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Woldian Classes

All standard PHB classes are permitted for Woldian play. In addition there are a number of uniquely Woldian Classes available.


With a mix of dark and light, in shadows, and through mysteries, witches weave power and lore known only to themselves. Walking the border between divine and arcane, witches forge pacts with immortals, draw blood for strange rituals, and call spirits out of the Lands of Rest.

Twilight Ranger

Urban Rangers are, by necessity, a canny and versatile lot -- and none are more cunning and capable than the handful of Rangers who make Dirt City their home. Dwelling perpetually on the fringe between the wilds of Izen and the ³jungle² of city streets and sewers, they belong entirely to neither one world nor the other. They call themselves Twilight Rangers.


The tickle of fletching against the cheek, the whir of the sling through the air, the recoil as the bolt leaves the crossbow – these are more beautiful than the sweetest sonnet to the sharpshooter. The force of concentration and aim, the gasp of the shot – these give life meaning. His skill at making and using bows, crossbows, and slings is beyond measure. It is as if the sharpshooter’s projectile weapon were a part of him, and he, part of it.

Woldian Clerics

There are special rules relating to Clerics in the Wold. Are you a Generic Cleric? A Pure Cleric? A Sect Priest? A Votary Cleric? This section provides you with all the information you need to make the right choice.

Woldian Prestige Classes (PrCs)

In addition to the Woldian classes there are a wide range of Prestige Classes open to Woldian characters.

PrCs devoted to the Gods of the Wold


A PrC of Alemi, focused upon using Woldsblood to repair damaged items.


Healers make it their mission to spread health and counter the violence, damage, disease, and pain of the Wold.


Paragons are blessed by Alemi with vitality and freedom from injury, sickness, and disease -- indeed, they are formally known as Paragons of Health. In essence, paragons radiate health as fire radiates heat; they are a source of health for others. Paragons simply exist as living models of wellness, energy, fitness, and power.

Hand of Domi

If those who follow Domi are brave, then the most courageous of all are the Hands of Domi. They disdain missile weapons, preferring to leap into combat with bare fists. They are first to any fight and last to fall back. They are fearless, and they laugh as they grapple and wrestle the fiercest of foes.


Protectors stand up for the weak and the oppressed. They serve the cause of goodness and seek to defy those who would dominate others. To those who claim "Might makes Right," a protector replies, "Right beats Might -- with a little help from me!"


Venturers honor Ffloy and his ideals by bringing the light of commerce and mercantilism to places in which they are rare or unknown. They specialize in exploring new lands, opening new trade routes, and spreading the concepts of free trade and commercial law. If they make a decent profit at the same time, all the better!


Diligence, loyalty, organization, and hard work are the hallmarks of the Oathbound. As part of a tribe, company, team, cabal, guild, or party, these individuals honor Ffloy by joining and leading organized societies that plan ahead and work hard. They honor Pantheon with solemn oaths and keeping their word.


The justicar's primary role is to capture wrongdoers and return them for trial and judgement -- justicars scorn bounty hunters, who serve gold rather than justice. As committed agents of justice, in service to Pantheon, justicars bring unique talents to bear on these kinds of missions, and more.


Servers devote their lives to their love of others. They express this devotion through helping all creatures, great and small. Servers are the fulfillment of altruistic love through aiding those in need. They delight in giving hope to those whose need is greatest, and they believe that doing so anonymously, without recognition or praise, is the noblest expression of love. In this way they honor their patron, Flower, god of love.


Troubadours are holy performers who honor Flower as patron by using the arts to inspire love in others. Most sing or dance, some act or recite, and a few juggle or tumble -- but they all show others the power of love by example.

PrCs devoted to Gargul, God of Death


Grims, also known as ghostmasters, dreads, and spirit-talkers, are concerned with trapped spirits who cannot go on to their afterlife in the Lands of Rest -- spirits that are trapped against their will, excluding spawned and evil-aligned undead who have been corrupted and now choose their unlife. Grims find these lost souls, figure out what binds them, and then free them.


Soulseekers, also known as golembanes, witnesses, and soul-watchers, are concerned with souls and the cycles of rebirth that some call reincarnation.

Undead Hunter

Simply stated, undead hunters are devoted to tracking down and destroying the undead. All honor Gargul, the God of Death, who considers the undead an affront to his own sphere of power.

PrCs devoted to the Gods of Testing


The Diseased

Hand of Love




The Refined


The Tempered


PrCs devoted to Nature


There is quiet power and joy to be found in all living things that are green and growing. Those who study and shepherd plants and trees can learn their slow secrets. The greenmage knows those secrets, and they are the foundation of his magic.


Monstrologers give the needs and interests of monsters primacy over those of their own kind.


Some natural philosophers believe that the essence of nature is change: night into day, new moon to full moon, beaver pond to meadow to forest, caterpillar to butterfly. Shapeshifters are the embodiment of this philosophy -- they advocate the idea of nature as the essential agent of transmutation.

Cradled Emissary

some mortals, especially those with a touch of divine power, are drawn to the fey. Admiring them, these mortals offer friendship and alliance with the fey, bargaining and begging for their aid and wisdom.

Lost Child of Mittri

During the Year of Ascension, the world was changed. Among those changes was the loss of Mittiri and the other gods of Nature. Some among the followers of those deities retreated into the deep wilds in an attempt to find Mittiri and the other nature patrons. Among these followers, certain individuals have made a different connection in their attempt to reach their god.

Other Woldian PrCs


Weapon Mage / Woldian Blade Singer

Of all the Noble Races, the elves are known throughout the Wold for their mastery of magical arts and grace in combat. So it is no surprise that the elves learned how to marry their arcane and martial knowledge into a unique form of art. Over time, however, the practitioners of this art evolved into three corps; the Arcane Archers, the Weapons Mages and the Blade Singers.

Defender of the Awakened


The Dragon Disciple is banned from the Wold. See information about Woldian Dragons for more info. Assassin and Blackguard are not approved for use by Woldian players, but may be used by DMs.

The following DMG PrCs are approved for use in the Wold:

Arcane Archer

Arcane Trickster



Dwarven Defender

Eldritch Knight


Horizon Walker

This PrC is restricted to members of the Walkers Organization. Note there are minor differences to the PrC listed in the DMG.


Mystic Theurge

