Blackbird Lake

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This freshwater lake in Eastern Aisildur is the largest on the peninsula. It has a surface area of 950 square miles [comparable to North America's Lake Erie], an average depth of 500 ft [comparable to Lake Superior] and a volume of 900 cubic miles [comparable to Lake Huron].

Aisildurians fish and sail Blackbird Lake, though mostly in the western shallows; the noble Lord Agor rules its western shore. His wife is Lady Alba.

The Blackbird River flows into it from the Culverwood to the north, and three smaller rivers flow out of it south to the sea. Acid City is on the south coast. The lands of Lord Agor are on the west coast. The Blackbird Forest is on the east coast.

It is known that there are several uncharted islands in Blackbird Lake, but they remain uncharted due to their tendency to sink and rise, and to move around, with sudden disaster for any who have settled on them.

It is said that the Wolf Regiment of the Mailed Fist, commanded by the dashing Pavillon Nuterius, is housed in the sprawling fortress complex of Ranashir on the Western border of Izen and overlooking Blackbird Lake. The Wolf Regiment are predominantly a cavalry unit, universally feared for its peerless martial equine skills.

Important NPC's for Blackbird Lake Region.

Viscous :Mature Adult Black Dragon. Lives on one of the many islands that wander around Blackbird Lake. She made an agreement with the Blackbird Lake advanturing group, to not attack them unless they return to her island. Then all agreements are void.

Xiltachintalical is an Ancient Silver Dragon whose patron is Pantheon. She cast Geas on Viscous when Viscous was but a wyrmling. It was worded in a way that as Viscous grew older, she must deal with others honorably. What does this mean really? If Viscous can provoke others to attack her first, those creatures are fair game, but at least, no innocents can be harmed by the evil black dragon. After this, Xiltachintalical had a batch of wyrmlings herself, but one day while hunting she had witnessed Ga'alians stealing her children away. She watched as they were teleported away for who knows what evil purpose. Many years later, she mated again and found a much more secure location to raise her brood. Three children and almost two hundred years later, three wyrmlings turn to adults:

  • Bardamion: Arrogant and powerful. This male loves conflict and struggle. In his true form, his scaly face scarred and he is missing his left eye. An old battle wound he hasn't gotten around to fixing yet, he spends most of his time in his very tall, half elf form.
  • Sherentiva: Diplomatic and gracious. She has a soft spot for all living creatures and is the most inclined toward magic. With her already very high Use Magic skill, she has a Teucri device that adds and additional +10 to the skill roll. She does the majority of her research while in her cover job, a librarian in Plateau City. From this job, she can search the knowledge of the Wold for possible Teucri ruins and their ancient artifacts.
  • Daphenella: Adventurous and cunning. This young lady lives for the seas. She uses her abilities to keep an eye on pirating in the known regions of civilization as well as enjoying the way a boat feels under one's feet during a squall. Her best friend, Matilda was a centaur who died due to the war between the two taur factions for Domi and Imod. Now, Daphenella owns a bar named The Mangled Centaur on Minotaur Isle, in memory of her long lost friend, who killed thirty minotaurs before she finally received her mortal wound. In a macabre display, Matilda still taunts her ancient enemies, while she has earned their respect.

This family of dragons is known as the "Cloudprance" family and keeps extensive interests in Acid City.

Sally the innkeeper of the Stein and Trencher Inn of Acid City

Rufus a young Priest of Gargul in Acid City.

Matilda's last battle and Malgant's Sheild