Emerald Kingdom

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NOTE: The text below needs to be updated in the wake of Parnoth's demise.

Mere months before the Dark Lord arrived with his Dark Tower in The Wold, Parnoth appeared. How long he spent cultivating the Emerald Kingdom in the north of Izen and the fringes of Culverwood, no one knows. He simply announced that he was on the scene and immediately became a force to be reckoned with. The Emerald Kingdom is a beautiful place. The people have succeeded in doing what no one has ever done before: tame Culverwood and extend its boundaries somewhat to encompass over half of their kingdom... and still it grows. A visit there evokes sensations of paradise from the mighty Tree of Parting in the east to Emerald City in the west. However, the people of the Emerald Kingdom do not see the beauty around them or the luxurious conditions of their homeland, for they are in want of the basic necessities of life: food and freedom.

The citizens of The Emerald Kingdom are held captive there by their ruler, Parnoth, The Green Dragon. He is the ultimate enigma: a dragon you can’t kill. Oh, he’s mortal enough, it is just that to kill him would result in the deaths of the citizens of the Emerald Kingdom. For it is by his hand that the peoples of the kingdom are saved from the dezidens of Izen, commonly known as the Badlands. The most powerful of these evil powers within Izen is The Dark Lord, owner of the Fire Ring of Ascension. Parnoth, has carefully designed his borders, nation, and the conditions thereof so that it would never be worth it for a foe from the south or the forest to the north to attack the kingdom. He keeps the people poor so that there is no treasure to be looted. His mighty presence adds to the cost of attacking the kingdom as well.

So there he sits, doing favors for all the kingdoms of The Wold, ensuring that none who would attack out of altruism can do so due to treaties and accolades... and his people suffer, dressing well in a beautiful kingdom, but still in want of food and material blessings. Parnoth taxes them ruthlessly, constantly reminding them of the terrors that await them if their benevolent ruler should have to look elsewhere for treasure.

There are several notable locations within the Emerald Kingdom. To the east is the Tree of Parting. This giant tree house inn is one of the wonders of The Wold. Able to bed over 100 visitors, it is one of the few friendly places in all of the Badlands as well as serving as the gateway to the Emerald Kingdom. Folbre the Blind Elf runs the place along with a dozen elven maidens sent to aid him from the elves to the north. He is esteemed by all Elves everywhere, but none but the eldest remember the reason why. Parnoth keeps this place in splendor, so that the caravans traveling from New Elenna to parts Northwest wish to take the southern route through the Emerald Kingdom rather than the northern route through the Windbourne Hills.

Emerald City is a beautiful large town built right in the edge of the forest. It sits on a hill allowing a marvelous view to the south and west. Being the capital city, the Council of Elders live here. They are the ruling organization of the town and the kingdom reporting to Parnoth on a regular basis. They send out the tax collectors, welcome dignitaries before escorting them to Parnoth, and interview strangers and caravans to make sure that they don’t influence the people with their foreign ways. The town elders meet weekly in the Elders Hall with the rich and influential to celebrate life and to put on a show for all visitors that there is enough to eat and all live in comfort.

There is a fledgling Thieves Guild in Emerald City which Parnoth secretly approves of. Their goal is the influx of New Elennian Society upon the Emerald Kingdom and the bringing of wealth to the area, especially into their pockets. Religion is encouraged by Parnoth and The Elders; however, it has never prospered except in the form of lip service, due to the fact that the peoples prayers for food and prosperity have never been answered. Druids prosper here, due to Parnoth’s wish to have the kingdom live up to its name. The beauty tends to make most travelers and visitors forget about the plight of the people.

Aside of the Elders and the Thieves Guild, Parnoth has an intricate Spy Network which also serves as a training ground for his ambassadors. These people follow the ways of Parnoth and learn at his feet, becoming as ruthless and conniving as The Master himself. They often accompany caravans traveling through the Emerald Kingdom, join adventuring groups to see what trouble they are up to, and endear themselves to the Royal courts and polite societies of each kingdom in The Wold. So the Emerald Kingdom is indeed an enigma within The Wold. Providing a safe haven for its people, a safer direction of travel for caravans, and a constant source of treasure, power and intrigue for its ruler, Parnoth the Green Dragon.