chapter 4: Prisoner Dilemma. Oh, what to do with captives? And after that, how to find the way through the maze of the badlands? Chapter 5: Under The Tilted Spire. By a dark cold lake, the trail of faint evil leads the party to the place they have seen before -- in a vision. There are stairs here ... stairs that lead down into dangerous dark. Chapter 6: Darkmantles. An ambush in the dark. Chapter 7: The Ice Demon. From the surprise of an attack from water, a strange creature named Crik challenges the party. Chapter 8: The Children Are Found! But can they be saved? Chapter 9: Two Bad Men. Returning the lost children to their Ahote parents becomes trickier when two villains block the way. Chapter 10: Darkmantle Dilemma. The party puzzles over how to get the kids past a cave of flying darklings. Chapter 11: Happy Parents; and Justice is Delivered. The kids are home safe ... and the parents punish the kidnapper.

Volume 4: The Storm That Changes Everything Visions and premonitions give some warning, but nothing could truly prepare the folk of Bryn Baraz for what lies ahead.

Chapter 1: Coming Home. The party returns to the settlement, with a warning. Chapter 2: Battening Down The Hatches. Keela, Jet, and Alexi prepare for the worst. Chapter 3: Oh, Those Dwarves! A conspiracy, or just stiff-necked dwarf pride? Chapter 4: The Wind Begins To Blow. The first true hint of the danger ahead appears -- in the skies above.

The Uncharted Lands: Characters

These are the characters, past and present, that have featured in this game.

Final Characters

Keela Larch (Human Wizard 8) Kathy I

Zeph Illidian (Elf Rogue 2 / Wizard 1 / Avenger 5) Addison P

Garret Goodbarrel (Halfling Monk 8) Jeff O

Koko Dogteeth (Human Druid 4 / Shapeshifter 4) Jeff L

Past Characters

Jet Stormway (Human Fighter 2 / Cleric 4)

Alexi Komonov (Human Fighter 6)

Beren Greenleaf (Elven Ranger 4)

Caelnin Corrail (Elven Sharpshooter 4)

Anrete Nanoc (Human Rogue 1 / Barbarian 1 / Fighter 1)

Fatine (Human Witch 2)

Mikal Esgaroth (Human Cleric 2)

Ender Tealeaf (Halfling Rogue 3 / Fighter 1)


Garth Turnbuckle - The wagon master of the trip, has a short fuse for certain things

Lollena - A young woman seamstress that escaped the floating city to stay with her true love

Pliny - A carpenter's apprentice that fell in love with Lollena at first sight


Here you'll find links to all the locations and maps relevant to this game.

Floating City

Bryn Baraz